Culture of The 2010s

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Culture of the 2010’s

Directions: Choose 10 random numbers to fill out the chart below

using the article 33 Ways to Remember the 2010s - The New York Times

# Title the Article Gives What’s it’s Significance? Personal Connection?

about in 3 Description? Include 2 bullet points
words or less. here.

33 Spandex Ruled Everything Around Us Avengers  The Marvel Avengers

Assemble revolutionized superhero
cinema and gained a massive
 I have watched every marvel
movie and show since the first
Ironman movie in 2009
32 Gay culture owned American and lost its

31 Now you know what duck face is.

30 Obligatory Beyonce post

29 The most influential architecture of the

decade wasn’t a building.

28 Dance was Everywhere. Revolutionary  New ways to express

new extended themselves through dance
 Artists were being more
inclusive and incorporating
dance to their performances.
27 Gwyneth became a modern lifestyle

26 So. Many. Murders

25 All hail the almighty algorithm

24 Hollywood got a little less male...

23 ...And the Oscars got slightly less white.

22 Broadway didn’t throw away it’s shot.

21 The jukebox went global. Foreign Music  More western artists are
Rises incorporating different
languages to account for a
global audience
 K-Pop has risen drastically
because of this new
20 Art history was rewritten.

19 #MeToo changed everything

18 There was before, and there was after Drake changed  Drake was the leading rapper to
Rap diversify his genre of music
 Rappers now have different
styles in music and aren’t
restrained to one genre
17 Even classical music moved to L.A.

16 We all had this in our earbuds. Audio, Podcast,  Audio is familiar, heard in TV
Voices shows, movies, and
 Listening to a podcast is
educational and easy to listen to
15 Just one more episode Binge watching  Many people fall into the desire
of wanting to watch one more
episode of something or one
more video
 When I watch a show, it is hard
for me to stop watching it. I like
to binge watch rather than
spreading the episodes over a
long period of time
14 Spectators no more

13 Prequel, sequel, or spinoff? It had to be Everlasting  Most notably, Disney buy up

one. Franchises franchises and make a lot of
interconnecting movies, such as
the Marvel Franchise and the
Star Wars Franchise
 There aren’t many movies now
that are single movies, that are
original and aren’t in a series or
a prequel/sequel
12 The SoundCloud generation arrived. SoundCloud;  Many artists in music were able
new platform to break through and become
famous through SoundCloud
 SoundCloud also lets new
genres of music become famous
11 Women got good and mad.

10 Misty mattered.

9 No really. Everything is Gamergate.

8 China spoke, Hollywood listened.

7 Youtube changed the definition of fame. Ways to Fame  YouTube now is one of the
easiest and best ways to
become famous and gain a large
audience and number of fans
 There are millions of YouTubers
who now make millions of
dollars due to the large platform
that is YouTube
6 We’re all in our own bubble now.

5 Fortnite became the future of gaming. Fortnite  Fortnite was one of the biggest
Influence games that enabled people to
become rich and famous, with
people streaming it on YouTube
and Twitch
 Fortnite bridged the gap
between shooter games and
games for kids, with the
animation making it more
inviting for children.
4 Stand up grew up. Comedy  Comedy diversified into many
Standup different forms, with standup
becoming one of the most
 Standup produced comedians
such as Dave Chappelle, Eddie
Murphy, and Adam Sandler.
3 Me, myself, and I

2 Reality TV moved into the White House. Actors to  People like John F. Kennedy,
Presidents Donald Trump, and Ronald
Reagan went from being actors
on TV to becoming the
 This may make the road to
presidency a more attainable
target for many, as one doesn’t
have to decades of experience
in politics to become the
1 Stans struck back. Power of Stans  Fans have the power to build
and break someone’s career
 The name Stan came from
Eminem’s song “Stan”

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