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Teacher Manual


• Understand the term ‘habitat’ and know about plants living in • Discussion using
different climates visual auditory aids
• Identify and name plants living in different environment • Group and class
• Classify plants according to their habitat under terestrial, aquatic, discussion
insectivorous and non-green plants • Hands on activities
• Know about characteristics of different plants that help them to • Outdoor exploration
survive in their habitat
• Discover how terrestrial plants differ from one another
• Understand in detail about some characteristics of insectivorous plants
• Appreciate and acknowledge the uniqueness in plant world


• Textbook • Worksheet (text book)
• Reference videos • Worksheet (additional)
• Activity Materials • Evaluate
• Worksheets • Assess
Suggested teaching plan
Day Topic Task Additional Activities Teaching periods
1 Habitat • Define and give examples Activity 1

• Classification and adaptations

• Explore
2 Terrestrial Plants Video 3
• Project work
• Science Talk

• Investigate
3 Aquatic Plants Video 1
• Suggested Activity
• Adaptations
Insectivorous, Non-Green
4 • Assess Video 1
Plants and Uses of plants
• Science Talk
5 I Have Learnt Revision Video 1
6 Assessment Evalaute, Access Worksheets 1

Learning Outcomes:
• Classify plants based on their habitats
• Identify various adaptations of terrestrial plants to suit their habitats
• Identify the types of aquatic plants and their adaptations
• Learn about Insectivorous plants
• Know about how the Non-green plants make their food

Getting Started :
Students by this grade are already aware about plants that grow in their surroundings, parts of the plant, few
characteristics about some common plants.
Talk to students about the different plants in their surroundings, in school. Let them also share about specific plants/
trees that they have seen, heard of during a trip.
Question them about different seeds, leaves and masalas that are used in the kutchen and whether they know about
the plant or not.
Warm Up:
Make few groups of students.
Ask them to think about the similarities and differences that they have on the basis of hair length, food, subject they like
the most, their favourite games etc.
Let them share the gathered information.
Now ask students if plants also have any similarities or differences in them. Help students understand that just like
humans, plants are also unique.
Suggested table

Name of Classmate Very short Hair Short Hair Medium Long Hair Very Long Hair
Arpit 3

Use this activity to get the students thinking about the basis of classification in plants.

Topic 1 Habitat- Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants

Discussion Pointers:
Initiate the discussion using questions mentioned below:
• Name some plants that you have seen or heard of. Name the places where they grow.
• Name some plants that grow in water. Can they grow on land?
• On what basis can we classify plants/ trees on land?
• What are some similarities about plants?
• What are some differences about plants?

Ask the students to read the conversation on the first page of the chapter.

Discuss it in class. Ask the students to give their observations on what Vaigyanik Chacha is saying.
Now encourage the students to come up with a definition for Habitat.
In continuation, explain the terms Terrestrial and Aquatic to the students.
Project work (page 17)
The activity can also be done in groups. Encourage students to observe the plants on the following poiters:
Name of the plant Type of plant Leaf size, structure, texture Trunk structure
Water requirement Flower description Fruit description
After the project, let students share the information in the class.

Topic 2 Classification of Terrestrial Plants

Discussion Pointers:
Initiate the topic using questions given below.
1. Mango tree, cactus and pines, all are terrestrial plants. How do they differ from each other?
2. Where do cactus grow?
3. Do cactus have leaves? Why?
4. Were do pines grow?
Plants that grow on hills and mountains . Use Wow Science Textbook, page number 9, You can show a video to explain
the characteristic features of plants that grow on hills and mountains.
Video link for reference is given below:
Explore: Textbook, Page number 9

1. Use Wow Sciecne Textbook, page number 8 to discuss types of terrestrial plants.
2. Classify terrestrial plants based on the regions in which they grow (e.g. desert, hills and mountains, plains, sea
coast and heavy rainfall areas)

Plants that grow in plains:

Initiate discussion by asking few questions:
1. What are plain areas? 2. In what ways they differ from hilly areas?
3. Name some plants that you see in plain areas.

Use textbook, page number 10
Educational Trip: Visit to any park, botanical garden in plain areas.
Let students explore and share the information gathered about the plants grow in plain areas.

Plants that grow in swampy areas:

1. Have you seen the roots of plants? 2. Where do they grow?
3. Have you seen roots of any plant grown above the ground? Introduce about breething roots of mangroves.
Use Wow Science textbook, page number 12 to teach.
Video link for reference is given here:

Plants that grow in deserts:

Disuss about desert plants on different pointers:
1. leaves 2. needles 3. succulents
Task: Science Talk, page numer 10 Evaluate: HOTS given on page number 16

Plants that grow in heavy rainfall areas:

Discussion pointers:
1. Have you seen rubber plants?
2. Where do they grow?
3. Do you know any plant which remains green throughout the year?
Tell them about evergreen plants.
Task: Use textbook, page number 11 to explain about evergreen plants. Infobit, page number 11

Plants that grow on sea coast

Discussion pointers:
1. Have you seen coconut plants anywhere? 2. Where do they grow?
3. How do they differ from pine trees?

Use textbook, page number 11 to explain

Home work:
Why are the roots seen outside?Name an area in our country where such plants may be there.

Topic 3 Aquatic Plants

Discussion Pointers :
1. Where does lotus grow? 2. Can we grow it on land? Why?
3. How does this plant get nutrient from soil?
Activity: Show the students a ‘kamal kakdi’/lotus stem.
Let students identify and name it. Discuss the shape and structure of lotus stem, and how
it is beneficial for plant
Discuss the three types of aquatic plants with examples.
I wonder: Do the Investigate Activity from pg 17
Explore: page number 13
Topic 4 Insectivorous Plants
Discussion pointers:
As students know that plants make their own food (learnt in grade 3), they can answer few questions:
1. How do plants get their food?
2. Do all plants make their food?
3. Do you know any plant which depends on insects for their food?
Now introduce the term ‘insectivorous plants’ and explain them.
Use textbook, page number 13 to explain it. You can show a video to explain how insectivorous plants eat insects.
Video link for reference:
Solve ‘Assess’ given on page number 14.

Topic 5 Non-Green Plants

Discussion pointers:
• Where have you seen mushrooms growing?
• Any non-green plant in their neighbouring area?
• Discuss how plants that do not have chlorophyll make food
• Use the Info Bit on pg 14 to talk about mushrooms.
Possible Questions to ask for explanation of the topic

Topic 6 Uses of plants

Use ‘Science Talk’ given on page number 14, to teach ‘Uses of plants’
I Have Learnt:
Show the video and go over pg 15

Topic 7 Assessment
Worksheet 1: Use worksheet from textbook, page no. 18
Worksheet 2
1. Give one word:

a. Plants that do not shed their leaves: ________________________________

b. Plants that grow on land: ________________________________

c. Plants that are cone-shaped: ________________________________

d. Land areas with sticky and clayey soil: ________________________________

e. Roots that are above the ground: ________________________________

f. Plants that eat insects: ________________________________

2. Give two examples each of the following:

a. Submerged aquatic plants: _____________, _____________

b. Insectivorous Plants: ______________, _______________

c. Desert Plants: ______________, _____________

d. Plants that grow in the hills: __________________, _______________

e. Plants that grow in plains: ________________, ________________

3. Look at the leaves of these plants and identify their habitat:


Answer Key
Worksheet pg 18
1. Terrestrial
Cactus Fixed
Coconut Pine Duckweed Hydrilla
Sal Prickly Pear Deodar Water Lily Hyacinth Tape Grass
2. Plant A is Palm/Coconut Tree. It grows in the coastal areas. It needs sandy soil.
Plant B is a Mango Tree. It grows in the plains. It can bear heat. It has lots of leaves and a thick trunk.
Worksheet 2
1. a. Evergreen b. Terrestrial c. Coniferous d. Swamp
e. Breathing f. Insectivorous
2. a. Hydrilla , Tape Grass b. Venus Flytrap, Pitcher Plant
c. Barrel Cactus, Prickly Pear d. Pine, Deodar
e. Mango, Neem
3. a. In the mountains b. In the deserts


A. Objective type questions
Tick (3) the correct option.
1. B. Submerged Plants 2. C. Do not get oxygen from the soil where do they grow
3. D. Stem 4. A. Evergreen trees
5. B. On the hills and mountains

B. Short answers type questions.

1. a. Broad leaves have bigger area, that they were able to absorb more light to speed up the photosynthesis
2. They are called insectivorous plants. They do not get nitrogen from the soil where do they grow.So they eat
insects only to fulfill the shortage of nitrogen.
3. Plants that grow on the hills and mountains are also called conifers due to their cone shaped structure.
Plants that grow on land Plants that grow in water
Are known as terrestrial plants Are known as aquatic plants
These are differ from each other There are three types of aquatic plants like
due to change in climatic condition Floating, fixed and submerged plants

For e.g. cactus grow in desert, Pines For e.g. lotus, hydrilla, duckweed etc.
grow on the hills.
5. Plants that grow in the heavy rainfall areas have broad leaves and remain green all the year round and are
known as evergreen trees. For e.g. cotton and sugarcane.

C. Long answer questions:

Water Hyacinth Water lily
They float on the water surface They have roots fixed to the bottom of the pond
They have spongy bodies with lots of These plants have thin, long and hollow stems, and
empty space filled with air broad and flat leaves

2. a. Coconut is a evergreen tree but grow on sea coasts because they need salty water to grow and survive.
b. In desert plants have modified into spines. Spines do not have stomata. Thus the rate of transpiration is
reduced and helps plants to save water. There is scarcity of water in the desert so these plants have fleshy
stem to store water
c. Mangroves trees have their roots above the ground because air cannot reach the roots as the soil is sticky
and clayey. These roots are called breathing roots which help them to breathe.
It can grow well in sandy soil Both are green plants It grow in soil which lack nitrogen
Rate of transpiration is more Photosynthesis occur in Rate of transpiration is less
both plants

In desert, plants have spines instead of leaves because spines do not have stomata. Thus the rate of transpiration
is reduced and helps plants to save water.

• Identify and name animals living in diferent • Discussion using visual auditory
climatic conditions and places. aids
• Classify land, water and other animals • Group and class discussion
based on their habitat • Hands on activities
• Explore and understand the food habits of • Outdoor exploration
different animals
• Classify animals as herbivores, carnivores
and omnivores
• Appreciate and acknowledge the
uniqueness in the animal world


• Textbook • Worksheet (text book)
• Reference videos • Worksheet (additional)
• Activity Materials • Evaluate
• Worksheets • Assess
Suggested teaching plan

Day Topic Task Additional Activities Teaching periods

1 Animal Habitat • Define and give examples

• Classification and adaptations

Field Trip - 4
• Suggested Activity- pg 27
2,3,4 Terrestrial Animals
• Science Talk- pg 21
• Homework: Q1 Short Answer
pg 26

• Definition and Adaptations

5 Aquatic Animals • Homework: Long Answer 1
Question No 3- pg 26
• Think Science (pg 20)

• Definition and Adaptations

6 Amphibians • Info bit Video 1
• HOTS Question- pg 26

7 Arboreal Animals • Definition and Adaptations Video 1

• Definition and Adaptations

8 Aerial Animals • Project Work- pg 27
• Explore pg 23

• Classification, Terms and

9 Food Habits of Animals Examples Video 1
• I Wonder-Investigate -pg 27

10 I Have Learnt • Recap of the Lesson

11 Assessment • Evaluate, Assessment Worksheets
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify and name animals living in diferent climatic conditions and places.
• Classify land, water and other animals based on their habitat
• Explore and understand the food habits of different animals
• Classify animals as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
• Appreciate and acknowledge the uniqueness in the animal world

Getting Started :
Students have already understood the meaning of the term ‘habitat’ in the previous chapter. Revise the meaning of the
term again.
Ask them if they can think of any way in which we can classify animals just like we did for plants. They will give you
names of different land animals, water animals and animals that can fly. Record their responses and build the chapter

Help students to understand that similar to humans and plants, animals are also unique and each one has their own ability.

Warm Up:
Ask students to share names of all animals and birds they have seen or heard.
Divide students in groups and ask each member of the group to discuss and collect information about animals.
Ask the students to fill the table.
Suggested Table:

Animal Places it stays Food it eats Lay eggs/ produce babies


Discuss the eating habits of the students. Ask if there are any other categories of eating habits.

Topic 1 Animal Habitat

Discussion Pointers and an activity

Ask the students to study this page. One by one call out
the types of animals given here and ask them to guess
the habitat by looking at the picture.
You can ask few questions such as:
1. What do you think the word ‘arboreal’ means?
2. Guess the meaning of ‘aerial’ from the picture.
Topic 2 Terrestrial Animals
Discussion Pointers:
• Name some animals that live on land but in different climatic conditions.
• Camel lives in desert. What helps him to survive in such different climatic condition?
• Snake is a terrestrial animal with no legs. What helps it move around from one place to another?
• Name any other animal that has same features like a snake.
• Discuss the different sub-habitats on land…deserts, snow etc and the adaptations of animals to suit the environment.
Give the Project Work for Homework and organise the quiz.
Discuss the Science Talk. Do the Suggested Activity (page 27): Organise a Field Trip-follow the instructions in Q1 Short
Answer pg 26

Teacher Tip: The Quiz can be organised on the 4th day so that it serves as an Assessment/recap tool

Topic 3 Aquatic Animals

Discussion pointers:
• Name animals which live in water?
• Snails, fish and jellyfish all live in water. How do they differ from each other in appearance?
• How do fish breath under water?
• Name an animal that can live on both land and water.
• What are the animals called who have the ability to live on land and water?
• Discuss the different types of aquatic animals along with the different types of water bodies---oceans, rivers etc
Task: Think Science page 22
Divide students in groups and let them brainstorm about question. Encourage students to share their thoughts.
Discuss Q3 Long Answer on pg 26
Additional Activities:
Activity: Fish and its breathing.
Show a video about fish and how gills help them to breathe. Follow the reference link and ask students some
questions based on the video.
Activity: Knowing more about aquatic animals
Show a video to the students following the reference link below:
After watching video, ask students following questions:
1. Name the body part that help fish to swim.
2. Which body part of turtle helps it to protect itself under water?
3. Which body feature helps a frog to take a big lap?
4. Where can we find dolphins?
5. How do dolphins communicate with one another? Do other animals do the same?
6. Why do you think sharks have sharp teeth?
Encourage students to ask questions about aquatic animals.

Topic 4 Amphibians
Discuss the word ’amphibious’ and then talk of animals that live on both land and in water.
Discussion pointers
The following questions can be used for discussion with students.
1. Can humans live on land and in water?
2. Frogs can live on both land and water. They have special feet. What kind of feet do they have?
3. How do frogs breathe inside water?
HOTS - Wow Science textbook, page number 26
Ask students to think what features can help to live in water. ALso ask them if they are able to live inside water, what
would they like to observe about aquatic animals.

Topic 5 Arboreal Animals

Discuss the arboreal animals given in the chapter
Discussion pointers:
1. NAme an animal that you can find living on the tree.
2. Humans can climb trees but can they live on trees?
3. What helps monkeys to move on trees?
While discussing arboreal animals, talk about some other animals like squirrels, baboon, bats, sloths etc. Show them
pictures of these animals and let students understand about physical features that help these animals stay on trees.

Topic 6 Aerial Animals

Discussion pointers:
• Name some animals that can fly.
• Which body parts of these animals help them fly?
• Name the largest bird in the world. Can it fly? Why?
Tasks (from textbook)
1. Explore (page number 23)
Make groups of students and let each group find a reason after discussing the question.
2. Investigate (page num ber 27)
Make groups of students and let each group share its observation.

Topic 7 Food habits of Animals

Discussion pointers:
• Use given questions to initiate a discussion about eating habits of animals.
• Do you have a pet at home? What does it like to eat?
• Do you think a tiger can also eat the same food that your pet eats? Why?
• What does a cow eat? Can it survive on the food that a giraffe eat? Why?
Classify animals based on food habits - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Show videos using the refernce video links given below.
Project Work: Textbook, page number27.
Revise the chapter once again and ask students to work on the project. Ask them to include all the animals that they
have studied about in the chapter.
Based on the information gatherd by the students, ask them to prepare a questionnaire to conduct a quiz.
Do the I Wonder-Investigate activity.
I Have Learnt: Recap using
• the pg 25 chart • the first Q of the worksheet given in the book.

Topic 8 Assessment
Worksheet 1: Use worksheet from textbook, page no. 28
Worksheet 2
Animal Classification

Match the Following:

a. Arboreal Animals eat flesh of dead animals

b. Aerial Animals eat other animals

c. Aquatic Animals live on land

d. Herbivores live both on land and in water

e. Terrestrial Animals eat plants

f. Omnivores live on body of another animal for food

g. Scavengers live on trees

h. Carnivores live in water

i. Ambhibians fly in air

j. Parasites eat both plants and meat

Answer Key
Worksheet 1
1. Animals
Herbivores Omnivores Scavengers
Lion Crows
Deer Tiger Bears Hyenas
2. Similarities: movement in search of food, breathe, reproduce
Differences: Aerial, Terrestrial, Reptile, Amphibian

Worksheet 2
a7, b9, c8, d5, e3, f10, g1, h2, i4, j6

A. Objective type questions
Tick (3) the correct option.
1. B. They mostly live on trees 2. A. Parasites 3. D. Terrestrial 4. B. Amphibians 5. C. Both A and B
B. Short answers type questions.
1. a.
Name of Animals Category(habitat) Name of Animals Category(Food Habits)
Lion Terrestrial . Lion Carnivores

Giraffe Terrestrial Giraffe Herbivores

Tiger Terrestrial Tiger Carnivores

Butterfly Aerial Butterfly Herbivores

Pigeon Aerial Pigeon Herbivores
Zebra Terrestrial Zebra Herbivores
Parrot Aerial Parrot Omnivores

2. An animal that lives both on land and in water but must produce its eggs in water. They have lungs to breathe
on land and can also breathe in water through their skin. For e.g. Frogs, toads and salamanders.
3. These animals are penguin and fish.
Similarity: They both are cold blooded
Difference: Fish have scales and gills whereas penguins have feathers and lungs
4. Some animals live on the body of other animals for their food. They are called parasites. For e.g. Lice and ticks
5. Carnivores have sharp tearing (canine) teeth that help them to hunt and tear the flesh of other organisms.
C. Long answer questions:
1. Camel and polar bear are very different .They do not have similarities. The camel’s habitat is in the hot desert
while the polar bear’s habitat is the frozen Arctic. Camel’s have thick skin which protects them from heat while
polar bears have fur which help them to keep warm and also help them to camouflage into their environment.
2. a.
Scavengers Parasites
Animals that eat flesh of dead animals Animals that live on the body of other animals for
are called scavengers their food are called parasites
They have spongy bodies with lots of These plants have thin, long and hollow stems, and
empty space filled with air broad and flat leaves

b. Arboreal Aerial
Some land animals that live mostly on Animals that can fly andspend most of their timein
trees are called arboreal animals air are called aerial animals
For e.g. monkeys and koalas For e.g. birds and insects


Aquatic Animals Terrestrial Animals

Live in water Live on land
They both are
Breathe through gills heterotrophs Breathe through lungs
Use flippers and fins to swim Use legs for walking

Humans use lungs to breathe. Our lungs are designed in such a way that they can only extract oxygen from air and
not from water since the level of oxygen in water is lesser than that in air. Also we don’t have gills like fish which can
help us breathe in water. We cannot breathe through skin because only moist skin can absorb oxygen from water and
the skin of humans is not moist

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