Infinity Story Maui Olvis

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Love begins in a moment, grows overtime, and lasts for eternity.

Though love is pure, can it be

vicious? An affection that started rotten yet enticing. This is a story of eternal life that shows
eternal love between a vampire and an ordinary lady.

In the world of mortals there resides a very beautiful lady. She is Maui Rios. She graduated
Summa Cum Laude of BA Political Science at Oxford University, London, England. She also
studied BA Laws in the same school with the highest honour. She is deemed to be the world’s
Queen of Confidence. She does everything that she can just to hit her dreams. After her long
odds in studying, she travels to Paris, France to see the Eiffel Tower and she went to Le Louvre
Museum to see treasures of history where she meets the mysterious Russ Munoz.
Russ: “Have a lovely night to you my beautiful lady” blinking his eyes and kisses her hand and
bow down to her.
Maui: “Thank you.” “Have a lovely night to you also” smiles and her heart beats so fast that she
can’t explain.
Maui looked at his eyes, beautiful, mesmerizing. Not human. There was a dark aura about him, a
hint of caged power in that deceptive casual, sprawled poise. Danger personified.
Russ: “I am Russ Munoz, here for you.”
Maui: “I am Maui Rios, happy to see you” “You’re so damn romantic huh.”
Russ: “Do you find me romantic?” with a victorious smile. You know darlin’, you’re so damned
feisty. And believe me, I like that in a lady.
They bond along the museum and get acquainted with each other. They’re full of affection,
seems that they’ve known each other for a long time. They discussed a lot of matters about their
lives and become comfortable with each other.
Russ: “You don’t have a hot date, do you? With an appealing smile.
Maui: “Thank you.” and smiled back at him.
Maui stayed at a luxurious hotel in Paris and maybe they really are destined to be with each other
because Russ is also staying there. It gives them the time to be with each other and become so
close, leaving no gaps that no one has the guts to fill in. Russ does everything that pleases Maui.
Russ: “Maui, I don’t know how to say it to you because I’m afraid to lose you. I really wanted to
be with you and only with you eternally.”
Maui didn’t say a word and just stared at Russ.
Russ: “It doesn’t matter if you can’t say it right now. I’ll say it for the both of us. And someday
you’ll learn. “I Love You Maui, my Lady. Since the moment we’ve met, I’ve felt such intense
affection I couldn’t explain. A strange feeling I’ve ever felt for the first time. Now that feeling is
going on so so bad. I couldn’t take on not telling you about it because I want you so badly. I
want you so badly to be with me. I’ve been trying to take things slowly because I didn’t want to
scare you with the intensity of how I feel.” “Believe this,” he whispered, and kissed her with the
sharp, sleek kiss, so swift and true. And razor sharp, and her warmth was flowing into him.
Russ’ mind registered what the rest of him already knew. He was insane to Maui, and he’d do
anything to be with her, anything to protect her. She’d become his world. How it happened, he
didn’t know, but it had. Until such time that Russ cannot bare lying to Maui anymore his real
identity. He should now be true to her as it is needed. He has to tell her everything so to protect
her from the massive vampire attack plan of his kind. He cried because he knew that once Maui
knows all about him, she will surely leave him and go mad at him for the rest of her life. He
don’t want that to happen. She loved Maui so much and has to protect her, even sacrificing his
own feelings. He loves Maui so much more than his life.
Russ: “You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and
you will never die”
Maui: “Huh? What are so saying, what do you mean?
Russ: “If you know what I was, Maui, you would not like me either.”
Maui: “But why? I don’t understand.”
Russ: “I am neither good, nor bad. I am a man, I am a vampire”
Maui: “You’re kidding me huh!”
Russ: “I am a vampire, and that is the truth.
There then, a massive number of vampires attacking the city of Paris and Russ quickly drawing
Maui near to him and bring her to a safe place where his kind couldn’t follow them.
Maui: “How’d you get to be so good at lying to me?” “You had this all planned, didn’t you? She
accused. “Are you going to hurt me?” she raised her voice this time. She ran away from him.
Russ: “Why are you running? I wasn’t going to hurt you. And that’s what I’ll never do.
Maui: “Never do? What do you think you’re doing to me. Since the moment I know you, I think
it’s all true. But I’m wrong, every single word that you utter is a lie. And you can’t change that.
Russ: “Do I feel ancient to you now?” he murmured “Too different from the person you loved
before you knew this?”
She touched something deep in his soul. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but the thought of
hurting her made his chest ache.
Maui: “Stay away from me. I couldn’t bear seeing you for the rest of my life. I would rather be
mortal than being immortal with a liar and be with a man of danger.”
Russ: “But are my needs anymore shocking than the needs of any other animals and men? Are
my deeds more outrageous than the deeds of the parent who drained the spirit from his child? I
may foster quickened heartbeats and levitated hair. But am I worse than the parent who gave to
society a neurotic child who became a politician? Am I worse than the manufacturer who set up
belated foundations with the money he made by handing bombs and guns to suicidal
nationalists? Am I worse than the distiller who gave bastardized grain juice to stultify further the
brains of those, who sober, were incapable of progressive thought? Am I worse, then, than the
publisher who filled ubiquitous racks with lust and death wishes?
Maui: “Stop!” she cries. Why do you have to be so gorgeous? Why do you have to stand so
close? And why did I still love you so much?
Russ: “Maui, I love you. I’ve found everything I’ve ever needed and wanted with you. I’m
nothing without you. I would rather die than live without you. I would die same way people dies.
I can’t bear you to look at me the way you did it now. I cannot bear it if you do not love me
anymore.” he cries so desperately.
Maui: “Please let me go!”
Russ: “Would you want to live without me? As a vampire, I must accept that every person I ever
know will die, and I am the only constant in my life, the only person I can and should rely on.
I’m sorry but No! I’m not letting you go, Maui,” he murmured before brushing his lips over hers.
“I’ll stay with you.” “Please forgive me. I won’t lie to you anymore. You’re scared? I’m faster
than the rest of them. If you get in trouble, I’ll be there. I will never leave you and I will always,
always protect you. Even if it means fighting against my kind. You will always be my first
priority. I’m very sorry for not letting you know my true identity. It’s just I’m afraid to tell you
the truth because I know that you’ll be scared and maybe you will not give me a chance to know
you and be with you.” He knelt down at her and cries soulfully.
Maui: “But you’re a vampire and you bring menace to the realm.”
Russ: “Maui, believe in me, I’ll save you.”
Maui: “Would you dare to fight against your kind to protect me?
Russ: “I know it’s not easy because I have live with them all my life, but Yes, I will dare for it. I
will fight against them when I needed to, as a way of protecting you, just making you believe
that I am sincere with you. The safest place you could be is beside me.”
Maui looked at him in an eye
Maui “I still love you. I will always love you, and that is all that matters, I will forgive you
anything, and I will forgive you for this. I forgave you, I don’t know, I can’t resist on you. I will
always love you, Russ. I know it is hard but I love you.
Russ: “Thank you, Maui. Thank you my ever beautiful Queen.”
Maui: “I made a choice because it is one I can live with.”
Russ: “You wouldn’t regret this, I swear you wouldn’t.
Maui: “I could fall in love with you and have no regrets… I want you so bad. You’ll never know
how much and you’ll never know why.”
Russ: “Would you dare to walk with the beast on the dark side of the moon? And what about us?
Do you want a vampire boyfriend?” he laughed bitterly. “Because I foresee many romantic
picnics in our future. You drinking a virgin pina colada. Me, drinking the blood of a virgin.”
Maui: “Yes. As it is with you.”
Russ kissed her and hugged her so firm that she couldn’t be able to move. Russ is so happy that
Maui accepted him back and gave him another chance. He is so sure to do everything and be
brave enough to do anything that Maui pleases to. He drives her to the hotel where both of them
are staying. Russ asks Maui to have a dinner.And there they go.
Russ: “Can I let my parents know about you, about us? I want to introduce you to them. I want
them to know my future Queen.
Maui: “But I’m scared. May be they won’t like me because I’m not like you and they’ll think
that I’ll be a threat to your security.”
Russ: “Trust me. Don’t be scared. I am here for you. No one’s gonna hurt you. I know you’re
scared, Maui, but sweetheart… You haven’t seen anything yet. You’ve not known true fear…
They went to a place where Russ’ family are there. Seems that it is an acquaintance party. His
mother, Queen Nezera Munoz, his father, King Devin Munoz, his brother, Marco Munoz, his
younger sister, Zhara Munoz, and with their closest relatives and friends.
Russ’ brother, Marco, developed an affection towards Maui the first time he saw her. He asks to
talk to her in the garden and offered her a drink.
Marco: “Often I’ve wondered what it would feel like to be him,” he whispered softly. “To feel
the warmth of your skin under my cold hand or your hot breath on my lips. These days have been
torment on my curiosity.” he kissed Maui forcefully.
Maui seems so shocked of what he has done and draw him away from her, but he held her her
closer to him with such force. Maui is doing all that she can to resist but she can’t. Then Russ
came and saw what happened, with a great anger, he hit Marco on the face. The two brothers
fight against each other.
Maui: “Stop!” she screamed. “Don’t hurt each other.” “Sorry.”
Russ faced her and gave her a serious look. And faced back to Marco again this time deadly
serious, in his mind lies lots of questions to his brother. He is trying to figure out him and what
lies with that kiss.
Russ: “Why say sorry? Don’t you ever say sorry for the wrong things you haven’t done. Let the
person who committed it will do and should do.”
Russ faced Marco with such disappointment and hatred.
Russ: “I’m not done with you yet. Prepare for your punishment!”
All of their kinds who are present in the party knows what had happened and got to the place
immediately. And Marco expresses everything that he feels.
Russ: “I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count,
and even staked. None of those held a candle to the pain I felt as seeing his mouth on hers. The
very thought of him coming so close to tasting her makes me want to split his head in two. She is
my life, my everything. With her, and only with her, the dead in me is alive. Nothing would keep
me from loving her. She is everything I wanted. She is mine. I knew myself well enough that
once she will be gone, I wouldn’t last regardless. My heart would simply stop beating without
her. I always, always got to be the last man standing. I have been so long master. I don’t care
even fighting against my own blood for her. Now she has to decide who she would be, Night or
Day, Human or Vampire.
Marco: “You are weak with love for her, brother.” In a jealous tone.
Russ: “You’re a candy to her. Something sweet but nonessential.
Then they started to fight against each other again but was stopped by the command of their
King Devin: “This club is for members only. But once you join, membership lasts for eternity. I
hope you enjoyed your visit. You never know. You may want to join forever.”
Queen Nezera: “Marco’s power sings to your blood. I witnessed your reaction to him just now.
He’ll be a King in a few years… And you’ll be his Queen.”
Zhara: “He’s waiting for you young Queen.”
Maui: “What’s it like to live forever?”
Russ: “It’s great because you can do what you want to do for eternity. You are boundless.
Especially when you’re with me.”
Russ: “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his.
Russ: “Until the end of time, I will love you. You are the moon in my endless night. I have never
abandoned this world, and I will never leave you, either. I will bathe in your warmth my love.
Roll you around me until my heart beats only for you. My breath will grow warm from your kiss.
I can stay with you always. We can know each others bodies in every way, night after night. I
could love you. I could work, you would not be poor. I would help you. In my very very long
life, I need you more than I have ever needed anything.” he presented a wedding ring.
Maui accepted his marriage proposal and wholeheartedly gave her hand to him.
Maui: “With all my heart, you will be my man. Forever.”
It is Marco’s time to take what he wanted. And what he wanted was her.
Russ: “I love you! he bellowed at her.
Maui: “I love you too Russ, my King. Meeting you was a Fate, Becoming your Friend was a
Choice, but Falling in Love with you was beyond my control.
Russ: “Now let’s defend what is ours, my partner. You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I
are one forever. I am yours. Whatever you ask of me, it is done. I know the plans I have for you,
and they’re all about you and me and our future fruits. You will be my Queen.”
Maui: “Thank you.”
Russ: “Don’t stare too much on me. Handsome vampires are addictive.”
Maui: “And you’re absolutely breathtaking.”
He was breathtaking. There was simply no other way to describe him. Her eyes started with his
long, black hair before slowly perusing every inch of him. He was dressed in a white shirt and
black vest with pants that hugged every inch of his muscular legs.
Russ: “That’s pretty hot.”
Russ was staring at her intently. It was as though he were trying to speak to her with simply the
power of a glare.
Then her lips were on him and he lost himself, overwhelmed by the surge of Maui’s emotions
as they flooded through him. He kissed her back wanting to forget his fear of being discovered of
putting her in danger and focus only on how good it felt being in his arms. She used to place her
pretty arms about his neck, draw him to her. And laying her cheek to his and whispered “I love
you Russ forever.’’
Russ: “Ever since I drank your blood, my head has been crazy… I won’t lie. The connection
gives me a lot of power over you. I could read your thoughts and speak to you wherever I am,
even several miles away.”
He lowered his head until his lips hovered centimetres above hers. This is the moment he craved.
This heated moment, each of them lingering, waiting, wanting. He loved the excitement of the
build-up almost as much as the conquest itself. As he’d told her many times, “the greater the
anticipation, the sweeter the reward.”
His hand went to her flat stomach. His fingers sank in the soft white flesh around her waist. “One
day her belly would be full of my children and her mind would only be focused on me.”
It was incredible. It was like he was fucking her with his eyes, his teeth, and his cock. She was
triply screwed. He stroked her hair gently as he kissed her lips chastely.
Russ’ arms wrapped around her waist from behind and he kissed her neck again, closer to the
wound this time, her pulse accelerated. She wanted him to bite her, she wanted to be his.

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