Pse Assignment

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1 Cwott umng 260Mev

1) ind t h umbet oissions to pmduc

pes tission.


Enerar rceleased in 1 nuclear ston 200 Me V

2r0 Xto x 6 X10joule
2X10 jocute
POwer = enarg tm - 1 sec
for h er ion
82x12 12
Power JDule 22X10 watt

fo'n fssion
nx (Power fo tesdon)
POwe =

nx (32xlo uwatt)
1 w a tuwodt
3125 Xlo
n '/32x1
)n= -125 X 16 no. fcs ion to produ
watt in see. ('an)


fssion of rams of u per cday

Find the pecwesc p duad b
- 205 Hs molL of atoms. ie b.02 xl toma .

835 qram d

Cwill have 29
of U -235 * 6.02.X10
ram 285
22 no. o1 aTOMs.
1297 X 10

ket the ener eleas a durcnq each U-235 fission rea ct on

fs 200 MeV.
hotion of 247 X 10 Aom
Energ teteaUrd by tha

2 0 1 x 122
6 x 2 00 = 54t-X 2:S q x lo* ey

3.54 x 10x1o° x1GXIo ovdkt f oule

.078 X1 oRoT i o u l e

day ( G usO sec)


. pocuer forr tme

ener/ me 4 07 X10
y-71 xl0 walt

y-72X 10 wat t

power tor tision of 5qd U per day U720


of coal Cortainin he same enci

) Cal Culatr vrauum.

esin Kg 235
trem Ftsston od U a0OMev
30D MeV
aven enei
db pU U
25.64 x 1o20
actomu in 1ram
calohc valu dt cwal 6 000 K Cal /Ka
,235 uranium is 0.77
contenl in nadwal

eston RHeiency 0
o.234 ca.

conlent in nelural uranium s 0-7.

Anmoun1 of u0 in Kg or l0o0g natural vvan um

s 000 X 07

Nou we have to find energ iesed i'n fisston di 7gd

936 c u2 haS 6 02xId no d atons

7 nas x o.0axlo 17q.319 Xto

1 8 x10 n0. df atoms

fs ton of atom of th235 v e aco Mev

F's ton c 16x6" atom of u22 gn cwill geve
g0 xt 8 10 x to °x 1:6xlo
5 76 x10 ou

' F c Uon ot 1 Kg of nau rcal vani um twil give

7 6 xlox D.5 = 2ge x 10" joule.
(ethi uency)

NOW OOO K Cal 6oudx Io'x1

0.239 Joule
K of Coap roduce- 0.239

251 x10 joulde

of coc
2.5Ixlo7 ole eny I q or loodg

8sx to oue enesay :98 XiOx 1Kg

o Coa
I47 x1O
in a 235 M1W PWR
&-5) Find th tuep used in one year
Load factore
oad tactor
and 166
AS uma overal e ftiaency d 8
thuroughout the year.
225 X 760
30586 CO Wh
aACDe 1dtal aner oulput
alt se
744.0 16 Xj0

xio? 13
Ene inpuut 741 0qo
R45.75 x10 coat sec
No. ef fision kqurucl fore tuctt-Sec 31
xlo' 23
Total No. f tssions raqurao au5 7S X 2LxIo= . 6961.825 x16
No. d aetiens in qm d u 5

CToms 2.sC3 xto

Puel roqw red n ong yease =6961:825X LO

a 5C x toa

a71-x10 ram

B6) Des crube tha Complexit of

operation of haavr wau
Toaetdr and Thwrr turt Pspeecs
houvy wadc eacAott s a
nucleast Aoetort
wu iavy water wactore thad
a s esolast and
modercaore. nutron
HWR 4sequendur uie natusa
somebime ao ver enuchad waiwn
hauuUn a
ai fua, but
fua, bu
hhaavy wadur cooiant is
rea ctor cos tubes pumped
Pumped thrtough t
nn oo

ct8 sed
sed 1vp.
m a tubes contan ful bunales to peck up heal genoroted frr
tha nuclrac herion taking Place 10the Cr. h iu
waderc coolant 1p pares throucth i2em oatt heas
th htat from the h i a oales holu ordino waler into
huch- potue team.
h heoy woderts now os0terc c i n cuiate d oacK to Tu
Meados a tho clasac- p coolin alo C0tn ue!
Ti nch preRUIT Slean thom the stearn qeuratorc ic Pipod
oudsi RacoY Coniauntment buildingr p o o e r t
Converh onal tuaoinei.hue tubin mre qenraorsONaratOrs to

poroduc Uectity hat e than dis1oibuto d to ho aid.

2qwp menY usec to

na (Th uclean meator s saparate roM thL

pmdui lectickty.
he steam eoninc Ot o th Toaroina qa Cenuidered bacK into
wader and pumped baah inb 1 61eca engats.

Scbmtte by,
Debas's ehuia
RN: 1&02030064
sec A
lect ical Fng

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