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PART 1 Write complete sentences based on the transcription.

1. | ɪf jʊ kɑːnt flaɪ / ðen rʌn| ɪf jʊ kɑːnt rʌn / ðen wɔːk| ɪf jʊ kɑːnt wɔːk /
ðen krɔːl / bʌt wɒtˈevə jʊ duː/ jʊ həv tə kiːp ˈmuːvɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd|
2. | ʃi ˈweɪdɪd ˈɪntu hɜː hɪps / ðen went ˈʌndər əz ə smɔːl weɪv əˈprəʊʧt|
3. | ðə kuːl ˈwɔːtə meɪd ə gɑːsp wen hə hed keɪm ʌp / ənd ə mæn
ˈstændɪŋ nekst tə hə ˈʧʌkld|
4. | hi wəz tɔːl wɪð dɑːk heə / ðə seɪm ˈkʌlə əz hɜːz/ ən fər ə ˈsekənd ʃi
ˈwʌndəd ɪf hi wəz ˈflɜːtɪŋ wɪð hɜː|
5. | bʌt ðə ˈʧɪldrən ˈnɪəbaɪ ˈkwɪkli ˈendɪd ðæt ɪˈluːʒn wɪð ʃaʊts əv dæd
ənd ˈɑːftə ə fjuː mɔː ˈmɪnɪts ɪn ðə ˈwɔːtə/ ʃiː gɒt aʊt ən wɔːkt bæk tə
hə ʧeə|
PART 2 Form minimal pairs by changing the sound of the underlined part in each of
the given word.

WORDS Your answers WORDS Your answers

1 grammar 8 mashed

2 place 9 cheese

3 poured 10 reign

4 fleas 11 rage
5 dose 12 nuffin

6 thumb 13 baize

7 wary 14 nectar

PART 3: Choose the word with correct stress

1 A. adequacy B. conspiracy C. efficiency D. transparency

2 A. hypnosis B. kinesis C. emphasis D. synopsis
3 A. propaganda B. ingenuity C. oblivion D. aggregation

4 A. secondary B. mediocre C. beneficial D. evanescent

5 A. patriotism B. racialism C. federation D. cacophony

6 A. responsiveness B. advocacy C. paralysis D. executive
7 A. miraculous B. existential C. municipal D. diagonal
8 A. continue B. embarrass C. recommend D. personify
9 A. subsidiary B. luxurious C. considerable D. formulaic
10 A. insatiable B. miserable C. admirable D. separable

PART 4 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1 A. clothe B. scythe C. absinthe D. breathe

2 A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps
3 A. particular B. parliament C. remarkable D. reincarnation

4 A. organization B. incorporation C. suggestion D. information

5 A. cause B. mauve C. exhaust D. pause

6 A. pizza B. hazard C. bizarre D. plaza
7 A. statue B. avenue C. construe D. segue
8 A. backache B. moustache C. heartache D. bellyache
9 A. bought B. drought C. sought D. fought
10 A. looked B. watched C. finished D. burned

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