From Tasting To Digesting

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Taste Buds, Tongue, Digestive Juices, Stomach, Acidic, Motions, Sweet, Sour,
Bitter, Salty

1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Tongue has tiny bumps on its surface called taste buds.
2. Always chew the food properly to digest it well.
3. The solution of sugar and salt is given when a person suffers from
loose motions.
4. Digestive juices in the stomach help the food to digest.
5. The juices in the stomach are acidic.
6. In our country many people die of hunger.
7. Digestion is breaking down of food which our body can use.

II) Choose the most correct alternative from those given:

Q 1. What is given to a sick person for getting instant energy?
a) Glucose drip.
b) Chocolate.
c) Ice-cream.
d) Pizza.
Answer: a) Glucose drip.
Q 2. Which part of the tongue tastes bitter?
a) Front.
b) Back.
c) Middle.
d) All.
Answer: b) Back

Q 3. What is the muscular bag of digestive system called?

a) Liver.
b) Intestine.
c) Stomach.
d) Food pipe

Answer: c) Stomach

Q 4. What are the tiny bumps present on the tongue called?

a) Taste buds.
b) Smell buds.
c) Flower buds.
d) None of these.

Answer: a) Taste buds

Q 6. Which nutrient protects us against diseases?

a) Vitamin and minerals.

b) Fats and carbohydrates.
c) Protein.
d) All of these
Answer: a) Vitamin and minerals

Q 7. In Kalahandi many labourers are dying due to:

a) Hunger.
b) Flood.
c) Earthquake.
d) All.

Answer: a) Hunger.

Q 8. What is the nature of digestive juices in the stomach?

a) Acidic.
b) Basic.
c) Neutral.
d) All.

Answer: a) Acidic.

II. Write True/false for the given statements:

1. We must eat proper and healthy food.
Answer: True
2. The taste of jaggery is sour.
Answer: False
3. We cannot judge the food item by its smell.
Answer: False
4. The surface of the tongue is plain.
Answer: False
5. Food digests faster in stomach than outside.
Answer: True
6. Pizza and cold drink are healthy food.
Answer: False
III. Write the tastes for the following food items:
a). Jaggery ----Sweet
b). Bitter gourd------Bitter
c). Tamarind-----Sour
d). Chocolate----Sweet
e). Coffee-----Bitter
f). Lemon----sour

IV. Match the following from column A with those given in column B.
1. Un boiled eggs a) 2 hours 15
2. Digestive Juices b) Stomach
3. Half boiled egg c) 3 hours
4. Tongue d) Taste
5. Saliva e) Mouth
6. Rice f) Kalahandi

V) Answer the following:

1.Why do you think Rashmi could eat only one roti in the whole day?
Answer: Rashmi is too poor to afford proper meal. That is why she could eat
only one roti in the whole day.
2.Do you think Kailash would like games and sports?
Answer: No, Kailash does not like games and sports. His fat and flabby body
shows that he hardly does physical activities.
3.What do you understand by ‘proper’ food?
Answer: Adequate and nutritious food according to one’s body needs make
the proper food.
4.Why do you think that the food of Rashmi and Kailash was not proper?
Answer: Rashmi is not getting adequate amount of food. But Kailash is eating
more food than what his body needs. He is eating chips, burgers, pizzas and
soft drinks instead of eating home-made food.
5.Why can’t you taste food properly when you have a cold?
Answer: The sense of smell helps in getting the complete taste of food. In case
of cold, our nose is blocked, which blocks the sense of smell. That is why we
are unable to taste food properly in case of cold.
6.“Digestion begins in the mouth”. Explain how?
Answer: The saliva present in the mouth helps in breaking complex sugars into
simple sugars. hence, digestion begins in the mouth.
7. What would happen if we do not eat food for two or three days?
Answer: If we do not eat food for two or three days our body will become
weak and we will fall sick.
8. What happens to the food in the stomach?
Answer: Our stomach churns the food to digest it. Digestive juices present in
the stomach mix with the food and help in digestion.

9. What food should be eaten by children?

Ans: Children should eat homemade food.
They should eat a variety of food items like milk, roti, rice, eggs, green
vegetables and fruits.
10. Draw a labelled diagram of tongue and label the different areas for taste

11. Why glucose drip is needed for a sick person?

Ans: When a person become sick and does not eat properly the body becomes
weak. The glucose drip gives him some strength quickly, even without eating.
12. How many times should we chew food?
Ans: We should chew food 3 to 4 times before we swallow it.
13. How does the saliva help in digestion?
Ans: Saliva makes the food soft and easy to chew. Thus, it helps in digestion.
14. Name the doctor who first experimented on digestion?
Ans: Dr. Beaumont.
15. What is the function of the tiny bumps on the tongue?
Ans: The tiny bumps of the tongue help us feel different taste.
16. What is acidity?
Ans: When food does not digest properly the juices present in the stomach get
acidic. It causes stomach ache, head ache, vomiting etc.

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