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This project will apply the principles of ethics in our personal human life

Purpose of the Good Life Project:

1 - To focus self-awareness ( knowledge) on a deeper, wider and brighter capacity to do good grounded
in moral principles of virtue, natural law, duty, teleological ethics, etc.
( Review: ) We identify contributions made by the past in “clarifying” the aim towards the good
or happiness of man and “integrate” these towards a wholistic understanding and “mastery” of our
Kant ( deontological ethics ) focused our awareness on our “independent will” ( alone ) as a
seeking towards the good of man as “end” or purpose. That good or happiness ought to be “universal”
or a good for all. All universal good anticipates an aspiration for eternal reward which can only be
possible if man is free, his soul is immortal and there is God in heaven. ( He did not give specific lists of
what man ought to do. )
Consequentialism or utilitarianism clarified our seeking for a higher “pleasure” for all while the
need to avoid pain and suffering. Man seeks the “greatest good for the greatest number.” This good
however must be the aesthetic, moral and spiritual rather than the sensual. However we are justified
only when we use “moral means” to achieve the “end.” Hence the maxim “the end does not justify the
The “principle of double effect” applies when dealing with problematic cases that combines
good and effect which is present in daily life from the preparation of food, to keeping healthy through
exercise, building enduring friendships through misunderstanding and vulnerabilities in living and with
communication with others.
Natural laws ethics are “laws of reason” or conscience found within man. This law of reason is
given by God for man to “discern” or discover the order that will make man grow. Hence we can say
that man obeys himself through his own reason what would best make himself “grow” in his body,
relationship, reason and spirit.
Aristotle explain the aim of happiness within the social-political setting. Each person is living to
become a “happy” person as a rational, social, and spiritual being. Hence we can say that for Aristotle
man is a rational, social, virtuous, happy self. Man achieves this by using his highest power of reason,
they support each other in society, and he habitually lives in happiness by staying in the middle. The
“moderate” center enables man to master his body, emotions, and behavior.
Reason is our basis for making impartial or balanced decision and hence correct behavior. We
further use our reason towards the “universal ethical principles” so we can connect with many men.
Feelings guides us towards objects of value that are good and even holy. We can aim towards the
higher spiritual order and hence be responsible because of our freedom.

We are challenged to be moral in the very personal situation we are in beginning with the
awareness of an ought. We develop morally from where we are with others and from who we are.

The awareness of an obligation or a feeling of a value is the first step to be moral. The ignorance of an
ought leaves a person innocent, insensitive and unable to perform the good even if it is infront of him or

2 - To encourage self-love and self-affirmation by showing talents and counting blessings in order to
initiate self-discipline and personal responsibility - participation. ( lack of Self affirmative and the
condemnation of others is the basis for suicide and despair or indifference.) We stop blaming others.
3 –To plan a future life ( with freedom and will ) and mission based on a deeper, wider and brighter self-
4 - To set an example ( and evoke positive feelings towards values) for friends, family and the future
generation of friends. ( this may be shared to our friends and family )

Materials: / General Instruction:

1 Use a Microsoft Word with pictures ( this page as format).
( Later, You may use powerpoint, video, etc for your own use. )
2 Keep it short, few and simple. Video, power point presentation should be no more than 10 minutes.
3 Caption all pictures. ( post a few only )

( NOTE: There are no wrong entries here. These “clarifies” and “integrates” all aspects of good or
positives in your life. The lists are “self-affirming” so the value of this work is for your own person.
Submit the few you can and complete the rest on your own – for the rest of your life. )
( Every personal information will be treated with respect and CONFIDENTIALITY. )

1 ABOUT SELF : Front cover page (Attach 2 x 2 picture or larger – current face and baby picture, other
pictures when you were young )
Name: ____ Birthday: _________ Time of birth: ____________
Birthplace: _______________________________ ( your cultural and worldly roots / relativism )

( Optional: include personal matters here such as

Ninongs/ Ninangs: (photocopy baptismal certificate) Who is special to you and why?
Provincial / city Address : ( don’t show specific street for security )
Parents with their birthdays (Attach family picture)
Brothers and Sisters - with their birthdays / names of their partners if married
Birthsign / zodiac sign / animal symbol
Optional: Make a short family tree ending with you if you can )

Family Life: Hobbies, sports, outings, games that your family enjoys.
Places your family have visited, vacation or had residence in since your parents got married.
( Include dates from moving up to transfer if you can ask. )

YOUR TASK TO DO: List down lists, obligations / duties / rules in the following areas. A: Health and
body is already provided. You may change it or You may add something unique for you – for example is
the regular medication / check up for those with on going or life-long medical cases. List up to 3 to 5.

The difficulties is part of our humanity from which we can grow. The effort will give you some
clarification about your person as moral subject. Stay excited.
( Listed examples are mine )
( do not submit this part ( all colored blue ) in your final submission )

1 MY GOOD BODY PROJECT: Health, Lifestyle and Environment: What are your
obligations to your health, Allergies, Sleeping and eating habits. Exercise, Sports, Smoking or drinking,
A: Rules of Health and body: Eating, Exercise and Sleep
1 Eat to live; not live to eat. Consume in moderation. Eat more veggies. ( Temperance )
2 Daily exercise of 5 to 10 minutes.
3 Regular sleep of at least 6 hours at the same time with short nap after lunch.
4 Refuse some invitation to parties ( Courage with consideration )
5 ______________________________________________

B: Rules of Order and Cleanliness at home and work place: ( do you have assigned duties? )
1 Clean before study for a healthier space. ( Order and cleanliness )

C: Rules on Clothes, fashion, accessories, aesthetics:

1 Buy new clothes only when the old is about to wear out. ( temperance )
D: Rules on Gadgets and appliances:
( A LIST if you want to identify these )

E. Rules on Money and Financial Freedom: Budget and Savings

1 Save before spending.

F: Environment: Recycling and waste disposal, pollution management, segregation,

Environmental engagement:
Awards in sports if any: _______________


Best Childhood Memories / Funny Stories: briefly narrate one event . How did it influence you as a
better person?
1 ______________________________________
2 ______________________________________

Best Childhood Friends / Best friends today: list Include special events about those friends.
(pictures if any: Optional )
List best 5

Roger del Rosario, Christopher, Grace, Great cook, funny, beer buddy,
Pinoy Olympics,
Col. Dennis Villanueva, deceased, Great writer, visionary leader, good
conversationalist, PMA
Engr Noel Hidalgo, Teodoro, Josefina, Melchor, High school
Grace, Evelyn, Ms Cagulada, Cecilia, etc

List of Crushes: and what attracted you to those persons. ( Separate elementary and high school, and
college. ( identify who is best ) ( need not be complete name to keep secret )
1 Grade 3 classmate __ 2 _______________________ 3
4 _________________ 5

VALUES FOR LOVE: Relationship Rules / Goal – What are our obligations to build more love and
Describe what kind of a partner will you become to your beloved. ( Select from list of values or virtues
listed below ) Which ones best represent you?
1 Dependable
2 Works hard, good Provider
3 Communicates with sincerity
4 _Communicates with humor ________
5 treat everyone ( children) fairly. ( justice )
6 Romantic w/ moderation
7 confront insane behavior

FAVORITE THINGS: What are your special collections and why do you keep them. ( mention one or a
few ) Favorite Music, Books, Movies, Gifts, Stamps, gadgets, etc. ( Include special possession you lost
due to fire or flood ) Or Pets

Books Journals,
Box of letters Stamps
Several medals

WRITE A LOVE LETTER TO YOURSELF OR to your best friend - to affirm self-love. Be specific about
characteristics /traits, talents, or character that you are happy about. Express encouragement if there
are major difficulties that you need to face and solve.

RECONCILIATION PROJECT: Are there persons you need to forgive soon or before you die for mistakes?
Yes or No. ( No need to mention their names )

SEXUAL ETHICS: What should be the important rules for sexual ethics?
1 _Cover more in public; be more free in private. ____________________________________
2 Think before you act. ( Prudence )
3 __Children allowed to have boy/girl friends only during college ______________________


a EDUCATION: Years of schooling, Name of School
High School / junior, Senior
MY BEST TEACHERS from kinder, Elementary. High School and the special lessons you learned from
1 My practical arts teacher in Grade 6 _______________4 Tom Palmeri, Philosophy __________
2 Mr Dabatian, High School chemistry, Science Fair __________________
3 Mrs Amy Chaves, Philosophy _________________________
( Reason for delays in school )

Favorite Subjects / Most Memorable Experiences in class Worst

1_College Trigonometry, crazy applications of math ________________ Elementary math
2 Most Philo subjects__________________________________ Physics
3 Engineer Abamonga, short cuts in Calculus problem solving_______________
4 High School chemistry
5 Shamanism, Comparative Religion,

Awards if any: 1 Most symbolic star ( Christmas contest ) in Grade 6 _____

2_Academic Excellence / Gold Medal in Philosophy _______________________
3_Service Medal, Service Certificate ___________________________________
4 _________________________________________________

What is your highest educational goal or other creative / productive goal?

_build a happy family / contribute to a charity _________

MY TALENTS /Skills / Hobbies : ( Writing, singing, art, sports, etc. special abilities ) Show pictures of
what you did / Awards if any . Briefly describe a memorable event

1 _Minimum computer skills, ______________________________________

2 __________________________________________________________________________________

Favorite / motivating movies:

The Bridges of Madison County
Sound of Music , Schindler’s List The Drunken Master – Jacky Chan
Stand and Deliver, Life is beautiful.
True story of Marie Palmeri

Life changing books you’ve read:

The Greatest Salesman in the World
The Greatest Miracle in the world

Written works : poems, essays, songs,

Essay Writing, 3rd place Philosophy Journal
“Thoughts” editorial
SEMINARS / CONFERENCES ATTENDED: ( List only the best 5 or 10 )
1 ______________
2 _____________


CAREER WORK CHARITY you want to engage in (Pay It Forwards).
( Also Mention here your social service / Stage 6 mission )
1 To Teach to empower others.
2 Compassion for others. Charity work at House of Hope
3 Share some cash to charities regularly or when called for.

CARE FOR PETS, PLANTS AND NATURE or BEAUTY: (Painting, poetry, music, singing, cooking)
1 _A few manageable pets in the house. ___
2 Plant medium high trees. ______________________
3 Encourage art in children by providing materials and space for self expression.
4 _wee, wee. ____________________________________

SOLITUDE AND SERENITY: ( What to do when alone instead of feeling lonely. Needed for mental
health ) To accept the things I cannot change

1 To converse with God instead of cursing others.

2 _No loud music allowed at home to create space for study, conversations and creative hobbies.
3 8 days retreat, daily meditation w/ instrumental music

LEADERSHIP POSITIONS, and volunteer ( follower) services held:

1 Editor, High School School paper “Steeple”

2 Editor, Thoughts, philosophy majors journal XU
3 Class president, year level representative, majors representative, Editorial board member, Central
student assemblyman, Peer Counselor,
4 House of Hope Foundation, volunteer
5 Church Task Force support for the poor, detainees
6 committees, workgroups, judge, moderator, etc.
7 Scouting Services - Scout Oath / Promise and Scout Law – one of the character transforming
experiences of my life in High school, with seminars and training-camp , plus various public services

Letter to God: ( Optional) If there are doubts or protests for all the hurts you suffer. Or to gratitude for
new blessings received or many talents you have. Or guidance for a better you, your family, and the

( Output should not exceed 10 pages.

Virtues or Moral Values are either


Richard and Linda Eyre, in Teaching Your Children Values describes the distinction
between values needed for self-development versus values needed for caring of one’s
families and others.

Values of Being is internal to our person. These are needed in order to raise our
capacity as a person. They are not selfish but are essential in developing character and
competence. This includes honesty, self-reliance, peace-ability, chastity and fidelity,
courage, temperance, moderation, simplicity, hard work, and prudence.

Values of Giving are external or other-centered. These are relational and build
our emotional and spiritual bank account. They help rather than hurt ourselves as well as
others. This includes love, respect, active listening, honor, kindness and courtesy, justice
and mercy, forgiveness, and loyalty and dependability.

Values of giving are gained each time they are given. Giving builds relationships.
Values of being are to be gained in order to sustain self-love and develop personal
competence. Self-love is necessary since we can only give what we already have.

Values of Being: Prudence, Courage, Temperance

Sincerity, Fidelity and Chastity, Moderation /

Truthfulness / Honesty, Abstinence, Simplicity
(Bravery / Fortitude), Self-reliance, peace-ability / tranquility
Hard work / Diligence, Patience, Humility,
Order and Cleanliness, Silence, Frugality, Deep spirituality

Values of Giving: Honor, love, kindness and courtesy, Tolerance, listening, Forgiveness,
apologies, Loyalty, Dependability, Justice and mercy,
Making and keeping promises, Charity, Liberality, Appreciation of cultural-religious
differences, inter-religious dialogue, consensus formation, solidarity

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