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How technology changes our sense of right and


What drives society's understanding of right and wrong? In this thought-provoking talk,

futurist Juan Enriquez offers a historical outlook on what humanity once deemed

acceptable -- from human sacrifice and public executions to slavery and eating meat --

and makes a surprising case that exponential advances in technology leads to more

ethical behavior.

Before watching the video, take a look at the following expressions:

be targeted - ser el blanco de alguien wealth - riqueza

burn somebody at the stake – quemar warfare – conflicto armado

en la hoguera trench – trinchera

be on sb’s side – estar de su lado narrowcast - to aim a program or

programming at a specific, limited
cancel sb – bloquear a alguien audience or sales market.
shift opinion
beheadings - decapitaciones
to quibble with – objetar con alguien
indenture servitude - servidumbre
in retrospect – looking back, en
at your disposal – a tu disposición
all of a sudden – de repente
forefathers - antepasados


Now answer the following questions

1. What do you think our future rights and wrongs will be in the years to come?

2. How does Juan Enriquez believe that technology has changed our moral compass?
3. Do you agree with him? Why? Why not?

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