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The difference between childrearing now versus 100 years ago

In present time there are lenient parents as well as strict parents. Both of them
have advantages and disadvantages. Kids who have lenient parents are either
spoiled or have a very open and frank relationship with their parents. While kids
who have strict parents are usually well behaved but they don’t usually have
open relationship with their parents and rather share their feelings with their
friends. Today the bond between parents and children is not very strong as they
spend very less time with their family. They spend more time with their friends
or with their mobiles and computers.
Many parents think that only whipping is the only way of raising well behaved
kids. As we read in the story Mrs. Spears told that her husband used whipping
to make her sons disciplined and because of that her kids are well behaved so
she gave the same advice to Mrs. Bendall. She told her that in order to make
dicky a well behaved kid she should ask her husband to give him whipping so
that he stays well behaved. I honestly believe that whipping has more
disadvantages than advantages. Sure, it might discipline a kid temporarily but
what about after that? It’s almost like a kid becomes immune to it. Obviously I
think child abuse is one of the most absurd ways to raise a child. Many parents
use grounding as a way of punishment for their bad behavior. Confiscating their
electronic devices or limiting their use is also a good way to keep your kids
If we talk about how children were raised a hundred years ago then it wouldn’t
be wrong to say that kids were more disciplined. With nothing being done
automatically like today, kids would help their parents with housework. The
older siblings would go to work to earn bread for family and the younger
siblings would help with chores like cleaning, washing and dusting. It was
obviously was a simpler time.
Nowadays, parents arrange playdates for their children to make friends while a
hundred years ago kids would make friends with anyone they play with outside
their home. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that a hundred years age parents
weren’t so concerned about their children’s safety as it was a safer time.
Whereas now, safety of children is one of the biggest concerns.
When I was a child my parents were not so lenient with me. They felt like they
had to keep a track of everything I do despite me being able to take myself
home safely. Mobiles were not that in so as far as electronics were concerned I
could watch TV only. My parents would give me only an hour to watch TV and
would make sure that I spend most of my time studying and getting enough
sleep. Which I honestly believe turned out to be in my favor.
So in my opinion, making sure your kid gets limited time with electronics and a
good schedule can help keep children disciplined and out of trouble.

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