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Test essentials CAE Use of English

Test 1

Part 1

Range from … to vs vary vs modify Our sensitivity to stimuli ____ over the course of the day.

To be ____ convinced a. firmly b. steadily c. highly

Pay the ____ for ignoring our natural rhythms. A. price b. fine c. fee d. cost

Part 2

Collide / collision with

Part 3

Credible, majesty-ic, benefit,

Part 4

If you happen to be …

No sooner … than

Adjective + though + it may be

Test 2

Part 1

To make out something = to distinguish Vs make through, make up, make for

Train and error (trial and ____)

Part 2

It ____ be (may)

Apart from

As far as

Provide/supply an insight into

As though / as if

Part 3

Variable – invariable

Dispute – undisputed, indisputable

Origin – originate
Conclude - inconclusive

Part 4

Come up with

Do up

Have something done / get something done

To be on the point of

Test 3

Part 1

Glance at something


To account for / to record the last sighting of / to mark a historic moment

Decline in number, ladybug’s decline, vs recession, a drop in, a letdown = disappointment

To sign up for the army, organisation = to enlist, to draw up a car / contract, bring up, meet up

Play the part

Part 2

Indulge in

A spot of – a small amount of

On the whole

Such articles as these

Part 3

Suit – suitable – unsuitable

Grow growth


Sophisticated – sophistication

Part 4

No matter how + adjective + subject + verb

Active -> passive: They do it well. It seems to be done well.

Accuse somebody of doing something

To place the blame on

To take back what he said

Test 4

Part 1

A wide range of (not a wide scope of), on a large scale of pl noun + sg verb

Dispose of something, to discard something, to dump sth/sm, to dispense with

Do smth as a matter of course = as a habit

To occur to sm = to strike sm as sth

To be inconvenienced to do sth

Part 2

According to

In addition to


On their own

Part 3

Concept, conception, misconception

Compare, comparison, comparable, incomparable

Fatality, fatal

Solitary, solitude

Caution, precaution, cautious

Part 4

Insist on (us,our) doing sth

Had it not been for / were it not for

Test 5

Part 1

Whenever disaster strikes

On occasion, in a moment, in a situation

To risk life and limb for someone

A host of things – group, a range of, a scope of, a scale of

Owe someone a huge debt

To be of vital importance


Part 2

After having done/parked

What’s the weather like vs How’s the weather

Part 3

Conceive, conceivable

Respect – disrespect, respectful – disrespectful

Influence – influential

Credit – discredit

Corporate – incorporate

Proof, prove, disprove

Part 4

To be on good terms with

To put together = to assemble

To have something done – negative

Test 6

Part 1

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