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Namaskara….Good evening everyone………….

It’s my proud privilege to welcome the family of Rotary

Bangalore Udyog for this 22nd Installation ceremony of
President, office bearers and Board of Directors .

On behalf of Rotary Bangalore Udyog Here, I take

pleasure, in welcoming Change Maker's Honourable
District Governor Rtn. Fazal Mohammed & first lady Ann.
Sahiba who will be addressing us through Zoom, and also
would like to welcome our immediate past District
Governor Rtn. Nagendra Prasad, District Governor Elect
Rtn. Jeethendra aneja & Ann. Sunandha, the Change
Maker's District Trainer & Mentor Past Dist governor
Flight Lt. Rtn K.P. Nagesh, Past Dist. Govornor
Rtn.------------- and Galaxies of Past district Governor’s.

I would like to extend a Warm welcome to Zonal governor

Rtn Ruckmatha,Dist Secretary Rtn Harini Ravindra, Asst
governor Rtn Mayank Kaushik,Sky Rockers, change
Maker's co-presidents and all the District Officers.

Also Its my pleasure to welcome Charter President Dr

Rudresh, Past Presidents and members of Udyog,
Innerwheel president first lady Gayatri and Udyog inner
wheel members, Ann’’s, Annet’s , invited Guests ,
friends , ladies and gentleman.

Its Always an exciting day for our club when we have a

new president taking over the reins.

Rtn Surendra Rao & Rtn. Panchanathan – it has been a

pleasure working with you, and I always look forward to
our meetings. You are both going to be strong president &
Secretary, and our club is lucky to have you.

Before ending my welcome address i would like to thank

all the members, past presidents of Udyog , My Skyrockers
leadership team – I wish I had the time to thank each of
my committee chairs individually. Many of you helped me
tremendously, and I truly thank you for that.

And Of course my Wife Anitha Shekar for all your support

Dear Rotarians, It was my true honor serving this

prestigious club as President last year and it has changed
my life entirely, and I am forever grateful to you and to
Rotary for giving me this opportunity. Thank you.

Once again, I welcome one and all, have a great evening.

Thank you.

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