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UNIT 1 and 2

1. Full form of ICRC

a) International committee of red cross

b) National committee of red cross
c) International community of red cross
d) International committee of red court

2. International humanitarian law is a part of __________

a) National law
b) International law
c) No law
d) None of the above

3. One of the objectives of the IHL is ______________

a) Protect the prisoners of war

b) Protect members of army
c) Protect civilians
d) All of the above

4. Is IHL an international soft or hard law?

a) No law
b) Hard law
c) Soft law
d) both soft law and hard law

5. Nullum crimen sine lege means _________

a) crime with law

b) no crime without law
c) no action without law
d) mental intention

6. Famous book ‘A Memory of Solferino’ was the creation of _____

a) Henry Dunant
b) John Henry
c) Gray
d) None of the above

7. “A Memory of Solferino” was published in?

a) 1862
b) 1860
c) 1700
d) 1800

8. “A Memory of Solferino” book puts forward two proposals:

a) To set up in peacetime and in every country, volunteer groups to take care of

casualties in wartime
b) To get countries to agree to protect first aid volunteers and the wounded on the
c) To get countries to not agree to protect first aid volunteers
d) Both a and b

9. International humanitarian law is applicable in times of _______, whether

international or non-international but international human rights law can be applied
at __________.

a) Armed conflict, all times

b) All times, every time
c) One day, all days
d) None of the above

10. Does the application of IHL continue after the war is over?

a) No
b) Yes
c) Sometimes
d) None of the above

11. IHL seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict.

a) Yes
b) No
c) Never
d) None of the above

12. IHL is also known as ____________

a) Law of war
b) Law of sea
c) Law of land
d) None of the above

13. IHL applies to situations of riots and sporadic violence in case of -


a) International armed conflicts

b) Conflicts
c) Negotiations
d) None of the above

14. IHL is concerned only as to how the war is __________

a) Ended
b) Conducted
c) Formed
d) None of the above

15. Sources of IHL are:

a) Four Geneva Convention;

b) International Customs; Articles & Publications;
c) General Principles/ Case Laws
d) All of the above

16. Jus in bello means _______

a) No war
b) Silent war
c) Law concerning conduct of war
d) Law concerning matter of war

17. Jus Ad Bellum means __________

a) Conditions under which state may resort to peace.

b) Conditions under which state may resort to war.
c) Conditions under which state may resort to negotiation.
d) Conditions under which state may resort to nothing.

18. Hague law is concerned with _____________

a) Methods of peace
b) Cultural activities
c) Religious activities
d) Methods of warfare

19. Geneva law focuses on with mitigation of __________

a) Human suffering
b) Poverty
c) Hunger
d) None of the above

20. ________________in 1859 is the crucial moment in the history of modern

humanitarian law.

a) Battle of UK
b) Battle of Solferino
c) Battle of USA
d) None of the above

21. ___________provided the rules of conduct in war during the American Civil War.

a) Code of peace
b) No Code
c) Gray Code
d) Lieber Code

22. The two branches of IHL are the ____________

a) Persian laws and the Greek Laws.

b) Roman laws and the Greek Laws.
c) Geneva laws and the Hague Laws.
d) All of the above

23. _____________states that a distinction must always be made between combatants

and civilians.

a) The principle of happiness

b) The principle of superiority
c) The principle of distinction
d) The principle of proportionality

24. _____________states that the rights of belligerents to adopt means of injury of the
enemy is unlimited.

a) The principle of happiness

b) The principle of superiority
c) The principle of distinction
d) The principle of proportionality

25. Use of certain means of warfare has been prohibited in an armed conflict because
they are regarded as causing unnecessary suffering.

a) True
b) False
c) Both
d) None of the above

26. The _______ articles of the original 1864 version of the Convention have been expanded
in the First Geneva Convention of 1949 to 64 articles.
a) 11
b) 10
c) 12
d) 9
27. The wounded and sick shall be respected and protected without discrimination on the
basis of sex, race, nationality, religion, political beliefs or other criteria is stated under article
____ of Geneva convention I.
a) 13
b) 12
c) 14
d) 13

28. Which group of treaties form the core of IHL?

a) Agenda 21
b) Geneva Conventions
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

29. The first convention dealt with the treatment of wounded and sick armed forces in the
a) Sea
b) Field
c) both a and b
d) None of the above
30. The Additional Protocols of _______ and 2005 supplement the Geneva Conventions.
a) 1977
b) 1970
c) 1960
d) 1976

31. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 were ratified, in whole or with reservations, by

________ countries.
a) 198
b) 196
c) 190
d) 199

32. The ______- is granted special rights to carry out humanitarian activities on behalf of
prisoners of war. The ___________ or other impartial humanitarian relief organizations
authorized by parties to the conflict must be permitted to visit with prisoners privately,
examine conditions of confinement to ensure the Conventions’ standards are being met and
distribute relief supplies.




33. The first Geneva Convention consists of ______article.
a) 65
b) 64
c) 63
d) 67
34. The fourth Geneva Convention consists of ______article.
a) 65
b) 64
c) 63
d) 159
35. ______________refers to anyone who is adrift for any reason, including those forced to
land at sea or to parachute from damaged aircraft.
a) “Shipwrecked”
b) “chipwrecked”

c) “Wounded”

d) “Sick”

36. _______ be treated humanely, adequately housed and receive sufficient food, clothing
and medical care as per the Geneva Convention III.

a) Prisoners of war

b) Prisoners

c) Civilians

d) None of the above

37. Full form of POW?

a) Prisoners of war

b) Prisoners of work

c) Participants of war

d) None of the above

38. Prisoners of war may include the following:

a) Members of the armed forces

b) Volunteer militia, including resistance movements

c) Civilians accompanying the armed forces

d) All of the above

39. The wounded and sick, as well as the infirm, and expectant mothers, shall be the object of
particular protection and respect is stated under article _______ of the Geneva Convention

a) 20

b) 18

c) 16

d) None of the above

40. The Party to the conflict in whose hands protected persons may be, is responsible for the
treatment accorded to them by its agents, irrespective of any individual responsibility which
may be incurred is stated under article _______ of the Geneva Convention IV.

a) 29

b) 18

c) 16

d) None of the above

41. In _______, an international conference of diplomats built on the earlier treaties for the
protection of war victims, revising and updating them into four new conventions comprising
429 articles of law—known as the Geneva Conventions of August 12, ____.
a) 1940
b) 1948
c) 1949
d) 1999
42. The third convention dealt with the treatment of __________during times of conflict.
a) Prisoners of war
b) Prisoners
c) Civilians
d) None of the above

43. The fourth convention dealt with the treatment of ___________and their protection
during wartime.
a) Prisoners of war
b) Prisoners
c) Civilians
d) None of the above
44. The second convention dealt with the sick, wounded, and shipwrecked members of armed
forces at __________
a) Sea
b) Field
c) both a and b
d) None of the above
45. All four Geneva Conventions contain an identical Article _______, extending general
coverage to “conflicts not of an international character.”

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

46. In 1977, two Protocols supplementary to the ___________were adopted by an

international diplomatic conference to give greater protection to victims of both international
and internal armed conflicts.

a) Geneva Conventions

b) Genocide Conventions

c) both a and b

d) None of the above

47. Protocol I has _________ articles.

a) 102

b) 105

c) 108

d) 100

48. Protocol II has ______ articles.

a) 20

b) 33
c) 18

d) 28

49. In December _________, a third Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions was
adopted that provides for another distinctive emblem: the red crystal.

a) 2006

b) 2005

c) 2007

d) 2004

50. Those drafting the Geneva Convention of 1864 foresaw the need for a universal symbol
of protection easily recognizable on the battlefield. In honour of the origin of this initiative,
the symbol of a __________________ (the reverse of the Swiss flag) was identified as a
protective emblem in conflict areas.

a) White cross on a red background

b) Red cross on a white background

c) Black cross on a white background

d) Red cross on a black background

UNIT 3 and 4

1. In the respective treaty laws, war-like situations are referred to as ______________

a) No movement
b) Peace time
c) Armed conflicts
d) None of the above

2. Armed Conflict is a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between __________

a) Nations only
b) Nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

3. World’s Largest conflict to date is _______

a) WWI
c) both a and b
d) None of the above

4. World War II duration was _______

a) Starting 1949 and ending 1955
b) Starting 1939 and ending 1945
c) both a and b
d) None of the above

5. World War II resulted in:

a) Over 20 million military, and 27 million civilian casualties.
b) Cost trillions of dollars in damages
c) Heavy environmental damages across the globe
d) All of the above

6. What problems are caused by armed conflicts?

a) Untold environmental damages to the planet.
b) Creates bonding within people
c) No hate, greed, gluttony and other negative emotions
d) Real Societal advancement
7. IHL recognises two types of armed conflicts:
a) International and non – International Armed Conflicts
b) New and Old Armed Conflicts
c) Direct and Indirect Armed Conflicts
d) None of the above
8. International Armed conflict is defined as :
a) A situation where there is resort to armed force between two States regardless of the reason
or the intensity of the conflict
b) A situation where there is resort to armed force between two or more international
organizations, regardless of the reason or the intensity of the conflict
c) A situation where there is resort to armed force between two or more States,
regardless of the reason or the intensity of the conflict
d) None of the above
9. In case of non-international armed conflicts, A protracted armed confrontation is occurring
between ________________and the forces of one or more-armed groups, or between such
groups arising on the territory of a State.
a) UN armed forces
b) Governmental armed forces
c) ICRC armed forces
d) ICC armed forces
10. Which common article of Geneva Convention makes it clear what an international armed
conflict is?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

11. A good example of International Armed Conflict is of the North Korean- South Korean
war of ______.
a) 1355
b) 1955
c) 1950
d) 1957
12. Sources of International Armed Conflicts is _____---
a) The 1907 Hague Regulations
b) The four Geneva conventions
c) Customary International Law
d) All of the above
13. The applicability of IHL governing international armed conflicts begins with a ________
a) Orders
b) Declaration of war
c) Hosting of flag
d) Directly
14. An international armed conflict ends with_______
a) a peace treaty or an equivalent agreement
b) With a unilateral declaration
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
15. Which common article of Geneva Convention makes it clear what a non- international
armed conflict is?
a) 5

b) 1

c) 3

d) 4

16. For a situation to be classified as a non-international armed conflict, it has to achieve 2


a) The hostilities have to reach a certain minimum level of intensity and a level of
organization of properties

b) The hostilities have to reach a certain maximum level of intensity and a level of no
organization of properties

c) The hostilities have to reach a certain minimum level of status and a level of organization
of people

d) None of the above

17. Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic is the case of International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

a) Germany

b) Yugoslavia 

c) Uganda

d) France
18. “This abstract definition has made it difficult to make a clear distinction between a mere
disturbance and an armed conflict, therefore relying heavily on the political will of states to
classify the situation as an armed conflict.” This was stated in the case of ________--

a) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

b) Mamdan v. Rumsfeld

c) Namdan v. Rumsfeld

d) Hamdan v. Bumsfeld

19. Limaj, ICTY is the case of _______.

a) 2020

b) 2005

c) 2006

d) 2008

20. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1977 Additional Protocols have over 550
articles combined, but only _____- of those regulate non-international armed conflict

a) 36

b) 37

c) 29

d) 18

21. The Hague Regulations of 1907 do not contain any provisions regarding non-international
armed conflict.

a) True

b) False

c) May be

d) None of the above

22. There is ________real difference between civil war and non-international armed conflict
or internal armed conflict.

a) Minimum

b) No
c) Some

d) Absolute

23. Non-international armed conflicts have few laws regulating their conduct.

a) True

b) False

c) both a and b

d) All of the above

24. ____________remains significantly more limited than Common Article 3 in case of non-
international armed conflicts

a) Protocol I

b) Protocol II

c) Protocol III

d) Protocol IV

25. Full form of ICRC?

a) International Committee of Red Cross

b) International Council of Red Cross

c) International Committee of Black Cross

d) National Committee of Red Cross

26. The headquarters of the International Red Cross is situated in?

(a) Paris
(b) Hague
(c) Geneva, (Switzerland mein hai )
(d) Vienna

27. Red Cross was founded by?

(a) Henry Dunant

(b) Baden Powell
(c) Trygve Lie
(d) Frederick Passey

28. Why each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on May 8?

(a) Birthday of its founder Henri Durant

(b) Anniversary of its founder Henri Durant
(c) On this day red cross was established
(d) On this day 30000 soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle of Solferino

29. When was Red Cross established by Jean Henri Durant?

(a) 1860
(b) 1861
(c) 1863
(d) 1867

30. Red Cross is the reverse of the flag of which country?

(a) Germany
(b) Switzerland
(c) England
(d) Sweden

31. What is the motto of Red Cross?

(a) Charity in War

(b) Service in War
(c) Help in War
(d) All of them
32. To which convention is the ICRC inextricably linked?
(a) Budapest Convention
(b) Geneva Convention
© Stockholm Convention
(d) Washington Convention

33. Which third symbol, with equal status to the Red Cross or Red Crescent, was added to the
organisation in 2005?

a) Red Crystal

b) Red Circle

c) Red Crown

d) Red Star

34. The founder of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant, was the first person to be given which

a) Academy award

b) Noble peace prize

c) Darwin awards

d) Army awards

35. Who has been president of the ICRC since 2000?

a) Cornelio Huray
b) Cornelio Sommaruga
c) Eric Martin
d) Jakob Kellenberger

36. In what year did the International Red Cross, change its name to the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement?

a) 1966

b) 1986

c) 1986

d) 1996
37. How many fundamental principles did the ICRC draw up in 1965 that were adopted by
the entire Red Cross Movement?

a) 6

b) 7

c) 8

d) 9

38. Full form of ICC

a) International criminal court

b) National criminal court

c) International civil court

d) International common court

39. International Criminal Court (ICC) was created on ______

a) 1 July 2002

b) 2 July 2002

c) 3 July 2002

d) 4 July 2002

40. The ICC's main office is in_______

a) Tokyo

b) Netherlands

c) Greenwich

d) London

41. The ICC is different from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The main difference is
that ICJ __________between countries, but the ICC________.

a) Settles conflicts, punishes people

b) Settles problems, punishes government

c) Makes arguments, save people

d) Settles arguments, punishes people

42. Jurisdiction of ICC-

a) Crime of Genocide

b) Wait Crimes

c) Crimes in favour Humanity

d) Small Crimes

43. ICC is Governed by_________

a) US Statute

b) Rome Statute

c) UK Statute

d) Canadian Statute

44. ICC is the world’s first __________international criminal court.

a) Permanent

b) Temporary

c) Biggest

d) Famous

45. India is not a party to Rome Statute along with ____________

a) US and China

b) US and UK

c) Germany and France

d) UK and Yugoslavia

46. How many organs are of ICC?

a) 5

b) 4

c) 6

d) 2

47. ICC is not a UN organization but is has a cooperation agreement with the United

a) True
b) False

c) both a and b

d) None of the above

48. Four organs of ICC:

a) Presidency, Assembly, Office of the Prosecutor and Registry 

b) Presidency, Judicial Divisions, Office of the Prosecutor and Accountant
c) Presidency, Judicial Divisions, Office of the Prosecutor and Registry 
d) Presidency, Judicial Divisions, Office of the Judge and Registry 

49. Is India member of ICC and has India signed the Rome Statute?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Sometimes

d) None of the above

50. ICC cannot impose a _____, it can impose lengthy terms of imprisonment of up to 30
years or life when so justified by the gravity of the cases.

a) Life Imprisonment

b) Death Sentence

c) Harsh Penalties

d) Fine

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