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Applying the Quantitative Reasoning Process

Please answer the following question as a group:

Why are foresight and follow-through important when applying the Quantitative
Reasoning Process?

Because foresight and following up, will help us update our variables or see what problems will come in th
future if we choose certain decisions, the lack of foresight can surprise us that in the end the decision we
was in vain or we have to deal with it in the future. everybody makes mistakes but one can learn from

plying the Quantitative

ee what problems will come in the

s that in the end the decision we made
takes but one can learn from
Scenario: You are a new college freshman and haven’t selected a major yet. You pla
Quantitative Reasoning Process to help you think through your options and select a

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

I think that by looking quickly what are the variables that may change in the future,
ourselves: This is the degree that we are going to choose? Is it to our liking or is it w
to work all our lives? What things could prevent us from completing the degree?

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

Lack of follow-up can lead us to make decisions that we may later regret. For examp
maybe if we choose a degree without being completely sure and then the decision
and we go to another degree, we will have lost time and money.

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec

Mosiah 29:10 : "10 And now let us be wise and look forward to these things, and do
will make for the peace of this people."

This scripture teaches us that if we anticipate decisions we can have peace, that is,
choosing a degree lightly and also not taking long-term considerations.

Alma 37: 36-37

ected a major yet. You plan to use the
your options and select a major.

may change in the future, we can ask

? Is it to our liking or is it what we think
completing the degree?

may later regret. For example, in this case,
ure and then the decision would change

leaders applies to the decision?

ard to these things, and do that which

e can have peace, that is, in this case not

Scenario: Your doctor has advised you to exercise more often. You plan to use the Q
Reasoning Process to select an exercise plan.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

Well I think that by valuing the opinion of the doctor and that also in the word of wi
taught that we must be healthy because our body it is a temple.

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

Carrying out a daily exercise plan (except Sunday) that is progressive over time, bec
exercise for a long time without being used to it, it is strong for the person and that
not to want to do it again in a long time.

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec

Doctrine and Covenants 89:18-21

18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience
commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
19 And shall find bwisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures
20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by
children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.
ften. You plan to use the Quantitative

that also in the word of wisdom we are



progressive over time, because if you

ng for the person and that causes them

leaders applies to the decision?

ings, walking in obedience to the

arrow to their bones;
dge, even hidden treasures;
troying angel shall pass by them, as the
Scenario: You have a desire to serve others and would like to organize a humanitaria
you and some friends. You plan to use the Quantitative Reasoning Process to consid
and select a project.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

If we plan to do a humanitarian project for my friends and some of the ward for Tha
dinner, maybe because some have no way to spend thanksgiving or some are going
difficulties. In the process, we can establish prevention by establishing well what we
do that day and what things could prevent the objective of the activity from being a

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

Well, if in the process of raising funds for the project there are problems, thanks to
of Quantitative Tools, one can foresight and follow-through maybe if we take the de
with other friends to reach the goal of raising funds and reaching the number of pe

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec
in mosiah 2:17 we learned that "when ye are in the bservice of your cfellow beings 
the service of your God." thanks to these words I can inspire others to join and follo
of benjamin king
to organize a humanitarian project for
asoning Process to consider your options

d some of the ward for Thanksgiving

ksgiving or some are going through
establishing well what we are going to
of the activity from being achieved.

e are problems, thanks to the step Apply
gh maybe if we take the decision to join
reaching the number of people thought

leaders applies to the decision?

ice of your cfellow beings ye are only in
pire others to join and follow the words
Scenario: You just got engaged and are planning a wedding. You plan to use the Qua
Reasoning Process to help organize your ideas and plan your wedding.

What can you do to avoid a lack of foresight?

Well, I think it is necessary to organize a wedding because that event is very importa
family and the couple and doing things at the last minute I don't think it's a good ide

What can you do to ensure you follow-through with your decision?

I believe to follow up you have to know first when the couple is getting married and
list of the necessary things according to the taste of the couple to assign what is goi
each month in a countdown until the wedding.

What gospel principles, scriptures, or counsel from church leaders applies to the dec
In the scriptures we can see that the Lord likes us to be organized, for example in th
are taught that we must organize ourselves according to his laws

Doctrine and Covenants 51:2, 15

2 For it must needs be that they be organized according to my laws; if otherwise, th
15 And thus I grant unto this people a privilege of organizing themselves according t
g. You plan to use the Quantitative
ur wedding.

e that event is very important for the

I don't think it's a good idea.

uple is getting married and then make a
ouple to assign what is going to be done

leaders applies to the decision?

ganized, for example in this writing we
his laws

o my laws; if otherwise, they will be cut

ing themselves according to my laws.

For this step complete the Week 13
Group Assignment Quiz together.

Also, discuss any homework problems

that you are struggling with.

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