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In the last three decades, the field of robotics has widened its range of applications, due to recent
developments in the major domains of robotics like kinematics, dynamics and control, which
leads to the sudden growth of robotic applications in areas such as manufacturing, medical
surgeries, defense, space vehicles, under-water explorations.

A robot manipulator can be considered as an open loop articulated chain by means of numerous
linkages connected in series by either revolute or prismatic joints driven by various actuators.
One of the end serial chain manipulator is linked to a fixed base whereas the other end is
unrestricted and attached through an end-effector to operate entities or execute given operations.
The relative motion of the joints outcomes in the motion of links that positions the end-effector
in a preferred direction. In robotic uses, it is required to give the spatial explanation of the end-
effector of the manipulator concerning a static frame. Out of listed applications, except first, all
other applications are advanced applications of robotics. This is primarily because of relatively
complex mechanical structure of these manipulators. Based on the mechanical structure, robotic
manipulators can be classified as shown in Fig. 1. To use robotic manipulators in real-life
applications, the first step is to obtain the accurate kinematic model. Kinematic problems are of
two different forms, they can be stated as forward kinematics and inverse kinematics. Forward
kinematics for a manipulator is given by the joint angle and the geometric link constraints,
finding the position and alignment of the end effector of the manipulator with respect to a
reference coordinate frame.

Reviewed Researches

There are many published papers regarding the kinematic of Robotic manipulators. After reading
many published papers regarding modeling approaches to the kinematic of robotic manipulator,
it has been found to the most related and recent published papers. The published reference where
done with numerically and analytically separately. Among many referenced publication
regarding kinematic modeling of robotic manipulators, depending on their publication years and
relation with the give title some of them are listed below.
1). An improved approach to the solution of inverse kinematics problems for robot
manipulators, Bekir Karlik*, Serkan Aydin by Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 13 (2000).

2). Comparison between the Denavit–Hartenberg and the screw-based methods used in
kinematic modeling of robot manipulators, C.R. Rocha , C.P. Tonetto, A. Dias by Robotics
and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27(2011).

3). Hybrid Approach for Modeling and Solving of Kinematics of Compact Bionic Handling
Assistant Manipulator, Othman Lakhal, Achille Melingui, and Rochdi Merzouki by
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering
Department of Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique, the University of Yaoundé, 2015

4). New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm
(Denso VP6242), Ahmed R. J. Almusawi, L. Canan Dülger, and Sadettin Kapucu by
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2016

5). Kinematic Modeling of Robotic Manipulators, Amanpreet Singh , Ashish Singla by The
National Academy of Sciences, India 2016

1). An improved approach to the solution of inverse kinematics problems for robot
manipulators: In this work, the solution of the kinematics of a six degrees-of-freedom robot
manipulator is implemented by using ANN. Work has been undertaken to end the best ANN
configurations for this problem. Both the placement and orientation angles of a robot
manipulator are used to ®n the inverse kinematics solutions.

2). The Denavit–Hartenberg approach and the screw-based methods used in kinematic
modeling of robot manipulators: This paper aims to integrate didactically some engineering
concepts to understand and teach the screw-based methods applied to the kinematic modeling of
robot manipulators, including a comparative analysis between these and the Denavit–
Hartenberg-based methods. In robot analysis, kinematics is a fundamental concept to understand,
since most robotic mechanisms are essentially designed for motion. The kinematic modeling of a
robot manipulator describes the relationship between the links and joints that compose its
kinematic chain. The successive screw displacements method is an alternative representation to
this classic approach. Although it uses a non-minimal parameter representation, this screw-based
method has some advantages over Denavit– Hartenberg. Both methods are here presented and
compared, concerning direct/inverse kinematics of manipulators.

3). Hybrid Approach for Modeling and Solving of Kinematics of Compact Bionic Handling
Assistant (CBHA) Manipulator: The kinematic models of the CBHA are derived from the
Inverse Kinematic Equations (IKE) of each inter-vertebra. A qualitative approach based on
neural networks is used to provide approximated solutions of the IKE for real-time
implementation. Thus, the combination of the advantages of quantitative and qualitative
approaches allows proposing a hybrid methodology for accurate modeling and solving the
kinematics of this class of continuum robots. A set of experiments are conducted using a CBHA
in order evaluate the level of efficiency of the proposed hybrid approach.

4). New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm
(Denso VP6242):

In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The
comprehensive experimental results proved the applicability and the efficiency of the proposed
approach in robotic motion control. The inclusion of current configuration of joint angles in
ANN significantly increased the accuracy of ANN estimation of the joint angles output. The new
controller design has advantages over the existing techniques for minimizing the position error in
unconventional tasks and increasing the accuracy of ANN in estimation of robot’s joint angles.

5). Kinematic Modeling of Robotic Manipulators: This paper presents the comparative study of
different kinematic modeling techniques in terms of complexity, applicability of the method to a
particular class of robots and number of parameters or variables required to define the robot.
Determination of the correct kinematic parameters, required to develop accurate kinematic
models, using different methods has been demonstrated by considering the case study of a five
degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) articulated manipulator. Moreover, a seven-DOF manipulator is
considered to highlight and address the inconsistencies of popular methods, while dealing with
spatial hybrid manipulators. The author is investigate the kinematic study of robotic
manipulators with a variety of modeling techniques (approach), which are evolved.
Kinematics Analysis

The kinematics of serial manipulator describe the relationship between the joint angles and the
position and orientation of its end effector. The kinematics of robot is required in trajectory
generation and motion control. The transformation matrices have been used for control. The
robotic system is the Denso robot with 6 revolute joints. The kinematics analysis is done after
system coordinate frame has been performed, the coordinates 𝑂0, 𝑥0, 𝑦0, 𝑧0 are fixed to the base
which is the base frame. The other coordinate frames are attached to the corresponding links

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