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Passage 1
The people below all want to find a place to go for a skiing holiday.
Decide which centre would be the most suitable for the following people to go to.
Decide which centre would be best for the people. Mark the correct letter (A-H).

1. Maria’s an intermediate-level skier who wants individual lessons, at a reasonable price, to get to
advanced level. Maria and her family want somewhere peaceful, with a cinema to go to in the evenings.
2. Dan and his family want somewhere that’s not crowded, so they don’t spend time waiting for ski lifts.
Dan’s a beginner and wants classes with other teenagers. He’d like to do other sports, too.
3. Jane and her brother want to improve their advanced skiing techniques, and have classes in other
snow sports. Jane loves animals, and she’d like to see some during her holiday.
4. Karl’s family are good skiers, and want somewhere with a guide to take them off skiing through the
mountains. Karl wants to stay somewhere with great food, where he can also swim.
5. Do-yun and his 12-year-old brother are beginners. They want to travel to the ski slopes together
without their parents, and ski in the same class. They’d like a lively ski centre near a town.

Passage 2
The people below are all looking for a park to visit that has lots of different attractions.
Decide which park would be the most suitable for the following people to go to. Mark the correct letter

1. Maria likes going on big rides where she can have her photo taken during the ride. She also loves
cycling in places away from traffic.
2. Sophia loves watching science fiction films. She’d also like somewhere with other indoor attractions in
case of bad weather. She loves buying presents for her friends.
3. Rick wants a park by the sea, so that he can swim afterwards. He’d like somewhere that doesn’t have
big queues for rides, and where he can try driving model vehicles.
4. Jaime likes watching talent shows and also going to animal parks. His family want to find somewhere
where they can all eat a good meal together at lunchtime.
5. Fran and her family love rides involving water. They want somewhere that offers family tickets with
reductions for a two-day visit. As they’re coming by public transport, they want a park near a railway

Passage 3
The young people below all want to go to a science camp.
Decide which camp would be the most suitable for the following people to go to. Mark the correct letter

1. Klaus is 15 and would like to be an astronaut one day, so he wants a week-long course where he can
find out about the universe and how to explore it.
2. Hamida is 12 and wants to spend about a week learning a variety of science topics. She’s interested in
space and would like to do some experiments.
3. Annie and Lisa are 11 and want to learn some simple experiments to show their families. They want to
spend a day making friends in a small group.
4. Paulo is 17 and loves collecting rocks and shells. He’s keen to spend a week outdoors with people his
own age, finding out more about the things he collects.
5. Peter is 13 and wants to spend a day making model planes. He enjoys designing things and loves
taking part in competitions.

Passage 4
The teenagers below all want a book to read.
Look at the descriptions of eight books.
Decide which book would be the most suitable for the following teenagers. Mark the correct letter (A–

1. Jess loves reading books that are part of a series, involving the same characters. She likes stories
about relationships, and prefers those with animals in them too.
2. Max has read lots of action books and he’s looking for another one but by a new writer. He’d like the
main characters to be teenagers, like him.
3. Billy enjoys reading science fiction. He’d like to read a book that has lots of interesting pictures in it as
well as an exciting story.
4. Ruby loves novels about real historical characters. She’d prefer to read a book with a film based on it
so she can watch that too.
5. Cameron and his brother want to read facts about how normal people lived in the past; how they
travelled, what they ate and the things they were, etc. They’d prefer a book with drawings and

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