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1. Personal Information
- Name: Firisa Chano Talile - Sex: male
- Age: 33 - Date of Birth: December 04, 1987 G.C.
- Nationality: Ethiopian - Marital Status: Unmarried
- Religion: Protestant
- Current Address: Phone no+251912729508
- E-mail:
2. Educational Background
- 1996 – 2003 G.C…Primary school at Mute Cholo Elementary School.
- 2004 –2005 G.C …Secondary School at Leman High School.
- 2006 –2007 G.C …Preparatory School at Leman Preparatory School
- 2008 – 2013 G.C…BSc. in Soil and Water Engineering from Haramaya
- 20016 - 2017 G.C …MSc. in Hydraulic Engineering from Jimma University.
3. Software skill: - Good skill and knowledge of using basic computer software and engineering
software’s such as;
- Auto –cad - ArcG I S - Crop Wat
- WEAP - Ephanet - ENVI
- River tool - Geo studio - SWAT and
-Some hydrological models
4. Language Ability
- Amharic – Speak, Write and Read.
- Afan Oromo – Speak, Write and Read.
- English – Speak Write and Read.
5. Hobbies and Interests
- Reading Books
- Watching Movies
- Watching different TV programs and following FM radio programs
- Playing with my beloved family during my pleasure time and etc
6. References
- Dr. Zeinu Ahmed (Jimma University, Assistant professor of civil engineering)
-Cell Phone: +251911864647
- Kidist Wondimu ( Haramaya University,Assistent lecturer)
- E-mail:
-Engineer Mintesnot Fulas( OWWCE,Harar branch head engineer office)

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