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Reading Comprehension
1. Be glad your nose is on your face ........................................................................................... 4
2. The Boy who wouldn’t go to school .......................................................................................... 5
3. Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright ............................................................................................... 7
4. Penguins ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5. The Chief ...................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Kiran Bedi .................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Little Joys ..................................................................................................................................... 13
8. Sophie German ............................................................................................................................. 15
9. The Musical Donkey .................................................................................................................... 16
10. My Tree ........................................................................................................................................ 18
11. Trees ............................................................................................................................................. 20
12. Mental Health .............................................................................................................................. 21
13. Sympathy ....................................................................................................................................... 22
14. Circus Day in our Town ............................................................................................................. 23
15. Dirt in cities ................................................................................................................................ 24
16. Issac Newton ............................................................................................................................... 26
17. Sanchi ............................................................................................................................................ 27
18. India .............................................................................................................................................. 28
19. The Sweetest Thing in the World ............................................................................................. 29
20. Mr and Mrs Shelby ..................................................................................................................... 30

1. Determiners .................................................................................................................................. 31
2. Adjectives ..................................................................................................................................... 34
3. Adverbs ......................................................................................................................................... 38
4. Gerunds ......................................................................................................................................... 42
5. Conjunctions ................................................................................................................................. 43
6. Tenses ........................................................................................................................................... 51
7. Modals .......................................................................................................................................... 63
8. Phrasal Verbs ............................................................................................................................... 65
9. Clauses ......................................................................................................................................... 67
10. Passivisation ................................................................................................................................. 68
11. Reported Speech .......................................................................................................................... 71
12. Grammar Integrated Assignment ............................................................................................... 73

1. Masterpiece Mystery - Leisure .................................................................................................. 85
2. Countryside Chronicle- Blue Umbrella ....................................................................................... 86
3. Vital Verdict- The Merchant of Venice .................................................................................... 86
4. Future Fantasy- When there is a Robot in the House ......................................................... 87
5. Felix Festivity- Naming of Cats ................................................................................................. 88
6. Earthy Expositions – Journey to the centre of the Earth ..................................................... 89
7. Devotional Diary- Kabuliwala ..................................................................................................... 90
8. Time Tracks .................................................................................................................................. 91
9. Coastal Call- Coromandel Fishers ............................................................................................. 91
10. Sounding Secrets- The Speckled Band ...................................................................................... 92

1. Paragraph Writing ........................................................................................................................ 93
2. Picture Composition ..................................................................................................................... 93
3. Diary Entry ................................................................................................................................... 95
4. Notice Writing .............................................................................................................................. 95
5. Formal Letter ................................................................................................................................ 96
6. Story Writing ................................................................................................................................ 96
7. Informal Letter ............................................................................................................................. 96
Reading Assignment 1
Read the following poem carefully.
(1) Be glad your nose is on your face,
despair : a feeling of having lost all hope
not pasted on some other place,
catastrophe : disaster
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.
(2) Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd forced to smell your feet.
(3) Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.
(4) Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.
(5) Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place-
be glad your nose is on your face!
Jack Prelutsky
TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)
Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. The poet believes that the nose is right where it is because
a) it cannot be pasted anywhere
b) people would have disliked it in any other position
c) people couldn't have smelt anything
d) it would have been sandwiched between toes
2. A nose on head would have irritated the owner because
(a) it would have come off (c) it would have been out of reach
(b) it would have been hidden in hair (d it would have been tickled by hair

3. 'The breeze' in stanza 4 refers to
(a) wind blowing into the ear (b) air that is breathed in
(c current of air caused by sneezing (d) sensation in the brain
4. By the expression 'thick and thin' the poet means
(a) different sizes of noses (c) close relatives and friends
(b) good and bad times (d) shapes of noses
5. This poem is an example of a ............................. poem.
(a) humorous (c) serious
(b) scientific (d) tragic

Answers : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

TYPE - II (Gap Filling Questions)

Given below is the summary of the poem. Complete it by writing the missing word against
the correct blank number in the space provided.

In this humorous poem the poet argues that the best (a) ............................................ for the
nose is between the (b)............................................ and the (c) ............................................ No one
would like it to be (d) ............................................ anywhere else except the (e)
............................................ Had it been sandwiched between our toes, we would have died of
(f) ............................................ our dirty feet. And a nose at the top of our (g) ........................
would have been irritated by the (h) ..................................... feel of hair. If it had been in our
ears, our (i) ................ must have rattled our brain. So, we should be (j) ..........................................
that the nose stays on our face through all our good and bad times.
Reading Assignment 2
Read the following poem carefully. perplex : confuse; puzzle
(1) Distracted the mother said to her boy
'Do you try to upset and perplex and annoy?
Now, give me four reasons - and don't play the fool-
Why you shouldn't get up and get ready for school.'
(2) Her son replied slowly, 'Well, mother, you see,
I can't stand the teachers and they detest me;
And there isn't a boy or a girl in the place
That I like or, in turn, that delights in my face.'
(3) 'And I'll give you two reasons,' she said, 'Why you ought
Get yourself off to school before you get caught;
Because, first, you are forty and, next, you young fool,
You're the head of the school.'
Gregory Harrison
TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)
Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. The mother was upset with the boy because
(a) he wouldn't go to school (c) he was a fool
(b) he wouldn't get up (d) he was not popular at school
2. The boy's problem was that
(a) the teachers punished him
(b) he hated others and others hated him
(c) he was much too lazy
(d) boys and girls made fun of him
3. According to the mother the boy's presence at school was necessary because
(a) he was a grown up boy (b) he was the principal of the school
(b) he needed to get education (d) his name would be struck off the rolls
4. " .... that delights in my face" (Stanza 2) means
(a) makes faces at me (c) avoids meeting me
(b) is happy to see me (d) finds me funny
5. The ending of the poem is full of
(a) happiness (c) suspense
(b) anger (d) surprise

TYPE - II (Sentence Completion Questions)

On the basis of your reading of the above poem, complete the following statements, as
briefly as possible. Write the answers in the space provided.

(a) Four reasons the son gives to his mother for his foolish behaviour are :

(i) ..................................... (iii) The teachers hate him

(ii) He doesn’t like the boys and girls at school (iv) .....................................
(b) Two arguments the mother gives in support of her view are :
(i) .................................................. (ii) ..................................................
(c) The above poem is a conversation between a .............................. and ..............................
(d) The poem makes us laugh because it tells us about ..............................
Reading Assignment 3
Read the following poem carefully.
Said Orville Wright to Wilbur Wright
"These birds are very trying.
(3) I'm sick of hearing them cheep-cheep
About the fun of flying.
A bird has feathers, it is true.
(6) That much I freely grant.
But must that stop us, W?"
Said Wilbur Wright, !.It shan't."
(9) And finally, at Kitty Hawk
In Nineteen-Three (let's cheer it!),
The first real airplane really flew
(12) With Orville there to steer it!
-And kingdoms may forget their kings
And dogs forget their bites,
(15) But not till Man forgets his wings,
Will men forget the Wrights.

TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)

Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. Wright Brothers got the inspiration to fly from
(a) each other (c) fun of flying
(b) birds (d) peopIe of Kitty Hawk
2. But must that stop us, W?” Said Wilbur Wright , “It shan’t” (lines 7-8). These lines suggest
that the Wright Brothers were

(a) unstoppable (c) boastful

(b) rigid (d) superstitious

3. “It shan't' (line 8). Here 'it' refers to

(a) cheep-cheep (c) lack of feathers

(b) flying (d) feathers

4. .....let's cheer it!" (line 10). 'It' here refers to

(a) the first flight by Wright Brothers(c) the year 1903

(b) Kitty Hawk (d) the first airplane by Wright Brothers

5. The poet feels Wright Brothers' feat will be

(a) forgotten soon (c) remembered till there are kingdoms

(b) remembered by kings (d) remembered as long as Man continues to fly

Answers : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

TYPE - II (Gap Filling Questions)

Given below is the summary of the poem. Complete it by writing the missing word against
the correct blank number in the space provided.

Wright Brothers took inspiration from (a) ............................... to make a flying machine. They

were upset that lack of (b) ............................... prevented Man from the fun of

(c) ............................... So they decided to overcome this handicap. And with untiring hard

work, they finally succeeded in making a real (d) ............................... In the year nineteen

hundred and (e) ..............................., the airplane was launched for the first time at a place

called (f) ............................... . Orville (g) ............................... the machine in this flight. Indeed,

such is the contribution of these brothers to the world of flying that (h) ...............................

will never be able to (i) ............................... them although he may forget everything about (j)

.................... and their kingdoms.

Reading Assignment 4
Read the following passage carefully :
(1) Penguins are a distinctive group of flightless birds, which inhabit the southern hemi-
sphere. There are about 17 species of penguins. They have a streamlined bullet-like
shape, and wings that have modified to become flippers. Penguins walk awkwardly on
land, but underwater, they are graceful, and effectively fly underwater. Penguins need to
clean their feathers regularly with a waxy secretion, to keep them waterproof, and they
have a thick layer of blubber, which keeps them warm. Their short webbed feet are set
far back to act as a rudder when in the water .
(2) The tuxedo-like coloration of penguins helps to make them less visible when in the
water. When viewed from below, their white bellies blend in with the bright sea-surface.
When viewed from above, their black backs blend in with the dark sea. This makes it
harder for predators including orcas (killer-whales), sharks, leopard seals and sea lions
to detect them.
(3) Species differences in physical appearances are usually concentrated on the head region.
Penguins can stay underwater for a maximum of 18 minutes. They only need to come
to the surface for a few seconds, before they dive again. Some of the larger penguins,
such as kings and emperors, can dive below 100 m (330 ft.). The name Penguin prob-
ably derived from the Latin word 'pinguis' or the Spanish 'pinguigs' which refers to the
large quantity of fat in the birds.
TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)
Write the option you consider the most appropriate
1. Why do penguins clean their feathers with their beaks?
(a) to keep them warm (c) to coat them with wax
(b) to keep them waterproof (d) to make their feathers shine
2. What helps the penguins to protect themselves from their predators in winters?
(a) their bullet-like body (c) their waxy secretion
(b) their speed underwater (d) their black and white colour
3. Penguin feet are set far back in their bodies so that they
(a). can stand in a balanced way (c) can use them as flippers
(b) can easily change direction while swimming (d) can walk better

4. What distinguishes different species of penguins?
(a) their short webbed feet (c) their head region
(b) the duration for which they can stay underwater (d) their skin colour
5. Which word in the passage means 'mix and combine with something else'?
(a) detect (c) blend
(b) rudder (d) modified

Answers : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

TYPE - II (Table Completion and Sentence Completion Questions)

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following information
about Penguins. Write the answers in the space provided.


• (a) ............................................. • flippers

• Feet • (b) ............................................

Complete the following statements as briefly as possible :

(a) The penguins are found in .........................
(b) A ......................... keeps the penguins warm.
(c) The name ‘Penguin is derived from ....................... which means .......................
Reading Assignment 5

Read the following passage carefully.

(1) In ancient North Africa there lived a Chief. He was very rich and had many wives and
children, but he was not happy. He thought, "I have everything, but that does not make
me happy. What must I do to be happy? I don't know."
(2) One of his servants said, "Oh, my Chief! Look at the sky! How beautiful the moon and
the stars are! Look at them, and you will see how good life is. That will make you
(3) Then another servant said, "Oh, my Chief! What about music? Music makes a man
happy. We shall play to you from morning till night, and music will make you happy."
(4) The Chief's face became red with anger on such silly ideas.
(5) Then one of the servants came back to his room and said. "You must find a happy man,
take his shirt and put it on. Then his happiness will go into your body and you will be
happy as he!"
(6) "I like your idea," said the Chief. He sent his soldiers all over the country to look for
a happy man.
(7) One day the soldiers found a man in a small village who said, "I am the happiest man
in the world." He was poor, but he always smiled and sang. The soldiers brought him
to the Chief. A small dark man with a happy smile walked in. "Come here, my friend!"
said the Chief. "Please take off your shirt!"
(8) The little smiling man came up to the Chief. The Chief looked at him and saw - What
did he see? The happy man, the happiest man in the world, had no shirt!
TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)
Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. What did the Chief want?
(a) to be more rich (c) to be a happy man
(b) to have more children (d) to have a happy man's shirt
2. Why did the Chief's face become red with anger?
(a) because he hated music
(b) because he found looking at the stars a waste of time
(c) because he hated being given advice
(d) because he felt that the advice was stupid
3. 'Then one of the servants came back.' What did he suggest to the Chief to become
(a) to find a happy man (c) to look for a poor man
(b) to get into the body of a happy man (d) to wear the shirt of a happy man
4. Why was the Chief amazed on seeing the happiest man before him?
(a) he was small and dark (c) he had no shirt on him
(b) he was poor (d) he smiled and sang songs
5. Which phrase / word is opposite of 'put on'?
(a) go into (c) look for
(b) take off (d) brought

Answers : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

TYPE - II (Gap Filling Questions)

Given below is the summary of the passage. Complete it by writing the missing words
against the correct blank number in the space provided.

In ancient North Africa there lived a Chief. Though he was rich, yet he was (a) .....................
Once he (b) ..................... his servants what he should do in order to be happy. His servants
advised him to look at the (c) ..................... and listen to the (d) ..................... . It made him

rather (e) ..................... Suddenly one day one of his servants came up with a novel
(f) ..................... He suggested that the Chief should wear the (g) ..................... of a happy man.
The (h) ..................... were sent to every corner of the country to look for a happy man. At
last they found one in a small (i) ..................... But amazingly the man had (j) .................. shirt.
Reading Assignment 6

Read the following passage carefully.

(1) Kiran Bedi was born on June 9, 1949. Her father Prakash Lal Peshawaria, a landlord in
Punjab was determined to educate his four daughters at a time when women were
largely limited to doing household tasks.
(2) While studying at the Sacred Heart Convent, Kiran joined the National Cadet Corps
(NCC) and took up tennis, a game which her father used to play.
(3) After school she went on to study Political Science at the Government College for
Women, Amritsar.
(4) Kiran excelled at sports, particularly tennis. She won the Inter-University women's team
title and bagged the national title as well as the Asian title in tennis. Bedi says the
game taught her the value of hard work, the importance of staying fit and built in her
the qualities of fair play, team work, concentration, and the ability to give in that extra
bit under stress.
(5) Kiran Bedi was selected for Indian Police Service in 1972 and was the first woman police
officer of the Indian Police Service. Spectators at the 1973 Republic Day Parade were
amazed to see a lady at the head of the Police Contingent.

TYPE - I (Multiple Choice Questions)

Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. Kiran Bedi has .................. sisters. -9*
(a) three (c) two
(b) four (d) five
2. Tennis helped Kiran to learn
(a) how to get selected for IPS
(b) how to perform better under stress
(c) how to follow her father's footsteps
(d) how to win titles
3. Kiran's selection to Indian Police Service was unique in the sense that she
(a) led the police contingent at the 1973 Republic Day Parade
(b) was the first woman police officer of the IPS
(c) she came from NCC background
(d) she was a distinguished player of tennis
4. Kiran Bedi has proved that
(a) women can lead police contingents
(b) women owe their success to their fathers
(c) women can play tennis
(d) women can be excellent police officers
5. One of the chief reasons of Kiran's success in life was her father's
(a) love for tennis (c) determination to educate his daughters
(b) property and prosperity (d) reputation in his area
TYPE - II (Sentence Completion Questions)
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements as
briefly possible. Write the answers in the space provided.

1. During Kiran’s childhood days, most women would be very happy ................. because the
were hardly ever educated or encouraged to go out.

2. Kiran’s father was different from most other fathers of his time as he was .................

3. Tennis made Kiran realize the importance of hardwork and stress management. Four
other values learnt in the tennis court were :

(i) ............................................. (ii) .............................................

(iii) ............................................. (iv) .............................................

4. Until January 1973, it was hard for people to believe that .................
Reading Assignment 7
Read the following passage carefully.
1. During one vacation to my hometown, I was at the railway station with my parents. As
we were waiting for our train, something caught my attention. Two small children,
perhaps siblings were seeking alms nearby, Though they appeared at ease, I was shocked
by their overall untidiness.
2. When they approached us, my father promptly gave the older one, a girl, some money.
Those were the days when I was constantly reminded of the virtues of 'sharing' things
with others. So, when my mother nudged me, I knew why and the look my mother
gave me, confirmed. I had a pack of my favourite chocolates in my pocket and, even
though I pretended to have forgotten about it, she remembered them. I was devastated.
With a heavy heart I fished out one and placed it reluctantly on the outstretched hand
of the girl. She flashed a smile and the duo moved on. But my gaze never left them
as I wanted to know about the fate of my chocolate.
3. After a while I saw her unwrap it. She then did something which moved me. Without
moment hesitation, she put the chocolate in her brother's mouth and watched his face
brighten up as he savoured it. Her action puzzled me. Why did she not eat it herself?
Regret and shame overcame me when I realised that I had deliberately given them only
one chocolate. I quickly decided to give her one more chocolate voluntarily. Strangely,
my action made me feel better than I had thought.
4. As our train approached the station, the little girl rushed to give me something. It was
a small paper doll which she had made with the wrapper of the chocolates. I was
speechless. Was she trying to convey a 'thank you'?
5. Throughout the journey, my thoughts were about that girl. Numerous questions came
to my mind and I turned to my parents for answer. Now-a-days 'street children' is a
topic that is close to my heart. All of us are aware about the existence of such children
and their plight. Charity help but it is not a longtime solution. But aren't they entitled
to a better life like us?
6. That little girl taught me the joy of sharing and also answered one big question of 'why
should I give?' I now ask 'Why not', as sharing is all about loving. Happiness abounds
when shared. Year have rolled by and I still cherish that valuable lesson I learnt during
that vacation. Sometimes life teaches us things we fail to learn from classrooms. I still
think of that girl and her brother an wonder where they would be now .... those
sparkling eyes and beautiful smile.

(I) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions as briefly
as possible. Write the answers in the space provided.

(a) Why did the author's mother nudge her?

(b) Why did the author keep looking at the children even as they moved on?

(c) What moved the author? Why?

(d) Why was the author overcome by shame and regret?

(II) Complete the following statements as briefly as possible.

(a) The author felt 'devastated' because .

(b) ............... made the author give another chocolate to the brother-sister duo.

(c) When the author says, 'our primary concern should be to get them off the streets',
she means to say that street children should .....................

(d) The valuable lesson learnt by the author was ....................

(III) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following from the para-
graphs indicate Write the answers in the space provided.

(a) pushed gently with elbow (Paragraph 2)

(b) appreciated and enjoyed the taste of something (Paragraph 3)

Reading Assignment 8

Read the following passage carefully.

(1) Sophie Germain was a mathematical genius who lived between 1776 and 1831. She was
born in France. Her father, Ambroze Francois, was a silk merchant. He and her mother,
Marie Germain, were intellectuals who were active in the French Revolution.
(2) At the time, in France, daughters of wealthy people were given private tuition, in read-
ing and writing, but not maths, which they were never expected to use. Only boys went
to school.
(3) Sophie spent a lot of time in her father's library, reading. There she came across a story
about Archimedes, an ancient scientist, who was killed by the Romans because he was
so engrossed in working out a math problem that he didn't notice their arrival. What
was it about mathematics that could have so captivated a man's mind? Sophie won-
dered .. To find out, she began to read books on mathematics.
(4) Her interest frightened her parents. They worried that it was harmful for a female to
be engrossed in such a subject and tried to discourage her by putting out the fire when
they went to bed, and taking away all the candles in her room to prevent her from
reading after bedtime. Sophie didn't argue with parents, but she did hide candles away,
and, after her parents were sound asleep, she would get up, wrap herself in a blanket,
and, work on math problems in candlelight. One morning, her parents discovered their
daughter's secret. She had fallen asleep at her desk. It had been so cold that the ink
in her bottle had frozen!
(5) Realising that she wasn't going to give up, her parents reluctantly agreed to allow her

to study on her own. However, they did not actively help by hiring tutors, and kept
hoping that she would outgrow her interest. Finally, understanding that this would
never happen, her mother secretly provided Sophie with financial support to study
Dr. T. V. Padma (The Hindu)
(I) On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following statements as
briefly as possible Write the answers in the space provided.
(a) During Sophie's time, French daughters were not allowed to study maths because
(b) Sophie's interest in mathematics frightened her parents because ..................
(c) Two things Sophie's parents did to prevent her from reading after bedtime were :
(i) .................. and (ii) ..................
(d) However, Sophie managed to continue to work on mathematics by:
(i) .................. and (ii) ..................
(e) Sophie's parents discovered her secret one day when ..................
(f) Sophie's parents finally agreed to allow her to study mathematics because
(g) ‘.............. this would never happen.' Here 'this' refers to ..................
(h) Sophie's mother eventually helped her to study mathematics by ..................
(II) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following room the para-
graphs indican Write the answers in the space provided.

(a) well educated persons (Paragraph 1)

(b) charmed; attracted (Paragraph 3)

Reading Assignment 9
Read the following story carefully.
(1) Once a washerman had a donkey. The donkey was old and lean. During the day the
donkey had to carry heavy loads of clothes, but at night he was free to go about.
(2) The donkey happened to meet a jackal. They became friends and wandered together in
search of food.
(3) One night they found a garden full of ripe cucumbers. They went in and ate as much
as they could and came back. The next night they went there again and ate as much
cucumber as they wanted. This went on night after night and soon the donkey became
(4) A few days later the donkey felt so happy after eating the cucumber that he said to the
jackal, “Look, dear Nephew, the moon is shining in the sky, the night is pleasant, and
I feel like singing."
(5) "Don't, Uncle, please don't", said the jackal. "It will only bring trouble for us. The
farmers will hear you and they will come after us. We are thieves here. It is better for
thieves to be quiet."
(6) "Dear Nephew," said the donkey, "everything here is lovely and I feel so happy that I
must sing a nice song."
(7) “Shut up, Uncle," said the jackal. If you sing, the farmers will hear you. Believe me, they
will surely come here to reward you. Their reward you may not like. So you'd better not
sing." But the donkey wouldn't listen to the jackal and began to bray again.
(8) “Very well, Uncle," said the jackal. "You can sing as much as you like but I shall go and
wait for you outside the garden."
(9) The donkey began to "sing". The farmers heard his loud braying. They knew that a
donkey was in the garden and they all rushed there with heavy weapons. The donkey
was still braying when they started beating him. They beat him so hard that the donkey
fell down. The farmers tied a heavy mortar round his neck before they left.
(10) The jackal was waiting outside the garden when the donkey dragged himself out. "Dear
Uncle," said the jackal, "so the farmers gave you a big reward for your singing. Con-
(11) I am sorry, Nephew," said the donkey, "that I did not listen to you."
(I) On the basis of your reading of the above story, complete the following sentences as
briefly as possible, Write the answers in the space provided.
(a) During the day the donkey ......................
(b) The donkey moved around at night with the jackal ......................
(c) After eating cucumber the donkey ......................
(d) On one such night the donkey expressed his desire ......................
(e) The loud braying ...................... the farmers and they ......................

(II) Answer the following questions as briefly as possible.

(a) What piece of advice did the jackal give to his friend - donkey? How did the donkey
react to his friend's advice?
(b) Why did the jackal go out of the garden when the donkey began to sing?
(c) How was the donkey rewarded by the farmers for his singing?

(Ill) Find words from the passage which almost mean the opposite of the following from
the paragraphs indicated. Write the answers in the space provided.
(a) fat (Paragraphs 1 - 3) (b) punish (paragraph 6-7)
Reading Assignment 10
Read the following poem carefully.
(1) O Tree, so big and stout and strong,
You’ve lived so very, very long;
A hundred years or more, I’m told
And yet you’re not so very old.
(2) A hundred secrets you could tell
Of children whom you love so well,
Who came and sat beneath your shade
Or underneath your branches played.
(3) A hundred birds have built their nests;
Your leaves have softly kissed their breasts;
Your branches seem to touch the sky,
Yet you were once as small as I.
(4) Some day when I have grown up, too,
I’m coming back to visit you;
And changed though other things will be,
I’ll find the same dear friendly tree.

TYPE 1 - (Multiple Choice Questions)

Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
1. The speaker in the poem is :
(a) a child c) a gardener
(b) an old man (d) a bird
2. The poet believes the tree knows children’s secrets because
(a) trees can keep secrets (c) they used to play under it
(b) trees can remember things (d) they loved him so much

3. “Yet you were once as small as I” (stanza 3). This line expressess the poet’s sense of

(a) envy (c) pride

(b) pity (d) surprise

4. In the last stanza, the poet hopes that

(a) he will grow up (c) the tree will remain a friend forever

(b) he will go away (d) everything will be changed

5. The speaker has come to know of the tree’s age from

(a) other people (c) his own observation

(b) the rings on its trunk (d) the shape of its trunk and branches

Answers : 1 2. 3. 4. 5.

TYPE II (Gap Filling Questions)

Given below is the summary of the poem. Complete it by writing the missing word
against the correct blank number in the space provided.

The speaker in the poem is a young (a) .................... who is fascinated by the sheer
(b) .................... and height of a tree in his neighbourhood. He believes it knows many
(c) .................... of children who once used to (d) .................... in its hade and play under
its (e) .................... It is home to hundreds of (f) .................... who build their nests in it.
It is so tall that its branches seem to be (g) .................... the sky and the speaker is
surprised that once upon a time it was just a little sapling. He wishes to (h) ....................
tall and strong like the tree and hopes that when he (i) .................... it some years later
he would find it as (j) .................... then as it is now.

Reading Assignment 11
Read the following poem carefully.
Trees can not name the seasons,
Nor flowers tell the time.
But when the sun shines
They take a day-long breath
What we call night
Is their soft exhalation
And when joint creak jet again
And the dead skin of leaves fall,
Trees dont’s complain
Nor mourn the passing of hours
What we call ‘winter’
Is simply hibernation
Comes to them as no surprise
They feel no need
To divide and itemize
Nature has never needed reasons
For flowers to tell the time
Or trees to put a name to seasons.
On the basis of your reading of the above poem, choose the correct options :
(a) The poet feels that nature is not worried about
(i) time (ii) seasons
(ii) time and seasons (iv) none of these
(b) Flowers and trees accept day time
(i) to grow (iii) to bloom nicely
(ii) to mourn (iv) to take rest
(c) Nature accepts the change in season
(i) fully (iii) partially
(ii) as a natural phenomena (iv) with great difficulty

(d) The meaning of ‘exhalation’ is

(i) to breathe (iii) to give off

(ii) to take in (iv) to rest

Reading Assignment 12
Read the following passage carefully.
Without good health, life is hardly worth living. And certainly no one can study effec-
tively over a long period who is fatigued, sluggish anemic or suffering from over a
minor ailment. The need for mental health is equally important. Mental health includes
freedom from worry and anxiety, a sense of self worth and the ability to meet problems
sensibly and rationally. Body and mind are closely interrelated and it is rightly said that
a healthy mind can develop only in a healthy body that means that we should pay
enough attention to our habits of exercise, sleep, diet and to the physical environment
in which we live. Exercise does not have to be in the form of strenous games and
sports. Not everyone has an aptitude for athletics. Even some light exersises like walking
is enough to keep you and your body fit. No doubt, that very strenuous exercise fa-
tigues the central nervous system and therefore, reduces the capacity for mental work.
But tighter and more moderate exercise has a beneficial effect on mental work. Eight
hours of sleep each night is required by the average teenager. There may be individual
differences, but the vast majority take between six to nine hours sleep. Sleep enables
the body to eliminate the toxic products which have accumulated during the day, repair
damage done to the tissue and to store up energy. The whole day is relaxed and rested
in preparation for the next day’s activity.
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the folowing questions in brief
1. How can a minor ailment affect us?
2. What you mean by mental health?
3. Why is it said that a healthy mind can develop only in a healthy body?
4. What is the adverse impact of a strenuous exercise?
5. According to the passage, where should we pay enough attention?
6. What sort of light exercises keep your body fit?
7. For how many hours should a teenager sleep each night?
8. Why ¡s sleep important for our body?

Reading Assignment 13
(1) I lay in sorrow, deep distressed;
My grief a proud man heard;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold,
But not a kindly word.
(2) My sorrow passed I paid him back
The gold he gave to me;
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks
And blessed his charity.
(3) I lay in want, and grief, and pain;
A poor man passed my way;
He bound my head, he gave me bread,
He watched me night and day.
(4) How shall I pay him back again
For all he did to me?
Oh, gold is great, but greater far
Is heavenly sympathy.
Charles Mackay
1. “his looks were cold” (Stanza l). The expression means that
(a) there was no sympathy in his eyes (c) he looked cool
(b) he knew what he was doing (d) he did not want help

2. The speaker paid the rich man back by

(a) helping him in return (c) returning his money and thanking him
(b) thanking him (d) taking care of him in need

3. “Then stood erect...” The expression shows that the speaker

(a) was thankless (c) was not bothered
(b) no more felt burdened (d) had recovered well

4. The line ‘How shall I pay him back’ suggests that the speaker
(a) never wanted to repay his debt

(b) is not sympathetic to the poor man
(c) couldn't possibly repay the kindness shown to him
(d) is a rather selfish man
5. According‘ to the poet, material help
(a) is of no good
(b) is what people need most
(c) is needed more than sympathy and kindness
(d) is not more valuable than sympathy and kindness
6. By calling sympathy 'heavenly', the speaker means to say, it is virtue
(a) found in all human beings (c) that makes human beings noble
(b) found only in angels (d) that sends human beings to heaven
7. The word ‘distressed’ (line 1) means the same as
(a) relaxed (c) happy
(b) surprised (d) upset

Reading Assignment 14

Read the following poem carefully.

(1) at eight o’ clock I went to see (3) at two o’ clock in spirit gay
The big top rising steadily I saw the circus in full sway.
The circus workment, tanned and strong, The lions roared, the ponics pranced,
Made light their work with joke and song The tightrope walkers turned and danced.

Till stood the tent, a splendid sight I clapped my hands and had to laugh
Of poles and ropes and canvas white. To see the clown and the giraffe.
(2) At ten o’ clock the music played, (4) Now when it’s time to go to bed
And down the street the long parade The circus magic fills my head.
Swung into view with the blast and blare I still can hear the music played
With elephant and dancing bear, All night in dreams I hope I see.
That thrill so many girls and boys. Each splendid circus memory.

1. The expression’s ‘Made light their work’ means
(a) did light work (c) made difficult work look easy
(b) did work in a non-serious manner (d) liked to joke and sing instead of working
2. How long did the circus people take to set up the circus?
(a) eight hours (c) two hours
(b) ten hours (d) six hours
3. Why do you think the circus parade was held in streets?
(a) to adverise the circus
(b) to make circus people familiar with the town
(c) to hold a free public show
(d) to practise for the first show
4. What thrills so many boys and girls according to the poet?
(a) the beautiful circus that
(b) thrilling performances of artists and animals
(c) the happiness one gets from watching a circus show
(d) the antics of clowns
6. The poem describes the speaker's
(a) beautiful dream about a circus (c) long wait for a circus
(b) exciting experience of a circus (d) concept of what a circus ought to be
7. The word 'splendid' in line 5 means
(a) strange (c) familiar
(b) ugly (d) beautiful
Reading Assignment 15
Reading Comprehension
(1) This City is dirty
was their remark.
People ease themselves on
Roadside and in public park.
(2) There is garbage everywhere
We throw it without second thought,
Though to be clean,
from childhood we are taught.
(3) Sip the fruity, munch the chips
Throw the wrappers on the ground
Why alone I should bother
When there is so much garbage all around?
(4) Who threw the garbage?
Not me, not me, not me
The place can't be Paris
Why can't you see?
(5) ls it difficult to make it Paris?
If we have a will to do so,
Keep the city clean
Don't be your own foe!
1. According to the poet who is to blame if cities are not clean?
(a) the municipality of that city (c) people of that city
(b) birds and animals of that city (d) garbage that is found everywhere
2. The expression ‘people ease themselves’ means
(a) people use public places as open toilets (c) people throw garbage just about
(b) people are very careless and easy going (d) people are not responsible
3. What have ‘we’ been taught from our childhood?
(a) to munch chips and sip fruit drinks (c) to keep our city clean
(b) to throw the wrappers on the roadside (d) to stop others from throwing garbage
4. The expression ‘Not me, not me, not me‘ suggests that
(a) no one is ready to take the initiative to keep cities clean
(b) no one is ready to take the blame for dirt in cities
(c) no one wants the cities to be dirty
(d) no one can be blamed for unclean cities
5. “The place can't be Paris." Here the poet has used Paris as a symbol of
(a) a rich and powerful city (c) a beautiful and clean city
(b) a well planned city (d) a modern city

Reading Assignment 16
Read the following passage carefully :
Isaac Newton
One day Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree. He was thinking about the
moon. Why does the moon move in a circle and not In a straight line. Just then an
apple fell off the tree down to the ground. Newton stopped thinking about the moon
and began wondering about the apple. He thought when the apple broke from the tree
why did it not go up in the air? Why did it fall on the ground? Something is thrown
up, it comes down to the ground. Why does it not stay up in the air sideways?
“These thoughts did not leave Newton. He was a mathematician and a thinker, made
many calculations and gave to the world an amazing theory. He said that the apple fell
to the ground because the earth pulled it down. The earth pulls everything to itself. He
called it the gravitational force or the gravity of the earth.
Newton was born in Wools Thorpe in Lincolnshire, England in 1642. He spend his child-
hood with his grandmother whom he loved dearly. Little Isaac was extremely clever at
making working mechanical models and toys. He made for himself a set of tools. His
grandmother was very poud of his skills. The friend of the family advised his grand-
mother to apprentice him to a clockmaker. Isaac made a clock which won the admira-
tion of all who saw it worked not by weights and wheels but by drops of water. He also
made a sundial. This sun-dial, it is said, still exists at Isaac Newton’s house. Isaac did not
wish to be a clockmaker. He was determid to study. He went to the University of
Cambridge. He won greate fame because of his theory of gravity. He was the first
scientist to study Iight. He died in 1727 at the age of eighty-five.

On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief :
1. What happened when Isaac Newton was thinking about the moon?
2. What thoughts came into Newton’s mind when an apple fell off the tree down to
the ground?
3. What did Newton say about the falling of an apple on the ground?
4. When and where was Isaac Newton born?
5. What did Newton make which won admiration for him?
6. What advice was given to Newton’s grandmother about Newton?
7. What are the achievements accomplished by Newton?

Reading Assignment 17
Read the following passage carefully:
Sanchi is famous for its stupas. This historic site is located to the west of Betwa river
in Raisen district, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). It is about 90 m above its surroundings,
and is the site of many famous Buddhist monuments. But how did the stupas come
into existence?
Sanchi is the site of three stupas. Stupa No. 1, also called the Great stupa, is one of
the most magnificent monuments of its time. Its construction was probably started by
the Emperor Ashoka in the“mid-third century B.C. and later was enlarged. It is enclosed
by a massive stone railing pierced by four gateways. These gateways have elaborate
carvings depicting the life of Buddha. Each gateway is made up of two square posts
topped by statues of animals and dwarfs. It consists of a base, bearing a hemispherical
dome (anda) representing the dome of heaven enclosing the earth. It is surmounted by
a square-rail unit (harmika) from which rises a mast (yatsi). It symbolizes the cosmic
axis. The mast bears umbrellas (chhatras) that represent the various heavens (devloka).
Stupa No. 2, with railing decorations, has carvings relating to late Sunga period (1st
century B.C.). Stupa No. 3, with its single gateway (torana), was constructed in the late
first century A.D. These stupas have become an important site for tourist attraction.
Thousands of people visit them every year. Certain other specimens of celebrated Indian
sculpture are to be found at sanchi. These include a commemorative pillar erected by
Emperor Ashoka (265-238 B.C.) and the famous Gupta Temple built in the early 5th
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief:
1. What made Sanchi a historic site?
2. Where is the Sanchi Stupa located?
3. What is Stupa No. 1 also known as? Describe it briefly.
4. What does hemispherical dome denote?
5. What do umbrellas over the mast represent?
6. Describe Stupa No. 2 in brief.
7. What is the each gateway to Stupa No. 1 made up of?
8. Name two other specimens of celebrated Indian sculpture found at Sanchi.

Reading Assignment 18
Read the following passage carefully:
India is a vast count with numberless differences in food, clothing, languages, even in
her different New Years in different communities. Besides, India has seen the mixture of
various races, cultures, traditions, etc. The Aryans came to India from the north west.
The Mongolian branch of indian population is to be found in the north-east. The Muslims
(traders), the Parsis and Jews reached the west coast of India, that is, Gujarat, Maharashtra
and Kerala. people of Negro origin are to be found in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
Then there were India’s own and native inhabitants like the Gonds, Bhils, Santhals,
Todas, etc.
The people of the north are basically wheat consumers, those from the east and the
south are rice eaters. There are those who are vegetarians and those who are non-
vegetarians. Through all these diversities and differences, there runs the invisible iink of
common culture, common civility, common heritage, the same form of greeting one
another, the same form of respect shown to the elders as well as there are the common
Vedas, the Bhagvad Gita, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the festivals, and finally
the struggle for independence that united the whole mass of the Indian people.
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief:
1. What kind of diversities does India have?
2. Which direction of India did the Aryans come from?
3. Where is the Mongolian branch of Indian population to be found?
4. Name the states of India where the Muslims, the Parsis and the Jews reached.
5. Contrast the people of the north with those living in the south of India.
6. Name some common things shared by all the Indians.
7. Pick out the word from the above passage which means opposite to ‘foreign’.
8. Despite diversities, the Indians have unity. How?

Reading Assignment 19
Read the Passage carefully:
A father, One day, asked his daughters, “What is the sweetest thing in the world?”
“sugar!” said the elder daughter. “Salt”, said his Younger daughter. Her father thought
that she was making fun of him, but she stuck to her Opinion. The father was obstinate,
but so was his daughter. A quarrel broke out between them over this small matter, and
the father drove her out of the house, saying: “As you think that salt is sweeter than
sugar, you had better find another home where the cooking is more to your taste.”
As the pretty maiden sat sadly in the forest around her father’s cottage and started
singing, a young prince, who had lost the way while hunting the dear, heard her voice,
and came to ask her the way. Then, struck by her beauty, he fell in love with her, took
her home to his beautiful palace and married her.
The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his
daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to complain
as they ate the tasteless food. “There is no salt in the meat!” they said angrily.
“Ah”, Said the bride’s father. “Salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world! But when my
daughter said so, I turned her out of my house. If only I could see her again and tell
her how sorry I am!“
Drawing the bridal veil aside from her face, the happy girl went to her father and kssed
him. Now properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests were satisfied.

On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the folilowing questions In brief:
1. What question did the father put to his daughters?
2. What contrasted answers did his daughters give to the question?
3. Why did the father drive her daughter out of the house?
4. Why did the younger daughter stick to her opinion?
5. How did the prince come to know that there was a girl around the cottage?
6. Why did his younger daughter conceal her identity from her father?
7. Why is the salt the ‘sweetest’ thing in the world?
8. What made the father feel sorry for his behaviour towards his younger daughter?

Reading Assignment 20
Read the following passage carefully:
But Mr and Mrs Shelby and their son George of Kentucky were kinder to their Negro
slaves than most other slaveholders. They treated them like human beings. Mrs Shelby
and George read the Bible to their slaves and taught them to believe in Christian
virtues. They explained to them that though their human bodies could be bought, their
souls could never be. Their souls would always remain their own, if they followed the
example of Jesus Christ who suffered death on the cross to save the souls of other
human beings. There was a feeling of trust between the Shelby’s and their Negro slaves
and servants.
Mrs Shelby was therefore very surprised when, one evening, she found her negro maid-
servant Elijza in apanic. Mrs Shelby was dressing for an evening out, and Eliza was
helping her. Eliza was so nervous that she brought out a nightdress instead of an
evening gown - she could think of nothing else but the conversation she had overheard
earlier between Mr Shelby and a strange visitor. She suspected it was about her son
Harry. Noticing Eliza’s agitation, Mrs Shelby asked, “Eliza, What’s troubling you today?”
“Oh, Miss “ she started to say, but burst out crying.
Mrs Shelby comforted Eliza and she stopped crying. Then Eliza explained, “I heard a
strange trader talking to the Master in the parlour, and, and........... Oh Missis, do you
think Master could have sold my son Harry to him?”
“Sold him?” exclaimed Mrs Shelby, “of course not, you silly woman. You know very well
your Master would never sell any of his trusty servants — and certainly never to a
stranger. In case, who would want to buy your Harry? Do you think the whole world
is crazy about him as you are? Now fasten these buttons and comb my hair — and
next time, don’t listen at doors.”
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions In brief:
1. How did Mr and Mrs Shelby treat their slaves?
2. What Mrs Shelby and George do to teach their slaves to believe in Christian virtues?
3. How did they difference between human bodies and their Souls?
4. What sort of feeling was there between the Shelby’s and their negro slaves and servants?
5. Why was Eliza in a panic?
6. What made Mrs Shelby think that something was troubling Eliza?
7. What assurance did Mrs Shelby give to Eliza?
8. What warning did Mrs Shelby give to Eliza?

I. Complete the follwing sentences using appropriate determiners.

l. l want to be ...................... good doctor when I grow up. (a / the)

2. If you know the answer, raise ...................... hand. (your/yours)

3. Go and buy ...................... more mangoes. We haven’t got (some / any / many /

4. I haven’t invited ...................... People to the party, so I haven’t got work to do.
(many /much I some / any)

5. At last ...................... patriot in him revolted. (a / the)

6. There is ...................... rice in this bag. (many / any / some)

7. Kalidas is ...................... Shakespeare of India. (the / a)

8. She hasn’t got ...................... friends. (much / many)

9. He didn’t eat ...................... rice. (much / many)

10. You ate only ...................... rice. (little / a little)

Il. Correct the following statements adding suitable determiners where required

1. Could you bring me / books I left in the garden?

2. Sun rises from the east.

3. The doctor advised me to eat / apple every morning.

4. There aren’t students in the library.

5. I haven’t got pictures in my bedroom.

6. She gave a cookie to child.

7. I’ve got to solve math problems before I go to sleep.

8. My mother doesn’t drink coffee

Ill. Pick the correct option
1. Lisa saw _____________ shooting star yesterday. (a, an, the)
2. Don’t look directly at _____________ sun. (a, an, the)
3. Is there any milk left in _____________ (a, an, the)
4. I need to pack _____________ apple for my lunch. (a, an, the)
5. The dogs were _____________ given a bone. (each, any, every)
6. She was wearing a bracelet on _____________ wrist. (each, any, every)
7. She got her license without _____________ problems. (sorne, any, every)

1. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’. Put a cross (x) where no article needed.

There is (i) ............ gift shop in our neighbourhood. It has (ii) ............ lot of variety of (ii)
............ gift items. It also sells (iv) ............ artificial jewellery. It is run by (v) ............ old
man who bought it from (vi) ............ English woman Margaret. These days (vii) ............
annual discount sale is going on there. That’s why these days there is (viii) ............ great
rush at the shop. It is closed once in (ix) ............ month.

2. There is an error in each line. Find the incorrect words and replace them with the
correct ones :

Our school gave us an unique (a) ............

opportunity. A Principal allowed (b) ............

us to go on a excursion. But (c) ............

we did not have some idea how (d) ............

to hire the private bus. Also (e) ............

we had very few time for the (f) ............

preparation. We each decided to (g) ............

approach your teacher for the success (h) ............

of our project.
Q3. Encircle the correct determiners from those given in the bracket :

a. Have you got _________________ (many / any) good story book for children?

b. _____________ (All / Any) schools are closed on Sunday.

c. I did not see ______________ (any / many) flowers in your garden this season.

d. Dr Rajendra prasad is ________________ (a / the) first president of India.

e. There are _________________ (a few / a little) biscuits in the packet.

Q4. In each of the given line there is an error. Spot the incorrect word and replace with
the correct one:

a. There are much books in the library

b. Sometimes many patience helps more than practice.

c. He has written many beautifuI stories.

d. I little visit my grandparents.

e. There isn’t milk in the bottle.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct use of ‘some / any’.
i) I don’t have ..................................... money on me.
ii) “What sould you like?”
‘I’d like ..................................... coffee, please.”
iii) ..................................... people simply love to little their surroundings.
iv) There wasn’t ..................................... ice-cream. So, we had ......................... lemonade
v) I like ..................................... of your paintings but I don’t like ........................ of your
vi) “There must be ..................................... reason behind his beind upset.” “Well, he can
get upset for ..................................... stupid reason, you know.”
vii) “The engine seems to have developed ..................................... problem.”
“No, there isn’t ..................................... problem with the engine. You have run out of
B. Fill in the blanks with ‘much, many, more, must :
i) Thank you very .....................................
ii) You’ll find ..................................... examples of this type in this book.
iii) Anurag Shahi is the ..................................... intelligent boy of our school.
iv) There are ..................................... world famous monuments in India but the Taj Mahal
is the ..................................... popular of them all.
v) A fourteen-year-old boy is ........................... difficult to manage than a fourteen-month-
old baby.
vi) ..................................... of my vacation was spent in writing and responding to e-
vii) ..................................... of my friends are doler than I am.
viii) “Give me some ..................................... gruel, please,” said Liver.
ix) Your handwriting is ..................................... improved now.
x) The ..................................... you practise, the better your game will be.

C. Fill in the blanks with ‘few, a few, the few, litte, a little, the little.
i) I am feeling ..................................... better now.
ii) Give me ..................................... examples of flightless birds.
iii) ....................... books that are there in the library are not issued on one pretext or
the other.
iv) There is .................... hope of his survival. I’m afraid, he may not live to see the next
v) Only ........................................ students registered themselves for the picnic.
vi) This is our new black current ice-cream. Try ............................
vii) After the party there was ............................ food left in the kitchen.
viii) All you need is ............................ extra efforts at the finish line. The race will be
ix) ............................ money he had was spent on his son’s surgery.
x) ............................ did he know that he was in for the biggest surprise of his life.

D. Fill in the blanks with elder, older, eldest, oldest.

i) The ............................ you get, the wiser you become.
ii) The ............................ man alive in the world is 115 years old.
iii) My ............................ brother is looking for a job.
iv) Children ............................ than 12 years will be charged full admission fee.
v) This is the ............................ post office in the city. It was eastablished in 1890.
vi) Yudhishthra was the ............................ among the five Pandavas.
vii) Rohan, I am ............................ to you. Therefore, you must obey me.

ADJECTIVES (Practise Exercises)
A. Give the comparative and superlative form of the following adjectives.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Bold ............................................ ............................................
Able ............................................ ............................................
Hot ............................................ ............................................
Red ............................................ ............................................
Busy ............................................ ............................................
Early ............................................ ............................................
Active ............................................ ............................................
Little ............................................ ............................................
Faithful ............................................ ............................................
Perfect ............................................ ............................................
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of the adjectives given in the brackets.
i) Soloman was the ............................................ of all kings. (wise)
ii) This hosue is ............................................ than that. (spacious)
iii) I think she is the ............................................ girl in the class. (intelligent)
iv) The first question is ............................................ than the second one. (easy)
v) This is the ............................................ place in the region. (hot)
vi) My elder brother is ............................................ than Rahul. (old)
vii) Your condition is ............................................ than mine. (good)
viii) Who is ............................................ you or I? (tall)
ix) Water is ............................................ than milk. (thin)
x) This is the ............................................ news of my life. (good)
xi) Reema is as ............................................ as her sister. (beautiful)
xii) Everest is not so ............................................ as most people believe it to be. (tall)

1. Fill in the blanks with few, a few or the few.
(i) I have discarded ................................. of my dresses.
(ii) My father has employed ................................. in the factory.
(iii) ................................. medicines that I purchased yesterday are cheap.
(iv) Please buy ................................. toys for the child.
(v) ................................. people are reliable today.

2. Fill in the blanks with some or any.

(i) There is ................................. water in the glass.
(ii) I don’t have ................................. argument against the topic.
(iii) There are ................................. people who avoid travelling.
(iv) There isn’t ................................. sugar in milk.
(v) I gave ................................. mangoes to the child.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives choosing from the brackets.
(i) Sonu expected a prize for his performance, but didn’t get ...................... (some / any)
(ii) ................................. dress is beautiful. (Either / Neither)
(iii) I bought ................................. maps. (any / many)
(iv) My mother does not sleep ................................. (many / much)
(v) There was ................................. water in the pitcher. (a little / few)
(vi) We should show ................................. patience during tough times. (much / many)
(vii) In the new school, I don’t have ................................. friends. ( much / many)
(viii) There are people who show ................................ sympathy to the poor. (a little, little)
(ix) My ................................. sister is a scientist. (older/elder)
(x) I can’t walk any ................................. (farther / further).

A. State whether the word in italics in the following set of sentences is
an adverb or adjectives.
i) That clock’s fifteen minutes fast. ................................................
Don’t drive so fast! ................................................
ii) She married in her late twenties. ................................................
She married late. ................................................
iii) She’s had a hard life. ................................................
Don’t hit it so hard! ................................................
iv) We arrived early the next day. ................................................
He is in his early twenties. ................................................
v) Employees are paid weekly. ................................................
Target is a weekly magazine. ................................................
vi) The kids are well behaved. ................................................
The kids behaved well. ................................................
B. Fill in the blanks by converting the words in brackets into adverbs.
i) He replied to my letter very ................................................ (quick)
ii) She spoke ................................................ (kind) to them.
iii) I ................................................ (hurried) got up and dressed.
iv) The new minister is ................................................ (easy) accessible to all.
v) Apply the paint ................................................ (even) with the brush.
vi) ................................................ (Lucky) for us, the train was ................................................ (late).
vii) She bore the tragedy ................................................ (brave)
viii) I miss my old school ................................................ (bad)
ix) The dog lay on the floor ................................................ (lazy)
C. Choose an adjective from the box and turn it into an adverb to fill in the gaps in the following
comfortable, angry, fight, hearty, frank, miserable, full, loud, extreme, usual
i) .............................................. speaking, I don’t agree with you.
ii) If you’re all sitting ................................................., then I’ll begin.
iii) We ................................................. go by car.
iv) My travel bag was packed .................................................
v) Shalini found it ................................................. difficult to get a job.
vi) She failed ................................................. as an actor.
vii) Kajol swore .................................................
viii) He has ................................................. recovered from the accident.
ix) The audience laughed ................................................. at the joke.
x) The baby is crying .................................................
D. Rewrite the following sentences by converting the underlined phrases into one word
adverbs. You may have make some other changes too.
i) She sings in a beautiful way.
ii) The children seem to be hungry at the times.
iii) Mike is behaving in a very foolish manner.
iv) She spoke in a very loud voice.
v) Take the medicine two times in a day.
vi) The speaker spoke with fluency.
vii) She behaves in a very rude manner.
viii) the convict requested the judge to consider his case with sympathy.

A. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and also state their kind. The first one
has been done as an example.
E.g. He drove rashly. Manner
1. We leave for Bombay tomorrow. ................................................
2. He seldom tells a lie. ................................................
3. The dress was too tight for me. ................................................
4. He spoke to Julie only briefly. ................................................
5. When did you get up? ................................................
6. One should always speak the truth. ................................................
7. The child slept soudly. ................................................
8. Start writing now. ................................................
9. He slipped and almost fell. ................................................
10. Where do you live? ................................................
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs taken from the box below. The first one has been
done as an example.
how, near, altogether, al right, today, always, slowly,
legibly, fristly, steadily, secondly, nowhere, foolishly

E.g. We foolishly thought that everyone would recognize us. (manner)

1. It will rain .......................................... (time)
2. The thief was .......................................... to be found. (place)
3. Please, write your answers .......................................... (manner)
4. The train is .......................................... crowded. (freqency)
5. I stayed awake .......................................... to complete my homework. (duration)
6. .......................................... deep is the river? (interrogative)
7. .......................................... and .......................................... the tortoise moved on. (manner)

8. The book is divided into two sections, dealing .................................... with ‘Reading

Comprehensioon’ and .................................... with ‘Writing Skills.’ (number)

9. It was an .................................... different situation. (degree / quantity)

10. Peg is a ferocious dog. Don’t go .................................... him. (place)

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs :

1. My parents advise me .................................... (rarely / never) to tell a lie.

2. My neighbour .................................... (again / often) plays his music very loud.

3. Our network will follow you .................................... (somewhere / wherever) you go.

4. .................................... (Hardly / Almost) had I stepped out of my house when it started


5. All the passengers reached their destinations .................................... (safely / well)

6. Barking dogs .................................... (twice / seldom) bite.

7. The Prince and his wife lived .................................... (sweetly / happily) ever after.

8. The rain in Spain rains .................................... (rarely / never) in the plains.

9. Which book do you like the .................................... (more / most)?

10. Sehwag played .................................... (skilfully / badly) and lost his wicket.

D. Put in the correct compartive or superlative form of adverb derived from the words given
in brackets :

1. She chose the .................................... (little) expensive dress.

2. The plane arrived .................................... (early) than expected.

3. The ............................... (fast) we drive, the .................................... (soon) we will reach our


4. I could meet you .................................... (conveniently) on Sunday than on Saturday.

5. Please, speak a bit .................................... (loud). I can’t hear you.



Q1. Complete the following exercises with gerund form of verbs :

a. She is good at ............................... (dance).

b. He is crazy about ............................... (sing).

c. I don’t like to ............................... (play) cards.

d. They are afraid of ...............................(swim) in the sea.

e. You should give up ............................... (smoke).

f. Sam dreams of ............................... (be) a pop star.

g. He is interested in ............................... (make) friends.

h. My uncle is afraid of ............................... (go) by plane.

i. we insist on ............................... (cook) the dinner ourselves.

Q2. Adding ‘ing’ to the given words may be used as Gerunds in the given sentences,
identify if the“following verb is used as an Adjective, Gerund or a Verb :

a. She loves painting walls.

b. I was writing a novel last night.

c. She is sitting in the waiting area.

d. Karan is baking a cake.

e. Don’t add baking powder until I tell you.

f. You may smoke in the smoking room.,

g. I am surfing internet for more resources for project

h. Kindly paste the pictures on the clipping board.

i. They went for a sailing expedition.

j. Waiting for someone ¡s really pathetic.



(A) Choose the correct conjunction from the bracket and fill in the blanks.

1. You must come in at once .............................. you are called. (while, when)

2. Ravi is as tall .............................. his brother. (as, so)

3. We can either travel by land .............................. water. (or, and)

4. I have not seen him .............................. Friday. (for, since)

5 He was arrested .............................. he could fly abroad. (before, after)

6. Death comes .............................. to the poor .............................. to the rich. (neither, nor;
both, and)

7. You will fail .............................. you work hard. (if, unless)

8. Is this lift going up .............................. down? (or, and, but)

9. Sushma can make cakes very well .............................. she does not know how to make
biscuits. (but, still, yet)

10. You can pay by cash .............................. through credit card. (either, or, but)

11. .............................. he had a stomachache, Amit went to see the doctor. (since, because,

(B) Rewrite each of these simple sentences as one sentence using the conjunction given
in brackets.

1. Seema kept on walking. She felt very tired. (although)

2. He was walking fast. He was in a terrible hurry. (as though)

3. Kiran’s elder sister is beautiful. She is equally beautiful. (

4. The piano was very big. We couldn’t get it through the door. (so.....that)

5. Harry goes. His dog goes. (wherever)

6. You could go to the movie. You could go out fishing. (either.....or)

7. Sanjeev is polite. Sanjeev is helpful. (not only, but also)

8. She kept scrubbing. The pot shone brightly. (until)

9. Sonam made a cake. Her mother was out. (while)

10. Would you like to come to my house? If not, shall I come to yours? (or)

11. They were pleased with their picnic. The food was not very good. (even though)

12. This dress is expensive. This dress is beautiful. (but)

13. It was an enjoyable movie. Children wanted to see it again. (so......that)

14. Ria does not want to watch the movie. Ria does not want to go to the zoo. (neither,

15. He was ill. He attended the meeting. (though)

16. She is poor. She is always neatly dressed. (yet)



(A) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

1. (a) .............................. (When / Whenever / Though / Since) I was a small girl, my grandpa
used to tell me the story of an honest woodcutter who was rewarded with a gold, a
silver and a copper axes by God Mercury. (b) .............................. (Yet / Therefore / But /
While) these days situations have totally changed. (c) .............................. (Not only / Though
/ Either / Neither) do we have honest woodcutters (d) .............................. (nor / or / but
also / yet) such gods. By saying this I don’t mean (e) .............................. (whether / that
/ as / while) it does not pay to be honest. (f) .............................. (That / What / When
/ How) used to be a virtue in the past has become a crime today. People have become
hard-hearted, selfish and feelingless, but (g) .............................. (yet / still / although /
whether) we have to make efforts to curb the vices, (h) .............................. (therefore /
so that / unless / otherwise) the world will be doomed and we will be left nowhere.

2. There are no rules that tell us (a) .............................. (what / how / whether / where) we
ought to behave (b) .............................. (and / or / but also / yet) ought not to behave
in all matters. (c) .............................. (Though / So / Therefore / Either) in some matters
there are rules (d) .............................. (that / while / when / because) we have to obey.
There is a purpose behind it. We obey the rules of the road (e) .............................. (be-
cause / so that / unless / if) the roads are made safe for us. The roads in your towns
(f) .............................. (or / and / but / nor) cities are getting more and more busy these
days. They are filled with all kinds of vehicles during the greater part of the day. (g)
.............................. (If / Unless / Though / However) people disobey traffic rules, accident
will happen sooner (h) .............................. (then / or / but / and) later. Every user of the
road ought to know the rules (i) .............................. (if / as / while / before) there are
rules both for pedestrians) (j) .............................. (or / and / either / but) vehicles.

(D) Complete each sentence using one of the sentence parts in the box. Underline the
conjunction in your answer. The first one has been done as example.

* wherever you want to me to come * but her brother Rohit has failed

* or you will get late for school * because I was hungry

* unless you work hard * after the train had left

E.g. I bought an ice-cream.

I bought an ice-cream because I was hungry.

1. You won’t pass your examination.

2. I shall come.

3. We reached the station.

4. Walk fast.

5. Sonia has passed.


List of three forms of verbs

No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle

1. to be were been

2. to have had had

3. to do did done
4. to say said said

5. to go went gone

6. to get got got

7. to make made made

8. to know knew known

9. to think thought thought

10. to take took taken

11. to see saw seen

12. to come came come

13. to want wanted wanted

14. to look looked looked

15. to use used used

16. to find found found

17. to give gave given

18. to tell told told

19. to work worked worked

20. to call called called

21. to try tried tried

22. to ask asked asked

23 to need needed needed

24 to feel felt felt

No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle

25 to become became become

26 to put put put

27 to mean meant meant

28 to keep kept kept

29 to let let let

30 to begin began begun

31 to seem seemed seemed

32 to help helped helped

33 to talk talked talked

34 to turn turned turned

35 to start started started

36 to show showed showed

37 to hear heard heard

38 to play played played

39 to run ran run

40 to move moved moved

41 to like liked liked

42 to live lived lived

43 to believe believed believed

44 to hold held held

45 to bring brought brought

46 to happen happened happened

47 to write wrote written

48 to provide provided provided

49 to leave left left

No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle

50 to sit sat sat

51 to feel felt felt

52 to lose lost lost

53 to pay paid paid

54 to meet met met

55 to include included included

56 to continue continued continued

57 to set set set

58 to learn learnt learnt

59 to change changed changed

60 to lead led led

61 to understand understood understood

62 to watch watched watched

63 to follow followed followed

64 to stop stopped stopped

65 to create created created

66 to speak spoke spoken

67 to read readed readed

68 to allow allowed allowed

69 to add added added

70 to spend spent spent

71 to grow grew grown

72 to open opened opened

73 to walk walked walked

74 to win won won

No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle

75 to offer offered offered

76 to remember remembered remembered
77 to love loved loved
78 to consider considered considered
79 to appear appeared appeared
80 to buy bought bought
81 to wait waited waited
82 to serve served served
83 to die died died
84 to send sent sent
85 expect expected expected
86 build built built
87 stay stayed stayed
88 fall fell fell
89 cut cut cut
90 reach reached reached
91 kill kill kill
92 remain remained remained
93 suggest suggested suggested
94 raise raised raised
95 pass passed passed
96 sell sold sold
97 require required required
98 report reported reported
99 decide decided decided
100 pull pulled pulled

(A) The following sentences are in the simple present tense. Fill in the blanks with the
correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. My friend ...................... (work) in a big company.

2. The sun rises in the east and ...................... (set) in the west.

3. Do you ...................... (wash) your hands before meals?

4. Miss Jo ...................... (teach) us Mathematics.

5. Dogs ...................... (like) bones.

6. Sally always ...................... (find) faults with others.

7. Does Liza ...................... (stay) with her aunt?

8. My dad ...................... (help) me with my lessons.

(B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verbs in the bracket.

1. Liars are people who ...................... (tell / tells) the lies.

2. I often ...................... (help / helps) my dad in washing the car.

3. Plants ......................(need / needs) water and sunlight to grow.

4. They both ...................... (go /goes) to a movie every Friday.

5. Shobha ...................... (hate / hates) Science.

(C) Change the following sentences into their negative form.

1. He sings Well.

2. Rubber trees grow in Malaysia.

3. I brush my teeth twice a day.

(A) Change the following sentences into the interrogative (question) form.

1. The flowers look fresh.

2. She walks in her sleep.

3. It helps to be polite.

(B) Change the following sentences into the affirmative form.

1. Bees do not suck nectar from flowers.

2. Does this shop sell all types of books?

3. The bell does not ring at twelve.

(C) The following sentences contain an error each. Rewrite them correctly.

1. A snake hiss to scare its enemy.

2. A true soldier live and die for his country.

3. He don't know the facts.

4. Some people keeps spiders as pets.

5. That noise annoy me.

(A) Fill in the blanks with Present Continuous tense of the verbs given in brackets.
1. The workers ............................ (build) the road.

2. Sparrow ............................ (build) its nest in our letter box.

3. The spectators ............................ (watch) a cricket match.

4. Sneha ............................ (read) a story book.

5. I ............................ (polish) my shoes.

(B) Rewrite the following sentences in their negative form.
1. The clown is standing on his hands.

2. You are singing very loudly.

3. We are playing chess.

(C) Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative form.

1. He is coming back tonight.

2. Dad and Mom are sitting in the garden.

3. I am paying attention to my studies.

(D) Rewrite the following sentences in the affirmative form.

1. She is not knitting a Sweater for her fiancee.

2. Are the schools closing next Monday?

3. I am not going to visit my grandmother this summer.

(A) Rewrite the following sentences in the Present Continuous Form.
1. A cat carries its kittens in its mouth.

2. They catch fish in the pond.

3. I go to school by car.

4. The firemen put out fires.

(F) Put the verbs into the correct form (Present Continuous or Present Simple)

1. We usually ............................ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we

................................. ................................. (not / grow) any.

2. I ................................. (finish) my work at five daily but today l ................................. (work)

till 6.30.
3. Sudha ................................. (want) to Work in Spain. She ................................. (learn) Span-
ish these days.

4. Traffic usually ................................. (move) rather slowly here but today it .................................
(move) fast and smoothly. What's the reason?

5. My parents ....................................... (live) in Mumbai. They ......................................... (visit)

me this summer.

6. The sun ................................. (set). I ................................. (want) to go home early.

(G) Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present of Present Continuous form of the verb
given in brackets.
Diwali (i) ................................. (be) round the corner. People (ii) ................................. (make)
preparations for this festival of lights. The festival (iii) ................................. (fall) on the
moonless night of Kartik month. Children (iv) ................................. (look) forward to the
festival very eagerly these days because they (v) ................................. (enjoy) the fire-
works and sweets. My brother (vi) .......................... (save) money to buy crackers.


(A) Fill in the blanks with ‘has’ or ‘have’.

1. You ...................... cleared the test.

2. ...................... she lost the match?

3. He ...................... put on weight.

4. I ...................... sold my old car.

5. The bus fare ...................... gone up.

(B) Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form.

1. Pritam has killed the bird.

2. You have improved your English.

3. The rain has stopped.

(C) Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative form.

1. I have seen Vani today.

2. Alok has gone out somewhere.

3. The police have arrested a man for robbery.

(A) Rewrite the following sentences in the affirmative form.
1. I have not lost my camera.

2. The milkman has not come today.

3. Have they always helped you?

(B) Complete the following sentences with appropriate form of the verb in the brackets.

1. “.......................... (you / read) my new book?" "No, I .......................... (not see) it in the
2. “Where .......................... (you / be) the whole day." “I .......................... just ..........................
(come back) from college."
3. “.......................... (you start) preparing for the final examination?" “No, I'm afraid. I
.......................... (not touch) the book even."
4. “.......................... anyone .......................... (see) my spectacles?" "Yes, I .......................... (keep)
them in your cupboard."
5. "I .......................... (never see) such a beautiful rainbow before."
6. "Son, .......................... (you / start) your homework?" "Mom, I .......................... (already /
finish) it.”
(C) Put a tick ( ) against grammatically sentences and a cross (x) against incorrect ones.
Then rewrite the incorrect ones correctly.

1. We has waited for them for too long.

2. She have seen my notebook.

3. I have never tried Japanese food.

4. They have gone to Los Angeles.

5. Nobody has complain against him.

(G) Complete the following conversation filling in the correct forms of the verbs given in
the brackets.

A : (i) .................................. (you /see) the latest movie by Mani Ratnam.

B : No, I (ii) .................................. (not get) a chance to.

A : Good. I (iii) ...................................................... (buy) two tickets for the evening show.
How about watching it with me?

B : Well, sounds great but I (iv) .................................. (get) to complete a whole lot of

A : Well, if you can't go that's all right. Actually, Rita (v) .................................. (already
promise) to accompany me.

(A) Rewrite the following sentences in their negative form.
1. I have been driving since five o’ clock in the morning.

2. She has been suffering from epilepsy since she was a child.

3. He has been touring India for two weeks.

(B) Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative form.

1. You have been learning French for two months.

2. They have been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.

3. Vikas has been doing the same job for 20 years.

(C) Rewrite the following sentences in the affirmative form.

1. Has he been swimming for three hours?

2. Rakesh Bedi has not been making documentary films only.

3. Have you been standing on one foot for a month?

(D) Insert ‘since or ‘for’ in the following sentences.

1. We have not been receiving normal rainfall ....................... several years now.

2. Sanjeev has been living in Paris ....................... 1994.

3. Doctors have been operating on him ....................... two hours.

4. Dhiraj has been working in this hotel ....................... February.

(E) Complete the following dialogue by using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the
verbs in the brackets.

A : l (i) ........................................................ (try) to call you since morning.

B : I'm so sorry. I haven't received any calls. I’m afraid you (ii) .............................................
(dial) my old mobile number.

A : May be. See, I (iii) ................................................................ (receive) regular feedback

from Mohan on your studies.
B : So, what feed back have you got?

A : That you (iv) ................................................ (neglect) your studies for several weeks

B : Really? On the contrary (v) ........................................................................ (study) more

often and more regularly lately.

A : Do you mean to say what Mohan (vi) ..................................................... (tell) me all

a long is false?

B : Absolutely. Not only (vii) ............................................ (I / study) regularly, I

(viii) ............................................ (get) excellent marks in the test, too. I'm afraid,
you (ix) ............................................ (unnecessarily worry) about me.


(A) Rewrite the following sentences by using the verbs in the brackets in the Present
Perfect Continuous Tense or Present Perfect Tense.

1. Anil ............................................................................ (break) my bat. He

.............................................................................................. (play) with it since morning.

2. Shobha ................................................................... (just get) the interview call letter. She

......................................................... (wait) for it for several days.

3. “Do you know this man? He .................................................... (come) to dine in your res-
taurant often.” “No, I don’t know him. I ................................................................. (never see)
him before.”

4. I ...................................................... (look) for my pencil but I ......................................... (not

find) it.

5. I ........................................................... (learn) Spanish for the last two years.

6. My socks ............................................................ (already wear out) at the heels. I

................................... .................................................. (not use) them for long.

7. I ........................................................................ (work) in the hospital for the last three years

and I ....................................................................... (not come) across any case of Polio.

(B) Tick ( ) the sentences which are grammatically correct and cross (x) the ones which
are not. Then rewrite the incorrect ones correctly.

1. I have been tried to solve this puzzle for the last two hours.

2. The kettle has just boiled.

3. He has cut his finger.

4. Where has the thief hid the jewellery?

5. I have not get enough money for the bus fare.

6. You have been taking rather lavish holidays.

7. Mrs. Dhar has been teach in this school for ten years.

(C) Complete the following dialogue by using the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Con-
tinuous form of the verbs in the bracket.

TV Anchor : People (i) .................................... (call) you pretty bad names for your role in
the bribery case. What (ii) .................................... (you get) to say about it?

Pol. Leader : Yes I (iii) .................................... (hear) about it on the media. Actually, the
opposition (iv) .................................... (launch) an evil campaign to spoil my fair name.
Everyone knows how sincerely I (v) .................................... (serving) the people of my

TV Anchor : Do you want to say that you (vi) ................................................... (not receive)
any bribe money.

Pol. Leader : No. Not at all. I (vii) .................................... (get) lost of offers to accept
money in exchange for government contracts but I (viii) .................................... (reject) all
of them. I (ix) .................................... (take up) the mission of rooting out all corruption
from my office once for all. So far nobody (x) .................................... (dare) to do that I
(xi) .................................... (say) all these days that I will do it. That’s my promise.


Q1. Put the verbs into correct tense (Simple Present or Present Continuous tense):

a. L.ookl Sara ______________ (go) to the movie.

b. On her right, Sara ______________(carry) her handbag.

c. The handbag ____________________________ (be) very beautiful.

d. Sara usually ________________________ (put) on back shoes but now she

______________ (wear) white trainers.

e. And look, She ____________________________ (take) an umbrella because it (rain).

Q2. Put the verbs into correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect tense):

a. When he ________________________________________ (wake up), his mother

__________________________________ (already / prepare) breakfast.

b. We _______________________________________ (go) to London because our

friends“________________________________ (invite) us.

c. He will ____________________________ (hear) the news, __________________________

(go) to the telephone and ________________________ (call) a friend.

d. Jane ___________________________ (already / type) three pages.

e. By the time doctor ___________________________ (arrive) at the house the patient

___________________________ (die).


Question 1.
Use ‘shall’ or ‘will in following blanks.
(i) He ________ not come tomorrow.
(ii) You ________ be fined for overspeeding.
(iii) She ________ be here for lectures.
(iv) Rajan ______be going there tomorrow.
(v) What _______ happen now?
(vi) He _________ be the best teacher.
(vii) She _________ be banned for her misbehaviour
(viii) She _________ not do it today.
(ix) You _________ be blamed for such mistake.
(x) He _________ start journey tonight.

Question 2

Fill in the blanks.

(i) You _________ follow the rules.
(ii) She _________ start her preparations soon.
(iii) It _________ not happen soon.
(iv) You _________ not try to do this.
(v) Go now lest you _________ report late.
(vi) She __________ open the door.
(vii) He _________ have returned by this time.
(viii) You _________ stop doing such activities.
(ix) This glass _________ be handled with care.
(x) Run fast lest you _________ be late.

Question 3

Choose the correct option.

(i) They ________ be on holiday, but I’m not sure. (can, may)
(ii) You _________ be right, but I’d still like to check. (can, could)
(iii) ________ you turn it down a bit, please? (can, may)
(iv) It’s 0k – you go when you’ve finished. (may, might)
(v) Ask any questions now as you _______ not talk during the test. (may, could)

4. Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not) allowed to.

1. He _______ go skating because he broke his leg.

2. Many children in Britain _______ wear school uniforms.
3. I’m not sure but Jane”, _______ come to visit me this afternoon.
4. Didn’t you see the sign? You _______ drive more than 30 miles.
5. He speaks a lot of languages, but he _______ speak Chinese.
6. It _______ snow. It looks like it.
7. You _______ drive on the right in Britain.
8. He is a good boxer. You _______ be careful.
9. You _______ to smoke in the office.
10. This test will be very difficult. So you _______ learn a lot.

5. Write ‘must’, ‘have to’ or the correct form of ‘have to’ in the blanks.

1. Suman ___________ stay behind for half an hour yesterday to finish her work.
2. All of you ___________ see that film. It is really exciting.
3. It is getting late. I ___________ leave now before it gets any darker.
4. Since they are in the army, they ___________ go wherever they are told to go.
5. We ___________ wait outside until they came back since we hadn’t brought our keys.
6. Julie isn’t looking too well this morning. Something ___________ be wrong.
7. The child was getting no better, so they ___________ call for the doctor.
8. You ___________ not treat the matter lightly. It deserves prompt action.
9. ___________ I be there too? Is it all that important?
10. She ___________ stay at home yesterday as there was no one to look after her baby

1. We ……………….. from our vacation yesterday.
got up got back got off
2. I ………………. an old friend of mine in the morning.
came on came across came by
3. Please ………………… I will call father.
call on hold on put on
4. The accident ………………… near the post office.
took place brought about came about
5. They ……………….. the meeting because of the chairman’s illness.
put off called off Either could be used here
6. Please walk slowly. I can’t ………………… with you.
hold up put up
come up keep up
7. The boy ……………… a story to avoid punishment.
came up made up put up
8. She ……………… a hat because it was very hot.
put off put on hold on
9. The boy was .............................. by his uncle.
put up brought up
bought up taken up
10. The smell of hospitals ..................... me .......................
puts, off comes, off breaks, off

b. Write down the meaning of the phrasal verbs given in the story above.

fall out – …………………….. lay down – …………………….. chock up – ……………………..

keep up – …………………….. come back – …………………….. chock out – ……………………..

cut out – …………………….. pull out – …………………….. wash out – ……………………..

cut down – …………………….. wear off – …………………….. pit out – ……………………..

Exercise 2

1 Chris didn’t up golf until he retired.

2 My favorite group are out a new album next month.

3 Hannah has always on well with my parents.

4 We can easily you up if you don’t want to stay in a hotel.

5 Alan brought me some wonderful flowers to up for missing my


6 I like both of these dresses. I just don’t know which one to for..

7 I could with a new bike. This one is getting pretty old.

8 The robbers off with money and the jewellery .

A. Complete the given sentences by putting the words, phrases and clauses given in brackets,
in the right order. The first one has been done for you.

1. The place where the Buddha got enlightenment is called Bodh Gaya, (place, where the
Buddha got enlightenment, the)

2. ____________ will have to pay a fine, (who do not return the library books by the due
date, boys, those)

3. ____________ is a Member of Parliament, (who has just spoken, man, the)

4. ____________ move around the sun. (planets, which belong to the solar system, all, the)

5. ____________ is for a school, (new, which the villagers have built, the, building)

6. ____________ never returned empty-handed. (learned men, who went to the king for

7. ____________ woke up everybody in the neighborhood, (loud, the, of the sudden explo-
sion, noise)

B. Identify the highlighted parts of the sentences. Write P for a phrase, IC for independent
clause, or DC for dependent or subordinate clause. The first one has been done for you.

1. Before Rocky starts his workout, he always does some stretching exercises. DC

2. We bought our new sofa during the sale at the local furniture store. ____________

3. Our choir went on a field trip to the senior citizens’ center. ____________

4. We will be on time unless there is a traffic jam ____________

5. Because Vicky loves classical, she attends every concert ____________

6. The mountain climber checked her equipment before she started up the slope ____________

7. The mice darted into their underground burrows as the owl dived at them. ____________

8. Since I first saw you, I have wondered if we ever met ____________

9. If Lane wants to play hockey, he will need to learn ice-skating ____________

10 “Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we’ll go!” ____________

Question 1
Change the following active sentences into passive voice.
1. I did not beat her.
She is not beaten by me.
She has not beaten by me.
She was not beaten by me.
2. I will never forget this experience.
This experience is not forgotten by me.
This experience would never be forgotten by me.
This experience will never be forgotten by me.
3. Mother made a cake yesterday.
A cake made by mother yesterday.
A cake is made by mother yesterday.
A cake was made by mother yesterday.
4. The boy teased the girl.
The girl was teased by the boy.
The girl had teased by the boy.
5. Did she do her duty?
Was she done her duty?
Was her duty done by her?
Had her duty done by her?
6. The tiger was chasing the deer.
The deer was chased by the tiger.
The deer was being chased by the tiger.
The deer had chased by the tiger.
7. She has written a novel.
A novel has written by her.
A novel has been written by her.
A novel had written by her.

8. She has learned her lessons.
Her lessons has learned by her.
Her lessons have been learned by her.
Her lessons had been learned by her.
9. Have you finished the report?
Has the report finished by you?
Has the report been finished by you?
Had the report been finished by you?
10. The police have caught the thief.
The thief has been caught by the police.
The thief was caught by the police.
The thief had been caught by the police.

Question 2.
Complete the following sentences using appropriate active or passive verbs forms. Choose
your answers from the given options.
(i) The problem ________ to the children. (explained/was explained)
(ii) Those pyramids ________ around 400 A.D. (built/were built)
(iii) All the trouble ________ by your mother. (has caused/ was caused)
(iv) The visitors ________ (were shown/have shown) a collection of old manuscripts.
(v) I ________ him ten thousand pound last year. (lend/lent/was lent)
(vi) She ________ of spiders. (frightened/ is frightened)
(vii) That picture ________ by my grandmother. (painted/ was painted)
(viii) I ________ by his attitude. (shocked/have shocked/was shocked)
(ix) Excuse the mess. The house ________ (is painting/is being painted/has painted)
(x) I knew why I ________ (had chosen/ had been chosen)

Question 3
Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
(i) They elected him chairman.
(ii) The children laughed at the beggar.
(iii) The guard caught the thief.

(iv) The soldiers attacked the enemy barracks.
(v) The cat drank all the milk.
(vi) The old man takes’snuff.
(vii) Somebody hit the dog with a stick.
(viii) I will order the carriage.
(ix) One may accomplish anything with a little effort.
(x) A thunderstorm often turns milk sour.

Question 4.
Change the following sentences into active voice.
(i) Did she do her duty?
(ii) The tiger was chasing the deer.
(iii) She has written a novel.
(iv) She has learned her lessons.
(v) Have you finished the report?
(vi) The police have caught the thief.
(vii) My brother has completed the work.
(viii) Somebody stole my pen yesterday.
(ix) Our team may win in match.
(x) Nurses look after patients.

Reported Speech
Exercise 1
Change the following into indirect speech :
1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.”
2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.”
3. The teacher promised me, “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.”
4. “What do you want ?” he said to her.
5. He said to me, “How’s your father ?”
6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I.
7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince.
8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
9. “Run away, children,” said the mother.

Sentences are given indirect speech. Change them into indirect speech.
(i) The teacher said to the boys, ‘Have you done your homework?’
(ii) The little girl asked the man, ‘Will you help me?’
(iii) Janaki said, ‘I have been reading this book.’
(iv) Mother said to the daughter, ‘Go and change your dress.’
(v) Susie said, “I had read this book before I gave it to you.
(vi) Mike said, ‘I will bring my piano.’
(vii) The officer told the clerk, ‘Bring me that file.’
(viii) Jane asked, ‘Have you read that book?
(ix) Malathi asked, ‘Where is your watch?’
(x) Sophia said, ‘I watched this movie last week.


Direct speech Indirect speech

“My head is aching,” said Sarah. .....................................................

“I like your new bike,” Dan told me. .....................................................

Tom and Peter said, “ We’ll give you our seats ......................................................

“You can borrow my book,” Michael said. ......................................................

“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” said Paul. ......................................................

“You are late again,” Mr. Chen told me. ......................................................

“We have finished our homework,” said the boys .....................................................

Sue and Maggie said, “We want to watch football on TV.” .....................................................

“I don’t like your green hair,” said Uncle David. .....................................................

Dad Said, “We’ll have to phone for a taxi.” .....................................................

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
(a) The child ran ............................ the road.
(b) The teacher is ............................ The classroom.
(c) She is coming ............................ the hospital.
(d) I was prevented ............................ drinking cold drinks.
(e) He died ............................ cancer last week.
(f) The train is running ............................ time.

2. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. A slash (/) has been
inserted where the word is missing. Write the missing word:
We try to hide / faults before e.g. our
Others / show off only our merits. a) ......................................................
Sometimes / shed tears over b) ......................................................
Our faults. On the other hand we / c) ......................................................
Remind /our faults at the d) ......................................................
end of each day and / to God e) ......................................................
to / us strength to resist f) ......................................................
evil thoughts and deeds and help
us / to repeat the mistakes g) ......................................................
we / committed. h) ......................................................

3. Arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one has
been as an example:
elephant / large / an / animal / is / very / a
An elephant is a very large animal.
(a) skin / very / his / is / rough / dry / and / thick
(b) trunk / his / helps / and / eat / drink / to / him
(c) serves / trunk / him / also / the / as / nose / his


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct options given below :

Laughter is undoubtedly the best known reIxant. It has has much the same effect
(a) ........................ the body as regular physical exercise. When we laugh we secrete
hormones (b) ........................ Stimulate the heart and act as natural painkillers. Stress is
(c) ........................ calories are burned off and digestion is improved. Laughter creates
internal warmth. It (d) ........................ and stimulate at the same time. And it send more
oxygen to every cell (e) ........................ the body, laugher can also serve to speed tissue
healing (f) ........................ Stabilise many furctions helping to strengthen them against
infection and abnormal growth.

(a) (i) in (ii) on (iii) within (iv) upon

(b) (i) which (ii) when (iii) while (iv) that
(c) (i) reduced (ii) reducing (iii) reduction (iv) reduces
(d) (i) relaxed (ii) relaxes (iii) relax (iv) relaxing
(e) (i) at (ii) on (iii) in (iv) of
(f) (i) and (ii) but (iii) while (iv) that

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction. Also underline the correct word you have supplied.

Litmus is use in chemistry (a) ............................. .............................

To detect the presence to alkalis (b) ............................. .............................
And acids litmus is an dye. (c) ............................. .............................
Made with some plant called (d) ............................. .............................
lichens. It is either red and blue (e) ............................. .............................
in colour and has used in the (f) ............................. .............................
form a solution which (g) ............................. .............................
is sometimes in a test paper. (h) ............................. .............................

3. Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one
done as an example :

Example :

make / games and sports / body / strong / the

Games and Sports make the body strong.

(a) exercises / they / good / are / give / and / us / energy

(b) learn / student / cope with / difficult / to / situation

(c) help / they / building / team-spirit / Individual / in / an


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct options given below :

After independnece, India has made tremenendous progress. (a) ..................... the field of
agriculture industry, power generation and other resources. (b) ..................... impact of
the development can be seen in teh villages too. Most of the villages are now
(c) ..................... to ethe cities by road or railways. The use of electricity has revolutionised
(d) ..................... rural life. Television, radio, telephone, mobile pone, etc. are common in
(e) ..................... rural areas. New agricultural implements, fertilizers and finances
(f) ..................... easily available.

(a) (i) in (ii) at (iii) on (iv) into

(b) (i) An (ii) The (iii) A (iv) Some
(c) (i) linking (ii) links (iii) link (iv) linked
(d) (i) the (ii) a (iii) an (iv) No article
(e) (i) into (ii) in (iii) to (iv) at
(f) (i) is (ii) are (iii) have been (iv) are being

2. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. A slash (/) has been
inserted where the word is missing. Write the missing word :
Penguins are flightless birds, / inhabit the Southern a) .........................................
Hemisphere. They walk awkwardly / land but b) .........................................
Underwater, / are graceful, and effectively c) .........................................
Swim underwater. Penguins can stay underwater/about d) .........................................
18 minutes. They clean / feathers regularly with e) .........................................
A waxy secretion, / keep them waterproof There are f) .........................................
About 17 species / penguins . They are good divers g) .........................................
And / dive below 100m. h) .........................................

3. Read the following instructions for making tea. Then fill in the blanks with the passive
forms of the verbs out of the given options. The first one has been done as an example:

Instruction :
* Take water in a kettle according to your need. Heat the water till boiling.
* Put leaves of tea into it. Put down the liquor in a tea-pot
* Pour boiled milk into the cup. Add some sugar to it.
* Now pour the liquor into the cup and stir it well. Tea is ready to serve.

Preparing tea is a simple process. Water is taken in a kettle according to the need and then
it (a) ......................................... till boiling. Leaves of tea (b) ......................................... into the
boiling water. Now the liquor is ready. Afterwards, boiled milk
(c) ......................................... into the cup and sugar is added to it. The liquor is poured into
the cup and is stirred well. Now tea is ready to serve.

(a) (i) is heated (ii) was heated (iii) has been heated (iv) being heated
(b) (i) is put (ii) are put (iii) are being put (iv) put
(c) (j) will be poured (ii) is poured (iii) are poured (iv) is being poured

1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options given below :

(a) Rajat ....................... fond of playing cricket.“

(b) A gentleman ....................... not tell lies.“

(c) I never ....................... visited a fair.

(d) The Sri Lankan team ....................... by India yesterday.

(e) Did you ....................... to him?

(f) I .............................................. not yet completed my work.

a) (i) do (ii) íd (iii) am (iv) has

(b) (i) does (ii) do (iii) has (iv) had

(c) (i) has (ii) have (iii) do (iv) did

(d) (i) ¡s defeated (ii) were defeated (iii) was defeated (iv) has been defeated

(e) (i) spoke (ii) speaking (iii) spoken (iv) speak

(f) (i) did (ii) have (iii) do (iv) had

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction. Also underline the correct word you have supplied.

Many hundred years ago, there living (a) .................................. ..................................

In Japan the fisher-boy called Taro. (b) .................................. ..................................

He was a cleverer fisherman, and he (c) .................................. ..................................

was also very good but kind. When he (d) .................................. ..................................

Had better luck and caught more fish (d) .................................. ..................................

with him. And he loved all living (f) .................................. ..................................

things, he did not liked to see anyone (g) .................................. ..................................

hurt an animal or a bird. (h) .................................. ..................................

3. Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful senences. The first one has
been done as an example.

Example :

Social reformer / Swami Dayanand Saraswati / great / a / was

Swami Dayanand Saraswati was a great social reformer.

(a) main mission / his / enlighten / the / to / people / was

(b) considered / he / the root cause / caste system / as / social inequality / of
(c) a lot / spread education / he / to / did / Indian society / in / the

1. Fill In the blanks by choosing the correct options given below :
Antarctica ¡s ice-bound and uninhabited. But penguins and about 12 species (a) ............................
birds live there. The frozen sea has varieties of fish (b) ............................ other creatures.
There is night for six months continuously. (c) ............................ sun shines continuously for six
months. The region (d) .................................................... free from population. The air is fresh
and wholesome. The only problem is that (e) ........................................................ cold.
Antarctica (f) ........................................................ a sealed paradise on the earth.
(a) (i) off (ii) of (iii) to (iv) for
(b) (i) whereas (ii) while (iii) but (iv) and
(c) (i) The (ii) A (iii) An (iv) some
(d) (i) has been (ii) was (iii) is (iv) is being
(e) (i) to (ii) with (iii) of (iv) from
(f) (i) is called (ii) has been called (iii) had been called (iv) was called

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction. Also underline the correct word you have supplied.
The Himalavas are the higher mountains (a) ............................... ...............................
in the world. They stand like (b) ............................... ...............................
a gigantic wall all among India’s (c) ............................... ...............................
northern frontier. It extend from (d) ............................... ...............................
the borders of Myanmar in an east to (e) ............................... ...............................
the western limits to Kashmir, (f) .............................. ...............................
Covering a distance of 2,500 kilometre (g) ............................... ...............................
They is also the world’s youngest (h) ............................... ...............................
mountain system.
3. Change the following into indirect speech :
(a) Ranjan said, “Mohit has beaten Gurmeet.”
(b) Manjit said, “Harish plays cricket in the evening.”
(c) Rohit said, “My father is going abroad tomorrowl”

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
(a) Dr. Sinha ........................................ my father yesterday. (meet)
(b) I have ........................................ my breakfast Just now. (take)
(c) The man ........................................ here on Sunday. (arrive)
(d) The Postman ........................................ ???????????
(e) The students ........................................noise when the teacher entered the classroom. (make)

(f) ........................................ you like to visit my place? (will)

2. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. A slash (/) has been
inserted where the word is missing. Write the missing word :
“Earthquake are measured / a Richter e.g. on
Scale. This scale was invented / Chiarles (a) ........................................
Richter ¡n 1935. People / study (b) ........................................
Earthquakes / called seismologists. They (c) ........................................
Try to / earthquakes so that the (d) ........................................
People likely to be affected / time (e) ........................................
to move to a place. Earthquakes (f) ........................................
generate waves / travel all around the (g) ........................................
world. They / be detected with (h) ........................................
an instrument called a seismograph.
3. Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one has
been done as an example:
Love / country / our / we / should
We should love our country

(a) will / when / return / you / books / these

(b) India / the / hot / climate / of / is
(c) why / looking / are / sad / you / so


1. Complete the passage by choosing the correct verb form from the options given below:

It was raining when we woke, and the mountains (a) ........................................ by a heavy mist.
We delayed our departure, playing football n the veranda with one of the pumpkins that (b)
........................................ off the roof. At noon the rain stopped and the sun
(c) ........................................ through the Clouds. As mist (d) ........................................, we saw
the snow range, the great Peaks of Nanda Kot and Trisul stepping into the sky.
“It’s different up here,” said kamal. “I (e) ........................................ a different person.
“That’s the altitude, “I said, “As we go higher, we (f) ........................................ lighter in the
(a) (i) was hidden (ii) were hidden (iii) hid (iv) had been hidden
(b) (i) had fallen (ii) have fallen (iii) has been falling (iv) fell
(c) (i) shine (ii) shone (iii) was shining (iv) is shining
(d) (i) has lifted (ii) had lifted (ii) lift (iv) lifted
(e) (i) feel (ii) felt (iii) will feel (iv) am feeling
(f) (i) would get (ii) will get (iii) got (iv) will be getting

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction. Also underline the correct word you have supplied.

The Khajuraho temples is of the (a) ................................. .................................

Indo-Aryan type. Each temple stand (b) ................................. .................................
On a high platform and customary (c) ................................. .................................
Enclosure is absent. The temples are at (d) ................................. .................................
Three groups and occupy a area (e) ................................. .................................
With about eight square mile. The (f) ................................. .................................
Western group, a largest and most (g) ................................. .................................
Important, is situated in the axis
Of the Laguan-Rajnagar road. (h) ................................. .................................

3. Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been
done as an example :

Example :
lts / impacts / has / and / everything / negative / positive

Everything has its positive and negative impacts.

(a) impacted / technology / level of / and / has / children’s / creativity / behaviour
(b) proven / to be / useful / technology / education / has / in / extremely
(c) can help / in academics / to perform / educational / games / well

1. Complete the passage by choosing the correct verb form from the options given below:
Vitamin A is mainly (a) ......................... in milk butter, cream, cheese, eggs, fish-oil, cabbage
etc. It is very essential (b) ......................... the development of the body. Deficiency of Vitamin
A (c) ......................... eye sight and leads to night blindness. Vitamin A protect us (d)
........................................ Infections, skin disease and many eye diseases Vitamin B (e)
......................... the body to release energy and in the production of red blood cells. Vitamin
C makes a substance (f) ........................................ binds body tissues together, and help us
resist germs
(a) (i) find (ii) found (iii) finding (iv) finds
(b) (i) to (ii) in (iii) at (iv) for
(c) (i) weakens (ii) weaken (iii) weakening (iv) weakened
(d) (i) from (ii) with (iii) by (iv) of
(e) (i) help (ii) helps (iii) helping (iv) helped
(f) (i) when (ii) while (iii) which (iv) whenever

2. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. A slash (/) has been
inserted where the word is missing. Write the missing word :
She was I old woman (a) ...........................................
/ sometimes came to cut (b) ...........................................
grass / the hillside. Her face (c) ...........................................
was as wrinkled / the walnuts. (d) ...........................................
She had been helping / harvest the walnuts. (e) ...........................................
In spite of her age, her arms / legs (f) ...........................................
were sturdy. / she saw me, she (g) ...........................................
was as swift as a civet-cat in
getting out / tree (h) ...........................................

3. Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been
done as an example:
Founded / Walt Disney / 1955 / Disneyland / in / at / USA / California
Walt Disney founded Disneyland in 1955 at California, USA
(a) recreation centre / popular / it / people / is / for / a
(b) set up / he / Disney World / also
(c) amusement rides / it / and / is / spectacles / another / of / city / USA / in

“No time to turn at Beauty’s glance
And watch her feet how they dance
No time to wait until her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began”
· Point out where the poet has used personification in the above lines
· Name the poet of this poem
· Explain the meaning of first line
“No time to see, when woods we pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in the grass
No time to see, in broa daylight,
Streams full of stars like skies at night
· Explain the meaning of line ‘Streams full of stars like skies at night
· What does the Phrase “ no time to see “ indicates
· What is the rhyme scheme of the poem
Q2 Short answer type questions
· Explain the theme of the poem
· Explain the significance of the title of the poem
· The poem is rich in similes .Underline the similes and explain them
Q What does ‘leisure’ mean in this poem?
Question 2 : Who are ‘we’ in the poem?
Question 3 : The words ‘No time’ are repeated seven times in the poem. What is the poet trying
to say?
Question 4 : If the poet was living in a town, what would he see on the roads?
Question 5 : How can we live a better life?
Question 6 : What does the poet wish to see in his free time?
Question 7 : When and where can we see the squirrels hiding their nuts?
Question 8 : How do the streams look in broad daylight?
Question 10 : Which ‘life’ is the poet talking about? What is it that we don’t have the time to
do but the cows and the sheep have?

Question 11 : Why do you think the word ‘Beauty’ is written with a capital ‘B’?
Question 12 : The movements in nature are beautiful like a dancer. Based on your own observa-
tion, describe movements of two things in nature that are beautiful.
Question 13 : How, according to the poet, is our life poor?
Question 14 : Read the lines and answer the questions :
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began
(a) Who is referred to as ‘her’?
(b) To what has the poet compared ‘her’ in the poem?
(c) What does the poet lament about?
(d) Give the antonym of ‘enrich’.
Question 15: Write figure of speech in the following lines:
(a) “No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as loon as sheep or cows.”
(b) “No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.”
(c) “We have no time to stand and stare.”
Question 16 : Is ‘Beauty’ a male or a female? Justify with reference to the poem.
Question 17: What kind of life is it according to the poet when we have no time to admire nature?
Binya’s Blue Umbrella Questions
Question 1: How had Binya got the blue umbrella?
Question 2: Who was Ram Bharosa? Why would Binya and Bijju visit him?
Question 3: Why was Ram Bharosa astonished?.
Question 4: Why did everyone on the road turn their heads to stare at Binya?
Question 5: What proposal did Ram Bharosa give to Binya? Did Binya accept his proposal?
Question 6: What happened when Binya dozed off in the shade of a pine tree?
Question 7: Why did Binya have to be careful about not starting a landslide?
Question 1 : Why did Bassanio approach Antonio?
Question 2 : How Much Money did Shylock give to Bassanio?
Question 3 : Who was Shylock and how did he become rich?
Question 4 : What was the condition kept by Shylock in case Bassanio couldn’t repay the loan?
Question 5 : Why did Shylock hate Antonio?
Question 6 : Why could Antonio not help Bassanio financially? How did they resolve the issue?
Question 7 : Why did Antonio agree to take a loan besides Bassanio’s warnings?
Question 8 : What was Portia’s situation and why did she find it upsetting?
Question 9 : How did Bassanio and Portia acknowledge their love?
Question 10 : Why did Bassanio want to marry Portia?
Question 11 : What did Portia give to Bassanio and what condition did she keep?
Question 12 : Why did Antonio sent a letter to Bassanio?
Question 13 : Why did Portia come to Venice disguised as a lawyer?
Question 14 : Why did Shylock get infurious?
Question 15 : Why did Shylock feel happy?
When There is a Robot in the House
Q1. Answer with reference to context:
“It takes everything I say absolutely Iiteraly. It doesn’t always do as I tell to do.”
a. Who does ‘it’ refers to?
b. Who is the speaker of these lines?
c. Why is the speaker of these lines sound son upset?
“Do I look like a ghost to you? Can’t you follow simple commands.”
a. Who is the speaker of these lines?
b. Who is the speaker talking to and why?
c. When are these lines spoken?
“I am capable of following simple commands.”
a. Who is ‘I’ referred to?
b. Briefly describe the incident being referred to in the above line?
c. Who is the author of the text?
Q2. Short answer questions:
a. Who is Tariq and why did he come to Ajay’s house?
b. What did Ajay think when the doorbell rang?
c. Why did Ajay call Robotics International?
d. Who was Manku and why was he a nuisance for Ajay?

e. Briefly describe the episode which made Aay angry and made him say this line:
“It questions my orders”.
f. What prompts Ajay to call Robotics International to complain about the robot?
g. What reply did the manager of Robotics International gave to Ajay?
Q3. Long answer questions :
a. Draft the character sketch of Ajay.
b. Does Ajay really want to get rid of Manku forever? Explain.
c. Would you like to have robot in your house? If you agree, then throw light on its merits
else point out the demerits of having it.
d. Why was Ajay always upset with Manku? Explain the incidents.
e. How did Ajay learn a lesson?
f. One often hear people instruct their children/ employees to tell unwanted callers or
visitors that they are not at home. Ajay did the same. How did the robot react?
g. What is a white lie? Explain with reference to the context.

“But I tell you , a cat needs name that’s particular,
A name that’s peculiar , and n=more dignified.
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?’
· What kind of name a cat should have according to the poet
· Which poetic device is used in the above lines
· How will a cat cherish his pride?
“ the naming of cat is a difficult matter,
Is isn’t just one of your holiday games
You may think at first that I am mad as a hatter
When I tell you , a acat must have Three different names”
· Explain why is naming of cat a difficult matter
· Ideltify the simile in above lines
· Explain rhyme scheme used
· How does the speaker characterize the naming of cats in line 1?

· Explain the title and the theme of the poem
· According to the speaker, what three kinds of names should a cat have?
· Identify the characteristics of cats as described in “The Naming of Cats.”
· Evaluate T. S. Eliot’s personal feelings toward cats.
· What makes the naming of cats a difficult matter?
· What purpose is served by each of the first two kinds of names that a cat should have?
· What characteristics do actual cats have that might have led the speaker to suggest, humor-
ously, each of the three kinds of names?
· Cats tend to evoke strong feelings in most people, who either like them a great deal or dislike
them strongly. Why do you think this is so? Is there something about cats themselves that
gives rise to this?
· List various poetic devices used in the poem
Read the follow lines and answer the questions that follow
“Perhaps it will be the last time that I wake up and see daylight.”
a. Who is the speaker of the given line?
b. What do these lines tell you about the speaker?
“It was hard to believe they were still deep underground.”
Whose thoughts are these and why does he find it hard to believe that they were still below
the surface of the earth?
1 Who decoded the message? What did the message say?
2 What kind of welcome did Professor Lidenbrock and Axel receive on their return to Germany?
3 How do you think professor Lidenbrock’s journey to the center of the earth will help mankind?
4 Write briefly about Alex’s viewpoint on the adventurous journey under the earth’s surface?
1 Pen down a commentary (of approximately 100 words) on the fight between the Ichtyosaurus
and Plesiosaurus
2. Write a theme of the novel ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’.
3 Describe the vegetation that met Axel’s eyes. Would you describe his reaction as

Read the given line and answer the question that follow:
1 ‘Since then, she has not wasted a single moment of her waiting hours in silence.’
a. Who is the speaker and who is the person being referred to in the given line?
b. What do these lines tell you about the person being referred to?
“You know, Baba, Bhola says we get rain because there’s an elephant in the sky pouring
waterfrom his trunk.
What nonsense he talks, day and night!”
a. In the light of the above line, write a character sketch of Mini.
‘He was a father and so was I.’
a. Who are the two people being referred to in the above line ?
b. Explain the context of the given line
1. Write a paragraph that explains briefly about the father-daughter relationship brought out in
the story, The Kabuliwala2
2. “There goes my seventeenth chapter!” Who is the speaker of this line and what does it tell
you about the speaker?
3 Read the line given below from the story, The Kabuliwala, and explain the different conno-
tations of ‘father-in-law’s house’ in the story.
“Are you going to your father-in-law’s house?”
3. ‘But to me the wedding ceremony was all the brighter...’Explain the context of the given line.
1. What is the theme of the story
2. What was the reaction of Mini when she sees her old friend Rahman on her wedding day?
3. What was the gift that Mini’s father gave to the Kabuliwala? What effect did it have on the
wedding festivities?
4. Write briefly about your perspective about friendship of Rahman and Mini.
5. Can you explain Kabuliwala‘s fondness for Mini? How do you know?

1 Read the given line and answer the questions that follow:
“That boy is all bluff. If you just stood up to him, you’d be all right.”
a. Who is the speaker and who is the person being referred to in the given line?
b. What do these lines tell you about the person being referred to?
C. Throw light on the personality of the character to whom these lines are addressed
Read the given line and answer the question.
“Dad? Am I back in my own world?”
Whose thoughts are these and what is the reason behind the fear that the character is
talking about?
1. Write a paragraph that explains briefly about the father-son relationship in contrast with the
grandson - grandad relationship in the play.
2 “Then I’ll p-protect myself!” Who is the speaker of this line and what does it tell you about
the speaker?
3 “I can’t – can’t enter your world. I am fading – becoming nothing. Goodbye Daniel.” Explain
the context of the given line.
4. Do you think that the reason behind Jimmy’s stuttering is his lack of self-confidence?
1. Who according to you is the most evil character in the play? Explain your answer.
2. Write briefly about your perspective about friendship of Jimmy and Daniel.
3. A Monologue is when a character in the play is speaking all alone or speaking to herself/
Write a monologue delivered by Rudolph Hitler in not more than 50 words.
Read the following lines and answer the question that follows
“The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night.”
How does the poet use simile to depict the weather conditions in this line?
Read the given line and explain briefly about the central idea of the poem being the soul’s prayer.
“Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light, ...”
Read the given line and explain the power of the hand of ‘sea-god’.
“What though we toss at the fall of the sun where the hand of the sea-god drives?”
1 Who holds the storm by the hair? What does this show about ‘HIM’?2
2 The word “BROTHER’’ is significant in the poem . DISCUSS.
3 Is a fisherman’s life very tough? Justify your point of view wih the lines from the poem.
1. The poem ‘Coromandel Fishers’ was written by Sarojini Naidu as a tribute to the fishermen.
Do you agree? Support your answer with appropriate citations from the poem.
2. Explain the instances in Sarojini Naidu’s poem, ‘Coromandel Fishers’, where the ferociousness
of the sea is overlooked and it is given a positive perspective from the fishermen’s point
of view.
3. Briefly explain the similes and metaphors used in the stanza given below from the poem
‘Coromandel Fishers’.
“Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light,
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night.
Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and set our catamarans free,
To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are the kings of the sea.”
1 Why did Sherlock Holmes feel that Helen Stoner was hiding something from him? What was
it that she was hiding?
2 What motive did Dr. Roylott have for committing the crime?
3 Expalin the following phrases with reference to context
a. Dissolute and wasteful disposition. b. Blanched with terror
c. Dreadful vigil d. Knock you up
1 What do you think Sherlock holmes meant when he said ,’’it is likely to weigh very heavily
upon my conscience?
2 Under what circumstances did Dr.Roylott return to India? How did he stablish himself at Stoke
3. In what state did Sherlock Holmes see Helen Stoner for the first time?
4 Give the character sketch of Sherlock Holmes..

Writing Assignment
Paragraph Writing
Q1. Write a paragraph on the benefits of morning walk.
Q2. Write a paragraph on a visit to a historical monument.
Q3. Write a paragraph explaining the best assembly conducted in school ever. Give complete
details about it.
Q4. Write a paragraph on ‘What if book came to life?’
Q5. Write a paragraph on your idea on the best weekend you ever had.

Picture Composition
Q1. Observe the given picture carefully and draft a paragraph on your observation.

Q2. Observe the given picture. Describe the event taking place and compose a paragraph on it.

Q3. Given below is a scene of a circus. Draft a picture composition describing it.

Q4. Given below is a picture of a picnic scene. Compose a paragraph on it.

Q5. Given below is a picture depicting serious environmental concern. Draft a composition on
causes shown in the picture. Also reflect your views to cure it.


Q1. Write diary entry on the social service activity conducted by your school for helping the
unprivileged children with books and clothes. Share your experience.

Q2. Draft a diary entry on the fight you had with your best friend.

Q3. You are going to appear the first time in half yearly exam of Grade 6. Explain your emotions
and also your strategies formulated by you to outshine in exams. Record it all in your diary.

Q4. Write a diary entry on the most memorable day of your life.

Q5 Draft a diary entry on how you organised a surprise anniversary party for your parents. Do
state all the preparations done and their reaction to it.


Q1. You are Karanbir of Sarv Bharti School of Chandigarh. While playing in the ground, you lost
your English book. Draft a notice giving all necessary details.

Q2. You are Prisha, the Head Girl of The Millennium School. You have organised a Best Out of
Waste Competition. Draft a notice informing students about the same. Invent all necessary

Q3. Very soon your school is going to be the centre of CBSE Examinations. You have observed that
students of Junior Wing visit the corridor of the Examination Hall and make all the unneces-
sary noises. You are Yuvan, the Head Boy of Sunrise Public School, Delhi. Draft a notice
warning such students. Do state the consequence of violation of rules.

Q4. You are Saanvi / Saransh, the Head Girl / Head Boy of St. Stephen School, Ludhiana. Draft a
notice informing the students about the trip being organised to Jaipur. Draft all necessary

Q5. As Principal of Tagore Public School, Noida, draft a notice on the change ¡n school timings
for teachers and students with effect from 1st October.

Formal Letter
· Write an application to your Principal requesting him to grant leave for a few days. Also
mention reason/reasons. You are Kamal/Kamala
· Write a Letter to the Principal of your school expressing your interest in joining the NCC wing
of school.
· Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to remit your fine. You are
a student of Vivekananda Public School, Greater Noida and your name is Vimal/ Vimla

Story Writing

· On the basis of the given outline develop a readable story

An old farmer……….seriously ill…………near death………….four sons……………………all lazy

…………………..farmer worried about their future…………..thinks a plan…………….tell them there is a
treasure hidden in the fields………………..saying this he dies………..the sons go to the field
……………dig the soil……find no treasure………..but the soil gets fertile…………………rich
crop………………..sons understand father’s plan…………………realise their folly.

Moral ……………………………………….

· A king worried……………….his people lazy………wants to teach them a lesson……………puts a big

stone in the middle of the road………..people pass and go round it cursing the stone…………….the
king removes the stone one day………………..under it an iron box containing
money……………….people feel ashamed.


· Write a letter to your mother describing about your daily routine
· Write a letter to your elder sister on her birthday. She is away from home preparing for
medical entrance exam
· Write a letter to your friend, describing the Annual Prize- giving Function of your school.
· Write a letter to your father requesting him to buy you a cycle.


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