Hong Test4 Task2 Book8

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One of the alarming issues today is the average weight of people is increasing and thier

level of health and fitness are decreasing. This situation may lead to detrimental outcome
to individuals and the society. Therefore, this eassay will explore various causes to this
problem and suggest some appropriate solutions.
It is undeniable that nowadays people are getting more and more lazy. This can result in
serious consequences. For example, when they come home from work they will have
microwaved dinner or fast food so that they do not prepare a meal or wash up after
dinner. Especially, fast food is the main cause of unhealthy living, your burgers or pizzas
tasted better than dishes of your mom cooked but all the calories are very high. Another
cause is that lack of exercise and use more sugar drinks, candies and chocolate contribute
to unhealthy lifestyle. This can be entail serious difficulties for society because heavy
consumption can lead to increase weight and decrease health.
In this situation, it is neccesary to take adequate actions to address these concern. One of
the steps is to do exercises. For example, exercise per day is at least 30 minutes, this
goals can easily achieved if people do not work far from home. Organize time with your
family to tale a walk outdoors and enjoy your life. Another possibility is to balance their
diet. Take for instance, eating more vegetables fruits. Eating less meat anf drink plenty of
water all the day.
To sum up, it is clear that the main causes of the average weight of people is increasing
and thier level of health and fitness are decreasing are fast food and lack of execises. The
various measures suggested in this eassay can be taken to improve the situation.

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