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Reuse of Waste Plastics

 Disposal of plastic waste is a big problem today.
 It is eliminated that India generated more than 10000 tons of
plastic waste per day.
 Every minute 1 million plastics bags are used.
 Plastic is everywhere in today’s lifestyle.
 It is not only non bio-degradable but also causes so many health
 Burning of these plastic waste causes environmental pollution.
(releases harmful gases)
 100000 marine animals are killed each year as a result result of
plastic bag pollution.
 Blocks the drain, affects the agricultural productivity , dies the
 Plastic garbage is also not good sight to see.
A material that contains one or more
organic polymers of large molecular weight, solid
in its finished state and some state while
manufacturing into finished articles, can be
shaped by its flow, is termed as ‘PLASTIC’.

Types Of Plastic
 Thermoplastic
 Thermo sets
 Elastomers.
Polymers have a number of vital properties, which exploited
alone or together, make a significant and expanding contribution to
constructional needs.
•Durable and corrosion resistant
•Good insulation for cold, heat and sound saving energy and reducing
noise pollution.
•It is economical and has a longer life.
•Maintenance free (such as painting is minimized )
•Hygienic and clean
•Light weight.
Plastic Uses In Construction

 Road Construction

 House Construction
 use of the innovative technology not only strengthened
 the road construction but also increased the road life
 as well as will help to improve the environment and
 also creating a source of income. Plastic roads would
 be a boon for India’s hot and extremely humid climate,
 where temperatures frequently cross 50°C and
 rains create havoc, leaving most of the roads with big
 potholes. It is hoped that in near future we will have
 strong, durable and eco-friendly roads which will relieve
 the earth from all type of plastic-waste.
Road Construction

Bituminous Rigid
Pavement Pavement

1. Segregation .

2. Cleaning process .

3. Shredding process .

4. Collection process .

•Plastic is a good binder.

•Plastic improve aggregate impact value.
•Helps to improve the quality of flexible pavement.
•Plastic will increase the melting point of the
Compare both roads

Plastic road Bitumen Road (without plastics)

1. No Pot Hole 1. Pot hole found

2. No Cracking 2. Cracking found
3. No Deformation 3. Deformation found
4. No Edge Flaw 4. Edge Flaw found
 Reduce the cost to around Rs. 5000/Km. of single lane road.
Bottles have the following advantages over
bricks and other construction materials.
 1. Low cost
 2. Non-Brittle - (Unlike bricks)
 3.. Absorbs abrupt shock loads - Since they are
not brittle, there can take up heavy loads
without failure.
 4. Bio climatic
 5. Re-usable
 6. Less construction material
 7. Easy to build
 8.Green Construction
This pillar is many times
stronger much cheaper
than an ordinary pillar
made with bricks.
Some Structure
Sitting around tree and
Built with pet bottles

Construction Of
Water Tank
 Plastics will increase the melting point of the bitumen.
 The use of the innovative technology not only strengthened
the road construction but also increased the road life as well
as will help to improve the environment and also creating a
source of income.
 Stronger and durable.
 Low cost housing benefiting those people can not afford to
pay more money for house construction. Experimentally it
is proof, bottles is more stronger and durable than bricks.
 It is hoped that in near future we will have strong, durable
and eco-friendly roads and houses which will relieve the
earth from all type of plastic-waste.
 So Please friends the only way to overcome the deadly &
lasting danger of plastic pollution is to cut down the use of
 If possible avoid it altogether Say No plastic whenever &
whatever you can prefer to carry your own bags for grocery,
shopping, a jute or cloths bags.
 All attempts made to put an end to plastic pollution will be real
benefits for your grand children.
 Let us contribute our part, save our environment from plastic
pollution & make it a better environment for future.
Please Save life

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