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Combined Proposal for Charitable

Hospital with Old Age Home Support

Program and investment in the
education sector in Punjab state in North


About old age home

The Indian family has traditionally provided natural social security

to the old people by their families. However, in more recent times due to

break down of joint families and modern living style, the traditional role of

the family is being shared by the institutions named as an “OLD AGE

Reasons why elders choose to stay in an old age home

Due to the following reasons elderly people

choose to stay in an old age home:
o Disagreement and conflict with sons and
o Maladjustment with the family members
which leads them to stay in a corner of the
house in tears.
o Seeking spiritual development in later life.
o Children have no time to take care of them as it creates an atmosphere of tension and
uneasiness in the family.
o To avoid conflict and domestic quarrels at home.
o Children of the elderly do not object and express no sadness at the decision of their
parents to reside in old age home.

o Elderly people feel that they had been

driven out of the family.
o Advantages of staying in an old age home
o Residents in the old age home do not
experience social isolation, desolation, social
loneliness and emotional loneliness.
o They will be engaged in different activities of the old age home in overcoming loneliness,
which improves their health and enhances their self-esteem.
o In an old age home, they meet new friends (co-residents) of their age and share their
o Residents will have self-respect and lead a satisfactory and peaceful life without being a
burden on their families.
o Residents are in constant touch with
their family members. Their children can
visit them often or as per their
convenience. Sometimes they call up their
parents and ask about their health.
o Even the residents themselves visit
their children quite often. This shows that both the elderly residents and their children
have not severed their relations with each other, though they found it difficult to stay
o They feel happy when their grand children call them or visit them. The constant contact
with the family members is one of the factors why they do not feel social loneliness. They
also do not experience desolation or isolation.

Our Aim

Our aim Is to help the lonely, neglected, destitute and abandoned poor elderly.

Many among them must have spent

their life in earning for their children and now
they are left out or maybe they must have lost
what they had. We would like to provide 3 times
warm food, shelter, medical help and love them
the most and equip them for eternity. We will charge the elderly who can afford to pay
and free stay to destitute and abandoned elders. Giving them joy and happiness and
bringing smile on their faces and provide them the following:

 A comfortable stay.
 Keep them busy with daily activities like the following;
o Morning exercise
o Meditation / yoga
o Prayer / quite moments in the chapel / reading daily scriptures
o Weekly confession and Holy Mass
o Reading / watching television / listening to music
 Evening walk in the garden.
 Reciting rosary together etc.....
 Giving them Love which they are
missing from their families.
 Make them feel young by
asking their childhood and
most happy moments.
 Involving them in daily spiritual
activities and educate them for
 Help them in communicating with their family and clear misunderstanding if any.
 Also help them in getting their benefits from the government as senior citizens.

Sustainability of the Project

Following activities will be carried out in order to ensure the sustainability of the project:

 One ABVP Old Age Home Management Committee will be formed comprising people
from local & educated community. The management Committee will be registered in
the legal entity formulating its constitution which will state the activities about the
sustainable operation of the home.

 The committee will be facilitated to create a permanent trust fund from the donations
contributed by different individual and organizational donors, and it is assumed that
in future it will have the fund enough to operate the home through the fund's
interests alone.

S.No. Particulars of the Expenses Rate (Rs.) Amount

Land and Building
1. Land Cost: 20000 Sq.Yards approx. @12,000.00 sq. 24,00,00,000.00
2. Registration Cost for the Land @6% of value 60,00,000.00
3. Architect’s Fee 30,000,000.00 3,00,00,000.00
4. OLD AGE HOME Architecture and construction cost: - @2500 sq. ft. 25,00,00,000.00
100000sq. fts. Approx. construction area

Details (Complex):
 1 Reception Hall
 2 Halls for office
 2 Halls for Kitchen Complex
 60 Rooms with Attached Toilets for inmate
accordingly block wise.
 Common toilets in the premises (2)
 Front entrance Garden
 Parking Area
 Solar Installation on roof top
 Fire Safety system in entire building.
 Mini Dispensary with pharmacy

 2 Parks 1400 sq. mtrs. each (establishing &

maint. Charges 1000 Rs. Per/ mtr.) 28,00,000.00
 Installation of 4 Lifts @ 10,00,000.00 each 40,00,000.00

Total 1,80,00,00,000

S. Particular . @ Rate (Rs.) Amount.
NO. s OF
1 AMBULANCE 2 500000 1000000.00
2 SUV CARS FOR PICK/DROP FOR STAFFS 2 1200000 2400000.00
3 NORMAL JEEP AND CARS 2 500000 1000000.00
4 BUS 1 1200000 1200000.00
5 COMPUTERS 20 800000 16000000.00
6 PRINTERS 20 1500000 30000000.00
7 TELEPHONES, EPBX SYSTEM ETC. 50 35000 1750000.00
TOTAL 5,33,50,000.00


S. Particular @ Rate (Rs.) Amount.
NO. s
1 BEDS 100 25000 2500000
2 MATTRESSES 110 17000 1870000
3 PILLOWS WITH COVER 110 1000 110000
4 BED SHEETS 110 1000 110000
5 BLANKETS 110 3500 385000
6 FANS 25 1200 30000
7 REFRIGERATORS 36 20000 720000
8 GEYSERS 50 12000 600000
9 WATER COOLERS 10 6000 60000
10 AQUA GUARDS 8 10000 80000
11 WHEEL CHAIRS 25 3600 90000
12 ROOM TABLES 50 5000 250000
13 MISC. 1 50000 50000
TOTAL 68,55,000.00

S.No. Particulars of the Expenses Amount YEARLY
PM (Rs.)
1 MD 80,000.00 9,60,000.00
4 DOCTORS (2) 80,000.00 9,60,000.00
5 PHARMISIST 4,00,000.00 48,00,000.00
6 NURSES 4 9,00,000.00 1,08,00,000.00
7 1,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
9 TECHNICIANS (5X30000) 1,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
11 Sanitary Workers (10X12000) 1,20,000.00 14,40,000.00
12 Office boy cum Peon (10X12000) 1,20,000.00 14,40,000.00
13 Physiotherapists (2X25000) 50,000.00 6,00,000.00
Staff of Green Area and Security:-
17 Horticulturists (2X30000) 60,000.00 7,20,000.00
18 Malis (5X12000) 1,20,000.00 14,40,000.00
19 Chief-Security-Officer (1X40000) 40,000.00 4,80,000.00
Security guards for entire complex
20 2,25,000.00 27,00,000.00
Utilities and other expenses: -
21 Electricity Charges 1,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
22 Water Charges 50,000.00 6,00,000.00
23 Internet Charges 20,000.00 2,40,000.00
Stationary, BOOKS, Newspaper &
24 1,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
Postage etc.
25 Petrol/Diesel for Ambulance and Cars 2,00,000.00 24,00,000.00
Ration Expenses for the inmate and
working staff mess, Pulses, Cooking-oil,
26 6,00,000.00 72,00,000.00
Spices, Vegetables and Fruits etc. (100
persons X 200 per day)
27 Toiletries & Medicines for HOSPITAL 1,00,000.00 12,00,000.00
28 1,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
TOTAL 4,69,80,000.00

Thank you for reading our proposal on an Old Age Home. You are welcome to be
a part of it. Your contribution towards our Old Age Home may be a drop in the sea for
you. But this drop is a sea itself for us to help the elders.

Let’s start storing up our treasures in heaven. If you have an account already in
the heaven, then let’s start with more deposits
About Education Sector

The Indian Education sector, is one of the largest sectors in the world, with the estimated market
industry size to reach a whopping 570 crores by the year 2020. The segments of the education
industry include pre-schooling, K-12 Schools and, Higher and Vocational Education. There are
about 1.5 million schools and 700 universities around the country, but still, the rural areas lag
behind in terms of education. In these severe times, we all need to accept the fact that the
government is finding it challenging to cope with the current situation of education in the country.
Difficulty in generating financial aids, increasing rates of students dropping from schools, constant
character of Indian classrooms are some concern raising issues. Such circumstances require us all
to pull together so that children in some of India’s most desperate communities and areas have
the chance to go to school and make an independent living. This is where the contribution of the
business sector comes into play with immense importance.

Investing for business is always a challenging task, with the limitation of no surety of a good return
on investment. But with proper research and planning, it can be decided which industry is best
for investment.

Well, the education sector is one of the best investment arenas in the country. This industry is
still in the development process and has an extensive requirement of emerging innovative
startups, with the assurance of great and fruitful scope in it. If one considers the opportunity to
invest in online and distance education, the market size is probably among the top 5 industries in
India. Investing in children’s increased attendance at schools and learning is not that difficult to
maintain. With devoted contributions to enhancing teaching and methodologies to can
contribute meaningfully to the economic advancement of society.

There are various reasons and ways, for entrepreneurs to invest in the education industry, to
ultimately yield them a high return and also significantly bring a change in the current austere
scenario of education in the country.

Firstly, the government is working rigorously to highly invest in the school education sector. The
alarming drop rates of children from schools, especially in the rural sector, is the main reason why
it is very important to focus on improving the conditions of schools all around. The failure of
schools to completely accept children from rural areas, and also the helplessness of the rural kids
to cope up with the other children, leads them to drop off schools, without even completing their
basic education. To resolve this situation, the need of the hour is to create a much safer and
comfortable space for these children. The new initiatives and investments by the government
open up huge opportunities for big companies and startups to bring about a huge transformation.

The most attractive domain in the education industry is the pre-school and school segment,
where the suddenly increased inclination of parents, to send their children to international
schools, is opening up new doors for edu-preneurs. Various initiatives by CBSE, and the
heightened hype created by the media gives a lot of opportunities to businesses.

Over the last century, the world has seen a lot of technological advancement in the education
field. But the Indian education still sought to age-old methodologies of teaching. Digitization the
technical space have widened around, and it is high time to bring technology to bring to our
classrooms as well. It is very crucial to give students the required technical exposure and make
them tech-friendly. Businesses can invest in bringing their innovations and expertise to make our
classrooms more advanced.

The Education sector is not limited to classrooms only. It also covers a whole big scope for the
provision of side services as well like, advertising, marketing, Public Relations and Digital
Marketing for the educational institutions. And this might be a plus factor for the interested

Where in our culture, education has always been considered as a charitable and noble cause, and
though it is not business, education should be run like one, to ensure the efficiency and
effectiveness of the program. And if the investors are committed enough, they are sure-shot to
have an excellent return rate in the long run.

To enhance the quality of teaching, create technically sound classrooms, ensure ways and
strategies to retain kids from dropping off schools, all these factors that make our Indian
education sector lag behind, can be used by emerging businesses to bring improvement,
expecting a good return on investment, alongside. With the collaborations of business leaders
and education superintendents, it can be anticipated that this will pave a path for modernization
and betterment of the Indian Education system.

About the school project :-

There will be school opened by PRASHAD KNITFAB PRIVATE LIMITED in Ludhiana

This school will be located nearby the Hospital with Old Age Home in Ludhiana.

The school has approx.. 2.5 acres of land and it will be in the second year of its


S.No. Particulars of the Expenses Rate (Rs.) Amount

1. Indoor all weather semi olympic size pool 80 ft by 120 ft 14,00,00,000.00
2. Indoor sports arena 9,00,00,000.00
3. Architect’s Fee 20,00,000.00
4. Play grounds 70,00,000.00
5. Labs 60,00,000.00
6. Paying off existing loans 10,00,00,000.00

TOTAL 34,50,00,000.00

S. Particulars OF @ Rate (Rs.) Amount.
1 AMBULANCE 1 500000 500000.00
2 SUV CARS FOR PICK/DROP FOR 2 1200000 2400000.00
3 PROJECTORS AND TOUCH SCREENS 20 300000 6000000.00
4 BUS 4 1800000 7200000.00
5 COMPUTERS 60 80000 4800000.00
6 PRINTERS 8 50000 400000.00
7 TELEPHONES, EPBX SYSTEM ETC. 1 250000 250000.00
TOTAL 2,15,50,000.00
About the College Project:

Now a days the Institution has been considered by people as one of the premier Alma-matter
compared to others in the surrounding area. It has succeeded sustaining as one of the esteemed
institution serving the noble cause of access, equity, quality and growth in the arena of higher

 There will be college named under PRASHAD KNITFAB PRIVATE LIMITED in

Ludhiana District.

A. Objectives

 To create healthy and student-centric learning ambiance in the college

 To motivate student youth to imbibe ideals of life by means of education.
 To introduce a mechanism introspection both in teaching and learning class
of people.
 To supplement best learning process by gradual inclusion of modern
 To consider the society needs by involving in and creating an opportunity in
the form of educational exercises.
 To functionalize unbiased approach to accessibility and growth by extending
education facility economically.

B. Vision

To be the Institution of preferred choice by ushering the convergence of

knowledge, skills and values in Education.
C. Mission
To provide relevant education by integrating the best faculties and
infrastructure so that the students can withstand the best of time and be of
utmost benefit to the society.

 Proposed Land Availability (in acres):

Sl. Description of Land Location Total Area Purpose

No (in acres)
1. College Land Ludhiana 15 acres Education

 Details of proposed Land & Building:

Sl. Description of Land Location Total Area Purpose

No (in acres)
1. College Building Ludhiana 10.5 acres Education
A. Equipments

Sl. Name of the Equipment Quan Cost Total Justification

No -tity per Unit Cost
1. Physics Lab Equipments  To conduct practical
 GM Co meter 2 56,250 1,12,500 classes in accordance
 Cathode Raj ostill o scope 2 22,000 44,000 with the curriculum
 e/m by Thomson 1 12,000 12,000 of University
 Phase Shift Oscillator kit 6,000
2 3,000
 Digital Trainer kit 14,000
2 7,000
 DC Battery (0-30V)
5 4,000 20,000
 DC Battery (12V)
 Travelling Microscope(2D) 2 3,000 6,000
 Travelling Microscope(3D) 2 11,000 22,000
 Meld’s Apparatus 2 9,000 18,000
 Hook’s law apparatus 2 8,000 16,000
 Helm hottz galvanometer 2 2,000 4,000
 Logic gates using IC kit 2 2,500 5,000
 4 bit binary counter 4,000 8,000
 RS Flip-Flop kit 6,000 12,000
 JK Flip-Flop kit 4,000 8,000
 Quantum charge ratio
2 4,000 8,000
photocell apparatus
1 12,000 12,000
 Sodium vapor lamp kit
 Decade Regis twice box 2 7,000 14,000
(plug type) 2,000 20,000
 Decade Inductance box
 Decade Capacitance box 2,500 12,500
(plug type) 5 20,000
 Spectrometer 60” 10
 Polari meter 4 14,000 56,000
 Dual tracing signal generator 2 9,000 18,000
2 16,000 32,000
2. Chemistry Lab Equipments  To conduct practical
 Abbe’s Refractometer 6 15,000 90,000 classes in accordance
 Digital conductivity meter 6 15,000 90,000 with the curriculum
 Photo electric calor meter 4 15,000 60,000 of the University
 Hot air oven 2 13,000 26,000
 Digital potentiometer
3 13,000 39,000
withcombined cells
 Single pass digital balance
 Distillation Unit 3 45,000 1,35,000
 Centrifugal machine (Remi) 2 18,000 36,000
4 6,000 24,000
3. Botany Lab Equipments  To conduct practical
 Laboratory water bath 1 30,000 30,000 classes in accordance
 Digital Centrifuge Machine 1 35,000 35,000 with the curriculum
 Digital Lab Balance 1 18,000 18,000 ofthe University.
 Rotary Shakers 1 42,000 42,000
 Sieves and Sieves Shaker
1 4,500 4,500
 Digital pH meter
 Lab hot air oven 1 9,500 9,500
 Herbarium Drying & Storage 1 35,000 35,000
cabinet 1 25,000 25,000
 Trinocular microscope with
camera 1 92,000 92,000
 Automatic Colony Counter
 Electric hot plate
 Double distillation Unit
1 50,000 50,000
 Vertical Autoclave
1 9,000 9,000
1 20,000 20,000
1 30,000 30,000
4. Zoology Lab Equipments  To conduct practical
 Digital Microscope 1 1,40,000 1,40,000 classes in accordance
 Richter Optica S6 Digital 1 1,80,000 1,80,000 with the curriculum
Stereo Zoom Microscope ofthe University.
 Digital Microtome 1 80,000 80,000

5. Computer Equipments ICT enabled class room

 Desktop Computer 10 75,000 7,50,000 required and we have
 LCD Projectors 5 30,000 1,50,000 introduced BCom (CS)
6. Sports Equipments As more number of
 Volleyball Post Adjustable 2 11,000 22,000 students participating in
 Handball Goal Post 1 18,500 18,500 different sports in Zonal,
 Kho-Kho Poles 6 4,400 26,400 Inter College, Inter
 Toe (Stop) Board University, State Level
 Discuss (Men) 2 Kg Wooden
1 2,300 2,300
etc., more sports
 Discuss (Men) 2 Kg Rubber 4 860 3,440
infrastructure is
 Discuss (Men) Wooden 1.5Kg 3 200 600 required.
 Discuss (Men) Rubber 1.5Kg 4 760 3,040
 Shotput Men 3 140 420
 Shotput Women 2 2,200 4,400
 Measuring Tape 100 mtr 1 1,800 1,800
 Measuring Tape 50 mtr
2 1,800 3,600
 Measuring Tape 20 mtr
 Measuring Tape 5 mtr Steel 2 960 1,920
2 640 1,280
1 500 500
 Stop Watch – Multi Timer 2 4,500 9,000
 Stop Watch – Single Timer 6 700 4,200
 Down Timer
2 700 1,400
 Chess Board
 Carrom Board 6 450 2,700
 Javellin – Men 4 2,600 10,400
 Javellin – Women 8 1,160 9,280
 Cross Bar 4 1,060 4,240
 Hammer String 6 650 3,900
 Starting Block
12 260 3,120
 Badminton Racquet – Standrd
 Badminton Racquet – Practice 8 1,400 11,200
 T.T Racquet – Standard 6 2,500 15,000
 T.T Racquet – Practice 12 600 7,200
 Hand Pump 6 1,050 6,300
 Volley Ball Net 8 600 4,800
 Badminton Net
2 260 520
 Table Tennis Net
 Volleyball Practice 6 1,600 9,600
 Volleyball Competition 4 500 2,000
 Football 4 100 400
 Throwball 12 540 6,480
 Handball – Men 6 1,350 8,100
 Handball – Women
8 800 6,400
 Basketball – Men
 Basketball – Women 6 630 3,780
 Ball Badminton Ball 8 650 5,200
 T T Ball Box 4 630 2,520
 Shuttle Box 4 800 3,200
 Cricket Kit
4 760 3,040
 Football Goal Post
 Warning Cards
12 130 1,560
 Yoga Mat 6 210 1,260
 Medicine Ball 1 Kg 6 750 4,500
 Medicine Ball 2 Kg 2 4,500 9,000
 Medicine Ball 4 Kg 1 18,000 18,000
 Cricket Ball – Leather
2 200 400
 Cricket Ball – Tennis
 Whistle Fox – 40 Mini 15 700 10,500
 Ball Badminton Racquet 2 1,000 2,000
 Ball Badminton Racquet 2 1,300 2,600
 Javelin Carbon – Men 2 1,500 3,000
 Javelin Carbon – Women 12 600 7,200
 Volleyball Net (Metal String) 18 80 1,440
 Hurdles
4 550 2,200
6 3,000 18,000
12 400 4,800
6 1,000 6,000
3 850 2,550
2 2,000 4,000
40 1,650 66,000

 Academic and Administrative Details:

(i) Academic Divisions and programmes

Details of Proposed Programs/Courses in University:

Sl. Depart- Course Duration Year-wise Whether course

No ments Offered Enrollment approved
Targets for by UGC
First 5 years
1 Arts BA 3 Yrs UG 7k Yes
2 Commerce B.Com 3 Yrs UG 6k Yes
3 Science B.S.C 3 Yrs UG 4k Yes

 Admission Policy :

Sl. Courses Eligibility Mode of Selection

No Criteria
1 UG BA, B.Com, B.Sc 10+2 Merit cum Roster

A. Proposed Outcomes –

 Sports Equipments enhances sports activities in the college to the maximum

level and students will be benefited by participating in College, Inter- College,
University, State and National level sports events.
 Laboratory facilities enhance student’s participation in practical work and it
creates research interest in the minds of students and further education.
 ICT facilities enhance ICT based teaching there by teaching learning process
improves to the better extent.
 Additional class room facilities aids to students pursue vocational,
certificate, training courses and this will be benefitted for the employability
of students.
 Enhanced Computer facilities leads to higher computer literacy among the
students and faculties.
 All students can excel their career in different fields by availing these
 Increase in the number of students and courses.
 Office Automation leads to efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of
various services to different stake holders of colleges.
 Office Automation facilities enhances E-governance. Paperless
governancehelps to save environment by not using paper and carbon
 ICT facilities aids to faculties to pursue doctoral degrees and many
lecturesof our college will be benefitted.
 Equipped Auditorium helps to conduct Seminar
(State/National/International), Workshop, Cultural Programme and others.
 Campus development proposal enhances better physical environment in
 IT infrastructure and Library resources aids students and faculties to produce
remarkable outcome in the field of research in terms of quality theses,
papersand publications.
 Increased research activities of the faculties enhance quality of teaching and
involving students in research activity to enable them to understand the fact
and reliability of the subject.
 Sanitation facilities of the college improve environment clearness in the
 All stake holders of the college will be benefitted from sports, computer,
office automation, sanitation, laboratories and library facilities.
 Increases the number of recent publications in the library for the benefit of
our students.
 Better upgradation of Library Software for the easy access for the users.
 College will have well equipped infrastructure in terms of computer and
internet with recent technology aids to acquire recent knowledge happening
around us.

 Physical and Financial Details

New Physical Value Financial Value
Details of college
Construction/ (Area in Sq. Mt) (Rs. in crores)
Hostels (Separate for boys and girls) Hostel Room 325 25
Toilets (Separate for boys and girls) Additional
Boys Toilet Const 80 0.50
Girls Toilet Const 80 0.50
Classrooms (including technologically Class Room Const
525 50.00
enabled classrooms)
Laboratory (Renovation) Physics Lab 140 6.00
Chemistry Lab 162 10.00
Botany Lab 146 5.00
Zoology Lab 4.00
Computer Centre Computer & ICT 87 6.00
Common room for students Renovation 107 8.00
Canteen/Cafeteria Renovation 50 2.00
Library Renovation 743 10.00
Auditorium Renovation 140 3.00
Sports facility Renovation 6.00

Laboratory (Equipments) Physics 140 5.00

Chemistry 162 5.00
Botany 146 4.00
Zoology 145 4.00
Computer Centre Computer 87 4.00

Library Books/Journals/ 8.00

Administration Office Office Automation 268 3.00
Sports Sports Equipments 4.00
Campus Development Development 300 3.00
Architect’s Fees 3.00
Land 240
Existing Loan 120


 Plan

A. Plan for Physical Infrastructure

Percen Physical Target Financial Target

(as a % of
-tage of (appropriate
Phase Item approved cost)
Comp unit)
-letion Start End Start End
Date Date Date Date
(i) Creation of new  Toilets
100% 2021 2025 2021 2025
facilities (35% of  Class Rooms
total project
 Common Room 2021 2025 2021 2025
(ii) Upgradation  Canteen
(35% of total  Library 100%
project cost)  Auditorium
 Sports facility
 Laboratory
2021 2025 2021 2025
 Computers
 Books/ Journals
(iii) Equipment
 Office Automation 100%
(30% of total
project cost)  Sports Equipments
 Campus Develop



I hope you will find all the three projects viable to invest and we are looking forward to
associate with your company.



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