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SMART 2019/0045, DG CNECT

DG CNECT - Study and analysis on the expected Cost of Member States to connect to and exchange data
in accordance with Article 14 of the Single Digital Gateway and the Once-Only Technical Infrastructure
Inception Meeting, 08 May 2020
Objectives of the meeting

• Presentation of inception report

• Discussion of any concerns linked to the proposed methodology
• Agreement on methodological approach
• Alignment on next steps (data collection)

Background and desk research 4

Objectives and study logic 7
Typology and categorisation of Member States 10
Roadmap 17
Costs of connection to the SDG technical system 20
Benefits of connection to the SDG technical system 25
Next steps 28
Background and desk research
Desk research
Preliminary findings and summary across countries

Sources already covered:

eIDAS node 19 MSs (AT, BE, BG, HR, CZ, DK, All nodes have limited receiving
EE, DE, IT, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, capabilities - eIDAS nodes
- eID schemes notification
Notified eID scheme 13 MSs (BE, HR, CZ, DK, EE, DE, Other MSs have non-notified eID
IT, LV, LU, NL, PT, SK, ES) schemes in place nationally - e-Delivery access points

e-delivery access 22 MSs (all except for BG, HU, LV, Some access points only in - Digitalisation/data strategies and e-
point LU, RO) production for private sector or government fact sheets
not recognized as public solution
- TOOP and SCOOP4C results/use
OOP part of national 21 MSs (all except for CY, DE, IT, Level of integration into law/ cases
law/strategy LT, LU, PL) strategies varies among MSs
- Additional desk research on OOP
Interconnection of 22 MSs (all except for DE, FR, IE Level of interconnection and implementation and use cases in MS
base registries (planned), LU (planned), MT number of interconnected
registries varies among MSs
Sources not yet covered:
National data 8 MSs (AT, CZ, EE, EL, FI, HU, NL,
exchange layer PT) - Access to base registry fact sheets

Regional approach 4 MSs (BE, ES, FR, IT) - New information (NIFO EIF survey)

- DE4A survey
Sectorial approach 7 MSs (BE, ES, FR, LT, LV, SI) Most common sector is health;
- Action plans and implementation plans
but also tax, social security,
towards the SDG (only SE publicly
education available)
Strategic interviews
Ongoing initiatives and interactions so far


Pim van der Eijk Ana Maria Piñuela Marcos (ATOS) Lefteris Leontaridis

Maarten Daniels Julia Wells (ATOS) Jerry Dimitriou

Frank Leyman (BOSA)

Discussion on specificities of different Overlapping activities (legal analysis, TOOP architecture specifications and
roadmap components; brief exchange state of play); Survey on digital links to the blueprint; experiences
on countries with legal barriers (ES, service infrastructures and other during the pilots.
EE, DE). aspects; Procedures being piloted and

New version of the blueprint due in DE4A survey results on state of play Key determinant of ease with which
May 2020. already collected. MS connected for the TOOP pilot was
presence of national OOP layer.
NIFO EIF survey results collected
Integration likely to be more costly
Ongoing legal analysis than implementation
Objectives and study logic
Study and analysis on the readiness of Member States to connect to and exchange
data in accordance with Article 14 of the Single Digital Gateway and the Once Only
Technical Infrastructure
Provide a state of play concerning Provide a cost estimate for the
the national infrastructures for deployment of the technical system
data-sharing at Member State level at the national level and estimate
the concrete benefits resulting
from the cross-border application of
the once-only principle

Give Member States guidance on

the steps required for the
application of the SDG Once-Only
technical system within their
current infrastructure

PowerPoint Timesaver 8
Planning and milestones
April May June July August September October
W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4

Kickoff Inception Monthly Interim Monthly Monthly Final

Meeting Workshop Meeting
Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting

Task 1 – Project management and Quality Assurance

Task 2 – Analysis of state of play in Member States

2.1 Define typology and preliminary MS

2.2 Categorisation of MSs and state of play

2.3 OOP implementation roadmap

Task 3 – Cost-Benefit-Analysis
3.1 Methodological approach to the cost analysis

3.2 Estimation of OOP implementation cost

3.3 Estimation of benefits

Draft inception Inception Draft interim Interim report Draft final Final report
report report report report
Typology and categorisation
of Member States
Task 2 MS State of Play

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

Develop a preliminary OOP typology of Conduct interviews with SDG Define implementation strategies and
Member States, dividing them according to coordinators, complementing desk steps for Member States in order to
the challenges they will face in connecting research with information not publicly connect to the SDG technical system for
to the SDG technical system. available. exchange of evidence.

Conduct desk research on the legal, Update:

organisational, semantic and technical • Country fiches
situation in Member States in order to • OOP typology
produce a preliminary categorisation of the • MS categorisation
MS state of play

Country fiches, preliminary OOP typology Final country fiches, OOP typology and MS
27 MS roadmaps
and MS categorisation categorisation
Task 2 – MS State of Play
Initial OOP typology

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

The preliminary OOP typology takes into account Non-siloed

organisational and technical differences between countries: Type 1: Type 4:
• Non-Siloed: the extent to which existing/planned Non-siloed, Non-siloed,
infrastructures enable data exchange across Centralised Decentralised
• Centralised: The extent to which existing/planned
infrastructures enable data exchange between regions.
Type 3:
Part siloed,
This typology is a preliminary effort and will be updated Part
on the basis of the information gathered in the following centralised,
stages of the study.

Not included directly in the typology currently:

• Legal/Semantic issues: To be described qualitatively Type 2: Type 5:
instead in the country fiches that will be developed; Siloed, Siloed,
Centralised, Decentralised
• Presence of other blueprint components (e.g. eDelivery
access points, eIDAS): These will be treated as an aspect of Siloed
Centralised De-centralised
Task 2 – MS State of play
Desk research and preliminary categorisation

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

As a first step, based on desk research we will develop: The country fiches will be used to:
• assess whether the proposed typology is appropriate;
Country fiches: • revise the typology as necessary; and
• Conduct a preliminary categorisation of Member
States, based on a gap analysis:
Approach and L egal
Barriers to Gap analysis
OOP O rganisational
S emantic Country Procedure 1 Procedure 2 Procedure 3 Procedure 4 Procedure
T echnical National N/A Data Data Data Data
infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure
Approach to Stated plans for the national connection 1 (D) 1 (D) 1 (D) 3 (P)
SDG exchange to the SDG technical system (e.g.
Regional N/A Data Data Data Data
of evidence infrastructures to connect) infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure
2 (D) 2 (D) 3 (D) 3 (P)
Uptake of OOP Overview of procedures for which there (Region A-E) (Region A-B)
is automated exchange of information
*The gap analysis will be estimated on the basis of the
available information on data infrastructures
Task 2 – MS State of play
Matching procedures/evidences to infrastructures

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

It will be necessary to extrapolate in order to estimate the likely number of organisations to be connected
to the SDG technical system for the procedures/evidences in each country, and how many are already
connected to data infrastructures. These estimates should later be validated by Member States

01 02 03 04 05

• i.e. local, regional or • Providing a procedure • Where available- i.e. • For the procedure / • And how many of the
national or evidence already shared by MS evidence providers. organisations are
connected to it

Data mapping study

OR Desk research on data Desk research on data

Public Administration Matching with PAC-EU28 Data mapping study

infrastructures infrastructures
Characteristics and
Performance in EU28
Task 2 – MS State of play
Gap filling and interviews

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

Following the desk research exercise, we plan to approach MS

to fill any gaps in the country fiches. These interviews can
What: 27 interviews
cover barriers associated with the LOST schema as necessary,
but we anticipate a focus in particular on:
Who: SDG national coordinators
• Approach towards SDG technical system: Presentation of
the data exchange infrastructures we know about, questions
on any other infrastructures, discussion of intentions to Why: Information required that is not
connect the identified infrastructure; in the public domain
• Organisational challenges: associated with the number of
When: 02 June – 3 July
different competent authorities that must be connected to
the SDG technical system and the extent to which they are
already prepared for the automated exchange of data. Preparation: Country fiches (and identification
of gaps)
The interviews will also be used to collect high-level Option of webinar or presentation
information on main cost/benefit categories and expected to SDG Coordination Group (25
costs/benefits – which will feed into the later steps.
Task 2 – MS State of play
Timeline for outreach to Member States

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

May June
18/05 25/05 01/06 08/06 15/06 22/06 29/06

Wave 1 Share country

Interviews / bilateral exchanges / completion of country
AT, CZ, DE, EE, ES, fiches and
FI, HR, IT, NL, PT questions

Wave 2 Share country

Interviews / bilateral exchanges / completion of country
BE, CY, DK, EL, FR, fiches and
HU, IE, PL, SI, SE questions

Wave 3 Share country

Interviews / bilateral exchanges / completion of country
LU, LV, RO, SK, MT, fiches and
LT, BG questions
Task 2 - MS State of Play
Activity 2.3 - OOP implementation roadmap (1/2)

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

Pilots experiences Desk research

OBJECTIVE – Definition of the implementation roadmap step Targeted interviews MSs’ state of play
Deloitte expertise
• Step 1 - Data analysis to identify different
implementation strategies and steps for each SDG’s
technical component. Data sources:
o Country Fiches (from Activity 2.2) to identify MS typologies
and the presence of the blueprint components
o Interviews with 6 Member States already implementing
OOP layers and experts from other pilot projects (DIGIT
D.3, TOOP and DE4A)
• Step 2 – Identification of dependencies among SDG’s
technical components and the correct sequence of steps.
• Step 3 - Definition of the implementation effort
required for each step, both in terms of needed resources
to complete every roadmap step and of consequent elapsed
time expected for the implementation
Task 2 - MS State of Play
Activity 2.3 - OOP implementation roadmap (2/2)

Task 2 - MS State of Play


1. Define typology and preliminary MS 2. Categorisation of Member States &

3. OOP implementation roadmap
categorisation state of play

OBJECTIVE – Definition of the implementation roadmap steps

(MS specific)
STEPS 27 specific roadmaps
• Step 4 - Definition of the specific Roadmap to be
followed by each Member State associating to each of
them the right roadmap to be followed, according to:
o the more coherent implementation strategy for each
o the implementation status of each component;
o the missing steps to reach the target state based on
the country state of play.
Each roadmap will be then attached to the related country

• Step 5 - Presentation of the 27 Roadmaps defined

(internal meeting with the client)
Costs of connection to the
SDG technical system
Task 3 - Costs and benefits of OOP
Overview of the cost and benefit estimation for the EU-27 Member States

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

Definition of the TCO model in terms of: Estimation of the OOP implementation The estimation of the OOP implementation
• Cost categories & cost items for each costs for each MS following the specific direct and long-term benefits for each
target implementation strategy Roadmap steps previously defined. Member State.
• Cost drivers (e.g. number of

procedures, number of data

providers/services to be integrated, etc.)

MSs workshop for validation


TCO model Implementation cost estimation MS Benefit estimation

Task 3 - Costs and benefits of OOP
Activity 3.1 - Methodological approach to the cost analysis (1/2)

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

OBJECTIVE – Definition of the Methodological approach to the

cost analysis
STEPS Implementation steps Cost Items
• Step 1 - Definition of the cost categories and cost
items, divided in CapEx and OpEx.
o Cost Category: Infrastructural costs
o Associated Cost Items: Infrastructure Hardware (Server,
Storage, etc.), Infrastructure management and
maintenance, Network.
• Step 2 – Definition of the cost drivers to be taken into
account for the cost estimations
Example: Number of procedures to be integrated, number of
data providers/services to be integrated, etc.
• Step 3 - Definition of the TCO model Each implementation step will be linked to a specific
The TCO model will be defined as mathematical function cost item and classified in cost categories
between cost items and cost drivers to normalise costs for
each MS
Task 3 - Costs and benefits of OOP
Activity 3.1 - Methodological approach to the cost analysis (2/2)

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

OBJECTIVE – present to all the MSs the Methodological

approach to the cost analysis
• Step 4 - Workshop / webinar with MSs to validate the
cost model
TCO model and all the identified cost items will be presented
with a dedicated workshop to share the activity output.
o Gather insights to further develop its characteristics.
o Validate the TCO model.

After the workshop the team will use any useful MSs’
feedback to refine the TCO model

*Final focus and timing of the workshop is still TBC

Task 3 - Costs and benefits of OOP
Activity 3.2 - Estimation of OOP implementation cost

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

OBJECTIVE – Definition of the Implementation costs for each

MS. Specific roadmap Related cost estimates
• Step 1 - Cost Data Collection. Collection of existing costs
from MSs already implementing OOP layers and joint
estimation of missing cost items with DIGIT D3 and experts.
The team will also take into account the pilot experiences
(TOOP). The team will exchange with SDG national
coordinators to determine the best national contact people
to gather the required information from.

• Step 2 – Cost Normalisation. Normalisation of the cost

items based on the cost drivers, “cleaning up” any MS
Cost estimates will be addressed taking into account
• Step 3 - Cost Estimation for each MS the MS state of play and related specific roadmap
Benefits of connection to the
SDG technical system
Estimation of benefits of connecting to the SDG technical system
Direct impacts

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

Direct benefits

Step 1: Desk research on types of benefits and to estimate: Stakeholders Types of benefit
• number of cross-border transactions for each procedure Public Time saving
• “as-is” average time to complete each procedure administration Cost savings
• “to-be” average time to complete each procedure (data consumer) Simplification of procedures
Public Time saving
Step 2: 30 interviews with data providers (15) and data
administration Cost savings
consumers (15) to complement the desk research with (data provider)
missing information and data
Citizens and Time savings
Step 3: Validation survey to other data consumers or data
businesses Cost savings
Increased service level
providers across the EU to amend and/or validate the findings
Reduction in administrative errors
Improved mobility
EU benefits = ∑(benefits per transaction for: end- Increased market access
Improved relationship with public
users, data consumers, data providers) x admin
∑(number of transactions by country)
Estimation of benefits of connecting to the SDG technical system
Long-term benefits and future scenarios

Task 3 – Costs and benefits


1. Methodological approach to the cost 2. Estimation of OOP implementation

3. Estimation of benefits
analysis cost

Long-term benefits Preliminary scenarios for Step 3:

Step 1: Selection of 5 OOP leaders, based on findings of Task 2

1. Expansion of the SDG technical system to cover
– MS state of play
additional procedures
Step 2: Investigation of the experiences of these 5 Member 2. Expansion of the SDG technical system to allow
States via 5 interviews with these OOP leaders focusing on: connection by private sector stakeholders
• The scope and level of use of the OOP infrastructures 3. Use of the SDG technical system for national
• Quantitative estimates of the benefits associated with the procedures
extended use of the OOP infrastructure (time savings, etc.)
• Qualitative descriptions of the benefits associated with the
extended use of the OOP infrastructure
As a final step:
Step 3: Definition of possible future scenarios for the • Costs and benefits are compared at EU level. The
development and use of the SDG technical system, estimating study team will attempt to extrapolate to the
the benefits associated with each of them other procedures beyond the main scope of the
• Country level information on costs and benefits
is added to the country fiche.
Next steps
Next steps
Desk research and preparation of interviews

• Development of country fiches (desk research)

• Follow up with DE4A for survey results
• Further analysis of DE4A and NIFO surveys
• Contact MS for data collection:
o Contact National SDG Coordinators on rolling basis for interview (interviews starting from 02 June)
o Potential presentation of project at SDG Coordination Group (25 June)
• Follow up with TOOP on implementation steps and roadmap

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