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City of Elmhurst Appointed Officials Application

Please complete the following. Attach resume.

Name Michael V. Scarsella Date 06/03/2021

Home Phone Business Phone

Cell Phone Email:

Length of residency in Elmhurst 11 years

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Finance Major), Marquette University, 2003

Employment (Firm and Position)

Columbus Vegetable Oils, Des Plaines, IL - Project Manager; Specialty Oils/Strategic Finance/Special Projects; August 2015 to Present

Other Civic Activities

Elmhurst YMCA Basketball Coach - 2019 to Present
Elmhurst AYSO Region 399 Coach - 2019 to 2020
Lincoln Dad's Club - 2016 to Present
Elmhurst Princisses - 2016 to Present
Elmhurst Youth Baseball - 2016 to 2017

Position Applied for: Ward 5 Alderman

Why are you interested in serving on this board or commission?

See Page 2 of this document

What skills would you bring to this position?

Business acumen; strong financial and analytical skills; ability to collaborate with others while working
towards a common goal; empathy; problem solver.

Please list any previous city positions you have held, if any

Applications will be considered for one year from the date of submittal. If openings become available, would
you object to consideration by the Mayor for an appointment to a different board of commission?
I would not object.

City of Elmhurst Appointed Officials Application - Page 2

Michael V. Scarsella
Application for Fifth Ward Aldermanic Seat

Why are you interested in serving on this board or commission?

I would like to serve as the 5th Ward Alderman because I care deeply for our Elmhurst
community, my professional experience lends itself to the workings of our City, and I offer a
unique perspective as a father of school-age children.

First and foremost, my wife and I care deeply for the Elmhurst community and we are grateful
for the opportunity to raise our family here. We have made a concerted effort to “think local.”
We’ve supported our local businesses and schools, as well as volunteered our time to a variety
of local organizations. My wife has been involved in District 205 and the Elmhurst Park District.
She was recently elected to the Elmhurst Park Board. Throughout the years, I’ve volunteered
my time to coach for AYSO soccer, EYB t-ball, and YMCA basketball. Additionally, I’m involved
with the Lincoln Dad’s Club and Elmhurst Princesses. These experiences have allowed me to
give back to the community while offering me differing viewpoints on our local community.

As we emerge from the pandemic, our City may be facing unique challenges. These challenges
will require some creative thinking and decisive actions on tough issues. My experience helping
run a large, family-owned enterprise would assist Elmhurst in navigating these issues,
specifically with financial and operational insights.

As an involved parent in the community, I offer a unique perspective that can bridge the gap
between more established Elmhurst residents and the younger families that are joining our
town. I would be honored to serve my neighbors in this role and look forward to hearing from

‌ ND‌O
I‌  ‌wear‌  ‌a ‌ ‌lot‌  ‌of‌  ‌hats.‌  ‌I ‌ ‌solve‌  ‌problems.‌  ‌I ‌‌have‌‌
  a ‌‌passion‌‌
executive‌  ‌that‌  ‌relies‌  ‌on‌  ‌his‌  ‌experience,‌  ‌education,‌  ‌and‌  ‌network‌  ‌to‌  ‌help‌  ‌a ‌ ‌fourth‌  ‌generation,‌ 
family-‌  ‌and‌  ‌woman-owned‌  ‌vegetable‌  ‌oil‌  ‌packer‌  ‌thoughtfully‌  ‌grow‌  ‌product‌  ‌sales‌  ‌volume‌  ‌and‌ 
gross‌p ‌ rofit‌m ‌ argin.‌‌    ‌


‌ -Commerce‌ ⌑‌E
‌ fficient‌O
‌ perations‌ ⌑‌S
‌ trategic‌P
‌ lanning‌  ‌
‌ upply‌C
‌ hain‌P
‌ lanning‌ ⌑‌C
‌ hange‌L ‌ eadership‌  ⌑‌M
‌ anagement‌  ‌
‌ inancial‌M
‌ odeling‌ ⌑‌C
‌ ommunication‌ ⌑‌C
‌ oaching‌& ‌ ‌M
‌ entoring‌ 


Columbus‌V ‌ egetable‌O
‌ ils‌,‌D
‌ es‌P‌ laines,‌I‌L‌‌
‌ anager,‌S
‌ pecialty‌O‌ ils/Strategic‌F‌ inance/Special‌P
‌ rojects‌-‌ ‌A
‌ ugust‌2
‌ 015‌t‌o‌P
‌ resent‌ 

In‌c‌ ollaboration‌w‌ ith,‌a ‌ nd‌a ‌ s‌a‌ ‌m

‌ ember‌o ‌ f,‌a
‌ ‌h
‌ igh-performing‌m ‌ anagement‌t‌eam,‌p ‌ lan‌a ‌ nd‌ 
execute‌m ‌ ultiple‌s‌ trategies‌t‌o‌e ‌ ffectively‌a ‌ nd‌e ‌ fficiently‌i‌ncrease‌r‌ evenue‌a ‌ nd‌p‌ rofits.‌K ‌ ey‌‌
responsibilities‌i‌nclude:‌‌    ‌
● Operation‌a ‌ nd‌M ‌ anagement‌o ‌ f‌t‌he‌S ‌ pecialty‌O ‌ ils‌d ‌ ivision‌(‌ Soaper’s‌C ‌ hoice‌b ‌ rand)‌a ‌ nd
‌ est‌C‌ oast‌p ‌ roduction,‌t‌ransloading,‌a ‌ nd‌d ‌ istribution‌f‌acility‌i‌n‌R ‌ eno,‌N ‌ V;‌ 
● Management‌o ‌ f‌1‌ 5‌d‌ irect‌r‌ eports‌a ‌ cross‌s‌ ales,‌p ‌ urchasing,‌a ‌ nd‌p‌ roduction‌r‌ oles‌i‌n‌t‌he
Des‌P‌ laines-based‌S ‌ pecialty‌O ‌ ils‌d ‌ ivision‌a ‌ nd‌R ‌ eno,‌N ‌ V-based‌p ‌ roduction‌f‌acility;‌ 
● Management‌C ‌ onsulting‌t‌o‌t‌he‌o ‌ wnership‌o ‌ n‌a ‌ ‌v‌ ariety‌o ‌ f‌t‌opics,‌m ‌ ostly‌c‌ entered‌a ‌ round
enhancing‌o ‌ ur‌p‌ osition‌i‌n‌t‌he‌m ‌ arketplace,‌p ‌ rotecting‌o ‌ ur‌c‌ ustomer-focused‌r‌ eputation,‌ 
and‌i‌mproving‌p ‌ rofit‌m ‌ argins;‌‌    ‌
● Managing‌l‌arge-scale‌s‌ pecial‌p ‌ rojects‌i‌ncluding‌g ‌ eographic‌e ‌ xpansions,‌r‌ eal‌e ‌ state
evaluations‌a ‌ nd‌a ‌ cquisitions,‌e ‌ Commerce‌i‌mprovements,‌a ‌ nd‌s‌ upply‌c‌ hain‌m ‌ anagement‌ 
and‌p‌ roduction‌e ‌ quipment‌i‌mprovements;‌‌    ‌
● Prototyping‌n ‌ ew‌p ‌ roducts‌– ‌ ‌c‌ omplementing‌t‌he‌e ‌ xisting‌p ‌ roduct‌l‌ine‌t‌o‌o ‌ ffer‌m‌ ore
choices‌f‌or‌o ‌ ur‌c‌ ustomers.‌ 

Commercial‌B ‌ anking‌V ‌ ice‌P ‌ resident,‌C ‌ hicago,‌I‌L‌  ‌

‌ ank‌-‌ ‌J‌ une‌2
‌ 003‌-‌ ‌A
‌ pril‌2‌ 011‌(‌ acquired‌b
‌ y‌B‌ ank‌o
‌ f‌A
‌ merica‌i‌n‌O
‌ ctober‌2
‌ 007)‌ 
‌ inancial‌B
‌ ank‌-‌ ‌A‌ pril‌2
‌ 011‌-‌ ‌J‌ uly‌2
‌ 015‌‌

Twelve-year‌c‌ areer‌i‌n‌c‌ ommercial‌b ‌ anking‌s‌ erving‌m‌ iddle‌m ‌ arket‌b‌ usinesses‌i‌n‌t‌he‌C

‌ hicago‌‌  
area‌w‌ ith‌e
‌ xpansion‌a ‌ nd‌s‌ tart-up‌f‌inancing,‌c‌ ash‌m ‌ anagement,‌c‌ urrency/interest‌r‌ ate‌h ‌ edging,‌‌ 
and‌w‌ ealth‌m‌ anagement‌s‌ ervices.‌C ‌ lient‌b
‌ ase‌i‌ncluded‌d‌ istributors,‌m ‌ anufacturers,‌a‌ nd‌s‌ ervice‌ 
companies‌i‌n‌t‌he‌f‌ood,‌h ‌ ealthcare,‌p ‌ ackaging,‌a ‌ nd‌m‌ etal‌f‌orming‌i‌ndustries.‌B ‌ road‌e
‌ xperience‌‌  
including‌s‌ yndicated‌f‌inancing‌a ‌ rrangements,‌a ‌ cquisition‌f‌inancing,‌s‌ pecialized‌l‌easing‌‌  
transactions,‌c‌ lient-centered‌i‌nterest‌r‌ ate‌h ‌ edging‌s‌ trategies,‌a‌ nd‌c‌ ross-border‌t‌rade‌a ‌ ctivities.‌‌
Graduate‌o ‌ f‌L
‌ aSalle‌B
‌ ank’s‌n ‌ ationally‌r‌ ecognized‌C ‌ ommercial‌B ‌ anking‌D ‌ evelopment‌P ‌ rogram‌‌  
‌ ummer‌2 ‌ 003,‌w
‌ hich‌i‌ncluded‌f‌ormal‌c‌ redit‌t‌raining,‌p ‌ roduct‌‌education,‌a ‌ nd‌B‌ ank‌‌
departmental‌r‌ otations.‌  ‌

‌ esume‌-‌ ‌P
‌ age‌1
‌  ‌
‌ niversity‌,‌M
‌ ilwaukee,‌W ‌ I‌  ‌
Undergraduate‌S‌ tudent‌-‌ ‌ A
‌ ugust‌1
‌ 999‌-‌ ‌M
‌ ay‌2
‌ 003‌ 

A‌F‌ inance‌m ‌ ajor‌i‌n‌M‌ arquette’s‌C ‌ ollege‌o ‌ f‌B

‌ usiness‌A ‌ dministration,‌m ‌ y‌u
‌ ndergraduate‌‌  
experience‌i‌ncluded‌t‌wo‌s‌ ummers‌a ‌ s‌a
‌ ‌c‌ onstruction‌l‌aborer,‌a ‌ n‌e
‌ nlightening,‌y‌ et‌i‌nformal,‌‌  
internship‌w ‌ ith‌t‌he‌U‌ niversity’s‌C ‌ omptroller’s‌O ‌ ffice,‌a‌ nd‌a‌ ‌s‌ alaried‌s‌ tudent‌l‌eadership‌p ‌ osition‌ 
‌ inancial‌O ‌ fficer‌o ‌ f‌t‌he‌M
‌ arquette‌U ‌ niversity‌S ‌ tudent‌G ‌ overnment.‌E ‌ xtracurricular‌‌  
activities‌c‌ onsisted‌o ‌ f‌a
‌ ‌v‌ ariety‌o
‌ f‌s‌ ervice-oriented‌a ‌ ctivities,‌s‌ uch‌a ‌ s‌H‌ unger‌C‌ lean‌U‌ p‌a‌ nd‌‌ 
Habitat‌f‌or‌H ‌ umanity,‌a ‌ nd‌f‌our‌I‌ntramural‌S ‌ oftball‌c‌ hampionships.‌‌    ‌


● Elmhurst‌Y ‌ MCA‌B ‌ asketball‌C ‌ oach‌-‌ ‌2

‌ 019‌t‌o‌p ‌ resent
● Elmhurst‌A ‌ YSO‌R ‌ egion‌3‌ 99‌S ‌ occer‌C ‌ oach‌-‌ ‌2‌ 019‌t‌o‌2 ‌ 020
● Lincoln‌E‌ lementary‌S ‌ chool‌D ‌ ad’s‌C ‌ lub‌-‌ ‌2
‌ 016‌t‌o‌P‌ resent
● Elmhurst‌P ‌ rincesses‌-‌ ‌2
‌ 016‌t‌o‌P ‌ resent
● Elmhurst‌Y ‌ outh‌B‌ aseball‌C ‌ oach‌-‌ ‌2 ‌ 016‌t‌o‌2 ‌ 017
● IDEA‌T‌ eam‌M ‌ entor,‌M‌ arist‌H‌ igh‌S ‌ chool‌-‌ ‌2‌ 015‌t‌o‌2‌ 016
● Alumni‌M‌ entor,‌M‌ arquette‌U ‌ niversity‌C ‌ ollege‌o ‌ f‌B
‌ usiness‌A ‌ dministration‌-‌ ‌2
‌ 014‌t‌o‌2
‌ 015
● Alumni‌A‌ dmissions‌V ‌ olunteer,‌M ‌ arquette‌U ‌ niversity‌-‌ ‌2
‌ 013‌t‌o‌2
‌ 017


‌ f‌S
‌ cience‌i‌n‌B
‌ usiness‌A‌ dministration‌‌(‌ 2003)‌ 
Marquette‌U‌ niversity,‌M
‌ ilwaukee,‌W ‌ I‌  ‌
Major/Minor:‌F ‌ inance/Political‌S
‌ cience‌  ‌


‌ pon‌R
‌ equest‌ 

‌ esume‌-‌ ‌P
‌ age‌2
‌  ‌

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