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Q1. What is your Name ?

Ans- Rafiana Khanam Aditi

Q2. What is your Student ID ?

Ans – 21152210

Q3- What is the Name of your program ?

Ans -Master of Science Management and International Business (Course Code – PT1188-04). Regulatory
Body : Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Q4- what is the duration of the course ?

Ans- 15 months.

Q5- What is the sponsor license number of the University ?

Ans – XC799QAW5.

Q6- what is the name of your institution ?

Ans- Birmingham City University

Q7 – Where is it situated or Location of the university ?

Ans- it is on the city campus and the address is : 15 Bartholmew Row, Birmingham, B5 5JU

Q8 – What is your Passport Number ?

Ans – BR0129946 Expired on 09th December 2022

Q9 – When does your course start ?

Ans – 06th September 2021 and ends on 09th December 2022

Q10- What is the tuition fees and how much have you paid ?

Ans – GBP 13,200 and I have paid GBP 8,000 via wire transfer.

Q11- Did you applied for any other universities ?

Ans – Yes, I have applied at Salford University but Decided to study at BCU.

Q12- Why did you choose Birmingham City University ?

Ans – There are various Reason that I have chosen Birmingham City University.

1. My husband was a postgraduate student at Queen Mary University of London and he knows about
Birmingham and the amenities the city has to offer compare to London in terms of culture and
opportunities as well as living cost.
2. Secondly the MSc management and international business that BCU offers is qualified by the
Chartered Management Institute and university itself ranks among the top 70 universities in UK
Compare to Salford.
3. The course in this university is strategically organized so that an international student with job
experience such as myself, not only easily adapt to strategic or tactical business decisions,
comprehending/ Understanding international cultural differences, but also acquire critical and
fundamental attributes of an international manager to dictate, lead and motivate employees on
an international scale.
4. Above all, the assessment procedure at BCU will magnify my managerial attributes through
delivering effective and professional assignments, Course work and Presentation by being part of
a diverse student team; which is eventually develop knowledge and skills for the career of my

Hence the course that I am eager to study cannot be so organized and ornamented at any other university
other than Birmingham city University, so I have chosen Birmingham city university.

Q13- What is your current job and what do you expect to do after completing your study?

Ans –

Presently, I am working at ZXY International as a merchandiser in factory, where I have to work in a team
of merchandisers.

1. My main responsibilities are to negotiate price and confirm order from buyers and getting the
product ready for inspection by assisting our team leader.
2. Two, keeping the production update and manage the logistics to deliver products from factory to
the buyer.
3. Thirdly, taking approval for fabrics, trims, print and embroidery.
4. The most interesting part of my job is that, I enjoy a lot to communicate with buyers on behalf of
my team leader through email and sometimes over the phone.


1. After Completing my study, I want to accept more challenge and responsibilities.

2. My main ambition is to work as a lead merchandiser in Renowned international Buying house of
our country like Texaco BD, Abacus Trading and not but the least the place where I currently work
ZXY International as a Buying House Merchandiser rather that a factory merchandiser and of
course leading the inhouse merchandising activities.
3. The course will not only provide me with extra fluency in English but also it will help me to create
an international network of peers with opportunities to compete and negotiate on behalf of the
company which will I work for.
4. To be accurate the skills required for the particular role that I want to see myself require skills
such as fluency, Time management, Prompt decision making and above all becoming proactive
on a global context; and this particular course and its modules are perfectly molded towards my
career objective.

Q14- when did you determined to go for a postgraduate program?

Ans- well, it’s a continuous development. Bangladesh is the number second in garments production, its a
$20 billion industry and 77% of the global apparels are produced in Bangladesh. I have been planning to
do a postgraduate degree since 2018 after stared working as a merchandiser. The company that I am
currently working and my colleagues are highly educated from Sweden, Italy and India. Our managing
director and founder director MR. Abby Jamal is a graduate from UK in Textile engineering &
Management, and our product is a UK Corporate wear label. Above all, I got motivated by my husband
and his career progression after completing his Masters from Queen Mary University of London. My
determination is a summation of my professional expertise and career prospective in the apparel industry
of Bangladesh.

Q15 – tell me about the modules you will be studying ?


There will be 7 core module each of them is of 20 credits. Due to the tenure or length of 15 months I have
been chosen for a non -credit course {Managerial Skills}. In order to finish my MSc. I have to do another
optional course from either Project Management or Research Practice.

1. The first two semester will enhance my managerial skills and equipped me with managerial
financial knowledge and how they are integrated in the business.
2. The last two semester will help me understand strategic management, operations management
and innovation on a global or international perspective along with a major project while balancing
cross cultural management issues.

Q16- What are the assessment procedure ?

Ans - 56% of the grades will be assessed through Course work in each module and 11% of the grades in
exam and the rest of 23% depends on the optional modules.
Q17 – What are the learning outcome of this particular course or skills required for the particular jobs
you wish to go for ?

Ans –it will help me to/ the skills that I will require for my desired jobs

in terms of Knowledge and understanding

1. Apply theory and concepts in business and management

2. Evaluate strategical business decision while focusing on sustainability
3. Appreciate the competency in business and adapt changes both internally and externally in an
4. Implement current issues and develop transformation process
5. Employ advance research and critical technology in parts of business where necessary

In terms of skills

1. Analytical skill to investigate and formulate solution including digital solution

2. Enhance critical and creative thinking to organize ideas of others and implementation of those
3. Communicate and express creative based ideas which are coherent to the business environment
4. Solve complex problems in uncertain and ambiguous business environment
5. Learn through others experience and feedback from others
6. Understanding and respecting others believe, culture and values
7. Lead projects and team developing skills, working towards deadline with peers from diverse
background in a professional manner.

Q18- what would be your accommodation choice ?

Ans – Near Aston park or Handsworth B19 or small heath in B10 area will be my limit of choice regarding

Q19- Have you ever been refused ?

Ans – Yes, I have been refused in Canada. Well they didn’t show me any specific reason or why I have
been rejected. They also didn’t give me any chance to evaluate my creditability as a student.

Q20 – who are your dependents ?

Ans – My husband who is a returning student from UK back in 2010 after completing his studies from
Queen Mary, University of London and my two kids. In total I have three dependents and for those I have
shown enough fund to accommodate themselves in UK

Q21- How much will be your accommodation Cost ?

Ans- its GBP 1,023 fro my self and GBP 680 for each of the three dependents per month

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