Assignment Rm&ipr

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1. a) Discuss the Criteria Characteristics of a good research problem.

b) What are the approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem?

2. a) What are the necessary instrumentations to conduct the good research?

b) What are the various sources of primary and secondary data?. Discuss data collection
and data analysis in the context of research.

3. a) What are the effective literature studies approaches?

b) Compare good research with research ethics?

4. a) List the types. of plagiarism and explain ethical standard of research.

b) What are the techniques to approach literature studies?

5. a) . Explain the significance of a research report and narrate the various steps involved in
writing a report.

b) Write about the statement of findings and recommendations?


1. a) Explain in detail on Effective technical writing

b) Write about logical analysis of the subject matter?

2. a) Explain about different types of Intellectual property?

b) Explain why agencies are responsible for Intellectual Property registration with any two

3. a) Derive an application for registration of different types of marks in PTO and an Indian
IPR organization.

b) Describe how monopoly nature of owner is controlled by Patent Trademark


4. a) Explain administration of Patent System

b) Compare patent rights and IPR

5. a) Explain the inventions that are patentable and not patentable in India.

b) what are the main provisions of Indian Patent Amendment Act-2005?.

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