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Letters (Ignore the red text if Ilbriax font is not installed):

Letter (Name/IPA of Name/Romanization) Inherent Vowel

a(aw/ɐʂ/ a) None
j(ji /ŋɐɾɐ/ ng) /ɐ/
s(s /sɐ/ s) /ɐ/
k(k /ki/ k) /i/
l(ls /lɐs/ l) /ɐ/
y(yn /yon/ y) /o/
f(fnca /funɐ/ f) /u/
h(hi /xɐɾɐ/ h,x) /ɐ/
i(is /ɾɐs/ r) /ɐ/
n(nrs /niɾis/ n) /i/
m(ml /mol/ m) /o/
d(dx /dɐθ/ d) /ɐ/
t(tl /tol/ t) /o/
r(rxYs /ɾiɐs/ r) /i/
q(q /ɥɐ/ yü) /ɐ/
u(uv /tsɐv/ ts) /ɐ/
v(vmas /vomos/ v) /o/
w(w /ʂɐ/ sh) /ɐ/
x(xx /θɐθ/ th) /ɐ/
o(oj /soŋ/ s) /o/
p(pn /pɐn/ p) /ɐ/
z(zyY /zɐi/ z) /ɐ/
b(bn /bon/ b) /o/
g(gyY /gɐi/ g) /ɐ/


Changing the vowel of a letter with c,e, andO:

-Note: The diacritic should be straight above the letter like in ñ but the font can’t do that yet.

Inherent Vowel → /ɐ/ /i/ /o/ /u/

New Vowel ↓
c c c
c O O
O O e
e e e
k's inherent vowel is /i/. Adding c makes the vowel /ɐ/, O makes it /o/, and e makes it /u/.
Lone Vowel/Short Vowel/Syllabic Consonant Diacritic: Y and Long Vowel Diacritic: A
 Add Y to x, t, y, and p to make them /ɐ/, /i/, /o/, and /u/ respectively. Add Y to a to make
the previous letter vowel extra short (/◌̆/). Add Y to n to make it a syllabic consonant (n)
 Long Vowel Diacritic/Importance Marker:Since a after a combined consonant only
makes its vowel length normal, adding a A to it makes the vowel extra long again (like
a’s normal job). A also keeps a letter (not a) in its full form and other letters shorten to it.
(i.e. spA is /spɐ/ and not /sɐp/ like normal)
Letter Roles (Main and Subcategories):
 Letters roles, a type of word/group of words, are assigned to a letter and its 3 forms. This
can be at the beginning (u = general noun) or end (q = noun case inflection)
 Shaded red = initial pos. | Shaded yellow = medial pos. | Shaded blue = final pos.
Main Role Role/Form → Inherent Form
Letter ↓
c O e
Beginning a Greeting (Arrival) Nouns Verbs Adjectives
End j Greeting (Departure) Nouns Verbs Adjectives
Number Words (n)/ s Disjunctive Inanimate Ordinal Numbers Animate Counting
Past tense (v) Numbers /Past Tense Counting
Time/Middle k Time Words Period of Time Point in Time Middle
Progressive(v) / l Progressive/Female Passive Voice
Fem./Passive Marker Marker
Positive Words y Other Qualities Affirmative: “Yes” Mood/Condition Appearance
Negative Words f Other Qualities Negative: “No” Mood/Condition Appearance
Human Nouns h Human words Human Creation: Body Part Human Creation:
Concrete Abstract
Articles i Indefinite Partitive Definite Negative
Pronouns n Personal/Possessive/ Reflexive Indefinite Reciprocal
Human Verbs m Physical Pos/Neu Physical Negative Mental Pos/Neu Mental Negative
General Verbs d Physical Pos/Neu Physical Negative Mental Pos/Neu Mental Negative
General Adjectives t Other Adj./Perfect Value/Opinion Color Shape/Size
(n)/perfect (v) Aspect (Subjective)
Auxiliary Verbs r Auxiliary Verbs
Noun Cases q Genitive Accusative Dative Locative
General Nouns u Concrete Non-Living Concrete Living Concrete/Abstract Abstract Concepts
Familial Words v Male/Other & Older Female & Older Male/Other & Younger Female & Younger
Conjunction w “And”, “Or”, and Subordinating Coordinating Correlative
(n)/Infinitive (v) Infinitives Conjunctions Conjunctions (Others) Conjunctions
Prepositions x Other Time Movement Place
Plural(n/v)/superlative o Plural (2+) Plural (dual) Superlative Measurement
Adverbs p Other Adverbs Adverb of Adverb of Degree Adverb of Frequency
Interrogative z Other Time/Place People Reason/Manner
Interjections/Future b Pos/Neutral Other and Pos/Neutral Negative Other Negative Surprise
(v) Future Tense Surprise
Conjugation g Comparative 1st person 2nd Person 3rd Person and other
(v.)/Comparative (adj) Conjugation Conjugation Conjugation

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