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At the end of the period, the students will be able to:
A. explain the nature of a charge;
B. demonstrate how objects can be discharged;
C. explain the importance of grounding in our everyday lives.


A. Concept: Electricity
B. Sub-concept: Electrical Charges
C. Materials: Tape, Oiled Plastic and Power Point Presentation



(Using a strong adhesive tape, I’m going to
bring the tape near the table.)

Is there any sign of interaction between the Yes. The tape is pulled in the table.
tape and the table? The tape is attracted with the table.

(Using a tape and a plastic with oil. I’m

going to bring the tape near the plastic with

Do you observe any interaction? Yes. The tape will tend to push the oiled
plastic away.
They tend to repel each other.

Have a student volunteer rub a balloon on a
piece of wool and then hold the balloon close
to their hair.

Why do you think that your hair stands up Electrons move from your hair to the
after rubbing it with a balloon? balloon, causing each of the hairs to have the
same positive charge. Since objects with the
same charge repel each other, the hairs try to
get as far from each other as possible. The
farthest they can get is by standing up and
away from the others.

Can you cite your own experiences of the Rubbing the comb into a piece of wool and
build-up or discharge of static electricity? then holding closer to pieces of papers.
Walking across the carpet and touching a
door knob.

Excellent. Okay class, fasten your seatbelt as

we travel to the world of electricity. Open
your mind, eyes and ears to capture and
focus, to learn and to enjoy the trip. Be
cautious along the way because there might
be questions needed to answer.

Based on your observation with regards to Electric Charges.
our activity, what do you think is our topic
for today?

Does your body consisted electric charges? Yes sir. Our body, like all matter, has electric
charges. Just like when we rub our feet on a
rug, we pick up more electric charges.

Remember that matter is made up of particles

that have mass and volume. And particles of
matter have a property of electric charge.

Whenever you hear the word electric charge, A basic property of electrons, protons and
what comes into your mind? other subatomic particles.

What are the different types of electric Positive charge and Negative charge.

Simply what we refer as protons and Electrons are negatively charged.

electrons. Can you differentiate the types of Protons are positively charged.
electric charges?

When I pulled the tape into the table what The tape has gained electrons.
happened to some electrons of the tape?

How about the some electrons of the table? The table has lost some electrons.

So, what happened to the charge of the tape It will become negatively charged.
when it has gained electrons?

How about the charge of the table when it It will become positively charged.
has lost some electrons?

How about when a charge has equal proton It will become neutrally charged.
and electron in its atom?

Is there any charges being created nor None.

destroyed between the table and the tape?

Why do you say so? Because according to the Law of

Conservation of Energy, charges cannot be
created nor destroyed, but can be transferred
from one material to another. The total
charge in a system must remain constant.

Ideally, the amount of charge lost by the

table is equal to the amount of charge gained
by the tape.

Based on this triboelectric, does the charge of It changes depended on the location of the
the material remain the same when paired up material it is paired up within the
with other material? triboelectric series.
What rule could be applied in determining If the material is located above the other
the charged of the materials? material in the triboelectric then it will lose
electrons thus it will positively charge. If the
material is located below the other material
in the triboelectric series it will gain electrons
thus it will be negatively charge.

In our first activity, what makes the table It is because of the invisible force between
attract the tape and what makes the oiled the objects.
plastic repelled the tape?

What do you call the force between them? Electric force.

The interactions between the charges are

summarized in the following law: That like
charges repel and unlike charges attract.

What law I am pertaining to? The law of electrostatic.

After bringing the tape into the oiled plastic, Lack of interactions ceased to occur.
what did you observed?

Why is it that the interactions between the It indicates that the electric force is gone. The
two are impossible? protons and electrons of the two objects are
in equal number. And that made the objects
become neutral.

The lack of interactions between the two

objects are said to be in discharged.

Who among you can define discharging? Discharging is the process of removing
excess charges on an object.

In our first activity, we experienced

discharging. Because of the presence of oil in
the plastic, the tape will no longer attract the
plastic and it lead into discharged.

How about when discharging is done by It is said to be in grounding state.

means of providing a path between the
charged object a ground?

Grounding is necessary in electrical devices

and equipment since it can prevent the build
of excess charges where it is not needed.

D1. Generalization
To sum up our discussion, lets watch this
short video.

D2. Application
Explain the importance of grounding in our It protects us against electrical overload.
everyday lives. Helps direct electricity.
Stabilizes voltage levels.
Prevents damage, injury and death.

Direction: Choose Read the questions
carefully and choose the best answer.(1pt.
1. What happen when two unlike charges are Ans. C
brought together? It will _______.
A. repel each other.
B. neutralize each other.
C. attract each other.
D. have no effect in each other.

2. What do you call when proton and electron Ans. A

is in equal number?
A. neutron
B. electron
C. proton
D. grounded

3. A material can be negatively charged by Ans. A

A. gaining electrons.
B. losing electrons
C. gaining protons.
D. losing protons.

4. If you comb your hair and the comb Ans. B

become positively charged, what will happen
to your hair.
A. remain uncharged.
B. become negatively charged.
C. become positively charged.
D. be repelled by the comb.

5. A law that states, like charges repel and Ans. A

unlike charges attract.
A. Electrostatic law
B. Coulomb’s law
C. Law of conservation of energy
D. both a and c

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a`1/4 sheet of paper.
To be passed tomorrow. (15pts.)
A. Follow-up Assignment
1. Write a paragraph regarding your most memorable experience in electricity.

B. Advanced Assignment
a. Topic: Charging processes
b. Guide Question:
1. What are the different charging processes?

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