Saint Paul University Philippines

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Saint Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Anog, Christian Anthony B. BSED-ENGLISH 2

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains a single grain;
but if it dies, it shall yield a rich harvest.”
Just as a seed will never become a plant unless it "dies" and is "buried" so the death
and burial of Jesus is necessary to His glorification. Before there can be resurrection power
and fruitfulness, there must be death.

In this passage, I believe that Jesus want us to bear much fruit and he tells us how to
do this; to surrender our lives to God. He wants us to have an abundant and a blessed life. He
tells us the way to do that is to give up our will and love the Lord with everything that we
have. Through this passage, Jesus wants us to teach this principle about living for God and
bearing a fruitful life. When we follow after God in his purpose and plan, it will actually
grant us to have a bountiful life. Also, we’re not only blessed ourselves but others too and so
Jesus comes on the sin saying he has a purpose that is to fulfil our father’s will. We see this
happened on the cross, he goes right before he died and says, “It’s not my will Lord, but your
will be done.” This might seem crazy at first, but we have to understand that there was a
purpose and a reason into it. He gave us this illustration of a sin unless a seed goes into the
ground and that what its supposed to do is it won’t bear much fruit. This was really a picture
of Jesus about what he was going to do and how he was going to die for the ransom of many
so that we can have life.

Also, this principle was not about his purpose or last week on his life but for all his
followers as well. Jesus wanted his disciples to bear much fruit, to follow after God’s will and
not just their own will. When we do this, we will have a prosperous life and there’s a lot of
joy in following him. In the Bible, it says that we have to die for our own selves and to
surrender to him. So, I want to encourage everyone that just as God submit his will and
brought glory to God in saving many, so should we. For God desires us to bear much fruit to
have a fruitful and enriched life.

In addition, according to Tyson, J. B. (1986) Jesus was only referring to his human
death and resurrection. Jesus must die so that Christianity can begin to gain its millions of
followers and believers. One seed is planted that millions may be formed. Jesus willingly
died so that billions of human beings, since Adam and Eve, could be reconciled to God, by
having their sins forgiven. Jesus was resurrected from the dead to new life, so that each
person who believes in him, would receive the gift of eternal life, by the indwelling presence
of the Holy Spirit.

As a conclusion, I do believe as what Anderson, R. S. (2012) said that when we

hear the gospel message and come to faith in Jesus, we are united with Christ in his death.
Saint Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Our old self and life dies. When the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, we are united with Christ
in his new life. Our dead spirit comes alive and we begin a new life as a brand-new person.
With the Holy Spirit as our teacher, guide and power source we are able to complete the good
works that God has prepared in advance for us to do. What are these works? To share the
gospel message with everyone who will listen, so that many more people can come to faith in
Jesus. But also, to deliver God’s love to a lost and dying world, by loving other people with
the same sacrificial love that Jesus had for them. Delivering love creates the fruit of
righteousness and advances the kingdom of God. As Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful but
the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers, so the
bountiful harvest may all be brought in, for God’s kingdom and eternal family.

Tyson, J. B. (1986). The Death of Jesus in Luke-Acts. Columbia^ eSC SC: University
of South Carolina Press.
Anderson, R. S. (2012). Theology, death and dying. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

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