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EST130-Basic Electrical &

Electronics Engineering
Module-II: Notes-1

Dr. Nithin Raj

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Government Engineering College Wayanad

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad| 2021

Basic Terminology: MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance
Comparison between electric and magnetic circuits
Numerical problems

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 2

Magnetic Flux (ɸ)

Right hand screw rule

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 3

Magnetic Flux (ɸ)

All the magnetic flux which completes the desired magnetic circuit is the useful flux
The flux which does not follow the desired path in the magnetic circuit is known as leakage flux
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥
Leakage factor , λ =
𝑈𝑠𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥
Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 4
Fringing Effect
The fringing effect results from the presence of the air gap in the magnetic circuit.
Result is non-uniform flux density in the air-gap, enlargement of the effective air-gap area and a decrease in the
average gap flux density.

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 5

Magnetic Flux Density (B) & MMF

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 6

Magnetic Field Intensity/ Magnetising Force (H)

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 7

Permeability (μ) & Relative Permeability (μr)

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 8

Reluctance (S) & Permeance (P)

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 9

Comparison b/w electric and magnetic circuits

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 10

Comparison b/w electric and magnetic circuits

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 11

Analysis of simple magnetic circuit

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 12

• Six ampere current is flowing in a solenoid wound with 1200 turns of wire. If the length
of the solenoid is 160cm. Calculate the field strength.

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 13

• A mild steel ring has a mean circumference of 500mm and a uniform cross-sectional
area of 300mm2. Calculate the mmf required to produce a flux of 500μWb? Assume

Dr. Nithin Raj | GEC Wayanad | 2021 14

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