C. E. Housecroft and A. G. Sharpe (20012) Inorganic Chemistry, 4

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Faculty of Science Inorganic Chemistry (3)

Department of Chemistry (30206421)

Second semester (2014/2015)

Instructor: Dr. Zakariyya Ishtaiwi
Credit Hours:
3 hours (1 Lec. and 6 Lab.)

Inorganic Chemistry (2) (30206321)

Course Description:
Synthesis of selected transition and non transition; metal complexes and study of their chemical;
magnetic; conductance and spectral properties. The course also includes a series of lectures
covering the theoretical aspects of inorganic synthesis and structure elucidation.

-Lab manual

-C. E. Housecroft and A. G. Sharpe (20012) Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edn, Person Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate,
Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England.
-W. L. Jolly () The Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Compounds

Grading System:
Med-Term Exam 30%
Participation Mark 20%
Final exam 50%

Course Outline:

A) Theoretical Part: (12 Lectures)

a) Short review of thermodynamic and kinetic aspect of inorganic compound synthesis
b) Short review:
(1) Synthetic and purification techniques on inorganic techniques
(2) Identification and characterization techniques such as: conductivity, magnetic
susceptibility, IR and UV-vis spectroscopy

B) Experimental Part: (20 – 24 Lab. Period each 3 lab hours)

This part will guide the students to learn the synthesis and characterization of various
inorganic compounds (each compound is expected to be characterized by: mp, molecular weight
measurement, conductivity measurement, magnetic susceptibility, IR, UV-vis.

The essential experiment expected to be performed is

Exp. 1: Synthesis of hexaammine cobalt(III) chloride, pentaamminechlorocobalt (III) chloride and
Tetraaminecarbonatocobalt(III) Nitrate
Exp. 2: Structural isomerism (Linkage Isomersim: Synthesis of nitritopentaamminecobalt (III) Chloride and
nitropentaaminecobalt (III) Chloride)

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Exp. 3: Diastereoisomers (Geometrical isomers): Preparation of cis and trans-dichloro bis (ethylenediamine)
cobalt (III) chloride
Exp. 4: Synthesis, Optical Resolution and Derivatization of Co(en)33+
Exp. 5: Bioinorganic Chemistry: Synthesis and Study of an Oxygen-Carrying Cobalt Complex Which Models
Exp. 6: Synthesis and characterization [Cr(OAc)2]2∙2H2O
Exp. 7: Synthesis of Oxalate complexes(each group of students will synthesize one or two
complexes from the following complexes): K3[Cr(ox)3], cis- and trans-K[Cr(ox)2(H2O)2],
K2[Cu(ox)2]∙2H2O, K3[Fe(ox)3]∙3H2O, K3[Co(ox)3]
Exp. 8-9: Synthesis of acetylacetonato complexes(each group of students will synthesize two or
three complexes): [Cr(acac)3], [Cr(Br-acac)3], Cr(NO2-acac), [Co(acac)3], [Fe(acac)3], [Mn(acac)3],
[Ni(acac)2(H2O)2], Ni(acac)2(py)2]
Exp. 10: synthesis and characterization of Ferrocence and its derivatives

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