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This model, developed by Gerlach and Ely, is unique in that it includes five activities that,

depending on how they are presented, take place in a parallel manner. It is these that are
important for determining the necessary resources that will be selected according to the
teacher's need to adapt or supplement instructional materials that have already been created.
These include the determination of strategy, organization of groups, allocation of time,
allocation of space, and source selection. Each step in this model must be evaluated, and then
feedback is given to help improve the areas that did not go as well as possible so that the next
time the topic is taught, a better job can be accomplished.

Most current teaching models are compatible with it because it allows for the simultaneous
determination of objectives and content. The document also outlines design objectives and
detailed plans for achieving them. Furthermore, it can be applied to a whole group of students,
a small group, individual activities or projects, or a combination of all of these things. As a result
of its simplicity, this model is a fantastic resource for both new and experienced teachers who
are primarily concerned with content instruction.

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