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000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2021-07-26T08:51:13.

000000.038| ALWAYS| CFG| CrashHandler(Sentry)
000000.054| ERROR| SentryStartupTransport
000000.133| ALWAYS| CFG| Command Line: " 5305
iwYyQzZ/0h/hW7BbbvbnyQ== 20208472" "-PlayerID=20208472" "-GameID=468051312" "-
Region=OC1" "-PlatformID=OC1" "-Locale=vn_VN" "-SkipBuild" "-EnableCrashpad=true"
"-EnableLNP" "-UseDX11=1:1" "-UseMetal=1:1" "-UseNewX3D" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers"
"-RiotClientPort=49382" "-RiotClientAuthToken=d9mhCFSfBdF7GiANf4OmlQ"
000000.242| ALWAYS| CFG| Build Version: Version 11.15.388.2387 (Jul 20
2021/14:15:50) [PUBLIC] <Releases/11.15> ChangeList: 3882387
000000.246| ALWAYS| Live Profiling enabled. Will overwrite old RPD.
000000.298| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 49382
000000.350| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000000.381| ALWAYS| FLOW| Initializing Renderer
000000.383| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init enter
000000.383| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000000.389| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1366, YRes = 768, BPP = 32)
000000.389| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating X3D device
000000.394| ALWAYS| DXGI version: 1.2
000000.396| ALWAYS| Detected Adapter 'NVIDIA NVS 4200M'
000000.638| ALWAYS| DX11 feature level: 11.0
000000.863| ALWAYS| Using X3D Platform: DX11
000000.891| ALWAYS| X3D: Focus Gained
000000.901| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000000.902| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000001.070| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2019.1.10 initialized.
000001.294| ALWAYS| GameStartData::GameID=468051312
000001.299| ALWAYS| CONN| Connecting to address ( port (5305)
000001.304| ALWAYS| CONN| Waiting for response from game server...
000001.620| ALWAYS| CONN| Hard Connect at LocalSimTime(0.000)
000001.705| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000001.706| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 0) TU DOU -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(c6e7229f-9b4a-50d0-
b79b-970daf1f2b0a) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 1) yihaolangren -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(8027b145-2e73-509d-
b227-eafeee3ef7c8) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 2) JJJacker **LOCAL** -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(4caf4f1f-042f-53ac-
8df3-843c50601608) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 3) sunsill11 -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(81ac8735-1962-516c-
8f08-66dbd7139d06) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 4) Lowceder -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(9021d38c-4788-5320-
a8e3-00d2820de2bb) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 5) ElNinoT9 -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(d7df3210-8bfa-50f8-
b76a-3e27878d2b49) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 6) 21102003 -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(fd63ece5-86af-5de9-
a85c-6e8f3e77483a) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.707| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 7) 55576jn -
Champion(TFTChampion) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(c92b4c05-86f7-56e9-
87d1-d1c5b3506f0e) ConnectionState(Connected)
000001.712| ALWAYS| ALE-M1UGR2ZG 0.059293
000001.715| ALWAYS| ALE-M1UGR2ZG 0.062505
000001.715| ALWAYS| ALE-M1UGR2ZG 0.062527
000001.715| ALWAYS| ALE-M1UGR2ZG 0.062539
000001.715| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Server Connection Established after 0.410 seconds,
0 retries
000001.718| ALWAYS| FLOW| Waiting for loading info
000001.933| ALWAYS| CFG| MultiplayerSettings Encryption=true Compression=true
MinimumSizeToCompressPayloadThreshold=0 CompressionLevel=3 Logging=false
Wireless=false Redundancy=false Threshold=0 Resends=20 Timeout=8.000
TimeoutDisplay=3.000 MinLatency=0.000
000002.484| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 49382
000002.493| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000002.495| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 49382
000002.504| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000003.086| ALWAYS| Set focus to app
000003.090| ALWAYS| CFG| OS Version: 7 Service Pack 1 Ultimate, x64 CPU: Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2423Mhz (4 cores) Instruction Set Level 7Physical
memory: 4294967296Display info: NVIDIA NVS 4200M 536870912 Driver:
000003.102| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 49382
000003.102| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 49382
000003.115| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000003.119| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000003.120| ALWAYS| LCUVoiceChatClient: Disabling voice, channel not available at
000003.320| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Chat session is "loaded".
000003.599| ALWAYS| FLOW| Begin Async Loading
000004.511| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: Begin Game Object Update
000004.520| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: End Game Object Update
000009.612| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects
000009.682| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects Finished
000011.125| ALWAYS| FLOW| Async Loading Complete
000011.155| ALWAYS| FLOW| Data Load Complete
000011.155| ALWAYS| FLOW| Start Main Loop
000011.431| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_PREGAME to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000011.432| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000011.811| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000011.816| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-BC89AC41
000011.816| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-6671BCAD
000037.944| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason Received Game Start Packet.
000037.970| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-8711AB1A 0.0951621
000038.003| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-9651ACAB
000038.004| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-B2890C00
000038.048| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP AudioUpdate
000038.049| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP EndRender & EndFrame
000038.052| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-891ACC45
000038.052| ALWAYS| Enabling System Load Monitoring: 1000ms
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000058.318| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000126.821| ALWAYS| ALE-MM44G8Q7 (120.9873201 10.179364 0.139220 0.000033)
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000382.636| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
000769.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001206.011| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001596.817| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001596.817| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001596.817| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
001596.817| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 923757296 didn't resolve to anything
002216.679| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-44WBGM2J
002216.709| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-Z8U3YRZ3
002224.792| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_ENDGAME for reason Received Game End Packet.
002224.792| ALWAYS| FLOW| ALE-8SDFH23F
002225.778| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_ENDGAME to
GAMESTATE_PRE_EXIT for reason RiotUI End of Game Message Handled
002225.789| ALWAYS| CONN| Requesting disconnect (22)
002225.789| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_PRE_EXIT to
GAMESTATE_EXIT for reason PreExit Game State is Complete.
002225.792| ALWAYS| FLOW| Finished Main Loop
002225.834| ALWAYS| =================== Perf Stats (all in ms)
002225.834| ALWAYS| Average Frame Time: 16.26
002225.834| ALWAYS| Average FPS: 61.50 fps
002225.834| ALWAYS| StdDev Frame Time: 3.60
002225.834| ALWAYS| Max Frame Time: 76.04
002225.834| ALWAYS| Ave GPU Frame Time: 16.23
002225.834| ALWAYS| StdDev GPU Frame Time: 3.57
002225.834| ALWAYS| Max GPU Frame Time: 144.60
002225.834| ALWAYS| Histogram Buckets:
002225.834| ALWAYS| Frame Time Histogram:
002225.834| ALWAYS| GPU Time Histogram:
002225.841| ALWAYS| TFT.CombatRounds.ave:
002225.842| ALWAYS| TFT.CombatRounds.max:
002225.842| ALWAYS| TFT.Rounds.ave:
002225.842| ALWAYS| TFT.Rounds.max:
002225.842| ALWAYS| Max Memory Allocated = 864.539MB
002226.147| ALWAYS| FLOW| Cleanup Complete
Result: 200: SUCCESS
002226.356| ALWAYS| FLOW| ALE-8SDFH23F
002226.364| ALWAYS|
ssage_body":"Game exited"}
002226.366| ALWAYS| AudioManagerWwise::Finit
002226.395| ALWAYS| FLOW| Destroying the renderer
002226.395| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() enter
002226.677| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() exit
002228.487| ERROR| SentryShutdownTransport

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