Unacademy Articulate September Edition Final

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2 I Articulate








Polity & Governance | 3





1 I Articulate
Polity & Governance | 2
3 I Articulate 3
323A of the Constitution, Parliament
Why in News? passed Administrative Tribunals Act
The Delhi-based head bench of the Armed Forces 1985 to establish the Administrative
Tribunal has initiated hearing of matters of regional tribunals in India.
benches through video conferencing. • The act has made provisions for the
Central Administrative Tribunal for
Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) the Centre and a State Administrative
It is a military tribunal in India established in 2009 Tribunal for a particular State.
under the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007. • In addition, the Act also provides
for the establishment of Joint
Composition Administrative Tribunals to hear cases
• The Judicial Members are retired High Court from more than one State.
Judges and Administrative Members are retired • National Green Tribunal
Members of the Armed Forces who have held the • It was formed in 2010 for effective and
rank of Major General/ equivalent or above for a expeditious disposal of cases that are
period of three years or more. Judge Advocate related to protection and conservation
General (JAG) who has held the appointment for at of the environment, forests and other
least one year is also entitled to be appointed as the natural resources.
Administrative Member. • Water Disputes Tribunal
• Other than the head Bench in New Delhi, AFT has • The Parliament has enacted Inter-State
Regional Benches at Chandigarh, Lucknow, Kolkata, River Water Disputes (ISRWD) Act, 1956
Guwahati, Chennai, Kochi, Mumbai, and Jaipur. have formed various Water Disputes
Each Bench comprises a Judicial Member and an Tribunal for adjudication of disputes
Administrative Member. relating to waters of inter-State rivers
and river valleys.
Powers and Functions of AFT • Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT)
• It has the power for the adjudication or trial by • Established in 1941, the ITAT deals with
AFT of disputes and complaints concerning the appeals under the direct taxes acts.
commission, appointments, enrolments, and • The orders passed by this tribunal are
conditions of service in respect of persons subject final and an appeal lies to the High Court
to the Army Act, 1950, The Navy Act, 1957, and the only if a substantial question of law arises
Air Force Act, 1950. for determination.

Exceptions of AFT
• Paramilitary forces including the Assam
Rifles and Coast Guard are excluded from the NOTIFICATION OF RULES FOR J&K
tribunal’s adjudication.
• Appeals against the decision of the AFT can be Why in News?
taken only in Supreme Court. High Courts are not The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has notified the
allowed to entertain such appeals. rules of the Transaction of Business of the Government
of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The rules
were issued under Section 55 of the Jammu and
Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019.
• Tribunals can be defined as judgement seats Overviewof the rules issued
or courts of justice or board or committee
formed to adjudicate on claims of a • Role and powers of Lieutenant Governor (LG)
particular kind. • The Lieutenant Governor (LG) shall make rules
on the advice of the Council of Ministers for the
Tribunals in India allocation of business to the Ministers.
• Tribunals were added in the Constitution by • In case of a difference of opinion between the
42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 LG and a minister concerning any matter, the
as Part XIV-A, which has only two articles former shall endeavour by discussion within
viz. 323-A and 323-B. two weeks from the date of such disagreement
• Article 323-A deals with Administrative to settle any point on which the difference of
Tribunals whereas article 323-B deals with opinion has arisen.
tribunals for other matters. • In case no such decision is received within
15 days from the date of such reference, the
Types of Tribunals in India LG’s decision shall be deemed to have been
accepted by the council of ministers.
• Administrative Tribunals • Police, Public order, All India Services, and
• Using the powers given by the Article Anti-corruption will fall under the executive
functions of the LG.

Polity & Governance | 4

• Proposals or matters which affect or are likely to NATIONALLY DETERMINED
affect the peace and tranquillity of the UT or the CONTRIBUTIONS (NDC) – TRANSPORT
interest of any minority community, the Scheduled
Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, and the Backward
Classes shall essentially be submitted to the LG
Why in News?
through the Chief Secretary, under intimation to the
NITI Aayog has launched Nationally Determined
Chief Minister, before issuing any orders.
Contributions (NDC)–Transport Initiative for Asia(TIA)
India Component.
Role of Council of Ministers, led by the Chief Minister
• The council (of ministers) shall be collectively
What is NDC-TIA?
responsible for all the executive orders issued by
• It is a joint program, supported by the
any department in the name of the LG and contracts
International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the
made in the name of the president in connection
German Ministry for the Environment, Nature
with the administration of the Union Territory,
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
• They will handle service matters of non-All India Services
• NITI Aayog will be the implementing partner.
officers, proposal to impose a new tax, land revenue, sale
• It aims to promote a comprehensive approach to
grant or lease of government property, reconstituting
decarbonize transport in India, Vietnam, and China.
departments or offices, and draft legislation.
• NDC-TIA subordinate in making sectoral
• Any matter which is likely to bring the Government
contributions to the achievement of the NDCs of
of the Union territory into controversy with the
the Paris Agreement.
Central Government or with any State Government,
• The NDC-TIA program has a duration of 4 years.
shall, as soon as possible, be brought to the notice
of the LG and the Chief Minister by the secretary
The NDC–TIA India Component will focus on:
concerned through the Chief Secretary.
• Strengthening Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and
transport modelling capacities.
Role of the Central Government
• Providing technical support and solutions for GHG
• The Lieutenant Governor shall make a prior
emission reduction measures.
reference to the Central government concerning
• Financing climate actions in transportation.
several of the following proposals:
• Offering policy recommendations on electric
• Which influences the relations of the Centre
vehicle (EV) demand and supply policies etc.
with any state government, the Supreme Court
of India, or any other high court.
Need for NDC-TIA for India
• Proposals for the appointment of Chief
• India has a massive and diverse transport sector
Secretary and Director General of Police.
that caters to the needs of billions of people.
• Important cases which affect or are likely to affect
• It has the world’s second-largest road network,
the peace and tranquillity of the Union Territory.
which contributes to maximum GHG emissions
• Those cases which affect the interests of any
through all means of transportation.
minority community, Scheduled Castes or the
• With increasing urbanization, the number of sales
Backward Classes.
of vehicles is increasing rapidly.
• It is projected that the total number of vehicles will
Role of the President
be doubled by 2030.
• In case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant
Governor and the Council concerning any matter,
Benefits of NDC-TIA
the Lieutenant Governor shall refer it to the Central
• The program will help to promote electric
Government for the decision of the President and shall
mobility in India.
act according to the decision of the President.
• It will also support the development of policies
• The LG of J&K has been empowered to pass
and regulations to promote electric vehicle
directions in such situations that action taken by
charging infrastructure.
the Council of Ministers will be suspended for as
long as it takes the President of India to decide on
Way Forward
the cases referred to her.
• As a regional initiative, NDC- TIA
disseminates appropriate knowledge in
Asia via existing platforms. By linking with
Background regional stakeholders and other Asian
• Article 370 of the Constitution, which gave a countries, it contributes to promoting a
special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu comprehensive approach to decarbonizing
and Kashmir, was abrogated on August 5, transport. At the global level, the program
2019. A separate Bill - the Jammu and Kashmir will contribute its experience to the (United
Reorganisation Bill 2019 - was introduced to Nations Framework Convention on Climate
bifurcate the State into two separate union Change) UNFCCC process.
territories of Jammu and Kashmir (with
legislature), and Ladakh (without legislature).

5 I Articulate
How does the electoral roll work in the state?
Paris Agreement • Each State Election Commissions (SEC) is governed
• The Paris Agreement is an agreement within by a separate state Act. Some states use Indian
the United Nations Framework Convention voter’s roll prepared by the Election Commission
on Climate Change, dealing with greenhouse- for the local body elections and revision of rolls for
gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and municipality and panchayat elections.
finance, signed in 2016. • While some states have their own electoral rolls and
• The Paris Agreement builds upon the do not adopt EC’s role for local body polls like those
Convention and for the first time brings all of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Assam,
nations into a common cause to undertake Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Assam, Arunachal
ambitious efforts to combat climate change Pradesh, Nagaland, and the Union Territory of
and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support Jammu and Kashmir.
to assist developing countries to do so.
• The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to put Why is there a focus on a common electoral roll for
forward their best efforts through nationally election by the Union Government?
determined contributions (NDCs) and to • Previous attempts- The pitch for a single voters list
strengthen these efforts in the years ahead. is not new. The Law Commission recommended it
in its 255th report in 2015. The Election Commission
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) too adopted a similar stance in 1999 and 2004.
• Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) • Present in election manifesto- The common
are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and electoral roll, simultaneous election to the Lok
the achievement of these long-term goals. Sabha, state assemblies, and local bodies, were the
NDCs embody efforts by each country to promises made by the BJP in its manifesto for the
reduce national emissions and adapt to the Lok Sabha elections last
impacts of climate change. • Reducing the expenditure- The government has
• The Paris Agreement requests each country pitched a common electoral roll and simultaneous
to outline and communicate their post-2020 elections as a way to save an enormous amount of
climate actions, known as their NDCs. effort and expenditure.
• Eliminating the duplication of efforts-
Preparation of a separate voters list causes
duplication of essentially the same task between
two different agencies, thereby duplicating the
effort and the expenditure.

How can it be implemented?

• Amendment to article 243K and 243ZA- A
constitutional amendment to Articles 243K and
243ZA which give the power of superintendence,
direction, and control of preparation of electoral
rolls and the conduct of local body elections to
the State Election Commission (SECs) and the
amendment would make it mandatory to have a
single electoral roll for all elections in the country.
• Adjusting state laws- Persuading the state
governments to adjust their respective laws and
adopt the Election Commission’s (EC) voters list for
municipal and panchayat polls.
Source- PIB
Challenges in implementation
A SINGLE VOTERS’ LIST • Mismatch of boundaries- The boundaries of the
EC’s polling station may not necessarily match
Why in News? that of the wards.
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) held a meeting • The change would require a massive consensus-
with representatives of the Election Commission and building exercise.
the Law Ministry to discuss the possibility of having a
common electoral roll for elections to the panchayat, Way Forward
municipality, state assembly, and the Lok Sabha. • The mature approach and coordination call for the
option of states adopting EC’s voter list.
What is the Electoral Roll? • EC’s voters’ list has to be made in a way to fit the
The electoral roll is a list of persons who are eligible SEC’s wards which is a long task but can be done by
to vote in a particular electoral district and who are the use of technology.
registered to vote if required in a particular jurisdiction. • Proper implementation process and a roadmap to
An electoral roll has a number of functions, especially to conduct elections.
streamline voting on election day.

Polity & Governance | 6

Election Commission Of India • It issues the Model Code of Conduct
in the election for political parties and
• It is a permanent Constitutional Body candidates.
established in accordance with the
Constitution on 25th January 1950.
• According to Article 324 of the Indian
Constitution, the Election Commission of
India has superintendence, direction, and Simultaneous Election
control of the entire process for conduct
of elections to Parliament and Legislature • It is defined as structuring the Indian
(state legislative assembly & state legislative election cycle in a manner that elections
council) of every State and the offices of to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies are
President and Vice-President of India. synchronized together.
• Composition
• The election commission shall consist Background
of the Chief Election Commissioner • Simultaneous elections are not new to India.
and a such number of other election • They were the norm until 1967. But following
commissioners, if any, as the president the dissolution of some Legislative Assemblies
may from time to time fix. in 1968 and 1969 and that of the Lok Sabha in
• The appointment of the chief December 1970, elections to State Assemblies
election commissioner and other and Parliament have been held separately.
election commissioners shall be • The idea of reverting to simultaneous polls was
made by the president. mooted in the annual report of the Election
• When any other election commissioner Commission in 1983. The Law Commission’s
is so appointed the chief election Report also referred to it in 1999.
commissioner shall act as the chairman of
the election commission. Advantages of Simultaneous Elections
• The president may also appoint • Reduction in the massive expenditure
after consultation with the election incurred for the conduct of separate
commission such regional commissioners elections every year.
as he may consider necessary to assist the • More focus on governance by the ruling
election commission. party despite election preparedness for state
• The conditions of service and tenure of assemblies and Lok Sabha.
office of the election commissioners and • A limited disruption in the normal life of
the regional commissioners shall be such people because frequent elections lead to
as the President may by rule determine. disruption of normal public life and impact the
• Tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner functioning of essential services disruption
of India can be minimized to a certain predetermined
• The Chief Election Commissioner and period if elections are held simultaneously.
other election commissioners hold office • Simultaneous elections would reduce crucial
for 6 years or till they attain the age of 65 manpower which is often deployed for
years, whichever is earlier. prolonged periods on election duties.
• Functions of the Election Commission • Peace in society- In frequent elections,
• Election Commission of India there is a surge in communalism, casteism,
superintendents, direct and control the corruption, and crony capitalism.
entire process of conducting elections to Simultaneous elections will reduce such
Parliament and Legislature of every State incidents and will ensure prevailed peace in
and the offices of President and Vice- society maintaining social fabric.
President of India.
• It determines the territorial area of the Challenges to Simultaneous Elections
electoral constituencies in accordance • Impact on voters’ behaviour- Not all voters
with the Delimitation Commission Act. are highly educated to know who to vote
• The most important function of the for. They may get confused and may not
commission is to decide the election know whether they are voting for candidates
schedules for the conduct of periodic and contesting assembly or parliament elections.
timely elections. • Against multi-party democracy- India is a
• It prepares electoral roll and issues an multi-party democracy where elections are
Electronic Photo Identity Card (EPIC). held for State Assemblies and the Lok Sabha
• It decides the location polling stations, separately; the voters are better placed to
assignment of voters to the polling express their voting choices keeping in mind
stations, location of counting centres. the two different governments in which they
• It grants recognition to political parties & would be elected by exercising their franchise.
allots election symbols to them. • Diminished Accountability- Having to face

7 I Articulate
necessary for the determination of standards in
the electorate more than once every 5 years institutions of higher education and were obligatory
enhances the accountability of politicians and for universities.
keeps them on their toes. • The court rejected the argument of violation
• Lack of manpower- There is a dearth of of Article 14 of the Constitution on the ground
enough security and administrative officials to that one date has been fixed irrespective of the
conduct simultaneous free and fair elections conditions prevailing in individual States. The
throughout the country in one go. Also, it will date for completion of the examination was fixed
require more manpower on a single day to throughout the country to maintain uniformity in
ensure free and fair elections. the academic calendar.
• Election Issues- Election at the state level
and national level are often fought on different The relevance of the Disaster Management Act in this
sets of issues whereas, in simultaneous pandemic
elections, voters may end up privileging one Provisions of the DM Act give power to States and
set over the other in ways they might not have district authorities to frame their own rules on the basis
done otherwise. of broad guidelines issued by the Home Ministry.
• The legal basis of the DM Act is Entry 23,
Concurrent List of the Constitution “Social security
SUPREME COURT DECISION ON and social insurance” and Entry 29, Concurrent
List “Prevention of the extension from one State
UGC GUIDELINES ON CONDUCT OF to another of infectious or contagious diseases or
EXAMINATIONS pests affecting men, animals or plants,” can also be
used for specific lawmaking.
Why in News?
The Supreme Court ruled that the states are
empowered under the Disaster Management Act, 2005
(DM Act) to override University Grants Commission Disaster Management Act, 2005
(UGC) exam guidelines in order to protect human lives
amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The stated object and purpose of the DM
Act is to manage disasters, including the
What was the Issue? reparation of mitigation strategies, capacity-
• On 6 July UGC issued guidelines to conduct exams building, and more.
in pandemic based on the recommendations of the
R.C. Kuhad Expert Committee. It came into force in India in January 2006.
• It presented three modes of examination – pen and
paper, online and blended (both physical and online). Some important features of the Act
• A “special chance” was also given to students • It ensures effective implementation and
unable to take the exams. monitoring of disaster management plans.
• Following this, a batch of petitions was filed in • It provides a three-tier structural system to
the court against the direction to hold exams as manage at national, state, and district levels.
per the UGC guidelines. • The Act calls for the establishment of the
• The petitioners also contended that the revised National Disaster Management Authority
guidelines violate Article 14 on two counts — by (NDMA), with the Prime Minister of India
fixing a date for the completion of exams for the as chairperson.
entire country irrespective of the situation in • All-State Governments are mandated to
different parts and discriminating between final and establish a State Disaster Management
first/second-year students. Authority (SDMA).
The judgment of the Supreme Court How does DMA empower the governments?
• In case of a disaster, the priority of all • DMA authorizes the Prime Minister to take
authorities under the DM Act is to immediately decisions to deal with the pandemic, including
combat the disaster and contain it to save deciding on relief for victims and special
human life. Saving the life of human beings is measures for the needy.
given paramount importance. • The state chief minister may also invoke
• Court held that the powers of the States under special powers under the law for dealing with
the Disaster Management Act do not extend to the pandemic.
promoting students on the sole basis of their • It gives the same power to the PM and
internal assessment without taking exams. CMs except in the case of Delhi, where the
• If any State found it impossible to conduct Lieutenant-Governor has these powers.
the exams by the deadline given by UGC and
wanted to postpone them, it could apply to the
UGC, which would consider the request and
decide at the earliest.
• States and universities cannot dismiss UGC
guidelines as being merely advisory. They were

Polity & Governance | 8

• The Court has the power to review its rulings to
University Grants Commission (UGC) correct a “patent error” and not “minor mistakes of
inconsequential import”.
It came into existence on 28th December 1953 • A review is by no means an appeal in disguise this
but became a statutory organization of the means the Court is allowed not to take fresh stock
Government of India by the UGC Act, 1956, under of the case but to correct grave errors that have
the Ministry of Education. resulted in the miscarriage of justice.
• As per the Civil Procedure Rules, a person aggrieved
The UGC`s mandate includes: by a ruling can seek a review. This implies that it is
• To promote and coordinate university not necessary that only parties to a case can seek a
education. review of the judgment.
• To determine and maintain standards of • A Review Petition has to be filed within 30 days
teaching and research in universities. of the date of judgment or order. In exceptional
• Framing regulations on minimum cases, the court can condone the delay in filing
standards of education. the review petition.
• Monitoring developments in the field of • Review petitions are ordinarily entertained without
collegiate and university education; disbursing oral arguments by lawyers. Thus, it is heard “through
grants to the universities and colleges. circulation” by the judges in their chambers.
• It also works as an advisor to the Central However, in exceptional cases like death penalty
and State governments on the measures cases, the court allows an oral hearing.
necessary for the improvement of the • Review petitions are also heard by the same
university and up-gradation of various combination of judges who delivered the original
academic courses. judgment that is sought to be reviewed.

Grounds for Considering Review Petition

Way Forward The Court does not entertain every review petition
• Performance and academic achievement of filed. The Supreme Court has laid down three grounds
students in university examinations contribute to for seeking a review of a verdict it has delivered.
merit, lifelong credibility, wider global acceptability, • On the discovery of new and important matter or
and better prospects to the student. evidence which, after the exercise of due diligence,
• The digital divide that exists in the country must be was not within the knowledge of the petitioner or
taken into account and needed to bridge the gap could not be produced before the court.
while going for the online conduct of examinations. • Mistake or error apparent on the face of the record.
• The government should come up with a proper • Any other sufficient reason that is analogous to the
plan for the appointments of final year students other two grounds.
who have not been able to appear for the
examination and come out with policies to defer Option after Review Petition Fails
the requirement of degree certificates for job • In the Roopa Hurra v Ashok Hurra’s case (2002),
appointments. the Court came with the concept of a curative
petition, which can be heard after a review
REVIEW PETITION petition is dismissed.
• A curative petition is also entertained on very
Why in News? narrow grounds like a review petition and is
The Supreme Court has imposed a Re 1 fine on generally not granted an oral hearing.
activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan after holding him
guilty of criminal contempt of court for two tweets
against the apex court.
Curative Petition
More on news
• The apex court on August 14 held Prashant Bhushan • It was first evolved by the Supreme Court of
guilty of criminal contempt for his two derogatory India in Rupa Ashok Hurra vs. Ashok Hurra
tweets against the judiciary, saying they cannot be and another case (2002) on the question of
said to be a fair criticism of the functioning of the whether an aggrieved person is entitled to any
judiciary made in the public interest. relief against the final judgment/order of the
• On August 25, the court had reserved its ruling after Supreme Court, even after the dismissal of a
numerous arguments as Bhushan refused to apologize. review petition.
• Bhushan has agreed to pay the fine but has said that • It is supported by Article 137 of the Indian
he will file a review petition against the conviction. Constitution. It provides that in the matter
of laws and rules made under Article 145, the
Review Petition Supreme Court has the power to review any
• According to Article 137 of the Constitution, the judgment pronounced (or order made) by it.
Supreme Court has the power to review any of its • It can be entertained if the petitioner
judgments or orders. establishes that there was a violation of

9 I Articulate
comprehensive data coverage.
the principles of natural justice and that • To study and recommend the correction of any
he was not heard by the court before repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, and errors
passing an order. of spelling or transcription.
• A curative petition must be first passed to
a Bench senior-most judges if a majority of
the judges conclude that the matter needs
hearing should it be listed before the same National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC)
• It is a constitutional body under the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment. 102nd
Constitution Amendment Act, 2018 provides
constitutional status to NCB by inserting
Articles 338 B and 342 A.
• The Commission comprises of five members
Why in News?
including a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson
A commission headed by Justice (Retd.) G Rohini
and three other Members appointed by the
has been examining the sub-categorization of Other
President by warrant under his hand and seal
Backward Classes (OBCs) for almost three years now.
• This Commission was formed as an initiative
for investigating the conditions and
What is the sub-categorization of OBCs?
difficulties of the socially and educationally
• The Central List of OBCs consists of over 2,600
backward classes and thus making
appropriate recommendations.
• Sub-categorisation of the OBCs means the creation
of categories within OBCs for reservation.
• OBCs are granted a 27% reservation in jobs and
education under the central government. QUESTION HOUR AND ZERO HOUR
Need for Reconsideration of a sub-category of OBC Why in News?
• It has been seen that only a few affluent The Lok Sabha Secretariat officially released the
communities among the listed ones have secured a schedule for the monsoon Parliament session with
major part of the 27% reservation. Question Hour being dropped. Zero Hour will also be
• According to the 2018 data analysis of 1.3 lakh restricted in both Houses.
central jobs and admissions to central higher
education institutions given under OBC quota. Question Hour
24.95% of these jobs and seats have gone to just 10 • Definition- The first hour of every parliamentary
OBC communities. sitting is slotted for the Question Hour. However,
• 97% of all jobs and educational seats have gone to in 2014 the Question Hour was shifted in the Rajya
just 25% of all sub-castes classified as OBCs. Sabha from 11 am to 12 noon.
• This gives rise to the sub-categorization of OBCs • During this one hour, Members of
so that would ensure equitable distribution of Parliament (MPs) ask questions to ministers
representation among all OBC communities. and hold them accountable for the
functioning of their ministries.
Who is examining sub-categorization? • The questions can also be asked to the private
• The Commission to examine the Sub-categorisation members (MPs who are not ministers).
of OBCs took charge on October 11, 2017. • Regulation- It is regulated according to parliamentary
• It is headed by retired Delhi High Court Chief rules. The presiding officers of both Houses (Rajya
Justice G Rohini. Sabha and Lok Sabha) are the final authority with
• Initially constituted with a tenure of 12 weeks respect to the conduct of Question Hour.
ending January 3, 2018, it was granted an • Kinds of Questions- There are three types of
extension recently. questions asked.
• The current tenure of the Commission ends on • Starred question (distinguished by an asterisk)-
January 31, 2021. this requires an oral answer and hence
• Its budget is being drawn from the National supplementary questions can follow.
Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC). • Unstarred question- this requires a written
answer and hence, supplementary questions
Commission’s Terms of References cannot follow.
• To examine the uneven distribution of • A short notice question is one that is asked
reservation benefits among different castes in by giving a notice of fewer than ten days. It is
the central OBC list. answered orally.
• To work out the mechanism, criteria, norms, • Frequency- Question Hour in both Houses is held
and parameters in a scientific approach for sub- on all days of the session. But there are two days
categorization within such OBCs. when an exception is made.
• To take up the exercise of identifying the respective • When the President addresses MPs from both
castes/communities/sub-castes/synonyms for Houses.

Polity & Governance | 10

• On the day the Finance Minister presents • This can be supplemented, on occasions, by using
the Budget. a Motion to develop a consensus ‘on matters of
general public interest’.
Zero Hour • The test of a functioning democracy is its ability
• While Question Hour is strictly regulated, Zero Hour to face crises and seek correctives premised
is an Indian innovation. The phrase does not find on institutions of democracy. Executive
mention in the rules of procedure. accountability upfront cannot be allowed to
• The concept of Zero Hour started organically in the become a thing of the past.
first decade of the Indian Parliament when MPs
felt the need for raising important constituency DRAFT DATA EMPOWERMENT AND
and national issues. PROTECTION ARCHITECTURE
• During the initial days, Parliament used to break for
lunch at 1 pm. Why in News?
• Therefore, the opportunity for MPs to raise national The NITI Aayog has released a draft Data Empowerment
issues without an advance notice became available and Protection Architecture (DEPA) which aims to
at 12 pm and could last for an hour until the House promote greater user control on data sharing.
adjourned for lunch.
• This led to the hour being popularly referred to as Objective of DEPA
Zero Hour and the issues being raised during this • To empower individuals with control over their
time as Zero Hour submissions. personal data, by operationalizing a regulatory,
• Its importance can be gauged from the support it institutional, and technology design for secure data
receives from citizens, media, MPs, and presiding sharing. The data consent given under it will be free,
officers despite not being part of the rulebook. informed, specific, clear, and revocable.
Criteria for questions Features of DEPA
• Parliamentary rules provide guidelines on the kind • User Consent Managers- DEPA’s Institutional
of questions that can be asked by MPs. Architecture will involve the creation of new
• Questions have to be limited to 150 words. They market players known as User Consent Managers.
have to be precise and not too general. These Consent Managers will also work to protect
• The question should also be related to an area of data rights.
responsibility of the GoI. • Open APIs- Open Application Programming
• Questions should not seek information Interfaces (APIs) enable the seamless and
about matters that are secret or are under encrypted flow of data between data providers and
adjudication before courts. data users through a consent manager.
• It is the presiding officers of the two Houses who • RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, PFRDA, and the Ministry of
finally decide whether a question raised by an MP Finance will implement this model.
will be admitted for answering by the government.
Impact • Opening up an API-based data-sharing
• Over the last 70 years, MPs have successfully framework would bring significant innovation by
used the parliamentary device of ‘Question Hour’ new fintech entities.
to shine a light on government functioning. Their • DEPA will provide individuals and small businesses
questions have exposed financial irregularities with the practical means to access, control, and
and brought data and information regarding selectively share personal data that they have
government functioning to the public domain. stored across multiple institutional datasets and
• Suspension of the Question Hour would mean that maximize the benefits of data sharing for individual
the Opposition would lose the right to question the empowerment.
government. Also, the Ministers are not liable to • DEPA will enable better personal financial
reply to the issues raised during the Zero Hour. management services, wealth management,
• This would mean that the MPs would not be able or different types of lending, insurance, and
to hold the government accountable for its action. investment use cases and products that one may
This will go against the spirit of parliamentary not be able to foresee today.


• World over, the legislative bodies have COMMITTEES
continued to function with new sets of ‘dos
and don’ts. Some ‘dos and don’ts’’ can be Why in News?
introduced in the Parliament. Rajya Sabha Secretariat is considering changing the
• Admit the Starred Question, reply to it in a set of rules to govern Departmentally-Related Standing
prepositions and allow the Member concerned to Committees’ (DRSC) tenure from one to two years
the table in writing the permitted number of follow so that the panels have enough time to work on the
up questions also to be answered in writing the subjects selected by them.
following day.

11 I Articulate
Departmentally-Related Standing Committees’ (DRSC) • It provides the expertise on a matter which is
• Need for the change referred to them.
• Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many panels
have not been able to complete reports on the
subjects they were working on. For example,
the Information Technology panel could not Parliamentary Committees
complete deliberations on “Safeguarding
citizens’ rights and prevention of misuse of • The Constitution of India makes a mention
social/online news media platforms including of these committees at different places,
special emphasis on women security in but without making any specific provisions
the digital space”, for which it summoned regarding their composition, tenure,
Facebook recently. functions, etc.
• Consideration • A good deal of Parliamentary business is
• To extend the term of the panels for a year. transacted in the committees. Both Houses
• To form new committees with a fixed tenure of Parliament have a similar committee
of two years. structure, with a few exceptions.
• New Draft Guidelines • Their appointment, terms of office, functions,
• Rajya Sabha secretariat prepared new draft and procedure of conducting business are
guidelines for its standing committees. The also more or less similar and are regulated
guidelines are still under review by the Lok as per rules made by the two Houses under
Sabha Speaker. This may include: Article 118(1) of the Constitution.
• A minimum of 15 days’ notice and • Broadly, Parliamentary Committees are of
confirmation by one-third of the members two kinds – Standing Committees and Ad
before holding a panel meeting. hoc Committees.
• The nomination of members based on their • The former are elected or appointed every
qualifications, interests, and occupations. year or periodically and their work goes on,
• At least 50% attendance while collecting more or less, continuously.
evidence and adopting reports. • The latter are appointed on an ad hoc basis as
• Evolution the need arises and they cease to exist as soon
• On the recommendation of the Rules as they complete the task assigned to them.
Committee of the Lok Sabha, 17 DRSCs were set
up in the Parliament in 1993. Significance of the Standing Committee System
• In 2004, seven more such committees were set • Detailed scrutiny and upholding government
up, thus increasing their number from 17 to 24. accountability- Standing committees
• Members increase the ability of parliament to scrutinize
• Each standing committee consists of 31 government policies and make it accountable
members (21 from Lok Sabha and 10 from through an informed debate in the legislature.
Rajya Sabha). • Work in a non-partisan manner- Committee
• The members of the Lok Sabha are nominated meetings are ‘close doors’ and members are
by the Speaker, just as the members of the not bound by the party whips, which allow
Rajya Sabha are nominated by the Chairman them the latitude for a more meaningful
from amongst its members exchange of views.
• A minister is not eligible to be nominated as • Engagement with relevant stakeholders- The
a member of any of the standing committees. committee regularly seeks feedback from
In case a member, after his nomination to any citizens and experts on subjects it examines,
of the standing committees, is appointed a for example, the RBI governor was summoned
minister, he then ceases to be a member of by the Finance Committee on the subject of
the committee. demonstration.
• Tenure • Work as a bridge- They act as a link between
• The term of office of each standing committee parliament and people on the one hand, and
is one year from the date of its constitution. between the administration and parliament
• Role on other hand.
• It ensures more accountability of the Executive • Financial Prudence- The system ensures
(i.e., the Council of Ministers) to the Parliament. economy and efficiency in public expenditure,
Through Committees, Parliament exercises its as the ministries/ departments would not be
control and influence over administration and more careful in formulating their demands.
keeps vigilance over the executive.
• The Committees aid and assist the Legislature
in discharging its duties and regulating its Way Forward
functions effectively, expeditiously, and • The sittings of Parliament are steadily declining
efficiently. They assist the Parliament in over the years. In such a scenario, a major part of
thoroughly and systematically scrutinizing the parliamentary work is done by DRSCs. A longer
matters which could not be discussed on the tenure will help in the completion of tasks and
floor at length. deliberations assigned to them.

Polity & Governance | 12

• There is a need for several other parliamentary Furlough
reforms. It has been seen that the majority of the • Furlough is given in cases of long-term
bills were passed by the Parliament through a imprisonment.
voice vote, without much debating and without • The period of furlough granted to a prisoner is
referring them to the parliamentary committees. treated as remission of his sentence.
For example, RTI Amendment Act (2019), UAPA • Furlough is given in cases of long-term
Amendment Act (2019). imprisonment.
• The period of furlough granted to a prisoner is
REVISED GUIDELINES FOR PAROLE AND treated as remission of his sentence.
Way Forward
Why in News? It is important for state authorities to review their
The Ministry of Home Affairs has revised guidelines on guidelines to ensure that the facility and concession
parole, furlough and premature release of prisoners and are given to inmates, by way of parole, furlough and
asked the states all the states and union territories to premature release, etc. to provide them relief and
review the guidelines in this regard. rehabilitation, is not abused and misused by them and
their advantage does not turn into disadvantage and
Since prisons are the State subject in the Constitution, nuisance for the society at large.
the Prisons Act of each state government defines the
rules under which parole is granted in that state. BUSINESS REFORM ACTION PLAN (BRAP)
What are the revised guidelines?
• The terrorists, people involved in heinous Why in News?
crimes, riots, dacoity or those involved in 4th edition of the Business Reform Action Plan
smuggling of drugs should not be eligible for (BRAP) ranking of states announced recently by the
release on parole or furlough as it could have an Department of Industrial Promotion and Internal
adverse impact on society. Trade (DPIIT).
• MHA suggested new guidelines should include that
parole and furlough may not be granted as a matter Highlights
of routine and may be decided by a committee of • The five-ten states under State Reform Action Plan
officers and behavioural experts keeping in view all 2019 are Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh, Telangana,
relevant factors, especially for inmates sentenced Madhya Pradesh, and Jharkhand.
for sexual offences, serious crimes such as murder, • Ranking of States is based on the
child abduction and violence. implementation of the Business Reform Action
• Inclusion of an expert psychologist/ criminologist/ Plan started in the year 2015.
correctional administration expert as a member of • One “major change” in the current rankings is
the sentence review board and in the committee the government’s decision to link the state’s
which decides grant of parole and furlough to performance “exclusively” to user feedback.
inmates and obtains their opinion before such
temporary release. Significance of Ranking
• Imprisonment besides being a mode of punishment • The ranking of States is based on the
also aims at protecting the society from criminal implementation of the Business Reform Action Plan
activities, therefore release on parole is not an started in the year 2015.
absolute right but a concession. • One “major change” in the current rankings is
• A balance is, therefore, considered essential the government’s decision to link the state’s
between ensuring the rights of inmates and performance “exclusively” to user feedback.
protecting society from further harm. • The move is aimed at triggering competition among
states to attract investments and improve the
Parole business climate.
• Parole is a system of releasing a prisoner with the • Most states see their performance as a key factor
suspension of the sentence. in helping companies select their investment
• The release is conditional, usually subject to destination.
behaviour, and requires periodic reporting to the
authorities for a set period of time. Why are the states ranked on BRAP Implementation?
• Parole is considered a reformative process. The larger objective of attracting investments and
• Parole may be denied to a prisoner even when increasing the Ease of Doing Business in each state was
he makes out a sufficient cause if the competent sought to be achieved by introducing an element of
authority is satisfied that releasing the convict healthy competition through a system of ranking states
would not be in the interest of society. based on their performance in the implementation of
• Parole is often not granted to convicts the Business Reform Action Plan.
sentenced to death, or to those who, in the
opinion of jail authorities, are likely to flee when What more can be done
released from prison. • Single window clearance- All the departments
involved from granting permission to the

13 I Articulate
deployment of infrastructure should come on • How will it function
a single platform for protecting stakeholders to • It will advise and assist in settlement of
unnecessary delay. disputes through arbitrations in the maritime
• Hand-holding parameters- Providing support to sector, including ports and shipping sector in
the low performing states in the form of easing Major Port Trusts, Non-major Ports, including
norms and incentives to boost their local trade and private ports, jetties, terminals and harbours.
manufacturing units. • It will also cover disputes between granting
• Fast Litigation- Pending cases in the judiciary authority and Licensee/Concessionaire /
exhaust the will of the investors. Giving more Contractor and also disputes between
teeth to NCLT and setting up of an Arbitration and Licensee/Concessionaire and their contractors
Mediation body will release the burden from the arising out of and during the course of
court as well as relief to stakeholders. execution of various contracts.
• Foster greater federalism- States should be • Benefits
allowed to engage both cooperatively and • It will act as a game changer by becoming
competitively with the central government and the pivotal mechanism of ummeed (hope),
with each other. vishwas(trust) and nyaya (justice) in the Port
• Skill Development/ Re-skilling- Skill formation sector of India.
and continuous upgrade both for labour and • Saving a huge amount of legal expenditure
entrepreneurs in every state. and time by resolving the disputes in a fair
and just manner.
• SAROD-Ports will inspire confidence in the
private players and will ensure the right kind of
Business Reform Action Plan(BRAP) environment for our partners.
• It will promote ease of doing business in the
• The ranking of states based on the maritime sector because of the fast, timely,
implementation of the Business Reform cost effective and robust dispute resolution
Action Plan started in the year 2015. To date, mechanism.
State Rankings
• have been released for the years 2015, 2016, KESAVANANDA BHARATI
and 2017-18.
Why in News?
Who Conducts the exercise? Kesavananda Bharati, the 79-year old Kerala-based seer
• The Department for Promotion of Industry and the person who lent his name to the crucial ‘basic
and Internal Trade(DPIIT) conducts the doctrine’ judgment of the Supreme Court of India, has
exercise for all States and Union Territories died due to age-related ailments.
under the BRAP.
A brief background:
Parameters • Ever since the adoption of the Constitution, there
• It includes 180 reform points covering 12 has been a tussle between the executive and the
business regulatory areas such as Access to judiciary regarding the extent of amendments that
Information, Single Window System, Labour, can be made to the Constitution.
Environment among others. • In the early years of Independence, the Supreme
Court conceded absolute powers to the Parliament
in amending the Constitution, as was seen in the
verdicts in Shankari Prasad (1951) and Sajjan Singh
SAROD PORT (1965) by concluding that-
• The term “law” in Article 13 of the Constitution
Why in News?
must not be taken to mean amendments to the
The Ministry of State for Shipping launched ‘SAROD-
Constitution under Article 368, but only rules
Ports’ (Society for Affordable Redressal of Disputes -
and regulations made in exercise of ordinary
Ports) through a virtual ceremony.
legislative power.
• The Constitution kept being amended to suit
the interests of the ruling dispensation, but
• They are established under the Societies
subsequently, the Supreme Court in Golaknath
Registration Act, 1860.
(1967) held that Parliament’s amending power could
• SAROD-Port designed on the similar provision
not touch fundamental rights, and this power would
available in Highway Sector in the form of SAROD-
be only with a Constituent Assembly, saying that-
Roads constituted by NHAI.
• The term “law” in Article 13 of the
Constitution does in fact include any and all
amendments made under Article 368, and
• Affordable and timely resolution of disputes in
therefore, if an amendment “takes away or
fair manner
abridges” a Fundamental Right conferred by
• Enrichment of Dispute Resolution
Part III, it will be put to judicial scrutiny and
Mechanism with the panel of technical
can be declared void.
experts as arbitrators.

Polity & Governance | 14

• Then, in the verdict in Kesavananda Bharati (1973),
the ‘basic structure’ doctrine was evolved by the • Applicability: The doctrine of basic structure
Supreme Court, which has since been expanded to in India has been applied to many landmark
include within its ambit a host of ideals. cases by the Supreme Court, such as
• Minerva Mills case
Who was Kesavananda Bharati? • Waman Rao case
• Kesavananda Bharati was the head seer of the Edneer • S.R. Bommai case
Mutt in Kasaragod district of Kerala since 1961. • Kihoto Hollohan case (popularly known as
• He challenged the Kerala land reform legislation the Defection case)
in 1970 while petitioning against the removal of • I.R. Coelho case (popularly known as the IX
the Right to Property from the list of fundamental Schedule case)
rights in the landmark case of Kesavananda Bharati
Sripadagalvaru and Ors v State of Kerala.

The judgment in Kesavananda Bharati case: Way Forward

• On April 24, 1973, the 13-member Constitutional • Critics of the basic structure doctrine have called it
Bench in the case ruled by a 7-6 verdict that the undemocratic since it means that unelected judges
Parliament should be restrained from altering the can strike down a constitutional amendment.
‘basic structure’ of the Constitution. • On the other hand, its proponents have hailed the
• The court did not define the ‘basic structure’ but concept as a safety valve against majoritarianism
listed some principles — federalism, secularism, and authoritarianism.
democracy — as being its part. • In the Kesavananda Bharati case, the Supreme
• Since then, the court has been adding new Court not only redefined the relationship between
features to this concept. the judiciary, executive, and legislature, it also set
• However, despite the ruling that Parliament limits — constitutional dismemberment is not
cannot breach fundamental rights, the court allowed in the name of the amendment.
upheld the amendment that removed the
fundamental right to property. PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE REPORT ON
• Technically, Kesavananda Bharati lost the case. But STARTUPS
as many legal scholars point out, the government
did not win either. Why in News?
A report related to startups has been tabled by the
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance recently.

The Doctrine of ‘Basic Structure’: Recommendations of the Report

• Capital going into India’s unicorns comes mainly
• History: The origins of the basic structure from foreign sources such as the US and China.
doctrine are found in the German This dependence should be reduced so that India
Constitution which, after the Nazi regime, was becomes self-reliant.
amended to protect some basic laws from • Small Industries Development Bank of
majoritarianism and dictatorship. India (SIDBI) should play a pivotal role in
• Meaning: In India, the doctrine states disbursing more funds to help startups
that the constituent power of Parliament and unicorns scale up.
under Article 368 does not enable it • SIDBI Fund-of-Funds vehicle should be
to alter the ‘basic structure’ (or ‘basic expanded and fully operationalized/utilized to
features’) of the Constitution. This means play an anchor investment role.
that the Parliament cannot abridge or • A fund-of-funds also known as a multi-manager
take away a Fundamental Right that investment—is a pooled investment fund that
forms a part of the ‘basic structure’ of the invests in other types of funds.
Constitution. • Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax should be
• Inclusions: Since the Kesavananda Bharati abolished for all investments in startups that are
case, the ‘basic structure’ doctrine has been made through collective investment vehicles for at
interpreted to include many ideas such as- least two years.
• Supremacy of the Constitution • Currently, the LTCG earned by foreign investors
• Rule of Law in private companies attracts taxation at a
• Independence of the judiciary concessional rate of 10%, as compared to the
• Doctrine of separation of powers domestic investments being taxed at 20% with
• Federalism an enhanced surcharge of 37%.
• Secularism • Collective Investment Vehicles (CIVs) are a
• Sovereign Democratic Republic group of pooled accounts held by a bank or
• Parliamentary system of government trust company. They include angel funds,
• Principle of free and fair elections alternative investment funds, and investment
• Welfare state limited liability partnerships.

15 I Articulate
• The issuance of hybrid securities, which bear
characteristics of both debt and equity under • If it is working towards innovation, development, or
the FDI route, should be allowed, as it provides a improvement of products or services or processes.
flexible investment framework.
• Pricing guidelines prescribed under various
laws and regulations by SEBI, Income Tax Act,
Companies Act, FEMA should be made more
Startup India Initiative
consistent to provide a simple and coherent
• Startup India is a flagship initiative of the
Department for Promotion of Industry and
• Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the Ministry of
should allow Venture Capital (VC) funds to invest in
Commerce and Industry.
non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) and help
• The Startup India scheme is based majorly on
enhance their capital base.
three pillars
• Providing funding support and incentives
to the various startups of the country.
What is considered to be a ‘Startup’? • Providing Industry-Academia Partnership
and Incubation.
As per the latest definition given by the • Simplification and Handholding.
Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal • It is the flagship initiative that aims to build a
Trade (DPIIT), an entity is a startup strong ecosystem to promote innovation and
startups in the country in the following ways
• Till up to 10 years from its incorporation/ • self-certification under labor and
registration date, environmental laws,
• If the entity’s turnover for any of the financial • tax exemption for three years,
year since its incorporation has not exceeded • startup patent application and intellectual
₹100 crore, and property rights (IPR) protection, and
• relaxation in public procurement norms.

Parliamentary Committees

Committees that assist the Parliament in discharge of its duties are called Parliamentary Committees.
• The Constitution of India does not make any specific provisions regarding their composition, tenure,
functions, etc. but does mention them at different places.
• A parliamentary committee
• is appointed or elected by the House or nominated by the Speaker/ Chairman
• works under the direction of the Speaker/ Chairman
• presents its report to the House or to the Speaker/ Chairman
• has a secretariat provided by the Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha
• Broadly, the Parliamentary Committees are of two types
• Standing Committees: They are permanent and are constituted every year or periodically.
• Ad hoc Committees: They are temporary and cease to exist on completion of the task assigned to them.

Types of Committees Categories Sub-Categories

Standing Committees Financial Committees Public Accounts Committee,

Estimates Committee,
Committee on Public

Departmental Standing Contains a total of 24 sub-

Committees categories

Committees to Inquire Committee on Petitions,

Committee of Privilege,
Ethics Committee

16 I Articulate Polity & Governance | 16

Committees to Scrutinise and Committee on Government
Control Assurances,
Committee on Subordinate
Committee on Papers Laid on
the Table,
Committee on Welfare of SCs
and STs,
Committee on Empowerment
of Women,
Joint Committee on Offices of

Committees Relating to the Business Advisory Committee,

Day-to-Day Business of the Committee on Private
House Members’ Bills and Resolutions,
Rules Committee,
Committee on Absence of
Members from Sittings of the

House-Keeping Committees or General Purposes Committee,

Service Committees House Committee,
Library Committee,
Joint Committee on Salaries
and Allowances of Members

Ad Hoc Committees Inquiry Committees -

Advisory Committees -

Way Forward “terrorist act” to the list of offenses.

The measures mentioned in the parliamentary • Additionally, if the central government deems
committee report will help accelerate the Indian an activity as unlawful, then it may declare it so
startup ecosystem and allow them to meet the goal by way of an Official Gazette.
of startups contributing 20% of India’s $5 trillion • Under UAPA, both Indian and foreign nationals can
GDP by 2025. be charged.
• It will apply to the offenders in the same
UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES (PREVENTION) manner, even if the crime is committed on
ACT, 1967 foreign land, outside India.
• Under UAPA, the investigating agency can file a
Why in news? charge sheet in a maximum of 180 days after the
Recently, various journalists, student leaders, activists, arrests, and the duration can be extended further
and environmentalists have been booked under UAPA. after intimating the court.
• The highest punishments under UAPA are the death
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 penalty and life imprisonment.
• The UAPA is primarily an anti-terror law – aimed • The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment
at “more effective prevention of certain unlawful Act, 2019 made changes to designate individuals as
activities of individuals and associations and for terrorists on certain grounds:
dealing with terrorist activities”. • The Act empowered the Director-General of
• It is an upgrade on the Terrorist and Disruptive National Investigation Agency (NIA) to approve
Activities (Prevention) Act TADA (lapsed in the seizure or attachment of property when the
1995) and the Prevention of Terrorism Act POTA case is investigated by the said agency.
(repealed in 2004). • The Act empowered the officers of the NIA, of
• UAPA aims at the effective prevention of unlawful the rank of Inspector or above, to investigate
activities and associations in India. cases of terrorism in addition to those
• Earlier, “unlawful” activities referred to conducted by the DSP or ACP or above rank
actions related only to secession and cession officer in the state.
of territory. The 2004 amendment added a

17 I Articulate
Arguments in favor of UAPA
• It is aimed at the effective prevention of unlawful
activities and associations in India.
• Its main objective is to make powers available for
dealing with activities directed against the integrity
and sovereignty of India.
• National security is of paramount importance,
since all other rights of an individual flow from
the Constitution of India and him being an
ordinary citizen.

Arguments against the use of UAPA

• It allows the central government to name an
individual as a terrorist if it “believes” without
any formal judicial process, which is against the
principles of natural justice.
• Poor police investigation, weak prosecution, and
procedural lapses often lead to very few convictions
under the UAPA. But while the trial drags on, those
accused remain incarcerated for years.
• The Act poses threat to different viewpoints and
is an infringement of the fundamental rights of an
individual, especially Article 19 and Article 21.

Way Forward
• The law should be used appropriately, and speedy
justice to the perpetrators as well as the victims
will go a long way in setting the right precedent for
others in the society.

Polity & Governance | 18

19 I Articulate Polity & Governance | 19
LABOR REFORM CODE BILLS 2020 districts, from the current 566 districts.
• The facility of Employees’ Provident Fund
Why in News? Organisation (EPFO) to be applicable on all
Recently, the Lok Sabha cleared new versions of three establishments having at least 20 workers.
labor codes — • Provision for gratuity to be made for Fixed Term
• Industrial Relations Code Bill, 2020 Employee and no minimum service period
• Code on Social Security Bill, 2020 and condition for the same.
• Occupational Safety, Health, and Working
Conditions Code Bill, 2020. The Occupational Safety, Health, and Working
Conditions Code Bill, 2020
Key provisions of the Bills • For migrant workers:
• Defines an inter-state migrant worker as a
The Industrial Relations Code Bill, 2020 worker who comes from one state and obtains
Efforts made by the Government for quickly resolving employment in another state and earns up to
disputes of the workers include: ₹18,000 a month, as opposed to the present
• For Migrant Workers: definition of only contractual employment.
• Creation of a helpline for migrant workers for • Subsumes the Inter-State Migrant Workmen
the redressal of their problems. (Regulation of Employment and Conditions
• Creation of a national database of migrant workers. of Service) Act, 1979, which has been in
• Equality for women: news during the recent migrant workers
• Women to be permitted to work in every crisis due to COVID-19.
sector at night. • Drops the earlier provision for temporary
• The provision for their security made by the accommodation for workers near the worksites,
employer has to be ensured, and consent of and proposes a ‘journey allowance’ — a lump sum
the woman has to be taken before she works amount of fare to be paid by the employer for to
at night. and fro journey of the worker to his/her native place
• Social Security: from the place of his/her employment.
• Creation of “Social Security Fund” for 40 • Proposes Cine Workers to be designated as Audio
Crore unorganized workers along with GIG and Visual Workers so that more and more workers get
platform workers, which will help Universal covered under the OSH code. Earlier, this security
Social Security coverage. was given to artists working in films only.
• In the event of the death or injury to a worker
due to an accident at his workplace, at least
50% share of the penalty to be given, in addition
to Employee Compensation. ‘Right to Strike’ in India
• Occupational Safety & Health Code to now cover
workers from the IT and Service Sectors also. • Strikes occur when management and the
• Provision for the accumulation of one day leave for union disagree on certain contracts or
every 20 days worked when work has been done for their interpretations or the manner of
180 days, instead of 240 days. handling certain tasks.
• Right to strike: a 14-day notice period to be • In India, the right to protest is a fundamental right
furnished before strikes, so that within this period under Article 19 of the Constitution of India.
an amicable agreement can be reached. • But the right to strike is not a fundamental
right but a legal right and with this right
The Social Security Code Bill, 2020 statutory restriction is attached in the
• For unorganized sector workers: Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
• Proposes to create a National Social Security
Board for formulating suitable schemes
for unorganized workers, gig workers, and
platform workers. Fixed Term Employment
• Proposes to create a National Database for
Unorganised Sector Workers, registration • Fixed-term employment is a contract in which
of the workers be done on the basis of Self a company or an enterprise hires an employee
Certification through an online portal. for a specific period of time.
• Formulation of various schemes for providing • It provides the workers with the same
comprehensive social security to workers in the statutory benefits which are available to
unorganized sector, and creation of a “Social a permanent worker, while providing the
Security Fund” to implement these schemes. employers with the flexibility to hire-and-
• Work to bring newer forms of employment fire as is there in case of contract-based
created with the changing technology like temporary employment.
“platform worker or gig worker” under the ambit • In India, fixed-term employment was formally
of social security. introduced in the apparel manufacturing
• The facility of Employees’ State Insurance sector in 2016, and has since been expanded
Corporation of India (ESIC) to be provided in 740 to all sectors.

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 20

Objections Surrounding the Bills current times of recession and crisis.
• There are fears that increasing the layoff threshold
will lead to rampant hiring and firing, tantamount to Proposed Benefits of the Bills
the ‘demolition of employment security’ in India. • According to the World Bank, with less restrictive
• Making it difficult for the workers to hold strikes under laws regarding hiring and firing of employees, India
the Industrial Relations Code, impinges upon the could approximately add on an annual basis “2.8
legal ‘right to strike’ of the workers and significantly million more good quality formal sector jobs”.
reduces their collective bargaining powers. • Once enacted, the codes will give flexibility to firms
• Subsuming the Working Journalists Act, 1958, in opening and closing units, reduce trade union
under the Code on Occupational Safety, Health, and influence in companies, and pave way for state-level
Working Conditions could result in rampant hiring labor reforms (labor is a concurrent list subject).
and firing and amount to suppression of journalistic • This will also expand the social security net for a
freedom/ freedom of the press. segment of the informal workers, especially the gig
• The pre-legislative consultation policy, of putting and platform workers.
all Bills in the public domain for 30 days for
comments, was not followed in the introduction Way Forward
of these three Bills. While the three Bills aim at accelerating labor
• No consideration has been made for reforms and improving the ease of doing business,
unemployment protection for unorganized all stakeholders’ consultations must be taken into
workers, who are the most vulnerable in the consideration before turning them into Acts.

Codification of Labour Laws

• As many as 44 labor laws have been categorized and subsumed into four codes
• Code on Wages
• Code on Industrial Relations
• Code on Social Security
• Code on Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions
• The Code on Wages Act, 2019 was passed last year, while the rest three are in Lok Sabha currently.
• Codification removes the multiplicity of definitions and authorities leading to ease of compliances
without compromising wage security and social security of workers.
• Simplification of labor laws will enhance the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ rankings of India and attract more
foreign direct investment (FDI), which in turn will assist India towards its goal of becoming a $5 trillion
economy by 2024.

Name of the Code Laws subsumed within the Code

Code on Wages 1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936

2. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
3. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
4. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

Code on Industrial Relations 1. The Trade Unions Act, 1926

2. The Industrial Employment (Standing orders)
Act, 1946
3. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Code on Social Security 1. The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923

2. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
3. The Employees Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
4. The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory
Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959
5. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
6. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
7. The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981
8. The Building and Other Construction Workers
Welfare Cess Act, 1996
9. The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008

21 I Articulate
Code on Occupational Safety, Health, and 1. The Factories Act, 1948
Working Conditions 2. The Plantations Labour Act, 1951
3. The Mines Act, 1952
4. The Working Journalists and other Newspaper
Employees (Conditions of Service) and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955
5. The Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of
Wages) Act, 1958
6. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961
7. The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of
Employment) Act, 1966
8. The Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970
9. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions
of Service) Act, 1976
10. The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation
of Employment and Conditions of Service)
Act, 1979
11. The Cine-Workers and Cinema Theatre
Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1981
12. The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and
Welfare) Act, 1986
13. The Building and Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996

FARM BILLS 2020 • The farmers have also been restricted to sell the
produce only to registered licensees of the state
Why in news? governments.
Recently, three Bills aimed at transformation of • There have been barriers in the free flow of
agriculture in the country and raising farmers’ income agriculture produce among different states, owing
have been introduced– to the prevalence of various APMC legislations
1. The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce enacted by different state governments.
(Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020
2. The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Benefits of the new Bill
Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services This Bill is a historic-step in unlocking the vastly
Bill, 2020 regulated agricultural markets in the country.
3. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, 2020 • It will open more choices for farmers, reduce
marketing costs for the farmers and help them in
Detailed Analysis of the Farm Bills getting better prices.
1. The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce • It will also help farmers from regions with surplus
(Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020 produce in getting better prices, and consumers
from regions with shortages in getting lower prices.
Aims and Objectives of the Bill • The APMCs will not stop functioning, but will now
This Bill seeks to have to compete with these alternate platforms
• provide farmers with alternative platforms to sell since farmers now will have a choice.
their produce, that will remain outside the APMC
market yards / mandis, and Issues with the new Bill
• facilitate remunerative prices through competitive • The Bill prohibits the state governments from
alternative trading channels to promote efficient, levying any market fee, cess or levy outside the
transparent, and barrier-free inter-state and intra- designated APMC areas. This is being seen as
state trade and commerce of farmers’ produce an attack on healthy center-state relations by
outside the markets financially weakening the states and making them
more dependent on the centre.
Background • Farmers fear that the APMCs could become
Farmers in India have suffered from various restrictions irrelevant and then they will have to face difficulties
on marketing their produce. in price discovery for their produce.
• There have been restrictions on farmers regarding
selling their agri-produce outside the notified
APMC mandis.

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 22

• It also has certain weaknesses such as over-
Agricultural Produce Market Committee dependence on weather, production uncertainties,
(APMC) and market unpredictability.
This has made agriculture as a profession risky and
• Agricultural Produce Market Committee inefficient with respect to both input and output
(APMC) is a system operating under the state management.
governments that has market yards (mandis)
in the market area, set up in various places Benefits of the new Bill
within the states, which regulate the notified • This Bill will transfer the risk of market
agricultural produce and livestock. unpredictability from the farmer to the sponsor of
• All food produce is brought to the APMC Contract Farming, reducing the cost of marketing,
mandis, and sales are made through auction. and improving farmers’ income.
• APMCs play an important role in price • Farmers will engage in direct marketing, thereby
discovery, which is essential for agricultural eliminating intermediaries, resulting in full
trade and production choices for farmers. realization of price.
• Farmers have been provided adequate protection
Problems faced by farmers in the existing APMC under the Bill. An effective, three-level dispute
structure settlement mechanism- Conciliation Board, Sub-
• Cartelization and Price manipulation: Divisional Magistrate, and Appellate Authority, has
Farmers are required to sell their been provided for, with clear timelines for redressal
commodities in local APMC mandis, of any issues that might arise.
where intermediaries often manipulate
prices, thereby making the APMC Issues with the new Bill
markets monopsonistic (too many sellers • With no APMC in sight, farmers might feel
and one buyer). exploited at the hands of private entities, due to
• Middlemen: In most APMCs, farmers and buyers not having the required knowledge of fair price
have to route all purchases through commission for their produce.
agents (called arhatiyas) or middlemen. • Farmers will not be able to obtain financial security
• Conflict of Interest: APMC plays the through minimum support price (MSP) in case of
dual role of being a regulator as well as Contract Farming.
a market. Its members and chairperson
are nominated/ elected out of the agents
operating in the market.
Contract Farming
The Standing Committee on Agriculture (2018-
19) had noted that most farmers lack access to • Contract farming can be defined as
government procurement facilities and APMC agricultural production carried out
markets. It also suggested that small rural according to an agreement between a buyer
markets could emerge as a viable alternative for and farmers, which establishes conditions
agricultural marketing, if they are provided with for the production and marketing of a farm
adequate infrastructure facilities. This is the product or products.
direction in which the new Farm Bills aim to head • It allows farmers to plan investment decisions,
towards - designing alternatives for the APMC with assured income in the form of an
markets. enforceable contract.

Contract farming in India needed an enabling

2. The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) framework to boost backward linkages with
Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services the food processing industry, which has been
Bill, 2020 provided under the recent Farm Bill.

Aims and Objectives of the Bill

This Bill seeks to
3. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill,
• provide for a national framework on farming
agreements that protects and empowers farmers
to engage with agri-business firms, processors,
Aims and Objectives of the Bill
wholesalers, exporters or large retailers, at a
This Bill seeks to
mutually agreed remunerative price framework, in a
• remove commodities like cereals, pulses, oilseeds,
fair and transparent manner, and
edible oils, onion and potatoes from the list of
• create a framework for ‘Contract Farming’ through
essential commodities,
an agreement between a farmer and a buyer, prior
• harness economies of scale and attract private
to the production or rearing of any farm produce.
sector/ foreign direct investment into agriculture
Background sector by giving private investors the freedom to
• Agriculture in India is characterized by produce, hold, move, distribute and supply the
fragmentation due to smaller land-holding sizes agricultural commodities, and

23 I Articulate
• remove fears from the private investors regarding
excessive regulatory interference in their business Centre by stating that both the state and the
operations Union government can legislate regarding
production, trade, supply and distribution
Background of a range of foodstuffs and agricultural raw
While India has become surplus in most agri- materials.
commodities, farmers have been unable to get • The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-state
better prices. Relations had pointed out that the Centre
• There has been a disincentive for development of had used Entry 33 to enact the Essential
infrastructure such as cold storage, warehouses, Commodities Act, 1955. It also mentioned that
processing and export, due to certain provisions of this Act had disproportionately empowered
the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. the Centre in the management of agriculture
• Because of this, farmers suffer huge losses (which is otherwise a State List subject).
whenever there are bumper harvests, especially of • Economic Survey 2020 recommended
perishable commodities. repealing this “anachronistic” Act, saying
that it had acted against the interests of
Benefits of the new Bill the farmers and thwarted the creation of
• The Bill will help drive up investment in cold storages integrated value chains across the country.
and modernization of the food supply chain.
• It will help both farmers and consumers while
bringing in price stability.
• It will create a competitive market environment and What are farmers protesting against the three new
also prevent wastage of agri-produce that happens Farm Bills?
due to lack of storage facilities. • Farmers are apprehensive that allowing the ‘trade
zones’ to come up outside the APMC market area,
Issues with the new Bill and the free market philosophy supported by these
• In a liberal trade environment where a farmer’s Bills, could undermine the Minimum Support Price
produce can be purchased by any private entity (MSP) system, and make farmers vulnerable to the
outside of APMC, it becomes essential for the free market forces.
government to keep a tab on private stocks, or else • Agriculture reforms were long overdue, but the
the manipulative stockpiling of produce would still manner in which the three legislations have been
be as prevalent as ever - only the actors would have passed - earlier as Ordinances - and now hastily
changed from middlemen to private entities. without proper consultation, adds to the mistrust
• The Bill seems to give an upper hand to the private among various stakeholders, including farmers.
entities, without allaying fear of the farmers. • Entry 14 of the state list in the seventh schedule of
the Indian constitution, mentions the “Agriculture,
including agricultural education and research,
protection against pests and prevention of plant
Essential Commodities Act (ECA), 1955 disease”. But many leaders believe the Farm Bills
• The Essential Commodities Act (ECA) has being pushed by the Union government are an
been used by the government to regulate attack on the rights of states regarding agriculture.
the production, supply and distribution of • ‘One India, One Agriculture Market’ slogan is being
a whole host of commodities it declares considered by some as an open declaration of the
‘essential’, in order to make them available to centralising objective of these agricultural reforms
consumers at fair prices. by the Union government.
• It gives consumers protection against • Prohibiting the state governments from levying
irrational spikes in prices of essential any market fee outside APMC areas - as is
commodities. mentioned in The Farmers’ Produce Trade and
Commerce Bill - amounts to an assault on the
Problems faced by farmers in the existing Act federal structure of the country.
• Blanket stock limits on commodities under • Fears persist regarding crony-capitalism and the
the Essential Commodities Act (ECA) neither entire agriculture activity in India eventually getting
brings down prices nor reduces price volatility. controlled by a handful of industrial houses.
• In the long term, the Act disincentivises
development of storage infrastructure, What agricultural reforms do the three Farm Bills aim
thereby leading to increased volatility in prices to bring?
following production/ consumption shocks — The three new Farm Bills, once passed, could be
the opposite of what it is intended for. expected to achieve the following-

Voices in favor of repealing the Essential • Farmers will be able to enter into agreements with
Commodities Act, 1955 food processors to grow processable varieties
• Entry 33 in the concurrent list of the and sell them at assured prices. They will not
Constitution of India limits the power of be restricted as to whom and where they sell
states in agriculture and empowers the their produce. They will also be able to enter into

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 24

agreements with farm service providers and
essentially control their financial situation. Minimum Support Price (MSP)
• This will also give ‘Farming as a Service’ (FaaS) a
huge fillip. • Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a form of
• Several agri-tech startups have begun operating in market intervention by the Government of
this space, utilising technologies such as Artificial India to insure agricultural producers against
Intelligence (AI) to provide crop intelligence as well any sharp fall in farm prices.
as grade and assay produce. • Recommendations are made by the
Commission for Agricultural Costs and
Enabling technological interventions in Indian Prices (CACP).
agriculture has the potential to transform this • Prices are announced at the beginning of
sector, based on the strong foundations these the sowing season for certain crops, and in
Farm Bills enable. case the market price for the commodity
falls below the announced minimum price,
Simultaneous reforms are being undertaken to assist government agencies purchase the entire
and enhance these three Farm Bills, such as the quantity offered by the farmers at the
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund. announced minimum price.
• The Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) aims • Currently, the MSP is announced for 22
to facilitate the development of farmgate mandated crops (including cereals, pulses,
infrastructure, that includes collection centres and oilseeds, raw cotton, raw jute) and fair and
pre-processing facilities amongst others. remunerative price (FRP) is announced for
• Funds for the development of the animal sugarcane.
husbandry and fisheries sector have also
been launched to diversify the sources of There are apprehensions among farmers
farmer income. regarding the MSP being taken away, since the
new Farm Bills do not make mention of the
provision of MSP explicitly.

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF)

• AIF is a new, pan-India, central sector BANKING REGULATION (AMENDMENT)

scheme, that aims to provide a medium- BILL, 2020
to-long term debt financing facility for
investment in viable projects, for post- Why in News?
harvest management infrastructure Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2020 to bring the
and community farming assets, through cooperative banks under the supervision of the Reserve
interest subvention and financial support. Bank of India, has been passed by the Lok Sabha.
• The duration of the scheme is from FY2020 to
FY2029 (10 years). • The Bill will replace the Banking Regulation
• Under the scheme, an amount of one lakh (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020.
crore rupees will be provided by banks and • The ordinance was brought in to bring 1,482 urban
financial institutions as loans to Primary and 58 multi-state cooperative banks under the
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), Farmer supervision of the central bank.
Producers Organizations (FPOs), Self Help
Group (SHG), farmers, agri-entrepreneurs, Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2020
and startups. • Urban cooperative banks and multi-state
cooperative banks will be brought under the RBI’s
supervision process applicable to commercial banks.
Way Forward • RBI will be able to initiate a scheme for
The three Farm Bills introduce a host of new reconstruction or amalgamation of a bank without
concepts and practices, which will go a long way placing it under moratorium.
for inclusive growth of farmers and agriculture • However, if the RBI imposes a moratorium on a
sector in India. bank, the lender can not grant any loans or make
investments in any credit instruments during
• As mentioned by the National Commission on the moratorium tenure.
Farmers, more emphasis needs to be put on • The cooperative banks will be allowed to issue
empowering the distressed farmers through equity, preference, or special shares on face
State Farmers Commissions via a piecemeal value or at a premium to its members, or to
approach, rather than the Union government any other person residing within their area of
centralizing and controlling the entire farm operations. The banks may also issue unsecured
activity in India. debentures or bonds or similar securities with
maturity of ten or more years to such persons.
However, prior approval from RBI is mandatory
for such issuance.

25 I Articulate
• RBI may supersede the board of directors of a
multi-state cooperative bank for up to five years are persons of small means—small farmers,
under certain conditions. These conditions include agricultural laborers, and rural artisans and
cases where it is in the public interest for RBI to about 25% of them belong to scheduled
supersede the Board, and to protect depositors. castes and tribes.
• The changes will not affect the existing powers
of the state registrars of cooperative societies
under state laws. Way Forward
Gross NPAs of cooperative banks have increased
Exclusions to over 10 percent as of March 2020, from 7 percent
The Banking Regulation Amendment Bill, 2020 will not in March 2019. Hence, it had become imperative to
apply to improve the condition of cooperative banking in India,
which is being successfully done one step at a time by
• Primary agricultural credit societies (PACS), and the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2020.
• Cooperative societies whose principal business is
long term financing for agricultural development.

Cooperative banks Why in News?

The Civil Aviation Ministry has approved 78 new routes
• Cooperative banks are registered under under the 4th round of the Regional Connectivity
the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912. They Scheme UDAN.
are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India
under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and Development under UDAN-4
Banking Laws (Application to Cooperative • The 4th round of UDAN was launched in December
Societies) Act, 1965. 2019 with a special focus on North-Eastern Regions,
• They serve an important role in the Indian Hilly States, and Islands
economy, especially in rural areas. In urban • Under UDAN 4, the operation of helicopters and
areas, they mainly serve the small industry seaplanes has also been incorporated.
and self-employed workers. • It is in line with the Act East Policy of the Central
• The airports that had already been developed
by AAI are given higher priority for the award of
Reasons for the recent failures of cooperative VGF(Viability Gap Funding) under the Scheme.
banks in India
• Small capital base: For example, urban
cooperative banks can start with a capital base
of only ₹25 lakh, compared to ₹100 crore for small Viability Gap Funding (VGF)
finance banks.
• Vested political interests: This includes the • Viability Gap Funding (VGF) signifies a grant,
appointment of political lackeys as senior bank one-time or deferred, provided to support
officials and sanction of fraudulent loans which are infrastructure projects that are economically
later written off. justified but fall short of financial viability.
• This scheme entails making the routes
How to improve the condition of cooperative banks? financially viable, without insisting on the
• RBI should be given complete powers to implement financial viability of the regional airports,
resolution techniques such as winding-up and by lowering the cost of flight operations
liquidating banks, without involving other regulators and through financial support in the form
under the cooperative societies’ laws. of Viability Gap Funding (VGF). VGF will be
• Urban cooperative banks should be encouraged to available to flight operators on specific routes
convert into small finance banks if they fulfill the for the first 3 years of operation.
central bank’s criteria.

UDAN Initiative
Primary Agricultural Credit Society (PACS) • Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN) was launched as
a regional connectivity scheme under the Ministry
• A Primary Agricultural Credit Society (PACS) of Civil Aviation in 2016.
is a basic unit and the smallest co-operative • It is an innovative scheme to develop the regional
credit institutions in India. aviation market.
• It works at the grassroots level (gram • It aims to create affordable yet economically viable
panchayat and village level). and profitable flights on regional routes so that
• More than half of the members of PACS flying becomes affordable to the common man even
in small towns.

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 26

• The scheme envisages providing connectivity to • Unplanned Traffic route
un-served and underserved airports of the country • Unplanned Traffic routes further result in
through the revival of existing airstrips and airports. inaccurate network design which ultimately
The scheme is operational for a period of 10 years. results in a flight delay.
• Under-served airports are those which do • Under Capacity
not have more than one flight a day, while • India’s metro airports are largely choked and
unserved airports are those where there are they have already run out of capacity in terms
no operations. of landing and parking slots. Passenger traffic
in these airports continues to gallop at nearly
Objectives of UDAN 18-20% every year.
• To make travel affordable and accessible to all. • Time slots
• It aims to boost inclusive national economic • Finding convenient time slots for every route
development by the development of air has become an administrative challenge.
transport infrastructure in all regions and the This is because the number of runways is not
creation of job growth. increasing in high traffic airports and the airport
• Ensuring connectivity to the under-served areas capacity lags passenger traffic growth.
in the country by the revival of existing airports • Disconnectedness
and airstrips • New regional airlines have faced a major
• Ministry aims to operationalize around 1000 routes challenge in connecting the metro airports to
and develop more than 100 airports in the next five the new Udan routes since they don’t have pre-
years. The Ministry aims to achieve this by focusing existing slots in them.
on operationalizing routes in the priority areas.
Way Forward
Previous Phases of UDAN • To generate steady, predictable traffic, a hub and
• UDAN 1.0 spoke design should be followed by connecting
• Under this phase, 5 airline companies were the large metro airports to the new Udan routes, as
awarded 128 flight routes to 70 airports opposed to a point-to-point service.
(including 36 newly made operational airports. • The existing airlines should respond by ordering
• UDAN 2.0 aircraft that could almost double the existing
• In 2018, the Ministry of Civil Aviation announced aircraft capacity in another three years.
73 underserved and unserved airports.
• For the first time, helipads were also connected
under phase 2 of the UDAN scheme.
• UDAN 3.0 Nai Udaan Scheme
• Key Features of UDAN 3 included:
• Inclusion of Tourism Routes under UDAN 3 in • Objectives
coordination with the Ministry of Tourism. • To provide financial support to the
• Inclusion of Seaplanes for connecting minority candidates clearing Prelims
Water Aerodromes. conducted by Union Public Service
• Bringing in a number of routes in the North-East Commission, Staff Selection Commission,
Region under the ambit of UDAN. and State Public Service Commissions.
• To adequately equip them to compete
Achievements of UDAN for appointment to Civil Services in the
• Three rounds of UDAN have already been Union and the State Governments and
undertaken and so far close to 50 lakh passengers to increase the representation of the
have travelled in UDAN flights covering airports in minority in the Civil Services.
19 States and 2 UTs. • To increase the representation of the
• The Scheme has been able to fulfil the vision of minority in the Civil Services and Group A
Hon’ble Prime Minister and keep up the motto of and B services.
“Sab Uden, Sab Juden” • Features
• The Civil Aviation Ministry has operationalized 274 • This is a Central Sector Scheme
UDAN routes that have connected 45 airports and • Every year up to 2000 candidates will be
three heliports. given financial support under the scheme
throughout the country on fulfilling
Challenges of UDAN the eligibility criteria till the budgetary
• Lack of adequate Infrastructure allocation is exhausted.
• Lack of instrument landing systems (ILS) • Financial support will be availed by
leads to flight cancellations and the repeated candidates for one time only.
cancellations make it difficult to build traffic on • The selection of the candidates will be
the route on a sustained basis. based on a first-come-first-serve basis.
• Inclement weather conditions make it difficult • The distribution of slots for different
for flights to land on the airports located on minorities is based on the data of
mountainous terrains on most days. Census, 2011.

27 I Articulate
• Deposits under PMJDY accounts
• Total deposit balances under PMJDY Accounts
stand at ₹1.31 lakh crore.
• Deposits have increased about 5.7 times
with an increase in accounts 2.3 times
between 2015 to 2020.
• Rupay Card issued to PMJDY account holders
• Total RuPay cards issued to PMJDY account
holders: 29.75 Crore
• Jan Dhan Darshak App
Source- AAI • A mobile application was launched to provide
a citizen-centric platform for locating banking
touchpoints such as bank branches, ATMs, Bank
INCLUSION • It is also being used for identifying villages that
are not served by banking touchpoints within
Why in News? 5 km. The efforts have resulted in a significant
The Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) – decrease in the number of such villages.
National Mission for Financial Inclusion completes six • Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP)
years of successful implementation. for PMJDY women beneficiaries
• An amount of ₹500/- per month for three
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Scheme months (April’ 20 to June’ 20), was credited to
• Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is the accounts of women account holders under
National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY).
access to financial services, namely, Banking/ • Towards ensuring smooth DBT transactions
Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, • As informed by banks, about 8 crore PMJDY
Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. account holders receive Direct Benefit
• It was announced by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Transfer (DBT) from the Government under
Modi in his Independence Day address on 15th various schemes.
August 2014 and was launched on 28th August. • The important approach adopted in PMJDY based
on past experience
• Extension of PMJDY with New features: From
28th August 2018, the Government extended
• Financial Inclusion may be defined as the PMJDY with some modifications:
process of ensuring access to financial • Focus shifted from ‘Every Household’ to
services and timely and adequate credit Every Unbanked Adult’
where needed by vulnerable groups such as • RuPay Card Insurance: Free accidental
weaker sections and low-income groups at an insurance cover on RuPay cards increased
affordable cost. from ₹1 lakh to ₹2 lakh for PMJDY accounts
• It is important as it provides an avenue to the opened after 28.8.2018.
poor for bringing their savings into the formal • Enhancement in overdraft facilities: OD
financial system, an avenue to remit money limit doubled from ₹5,000/- to ₹10,000/-;
to their families in villages besides taking OD up to ₹2,000/- (without conditions).
them out of the clutches of the usurious Increase in upper age limit for OD from 60
money lenders. to 65 years.

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)

Achievements under PMJDY Scheme
• PMJDY Accounts
• Total Number of PMJDY Accounts (as on 19th • Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
August 2020): 40.35 Crore; Rural PMJDY accounts: is National Mission for Financial Inclusion to
63.6%, Women PMJDY accounts: 55.2% ensure access to financial services, namely,
• During the first year of the scheme 17.90 crores, Banking/ Savings & Deposit Accounts,
PMJDY accounts were opened and a continued Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an
increase can be seen. affordable manner.
• Operative PMJDY Accounts • It was launched on 28th August 2014.
• Out of a total of 40.35 crore PMJDY accounts,
34.81 crores (86.3%) are operative. Objectives
• A PMJDY account is treated as inoperative if • Ensure access to financial products & services
there are no customer induced transactions in at an affordable cost.
the account for over a period of two years. • Financial Inclusion.
• Use of technology to lower cost & widen reach.

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 28

Basic tenets of the scheme
• Banking the unbanked – Opening of basic savings Why in News?
bank deposit (BSBD) account with minimal The Union Cabinet has approved MissionKarmayogi,
paperwork, relaxed KYC, e-KYC, account opening the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity
in camp mode, zero balance & zero charges. Building (NPCSCB).
• Securing the unsecured – Issuance of
Indigenous Debit cards for cash withdrawals Aim & Objective
& payments at merchant locations, with free • To build a future-ready civil service with the
accident insurance coverage of ₹2 lakh right attitude, skills, and knowledge, aligned to
• Funding the unfunded – Other financial the vision of New India.
products like micro-insurance, overdraft for • It aims to prepare Indian civil servants for the
consumption, micro-pension &micro-credit. future by making them more creative, constructive,
Key Features imaginative, proactive, innovative, progressive,
The scheme was launched based upon the professional, energetic, transparent, and
following 6 pillars: technology-enabled.
• A comprehensive reform of the capacity building
• Universal access to banking services – Branch and BC apparatus at the individual, institutional, and
• Basic savings bank accounts with an overdraft process levels for efficient public service delivery.
facility of ₹10,000/- to every household.
• Financial Literacy Program: To Promote Need for this reform
savings, use of ATMs, getting ready for credit, • At present bureaucracy is facing challenges like- Rule
availing insurance, and pensions, using basic orientation, political interference, inefficiency with
mobile phones for banking. promotions, and generalist and specialist conflict.
• Creation of Credit Guarantee Fund to provide • To change the status quo of civil services and bring
banks with some guarantee against defaults. about the long-pending civil services reforms.
• Insurance: Accident cover up to ₹1,00,000 and
life cover of ₹30,000 on the account opened Features
between 15 Aug 2014 to 31 January 2015. • Technically Equipped- The capacity building will be
• Pension scheme for the Unorganized sector. delivered through iGOT Karmayogi digital platform,
which will act as a launchpad for the NPCSCB.
• Shift from Rules to Roles regime- It will support
Way Forward a transition from “rules-based to roles-based”
• Ensuring coverage of PMJDY account holders Human Resource Management (HRM) so that work
under micro insurance schemes. allocations can be done by matching an official’s
• Eligible PMJDY accountholders will be sought to be competencies to the requirements of the post.
covered under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima • Integrated Initiative- Eventually, service
Yojana (PMJJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha matters like confirmation after probation period,
Bima Yojana (PMSBY). deployment, work assignments, and notification
• Promotion of digital payments including RuPay of vacancies will all be integrated into the
debit card usage amongst PMJDY account holders proposed framework.
through the creation of acceptance infrastructure
across India can be taken into account. Administrative Structure
• Improving the access of PMJDY account holders to • Human Resource Council headedby the Prime
Micro-credit and micro-investment. Minister and which will also include state Chief
• More focus on financial literacy and digital literacy Ministers, Union Cabinet ministers, and experts.
for the common man. • Cabinet Secretary Coordination Unit- which
will constitute by selecting secretaries and cadre
controlling authorities.
• Capacity Building Commission which will include
experts in related fields and global professionals.
It will prepare and monitor annual capacity
building plans and audit human resources
available in the government.
• Special Purpose Vehicle- A fully owned Special
Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which will govern the iGOT-
Karmayogi platform.
• Monitoring and Evaluation Framework- An
appropriate monitoring and evaluation framework
will also be put in place for performance
evaluation of all users of the iGOT-Karmayogi
platform so as to generate a dashboard view of
Key Performance Indicators.

29 I Articulate
Conclusion • In 1889, Dogra ruler Pratap Singh adopted Urdu as
• To serve the need of the hour and the nation the official language of the princely kingdom of J&K,
adequately, the National Programme for Civil which was further carried by J&K’s constituent
Services Capacity Building will bring a shift in assembly while adopting the state constitution.
human resource management from ‘rules-based’ to
a ‘rules-based’ approach.
• This shall put great emphasis on the role of ‘on-site
learning’ while complementing the ‘off-site learning’ • Dogri along with Bodo, Maithili, and Santhali
methodology. Linking training and development was added to the scheduled languages
of competencies of civil servants will be targeted under the Eighth Schedule by the 92nd
through Mission Karmayogi. Amendment Act of 2003, which consists of
the following 22 languages:
• Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,
Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri,
Special Purpose Vehicle of Mission Karmayogi Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit,
Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Bodo, Santhali,
• It will be set up under Section 8 of the Maithili and Dogri.
Companies Act, 2013. • Of these languages, 14 were initially included
• The SPV will be a “not-for-profit” company in the Constitution.
and will own and manage the iGOT-Karmayogi • The Sindhi language was added by the 21st
platform. Amendment Act of 1967.
• The SPV will create and operationalize the • Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali were included
content, market place, and manage key by the 71st Amendment Act of 1992.
business services of the iGOT-Karmayogi
platform, relating to content validation,
independent proctored assessments, and
telemetry data availability. Significance
• The SPV will own all Intellectual Property • Inclusion of Dogri, Hindi, and Kashmiri as official
Rights on behalf of the Government of India. languages in Jammu and Kashmir would be a
fulfilment of a long-pending public demand of the
iGOT Karmayogi Platform region and also will keep the spirit of equality which
• iGOT-Karmayogi platform brings the scale and was ushered in after August 5, 2019.
state-of-the-art infrastructure to augment the
capacities of over two crore officials in India. What is the constitution provision for inclusion of
• The platform is expected to evolve into a language?
vibrant and world-class market place for • The Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India
content which carefully curated and vetted lists the official languages of the Republic of India.
digital e-learning material will be made Part XVII of the Indian Constitution deals with the
available. Besides capacity building, service official languages in Articles 343 to 351.
matters like confirmation after probation • The Constitutional provisions relating to the
period, deployment, work assignment Eighth Schedule occur in article 344(1) and 351 of
and notification of vacancies etc. would the Constitution.
eventually be integrated with the proposed • Article 344(1)- it provides for the constitution of an
competency framework. official language Commission by the President, which
shall consist of a Chairman and such other members
representing the different languages specified in the
Eighth Schedule to make recommendations to the
JAMMU AND KASHMIR OFFICIAL President for the progressive use of Hindi for official
LANGUAGES BILL 2020 purposes of the Union.
• Article 351- It provides for enriching the Hindi
language by assimilating in it the forms, style, and
Why in News?
expressions used in the languages specified in the
The Union Cabinet has approved the Jammu and
Eighth Schedule so that it may serve as a medium
Kashmir Official Languages Bill 2020 to be introduced in
of expression for all the elements of the composite
the monsoon session of Parliament.
culture of India.
• Article 345- Official language or languages of a State
Key Highlights of Bill
subject to the provisions of Article 346 and 347.
• The Bill will include Kashmiri, Dogri, and Hindi
• It would thus appear that the Eighth Schedule was
as official languages in the newly-created Union
intended to promote the progressive use of Hindi and
Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
for the enrichment and promotion of that language.
• At present time only English and Urdu are the
• Languages under the Eighth schedule: As Per
official languages and Kashmiri is recognized as a
Articles 344(1) and 351 of the Indian Constitution,
regional language.
the eighth schedule includes the recognition of the
• in the former State, which was bifurcated on 5th August
following 22 languages.
2019, with Ladakh becoming a separate Union Territory.

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 30

Bureau Of Pharma PSUs Of India

• BPPI has been established under

the Department of Pharmaceuticals,
Government of India, with the support of
all the Pharma CPSUs.
• It seeks to coordinate procurement, supply,
and marketing of generic drugs through the
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras.
• In April 2010, BPPI got registered as an
independent society under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 as a separate legal entity.

Source- Jagran Josh



Why in News? Why in News?

8 immunity-boosting products launched under Pradhan Prime Minister has launched Pradhan Mantri Matsya
Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) for Sampada Yojana. He also launched several other
sale through Janaushadhi Kendras across the country. initiatives in the Fisheries and Animal Husbandry sectors.

Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
(PMBJP) It is a flagship scheme for focused and sustainable
• Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi development of fisheries sector in the country a part of
Pariyojana (PMBJP) is a campaign launched by the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
the Department of Pharmaceuticals in 2008 to
provide quality medicines at affordable prices • Objectives
to the masses. • To address critical gaps in fish production
• Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) is the and productivity, quality, technology, post-
implementation agency for PMBJP. harvest infrastructure and management,
Vision • Strengthening the value chain, traceability,
• To bring down the healthcare budget of every establishing a robust fisheries management
citizen of India through providing Quality generic framework and fishers’ welfare.
Medicines at Affordable Prices. • Focus on Cluster or Area-based Approaches
and creation of Fisheries clusters through
Objective backward and forward linkages.
• To ensure regular availability of quality • Generation of employment activities such as
medicines at affordable prices for all, seaweed and ornamental fish cultivation. Its
particularly the poor and disadvantaged, target is to generate an additional 55 lakhs direct
through exclusive outlets “Jan Aushadhi and indirect gainful employment opportunities
Medical Store”, so as to reduce out of pocket in the fisheries sector and allied activities.
expenses in healthcare. • Consolidate the achievements of the blue
revolution and bring new initiatives like fishing
Implementation vessel insurance, support for new/up-gradation
• PMBJP stores have been set up to provide generic of fishing vessels/boats, integrated aqua parks,
drugs, which are available at lesser prices but are e-trading/marketing, etc.
equivalent in quality and efficacy as expensive • Implementation
branded drugs. • It will be implemented in the form of umbrella
scheme with two separate components
Benefits • Central Sector Scheme: The project cost
• It also intends to extend the coverage of will be borne by the Central government.
quality generic medicines so as to reduce the • Centrally Sponsored Scheme: All the sub-
expenditure on medicines and thereby redefine components/activities will be implemented
the unit cost of treatment per person. by the States/UTs and the cost will be
• It will create awareness about generic shared between Centre and State.
medicines through education and publicity
so that quality is not synonymous with an • Targets to achieve under this scheme
only high price. • Enhancing and boosting fish production by an
additional 70 lakh tonne and increase fisheries
export earnings to ₹1,00,000 crore by 2024-25.

31 I Articulate
• Doubling the incomes of fishers and fish farmers. of India, to develop shoreline change maps for
• Reductionin post-harvest losses from 20-25% assessment of coastal erosion due to natural and
to about 10%. anthropogenic activities.
• To develop a wide range of state-of-the-art ocean
Other initiatives launched for Animal Husbandry observation systems for the acquisition of real-time
• Semen Station data from the seas around India.
• It is established with state of the art facilities, • To generate and disseminate a suite of user-
which has been established under Rashtriya oriented ocean information, advisories, warnings,
Gokul Mission. data and data products for the benefit of society.
• This is one of the largest semen stations in the • To develop high-resolution models for ocean
government sector with production capacity of forecast and reanalysis system
50 lakh semen doses per annum. • To develop algorithms for validation of satellite
• This Semen Station will also give data for coastal research and to monitor changes
new dimension to development and in the coastal research.
conservation of indigenous breeds of • Acquisition of 2 Coastal Research Vessels (CRVs)
Bihar and meet demand of semen doses of as replacement of 2 old CRVs for coastal pollution
eastern and north eastern States. monitoring, testing of various underwater
• Inauguration of IVF laboratories components and technology demonstration.
• In vitro fertilization (IVF) labs are crucial for • To develop technologies to tap the marine
propagating elite animals of indigenous breeds bioresources.
and thereby enhancing milk production and • To develop technologies generating freshwater and
productivity manifold. energy from the ocean.
• Use of Sex sorted semen in Artificial • To develop underwater vehicles and technologies.
Insemination (AI) • Establishment of Ballast water treatment facility.
• Through use of sex sorted semen in AI , only • To support operation and maintenance of 5
female calves can be produced (with more than Research vessels for ocean survey/monitoring/
90% accuracy). This will help double the growth technology demonstration programmes
rate of milk production in the country. • Establishment of state of the art seafront
• Launch of demonstration of IVF technology at facility to cater to the testing and sea trial
farmer’s doorstep activities of ocean technology.
• This will propagate the technology for • To carry out exploration of Polymetallic Nodules
multiplication of high yielding animals at a (MPN) from a water depth of 5500 m in the site of
faster rate as through use of technology they 75000 sq.km allotted to India by United Nations
can give birth to 20 calves in a year. in Central Indian Ocean Basin, to carry out
• e-Gopala App investigations of gas hydrates.
• e-Gopala App is a comprehensive breed • Exploration of polymetallic sulphides near
improvement marketplace and information Rodrigues Triple junction in 10000 sq. km of
portal for direct use of farmers. area allotted to India in International waters by
• It will manage livestock including buying and International Seabed Authority/UN.
selling of disease-free germplasm in all forms • Submission of India’s claim over continental shelf
(semen, embryos, etc.). extending beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone
• It will guide farmers for animal nutrition supported by scientific data, and Topographic
and treatment of animals using appropriate survey of EEZ of India.
ayurvedic medicine.
• It will send alerts and inform farmers about
various government schemes and campaigns
in the area. Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC)

O-SMART SCHEME • ITEWC was established at Indian National

Centre for Ocean Information Services
(INCOIS), Hyderabad.
• The Union Minister of Science and Technology, Earth
• It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of
Sciences and Health and Family Welfare Dr Harsha
Earth Sciences.
Vardhan recently said in the Rajya Sabha that the
• It provides Tsunami warning services to
Indian tsunami early warning Centre is currently
over 25 Indian ocean countries under
serving 25 Indian ocean countries under the
the intergovernmental oceanographic
O-SMART scheme of the Ministry of earth sciences
commission of UNESCO.
• It also coordinates with coastal States/UTs
The objectives of O-SMART Scheme:
to implement Tsunami Ready Programme,
• To generate and regularly update information on
introduced by UNESCO, at community level.
Marine Living Resources and their relationship with
the physical environment in the Indian Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ).
• To periodically monitor levels of seawater
pollutants for health assessment of coastal waters

Schemes, Acts & Bills | 32

33 I Articulate
International Developments | 34
ISRAEL, UAE AND BAHRAIN SIGN forward to diversify their income by investing in
ABRAHAM ACCORD technology driven sectors. Israel being the leader
in technology in West Asia will be of great help to
Why in News? Arab countries.
Recently, the US, the UAE, Bahrain, and Israel signed the • Rising Extremism: The rising extremism in the
Abraham Accord to double the number of Arab states West Asia spearheaded by the rise of Islamic
that enjoy normal relations with Israel. State, compels the Arab nations to increase its
ties with Israel in order to counter such threats
The agreement is called the “Abraham Accord” after the more effectively.
father of monotheistic religions founded in the Middle
East – Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Significance of the Deal for the USA ans Israel
• For USA:
Background: • The deal with help the US in seamlessly
• It is the first Arab-Israeli Peace deal in 26 years. accessing the valuable oil reserves possessed
• Before this there were the only two peace deals by Arab States of Persian Gulf.
between Israel and the Arab States in more than a • It will help the US to deal with terrorism more
quarter of a century. effectively by establishing better coordination
• Egypt was the first Arab State to sign a peace deal among the stakeholder states.
with Israel in 1979. • It will help the US to deal with Iran more
• Jordan became the second State to sign a peace effectively and pressurise it to give halt to its
pact in 1994. nuclear weapon programme.
• For Israel:
About Abraham Accord: • It will help Israel to deepen its economic and
• As per the agreements, the UAE and Bahrain will strategic ties in the Gulf. Also the deal might
establish embassies and exchange ambassadors. bring the other Arab countries closer to Israel.
• They will cooperate and work together with Israel
across a range of sectors, including tourism, trade, Why India Welcomes the Abraham Accord?
healthcare and security. • Paving the Way for Trilateral Cooperation:
• The Abraham Accords also open the door for India considers West Asia as its extended
Muslims around the world to visit the historic sites neighbourhood. Its ties with UAE were elevated
in Israel and to peacefully pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque in to the level of strategic partnership. India is UAE’s
Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam. largest trading partner which in turn is a major
source of India’s energy security.
Similarly Israel’s ties with India is continuously
deepening and encompass numerous fields
including defence, S&T, academia, etc.
The Abraham Accord opens the doors for trilateral
cooperation in a number of fields in which all three
countries can come together to synergize their
resources and strengths.
• Promoting Defence Ties: All three countries —
India, Israel and the UAE — face many similar
challenges in the areas of defence and security,
such as cross-border threats and long coastlines.
A receding US footprint in the region — such as the
withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan and Iraq
— necessitates regional countries to develop their
own security architecture.
• Counterterrorism and the Fight Against
Radicalism: All three countries have been victims
of religiously motivated radicalism and international
terrorism. Therefore, it is imperative that all three
countries join hands to cooperate, collaborate and
mount effective countermeasures to these threats.
Why Arab states are enhancing their engagement
with Israel?
• Iran Factor: As per the Political Pundits, what
motivated UAE and Bahrain the most to come
to a deal with Israel is their concern about Iran’s Arab-Israeli Conflict: The History
rising influence in the region and development of
ballistic missiles. Arab-Israeli wars, series of military conflicts
• Economic Diversification: The economies of Arab between Israeli and various Arab forces, most
countries are fuelled by Oil exports. Any fluctuation notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, and
in the oil price puts the whole economy at risk. In 2006.
order to avert the risk the Arab countries are looking

35 I Articulate
1948–49: Israel’s War Of Independence And The normal diplomatic relations.
Palestinian Nakbah:
• On the eve of the British forces’ May 15, 1948, 1982: Lebanon War
withdrawal, Israel declared independence. The • The increased tensions between Israelis and
next day, Arab forces from Egypt, Transjordan Palestinians resulted in the Israeli bombing
(Jordan),Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon occupied the of Beirut and southern Lebanon, where the
areas in southern and eastern Palestine not Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) had
apportioned to the Jews by the UN partition of a number of strongholds. The following day
Palestine and then captured east Jerusalem. Israel invaded Lebanon.
• The Israelis fought back and successfully • Israeli Army withdrew completely from
repulsed repeated Arab attacks. Lebanon only in 1985.
• By early 1949 the Israelis had managed to
occupy all of the Negev up to the former Egypt- 2006: Second Lebanon War
Palestine frontier, except for the Gaza Strip. • In July 2006 Hezbollah launched an operation
• Between February and July 1949, as a result of against Israel in an attempt to pressure the
separate armistice agreements between Israel country into releasing Lebanese prisoners,
and each of the Arab states, a temporary frontier killing a number of Israeli soldiers in the
was fixed between Israel and its neighbours. process and capturing two.
• Israel launched an offensive into southern
1956: Suez Crisis: Lebanon to recover the captured soldiers.
• In 1956 Egyptian President Gamal Abdel The war lasted 34 days but left more than
Nasser, nationalised the Suez canal, a vital one thousand Lebanese dead and about one
waterway connecting Europe and Asia that was million others displaced.
largely owned by French and British concerns.
• France and Britain responded by striking a
deal with Israel—whose ships were barred
from using the canal and whose southern
port of Elat had been blockaded by Egypt—
wherein Israel would invade Egypt; France and
Britain would then intervene, ostensibly as
peacemakers, and take control of the canal.
• October 1956 Israel invaded Egypt’s Sinai
peninsula. In five days the Israeli army
captured Gaza, Rafaḥ, and Al-Arish—taking
thousands of prisoners—and occupied most
of the peninsula east of the Suez Canal.

1967: Six-Day War

• Arab and Israeli forces clashed for the third
time June 5–10, 1967, in what came to be
called the Six-Day War
• The Israeli victory on the ground was also
overwhelming. Israeli units drove back Syrian forces
from the Golan Heights, took control of the Gaza
Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and drove
Jordanian forces from the West bank. Importantly,
the Israelis were left in sole control of Jerusalem.

1973: Yom Kippur War

• Israel was attacked by Egypt across the Suez
Canal and by Syria on the Golan Heights. The
Arab armies showed greater aggressiveness
and fighting ability than in the previous wars,
and the Israeli forces suffered heavy casualties.
The Israeli army, however, reversed early losses
and pushed its way into Syrian territory.
• On March 26, 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace
treaty formally ending the state of war that had
existed between the two countries for 30 years
• As the result of this treaty, Israel returned
the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, and, in
return, Egypt recognised Israel’s right to exist.
Source: Britannica
The two countries subsequently established

International Developments | 36
• None of UNSC decisions goes without
Why in News? criticism because P-5 represent geopolitical
• Recently the Foreign Ministers from the Group realities of 1945. Perception of lack of
of 4 — India, Brazil, Japan and Germany — a legitimacy because of limited representation
group that is seeking permanent membership of for others.
the UN Security Council (UNSC), met virtually • Lack of Transparency and Accountability in
to further their objective. UNSC functioning.
• Participated in G4 Foreign Ministers Meeting that • Poor coordination between UNSC and UNGA.
called for a decisive push for UNSC reforms.
• The G4 will work with “other reform-minded INDIA AND UNSC
countries and groups” to start text-based
negotiations (TBN) without delay and seek On what basis India proposed itself to be the
“concrete outcomes” during the 75th session of the most eligible candidate?
UN General Assembly, which has just begun and • Its role in strengthening UN
lasts until next September • Its contribution towards world peace
• The move is in line with India’s position on the through initiatives like the Non-Aligned
reforms of the UN, including the expansion of the Movement (NAM).
permanent and non-permanent membership of the • No other civilization has a cosmopolitan
Security Council, its main decision-making organ. outlook like India.
• India is constitutionally committed to
G4 Nations and their Objectives strengthening International Law and Peace.
• G-4 is a group of four countries i.e. Brazil, Germany, • India is the undisputed leader of the
India and Japan which support each other’s bids Third world countries, as reflected by
for permanent seats on the United Nations Security its leadership role in the Non-Aligned
Council (UNSC) Movement and G-77 grouping.
• G4 campaigns for U.N. Reforms, including more
representation for developing countries, both in the What are the Roadblocks for India in getting a
permanent and non-permanent categories, in the UNSC Permanent Seat at the UNSC?
• G4 countries make their claim for a permanent seat • China, which has veto power in the UNSC
at UNSC on the basis of their growing economic and being one of its five permanent members, has
political influence, which has grown significantly in been stonewalling India’s efforts to become a
the last decades, reaching a scope comparable to permanent member.
the permanent members (P5). • Though India is a bright spot in the
global economy and its macroeconomic
Countries in support of UNSC Reform advocated by G4 fundamentals are stable, yet it shows poor
• France supports the inclusion of G4 and an African performance in many socio-economic
representative as a permanent member with no indicators like the Human Development Index.
objection to the veto power being extended to new • India is not a signatory of the Nuclear
permanent members. Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the
• UK supports G4 as new members but without Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
veto power. • The Coffee Club has brought Uniting for
Consensus Resolution which suggests that
Countries opposing UNSC Reform advocated by G4 any amendment for expansion of membership
• An informal “coffee club” or Uniting for Consensus will be done by consensus in UNGA.
Group has opposed UNSC reforms.
• Coffee Club is a group of nations which counter
the bids for permanent seats by G4 countries. 17th INDIA-VIETNAM JOINT COMMISSION
• Most members of the club are middle-sized states MEETING
who oppose bigger regional powers grabbing
permanent seats in the UN Security Council. Why in News?
• While Italy and Spain are opposed to Germany’s The 17th meeting of India-Vietnam Joint Commission
bid for UNSC’s permanent membership, Pakistan on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological
is opposed to India’s bid. Similarly, Argentina is Cooperation was held.
against Brazil’s bid and Australia opposes Japan’s.
• Development in Bilateral relations- Both sides
UNSC Reform reviewed the recent developments in India-
Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Why does the UNSC need Reform? and discussed the future trajectory of their wide-
• Veto power to P-5 provides them with the ranging engagement.
ultimate weapon to stop the functioning of • Combined steps to counter pandemic- Both
the UN against their National Interest. countries exchanged their views on regional and
international issues of mutual interest, especially in

37 I Articulate
the context of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. growth potential. Many Indian companies
• Economic and education engagement- The have established their presence in Vietnam for
Ministry of External Affairs has reaffirmed India’s various IT solution and services in the area of
development and capacity building assistance to banking, telecom, cyber security etc.
Vietnam through initiatives such as Quick Impact • Assistance and Capacity Building
Projects(QIP), PhD fellowships, as well as projects • Since 1976, India has offered several Lines of
in water resource management in Vietnam’s Credit (LoCs) to Vietnam over the years on
Mekong Delta region, SDGs, digital connectivity and concessional terms and conditions.
heritage conservation. • India has also agreed to consider earmarking
• Cooperation at Multilateral and Regional an amount of up to USD 100 million under the
Forums- Both sides agreed to coordinate closely Buyer’s Credit of the National Export Insurance
at multilateral forums, including at the UN Security Account(BC-NEIA) for use by Vietnam.
Council, where both India and Vietnam will serve • Scholarships
concurrently as non-permanent members in 2021. • Vietnam has been a large recipient of training
• Indo-Pacific region- India and Vietnam agreed to programmes under Indian Technical and
enhance their bilateral cooperation in line with Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme.
India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) and the • Presently, 150 ITEC slots are being offered to
ASEAN’s Outlook on Indo-Pacific to achieve shared Vietnam every year along with 16 scholarships
security, prosperity and growth for all in the region. under the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme
(GCSS), 14 scholarships under the Educational
Significance of relations between India and Vietnam Exchange Programme (EEP) and 10 scholarships
India-Vietnam relations have been exceptionally under the Mekong Ganga Cooperation
friendly and cordial since their foundations were laid Scholarship Scheme (MGCSS).
by founding fathers of the two countries - President
Ho Chi Minh and President Rajendra Prasad and Prime
Minister Nehru.
Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative
• Institutionalized mechanisms for bilateral
exchanges • IPOI was launched by the Prime Minister of India
• There is an annual Security Dialogue at Defence at the East Asia Summit in November 2019.
Secretary Level and a Joint Committee on • It focuses on seven central pillars conceived
Science and Technology that meets periodically. around Maritime Security, Maritime Ecology,
• Regular meetings between the leaderships of Maritime Resources, Capacity Building and
the two sides have taken place on the sidelines Resource Sharing, Disaster Risk Reduction
of multilateral summit meetings. and Management, Science, Technology
• Economic and Commercial Relations and Academic Cooperation, and Trade
• India’s relations with Vietnam are marked Connectivity and Maritime Transport.
by growing economic and commercial
engagement. India is now among the top ten
trading partners of Vietnam.
• Main items of imports from Vietnam are Importance of Vietnam for India
mobile phones & accessories, computers • Vietnam is an important element of India’s Act East
and electronics hardware, machinery and Policy, which aims to re-invigorate its historical ties
equipments, chemicals, rubber, ordinary metals, with countries in Southeast and East Asia. In 2014
wood and wooden products. the former “Look East Policy” was rechristened the
• Defence Cooperation “Act East Policy.”
• Defence cooperation has emerged as a • Vietnam is important for India from
significant pillar of our strategic partnership the connectivity angle there are ample
with Vietnam. After the signing of the MoU opportunities for closer connectivity between
on Defence Cooperation by the two Defence India and Vietnam via Myanmar and existing
Ministers in November 2009, the relations have transit routes in Cambodia and Laos. The
grown from strength to strength. Indian ships trilateral India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral
regularly make friendly port calls to Vietnam. highway will allow Indian goods to reach
• Science and Technology Southeast Asia with ease and vice versa. In the
• It is an important area of bilateral cooperation. future, the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral
• The MoUs/Agreements signed during Prime highway could link up with already existing
Minister Modi’s visit to Vietnam last year roads like the one linking Thailand with the
on Exploration and Uses of Outer Space for Vietnamese port of Da Nang.
Peaceful Purposes, IT Cooperation, Cyber • India’s growing economy needs energy resources
Security and the Framework Agreement signed and Vietnam has rich hydrocarbon reserves.
in December on Uses of Atomic Energy for India’s state-owned Oil and Natural Gas
Peaceful Purposes show the importance our Corporation (ONGC) has been searching for oil in
two countries attach to this area. disputed waters of Vietnam.
• Information Technology is an area with strong

International Developments | 38
India’s Importance for Vietnam • Knowledge-based Industries
• India could be a bulwark against the dominance • India is a world leader in knowledge-based
of any single country in the region. Vietnam has a industries. Vietnam being a new entrant in this
long-festering territorial dispute with Beijing in the field can benefit from the Indian experience.
South China Sea, which has worsened since 2014. • Vietnam has invited Indian companies to invest
So enhancing trade and strategic relations to India in the educational sector. With the growth of
can counter the influence of China. the economy, the demand for human resource
• India has additionally conducted capacity-building is continuously increasing in Vietnam and this
programs for Vietnamese defense personnel. provides an opportunity for India to explore the
Besides, there are numerous opportunities to human resource development sector.
increase trade between the two countries. Indian • Agricultural techniques, research and
companies can infuse much needed capital and biotechnology
technology into the Vietnamese market to bring it • India and Vietnam produce a large number of
to par with its East Asian counterparts. agricultural products which are common to
• There is the strong cultural aspect to the both the countries.
relationship, with Buddhism seeping into Vietnam • India can learn some novel agricultural
from the land of its birth in India. Vietnam has a techniques to increase productivity. Especially
large number of Buddhists and many of them come India can learn from Vietnamese in marine
to visit Buddhist holy shrines in India. products and rice cultivation.
• Vietnamese firms have shown interest in
What are the common area of cooperation between learning the techniques of soya cultivation and
both countries making various soya-based products. India
There are a number of other areas where being a major producer of soya products can
India and Vietnam can share their help Vietnam in this direction. At the same time,
experiences and benefit through mutual both the countries can cooperate to undertake
cooperation. In light of the fact that further research in the agricultural sector.
Vietnam is very rich in mineral resources, a number of The benefits of newer technologies like bio-
sectors where Indian companies can invest in Vietnam technology can be jointly harnessed to increase
might be identified. agricultural productivity and improve the living
standards of farmers.
• Oil and gas
• Vietnam has 600 million barrels of proven oil Way Forward
reserves. While it is a major oil producer in • In an age when geopolitics in the region is in a state
Southeast Asia. of flux, it pays for both Vietnam and India to stand
• Due to lack of technical know-how of exploration by each other. Just as China has been wading into
and there is a lack of refineries. In both these India’s neighborhood, there is no reason why India
areas, Indian companies can be major players. Till should shy away from doing the same in China’s
date, only ONGC Videsh and ESSAR Group have extended neighborhood. With its soft power and
invested in Vietnam. Here, India can enter into lately hard power in full flow in Vietnam, New Delhi
joint ventures with an added benefit of getting has a first-mover advantage in that country, which
natural gas supply from Vietnam. it must be careful not to squander.
• Pharmaceuticals • Despite the fact that India is an economic
• Vietnam imports a major portion of its powerhouse and Vietnam, Asia’s fastest-growing
pharmaceutical needs. economy, bilateral trade and investment are far
• The demand for drugs is growing, with the below the level of actual potential. Here, both
availability of an additional amount of income the countries can think of a bilateral forum for
to be spent on health needs. knowledge-based industries along similar lines, with
• The Indian company, Ranbaxy, has invested in a more focused approach.
Vietnam. But the • “Vietnam-India Trade Promotion Programme,
• scope for further investment in this sector which calls for the participation of all sectors and
is very wide. branches and is phased out in various stages suitable
• India being a major player in Asia in with human and financial capacities of both the
the pharmaceuticals sector, can help countries”7 will be of immense help to expand the
Vietnam strengthen the pharmaceutical commercial relations between the two countries.
industry in Vietnam. • The knowledge in both countries concerning the
• Steel available economic opportunities on the one hand, and
• The boom in the real estate sector is driving the • attractive tourist destinations on the other,
demand for steel in Vietnam. is minimal. So, a mechanism for information
• Despite being rich in natural resources, Vietnam dissemination will be of great value. In this
imports crude steel. The proposed investment direction, an increase in bilateral visits, involving
of TATA in the Vietnamese steel sector has key economic players can be a fruitful step.
shown the potential of indo-Vietnamese • Both the countries need to understand their
cooperation in this sector. strengths and opportunities in their bilateral
• So the rich Indian experience in the steel sector economic relations and act accordingly. In a short
can be valuable for Vietnam.

39 I Articulate
period of time, it will be impossible for Vietnam
to bridge the trade balance, which is currently What underlying technologies make up 5G?
in India’s favour. Vietnam’s attention therefore,
must be focused on attracting investment from • 5G is based on OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-
India, which Vietnam needs, to fuel its growing division multiplexing), a method of modulating
economy. At the same time, India in its endeavor a digital signal across several different
to become a global economic player, needs to channels to reduce interference.
strengthen its economic relations with Vietnam • 5G also uses wider bandwidth technologies
through increased interaction with physical, such as sub-6 GHz and mmWave.
commercial, investment, and trade linkages to
venture into the larger Asia-Pacific. The previous generations of mobile networks are
1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G.
• First-generation – 1G
Why in News? • The 1G network was first introduced in
China has proposed the creation of a BRICS innovation Japan in 1979.
base in China to take forward 5G and Artificial • First generation mobile networks were
Intelligence (AI) cooperation among the five countries of reliant upon analog radio systems which
BRICS i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. meant that users could only make phone
calls, they couldn’t send or receive text
Aim- To take forward 5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) messages.
cooperation among the five countries. • Second-generation – 2G
• 2G network was introduced in 1991.
Key Highlights • In 2G mobile network ran on digital signal
• China urged fellow nations, including India, to boost which vastly improved its security but
cooperation in areas including 5G and Artificial also its capacity.
Intelligence. This is in the backdrop of rising USA- • On 2G, users could send SMS and MMS
China tensions over technology and security with messages.
respect to Chinese company Huawei. • Third generation – 3G
• Russia has agreed to work with China on 5G and with • In comparison to 2G, 3G was much faster
Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, which and could transmit greater amounts of
has been largely banned by the United States. data. This means that users could video
• In South Africa, Huawei is providing services to call, share files, surf the internet, watch
three of its telecom operators in the roll-out of TV online and play online games on their
their 5G networks. mobiles for the first time.
• Brazil has allowed participation of Huawei • Fourth-generation – 4G LTE
in 5G trials. More than a third of Brazil’s 4G • It’s five times faster than the 3G
network operators use Huawei equipment. Brazil network – and can in theory provide
maintains that Huawei has a capacity above its speeds of up to 100Mbps.
international competitors. • Under 4G, users can experience better
latency (less buffering), higher voice
India’s Concern quality, easy access to instant messaging
• This move could pose a conundrum before India services and social media, quality
who is having issues with China in recent times streaming and make faster downloads.
but other countries seem willing to allow China’s • Fifth-generation- 5G
participation in their 5G networks. • The 5G network is yet to be released but is
• India is unlikely to allow Chinese participation in widely anticipated by the mobile industry.
the roll-out of its national 5G network, particularly • Many experts claim that the network will
in the wake of recent moves to tighten investment change not just how we use our mobiles, but
from China and to ban 59 Chinese apps, citing how we connect our devices to the internet.
national security concerns. • The improved speed and capacity of the
• A high-level committee on 5G is opposed to network will signal new IoT trends, such as
including Chinese vendors including Huawei in connected cars, smart cities and IoT in the
the 5G trials. home and office.
• Indian intelligence assessments have also
expressed concerns about the possible direct 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G all led to 5G, which is designed
or indirect links of several Chinese companies, to provide more connectivity than was ever
including Huawei, with the Chinese military. available before.
• India has made clear that a return to normalcy
cannot be possible while tensions along the Line of
Actual Control remain unresolved. Way Forward
• India cannot afford to sever all its economic links
with the world’s second-largest economy, even in
the digital space. However, through initiatives like

International Developments | 40
Make in India and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, India-Russia Military Diplomacy
India can try to replace Chinese technology with • India’s military diplomacy with Russia, through a
domestic ones. series of joint military exercises, started in 2003
• The ongoing trade war between China and the USA with the first edition of Exercise Indra which is a
has also created a dilemma for India. India is a party bilateral naval exercise.
to many trades and diplomatic engagements with • Participation of India in Russia’s TSENTR 2019
China like RCEP, Russia-India-China Grouping, exercise: It is part of the annual series of large scale
BRICS, etc. It also cannot afford to cut off the trade exercises that form part of the Russian Armed
relations with the USA, therefore, India should seek Forces’ annual training cycle. It aims at evolving
a middle path for balancing its strategic interests drills of the participating armies in the fight against
between the USA and the Russia-China axis, international terrorism by ensuring military security
maintaining its historical Non-Aligned position. in the strategic Central Asian region.
• Further, there is a need to boost up its economic
relations with other countries • How will the withdrawal of India from KAVKAZ
impact Russia
INDIA PULLS OUT OF KAVKAZ 2020 • The relationship between India and Russia is
independent of the Russia-China and Russia-
Why in News? Pakistan relations.
Due to the ongoing military confrontation with China • Mainly this exercise is one of Russia’s rotational
along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh, India exercises through the four main Russian operational
has decided to withdraw from multilateral war exercise strategic commands. Russia holds a major military
KAVKAZ 2020 which is scheduled in Russia. exercise every year at one of it’s four military
Commands i.e Vostok (East), Zapad (West), TSENTR
More on news (Centre), and Kavkaz (South). So, the presence of
• In this exercise, along with the members of India is not strategically important.
the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO),
Mongolia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Belarus, Turkey, Way Forward
Armenia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, and • Russia has been India’s one of the oldest and
Turkmenistan are set to take part. reliable partners in defence. India should extend its
relations to Russia along with the defence, energy,
Possible reasons for withdrawal of India and strategic mineral sectors.
• Presence of Pakistan- India-Pakistan relations • There are many previous instances where the quiet
since the very beginning are marked belligerently diplomacy of Russia has helped ease down the
and with mutual suspicion. This is often best standoff between India and China. The coming SCO
manifested by the frequency of wars both meet can also be seen as an important strategic
countries have fought. Due to the deterioration of platform for easing tensions between India-China
the relationship between the two countries, the boundary conflict.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) is also losing its significance.
• Participation of Turkey’s troops- In contemporary
times, relations between India and Turkey have been Quiet Diplomacy
strained due to Turkey’s religious mutuality with
Pakistan. Until recently, Turkey was a vocal advocate It is also known as the “softly softly”
of Pakistan’s position on the Kashmir dispute. approach. Quiet diplomacy is the attempt
Turkey was also one of the few opponents to India’s to influence the behaviour of another state
inclusion into the Nuclear Suppliers Group. through secret negotiations or by refraining
• The participation of the Georgianbreakaway of from taking a specific action.
Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the exercise has only
been recognized by Russia and a few other countries,
whereas India has not recognized any of them.


• The word Kavkaz is derived as a modern variant
of Caucasus or Caucasia, a region between • The South Asian Association for Regional
the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and mainly Cooperation (SAARC) is the regional
occupied by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and intergovernmental organization and
southwestern Russia. geopolitical union of states in South Asia. Its
• The exercise is aimed at assessing the ability member states are Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
of the armed forces to ensure military security Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,
in Russia’s southwest, where serious terrorist and Sri Lanka.
threats persist, and preparing for the strategic • It was established in 1985
command-staff drills. • The Headquarters and Secretariat of the
• This tri-service exercise is part of a four-year Association are at Kathmandu, Nepal.
exercise cycle of the Russian army.

41 I Articulate
strategic dialogue under SCRI that will include
other Asian and Pacific Rim nations later, is seen in
the backdrop of India pulling out of the RCEP that
Japan helped stitch together.
• The impact of COVID-19 pandemic- The COVID-19
has brought into sharp focus that when assembly
lines are heavily dependent on supplies from one
country, the impact on importing nations could be
crippling. This can be as a result when source stops
production for involuntary reasons, or even as a
conscious measure of economic coercion.
• Impair economic activity- For example,
according to a report Japan’s imports from China
fell by half in February, a period when the latter
was battling the peak of the virus impact. Japan
Source- Kavkaztrans is heavily reliant on international trade both for
markets for its exports and for supplies of a range
of primary goods from oil to iron ore.
PROPOSAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE • Signs of de-globalization- The U.S.-China trade
INITIATIVE tensions have caused alarm in Japanese trade
circles and if the world’s two largest economies
Why in News? do not resolve their differences, it could threaten
India, Japan, and Australia have begun discussions on globalization as a whole and have a major impact
launching a trilateral Supply Chain Resilience Initiative on Japan. As a result, the Japanese government
(SCRI) to reduce dependency on China, necessitated by recently earmarked a $2.2 billion stimulus package
Beijing’s aggressive political and military behaviour. to incentivize its companies to move their
manufacturing out of China.
Supply Chain Resilience • This was a nudge to the diversification of risk
• In the context of international trade, supply chain (and not a protectionist move), where those
resilience is an approach that helps a country to manufacturing lines could be relocated out of China
ensure that it has diversified its supply risk across to other third countries.
a clutch of supplying nations instead of being
dependent on just one or a few. What is driving the trilateral SCRI initiative?
• Importance: In unanticipated events -whether • India-Japan economic ties- Japan is the fourth-
natural, such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, largest investor in India with cumulative foreign
earthquakes, or even a pandemic; or manmade, direct investments touching $33.5 billion in the
such as an armed conflict in a region — that 2000-2020 period.
disrupt supplies from a particular country or even • Imports from Japan into India- Almost 1,400
intentional halts to trade, could adversely impact Japanese companies operating in India, is a clear
economic activity in the destination country. reflection that the two countries enjoy long-
standing and deepening trade relationships.
Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) • Quadrilateral Security Dialogue- Australia, Japan,
• The initiative aims to reduce the dependency on a and India are already part of another informal
single nation (at present China). grouping - the Quad - which includes the U.S.
• SCRI is a direct response to individual • Deteriorating China-Australia ties- Though China
companies and economies concerned about has been Australia’s largest trading partner and
Chinese political behaviour and the disruption counts for 32.6% of Australia’s exports, with iron
that could lead to the supply chain. ore, coal, and gas dominating the products, the
• The initiative, first proposed by Japan with India relations including trade ties between the two have
and Australia as partners, potentially see other been deteriorating. This was more clearly visible
Asian and Pacific Rim nations later. after Australia pushed for an inquiry into the origins
of the coronavirus.
Objectives of SCRI
• To attract foreign direct investment to turn the How will it impact India?
Indo-Pacific into an “economic powerhouse”. • Insurance against the deteriorating India-China
• To build a mutually complementary relationship relations- Following the border tensions, partners
among partner countries. such as Japan, Australia can offer alternative
• To work out a plan to build on the existential supply supply chains.
chain network. Japan and India, for example, have • A step towards diversification- In the context of
an India-Japan competitiveness partnership dealing international trade, supply chain resilience is an approach
with locating the Japanese companies in India. that helps a country to ensure that it has diversified its
supply risk across a clutch of supplying nations.
Need for supply chain resilience: • Security against unanticipated events- Whether
• A substitute to Regional Comprehensive natural or manmade, that disrupt supplies from a
Economic Partnership (RCEP)- The trilateral

International Developments | 42
particular country or even intentional halts to trade,
could adversely impact economic activity in the • ISA intends to bring together member
destination country. Sectors impacted by supply countries to aggregate demand and realise
chain issues arising out of the pandemic include economies of scale, resulting in reduction
pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, electronics, of costs of solar applications, facilitating
shipping, chemicals, and textiles. deployment of existing solar technologies
at scale, and promoting collaborative solar
Way Forward for India R&D and capacity.
• India needs to enhance self-reliance against China • Presently the ISA Framework Agreement has
so that it could build resilience into the economy’s been signed by 86 countries, with 68 having
supply networks. Economic measures are of real also deposited instruments of ratification.
value in this regard. • The ISA is headquartered at Gurugram in
• Focusing on ease of doing business and skill Haryana, India.
building because India appears an attractive option
for potential investors both as a market and as a
manufacturing base.
• Relaxing tax norms which will help in attracting Initiatives taken by government to promote solar energy
investments from China and other attractive • Infrastructural Development- The target of installing
locations like Vietnam and the Philippines. 100 GW of solar energy capacity by December 2022
• Government should prepare a roadmap to boost was announced by the minister last year. Solar
manufacturing competitiveness and increase its projects commissioned up to the same period shall
share in world trade. be exempted from Inter State Transmission System
• There is a need to sort out long-pending legislation (ISTS) charges and losses for inter-state sale of solar
that aims to address the structural bottlenecks (in power. 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has also
4Ls: Land, Labour, Law, Liquidity) that continue to been permitted under the automatic route. Recently
hinder domestic competitiveness. a 750 megawatt (MW) solar project has been
inaugurated in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh.
WORLD SOLAR TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT • Solar Charkha Mission- It aims to ensure
inclusive growth by generation of employment,
The first-ever World Solar Technology Summit was especially for women and youth, and sustainable
organised by the International Solar Alliance (ISA) on a development through solar charkha clusters in
virtual platform. rural areas. It seeks to boost rural economies
and help in arresting migration from rural to
Aim and Objectives urban areas. It also aims to leverage low-cost,
• It aims to bring together key stakeholders, innovative technologies, and processes to provide
scientists, technology developers, researchers sustenance for the target groups.
and innovators to present and discuss the recent • Green Energy Corridor-The Green Energy Corridor
highlights of solar technologies, cost-wise; project has been put in place to support the grid
technology-wise, technology transfers, challenges integration of large scale solar and other renewable
and concerns in the field. energy capacity addition. Stakeholders are being
• To showcase to member countries the state of the art notified about the quality standards guidelines for
and next-generation solar technologies worldwide. deploying solar photovoltaic systems/devices.
• To provide an opportunity to decision-makers and • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan
stakeholders to meet, and discuss their own priorities Mahabhiyan Yojana (PM-KUSUM)- It is a 1.4
and strategic agenda towards a larger integration. lakh-crore scheme for promoting decentralised
solar power production of up to 28,250 MW
to help farmers. The scheme will open a stable
and continuous source of income to the rural
International Solar Alliance landowners for a period of 25 years by utilisation of
their dry/uncultivable land.
• The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a • One Sun One World One Grid project (OSOWOG)-
treaty-based international intergovernmental It is an ambitious solar energy project that aims
organization. at creating a global cooperation for sharing
• ISA was jointly launched by India and France infrastructure and benefits of solar energy by making
in the presence of Secretary General of the UN use of common resources. It is a counter project
during CoP21. to tackle China’s One Belt One Road initiative that
• The Paris Declaration establishes ISA as an happens to challenge India’s sovereignty.
alliance dedicated to the promotion of solar
energy among its Member Countries. FIVE-POINTS TO DE-ESCALATE THE LAC
• The major objectives of the organization STANDOFF
include deployment of 1000 GW of solar
capacity and mobilization of US$ 1000 billion Why in News?
of investment in solar energy sector by 2030. A five-point course of action was recently agreed upon
by India and China.

43 I Articulate
• The Recent India-China conflict
• Tensions between India and China have flared up Line of Actual Control (LAC)
since the June 15, 2020 clash in Galwan Valley,
when 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of • The LAC is the demarcation that separates
Chinese soldiers were killed. Indian-controlled territory from Chinese-
• This was the first confirmed use of firearms on the controlled territory.
LAC by troops in more than four decades. • India considers the LAC to be 3,488 km long,
• A series of clashes broke out at the Pangong Tso lake. while the Chinese consider it to be only
around 2,000 km.
• It is divided into three sectors:
• the eastern sector in Arunachal Pradesh
Pangong Tso and Sikkim,
• the middle sector in Uttarakhand and
• Pangong Tso is a 135 km long, endorheic Himachal Pradesh, and
(landlocked) lake in the shape of a boomerang. • thewestern sector in Ladakh.
• The barren mountains on the Pangong • The line is the least controversial in the
Tso’s northern bank, called the Chang middle sector.
Chenmo, jut forward in major spurs which
are known as ‘fingers’.
• India claims that the LAC is coterminous with
Finger 8, but it physically controls area only up
to Finger 4.
• Chinese border posts are at Finger 8, while it
believes that the LAC passes through Finger 2.

The Five-Point Plan

The recently agreed-upon five-point plan includes
• following the consensus to not allow differences to
become disputes
• disengaging quickly to ease tensions
• abiding by the existing India-China border protocols
and avoiding escalatory action Image source: BBC
• continuing the dialogue between the Special
Representatives of two countries, as well as the
other mechanisms, and
• working towards new confidence-building Difference between LoC and LAC
measures (CBMs). • The LoC emerged from the 1948 ceasefire line
negotiated by the UN after the India-Pakistan War.
Reasons for the recent conflict • It was designated as the LoC in 1972, following the
• New road infrastructure being built by India along Shimla Agreement between the two countries.
the Shyok River to Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) - the • The LoC is delineated on a map signed by DGMOs
most remote and vulnerable area along the LAC in of both armies and has the international sanctity of
Ladakh, which seems to have infuriated Beijing. a legal agreement.
• China’s adamance in saying that the Galwan valley • The LAC, in contrast, is only a concept – it is
region is Chinese territory. not agreed upon by the two countries, neither
• China’s assertiveness with its neighbors and its delineated on a map nor demarcated on the ground.
tactic of salami-slicing.
• India’s redrawal of maps after the revocation of Way Forward
Article 370, which included Aksai Chin - an area It is important that both the nuclear-armed
claimed by India but controlled by China - in its countries of India and China disengage their
union territory of Ladakh. militaries and solve the standoff through high-level
• China’s apprehensions over India’s growing talks and multi-track diplomacy.
capabilities of recapturing Pakistan-administered
Kashmir - where Beijing has invested heavily in the HYBRID DATA WARFARE BY CHINA
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as part of
its Belt and Road Initiative. Why in News?
• Export related tensions between the two countries According to a latest report, more than 10000 people in
due to the COVID-19 outbreak. India are being actively monitored under a surveillance
• India’s growing assertiveness in the Indian Ocean program run by Zhenhua Data Information Technology
region and the South China Sea (SCS) region. Co, a Shenzhen-based technology company with links
• India’s ban on a host of Chinese apps. to the Chinese government.

International Developments | 44
What is Hybrid Data Warfare?
• Hybrid Data Warfare refers to the use of
Why in News?
unconventional methods such as Big Data
Japan has elected Yoshihide Suga as the new prime
analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as
minister after Shinzo Abe resigned because of ill health.
part of a multi-domain warfighting approach,
without having to engage in overt hostilities.
India-Japan relations in recent times
• Through targeted cyberattacks,
• Financial axis
disinformation campaigns, and espionage,
• Japan is the third-largest source of FDI in India
hybrid warfare seeks to incite social discord,
after Mauritius and Singapore.
disrupt economic activities, undermine
• In the FY 2018-2019, Japan’s FDI in India was
institutions, and discredit political leadership
about $2,965 million and it rolled up to $3,225
and the intelligentsia.
million in the FY 2019-20.
• Japan has invested in the Delhi-Mumbai
Industrial Corridor and is also backing the
Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train service.
China’s history with Hybrid Data Warfare • Currency Swap Agreement: India and Japan
• In early 1999, China’s People’s Liberation Army signed a currency swap agreement for US $75 bn,
(PLA) devised a strategy for hybrid warfare called in 2018. The swap involved the US Dollar, besides
‘unlimited warfare’ under which violence was Japanese Yen and Indian Rupee, and helped
to move from the military to political leaders, India pacify the depreciating trend of rupee.
economies, and technology. • Diplomatic front
• Under Hybrid Data Warfare, China tries to increase • In 2014, India and Japan upgraded their
social animosity in its target country, disrupting relationship to ‘Special Strategic and
economic activity and hollowing out institutions, Global Partnership’.
tarnishing political leadership, and its potential. • ‘Two plus two’ defense and foreign
• Apart from the recent report indicating China’s use ministerial dialogue between India and
of Hybrid Data Warfare on India, it has also used the Japan, which is India’s second such two plus
technique in Hong Kong, particularly to quell the two dialogue after the US.
pro-democracy protests. • Japan-America-India (JAI) Trilateral Meeting on
• China’s strategy is to defeat the enemy the sidelines of G20 Summit 2019.
through information pollution, image • Defense ties
management, and propaganda. • India and Japan defense forces organize a
series of bilateral exercises namely JIMEX,
Legal aspects of Hybrid Data Warfare SHINYUU Maitri, and Dharma Guardian.
• Information Technology Rules, 2011, under the IT • The two nations are also looking to allow their
Act, 2000, defines personal data as “any information respective naval forces to use each other’s facilities.
regarding a natural person, which either directly or • Cultural ties
indirectly, in combination with other information • Sai no Sato in Kakegawa, Japan is being
available or likely to be available… is capable of developed as a temple on the lines of
identifying such person.” Akshardham and Swaminarayan Temple to
• However, it does not include information available promote Indian culture, under the Sri Sathya Sai
freely or accessible in the public domain, so there Sanathana Samskruti Project.
is no existing legislation in Indiathat can stop such • Science and Exploration
activity per se, therefore the legal recourse for • The first-ever India-Japan Space Dialogue was
India is not very clear. held in 2019 and focused on Surveillance and
• Even then, a third party (such as Zhenhua) scraping Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) of the
the personal information and geo-location waters in the East China Sea, the South China
of prominent personalities of a country from Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
social media sites and sharing it with its rival • A joint lunar mission called Lunar Polar
country’s intelligence is illegal in many advanced Exploration (LPE) will be launched jointly by
jurisdictions. India and Japan. Japanese space agency JAXA
would be building the overall landing module
Way Forward and the rover, while ISRO would develop the
• Many nations are increasingly making use of the lander system.
otherwise seemingly innocuous information • Commonality of objectives
available in the public domain to carry out social • Both India and Japan have border issues and
engineering and thought-influence maneuvers in hegemonic issues with China, which develops
the target country. a natural affinity and amiability between the
• Given India’s rise in strategic importance, China’s two countries.
latest Hybrid Data Warfare tactic appears to be an
attempt to gauge India’s most critical narratives and
to influence the same too.

45 I Articulate
Malabar Exercise • Objectives:
• Primary: To avoid turbulence and other
• Exercise Malabar is a trilateral naval exercise risks in the foreign exchange market and
involving the US, Japan, and India as exchange rate.
permanent partners. • Additional: Promotion of bilateral trade,
• It originally began in 1992 as a bilateral exercise Maintaining the value of foreign exchange
between India and the United States, Japan reserves with the central bank, and
became a permanent partner later in 2015. Ensuring financial stability.
• It includes diverse activities ranging from • It is always desirable for a developing country
fighter combat operations from aircraft like India to reach a currency swap agreement
carriers, through Maritime Interdiction with countries like the US, UK, EU, and Japan
Operations Exercises. whose currencies are hard currencies (used in
international trade as a medium of exchange).
• Examples of some hard currencies:
US Dollar, Euro, Great Britain Pound
Sterling, Japanese Yen


Why in News?
Recently, India joined the Djibouti Code of Conduct/
Jeddah Amendment as an Observer.

Djibouti Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of
Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western
Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, also referred to as
the Djibouti Code of Conduct, was adopted in 2009.

The ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue’ or Quad • Members: The code has been signed by 20
countries including Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya,
• The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Madagascar, Maldives, Seychelles, Somalia, the
(also known as QSD, Quad) is an informal United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen, Comoros,
strategic forum between the US, Japan, Egypt, Eritrea, Jordan, Mauritius, Mozambique,
Australia, and India. Oman, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sudan and the
• It is maintained by semi-regular summits, United Arab Emirates.
information exchanges, and military drills • Observers: India, Japan, Norway, the UK and the US.
between member countries. • Objectives: The signatories to the Code have
• The diplomatic and military arrangement is agreed to cooperate, in a manner consistent with
often viewed as a response to China’s rising international law, in
economic and military power. • the investigation, arrest and prosecution of
persons who are reasonably suspected of
having committed acts of piracy and armed
robbery against ships
Way Forward
• the interdiction and seizure of suspect ships
Building on the “Confluence of the Two Seas” concept
and property on board such ships
of Indo-Pacific that has now become one of the main
• the rescue of ships, persons and property
pillars of India-Japan ties, the two countries should
subject to piracy and armed robbery
continue building their bilateral relationship on areas
• the facilitation of proper care, treatment
such as connectivity, sustainable development, disaster
and repatriation of seafarers, fishermen,
relief, maritime security, and unfettered mobility.
other shipboard personnel and passengers
subject to such acts
• the conduct of shared operations – both
among signatory States and with navies
Currency Swap Agreement
from countries outside the region – such
as nominating law enforcement or other
• It is an agreement or contract between
authorized officials to embark on patrol ships
countries, to exchange currencies (of the
or aircraft of another signatory.
two countries or any hard currency), with
• Pillars: The Code provides a framework for
predetermined terms and conditions.
communication, coordination and cooperation
under its four thematic broad pillars

International Developments | 46
• Delivering national and regional training the renaming of Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific
• Enhancing national legislation illustrates the significance of India in the region in
• Information sharing and maritime domain terms of politics and economics.
awareness • Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue): India, Japan,
• Building counter-piracy capabilities and the US have come together to ensure a “free, open
and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region in an informal
grouping called Quad. It is also seen as a rebalancing
exercise to contain the aggressively-expanding China.
• MILAN multilateral naval exercise: Hosted by the
Indian Navy under the aegis of the Andaman and Nicobar
Command, in which more than 40 countries including
the US, Russia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, Bangladesh, South Korea, the UK, Australia,
Vietnam, Myanmar, Iran, Sri Lanka, Thailand participate.
• Mission SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in
the Region): The mission works in the Indian Ocean
region, aiming to seek
• a climate of trust and transparency
• respect for international maritime rules and
norms by all countries,
• sensitivity to each other’s interests
Image source: https://www.crimario.eu
• peaceful resolution of maritime issues, and
• increase in maritime cooperation.
Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct
• Information Fusion Centre for the Indian Ocean
• The Djibouti Code of Conduct has been
Region (IFC-IOR): An initiative of the Indian
instrumental in repressing piracy and armed
Navy, the IFC-IOR acts as a dedicated center for
robbery against ships in the western Indian Ocean
undertaking collation, fusion and dissemination of
and the Gulf of Aden.
the data being exchanged with all partners, while
• The Jeddah Amendment was made to significantly
addressing the twin requirements of situational
broaden its scope to cover other illicit maritime
awareness and law enforcement.
activities, including
• illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing
Way Forward
• arms trafficking
• While China is way ahead of India in its economic
• trafficking in narcotics and psychotropic
prowess and infrastructure offerings, it is often seen
as a bully resorting to measures like salami-slicing
• illegal trade in wildlife
and debt-trap diplomacy to get the beneficiary
• crude oil theft
states to submit to its wishes.
• human trafficking and smuggling, and
• India, on the other hand, possesses the soft power of a
• illegal dumping of toxic waste.
democracy sensitive to the needs of the local population.
• The Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of
• India must make good use of this scenario and work
Conduct recognizes the important role of the “blue
together with all stakeholders in the Djibouti Code
economy” including shipping, seafaring, fisheries and
of Conduct to advance peace and stability in the
tourism in supporting sustainable economic growth,
western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden region.
food security, employment, prosperity and stability.

Djibouti Code of Conduct Trust Fund Blue Economy

Blue Economy is the sustainable use of ocean
• The Djibouti Code of Conduct Trust Fund is a resources for economic growth, improved
multi-donor, voluntary fund. livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health
• Financial contributions may be made by of the ocean ecosystem.
the Member States of the United Nations or
IMO, organizations, institutions, or private
• Utilisation of the fund is done to support
counter-piracy capacity building.

India’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean Region

• Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Given that it
contains the world’s most crucial sea routes,
the world’s most populous nations fueling
high energy demands on its rims and a stretch Image source: World Bank
encapsulating the finest global commons,

47 I Articulate
• The term BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
Why in news?
was coined by Jim O’Neill, the then chairman
Recently, BRICS’ 10th meeting of the NSAs was
of Goldman Sachs in 2001.
attended by senior security officials from India,
• The first BRIC summit took place in the
China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa, via virtual
year 2009 in Russia. In 2010, South Africa
became the latest nation to formally join the
association making it BRICS.
Outcomes of the meeting
• BRICS is an association of five major emerging
• BRICS’ counter-terrorism strategy was
national economies: Brazil, Russia, India,
discussed, that will be adopted at the upcoming
China, and South Africa.
BRICS Summit
• Afghanistan, Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico
• The draft strategy reflects fundamental
and Turkey have expressed strong interest in
aspects of the BRICS states, such as respect
full membership of the BRICS, while Egypt,
for sovereignty and non-interference in
Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Syria and most recently
internal affairs, adherence to international
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Greece have also
law and recognition of the UN’s central role in
expressed interest in joining BRICS.
security matters.
• BRICS represents over 3.6 billion people, or
• Views were exchanged on combating terrorism
about half of the world population, and has a
and extremism besides deliberating on global
combined GDP of USD 16.6 trillion.
and regional security issues.
• An agreement was reached on further expanding
the dialogue on security issues, and providing
for closer coordination among law enforcement
agencies of the member nations.
• Information and Communications Security
was discussed, and the need to adopt common
approaches were highlighted.
• The meet expressed concern over tensions in Iran,
Syria, and Venezuela.
• Deployment of weapons in space by the US and
the use of outer space for military operations was
criticized by Russia.
• Creation of new mechanisms in the field of
countering epidemiological threats and conduction
of expert consultations on biosafety in the BRICS
format were proposed. New Development Bank (NDB)
• Cooperation in the field of biological
security, and WHO’s coordinating role in • Formerly referred to as the BRICS Development
pandemic was discussed. Bank, it is a multilateral development bank
• The five countries agreed to work on deepening operated by the BRICS states.
coordination at key international organizations and • Headquarters for the New Development Bank
forums, especially the UN. is in Shanghai, China.
• The Fortaleza Declaration of the 2014
Significance of the meeting for India BRICS Summit stressed that the NDB will
• The meeting was hosted by Russia, the strengthen cooperation among BRICS and
current chair of BRICS. Russia has been will supplement the efforts of multilateral
engaging in quiet diplomacy to defuse Sino- and regional financial institutions for global
Indian tensions. development thus contributing to sustainable
• BRICS-SCO-RIC platforms under Russia’s and balanced growth.
presidency have provided opportunities for India • Key areas of operation of the NDB are:
and China to engage. • Economic development among BRICS
• The platform acted as a CBM (confidence- member countries
building measure) amid LAC tensions between • Urban infrastructure development
India and China. • Sustainable agriculture development and
• BRICS states agreed on cooperating within irrigation
the framework of building a multi-polar • Transport infrastructure
system based on justice and equality. India • Clean energy
has always been in favor of a multi-polar
world as opposed to uni or bipolar one. BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)
• It is found that emerging economies that
experienced rapid economic liberalization

International Developments | 48
went through increased economic volatility,
bringing an uncertain macroeconomic
• BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement
(CRA) is a framework for protecting against
global liquidity pressures.
• Global liquidity pressures include currency
issues where members’ national currencies
are being adversely affected by global
financial pressures.

The CRA is generally seen as a competitor to

the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and
along with the New Development Bank is
viewed as an example of increasing South- Image source: Indian Express
South cooperation.

India’s objections
• India has said the Government of Pakistan or its
Way Forward judiciary has no locus standi on territories illegally
Rules-based order and safeguarding territorial and forcibly occupied by it.
sovereignty must be hallmarks of international • India completely rejects such actions and continued
relations. India must diplomatically maintain amicable attempts to bring material changes in Pakistan occupied
relations with BRICS emerging economies for peace areas of the Indian territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
and progress, especially with China in light of the recent • India has maintained that Pakistan should immediately
events at the LAC. vacate all areas under its illegal occupation.



Why in News? • Gilgit-Baltistan, formerly known as the

Pakistan has decided to elevate Gilgit-Baltistan’s Northern Areas, is a region administered by
status to that of a full-fledged province. The move is Pakistan as an administrative territory.
likely backed by China, with geopolitical and economic • It constitutes the northern portion of the
interests at the core. larger Kashmir region which has been the
subject of a dispute between India and
Pakistan’s plan Pakistan since 1947.
• Elevation of Gilgit-Baltistan to the • It borders China in the North, Afghanistan
status of a full-f ledged province with all in the west, Tajikistan in the northwest, and
constitutional rights. Kashmir in the southeast.
• Adequate representation of Gilgit-Baltistan on • It has a regional assembly and an elected
all constitutional bodies, including the Pakistan Chief Minister.
National Assembly and the Senate. • Gilgit-Baltistan is home to five of the “eight-
• Work on the Moqpondass Special Economic Zone thousanders” and more than fifty peaks above
to soon begin under the China Pakistan Economic 7,000 meters (23,000 ft).
Corridor (CPEC). • Three of the world’s longest glaciers outside
the polar regions are found in Gilgit-Baltistan.

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

• CPEC is the flagship project of Beijing’s

ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
• It connects Gwadar Port in Pakistan’s
Balochistan with Kashgar in China’s
Xinjiang province.
• Other Developments by China in Pakistan-
occupied Kashmir under CPEC:
• Diamer-Bhasha Dam.
• Kohala hydropower Project.
• Azad Pattan Hydel Power Project.
• Karot hydropower project.

49 I Articulate
History of Gilgit-Baltistan Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for
Geo-Spatial Cooperation (BECA)
1846: The British sold the Gilgit-Baltistan region,
along with the rest of Jammu and Kashmir, to the • BECA will enable the US to share advanced
Dogra ruler of Jammu, Gulab Singh, after defeating satellite and topographical data with India,
the Sikh army, but retained control over the area which will enable India to get pinpoint
through a lease extracted from the Maharaja. military accuracy of automated hardware
1935: This lease was last renewed in. systems, long-range navigation systems, and
1947: Maharaja Hari Singh signed the ‘Instrument missile-targeting.
of Accession’ on 26 October, 1947. By executing • BECA is an important precursor to India
this document under the provisions of the Indian acquiring armed unmanned aerial vehicles
Independence Act 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh such as the Predator-B from the US.
agreed to accede to India. • BECA is the last of the four “foundational”
1999: Pakistan’s Supreme Court ruled that the agreements that underpin deepening
people of Gilgit-Baltistan are Pakistani citizens defense cooperation between the two
and directed the federal government to start countries, the others being
appropriate administrative and legislative measures. • General Security of Military Information
2009: The Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Agreement (GSOMIA)
Self-Governance Order was introduced, whereby • Logistics Exchange Memorandum of
the Northern Areas were renamed as Gilgit- Agreement (LEMOA), and
Baltistan and the region was given province-like • Communications, Compatibility and
status but without representation in Parliament. Security Arrangement (COMCASA).
Currently, Pakistan has four provinces • A country needs to sign these pacts to obtain
namely Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, cutting-edge weapons and communications
Punjab, and Sindh. systems from the US.
Gilgit-Baltistan has functioned as a “provincial
autonomous region” since 2009.
2015: A committee constituted by the federal
government proposed giving Gilgit-Baltistan the Issues in the inking of agreements such as BECA
status of a province. • India has had certain reservations in view of its
2018: A new order was introduced which national security, which the US has now agreed to
transferred all powers of the Gilgit-Baltistan address by modifying the draft.
council to its assembly. • India’s appetite for Russian weapon systems
remains a sticking point in the signing of any
agreements between India and the US. Russia’s
S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft weapon systems are to
Why will Gilgit-Baltistan’s elevation to a province be
arrive in India in 2021.
an uphill task for Pakistan?
• The classified texts of these agreements often
• Gilgit-Baltistan is part of J&K and any such move
fuel suspicion among the opposition/ civil society
would seriously damage Pakistan’s Kashmir case.
regarding India’s sovereignty and independent
Two UN resolutions of August 13, 1948, and January
foreign policy.
5, 1949, established a link between Gilgit-Baltistan
and the Kashmir issue.
Recently concluded landmark agreements between
• Making the region its fifth province would thus
India and the US
violate the Karachi Agreement — perhaps the only
• Industrial Security Annex (ISA) to the GSOMIA
instrument that provides doubtful legal authority to
• Inked in 2019, it provides a framework for the
Pakistan’s administration of Gilgit-Baltistan.
exchange and protection of classified military
• Any such move would also be violative of the 1963
information between the US and Indian defense
Pak-China Boundary Agreement that calls for the
industries, not just between the government
sovereign authority to reopen negotiations with
authorities of the two countries but also
China “after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute
between private parties.
between Pakistan and India” and of the 1972 Simla
• It enables greater industry-to-industry
Agreement that mentions that “neither side shall
collaboration for co-production and co-
unilaterally alter the situation”.
development in the defense sector, in line with
India’s objective of promoting Make in India in
AGREEMENT (BECA) • Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)
• US announced its commitment to being the
Why in News? founding member of the CDRI, which was
India and the US may ink the Basic Exchange and launched in September 2019.
Cooperation Agreement (BECA) during a virtual “2+2” • US participation in CDRI is a significant
foreign and defense ministers/secretaries’ dialogue in development for the organization since the
October 2020. US has considerable expertise in the area of

International Developments | 50
disaster-resilient structures, which will be
beneficial to the organization and its members. services required by them.
• Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI)
• DTTI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the General Security of Military Information
identification and development of cooperative Agreement (GSOMIA)
projects under DTTI has been completed.
• This will enable expedited decision making and • Inked in 2002.
set forth implementation guidelines for DTTI • It allows the exchange of classified military
projects, enhancing process predictability of information regarding the US and Indian
DTTI project proposals. defense industries between the government
• The proposed Industry-to-Industry authorities.
Framework under DTTI will bring the two
countries closer in cooperation.
• Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative
• The initiative was announced by the Indian Prime
Minister at the 2019 East Asia Summit (EAS).
• The US has expressed interest in further
expanding cooperation on Ocean issues,
through the bilateral India-US Oceans Dialogue.
• Tiger Triumph Exercise
• It is the first US-India military exercise to
include all three of India’s military services —
Army, Navy and Air Force — and it represents
the latest milestone in an increasingly
important bilateral military partnership.
• It was first held in November 2019 as a
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
(HADR) Exercise to develop synergies between
the tri-services of both countries.

Way Forward for India-US bilateral relations

• India and the United States have come close in
recent years, seeking ways to counter-balance
China’s spreading influence across Asia, especially
in Pakistan, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.
• The US has emerged as India’s second-largest
arms supplier, closing deals worth $15 billion in
the last 10 years.
• The two countries have been working together for
India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).
• India was designated as a “major defense partner”
in 2016 by the US.
• Signing of the last of the four agreements will
ensure that the two forces can work together
seamlessly – in order to deter Chinese adventurism.

Communications, Compatibility and Security

Arrangement (COMCASA)

• Inked in 2018.
• It allows the US to transfer communication
equipment to India which facilitates
secure transmission of data and real-time
information between the armed forces of the
two countries.

Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement

• Inked in 2016.
• It allows Indian and US defense forces to
use each other’s facilities and establish
procedures of easier access to supplies and

51 I Articulate
Social Justice & Development
Economy | 52
development, construction of link roads,
Why in News? installation of non-conventional sources of
• Six members of two Particularly Vulnerable Tribal energy, social security, etc.
Groups (Bondas and Didiayis) in Odisha contracted • Each state and the Andaman and Nicobar
Covid-19. Islands’ administration, is required to prepare
• The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes has a long term Conservation-cum-Development
sought a report from the state government and has (CCD) plan, valid for a period of five years for
termed it a “matter of grave concern”. each PVTG within its territory, outlining the
initiatives it will undertake, financial planning
What is a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group? for the same and the agencies charged with
• In 1973, the Dhebar Commission created Primitive the responsibility of undertaking the same.
Tribal Groups (PTGs) as a separate category, who are • The CCD Plan is approved by an Expert
less developed among the tribal groups. Committee, appointed by the Ministry of
• In 2006, the Government of India renamed the PTGs Tribal Affairs.
as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). • The Scheme is then funded entirely by the
• Criteria for Classification: PVTG are classified by Central government.
the GOI on the basis of their
• Relative physical isolation
• Stagnant or declining population
• Low levels of literacy. CAG REPORT ON SCHOOL TOILETS
• Pre-agricultural stage of economy, such as
hunting, food gathering, shifting cultivation and Why in News?
terrace cultivation. Recently, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
• Among the 75 listed PVTG’s the highest number are (CAG) has flagged irregularities in the construction of
found in Odisha. toilets in schools by Central Public Sector Enterprises
(CPSEs) in an audit report tabled before Parliament.
Why is PVTG Members Contracting COVID, a Matter
of Grave Concern? The CAG audit conducted a physical survey of a sample
• The health status of PVTGs is low due to multiple of 2,695 toilets built by CPSEs in 15 States.
factors like poverty, illiteracy, lack of safe drinking
water, poor sanitary conditions, difficult terrain, Issues Reported
malnutrition, poor access to maternal and child • The survey revealed that 30 percent of the toilets
health care services, superstition, nonavailability of were not in use.
adequate health care services and deforestation. • 72 per cent did not have running water
• The diseases like upper respiratory problem and • 55 per cent did not have handwashing facilities.
malaria, gastrointestinal disorders like acute diarrhoea • 30 per cent had no soap or disinfectants.
and intestinal protozoa, micronutrient deficiency, and • Out of the 1,967 coeducational schools surveyed, 99
skin infection are common among them. schools had no functional toilets while 436 had only
• The tribes’ remote habitats also lack the required one functional toilet, meaning that the objective of
minimum administrative set-up and infrastructure. providing separate toilets for boys and girls was not
• They maintain a community life and if one person fulfilled in 27% of the schools.
is infected, the infection is likely to spread, which is
why this calls for special attention. Significance
The report assumes significance at a time when
schools are inching towards reopening amid the
Covid-19 pandemic, with handwashing being a big
Scheme for PVTGs
part of preventive medical advice against the spread
of the infection.
• The Scheme for Development of Primitive
Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), came into
effect from April 1, 2008
• The Prime Minister announced on August 15, 2014,
• The Scheme defines PVTGs as the most
that all schools should have separate toilets for
vulnerable among the Scheduled Tribes and
boys and girls within a year.
the Scheme, therefore, seeks to prioritise their
• The PM called upon the corporate sector to give
protection and development.
priority to this national endeavour as part of their
• It identifies 75 PVTGs.
Corporate Social Responsibility.
• The Scheme seeks to adopt a holistic
• To achieve the objective of separate toilets for
approach to the socio-economic development
boys and girls within a year, the Ministry of Human
of PVTGs and gives state governments
Resources Development launched (September
flexibility in planning.
1, 2014) Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan. 53 CPSEs
• Activities supported under the scheme
participated in this project and constructed
include housing, land distribution, land
1,40,997 toilets.
development, agricultural development, cattle

53 I Articulate
Highlights of the Guidelines
Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan The guidelines outline a set of 10 principles
and detail the steps for implementation. The 10
• The Programme was launched in 2014 by principles are:
the then Ministry of Human Resource
Development (now Ministry of Education). • Principle 1- All persons with disabilities have the
• The aim was to provide separate toilets for legal capacity and, therefore, no one shall be denied
girls and boys in all Government schools access to justice based on disability.
within one year upto 15th August 2015 under • Principle 2: Facilities and services must be
the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. universally accessible to ensure equal access
• Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’s aim is to meet the to justice without discrimination of persons
Right to Education Act’s mandate that all schools with disabilities.
must have separate toilets for boys and girls. • Principle 3: PWDS including children with
• The programme norms require the CPSEs disabilities, have the right to appropriate procedural
to build toilets with running water and accommodations.
handwashing facilities. • Principle 4: PWDS has the right to access
• It also requires CPSEs to maintain the toilets legal notices and information in a timely
for three to five years while charging the and accessible manner on an equal basis
annual expenses to their Corporate Social with others.
Responsibility (CSR) budgets. • Principle 5: PWDS are entitled to all substantive
and procedural safeguards recognized in
international law on an equal basis with
others, and States must provide the necessary
Importance of Toilets in Schools accommodations to guarantee due process.
• Disease prevention: According to WHO, 88% • Principle 6: PWDS has the right to free or affordable
of diarrhoeal disease is caused by unsafe water legal assistance.
supply, and inadequate sanitation and hygiene. • Principle 7: PWDS has the right to participate
Many schools serve communities that have a high in the administration of justice on an equal
prevalence of diseases related to inadequate water basis with others.
supply, sanitation and hygiene (particularly lack of • Principle 8: PWDS has the right to report
handwashing), and where child malnutrition and complaints and initiate legal proceedings
other underlying health problems are common. concerning human rights violations and crimes,
Thus the prevalence of water supply, sanitation and have their complaints investigated, and be afforded
hygiene measures in schools are pivotal in creating effective remedies.
a disease-free environment for the children and • Principle 9: Effective and robust monitoring
community at large. mechanisms play a critical role in supporting access
• Gender Balance: Girls are particularly vulnerable to justice for persons with disabilities.
to dropping out of school, partly because many • Principle 10: All those working in the justice
are reluctant to continue their education when system must be provided with awareness-raising
toilets and washing facilities are not private, and training programs addressing the rights of
not safe or simply not available. When schools persons with disabilities, in particular in the
have appropriate, gender-separated facilities, an context of access to justice.
obstacle to attendance is removed.
• Agent of Change: Having a clean school fosters a Definition of a person with a disability
child’s pride in his or her school and community. • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
It enables every child to become an agent of with Disabilities, which was adopted in 2007,
change for improving water, sanitation and defines persons with disabilities as those “who
hygiene practices in their families and within their have long-term physical, mental, intellectual
community or sensory impairments which in interaction
• Fosters equality of opportunity: Children with with various barriers may hinder their full and
disabilities are also vulnerable to dropping out of effective participation in society on an equal
school. Accessible school facilities are a key to basis with others”.
school attendance for children with disabilities and
thus helps in providing equality of opportunity. How many people are disabled in India?
• As per statistics maintained by the UN, in
UN PRINCIPLES FOR PEOPLE WITH India 2.4 per cent of males are disabled and
DISABILITIES two per cent of females from all age groups
are disabled.
Why in News? • Disabilities include psychological impairment,
The United Nations has outlined a set of 10 intellectual impairment, speaking, multiple
principles for implementation of its first-ever impairments, hearing, seeing among others.
guidelines on access to social justice for people with

Social Justice & Development | 54

Indian Efforts for Persons with Disability
Why in News?
Constitutional Provisions The report shows that the number of suicide cases
• Article 41 of the Directive Principles of State and accidental deaths registered an increase across
Policy (DPSP) states that the State shall make the country last year from the 2018 figures. According
effective provision for securing the right to to the data, more than 1.39 lakh people committed
work, to education, and to public assistance in suicide in the country.
cases of unemployment, old age, sickness, and
disablement, within the limits of its economic
capacity and development.
• Seventh Schedule- The subject of ‘relief of the National Crime Record Bureau
disabled and unemployable’ is specified in the state
list of the Seventh Schedule of the constitution. • The National Crime Records Bureau( NCRB)
is an Indian government agency responsible
Legislation for Disabled - Right of Persons with for collecting and analyzing crime data
Disabilities Act, 2016 as defined by the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
• The Act replaces the Persons with Disabilities and Special and Local Laws (SLL). NCRB is
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights headquartered in New Delhi.
and Full Participation) Act, 1995. It fulfills the • It is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs
obligations to the United National Convention (MHA), Government of India.
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • NCRB was set-up in 1986 to function as
(UNCRPD), to which India is a signatory. a repository of information on crime and
• “Person with a disability” means a person criminals so as to assist the investigators in
with long term physical, mental, intellectual, linking crime to the perpetrators based on the
or sensory impairments which, in interaction recommendations of the Tandon Committee,
with barriers, hinders his full and effective National Police Commission (1977-1981), and
participation in society equally with others. the MHA’s Taskforce (1985).
• Under this Act persons with “benchmark • Subsequently, NCRB was entrusted with the
disabilities” are defined as those certified responsibility for monitoring, coordinating,
to have at least 40 per cent of the and implementing the Crime and Criminal
disabilities specified above. Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) project.
• The types of disabilities have been increased
from 7 to 21. The Act added mental illness, autism,
spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, muscular
dystrophy, chronic neurological conditions, Highlights of report
speech and language disability, thalassemia, • Data on Suicide
haemophilia, sickle cell disease, multiple • 10,281 farmers, cultivators, and farm labourers
disabilities including deaf-blindness, acid attack committed suicide in 2019, only 68 less
victims, and Parkinson’s disease which were than the number of farmers who committed
largely ignored in earlier Act. In addition, the suicide in 2018.
Government has been authorized to notify any • Farmers comprise 7.4% of all people who died
other category of specified disability. due to suicide in India.
• It increases the quantum of reservation for • Between 2018 and 2019, the number of people
people suffering from disabilities from 3% to dying in suicides is 3.4%.
4% in government jobs and from 3% to 5% in • The highest proportion of suicide victims
higher education institutes. (23.3 percent) were educated up to
• Every child with benchmark disability matriculation while only 3.7 per cents were
between the age group of 6 and 18 years shall graduates and above.
have the right to free education.
State-wise performance
Accessible India Campaign (Creation of • All states in southern India beginning from
Accessible Environment for PwDs) Maharashtra have suicide rates higher than the
• A nation-wide flagship campaign for achieving national average.
universal accessibility that will enable • Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Madhya
persons with disabilities to gain access for Pradesh, and Karnataka accounting for almost 50%
equal opportunity and live independently of all suicides.
and participate fully in all aspects of life in an • The all-India rate of suicides is 10.4, the rate of
inclusive society. suicides in Kerala is 24.3, Telangana 20.6, Tamil Nadu
• The campaign targets enhancing the 17.8, and Karnataka 17.1.
accessibility of the built environment, • Maharashtra’s is 15.4, Goa 16.8, and Andhra Pradesh 12.4.
transport system, and Information & • Bihar has the lowest suicide rate in the country
communication ecosystem. among states. UP recorded a suicide rate of 2.4 and
Jharkhand 4.4.

55 I Articulate
Major causes of Suicide David Attenborough
• Family problems and poorer background • Sir David is an English broadcaster and natural
• One in every three who died of suicide in 2019 historian.
took the step due to family Problems and • He is best known for writing and presenting,
poorer backgrounds accounting for 32.4%. in conjunction with the BBC Natural History
• Illness Unit, the nine natural history documentary
• Being ill, and substance abuse were the other major series forming the Life collection that together
known causes (together accounting for 23%). constitute a comprehensive survey of animal
• Bankruptcy or indebtedness and plant life on Earth.
• Bankruptcy or indebtedness, unemployment, • He has worked to make aware about the necessity
and poverty led to at least 11,500 suicides, to preserve and protect biodiversity of the planet, to
about 8.2% of all such fatalities. live in a sustainable and harmonious way with all life.
• Poorer backgrounds
• Suicides among daily wage earners were higher, Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
about 32,500. They comprised 23% of those who • The Indira Gandhi Peace Prize which is named after
died due to suicide. former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is a prestigious
• A majority of those committing suicide, however, prize awarded annually by the Indira Gandhi
were from poorer backgrounds. Memorial Trust since 1986.
• It consists of a monetary award of ₹25 lakh along
How Suicides can be prevented with a citation
• There is an urgent need to develop a national plan • The Indira Gandhi Peace Prize is given to individuals
for suicide prevention in India. or organizations who are working towards ensuring
• Some of the most common methods of suicide international peace and development, ensuring that
include consuming pesticide, hanging, and self- scientific discoveries are used to further the scope
immolation. An effective way to reduce rates of of freedom and better humanity, and creating new
suicide is to reduce access to these substances international economic order.
and means.
• A more genuine political will and interest to address Some notable past winners of the Indira Gandhi
the prevalence of suicide. Peace Prize
• A need for responsible media reporting on suicide
data for example politicization of farmer suicides • 1989- UNICEF
has led to glazing over of all the other demographies • 1990- Sam Nujoma (First President of Namibia)
and women, who committed more suicide than • 1997- Jimmy Carter (39th President of the
farmers do not get much attention. United States)
• 1998- Muhammad Yunus (Founder of Grameen Bank)
• 1999- MS Swaminathan (1999) (Indian
Agricultural Scientist)
• 2013- Angel Merkel (Chancellor of Germany)
• 2014- Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
• 2015- UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHRC)


Why in News?
To counter Illegal gold mining on their land Yanomami
tribe has launched a global campaign to expel 20,000
gold miners amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Yanomami Tribe
• The Yanomami are the largest relatively
isolated tribe in South America. They live in the
rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and
southern Venezuela.
• Like most tribes on the continent, they probably
migrated across the Bering Straits between Asia
and America some 15,000 years ago, making their
way slowly down to South America. Today their total
INDIRA GANDHI PEACE PRIZE population stands at around 38,000.
• The Yanomami live in large, circular, communal
Why in News? houses called yanos or shabonos. The central area is
Sir David Attenborough, a renowned naturalist and used for activities such as rituals, feasts and games.
broadcaster has been conferred with Indira Gandhi • Xirianá is their common language.
Peace Prize for 2019 at a virtual ceremony. • A Brazilian indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa who
secured the land rights of the Yanomami people

Social Justice & Development | 56

was awarded the Right Livelihood Award-2019, also the lowest rural quintile having Internet.
known as Sweden’s alternative Nobel Prize. • Assam shows the most stark inequality, with
almost 80% of the richest urban homes having
What are their latest threats to their tribe? the Internet access denied to 94% of those in
• Thousands of gold-miners are now working illegally the poorest rural homes in the State.
on Yanomami land, transmitting deadly diseases • Economic Disparity
like malaria and measles and polluting the rivers, • The biggest divide is by economic status, which
fish and forest with mercury. the NSO marks by dividing the population into
• Some Yanomami living in communities near five equal groups, or quintiles, based on their
mining hotspots have dangerously high levels usual monthly per capita expenditure.
of mercury in their bodies. • Even in Odisha, almost 63% of homes in the top
• Cattle ranchers are invading and deforesting the urban quintile have Internet facilities.
eastern fringe of their land. • In the poorest quintile of rural Odisha, however,
• Yanomami health is suffering and critical medical that figure drops to an abysmal 2.4%.
care is not reaching them, especially in Venezuela.
• The Brazilian congress is currently debating a bill Step taken by government to renovate and innovate
which, if approved, will permit large-scale mining in digital education system
indigenous territories. This will be extremely harmful • The Centre has directed State Education
to the Yanomami and other remote tribes in Brazil. Departments to map the online access available to all
their students in order to adequately plan curriculum
NATIONAL STATISTICAL SURVEY ON and teaching methods that can reach such students.
DIGITAL EDUCATION DIVIDE • Shifting focus on digital platforms, television and radio
to deliver lessons because television and radio are
Why in News? almost accessible to everyone during this pandemic.
A recent report on the latest National Statistical • PM eVidya- Its objective is to promote digital
Organisation (NSO) survey shows just how stark is the education in the country and make e- learning
digital divide across States, cities and villages, and feasible for students and teachers, through this
income groups. program teachers will get multimode access to
digital education.
Reference of the survey • DIKSHA Platform- It is a customizable platform
The survey on household social consumption related to which is currently being used by teachers
education was part of the NSO’s 75th round, conducted across the nation for all the standards to help
from July 2017 to June 2018. the students learn several concepts. The
portal is accessible in many languages for easy
Key Findings of survey understandability of the user.
• Access to the digital devices • SHAGUN Portal- The primary aim of the SHAGUN
• Across India, only one in ten households initiative is to facilitate both teachers and students
have a computer — whether a desktop, with a platform where they can interact, however
laptop or tablet. through digital medium for further learning.
• Almost a quarter of all homes have Internet • e-Pathshala- It is a digital repository made available
facilities, accessed via a fixed or mobile network by NCERT to make sure that the students do not
using any device, including smartphones. miss out on any important concept to be taught
• Urban and Rural Gap in the class. E-Pathshala is also available in several
• A large fraction of Internet-enabled homes languages like the other digital platforms.
are located in cities, where 42% have Internet • SWAYAMPortal- This portal is useful for the students
access. In rural India, however, only 15% are from class 9th to 12th and also for the aspirants seeking
connected to the internet. undergraduate and post-graduate level degree,
• Regional Inequality SWAYAM facilities study material at one destination.
• The national capital has the highest Internet Students can access study material in the form of
access, with 55% of homes having such facilities. Video lectures, reading material, self-assessment
• Himachal Pradesh and Kerala are the only tests, online discussions and doubt sessions.
other States where more than half of all • New Education Policy 2020- It is equipped with
households have Internet. an advanced and innovative approach which will
• On the other end of the spectrum is Odisha, help not only students but it will also enhance the
where only one in ten homes have Internet. pedagogical relation with them.
• There are ten other States with less than 20%
Internet penetration, including States with Way Forward
software hubs such as Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. • To expand the horizon of digital literacy there is a
• Inequality within states need for a uniform connectivity of the internet and
• Kerala shows the least inequality. More than access to digital devices.
39% of the poorest rural homes have the • There is a need for collaboration of government and
Internet, in comparison to 67% of the richest private entities to pitch into short-term and long-
urban homes. term futures of the children in this digital divide so
• Himachal Pradesh also fares well, with 40% of that the academics of students don’t get affected.

57 I Articulate
STATE OF YOUNG CHILDREN IN INDIA • For a country, poor early childhood
REPORT development could mean economic loss.
The importance of this aspect of national
Why in News? development needs to be understood and
The State of the Young Child in India report has been effective steps should be taken to ensure that
released by Mobile Creches, a non-governmental all children have a healthy start to their lives.
organization (NGO). It includes “the Young Child
Outcomes Index (YCOI)” and “the Young Child
Environment Index (YCEI)”.

Young Child Outcomes Index

It measures health, nutrition, and cognitive growth
with the help of indicators such as infant mortality
rate, stunting, and net attendance at the primary
school level.

• Key Findings
• Kerala, Goa, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, and Mizoram
are among the top five states for the well-being
of children.
• Assam, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh,
Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and
Bihar have scores below the country’s average. Source- Hindustan times
• The overall India score is 0.585 on a scale of 0-1.
Young Child Environment Index
Its objective is to understand the policy and
environment enablers that influence a child’s well-being.
It uses five policy enablers that influence child well-being Why in News?
outcomes, including poverty alleviation, strengthening The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
primary health care, improving education levels, safe Minister has launched a 24×7 toll-free mental health
water supply, and promotion of gender equity. rehabilitation helpline ‘KIRAN’ (1800-599-0019) Monday.

• Key Findings Features

• Kerala, Goa, Sikkim, Punjab, and Himachal • It is developed by the Department of Empowerment
Pradesh have secured the top five positions. of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), which aims to
• The eight states with a below-average score on provide the first line of counselling in response to
the YCOI have also performed poorly on this one. the increasing mental health issues among people
• The overall India score is 0.672. due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
• It will offer mental health rehabilitation services
What report says about the expenses? such as early screening, first-aid, psychological
• India spent ₹1,723 per child in 2018–2019 towards support, distress management, promoting positive
child nutrition, healthcare, education, and other behaviour and mental well-being, and psychological
necessary protection services which is insufficient crisis management.
and fails to reach the entire eligible population. • It will also provide first stage counselling, advice and
• The budgetary allocation for the Ministry of Women also refer patients with severe illnesses to counsellors,
and Child Development has increased on a yearly with a special focus on persons with disabilities.
basis however all the additional funds have been • It will be available in 13 languages and more than 1000
allocated towards nutrition delivery under the people volunteer as psychologists and psychiatrists.
Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). • It is being coordinated by the National Institute for the
• The report calls for an increase in public Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities
spending on children. (NIEPMD), Chennai (Tamil Nadu) and National
Institute of Mental Health Rehabilitation (NIMHR),
Way Forward Sehore (Madhya Pradesh). Both institutions are under
• The need of the hour is the effective the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
implementation of the existing schemes like • Helpline operators had been sensitised not to ask
ICDS and National Nutrition Mission (Poshan the caller for name or any identification details.
Abhiyan) through proper coordination among
various ministries. Need
• Phased manner implementation of the schemes • Uncertainties due to Covid-19 pandemic- Counsellors
which ensure high-quality early childhood care and and psychiatrists have noted that anxiety-related
education across the country like Mid Day Meal mental health problems, such as obsessive-
Scheme, Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana compulsive (OCD) and panic disorders, have witnessed
(IGMSY), National Nutrition policy 1993, etc. a 20-25 per cent rise since the pandemic began.

Social Justice & Development | 58

• Mental Illness- There was a shortage of qualified
mental health professionals while 10.6% of adults particularly to the most vulnerable
and 7.3% of adolescents faced mental illness, and underprivileged sections of
according to a NIMHANS survey in 2015-2016. population.
Greater prevalence is amongst persons living in • To encourage application of mental
Urban Metros. health knowledge in general health
• Suicide was the leading cause of death in India in care and in social development.
2016 for those aged 15–39 years; 71.2% of the suicide • To promote community participation
deaths among women and 57.7% among men were in the mental health services
in this age group. development and to stimulate efforts
• As per WHO global health report 2019, out of towards self-help in the community.
every four persons, one person will have some
mental problem at a given point of time in their • Mental HealthCare Act 2017
lives. Mental illness is among the leading causes of • It guarantees every affected person
disability and ill- health in the world. access to mental healthcare and
treatment from services run or funded by
Way Forward the government.
• Mental health needs to be a priority, from • It has significantly reduced the scope for
immediate crisis intervention and helplines to the use of Section 309 IPC and made the
focusing on preventive mental health and reducing attempt to commit suicide punishable
stigma around help seeking. only as an exception.
• It’s time the government advocates for mental
health outcomes, strives for early identification
and treatment, and uses the digital transformation
(National Digital Health Mission) to provide mental YuWaah PLATFORM
health care to all.
• Spending on mental health care needs to be Why in News?
increased. India has spent only 0.05% of its health Government has launched YuWaah – a multi-stakeholder
budget annually on mental health over the last few platform to make young people career ready.
years, much lower than even the average spending
of low-income countries, which comes to about About YuWaah Platform
0.5% of their healthcare budgets. • It is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs &
Sports and United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF).
• YuWaah, also known as Generation Unlimited (GenU),
is a global multi-stakeholder platform in India.
Initiative taken by government for mental health
• National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) • Support young people by providing
• The Government of India has launched entrepreneurship classes (online and offline) with
the National Mental Health Programme successful entrepreneurs and experts, towards
(NMHP) in 1982, keeping in view the establishing an entrepreneurial mindset among
heavy burden of mental illness in the young people.
community, and the absolute inadequacy • Upskilling young people on 21st-century skills, life
of mental health care infrastructure in the skills, digital skills through online and offline channels
country to deal with it. and supporting them through self-learning, for their
productive lives and the future of work.
• NMHPP has 3 components • Create linkages with aspirational economic
• Treatment of Mentally ill opportunities to connect young people with
• Rehabilitation employment opportunities, including building pathways
• Prevention and promotion of positive to connect them with jobs or self-employment. For this,
mental health. innovative solutions and technology platforms will be
• Aim engaged to maximize the scale and reach.
• Prevention and treatment of mental • Providing career guidance support to young people
and neurological disorders and their through career portal as well as through job-
associated disabilities. readiness and self-exploration sessions to make
• Use of mental health technology to young people career-ready.
improve general health services.
• Application of mental health HINDI DIWAS
principles in total national
development to improve quality of life. Why in News?
• Objectives Hindi Diwas was observed across India on 14th
• To ensure availability and accessibility September. On this day in 1949, the constituent
of minimum mental health care assembly adopted Hindi, written in Devanagari script,
for all in the foreseeable future, as one of the official languages of the Union of India.

59 I Articulate
Note: World Hindi Day (Vishwa Hindi Diwas) is celebrated
on January 10. It marks the anniversary of the first 'World Odia
Hindi Conference' which was held in 1975. Punjabi
Constitutional articles relating to the Hindi language Santhali
• Article 343(1) declares that the official language of Sindhi
the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script. Tamil
• Article 351 states it shall be the duty of the Union Telugu
to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to Urdu
develop it so that it may serve as a medium of
expression for all the elements of the composite
culture of India and to secure its enrichment.
Internationalisation of Hindi NEW AIIMS IN BIHAR
• Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world
(based on the number of first-language speakers) after Why in news?
Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and English. The Union Cabinet has approved setting up of an
• It has 341 million speakers worldwide (around 4.429 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at
percent of the global population). Darbhanga in Bihar, under the Pradhan Mantri
• Apart from India, Hindi is also spoken in Nepal, Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY).
Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Fiji and
Mauritius. Hindi and Nepalese share the same All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
script - Devanagari. • The All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
• India has been making efforts for the promotion of are a group of autonomous government public
Hindi as one of the official languages of the United medical colleges of higher education.
Nations and its propagation worldwide. Indian • These institutes have been declared by an
Government’s effort led to the creation of the Hindi Act of Parliament as Institutes of National
Twitter account of the UN in 2018. Importance.
• AIIMS New Delhi, the forerunner institute, was
Hindi in India established in 1956.
• Apart from being an official language of the Union,
Hindi is also one of the 22 languages of the Eighth
Schedule of the Constitution of India. Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana
• As per the 2011 Census, more than 52 crores, or (PMSSY)
43.63% of the total 121 crore Indians speak Hindi.
• Aim: The scheme, announced in 2003, aims at
Way Forward correcting the imbalances in the availability of
An ‘anti-Hindi imposition’ sentiment has been garnering affordable healthcare facilities in the country
momentum sometime lately. in general, and augmenting facilities for
Days of other scheduled languages can also be quality medical education in the underserved
observed by the Centre across the country, to instill a states in particular.
sense of 'unity in diversity' and to make the speakers of • Components: The scheme has two
other languages feel not left out. components
• setting up of new AIIMS, and
• upgradation of selected Government
Medical College Institutions (GMCIs).
Languages in the Eighth Schedule of the • Ministry: It is a Central Sector Scheme
Constitution of India implemented by the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare.
Assamese • Funding: The project cost for the construction
Bengali of new AIIMS is fully funded by the Central
Bodo government, whereas the upgradation of each
Dogri medical college institution is shared by the
Gujarati Center and the state.
Way Forward
Setting up of new AIIMS would not only
transform health education and training but also
address the shortfall of healthcare professionals
in the region.

Social Justice & Development | 60

has been voluntarily drawn by the News
Why in news? Broadcasters Association (NBA) for its
Recently, the News Broadcasters Association (NBA) member broadcasters to demonstrate their
has asked the Supreme Court to include its ethical commitment to responsible broadcasting and
code in the Programme Code of the Cable Television to self regulate themselves.
Networks Rules, 1994. • The objective of NBSA is to lay down and
foster high standards, ethics, and practices
What is the issue? in news broadcasting, including entertaining
• A plea was filed in the Supreme Court to stop the and deciding complaints against or in respect
telecast of a program on Sudarshan TV containing of broadcasters in so far as these relate to the
objectionable content against the Muslim entries content of any broadcast.
into the civil services.
• The court agreed that the content of the program
was an affront to the dignity of the community, and
injuncted the television channel from continuing its News Broadcasters Federation (NBF)
broadcast of the said series. • The NBF, formed in 2019, is a congregation of
• The court remarked that the NBA was “toothless” both national and regional broadcasters and
and its penalties were hardly a deterrence for functions parallel to the existing NBA.
the channels, noting that the Court was willing • It brings together more than 50 news channels
to use its power under Article 142 (which gives on one platform, representing broadcasters
extraordinary power to the apex court under the from multiple languages from across the
Constitution) to strengthen the NBA. country and not just New Delhi.
• The Supreme Court then asked the NBA to suggest
measures to strengthen its own self-regulatory
mechanism to prevent or penalize airing of communal The Scenario of News Regulation in India
or derogatory content in the electronic media. • India has about 385 regular news channels
that are registered or licensed by the central
The NBA's response government under the Uplinking and Downlinking
In an attempt to suggest measures to strengthen its own Policy Guidelines.
self-regulatory mechanism, the NBA requested that • News Broadcasters Association (NBA) and News
• The NBA's code of ethics should be given Broadcasters Federation (NBF) are both non-
statutory recognition by making it a part of statutory, voluntary bodies, and their membership
the Programme Code of the Cable Television is also voluntary, which means that they do not
Networks Rules, 1994, so that these codes cover all broadcasters.
become binding on all news channels. All news • Both these associations also have their own self-
channels, whether they are NBA members or not, regulatory mechanisms, but if that is sufficient or
will then have to follow the Programme Code not is a debatable issue.
containing the proposed amendments.
• the News Broadcasters Services Authority (NBSA) Issues Afflicting the Scenario of News Regulation
should be granted recognition as an “independent • Regulatory issues:
self-regulatory mechanism” to receive and deal with • Hate speech, inflammatory speech, fear-
complaints, which in turn would strengthen News mongering
Broadcasting Standards Regulations • Fake news, unverified news, sensationalism
• the orders passed by the NBSA should be made • Sting operations, which have ambiguity over
binding and enforceable on the channels, and their legal status in India.
penalties should be made stringent • Overemphasis on TRP ratings, which often
leads to more focus on theatrics and less
on actual news
• Media trials of sub-judice cases
News Broadcasters Association (NBA) • Technical issues:
• Shortage of spectrum
• The NBA, formed in 2008, is an organization • Allocation of bandwidth to each broadcaster
based in New Delhi that represents the private
television news & current affairs broadcasters. Way Forward
• The NBA presently has 26 leading • Balancing between journalist freedom and
news and current affairs broadcasters responsible journalism is a field that needs to be
(comprising 70 news and current affairs trodden upon cautiously. NBA's self-regulatory
channels) as its members. mechanisms must be strengthened and expanded
to be applicable to the non-members as well
News Broadcasters Services Authority (NBSA) while ensuring the freedom of news broadcasters.
• The NBSA administers the 'Codes of Peddlers of hate speech should be stopped from
Ethics & Broadcasting Standards', which selling hatred.

61 I Articulate
What is hate speech? Right to Education Act
• Hate speech is any kind of communication
that attacks or uses discriminatory language • The Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009,
with reference to a person or a group based lays down the material foundation for
on who they are, based on their religion, caste, creating equal opportunities for everyone
ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, in order to reach the ultimate goal of socio-
gender, or any other identity factor. economic justice.
• There is no international legal definition of • According to the RTE Act, private unaided
hate speech, and the characterization of what institutions and special category schools shall
is ‘hateful’ is controversial and disputed. provide free and compulsory education to at
least 25% of children belonging to the EWS/
DG category admitted to class I or pre-primary
classes. They will be reimbursed by the
FOR EWS SCHOOL STUDENTS • Not providing the required equipment to the
EWS/DG students is a violation of the RTE
Why in News? Act provision, since Section 12(1)(c) of RTE
The Delhi High Court has directed both private and requires private unaided schools to provide
government schools to provide gadgets and an Internet free and compulsory elementary education to
package to poor students for online classes. 25 percent EWS/DG students which means
"education sans financial barrier".
Key Points of the Ruling
• If a school decides to voluntarily provide
synchronous, face-to-face, real-time, online Significance of the Judgment
education as a method of teaching, they will • Because of the economic impact of the COVID-19
have to ensure that the students belonging pandemic, there could be a tendency amongst
to the economically weaker section (EWS) or the underprivileged children to abandon
disadvantaged group (DG) category also have education for work. This likely fallout needs to be
access and are able to avail the same. immediately addressed, and the recent Delhi HC
• The court clarified that the cost of such gadgets - judgment does exactly that.
digital equipment as well as Internet package - are • Good quality education translates into better
not a part of tuition fee and have to be provided employment avenues. By ensuring that EWS students
free of cost to the EWS/DG students by private are admitted to private schools we can strive to achieve
unaided schools and government schools. socio-economic equality in a near realizable future.
• The private unaided schools shall be entitled to
claim reimbursement of reasonable cost from the Issues with the Judgment
state for procuring the same under the Right to • The distinction between fee-paying and EWS
Education (RTE) Act, 2009. students is wafer-thin in many small private schools
• The bench also directed the constitution (popularly called budget private schools). In this
of a three-member committee to expedite light, the Delhi HC order seems too narrow in scope
and streamline the process of identifying and ignorant towards the fee-paying, non-EWS
and supplying the gadgets to poor and studentswho still can’t afford the gadgets/data packs.
disadvantaged students. • This is no small problem, given there are,
• The committee shall also frame standard as per the National Independent Schools
operating procedures (SOPs) for identifying the Alliance (NISA), about 41,000 such students
standard of the equipment and Internet package in such schools in the national capital.
to be supplied to the poor and disadvantaged • Burdening the schools with procurement and
students, so as to ensure uniformity in the distribution of gadgets, and servicing data costs,
gadgets and Internet package being used by against uncertain reimbursement by the state (the
these students. reasonable costs rider) could prove back-breaking
for the small schools that are already dealing with
Constitutional Provisions related to the Case low fee realizations in the pandemic.
• Segregation in education is a denial of equal • A recent study found that 1,000 schools—most
protection of the laws under Article 14 of the of them with an annual fee under 50,000—were
Constitution. up for sale following the pandemic hitting
• Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides their finances. At such a time, the state needs
for equality before the law or equal protection to facilitate schools and students rather than
of the laws within the territory of India. passing on the responsibility to the schools.
• It is also violative of the Right to Education (RTE)
Act, 2009. Way Forward
• The Delhi HC ruling is aimed at narrowing the
COVID-19 pandemic-induced digital divide.
According to the NSSO report on Education, only

Social Justice & Development | 62

about 4% of rural households and 23% of urban
households possess computers and 24% of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
households in the country have Internet access.
Hence, it is of paramount importance to make • Aim: To provide all-weather connectivity
gadgets and Internet packages available to students to unconnected Habitations of designated
on a need-based approach. Failure to do so would population size (500+ in plain areas and 250+
be tantamount to “digital apartheid”. in north-east, hill, tribal and desert areas
as per 2001 Census), as part of a poverty
reduction strategy.
• Implementation:Ministry of Rural
Government initiatives in the Online
Development along with state governments is
Education Sector
responsible for the implementation of various
• PM eVidya program: In order to promote
phases of PMGSY.
digital education in the country and make
• Complimentary schemes:Mukhya Mantri
e-learning feasible for students and teachers,
Gram Sadak Yojana run by various state
the PM eVidya program has been launched.
governments are the schemes that
These efforts have proved beneficial to a
complement PMGSY.
sizable chunk of the school-going population.
• Phases of the scheme:
• VidyaDaan: It is conceptualized as a common
• Phase I was launched in December 2000
national program for individuals & organizations
as a 100% centrally sponsored scheme,
across the country to donate/contribute
to provide single all-weather road
e-learning resources for school education to
connectivity to eligible unconnected
ensure continuity of quality learning.
habitation of designated population size.
• Smart India Hackathon: It is a nationwide
Also, upgrading of the existing roads was
initiative to provide students a platform to
to be taken up.
solve some of the pressing problems, and thus
• Phase II was approved in May 2013. While
inculcate a culture of product innovation and
the ongoing PMGSY - I continued, under
a mindset of problem-solving.
PMGSY - II, the roads already built for
• DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge
village connectivity were to be upgraded
Sharing) platform: As a part of PM eVidya
to enhance rural infrastructure.
announced under the Atma Nirbhar Bharat
• Road Connectivity Project for Left
program, DIKSHA is the ‘one nation; one digital
Wing Extremism affected Areas
platform’ for school education in India.
was launched in the year 2016 as a
• SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning
separate vertical under PMGSY to
for Young Aspiring Minds): It is the National
provide all-weather road connectivity
Online Education Platform of India, launched
in 44 districts (35 worst LWE affected
by the Ministry of Human Resource
districts and 09 adjoining districts),
Development to provide one integrated
which are critical from security and
platform and portal for online courses.
communication point of view.
• SWAYAM Prabha: To support and reach
• Phase III was approved in 2019. It involves
those who do not have access to the Internet,
the consolidation of Through Routes and
SWAYAM Prabha is a group of DTH channels
Major Rural Links connecting habitations
devoted to telecasting of high-quality
to Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs),
educational programs on a 24X7 basis using
Higher Secondary Schools, and Hospitals.
the GSAT-15 satellite.
The funds would be shared in the ratio of
• New Education Policy: The National
60:40 between the Centre and State for
Education Policy, 2020 aims at making India a
all States except for the North Eastern and
global knowledge superpower by introducing
Himalayan States (for which it was 90:10).
several changes from the school to college
level in the Indian education system with
special emphasis on digital education. Coding
will be taught from Class 6 onwards, keeping What is Habitation?
in view the rapidly growing importance of • The unit under PMGSY is a Habitation and not a
Information and Communications Technology Revenue village or a Panchayat.
(ICT) in the service sector of our economies. • A Habitation is a cluster of population, living in
an area, the location of which does not change
over time.
• An Unconnected Habitation (mentioned in the
scheme) is one with a population of designated size
(PMGSY) located at a distance of at least 500 meters or more
(1.5 km of path distance in case of Hills) from an all-
Why in News? weather road or a connected Habitation.
Recently, the Union Minister of Rural Development provided
information on the implementation of the Pradhan Mantri
Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in Rajya Sabha.

63 I Articulate
Concepts Related to Road Infrastructure in India:

• Indian Roads Congress (IRC)

• Set up in 1934, IRC is the apex body of
highway engineers in the country.
• The rural roads constructed under the
PMGSY are in accordance with the provision
of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC).
• Central Road Fund (CRF)
• Central Road Fund (CRF) is a non-lapsable
fund created under Central Road Fund Act
2000. It is procured out of the out of cess/
tax imposed by the Union Government on
the consumption of Petrol and Diesel.
• CRF amount is distributed amongst four
• Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways (for funding National
• Ministry of Rural Development (for
funding PMGSY)
• Ministry of Railways (for funding
railway bridges that have connected
with roads) and
• Ministry of Shipping (for the
development of National Waterways
• Online Management, Monitoring and
Accounting System (OMMAS)
• Online Management, Monitoring and
Accounting System (OMMAS) geospatial
information system (GIS) has been
developed to identify targets and monitor
progress under the PM Gram Sadak Yojana.
• It is developed by the e-governance
department of the Centre for
Development of Advanced Computing
(C-DAC) and is one of the biggest
databases in India.
• The system manages and monitors all the
phases of road development right from its
proposal mode to road completion.
• The OMMAS also has a separate module
to track the expenses made on each road.

Challenges to road infrastructure in India

• Lack of dedicated funds for infrastructure development
• Limited involvement of the Panchayati Raj Institutions
• Inadequate contracting and execution capacity
• Limited working season and difficult terrain
particularly in the Hill States
• Scarcity of the construction materials in many areas
• Security concerns particularly in Left Wing
Extremism (LWE) areas

Way Forward
Rural roads are recognized as catalysts to rural
development and a significant element of poverty
alleviation initiatives. Under the PMGSY, to date,
5,50,528 km of road length has been constructed and
89% of all eligible habitations have been connected,
and the scheme is continuing successfully.

Social Justice & Development | 64

65 I Articulate
Economy | 66
MSP RAISED FOR RABI CROPS • The CACP is supposed to consider various factors
while recommending the MSP for a commodity,
Why In News? including the cost of cultivation.
• The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs • Apart from the ‘Production Cost’, the CACP takes
(CCEA) chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra into account the supply and demand situation for
Modi has approved the increase in the Minimum the commodity; market price trends (domestic
Support Prices (MSPs) for all mandated Rabi crops and global) and parity vis-à-vis other crops; and
for the marketing season 2021-22. implications for consumers (inflation), environment
(soil and water use) and terms of trade between
More on the News agriculture and non-agriculture sectors.
• The increase in MSP for Rabi Crops for marketing
season 2021-22 is in line with the principle of fixing How is the Production Cost calculated?
the MSPs at a level of at least 1.5 times of the • The CACP projects three kinds of production
All-India weighted average Cost of Production as cost for every crop both at the state and all—India
announced in Union Budget 2018-19. average level. These three production costs include:
• Among the several Rabi crops whose MSP was • A2: It covers all paid-out costs directly incurred
increased, the wheat MSP has seen an increase of by the farmer in cash and king on seeds,
just 2.6 per cent — the lowest increase in 11 years. fertilizers, pesticides, hired labour, leased-in
The MSPs for the other crops — barley, gram, lentil land, fuel, irrigation etc.
(Masur), rapeseed and mustard, and safflower — too • A2+FL: It includes A2 plus an imputed value of
have seen a lower hike compared to last year. unpaid family labour.
• C2: It is a more comprehensive cost that factors
What is the Minimum Support Price? in rental and interest forgone on owned land
• Minimum Support Price (MSP) is the minimum and fixed capital assets, on top of A2+FL.
price set by the government for certain agricultural • The CACP estimates the production costs for a
products, at which the products would directly be season and recommends the MSPs by applying the
bought from the farmers. 1.5-times formula i.e the MSP of a crop is equal to
• MSP is announced by the Government at the 1.5 times the production cost.
beginning of the sowing season.
• They are recommended by the Commission for Crops Covered Under MSP
Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) and approved • Cereals: Paddy, wheat, Jowar, Barley, Bajra,
by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. Ragi, Maize
• Pulses: Arhar/tur, Gram, Moong, Lentil, Urad
How does the government fix the MSPs of crops • Oil Seeds: Groundnut, Rapeseed/Mustard,
before every planting season? Soybean, Toria, Sesamum, Sunflower seed,
• The Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices Safflower seed, Niger seed
(CACP) in the Ministry of Agriculture recommends • Raw cotton
MSPs for 23 crops. • Raw jute
• These include 14 grown during the Kharif/post- • Copra
monsoon season (see table) and six in rabi/ • De-husked coconut
winter (wheat, barley, chana, Masur, mustard and • Sugarcane (fair and remunerative price)
safflower), apart from sugarcane, jute and copra. • Virginia flu cured (VFC) tobacco

Cropping Seasons in India

Cropping Seasons Crops Month States

Kharif Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, Sown: June-July Assam, West Bengal,
tur, moong, urad, cotton, Harvested: coastal regions of
jute, groundnut, soybean September-October Odisha, Andhra
etc Pradesh, Telangana,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala and

Rabi Wheat, barley, peas, Sown: October- Punjab, Haryana,

gram, mustard etc December Himachal Pradesh,
Harvested: April-June Jammu and Kashmir,
Uttarakhand and Uttar

67 I Articulate
Zaid Seasonal fruits, Sown and harvested: Most of the northern
vegetables, fodder crops March-July and northwestern
etc. (between Rabi and states

MULTI-STAKEHOLDER BODY (MSB) TO Case in Favour of the Net Neutrality

MONITOR NET NEUTRALITY • Promotes Innovation: Net Neutrality promotes
innovation. keeps the barriers to entry for new
websites and internet applications low. Net
Why in News?
Neutrality is a big reason there has been so much
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
innovation on the internet over the last two decades.
recently recommended the creation of a multi-
• Promotes Equality: It provides a level playing
stakeholder body (MSB) to ensure that Internet access
field to all the big and small companies in the
providers adhere to the provisions of net neutrality.
Information Technology (IT) sector and does not let
a handful of companies control the internet.
More on News
• Promotes Freedom of Speech: By ensuring that
• Role and Purpose: The role of the MSB shall
all people and websites have equal access to each
be to provide advice and support to DoT
other, regardless of their ability to pay, it fosters the
in the monitoring and enforcement of net
principle of freedom of speech.
neutrality principles.
The MSB may also be required to investigate
Case Against the Net Neutrality
complaints regarding the violation of net neutrality.
• By requiring networks to treat all traffic the
• Stakeholders: The MSB, which could include
same could discourage beneficial innovation by
telecom service providers, Internet service
network owners.
providers, content providers, researchers,
• Regulations by the government to encourage net
academic and technical community, civil society
neutrality could discourage investment in network
organisations, and the government, should be set
up as a non-profit entity.
• Some network neutrality opponents worry that
it will be too difficult to craft clear and effective
What is Net Neutrality?
network neutrality rules as the internet is complex
Net Neutrality is a concept where content and
and changes quickly.
application providers get equal treatment by
telecom operators. There is access to all websites,
nothing is blocked, and the speed of access is not NHAI PLANS TO MONETISE ITS HIGHWAYS
differentiated. THROUGH INvITs

This means when the customers pay an Internet Why in News?

Service Provider (ISP) for a data plan, they should be Recently, the National Highways Authority of India
able to access all content online(news, social media, (NHAI) has decided to use Infrastructure Investment
videos, games, etc.) at the same broadband speed Trust(s) (INvIT) as a vehicle for mobilising funds for
which they had opted for. constructing road infrastructure.

What are InvITs?

• Infrastructure investment trusts are institutions
similar to mutual funds, which pool investment
from various categories of investors and invest
them into completed and revenue-generating
infrastructure projects, thereby creating returns
for the investors.
• INvITs are regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) (Infrastructure Investment
Trusts) Regulations, 2014.
• NHAI’s InvIT will be a Trust established by
NHAI under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 and SEBI
regulations. The InvIT Trust will be formed
with the objective of investing primarily in
infrastructure projects.

Source: webwewant.org

Economy | 68
Structure of InVITs: Features
• Structured like mutual funds, they have a trustee, • The EPI is a data-driven effort to identify the core
sponsor(s), investment manager and project manager. areas crucial for export promotion at the sub-
• While the trustee (certified by Sebi) has the national level (states and union territories).
responsibility of inspecting the performance of an
InvIT, sponsor(s) are promoters of the company that Benefit
set up the InvIT. • The Index would be a helpful guide for the state
• The investment manager is entrusted with the task governments to benchmark regional performance
of supervising the assets and investments of the with respect to export promotion and thus deliver
InvIT and the project manager is responsible for the key policy insights on how to improve and enhance
execution of the project. the exports.

Why does NHAI need funds and how will it benefit the Performance
economy? • Gujarat has topped the overall EPI 2020 followed by
• At a time when private sector investment in the Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
economy has declined, fund-raising by NHAI and • Among the landlocked states, Rajasthan has topped
spending on infrastructure will not only provide a the index, followed by Telangana and Haryana.
fillip to the economy but will also crowd-in private • Among the Himalayan states, Uttarakhand topped
sector investment. the index, followed by Tripura and Himachal Pradesh.
• NHAI’s InvIT is a way for the government to tap • Across Union Territories, Delhi has performed the best.
alternative sources of financing to boost public
spending in the roads and infrastructure sector. Challenges
• Also, in October 2017, the Centre had launched • Intra- and inter-regional disparities in export
Bharatmala Pariyojana, its flagship highway infrastructure.
development programme, for development • Poor trade support and growth orientation
of 24,800 km of roads at a total investment of among states.
₹5,35,000 crore. • Poor R&D infrastructure to promote complex and
• In order to complete the projects, NHAI needs unique exports.
adequate funds and one of the options is to
monetise the completed and operational NH assets How can India boost its export?
and offer attractive schemes to private players to • Joint development of export infrastructure.
invest in the construction of National Highways. • Creating state-level engagements for economic
EXPORT PREPAREDNESS INDEX (EPI) • Revamped designs and standards for local
Why in News? • Harness the innovating tendencies to provide new
NITI Aayog in partnership with the Institute of use cases for such products, with adequate support
Competitiveness released the Export Preparedness from the Centre.
Index (EPI) 2020 it is the first report to examine export
preparedness and performance of Indian states. Way Forward
• The Indian economy holds immense potential to
Aim- To identify challenges and opportunities, enhance become a strong exporter on the world stage. To
the effectiveness of government policies, and encourage realize this potential, it is crucial that India turns
a facilitative regulatory framework for export. to its states and union territories and makes them
active participants in the country’s export efforts.
The index ranked states on four pillars • There should be more emphasis on key strategies
• Policy- A comprehensive trade policy provides a like the development of export infrastructure,
strategic direction for exports and imports. strengthening industry-academia linkages, and
• Business Ecosystem- An efficient business creating state-level engagements for economic
ecosystem can help states attract investments and diplomacy to address the challenges in exports.
create an enabling infrastructure for individuals to • The private sector can also play an important role in
initiate start-ups. export promotion.
• Export Ecosystem- This pillar aims to assess the • An increase in exports can help India to achieve
business environment, which is specific to exports. the target of making India a developed economy by
• Export Performance- This is the only output-based focusing on ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’. The exports can
pillar and examines the reach of export footprints of also help generate employment in India.
States and Union Territories. • Indian states should also focus on other
• Sub-pillars: The index also took into key components in order to improve export
consideration 11 sub-pillars - export promotion competitiveness like skilling of labour
policy; institutional framework; business force, attracting investment and utilizing
environment; infrastructure; transport the potential of every state like tourism,
connectivity; access to finance; export celebration of festivals etc.
infrastructure; trade support; R&D infrastructure;
export diversification; and growth orientation.

69 I Articulate
CONTINGENCY FUND (CF) OF THE • The Contingency Fund of India exists for disasters
CENTRAL BANK and related unforeseen expenditures.
• Approval of the Parliament of India for such
Why in News? expenditure and for withdrawal of an equivalent
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has retained a amount from the Consolidated Fund is
whopping amount of ₹73,615 crore within the RBI by subsequently obtained to ensure that the corpus of
transferring it to the Contingency Fund (CF) of the the Contingency Fund remains intact.
central bank. As a result, the CF has swelled to a new
high of ₹264,034 crore. What did the government get as surplus this year?
• As per Section 47 of the RBI Act, profits or surplus
What is the Contingency Fund (CF)? of the RBI are to be transferred to the government,
• It is one of the risk provision accounts of RBI after making various contingency provisions, public
specifically meant for meeting unexpected and policy mandate of the RBI, including financial
unforeseen contingencies. This amount is retained stability considerations.
within the RBI. • The RBI’s transfer this year is as per the economic capital
• This includes depreciation in the value of securities, framework (ECF) adopted by the RBI board last year.
risks arising out of monetary/exchange rate policy • The Central Board of the RBI recently approved
operations, systemic risks, and any risk arising on the transfer of ₹57,128 crore as surplus – or
account of the special responsibilities enjoined dividend — to the Ce, central government for the
upon the Reserve Bank. accounting year 2019-20, sharply lower by 67.5
percent from ₹1.76 lakh crore that was paid to the
The central bank has the following main risk provision government last year.
• Contingency Fund, Arguments against the surplus transfer
• Currency and Gold Revaluation Account (CGRA), • The government has long held the view that going
• Investment Revaluation Account Foreign by global benchmarks, the RBI’s reserves are far in
Securities (IRA-FS) and excess of prudential requirements.
• Investment Revaluation Account-Rupee • Former RBI governors Y.V. Reddy and D. Subbarao
Securities (IRA-RS) had publicly opposed such transfers, as did former
deputy governor Viral Acharya, who argued such a
move could be “catastrophic”.
• Former Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian
What’s the CGRA account? had suggested that these funds be utilized to provide
capital to government-owned banks.
The Currency and Gold Revaluation Account • The central bank, on its part, has traditionally
(CGRA) is maintained by the Reserve Bank to preferred to be more cautious and build its reserves
take care of currency risk, interest rate risk, and – keeping in mind potential threats from financial
movement in gold prices. Unreal sized gains shocks, and the need to ensure financial stability
or losses on the valuation of foreign currency and provide confidence to the markets.
assets (FCA) and gold are not taken to the • From the central bank’s perspective, bigger
income account but instead accounted for in the reserves on its balance sheet are crucial to
CGRA. CGRA provides a buffer against exchange maintaining its autonomy.
rate/ gold price fluctuations. It can come under
pressure if there is an appreciation of the rupee Arguments supporting surplus transfer
vis-à-vis major currencies or a fall in the price of gold. • The transfer of money from RBI to the Government
has been going on for years. It is not the first time
What are IRA-FS and IRA-RS accounts? that the apex bank has transferred its surplus
money to the Government of India.
The unrealized gains or losses on revaluation • The RBI reserves the right over the surplus money
in foreign dated securities are recorded in made by it; however, the Government thinks the
the Investment Revaluation Account Foreign other way round.
Securities (IRA-FS). Similarly, the unrealized • As per the Government, RBI reserves are filled with
gains or losses on revaluation is accounted way more money than it requires.
for in Investment Revaluation Account-Rupee • This dilemma has always been an issue of conflict
Securities (IRA-RS). between the Central Government and the RBI.
• This friction was seen in December 2018, which
forced the then RBI Governor Urjit Patel to resign.
Not to be confused with Contingency Fund of India Way Forward
• The Contingency Fund of India is established by the • The government cannot stop or slow down
parliament by the Contingency Fund of India Act spending – the economy is already losing steam
1950, under Article 267 of the Indian Constitution. with exports, private consumption, and private
It is held by the Finance Secretary (Department of sector investment slowing down.
Economic Affairs) on behalf of the President of India • If the government spending also goes down, it will
and it can be operated by executive action. hit an already beleaguered economy.

Economy | 70
• With the economy slowing down and the Goods
and Services Tax (GST) not kicking in the expected • It gives a sector-
buoyancy, the shortfall may even be higher. specific picture like
• The infusion of additional funds, thus, will help what is the growth
the government to substantially overcome this in an area, industry
shortfall and achieve the fiscal deficit target or sector of an
without having to axe allocations to the social economy.
sector and poverty alleviation.
• It needs the money and the RBI is living up to its
role as the lender of last resort – except that this is Key Highlights
not a loan, and the government is not a bank, which • Sector-wise data
needs a lender of last resort. • Construction, manufacturing, trade, hotels,
and other services and mining were the
worst-hit sectors except agriculture showed
positive growth.
• Factors of declined GDP
• Reduction in consumption has fallen by
27%. It is the biggest engine that drives the
Indian economy.
• Decline in Investment by private sector
businesses has fallen by 47%. It is the second-
biggest engine.
• The government’s expenditure went up by
16% but this was nowhere near enough to
compensate for the loss of demand in other
sectors (engines) of the economy.
• Implications
• On Jobs- Sectors which created a large
fraction of jobs are the worst hit by this
GDP CONTRACTED BY 23.9% IN FIRST slowdown in the economy. (e.g. construction,
manufacturing, etc.)
QUARTER • On Informal Sector- The actual impact of crisis
is expected to be on the small-scale sector and
Why in News?
informal sector.
National Statistical Office (NSO) data, showed India’s
• On Banks- The bulging defaults in the banking
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth contracted by
sector after the moratorium ends will add to the
23.9% in the first (April-June) quarter of 2020 compared
banking sector woes, impacting bank lending.
to the same period (April-June) in 2019.
• On Economy- With GDP contracting by more
than what most observers expected, it is now
More about news
believed that the full-year GDP could also worsen.
• It is the sharpest contraction since India started
reporting quarterly data in 1996.
What are the possible solutions?
• Gross Value Added (GVA) growth rate also
• Injection of money by the government in the
declined by 22.8% in the first quarter of this
economy- Only when the government spends
financial year.
more either by building roads and bridges and
paying salaries or by directly handing out money
can revive the economy in the short to medium
GDP GVA term. Failing to spend adequately enough then the
• It gives the • It is a measure economy will take a long time to recover.
economic of total output • Higher Productivity through Privatisation-
output from the and income in Privatisation of 30 or so of the largest state-owned
consumers’ side. the economy. It enterprises to potentially double their productivity.
• It is the sum of provides the rupee • Improvement in Infrastructure: India needs to
private consumption, value for the amount unlock supply inland markets to reduce land costs
gross investment of goods and by 20-25%, enable efficient power distribution to
in the economy, services produced reduce commercial and industrial tariffs by 20-
government in an economy 25%; and improve the ease and reduce the cost of
investment, after deducting the doing business.
government cost of inputs and • Efficient Financing: Streamlining fiscal
spending and raw materials that resources can deliver USD 2.4 trillion in
net foreign trade have gone into the investment while boosting entrepreneurship by
(difference between production of those lowering the cost of capital for enterprises by
exports and imports). goods and services. about 3.5 percentage points.

71 I Articulate
is the difference between the sum of demand
and time liabilities (deposits) of a bank (with
the public or the other bank) and the deposits
Why in News?
in the form of assets held by the other banks.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced several
• Statutory Liquidity Ratio or SLR is the
measures to ensure orderly market conditions and
minimum percentage of deposits that a
smooth financial conditions.
commercial bank has to maintain in the form
of liquid cash, gold,d, or other securities. It is
Significance of measures
basically the reserve requirement that banks
• These measures include two more tranches of
are expected to keep before offering credit to
special Open Market Operations (OMOs) in bonds
customers. The SLR is fixed by the RBI and is a
and a hike in the Held-To-Maturity (HTM) limit
form of control over the credit growth in India.
under the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) for banks.
• These measures are expected to cool the rising
bond yields and assuage liquidity pressures that
could arise due to advance tax outflows.
Impact of measures taken by RBI
Measures were taken by RBI • It involves buying and selling government securities
• This move of RBI has been termed as ‘Operation Twist’. simultaneously in order to bring down long-term
• OMOs: RBI will conduct additional special open interest rates and bolster short-term rates.
market operations for an aggregate amount of • As the central bank buys long-term securities
₹20,000 crore. (bonds), their demand rises which in turn pushes
• Term Repo Operations: RBI will also conduct up their prices.
term repo operations for an aggregate amount of • As the bond yield comes down with an increase in
₹1,00,000 crore at the prevailing repo rate in the prices. Yield is the return an investor gets on his
middle of September to ease liquidity pressures on (bond) holding/investment.
the market. • The interest rate in an economy is determined by
• Increase in HTM limit: RBI raised the limit on bonds yield. Thus, lower long-term interest rates mean
held-to-maturity (HTM) to 22% from 19.5% of Net people can avail of long-term loans (such as buying
Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL). This means houses, cars, or financing projects) at lower rates.
banks will have room to buy more bonds without • This also results in a dip in the expected returns
bothering about short-term fluctuations in yields. from long-term savings which tilts the balance
from saving towards spending. Hence, cheaper
retail loans can help encourage consumption
spending which is the largest GDP component in
Operation Twist is the name given to a US Federal the economy.
Reserve monetary policy operation, which
involves the purchase and sale of government BenefitsFixed-income investors with higher exposure
securities to boost the economy by bringing down to long term debt will benefit from easing the yield of
long-term interest rates. long-term bonds.
• Consumers/borrowers will also profit from ‘Operation
Twist’ as the retail loans will now get cheaper.
• Cheaper retail loans mean a boost in consumption
and spending in the economy which in turn will
• OMOs are the market operations conducted
revive growth.
by the RBI by way of sale and purchase
of G-Secs to and from the market with
Way Forward
an objective to adjust the rupee liquidity
• Moratorium on repayment of debt announced by
conditions in the market on a durable basis.
RBI beginning 1st Marc, 2020 to help businesses
• Repo Rate: It is the rate at which RBI lends
and individuals tide over the financial problems on
money to commercial banks.
account of disruption in normal business activities
• Government Securities (G-Sec): It is a
ended on 31st August 2020.
tradable instrument issued by the central
• This will adversely affect the small businesses that
government or state governments.
are facing financial issues due to the Covid-19
• Short term G-secs (with original maturities
pandemic and lockdown.
of less than one year) are called Treasury Bills.
• Recently, RBI announced the use of the Dynamic
Long term G-secs (with original maturities of
Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model
more than one year) or long term are called
to provide an assessment of the likely impact of
Government Bonds or Dated Securities.
Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown on the
Treasury Bills are not issued by State
Indian economy.
Governments while Government Bonds or
• Coupled with the recently announced GDP
Dated securities are issues both by State and
contraction by 23.9%, the end of the six-month
Central Governments.
moratorium will adversely impact the market.
• Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL): It
Tackling the financial health of the country hit by

Economy | 72
Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), bank frauds, and
economic setbacks by Covid-19, as mentioned types of guarantees and credit enhancement
in the Annual report of RBI, will need a whole and sometimes even equity.
set of monetary reforms. Conducting market • DFIs are different from commercial banks that
operations as required through a variety of mobilize short- to medium-term deposits and
instruments is one of them. lend for similar maturities to avoid a maturity
mismatch-a potential cause for a bank’s
DEVELOPMENT BANK FOR liquidity and solvency.
• Post-independence, the institutional
Why in News?
framework for development banking began-
The government is working on a strategy to give a fresh
IFCI (1948), IDBI (1964), IIBI (1972), NABARD and
lease of life to development finance institutions (DFIs)
EXIM Bank (1982), SIDBI (1990), etc.
for funding infrastructure projects.
• Presently, DFIs are sector-specific, such as
Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd (REC) for the
• Feature of proposed DFI:
power sector, National Bank for Agriculture
• It will be used to finance both social and
and Rural Development (NABARD) for the
economic infrastructure projects identified
agriculture sector, and Indian Railway Finance
under the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP).
Corp. to fund rail infrastructure among others
• In April 2020, the Government released the
final report on NIP for 2019-25, NIP will enable
a forward outlook on infrastructure projects
which will create jobs, improve ease of living, and
provide equitable access to infrastructure for all. National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP)
• Role of government in DFI
• Promoted by government It is estimated that India would need to spend
• Restricted its shareholding to 49% by giving $4.5 trillion on infrastructure by 2030 to sustain
private-sector character. its growth rate. The endeavour of the National
Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), is to make this
Hurdles in Infrastructure Funding happen in an efficient manner.
• Funding Gap- Due to rising non-performing assets
banks are unable to provide long-term finance to What are key benefits of National Infrastructure
infrastructure projects which are declining asset Pipeline (NIP)
quality in the infrastructure sector. • Economy- Well-planned NIP will enable more
• Mismatch of Asset/Liability Management In India, infra projects, grow businesses, create jobs,
a large fraction of lenders borrow funds with improve ease of living, and provide equitable
maturity under 5 years because of the absence of access to infrastructure for all, making
a deep bond market to borrow from. As a result, growth more inclusive.
they lend to a project with a maturity of, say 20 • Government- Well-developed infrastructure
years, with funds of 2-year maturity. This leads to a enhances level of economic activity, creates
mismatch in the maturities of assets and liabilities additional fiscal space by improving the
for the lender. revenue base of the government, and
ensures quality of expenditure focused in
Way Forward productive areas.
• If India has to grow 8-10% continuously, credit growth • Developers- Provides better view of project
for infrastructure must be 12-14%. Since infrastructure supply, provides time to be better prepared
projects require long-term funds and given the scale for project bidding, reduces aggressive bids/
of investment required, a large DFI is a good idea. failure in project delivery, ensures enhanced
• As compared with banks, a DFI provides long-term access to sources of finance as result of
finance for social and economic infrastructure. increased investor confidence.
However, DFIs involve higher risk than what the • Banks/financial institutions (F1s)/investors-
ordinary financial system may be willing to bear. Builds investor confidence as identified projects
are likely to be better prepared, exposures
less likely to suffer stress given active project
monitoring, thereby less likelihood of NPAs.
Development Finance Institutions (DFI)

• Development Financial Institution (DFI) is an

institution that provides long-term finance for ADJUSTED GROSS REVENUE (AGR)
• A DFI provides financing for development Why in News?
activities at less than strictly commercial The Supreme Court has allowed telecom companies to
terms. It delivers this through technical stagger their payments of the adjusted gross revenue
assistance grants, structured loans, different (AGR) related dues over the next 10 years.

73 I Articulate
• Due to the unclear definition of AGR, the matter has
Adjusted Gross Revenue been under litigation for several years.
• In 2005, the Cellular Operators Association of India
• Telecom operators are required to pay the (COAI) challenged the government’s definition for
licence fee and spectrum charges in the form AGR calculation.
of ‘revenue share’ to the Centre. The revenue • In 2015, the Telecom Disputes Settlement and
amount used to calculate this revenue share is Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) stayed the case in
termed as the AGR. favour of telecom companies and said that AGR
• According to the Department of includes all receipts except capital receipts and
Telecommunications, the calculations should revenue from non-core sources such as rent, profit
incorporate all revenues earned by a telecom on the sale of fixed assets, dividend, interest and
company – including from non-telecom sources miscellaneous income.
such as deposit interests and sale of assets. • 2019- Overruling the TDSAT decision the Supreme
Court upheld the definition of AGR as stipulated
by the DoT in October 2019. The Court rejected a
What’s the issue? 20-year payment timeline proposed by the central
• The dispute between the telecom companies and government and supported by telecom companies.
the government has been mainly on the definition Instead, it has given 10 years to repay the AGR dues.
of AGR. The two sides were locked in a legal battle
over the definition of AGR for more than a decade. Way Forward
While the government says that AGR includes all • A new and updated infrastructural policy is needed
revenues from both telecom as well as non-telecom to enhance the growth of the telecom sector,
services, the operators suggest that it should improve the quality of service, and resource
include only the revenue from core services. generation for telecom companies.
• In October 2019 the court had concluded that the • Enhanced accessibility of the broadband services
private telecom sector had taken enough of the will enable the digital empowerment of India, hence
Centre’s liberalized mode of payment by revenue adequate steps must be taken by the government
sharing regime. to strengthen the overall telecom sector.
• After that, the government had proposed in court
a 20-year “formula” for telcos to make staggered
payments of the dues. But, the court observed that
the period of 20 years fixed for payment is excessive.
• Even after part payment, the dues still run to
₹1.43 lakh crore.

Directions Issued by Court:

• The telecom operators would make the payment
of 10% of the total dues as demanded by the
Department of Telecom by 31st March 2021.
• The yearly instalments would commence from 1st
April 2021 up to 31st March 2031. The instalments
would be paid by 31st March every year.
• In case of default in making payment of annual
instalments, interest would be levied as per the
Image source-Business insider
agreement along with penalty and interest on
penalty automatically without reference to the court.
• Besides, it would be punishable for ACT OF GOD
contempt of court.
• Compliance with the court order should be Why in News?
reported by the telcos and the telecom department Amid disruptions caused by Covid-19, the Finance
every year on 7th April. Minister has referred to an Act of God while
• The sale of the spectrum by telcos facing insolvency businesses are looking at a legal provision, force
proceedings shall be decided by the National majeure, to cut losses.
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). Evoking “Act of God”
• The force majeure or “Act of God” clause has its
Timeline origins in the Napoleonic Code.
• In the year 1994 telecom sector was nationalised • The finance ministry had issued an office
under National Telecom Policy after which licenses memorandum inviting attention to the force
were issued to companies in return for a license fee. majeure clause (FMC) in the 2017 Manual
• In the year 1999, the government came up with the for Procurement of Goods issued by the
revenue sharing fee model under which mobile Department of Expenditure.
telephone operators were required to share a • It clarified that the pandemic should be considered
percentage of their AGR with the government as annual a case of natural calamity and FMC may be invoked,
license fee (LF) and spectrum usage charges (SUC). wherever considered appropriate.

Economy | 74
“Force Majeure” has become difficult, but only when it has become
• “Force majeure” refers to a clause that is included impossible and looks into whether the party
in contracts to remove liability for natural and arguing the impossibility of performance has tried
unavoidable catastrophes that interrupt the all other avenues to fulfil its liabilities before
expected course of events and restrict participants invoking force majeure.
from fulfilling obligations. • Vaguely indicating that the pandemic failed the
• Force majeure clauses excuse companies contract would face a legal challenge. The court
(or other parties to a contract) from meeting would look into specifics like whether a lockdown
certain obligations when events beyond their imposed to contain the pandemic locally prevented
control interfere with their ability to hold up the performance of the contract.
their end of the bargain. • The court would also look into how unforeseen
• If invoked, the clauses can relieve companies from the cited circumstance is when catalogued in the
commitments, temporarily or permanently, without contract specifications. Global contracts signed
being in breach of their agreement. after the initial outbreak in Wuhan could fail
scrutiny if the contracts do not take into account
Basic difference viral pandemics.
• An “Act of God” includes only natural occurring
events, whereas force majeure includes both Judicial interventions regarding FMC
naturally occurring events and events due to • In a 2017 case, the Supreme Court cited a 1961
human intervention. House of Lords decision that ruled that the closure
• However, both concepts have the same of the Suez Canal, although unforeseen, had not
consequences in law. rendered a contract to ship goods from Africa
• For example, a shipping contract would have a impossible since a longer route around the Cape of
force majeure clause that could cover natural Good Hope existed.
disasters like a tsunami. • Singapore enacted the Covid-19 (Temporary
• War, riots, natural disasters or acts of God, Measures) Act in April to provide relief to
strikes, the introduction of new government businesses that could not perform their contractual
policy imposing an embargo, boycotts, obligations due to the pandemic.
outbreak of epidemics, etc are generally listed • The Paris Commercial Court in July ruled that the
as force majeure. pandemic could be equated to a force majeure event.
• A force majeure clause is negotiated by parties and • Recently, the Bombay High Court did not accept
is not invoked just by expressing that an unforeseen the force majeure argument in a case where the
event has occurred. petitioner argued that COVID-19-related lockdowns
had frustrated a contract for the supply of steel.
What situations legally qualify for use of force majeure?
• War, riots, natural disasters or acts of God, strikes,
the introduction of new government policy
imposing an embargo, boycotts, outbreak of Examples of force majeure event globally
epidemics, and such situations are generally listed.
• If an event is not described, then it is interpreted • China’s Supreme People’s Court had
in a way that it falls in the same category of events recognized the 2002 SARS outbreak as a force
that are described. majeure event.
• An FMC is negotiated by parties, and events that • Singapore enacted the Covid-19 (Temporary
could potentially hamper the performance of the Measures) Act in April to provide relief to
contract are catalogued. businesses that could not perform their
• It is not invoked just by expressing that an contractual obligations due to the pandemic.
unforeseen event has occurred. • The Paris Commercial Court in July ruled that
• In case a contract does not have a force majeure the pandemic could be equated to a force
clause, some protections in common law can be majeure event.
invoked by parties e.g.the Indian Contract Act, 1872
provides that a contract becomes void if it becomes
impossible due to an event after the contract was
signed that the party could not prevent. START-UP VILLAGE ENTREPRENEURSHIP
What happens when a force majeure clause is
Why in News?
• If a party to a contract believes that the other
The SVEP is promoting enterprises in rural areas and
party has invoked the force majeure clause in an
creating rural entrepreneurs during this pandemic.
unjustified situation, it can move the court seeking
the performance of the contract.
Key Highlights
• Courts read the wording of the clause closely to
• SVEP has extended business support services
allocate risks between the parties. Court rulings
and capital infusion to 153 blocks of 23 states as
have established that force majeure cannot be
of August 2020.
invoked when the performance of the contract
• Around 2,000 trained cadre of Community

75 I Articulate
Resource Person-Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EP)
are providing services to rural entrepreneurs and Department of Science and Technology
as in August 2020, around 100,000 enterprises are
supported by them. • It comes under the Ministry of Science and
Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) • It provides funding and also makes policies
• It is a sub-scheme of the Deendayal Antyodaya and co-ordinates scientific work with
Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY- other countries.
NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development, and has • It empowers scientists and scientific
been implemented since 2016. institutions and also works with a highly
• Partner-Entrepreneurship Development Institute distributed system permeating stakeholders
of India (EDII), Ahmedabad is the technical support ranging from school college, Ph.D., Postdoc
partner of SVEP. students, young scientists, startups, and
• Aim NGOs working in Science and Technology.
• It supports the rural poor to come out
of poverty by setting up enterprises and
providing support until the enterprises Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR) Programme
stabilize. • Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR) Programme is one
• It also provides self-employment opportunities of the programs introduced under NIDHI to inspire
with financial assistance and training in the best talents to be entrepreneurs, to minimise the
business management and soft skills. risk involved in pursuing start-ups, and to partially
• Activities took under SVEP set off their opportunity costs of high paying jobs.
• Activities under SVEP are organised to promote • The NIDHI-EIR programme provides tremendous
rural enterprises with a few key areas. opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs to
• Developing a pool of Community Resource expand their networks and get critical feedback
Persons-Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EP) which on their ventures in order to promote their
is local and supports entrepreneurs setting-up entrepreneurial career goals and aspirations.
rural enterprises.
• To promote the Block Resource Center (BRC), to The opportunities under the NIDHI-EIR program include
monitor and manage the community resource • Guidance from experienced, innovative, and highly
persons, appraise SVEP loan applications, and successful entrepreneurs on the business concept,
act as the repository of enterprise-related strategy, or venture, and insight into specific
information in the concerned block. industries or markets.
• Under SVEP local markets/rural haat • Best practices for starting a business and
establish which motivates entrepreneurs to broadening the professional network.
take up demand-based production, advertise • Co-working spaces for developing the idea into a
their enterprise, and increase earning marketable product.

Steps Taken to Fight Covid-19:

• Under the SVEP program women SHGs helped National Initiative for Developing and
in producing several quality products like masks, Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) program
protective gear kits, sanitizers, and cleaning
products across the country. Umbrella program
• Some of the women SHGs were involved in running • Department of Science and Technology
community kitchens and served cooked meals to (DST) announced a National Initiative for
vulnerable community members. Developing and Harnessing Innovations
• Market and haat organized at the local level to (NIDHI) is an umbrella program for nurturing
save villagers from the financial crunch due to ideas and innovations (knowledge-based and
pandemic. technology-driven) into successful startups.
• People organized a door to door campaign to
create awareness about COVID-19.
• The key stakeholders of NIDHI include various
departments and ministries of the central
ENTREPRENEURS IN RESIDENCE (EIR) government, state governments, academic,
PROGRAMME and R & D institutions, mentors, financial
institutions, angel investors, venture capitalists,
Why in News? industry champions, and private sectors.
A brochure featuring Entrepreneurs in Residence
(EIR) under the National Initiative for Developing Objectives
and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) programme • To take forward the student innovations
was launched by the Department of Science and program to the commercialization stage.
Technology. • To promote student startups.
• To accelerate the journey of ideas to prototype
by providing initial funding assistance.

Economy | 76
GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2020 graduates in science and engineering, and R&D-
intensive global companies.
Why in News? • India increased the most in three pillars:
The 2020 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) Institutions, business sophistication and
was released. The index is a leading reference for creative outputs.
measuring an economy’s innovation performance. • Under institutions, the country’s rank on
indicators, such as political and operational
Theme- “Who Will Finance Innovation?” stability, government effectiveness, and ease of
It is timely given the human and global economic resolving insolvency improved remarkably.
damage wreaked by the COVID-19 global pandemic. • India also improved its place in both intellectual
property payments and research talent.
Released By?
The GII is co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD, Factors responsible for India’s improvement:
and the World Intellectual Property Organization • Role of startup and R&D organizations- The
(WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. consistent improvement in the global innovation
index rankings is owing to the immense knowledge
capital, the vibrant startup ecosystem, and the
amazing work is done by the public & private
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) research organization.
• Role of education institutions, bodies like
• WIPO is the global forum for intellectual the Department of Science and Technology,
property (IP) services, policy, information and Department of Biotechnology, and Department of
cooperation. It is a self-funding agency of the Space have played a pivotal role in enriching the
United Nations, with 193 member states. national innovation ecosystem.
• It was created in 1967 "to encourage creative • Policy-led innovation to ensure optimization of
activity, to promote the protection of national efforts in this direction by bringing policy-
intellectual property throughout the world". led innovation in different areas such as electric
• It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. vehicles, biotechnology, nanotechnology, space,
• World Intellectual Property Day is being and alternative energy sources.
celebrated on the 26th of April every year. • India Innovation Index-The India Innovation Index,
which was released last year by Niti Aayog, has been
Intellectual Property widely accepted as a major step in the direction of
• Intellectual property (IP) is a category of decentralization of innovation across all states of
property that includes intangible creations of the country.
the human intellect, and primarily encompasses
copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
• It also includes other types of rights, such as
trade secrets, publicity rights, moral rights,
and rights against unfair competition.
• Intellectual property rights are the rights
given to persons over the creations of
their minds. They usually give the creator
an exclusive right over the use of his/her
creation for a certain period of time.

Highlights of the Index

• Global scenario
• The rankings show stability at the top but
a gradual “eastward shift in the locus of
innovation” as Asian economies like China,
India, the Philippines, and Vietnam have Source- TOI
advanced considerably in the innovation
ranking over the years.
• Top 5: Switzerland, Sweden, the US, the UK, and
the Netherlands lead the innovation ranking.
Why in News?
• Performance of India
Recently, over 2100 Suspicious Activity Reports
• India became the third most innovative
(SARs) by Indian citizens and firms were filed by
lower-middle-income economy in the world
banks with the United States Department of the
moving up four positions since last year.
Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
India jumped four places to rank in the 48th
position since 2019.
• India ranks in the top 15 in indicators such as
services exports, government online services,

77 I Articulate
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) • Sharing of Information: FIU-IND shares
• The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network information/patterns with the national
(FinCEN) is a bureau of the United States intelligence/law enforcement agencies,
Department of the Treasury that collects and national regulatory authorities, and
analyzes financial intelligence. foreign Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs).
• It was set up in 1990 and is a leading global • Act as a Central Repository: FIU-IND
regulator in the battle against international establishes and maintains a national
money laundering, terrorist financing, and database on the basis of reports received
other financial crimes. from reporting entities.
• Research and Analysis: FIU-IND monitors
and identifies strategic key areas on
money laundering trends, typologies, and
The Issue in Detail developments.
• A host of financial transactions performed by
Indian citizens and firms have been red-flagged
to the top US financial watchdog, the Treasury
Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement
Way Forward
Network (FinCEN), for possible money laundering,
• There have been earlier investigations as well, which
financial fraud, or drug dealing.
resulted in the Swiss Leaks in 2015, the Panama
• These cross-country investigations were based on
Papers in 2016, and the Paradise Papers in 2017.
suspicious activity reports (SARs) by compliance
• Such revelations not only signal a continuing laxity
officers in financial institutions, on transactions
among the investigative agencies but also raise
that involve clients with high-risk profiles, or past
questions over the entire regulatory apparatus in
brushes with the law.
India regarding financial crimes.
• Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
• The loopholes need to be fixed on a priority
• The suspicious activity reports (SARs) are
basis, and regular information exchange between
documents filed by financial institutions,
financial regulators needs to happen, to track
from banks to money exchanges and
financial crimes.
security brokers, to the authorities to report
suspicious transactions.
• While they themselves are not an evidence
of illegality, the SARs nonetheless serve as
Financial Intelligence (FININT)
signals to alert regulators and authorities
regarding possible irregular activities. • It is the concept of gathering information
about the financial affairs of entities of
interest, to understand their nature and
capabilities, and predict their intentions.
Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) • One of the main purposes of financial
intelligence is to identify financial transactions
• In India, the Financial Intelligence Unit-India that may involve tax evasion, money
(FIU-IND) performs the same functions as laundering, or some other criminal activity.
FinCEN in the USA. • Financial intelligence can be broken down into
• It was set up in 2004, as the central national two main areas, collection, and analysis.
agency responsible for receiving, processing, • Collection is normally done by a
analyzing, and disseminating information government agency, known as a Financial
relating to suspect financial transactions. Intelligence Unit (FIU). The agency collects
• FIU-IND is an independent body reporting raw transactional information and
directly to the Economic Intelligence Council Suspicious activity reports (SAR).
(EIC) headed by the Finance Minister. • Analysis may consist of scrutinizing a large
• The functions of FIU-IND are: volume of transactional data using data
• Collection of Information: FIU-IND mining or data-matching techniques to
acts as the central reception point for identify persons potentially engaged in a
receiving Cash Transaction reports (CTRs), particular activity.
Non-Profit Organisation Transaction
Report(NTRs), Cross Border Wire Transfer
Reports (CBWTRs), Reports on Purchase
or Sale of Immovable Property (IPRs), and
Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) Major types of Financial Crimes
from various reporting entities.
• Analysis of Information: FIU-IND analyses Tax Evasion: Tax evasion is an illegal activity
information to uncover patterns of in which a person or entity deliberately avoids
transactions suggesting suspicion of paying a true tax liability through commission
money laundering and related crimes. of fraud. It includes both nonpayment and

Economy | 78
underpayment of taxes.
Money Laundering: Money laundering is the
illegal process of making large amounts of money
generated by a criminal activity, such as drug
trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have
come from a legitimate source.
Terrorist Financing: Terrorist financing is the illegal
process where the collection or the provision
of funds for terrorist purposes. As compared to
money laundering in which the funds are always
of illicit origin, the funds for terrorist financing can
stem from both legal and illicit sources.
Whitewashing of Black Money: Whitewashing is
an illegal activity of converting black money into
white (legitimate). It is done by various means,
such as investing in shell companies, showing the
income as agricultural income, etc.
Round Tripping: Round tripping is an illegal
activity where one company sells assets to
another party in order to generate sales, and later
buys back the assets. It is done to take advantage
of tax concessions provided in tax havens.
Market abuse and Insider Trading: Insider
trading is the buying or selling of a publicly traded
company's stock by someone who has non-
public, material information about that stock. It
amounts to abuse of the market, as the element of
impartiality is lost in the process.

79 I Articulate
80 I Articulate Environment & Disaster Management | 80
PHYTOPLANKTON BIOMASS IN BAY OF Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
• INCOIS was established as an autonomous body in
Why in News? 1999 under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).
Researchers have discovered a way to measure • It is a unit of the Earth System Science
the quantity of ‘chlorophyll-a’ in the Bay of Bengal Organization (ESSO).
in real-time. Chlorophyll-a is a dominant pigment • ESSO- INCOIS is mandated to provide the best
found in phytoplankton cells and present in a few possible ocean information and advisory services
areas of the ocean. to society, industry, government agencies and the
The research was carried out by a team of scientists scientific community through sustained ocean
from the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information observations and constant improvements through
Services (INCOIS). systematic and focussed research.

Findings of the Research: WORLD LOST 68% VERTEBRATES IN 1970-

• The study was based on in-situ and satellite data 2016: WWF
spanning over the last 16 years. They observed a
significant increase of chlorophyll-a concentration Why in News?
during pre-southwest monsoon seasons. • As per the Living Planet Report, 2020 released
• As per the report, there were two peaks of by international non-profit World Wide Fund for
chlorophyll-a — the primary peak occurred during Nature September 10, 2020, the population of
the pre-southwest monsoon due to the recurrent vertebrate species declined by around 68 per cent
phytoplankton bloom in the coastal water and the between 1970 and 2016.
secondary peak occurred during the end of the
southwest monsoon, spreading to far offshore areas. Other Findings of the Report
• Reason for the Peak: Along with increase • As per the report, wildlife populations in freshwater
in phytoplankton, other reasons for peak in habitats suffered a decline of 84 per cent,
chlorophyll-a may be physical forces such as equivalent to four per cent per year.
upwelling, wind-induced vertical mixing, convective • Megafauna — or bigger species in terms of size
overturn and chemicals from various sources — were more vulnerable because they were
including river runoff. subjected to intense anthropogenic threats and
Phytoplanktons: • Large fishes are also heavily impacted by dam
• Phytoplanktons are tiny microscopic plants construction that blocks their migratory routes to
found in the ocean. spawning and feeding grounds.
• They are important ecological indicators that
regulate life in ocean. Factors Responsible for the Decline in population
• They have chlorophyll to capture sunlight, and use • Land-use change and the use and trade of wildlife
photosynthesis to turn it into chemical energy. — are believed to have increased the planet’s
• They consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. vulnerability to pandemics, which in turn causes
• All phytoplankton photosynthesise, but some get the decline of vertebrates.
additional energy by consuming other organisms. • Natural habitat loss, degradation and
• Phytoplanktons contribute to more than half of the deforestation driven by food production
oxygen that we breathe. That apart, they influence processes are the other factors.
our climate by absorbing human-induced carbon • Climate Change is one of the major factor leading
dioxide, a heat-trapping greenhouse gas. to the decline in the population. The impact of
• They also serve as the foundation of the aquatic climate change makes the environment unsuitable
food web for the survival of some species, pushing them
towards extinction.
Chlorophyll • Climate change also causes invasion of species
• Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment found in into an environment. These invasive species
plants. It helps in the harvesting of solar energy compete with the native species for food and
during photosynthesis which is converted to other resources, leading to the decline in the
chemical energy. population of native species.
• There are five types of chlorophyll i.e a, b, c, d and
e. Chlorophyll a is universal while b, c, d and e are World Wildlife Fund
specific. • It is the world’s leading conservation organization
• Chlorophyll b is found in higher plants, and works in more than 100 countries.
pteridophytes, bryophytes, green algae and • It was established in 1961 and is headquartered at
charophytes. Gland, Switzerland.
• Chlorophyll c is found in brown algae and diatoms. • Its mission is to conserve nature and reduce the
• Chlorophyll d is found in red algae. most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.
• Chlorophyll e is found in algae belonging to Class • WWF collaborates at every level with people
Xanthophyceae such as Vaucheria and Botrydium. around the world to develop and deliver innovative
solutions that protect communities, wildlife, and

81 I Articulate
the places in which they live.
• The Living Planet Report, WWF’s flagship • Chandrabhaga beach on the Konark coast of
publication released every two years, is a Odisha is not only India’s but also Asia’s first
comprehensive study of trends in global beach to get the Blue Flag certification.
biodiversity and the health of the planet.
BEAMS (Beach Environment & Aesthetics
Way Forward: Management Services)
• The need of the hour is to make food production
and trade more efficient and ecologically • Society of Integrated Coastal Management
sustainable, reducing waste and favouring healthier (SICOM), MoEFCC have initiated this program
and more environmentally friendly diets. under its ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone
• In the midst of a global pandemic, it is now more Management) project.
important than ever to take unprecedented and • Objectives of BEAMS program:
coordinated global action to halt and start to reverse • Abate pollution in coastal waters.
the loss of biodiversity and wildlife populations • Promote sustainable development of
across the globe by the end of the decade. beach facilities
• Protect & conserve coastal ecosystems &
• Strive and maintain high standards of
• Hygiene & safety for beachgoers in
accordance with coastal environment
Why in News?
& regulations.
On the eve of International Coastal Clean-Up Day,
Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said eight
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan
beaches of the country have been recommended for
• Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
the coveted 'Blue Flag' international eco-label, the Blue-
is a World Bank-supported project that aims
Flag Certification.
to build national capacity for implementation
At the same event, the minister also launched
of a comprehensive coastal management
India’s own eco-label BEAMS (Beach Environment
approach in the country.
& Aesthetics Management Services) under ICZM
• Components: Society of Integrated
(Integrated Coastal Zone Management) project.
Coastal Management (SICOM) would be
implementing the project at the national
The Eight Beaches are:
level and state level.
• Shivrajpur in Gujarat,
• Till now three coastal states namely West
• Ghoghla in Daman & Diu,
Bengal, Gujarat and Orissa have been selected
• Kasarkod and Padubidri beach in Karnataka,
under the ICZM plan.
• Kappad in Kerala,
• The four main components of the plan include:
• Rushikonda in Andhra Pradesh,
• National Coastal Zone Management
• Golden beach of Odisha and
• Radhanagar beach in Andaman and Nicobar.
• ICZM-West Bengal
• ICZM-Orissa
• ICZM-Gujarat
Blue Flag Certification
Note: The National Coastal Zone Management
Programme includes mapping, delineation and
• The ‘Blue Flag’ is a certification that
demarcation of the hazard lines, and delineation
can be obtained by a beach, marina, or
of coastal sediment cells all along the mainland
sustainable boating tourism operator, and
coast of India.
serves as an eco-label.
• The certification is awarded by the
ICZM approaches in Gujarat, Orissa and West Bengal
Denmark-based non-profit Foundation for
will support capacity building of the state-level
Environmental Education (FEE), which sets
agencies and institutions, including preparation of
stringent environmental, educational, safety-
an ICZM plan for the coastal sediment cell, regional
related and access-related criteria that
coastal process study, and pilot investments.
applicants must meet and maintain.
• The criteria are environmental, educational,
access and safety-related. There are a total
• It is awarded annually to beaches and marinas
in FEE member countries. Why in News?
• Spain tops the list with 566 such beaches; The National Green Tribunal (NGT)has slammed the
Greece and France follow with 515 and Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) over its
395, respectively. report on the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) which
proposes a 20-30% reduction of air pollution by 2024.

Environment & Disaster Management | 82

What’s the issue?
MoEF had recently informed the NGT that a committee • NGT is mandated to make disposal of
has concluded that 20-30% pollutant reduction applications or appeals finally within 6 months
under the NCAP seems realistic. NGT disapproved of filing the same.
the report saying that the MoEF’s view was against • The NGT has five places of sittings, New Delhi
the constitutional mandate under Article 21 and also is the Principal place of sitting, and Bhopal,
against the statutory mandate. Pune, Kolkata, and Chennai are the other four.

NGT’s View:
• The enforcement of the ‘Sustainable Development’
principle and ‘Public Trust Doctrine’ require stern
measures to be adopted to give effect to the National Clean Air Programme
mandate of international obligations related to • It was launched by the Union Ministry
environmental quality, for which the Environment of Environment, Forests and Climate
(Protection) Act, 1986 was enacted. Change in 2019.
• It has said that the sovereign, or state, holds the • It is envisaged as a scheme to provide the
trust of people to manage the designated resources States and the Centre with a framework to
for the benefit of the people. combat air pollution.
• The Right to Clean Air stood recognized as part of • It has a major goal of reducing the
the Right to Life and failure to address air pollution concentration of coarse and fine particles
is a denial of the Right to Life under Article 21. in the atmosphere by at least 20% by the
year 2024, with 2017 as the base year for
NGT' suggestions to MoEF comparison.
• NGT suggested reviewing and taking action
in terms of the shift to e-vehicles and CNG Which cities will fall under this?
vehicles, intensifying public transport systems, • Initially, 102 cities from 23 States and UTs
mechanical cleaning of roads, enhancement of were chosen as non-attainment cities. With
public parking facilities, improvement in fuel the exception of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and
quality, and traffic management. Bengaluru, most of those chosen are the tier
• It directed the state pollution control boards to two cities.
ensure the assessment and installation of the • The cities were selected on the basis of the
requisite number of real-time online continuous ambient air quality data from the National
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems within Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)
six months. of 2011 – 2015.
• It also directed an expert team of the Central • Maharashtra had the maximum number of
Pollution Control Board to form a model for source cities chosen for the program.
apportionment and carrying capacity assessment
within two months which may be replicated for all
the non-attainment cities. Way Forward
• The violation of laid down air pollution levels
resulting in a large number of deaths and diseases
Source Apportionment: It is the practice of needed to be addressed expeditiously.
deriving information about pollution sources • Targeted time of reduction of pollution loads
and the amount they contribute to ambient air needed to be reduced.
pollution levels. • Well-planned steps needed to be sternly
implemented on the ground level.
• Public awareness is the most essential step towards
the reduction of pollution. There is a need for an
awareness program workshop at every level and age
National Green Tribunal group to spread awareness.

• It is a specialized body set up under the STUBBLE BURNING

National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 for effective
and expeditious disposal of cases relating to Why in News?
environmental protection and conservation of Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control)
forests and other natural resources. Authority (EPCA) on Tuesday wrote to the chief
• It draws inspiration from India’s secretaries of Punjab and Haryana stating that early
constitutional provision of Article 21, which burning of crop residue was taking place and urged
assures the citizens of India the right to a them to address the issue urgently.
healthy environment.
• The Tribunal shall not be bound by the More on the News
procedure laid down under the Code of According to a SAFAR (System of Air Quality and
Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided by Weather Forecasting and Research under the Central
principles of natural justice. government) estimate, based on harmonising the

83 I Articulate
INSAT-3, 3D and NASA satellite, the fire counts were
around 42 on September 21, 2020. Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control)
Authority (EPCA)
What is Stubble Burning?
• Stubble is basically the paddy crop residue. Stubble • EPCA is a Supreme Court-mandated
burning is the act of setting fire to crop residue to body constituted under section 3 of the
remove them from the field to sow the next crop. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
• It is done to remove paddy crop residue from the • Mandate: It is mandated to protect and
field to sow wheat. improve the quality of the environment and
• It is a traditional practice in Punjab and Haryana prevent and control environmental pollution
and Western U.P. in the NCR. The body also enforces ‘Graded
• Stubble burning begins around October and Response Action Plan (GRAP)’ in NCR that
peaks in November. defines specific measures to tackle different
levels of air pollution throughout the year.
Harmful Effects of Stubble Burning • Composition: Besides the chairman, the
• Crop residue burning releases harmful pollutants EPCA has 14 members, some of whom are
like carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), the environment secretary of the National
oxides of sulphur (SOX), tonnes of particulate Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT), chairperson
matter and black carbon. These directly of the New Delhi Municipal Council, transport
contribute to environmental pollution and are commissioner of the NCT, the commissioners
also responsible for the haze in Delhi and melting of various municipal corporations of Delhi and
of Himalayan glaciers professors at IIT Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
• The heat from burning paddy straw penetrates 1 University.
centimetre into the soil, elevating the temperature
to 33.8 to 42.2 degree Celsius. This kills the bacterial SAFAR
and fungal populations critical for fertile soil. • System of Air Quality and Weather
• Burning of crop residue causes damage to other Forecasting And Research (SAFAR) is a
microorganisms present in the upper layer of the state-of-the-art Air Quality and Weather
soil as well as its organic quality. Due to the loss of Forecast System.
‘friendly’ pests, the wrath of ‘enemy’ pests increases • It was introduced by the Ministry of Earth
and as a result, crops are more prone to disease. Sciences (MoES) to measure the air quality of
• It also reduces the solubility capacity of the upper a metropolitan city, by measuring the overall
layers of soil. pollution level and the location-specific air
• According to a report, one tonne stubble burning quality of the city.
leads to a loss of 5.5-kilogram nitrogen, 2.3 kg • It is developed indigenously by Indian
phosphorus, 25 kg potassium and more than 1 kg of Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune and
sulfur — all soil nutrients, besides organic carbon. operationalized by India Meteorological
Department (IMD).
Solutions to the Problem of Stubble Burning
• Use of Agricultural machines like:
• Happy Seeder(used for sowing of the crop in
standing stubble)
• Rotavator (used for land preparation and
Why in News?
incorporation of crop stubble in the soil)
A recent study suggests that the “Wolbachia method”
• Zero till seed drill (used for land
could be used to significantly reduce the incidence of
preparations directly sowing of seeds in the
dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease, in populations
previous crop stubble)
where the illness is endemic.
• Baler (used for the collection of straw and
making bales of the paddy stubble)
More about News
• Paddy Straw Chopper (cutting of paddy stubble
• Scientists from the World Mosquito Program
for easily mixing with the soil)
(WMP) of Monash University in Australia and
• Reaper Binder (used for harvesting paddy
Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia tested this
stubble and making into bundles)
method in a 27-month trial in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
• The incentive to the farmers for not burning
• The World Mosquito Program is an Australia-
residue: This can be done by:
based not-for-profit initiative that exists to
• Transferring money through Direct Benefit
protect the global community from mosquito-
Transfer (DBT) to the farmers who are not
borne diseases.
burning the residue.
• They found that using the Wolbachia method
• Buying crop residue from the farmers and
reduced the occurrence of dengue in the treated
converting them Into Animal Feed, Manure,
population by 77%.
Cardboard, etc

Environment & Disaster Management | 84

Wolbachia • WHO estimates 39 crore dengue virus
• Wolbachia is a natural bacteria present infections per year, of which 9.6 crore show
in up to 60% of insect species, including symptoms.
some mosquitoes. • India registered over 1 lakh dengue cases in
• However, Wolbachia is not usually found in 2018 and over 1.5 lakh cases in 2019, according
the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the primary to the National Vector-Borne Disease Control
species responsible for transmitting human Programme (NVBDCP).
viruses such as Zika, dengue, chikungunya, • NVBDCP is the central nodal agency for the
and yellow fever. prevention and control of six vectors bore
• Wolbachia is safe for humans, animals, and diseases i.e. Malaria, Dengue, Lymphatic
the environment. Filariasis, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis,
and Chikungunya in India. It works under the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Key Highlights of the study
• About
• The Aedes aegypti mosquito, that spreads
Dengue and other diseases such as
chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever cannot do
Why in News?
so when they are artificially infected with a
A study published in the journal Scientific Reports
bacterium, Wolbachia.
has found that the tree 'African Baobab' has 168
• The bacteria Wolbachia “inhibits” viral
chromosomes. Previous studies estimated that the tree
infection, that is, even if people encounter
has between 96 and 166 chromosomes. The study will
mosquito bite, they will not be infected. This
be useful in genetic conservation efforts.
happens because bacteria do not allow the
virus to replicate in the mosquito thereby
About African Baobab
minimizing its number within the mosquito.
• Its scientific name “Adansonia digitate”.
• Method
• Baobabs are deciduous trees ranging in height
• The scientists infected some mosquitoes
from 5 to 20 meters.
with Wolbachia and then released these in the
• Deciduous forest is vegetation composed
city where they bred with local mosquitoes
primarily of broad-leaved trees that shed all
until nearly all mosquitoes in the area were
their leaves during one season.
carrying Wolbachia bacteria. This is called the
• The African baobab (Adansonia digitata) is one of
Population Replacement Strategy.
the nine species of baobab and is native to mainland
• Results
Africa. They are also found in African Savannah.
• At the end of 27 months, the researchers found
• It is the oldest Known Angiosperm Tree. Carbon-14
that the incidence of dengue was 77% lower in
dating places the age of a specimen of African
areas where Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes
baobab in Namibia at about 1,275 years.
had been released, as compared to areas
• It has the potential of absorbing and storing water
without such deployments.
during the rainy season in its large trunk stem and
• This method does not only block the
produces concentrated nutrient-filled fruits as well
Dengue Virus but also many other viruses
as provides food, water, and shelter for humans and
present in mosquitoes.
animals during the dry season when most plants
struggle for water to survive.
India's efforts
• Since 2005, 9 of the 13 oldest African baobab
• Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also
specimens and 5 of the 6 largest trees have died or
has been working on a similar project developing
suffered the collapse and death of their largest or
a strain of Aedes aegypti containing Wolbachia,
oldest stems, which may have been caused by the
known as Puducherry Strain.
effects of climate change.
• The strain was developed at the Vector Control
Research Centre (VCRC), Puducherry in
collaboration with Monash University in Australia

• Angiosperms are a taxonomic class of plants

Dengue in which the mature seed is surroundedby the
ovule (e.g. apple). This group is often referred
• Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease to as hardwoods.
caused by the dengue virus (Genus Flavivirus), • Angiosperms are trees that have broad
transmitted by several species of mosquito within leaves that usually change colour and die
the genus Aedes, principally Aedes aegypti. every autumn. Oaks, maples, and dogwoods
• There are four strains from Type I-IV, of which are examples of deciduous trees. Some
Type-II and IV are considered more severe. angiosperms that hold their leaves include

85 I Articulate
body and provide the coral with food. Zooxanthellae
rhododendron, live oak, and sweetbay is responsible for the colour of corals.
magnolia. • Death of Coral Reefs- Coral expel algae become
• Gymnosperms are a taxonomic class that stressed due to any changes, including pollution or
includes plants whose seeds are not enclosed global warming, and get bleached which means the
in an ovule (like a pine cone). Gymnosperm ‘death’ of the coral reef.
means ‘naked seed’. This group is often • There have been increasing concerns about
referred to as softwoods. fast-paced coral bleaching due to the emission
• Gymnosperms usually have needles that of greenhouse gases and climate change.
stay green throughout the year. Examples • A number of global initiatives are being taken to
are pines, cedars, spruces, and firs. Some address the issues, like the International Coral Reef
gymnosperms do drop their leaves - ginkgo, Initiative, the US Coral Reef Task Force, etc.
dawn redwood, and bald cypress, etc. • In India, the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI),
with help from Gujarat’s forest department, is
attempting a process to restore coral reefs using
“bio rock” or mineral accretion technology.

Way Forward
• The study can help in studying the oceanic
ecosystem more holistically labelled.
• The research is certainly a lesson that even dead
coral reefs need to be preserved in order to protect
the biodiversity that remains.
• The understanding of the foundational structure of
Source- Ghanaweb coral reefs might inform efforts to create artificial
reefs, which may be a short-term solution to the
SIGNIFICANCE OF DEAD CORAL REEF dying coral reef problem.

Why in News?
According to recent research by the University of
Queensland (UQ), Australia, more life can be supported
by dead coral remains than live corals.

Key Highlights of research

• Method: Formation of three-dimensional-printed
coral stacks called RUbble Biodiversity Samplers
(RUBS) to survey cryptic organisms.
• The 3D-printed coral mimicked surrounding Source- Down to Earth
reef rubble and invited unwitting reef
organisms to be monitored.
• By sampling the RUBS’ structures over time, Cryptic organisms
the team was able to identify changes in the
cryptic population. • These are organisms that are morphologically
• Findings: The researchers found the missing link in indistinguishable (identical in appearance) but
the coral reef food webs. This data fills important are genetically distinct. Many species that are
knowledge gaps, such as how small cryptic animals classified as single species but are found to be
support coral reefs from the bottom of the food genetically different are called cryptic species.
chain, all the way up to bigger predators. • Examples of cryptic species include the
• This also helped to know the importance of African elephant. A 2001 study found the
dead coral reef rubble to the ocean ecosystem. elephants were actually two genetically
• RUBS technology provides a new opportunity distinct, non-interbreeding species, the
for reef management, particularly for reef African bush elephant and the African
education and awareness. elephant.

Coral Reefs
• They are large underwater structures
composed of the skeletons of colonial marine HURRICANE NANA
invertebrates called coral.
• Coral creates a hard, durable exoskeleton that
Why in News?
protects their soft body from calcium carbonate
Atlantic Hurricane Nana has made landfall on the coast
present in seawater. These exoskeleton remains of
of Belize. Belize is located on the northeast coast of
millions of corals pile up with time to form coral reefs.
Central America.
• Corals have a symbiotic relationship with
zooxanthellae algae who live inside the coral polyp's

Environment & Disaster Management | 86

Project Dolphin
• The Project will be on the lines of Project Tiger,
which has shown a positive response in increasing
the population of tigers.
• Project Dolphin is expected to be implemented
by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change.

Gangetic Dolphin

Biological Name: Platanista gangetica

Source- Wikipedia
Tropical Cyclone • These are blind creatures and use
• A hurricane is a type of storm called a tropical cyclone, ultrasonic sound waves to locate
which forms over tropical or subtropical waters. theirprey.
• It is a rotating low-pressure weather system that has
organized thunderstorms but no fronts (a boundary Location
separating two air masses of different densities). • It is found mainly in the Indian
subcontinent, particularly in Ganga-
Speed of Winds Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnaphuli-
• Tropical cyclones with maximum sustained surface Sangu river systems. It is also found in the
winds of less than 39 miles per hour (mph) are Ganga’s tributaries.
called tropical depressions. Those with higher than
39 miles per hour are called tropical storms. Population
• When a storm's maximum sustained winds reach 74 • The Gangetic dolphin census suggests that
mph, it is called a hurricane. the Gangetic dolphin population in India could
be about 2,500-3,000.
Measurement of Wind Speed: • According to the Ministry of State for
• The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 Environment, Forest and Climate Change
rating, or category, based on a hurricane's maximum there are about 1,272 dolphins in Uttar
sustained winds. Pradesh and 962 in Assam.
• The higher the category, the greater the hurricane's
potential for property damage. Status of Conservation
• In the First Schedule of the Indian Wildlife
Formation (Protection), Act 1972.
• There needs to be warm ocean water and moist, • Endangered by the International Union for the
humid air in the region. Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
• When humid air is flowing upward at a zone of • Most endangered( Appendix I) of the
low pressure over warm ocean water, the water is Convention on International Trade in
released from the air as creating the clouds of the Endangered Species (CITES).
storm. • Appendix II (migratory species that need
conservation and management or would
Features significantly benefit from international co-
• It has a low-pressure centre and clouds spiralling operation) of the Convention on Migratory
towards the eyewall surrounding the "eye", the Species (CMS).
central part of the system where the weather is
normally calm and free of clouds. Conservation Efforts:
• Its diameter is typically around 200 to 500 km but • In 1986 after the launch of the Ganga
can reach 1000 km. Action Plan in 1985, the government
• The winds blow counterclockwise in the Northern included Gangetic dolphins in the
Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern First Schedule of the Indian Wildlife
Hemisphere. (Protection) Act 1972.
• A tropical cyclone brings very violent winds, • This was aimed at checking hunting and
torrential rain, high waves, and, in some cases, very providing conservation facilities such as
destructive storm surges and coastal flooding. wildlife sanctuaries.
• To conserve them Vikramshila Ganges
PROJECT DOLPHIN Dolphin Sanctuary was established in Bihar
under this Act.
Why in News?
The Prime Minister announced the government’s plan
to launch a Project Dolphin in his recent Independence
Day Speech.

87 I Articulate
Why is it important to save dolphins? in nine States. It also released a logo for the National
• The construction of dams and barrages and Bamboo Mission.
increasing pollution has led to a decline in the
population of aquatic animals in the rivers in More on news
general and of dolphins in particular. • Those nine states include Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
• Aquatic life is an indicator of the health of Maharashtra, Odisha, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura,
river ecosystems. Uttarakhand and Karnataka with identifying each
• As the Gangetic dolphin is at the top of the food chain, of them for making different bamboo products to
protecting the species and its habitat will ensure the cater to both domestic and international markets.
healthy functioning of the aquatic ecosystem.
Various Steps taken by government to promote
Conservation Plan Bamboo
• The Conservation Action Plan for the Ganges • Amendment to Indian Forest Act 1927- The Indian
River Dolphin 2010-2020, which “identified threats Forest Act 1927 was amended in the year 2017 to
to Gangetic Dolphins and impact of river traffic, remove bamboo for the category of trees, as a result
irrigation canals and depletion of prey-base on now anyone can undertake cultivation and business
Dolphins populations”. in bamboo and its products. Import policy has also
• The National Ganga River Basin Authority (replaced been modified to ensure progress of the bamboo
by National Ganga Council) in 2009 and constituted industry in the country.
a Working Group under the Patna University • Easing Import- Government has modified import
to prepare a Conservation Action Plan for the policy to ensure progress of the bamboo industry
Gangetic Dolphin in 2009. in the country.
• National Aquatic Animal: In 2009, during the • Skilling of manforce- Bamboo has been an ancient
1st meeting of the National Ganga River Basin tradition in India and it is now being supported
Authority, the Gangetic river dolphin was declared with modern technology. Youth are also being given
as the national aquatic animal. training for the bamboo industry.
• The National Mission for Clean Ganga • Setting up of Common Facility Centres close
celebrates 5th October as National Ganga to the plantations which will reduce the cost of
River Dolphin Day transportation and increase local entrepreneurship,
moving to a zero-waste approach.

National Bamboo Mission

• In October 2006, the Government of India

(GOI) had launched the National Bamboo
Mission (NBM) on the basis of the National
Mission on Bamboo Technology and Trade
Development Report, 2003.
• The restructured NBM was launched in
2018-19 for the holistic development of the
complete value chain of the bamboo sector
and is being implemented in a hub (industry)
and spoke model.
• Objectives
• To address issues relating to the
development of the bamboo industry in
the country, provide a new impetus and
direction and enable the realisation of
India’s considerable potential in bamboo
• Connecting farmers to markets so as to
enable farmer producers to get a ready
market for the bamboo grown and to
increase the supply of appropriate raw
material to the domestic industry.
Source- India Today • It also focuses on upgrading skills of
traditional bamboo craftsmen as per the
BAMBOO CLUSTER requirement of contemporary markets
with a tie-up with enterprises and
Why in News? premier institutes.
Union Ministry for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Rural
Development has inaugurated 22 bamboo clusters

Environment & Disaster Management | 88

Way Forward every city has different sources of pollution.
• States especially north eastern states need • Encouraging e-vehicles- adopting e-vehicles in
to take forward the objectives of the National place of petrol, diesel vehicles will reduce the air
Bamboo Mission which would contribute to self pollutants to an optimum level.
reliance farming • Effective implementation and enforcement of
• India should aim to establish itself in global markets existing environment law.
for both engineered and handcrafted products by • Adopting environmentally friendly lifestyles on
increasing the exports even further. a daily basis like encouraging carpooling, taking
• Encouraging people to use bamboo made public transportation in place or car and bike.
household products in place of plastics.
BLUE SKIES Why in News?
The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteurs have
Why in News? raised several concerns about the draft Environment
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Impact Assessment (EIA) notification, 2020, and have
Change has organized a webinar on the first-ever asked the government how its provisions correspond
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. with India’s obligations under international law.

What is International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies?

• In its 74th session, the United Nations General Special Rapporteurs are independent experts
Assembly adopted the resolution to hold an working on behalf of the UN. They work on a
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies on 7th country or a thematic mandate specified by the
September starting from 2020. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
• Aim
• Raise public awareness at all levels—individual,
community, corporate and government.
• Demonstrate the close link of air quality to The three important issues raised by UN Special
other environmental/developmental challenges Rapporteurs
such as – most and foremost – climate change
and the global Sustainable Development Goals. • Exemption from public consultation some clauses of
• Promote and facilitate solutions that improve draft notification includes exemption of several large
air quality by sharing actionable knowledge best industries and projects from public consultation
practices, innovations, and success stories. — as part of the environmental impact assessment
• Bringing together diverse international actors process — such as chemical manufacturing and
working on this topic to form a strategic alliance petroleum products; building, construction, and area
to gain momentum for concerted national, development; inland waterways and expansion or
regional and international approaches for widening of national highways.
effective air quality management. • EIA's concern- These exemptions are
• Various initiative taken by India to reduce Air unwarranted given the substantial environmental
Pollution and human rights negative impacts that can arise
• Air Quality Index- Indian government has from projects in these areas.
launched the Air Quality Index (AQI) monitoring • Unclear definition of strategic consideration- The
and today we are tracking the levels of Pollution draft notification does not require publication of
on eight parameters. information or holding of public consultation for
• National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)- A brochure projects labelled by the Central government as
on Integrated Measures to Combat Air Pollution ‘involving strategic considerations’.
under the has been launched in the webinar. • EIA'sconcern- The draft does not provide
• The National Clean Air Programme is clarification regarding the criteria for
a pollution control initiative that was categorizing projects ‘strategic’ by
launched by the Ministry of Environment the Central Government and hence
with the intention to cut the concentration could be open to excessively broad
of coarse (particulate matter of diameter interpretations.
10 micrometer or less, or PM10) and fine • There is a clause on “post-facto clearance”.
particles (particulate matter of diameter These are for projects that have started without
2.5 micrometer or less, or PM2.5) by at least obtaining the required environmental clearances or
20% in the next five years, with 2017 as the permissions.
base year for comparison. • EIA's concern- This practice contradicts
• Migration to BS- VI quality of diesel and petrol basic principles related to the
to reduce the air pollution through vehicles. environmental rule of law.
• The group has sought the government's response
What more can be done? to how the provisions of the notification are
• City Specific plan- Avoiding one size fits all consonant with India’s obligations under
approach there is a need for city specific because international law.

89 I Articulate
• India is a party to the Rio declaration (also TYPHOON MAYSAK AND TYPHOON
known as the Earth Summit) adopted by the HAISHEN
United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED) in 1992, which Why in news?
articulated a catalogue of environmental Two typhoons - Haishen, the first super typhoon of the
principles including sustainable development, 2020 Pacific typhoon season, and Maysak, recently hit
precautionary principle, and EIA. Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
• India is also party to the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) and United
Nations Framework on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), which contain a requirement
What are Tropical Cyclones?
to have a prior EIA in situations having a
significant threat to the environment.
• Tropical cyclones are storms that develop in
• Other contentious provisions in the draft
tropical oceans at least 5-30 degrees latitude
• Limiting public consultation hearings to
north or south of the equator.
a maximum of 40 days and reducing the
• The storm is a rapidly rotating intense low-
submission time of public response from
pressure storm system characterized by a
30 to 20 days for any application seeking
closed low-level atmospheric circulation,
environmental clearance.
strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of
• Extending the validity of the environment
thunderstorms that produce heavy rain or
clearances for mining projects and river
valley projects.
• Depending on where it occurs, it is called by
different names-
Way Forward
• Tropical Cyclone: in the Indian Ocean region
• These clauses and exemptions are unjustified as
• Typhoon: in the China Sea and the
well as undefined and the general public must be
Pacific Ocean
• Hurricane: in the West Indian islands in
• Reduced forest cover and consequent
the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
closeness of wildlife and related virus
• Tornado: in the Guinea lands of West
reservoirs (zoonotic diseases) to humans,
Africa and the southern USA
and more polluted air impacting human
• Willy-willy: in north-western Australia
health highlight the need to preserve the
• The government should focus on ensuring
access to information as well as awareness
about the public hearing and its impact upon Formation of Tropical Cyclones
the whole EIA process.
• There should also be a Social Impact The conditions favorable for tropical cyclone
Assessment to achieve sustainable formation are
development in true sense. • Large sea surface with a temperature higher
• “Grow Now, Sustain Later” should not be the than 27° C
priority of policy, as the notion is dangerously tilted • Strong enough Coriolis force to create a
against the concept of sustainable development cyclonic vortex
and with the EIA. • Small variations in the vertical wind speed
• A pre-existing weak low-pressure area or low-
level-cyclonic circulation
• Upper divergence above the sea level system
• Under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
India released its first EIA norms in 1994, setting
a legal framework for regulating activities that
access, utilize, and affect natural resources.
• Every development project has been required
to go through the EIA process for obtaining
prior environmental clearance ever since.
• The 1994 EIA notification was replaced with a
modified draft in 2006.
• Earlier this year, the government redrafted it to
incorporate the amendments and relevant court
orders issued since 2006, and to make the EIA
“process more transparent and expedient.” Image source: https://geography.name

Environment & Disaster Management | 90

Difference between Tropical and Temperate Cyclones

Tropical Cyclone Temperate Cyclone

Latitudes 10 – 30 degrees N and S of the 35 – 65 degrees N and S of the equator


Formation They form only on seas Can form on land as well as seas

Season Seasonal, most in August-October Irregular, but fewer in summers and

more in winters

Size Limited to a small area, varying with Cover a larger area, varying from region
the strength of the cyclone to region

Lifespan Last less than a week Generally last for 2-3 weeks

Naming and Classification of Typhoons: Objectives

• Intergovernmental organization 'Typhoon The objectives of ClimateSMART Cities Assessment
Committee' names typhoons that are contributed Framework are
by its 14 member countries, which include South • to incentivize a holistic, climate responsive
Korean, Japan, USA, and China. development in the 100 Smart Cities under the
• Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and other Smart City Mission,
US meteorological organizations use the Saffir- • to provide a clear roadmap for the cities and in
Simpson Scale to classify tropical storms. effect, urban India as a whole, towards combating
climate change (mitigation and adaptation) while
Saffir-Simpson Scale: planning their actions, including investments.
• The Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating
based on a cyclone's sustained wind speed. This Indicators of the Framework
scale estimates potential property damage. The ClimateSMART Cities Assessment Framework has
• Cyclones reaching Category 3 and higher are 28 indicators across 5 sectors, namely-
considered major cyclones because of their • Energy and Green Buildings
potential for significant loss of life and damage. • Urban Planning, Green Cover and, Biodiversity
• Category 1 and 2 storms are still dangerous, • Mobility and Air Quality
however, and require preventative measures. • Water Management and
• Waste Management.
Climate Change and Tropical cyclones:
• Human-caused climate change has played a role in Implementing agencies
shaping the global distribution of tropical cyclones The following agencies support the MoHUA in
in the past 40 years. implementation of CSCAF-
• Rising sea levels due to global warming make for • The Climate Centre for Cities under the National
higher storm surges, which reach larger inland Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
areas. Higher temperatures also lead to cyclones • Fit India Mission, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs
forming much faster. and Sports, and
• In 2020, South Korea has endured one of its wettest • The India Program of the Institute for Transport
and longest monsoon seasons on record, stretching Development and Policy (ITDP).
to an unprecedented 54 days.
• All tropical countries around the world today How is the assessment exercise carried out?
are facing the brunt of cyclones and other such • The Nodal Officer appointed at the Smart City
climate-change related phenomenon. Limited fills the ClimateSmart Cities Assessment
Framework form.
CLIMATESMART CITIES ASSESSMENT • She/he may be supported by the Data Officer Smart
FRAMEWORK City ULB’s, development authorities, and other
agencies responsible for providing the required
Why in News? data, as prescribed in the form.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has initiated
the “ClimateSMART Cities Assessment Framework” Outcomes
(CSCAF) 2.0 • The framework touches upon the following issues
necessary for a climate-resilient smart city
• Status and Benchmarking

91 I Articulate
• Capacity Building
• Cross Learning programs in sectors vulnerable to climate
• Creation of Awareness change, particularly agriculture, water
• Citizen Engagement resources, etc.
• An environment of KPI-driven spending • Joint collaborative R&D for such future
• Circular Economy technologies
• The exercise is also a part of the Ministry’s focus
on the quality of life. The focus is clearly on the
community, the neighborhood, and the citizen;
and tangible steps that can be taken towards
clear impacts.
Why in News?
World Bamboo Day was celebrated on 18th September.
Need for climate-smart cities
The theme for the year 2020 was 'Bamboo Now'.
• Cities inhabit 3% of the planet’s land but account
for 60-80% of all energy consumption, and 75% of
the planet’s carbon emission.
• India is projected to add 416 million urban
dwellers by 2050 and by 2030, India is expected World Bamboo Day
to be home to seven megacities with a population • It was officially established to be held every
of more than 10 million. year on September 18, by the World Bamboo
• To manage this unprecedented growth and to Organization in 2009.
improve the quality of life for urban citizens,
there is a clear requirement for frameworks World Bamboo Organization
such as the “ClimateSMART Cities Assessment • It is an international coordinating body
Framework” (CSCAF). for bamboo practitioners, dedicated to
promoting the use of bamboo and bamboo
products for the sake of the environment
and economy.
Initiatives taken by India to mitigate • It was set up at the 1992 International Bamboo
Climate Change Congress in Japan.

• National Action Plan for Climate Change

- a comprehensive action plan which
The global Bamboo scenario
outlines measures on climate-change
• Bamboo grows in the tropical, subtropical and
related adaptation and mitigation while
temperate regions of the world with uneven
simultaneously advancing development -
distribution based on annual precipitation, altitude,
which includes 8 missions
soil conditions, and temperature.
• National Solar Mission
• Around 80 percent of bamboo forests lie in Asia
• National Mission for Enhanced Energy
with India, China and Myanmar having 19.8 million
hectares of bamboo.
• National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
• National Water Mission
The scenario of Bamboo in India
• National Mission for Sustaining the
• India is the world’s second-largest cultivator of
Himalayan Ecosystem
bamboo after China, with 136 species and 23 genera
• National Mission for Green India
spread over 13.96 million hectares.
• National Mission for Sustainable
• There are around 125 bamboo species in India, both
native and exotic.
• National Mission on Strategic Knowledge
• The principal bamboo genera occurring in India
Platform for Climate Change
are Arundinaria, Bambusa, Chimonobambusa,
• Paris Climate Agreement 2015 - As per
Dendrocalamus, Dinochloa, and Gigantochloa.
the Intended Nationally Determined
• Top bamboo producing regions in India are in
Contributions (INDCs) submitted by India, it
the Northeast India- Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
has committed to the following targets
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura,
• Reduction in the emissions intensity
and in Sikkim, West Bengal.
of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030
• India’s annual bamboo production is estimated
from 2005 level
at 3.23 million tonnes. Despite this, the country’s
• 40% of cumulative electric power installed
share in the global bamboo trade and commerce is
capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by
only 4 percent.
2030 with financial and technical help
from other countries and GCF
Initiatives for Bamboo cultivation in India
• Additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion
• Bamboo clusters were virtually inaugurated in
tons of CO2 equivalent by 2030
9 states, including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
• Enhancing investments in development
Maharashtra, Odisha, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura,
Uttarakhand and Karnataka in 2020.

Environment & Disaster Management | 92

• The Indian Forest Act 1927 was amended in 2017 to
remove bamboo for the category of trees, because • It creates a complete value chain for the
of which cultivation and business in bamboo and growth of the bamboo sector.
its products are now possible without the need of a
'felling' and 'transit' permission.
• SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of
Traditional Industries) was implemented by the Timeline
Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) which boosts traditional industries and 2006: NBM was brought under the Integrated
bamboo artisans. Horticulture Development Mission during the year
• Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs): 10,000 new 2014-15 and was continued till the year 2015-16.
FPOs to be formed in 5 years, which will provide a 2018: Restructured NBM was approved by the GOI.
range of assistance to farmers like imparting better The restructured NBM aims to support the
farm practices, collectivization of input purchases, development of the entire value chain of the
transportation, and linkage with markets. bamboo sector starting from planting material,
• Import duty on raw bamboo items has been raised plantation, creation of facilities for collection,
by 25 percent, which will help the domestic bamboo aggregation, processing marketing, micro,
industries like furniture, handicrafts and incense small & medium enterprises, skill development
sticks making, to support the local craftsmen. and brand building initiative in a cluster
• Common Facility Centres are being set up close approach mode.
to the plantations which will reduce the cost of 2017: To facilitate the benefit-flow to the farmers,
transportation and increase local entrepreneurship bamboo outside forest areas has been excluded
• National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is being from the definition of ‘tree’ by amending Section 2
implemented in a hub (industry) and spoke model. (7) of the Indian Forest Act, 1927.

Importance of Bamboo
• Versatility: Bamboo is a versatile crop. It can
National Bamboo Mission (NBM) be used in different ways including as food, a
substitute for wood, building and construction
• National Bamboo Mission is a Centrally material, for handicrafts and paper.
Sponsored Scheme started in the year 2006-07 • Against COVID-19: Bamboo has been a key
which was later subsumed under the Mission ingredient in new antimicrobial soaps and hand
for Integrated Development of Horticulture mists developed by Filipino scientists to fight the
(MIDH), for the years 2014-15 and 2015-16. novel coronavirus COVID-19.
• Objectives of the scheme • In Green India Mission: With its unique ability to
• Enhance the yields with improved and stitch and repair damaged soils, bamboo can be
new varieties. ideal for rehabilitating degraded soil to facilitate
• In the potential areas, increase the Green India Mission.
coverage area for bamboo. • The National Housing Scheme (PMAY) can utilize
• Promotion and marketing of bamboo and bamboo as a construction material.
handicrafts made of bamboo. • For export-led growth: Bamboo grown in the
• Establish coordination and cooperation Northeast (66 percent of the total growing
among stakeholders for the development bamboo stock in India) can be exported to
of the bamboo sector. East Asian countries like Japan and Taiwan
• Promote, develop, and disseminate for competitive prices with the government’s
technologies through a perfect blend support.
of modern scientific knowledge and • As a nutraceutical:
traditional wisdom. • Nutraceuticals are products, which other
• Generate employment opportunities for than nutrition are also used as medicine.
skilled and unskilled laborers, especially Bamboo shoots are one such example. They
unemployed youths. are the edible sprouts of the perennial
• Benefits of the scheme grass of Bamboo.
• The scheme benefits the farmers, local • The present global market for bamboo shoots
artisans, and associated people engaged is around $1,700 million. More than 3 million
in the bamboo sector, inclusive of the tonnes of bamboo shoots are consumed
associated industries. across the world annually.
• The scheme proposes to bring about one • The protein content in fresh bamboo shoots,
lakh hectares under plantation, thereby considered as a nutraceutical, can range
benefiting close to one lakh farmers between 1.49-4.04%.
directly, in terms of the plantation. • They also contain 17 amino acids, eight of which
• The scheme helps in cutting down on are essential for the human body.
the import of bamboo products and in
enhancing the income of the farmers.

93 I Articulate
Pharmaceuticals Nutraceuticals

Pharmaceuticals are a product of scientific research Nutraceuticals are found in nature and have been a
that supports their claims for health improvement. part of our healthy diet for ages.

Nutraceuticals are found in nature and have been a Nutraceuticals are generally not sanctioned by the
part of our healthy diet for ages. government.

Pharmaceuticals can cause side effects on the body Nutraceuticals are generally mild and do not cause
due to them being synthetically developed. side effects.

Pharmaceuticals have patent protection. Nutraceuticals usually do not have patent


Pharmaceuticals come in standardized doses and Nutraceuticals are non-standardized and are
can be obtained from any pharmacy around the generally sold at health and wellness centers.

Way Forward
• ‘Atma Nirbhar Krishi’ (self-reliant farming) can be • However, in India, the permissible limit
achieved with the harmonization of the National in drinking water has recently been
Bamboo Mission and Atma Nirbhar Bharat. revised from 0.05 mg per liter to 0.01 mg
• The northeastern region could become the 'New per liter.
Engine of New India' with bamboo as a useful fuel. • The source of arsenic in India is geogenic as
Therefore, bamboo should be focused upon and its well as anthropogenic.
industry be developed holistically. • Geogenic: Arsenic ends up in the water
by the dissolution of arsenic-bearing
ARSENIC AFFECTED HABITATIONS IN sediments and silts into groundwater
aquifers that are in contact with arsenic-
INDIA UP BY 145% IN THE LAST 5 YEARS bearing strata.
• Anthropogenic: The chemical
Why in News?
industries, along with mining, contribute
Arsenic affected habitations in India have increased in
to the anthropogenic causes of arsenic
the last five years, according to recent data shared in
in groundwater.
the Parliament.

What does the data say?

• Arsenic affected habitations in India have increased
by 145% in number, in the last five years (2015-20).
• Most of the arsenic affected habitations lie in the
Ganga and Brahmaputra alluvial plains (Assam,
Bihar, West Bengal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh).
• Assam had the highest share of such habitations
(1853) followed by West Bengal (1383).
• Fluoride affected habitations have significantly
come down from 12727 in 2015 to 5485 (as of
September 2020).
• Rajasthan had the highest number of such
habitations (2956) followed by Bihar (861).

Arsenic poisoning

• Arsenic poisoning is a medical condition that Image source: https://socialcops.com

occurs due to elevated levels of arsenic in the
• According to the WHO’s guidelines for drinking
water quality (2011), the permissible limit of
Arsenic in groundwater is 0.01 mg per liter.

Environment & Disaster Management | 94

a cooperative synthesis of efforts of all stakeholders,
Fluoride Toxicity administration along with the civil society in a time-
• Fluoride toxicity is a condition in which bound manner.
there are elevated levels of the fluoride ion
in the body.
• Although fluoride is safe for dental health,
excessive fluoride may lead to dental fluorosis
(tooth decay) or crippling skeletal fluorosis,
which is associated with bone deformities.
• According to the WHO's recommendation,
a level of fluoride from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L
(milligrams per liter), depending on the
climate, is suitable for human exposure.
• In India, an estimated 60 million people have
been poisoned by groundwater contaminated
by excessive fluoride, which is often dissolved
from the granite rocks.

Initiatives for potable drinking water in India

• National Water Quality Sub-Mission (NWQSM)
under the National Rural Drinking Water Mission
(NRDWM) to provide safe drinking water to
27,544 rural habitats where arsenic and fluoride
contamination of groundwater is rampant.
• National Rural Drinking Water Mission
(NRDWM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme
(CSS) aimed at improving the coverage of
adequate &safe drinking water to the rural
population of the country.
• Drinking water is a State subject, and through
the NRDWM, the government provides
technical & financial assistance to the states.
• Community Water Purification Plants (CWPP)
under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) to provide robust
water systems in groundwater contaminated areas.
• Jal Jeevan Mission is envisioned to provide safe
and adequate drinking water through individual
household tap connections by 2024 to all
households in rural India.
• The program will also implement source
sustainability measures as mandatory
elements, such as recharge and reuse through
greywater management, water conservation,
rainwater harvesting.
• Small water enterprises such as water ATMs
and community purification plants can prove
to be an alternative solution to the safe
drinking water challenge.
• Safe Water Network, which is a nonprofit
organization co-founded in 2006 by actor and
philanthropist Paul Newman along with other civic
and business leaders, to help address the evidence
gap in off-grid water systems.
• Paani Foundation, which is a non-profit, non-
governmental organization co-founded by actor
Aamir Khan, to work in the area of drought
prevention and watershed management in the
state of Maharashtra, India.

Way Forward
Less than 50 percent of the population in India has
access to safely managed drinking water. The issue is
large scale and widespread, and can only be tackled by

95 I Articulate
Science & Technology | 96
97 I Articulate

Why in News? Why in News?

India’s multi-wavelength orbiting telescope, AstroSat, An international team of gravitational wave
has detected light from a galaxy, called AUDFs01, in the astronomers from LIGO Scientific and Virgo
extreme-ultraviolet (UV) light. The galaxy is located in collaboration have discovered a first-of-its-kind
the Hubble Extreme Deepfield, 9.3 billion light-years intermediate mass black hole formed by the
away from Earth. merger of two massive black holes that resulted in
gravitational waves.
Key Highlights
• This is the first time that star-forming galaxies have
been observed in this extreme UV environment. LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave
• The discovery was an international collaboration by Observatory)
astronomers from India, Switzerland, France, the
USA, Japan, and the Netherlands. • It is a massive observatory for detecting
• Earlier, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (HST) cosmic gravitational waves and for carrying
attempted but not succeeded. AstroSat/UVIT was out experiments.
able to achieve this because the background noise in • Its objective is to use gravitational-wave
the UVIT detector is much less than the ones on HST. observations in astronomical studies.
• These observations lasted for more than 28 hours • The project operates three gravitational-
in October 2016, but it took nearly two years since wave (GW) detectors. Two are at Hanford,
then to carefully analyze the data to ascertain that Washington, north-western US, and one is at
the emission is indeed from the galaxy. Livingston in Louisiana, south-eastern US.
• The proposed LIGO India project aims to
move one Advanced LIGO detector from
Hanford to India.
Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (DXF)

• It is a portion of space that contains

approximately 5,500 galaxies, the oldest
What is unique about this collision?
of which are seen as they were 13.2 billion
• One of the two-parent black holes was of an unusual
years ago, recorded by the Hubble Space
“intermediate-mass”, which challenges traditional
Telescope for over 10 years.
scientific knowledge. It is the first “intermediate-
mass” black hole ever observed.
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
• It lasted less than one-tenth of a second.
• It is a space telescope that was launched into
• It was calculated to have come from roughly 17
Low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation.
billion light-years away, a time when the universe
• It is one of the largest and most versatile
was about half its age.
space telescopes to date.
• Out of the two, the larger black hole was of 85 solar
masses and the smaller black hole was of 66 solar
masses. Post-merger they created a new black hole
of about 142 solar masses and energy equivalent
AstroSat to 8 solar masses was released in the form of
gravitational waves, leading to the strongest ever
• It is India’s first multi-wavelength space wave detected by scientists so far.
telescope, which has five telescopes • The latest discovery will help scientists and
seeing through different wavelengths astrophysicists understand the formation of
simultaneously — visible, near UV, far UV, extremely large black holes such as the present one.
soft X-ray, and hard X-ray.
• AstroSat is a 38-cm wide UltraViolet Imaging Suggested Reasons for Unusual Mass
Telescope (UVIT), which is capable of imaging • The researchers suggest that the larger 85-solar-
in far and near-ultraviolet bands over a wide mass black hole was not the product of a collapsing
field of view. star but was itself the result of a previous merger.
• It was launched on 28 September 2015 by
ISRO into a near-Earth equatorial orbit.
• It is a multi-institute collaborative project,
involving IUCAA, ISRO, Tata Institute of Black Hole
Fundamental Research (Mumbai), Indian
Institute of Astrophysics (Bengaluru), • A black hole is a place in space where gravity
and Physical Research Laboratory pulls so much that even light can not get out.
(Ahmedabad), among others. The gravity is so strong because matter has
been squeezed into a tiny space.
• The concept was theorized by Albert Einstein

Science & Technology | 98

in 1915 and the term ‘black hole’ was coined Chandrayaan-1
in the mid-1960s by American physicist John
Archibald Wheeler. It is India's first Indian lunar probe under the
• All the black holes observed so far belong to Chandrayaan program. It was launched by the
two categories: Indian Space Research Organisation in October
• First ranges between a few solar 2008 and operated until August 2009.
masses and tens of solar masses.
These are thought to form when
massive stars die.
• The second is of supermassive black What are the findings?
holes. These range from hundreds of • Presence of Iron ore- Data from the Mineralogy
thousands to billions of times that of Mapper (M3), indicates the presence of hematite at
the sun from the Solar system to which the lunar poles.
Earth belongs. • The indication of this finding is that even though
• In April 2019, the scientists at the Event the surface of the moon is known to have iron-
Horizon Telescope Project released the first- rich rocks, it is not known for the presence of
ever image of a Black Hole (more precisely, of water and oxygen, which are the two elements
its shadow). needed to interact with iron to create rust.
• Gravitational waves are created when two • This evidence also overlaps with the recent
black holes orbit each other and merge. study of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) which has found
Gravitational Waves evidence of greater quantities of metals such as
• They are invisible ripples that form when a iron and titanium on the moon’s subsurface.
star explodes in a supernova; when two big • Possible Reasons Behind Rusting at poles
stars orbit each other; and when two black • Oxygen present on earth- According to
holes merge. scientists of NASA, earth’s oxygen could
• Travel at the speed of light, gravitational be driving the formation of hematite.
waves squeeze and stretch anything in Earth’s magnetotail (elongated region of the
their path. magnetosphere of the earth) ferries oxygen
• Proposed by Albert Einstein in his General to the moon.
Theory of Relativity over a century ago. • Chandrayaan-1 Moon data indicates that the
• It was only in 2015, however, that the first moon's poles are home to water that scientists
gravitational wave was actually detected — are trying to decipher.
by LIGO.


COMPONENTS OF BLACK HOLE • It is expected to be launched in early 2021.

• It will be a mission repeat of Chandrayaan-2
and will include a Lander and Rover similar
to that of Chandrayaan-2, but will not have
an orbiter.
• Planned to land on the South Pole of the
Moon, Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22nd
July in 2019. However, the lander Vikram
hard-landed on 7th September 2019, crashing
India's dream to become the first nation to
successfully touch down on the lunar surface
in its maiden attempt.

Way Forward
• The findings will reshape scientists’ knowledge
about the moon’s polar regions. It also suggests that
Source- NASA the Earth may have played an important role in the
evolution of the moon's surface.
CHANDRAYAAN-1 FINDINGS • More data is needed to determine exactly how the
water is interacting with the rock.
Why in News? • This finding will also help other global lunar
The latest images sent by Chandrayaan-1 suggest that missions to shape their research and reach a
the moon may be rusting along the poles. common conclusion.

99 I Articulate
Black Hole
Why in News? • A region of spacetime having a gravitational
Researchers from the City University of Hong Kong field so intense that no matter or radiation can
have produced graphene masks with an anti-bacterial escape is known as a black hole.
efficiency which inactivate the coronavirus species. • The boundary of the region from which no
escape is possible is called the event horizon.
Key Findings • In a breakthrough moment, scientists
• Graphene Mask and Coronaviruses obtained the first-ever image of a black hole,
• Initial tests on two human coronavirus species using Event Horizon Telescope observations
showed the graphene inactivated over 90% of of the center of the galaxy M87 in 2019.
the virus in five minutes and almost 100 per
cent in 10 minutes under sunlight. Supermassive Black Hole
• The researchers are also planning to test this • A supermassive black hole is the largest type of
mask on the Covid-19 virus. black hole, with a mass on the order of millions
• Test on Escherichia coli, a pathogen that causes to billions of times the mass of the Sun.
bacterial infection. • Observational evidence indicates that almost
• The researchers created a laser-induced form every large galaxy has a supermassive black
of graphene and tested it on E coli. It showed hole at the galaxy's center.
antibacterial efficiency of about 82 percent. • For example, at the center of our galaxy (the
Most of the E coli were dead after 8 hours. Milky Way) lies a supermassive black hole
named Sagittarius A*.
Production of masks- Researchers stated in their
report that the graphene masks are easily produced at
low cost, and can help resolve the problems of sourcing
raw materials and disposing non-biodegradable masks. Detection of GRGs
Radio telescopes such as the Giant Metrewave Radio
Telescope (GMRT) in India and International LOFAR
Telescope (ILT) in the Netherlands, have been assisting
Graphene the confirmation of the discovery of new GRGs.

• Graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting Importance of studying GRGs

of a single layer of atoms arranged in two- • The study of GRGs gives important clues to
dimensional honeycomb lattice. unveiling the physics and phenomenology of the
• Graphene is the thinnest material known to 'black hole accretion process'
man at one atom thick, and also incredibly • Black Hole Accretion Process is the process in
strong - about 200 times stronger than steel. which massive black holes accrete mass and
• Graphene is an excellent conductor of heat efficiency, and produce jets.
and electricity and has interesting light • The length of the radio wave jet illustrates how
absorption abilities. powerful and active the black hole is. It also
• Its thin composition and high conductivity speaks volumes about the environment density
means it can be used in applications ranging of the galaxy.
from miniaturised electronics to biomedical
devices like computers, solar panels, batteries, Hence, it is essential to study GRGs, to unveil the
sensors and other devices. secrets of the universe.


Why in news?
Why in News? • In a recent study, it has been found that the
Researchers at the Inter-University Centre for methane hydrate deposits located in the Krishna-
Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) and Leiden Godavari (KG) basin are of biogenic origin.
University, Netherland have found the largest sample to • The study was conducted by researchers at the
date of giant radio galaxies (GRGs). Agharkar Research Institute (ARI), an autonomous
institute of the Department of Science and
Giant Radio Galaxies Technology.
• An active galaxy that emits large amounts of radio
wave jets, powered by the galaxy’s supermassive Biogenic Methane
black hole, is called a radio galaxy. • Biogenic Methane is produced from the metabolic
• The largest radio galaxies, spanning mega-parsec activities of methanogens.
scales, are called giant radio galaxies (GRGs). • Methanogens are microorganisms that produce
methane as a metabolic by-product in hypoxic (low
levels of oxygen) conditions.

Science & Technology | 100

• The ARI team has documented a predominance
of genus Methanosarcina in the KG basin, • Some other names for methane hydrate are
followed by a few other genera Methanoculleus, methane clathrate, hydromethane, methane ice,
Methanobacterium. fire ice, natural gas hydrate, and gas hydrate.
• Methanogenesis is the chemoautotrophic process
in which methanogens consume hydrogen (H2) and
release methane (Ch4) as a by-product.
Importance of Methane Hydrates
• Rich source of hydrocarbons: Methane hydrate
deposits are believed to be a larger hydrocarbon
Methane Hydrate resource than all of the world's oil, natural gas and
• Methane Hydrate is a solid compound in coal resources combined.
which a large amount of methane is trapped • It is estimated that one cubic meter of methane
within a crystal structure of water, resembling hydrate contains 160-180 cubic meters of methane.
a solid similar to ice. • Clean source of energy: Methane is a clean and
• It is formed when hydrogen-bonded water economical fuel.
and methane gas come in contact under high • Climate change research: The ice-core methane hydrate
pressure and low temperature. record is a primary source of data for global warming
research, along with oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Krishna river Godavari river

Origin Jor village of Satara district, Trimbakeshwar in the Nashik district,

Maharashtra Maharashtra

Tributaries Right bank: the Ghatprabha, the Right Bank: Pravara, Mula, Manjra,
Malaprabha and the Tungabhadra. Peddavagu, Maner.
Left Bank: the Bhima, the Musi and Left Bank: Dharna, Penganga,
the Munneru. Wainganga, Wardha, Pranahita
[conveying the combined waters
of Penganga, the Wardha and
Wainganga], Pench, Kanhan, Sabari,

States through which it Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,
passes Karnataka Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
Smaller areas in Madhya Pradesh,
Karnataka and Union Territory of
Puducherry (Yanam)

Krishna-Godavari basin

• It is the extensive deltaic plain formed

by two large east coast rivers Krishna
and Godavari in Andhra Pradesh and the
adjoining areas of Bay of Bengal.
• The on-land part of the basin covers an
area of 15000 square kilometers and the
offshore part covers an area of 25,000
square kilometers.
• Krishna-Godavari basin is a proven
petroliferous basin with commercial
hydrocarbon accumulations, having
large deposits of natural gas and
methane hydrates.
Image source: National Data Repository, DGH, Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas

101 I Articulate
DISCOVERY OF PHOSPHINE GAS ON biological processes and not through any naturally
VENUS occurring chemical processes, indicating that
something must be creating the gas as fast as it
Why in News? is being destroyed - a possibility of existence of
According to a recent research published in the journal life on Venus.
‘Nature Astronomy’, phosphine gas has been discovered
in the Venusian atmosphere, which indicates the Way Forward
existence of life on the planet. NASA is about to pick new planetary missions to fund
as part of its Discovery Program — an initiative to send
small robotic spacecraft to explore various parts of the
Solar System - and is very likely to send mission(s) to
Phosphine Venus for a follow-up exploration on phosphine and the
existence of extraterrestrial life. Its findings could be
• Phosphine is a colorless, flammable, and a life-altering for the human race.
very toxicgas that is also explosive at ambient
• Phosphine is known to be produced only
through biological processes, and not James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT)
through any naturally occurring chemical
process on Earth. • JCMT is the largest single dish astronomical
• The gas has been discovered in the telescope in the world situated in the science
atmosphere of Venus in a concentration of reserve of Mauna Kea, Hawai`i.
approximately 20 parts per billion. • JCMT is operated by the East Asian
Observatory. Funding is provided by the
National Astronomical Observatory of
China, National Astronomical Observatory of
The Planet Venus
Japan, Korea Astronomy and Space Science
Venus is the second planet from the sun and Earth’s
Institute, and the Academia Sinica Institute of
closest planetary neighbor. It is called the sister planet
Astronomy and Astrophysics of Taiwan.
of Earth because of its structure similarities with Earth.
• It is designed specifically to operate in the
However, its temperature and atmosphere make Venus
submillimetre wavelength region of the
entirely different from Earth.
electromagnetic spectrum.
• Temperature: Venus is the hottest planet in the
• JCMT is used to study our solar system,
solar system, with surface temperatures reaching
interstellar and circumstellar dust and gas,
a scorching 471 degrees Celsius, hot enough to
evolved stars, and distant galaxies.
melt lead.
• Atmosphere: The Venusian atmosphere is thick
and densely filled with carbon dioxide, generating
a runaway greenhouse effect. This is why Venus
is even hotter than Mercury, even after being
second from the sun in terms of proximity, while Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
Mercury is the closest. (ALMA)

Timeline of the discovery of Phosphine on Venus: • ALMA is an international astronomical

• 2017: Phosphine was initially identified in Venusian interferometer facility located in the
atmosphere, based on the observations from the Atacama Desert of northern Chile,
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii. which observes electromagnetic
• 2019: A more focused search was conducted with radiation at millimeter and
more precise observations using the Atacama Large submillimeter wavelengths.
Millimeter/submillimeter Array facility in Chile. • It is a partnership between the European
• 2020: Scientists confirmed the presence of Southern Observatory (ESO), the National
Phosphine on Venus, and announced the possibility Science Foundation (NSF) of the US, and
of life in the atmosphere of Venus. the National Institutes of Natural Sciences
(NINS) of Japan in collaboration with the
How the discovery of Phosphine implies the Republic of Chile.
possibility of life on Venus? • ALMA is used to study the first stars and
• Theoretically, Venus should be hostile to phosphine, galaxies that emerged from the cosmic
since there is enough oxygen available on it to react dark ages billions of years ago, study the
with and destroy phosphine. processes of star and galaxy formation,
• But phosphine was discovered in significantly high and allow scientists to carry out research
amounts (as compared to the previously assumed on the complex chemistry of the giant
quantities) in the Venusian atmosphere, implying cosmic clouds of gas and dust, of stars and
that any phosphine reacting with oxygen must be planetary systems.
getting swiftly replenished.
• Phosphine is known to occur only as a result of

Science & Technology | 102

• VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint Research)
Faculty Scheme
• It is a scheme of the Department of
Why in News?
Science & Technology.
Vaibhav Summit is to be inaugurated on October 2, 2020.
• VAJRA is a dedicated program exclusively
for overseas scientists and academicians
with emphasis on Non-resident Indians
• Vaishwik Bharatiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit
(NRI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/
is a collaborative initiative by the Department of
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to work
Science & Technology and academic organizations
as adjunct/visiting faculty for a specific
of India, to create an ecosystem of knowledge and
period in Indian public funded academic
innovation in the country through global outreach.
and research institutions.
• The aim of the summit is to reflect in-depth on the
collaboration and cooperation instruments with
academia and scientists in India.
• Plan of the summit:
• The virtual summit will be inaugurated on Way Forward
October 2 in the virtual presence of registered • Today we are witnessing outstanding contributions
academia and researchers from across the world. being made by the Indian diaspora in the arena of
• This will be followed by online month-long global academics and research.
deliberation sessions starting from October 3 to • A framework for systematic and objective-driven
25, among researchers through webinar mode. collaboration between international academia with
• The concluding session is planned for Indian roots and our own national luminaries under
November 2, 2020. the VAIBHAV Summit will pave the way for the
country’s advancement in academics and scientific
Significance of the summit research.
• VAIBHAV will add a new dimension to Atal
Innovation Mission (AIM).
• The summit seeks active support and ideation
from Indian Diaspora for developing skills of
Indian aspirants in alignment with the New
Educational Policy.
• The summit seeks to strengthen the “Atma Nirbhar
Bharat” initiative for high-end research in science
and technology.

Other Government Initiatives for the Indian


• Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD)

• It is an initiative of the Ministry of External
Affairs (MEA).
• Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated on
January 9 every year to mark the return
of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa to
Ahmedabad on 9 January 1915.
• It aims to promote the unity of overseas
people with the government of India.
• The contribution of the Overseas Indian
community in the development of India is
celebrated in this festival.
• Know India Program (KIP)
• It is an initiative of the Ministry of External
Affairs (MEA).
• KIP is a three-week orientation program
for diaspora engagement which
familiarizes Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)
(18-30 years) with their Indian roots and
contemporary India.

103 I Articulate
Internal Security & Defence | 104
• Formation
Why in News? • SFF was established on 14th November 1962
The Delhi High Court has granted 12 weeks to the Union in the immediate aftermath of the 1962 Sino-
government to decide on whether to scrap or retain the India war.
dual control structure for Assam Rifles. • After the 1962 war, the Central Intelligence
agency (CIA) and Intelligence Bureau (IB)
What is the issue decided to train a 5,000-strong force of
• Presently, Assam Rifles has the dual control Tibetans for possible missions against China.
structure according to which administrative control • The CIA had been involved in a covert program
of the Assam Rifles is with the Ministry of Home to train Tibetan guerrillas to fight the Chinese
Affairs (MHA) and its operational control rests with forces in Tibet since the 1950s.
the Ministry of Defence (MoD). • The SFF units, therefore, function virtually
• This dual structure results in lack of operational as any other Army unit in operational
coordination and disparity in pay and perks of areas despite having a separate charter
Assam Rifles personnel. and history.
• Assam Rifles Ex-Servicemen Welfare Association • The recruits initially consisted of Tibetan
filed a petition in the Delhi High Court seeking its refugees hailing from the Khampa
intervention in the matter. community (now it has a mixture of
Tibetans and Gorkhas).
• It was previously named Establishment-22 as it
was raised by Major General Sujan Singh Uban,
What is Assam Rifles an Artillery officer who had commanded 22
Mountain Regiment.
• Assam Rifles is one of the six central armed • Operate under
police forces (CAPFs) under the administrative • SFF falls under the purview of the Cabinet
control of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). It is Secretariat where it is headed by an Inspector
the oldest paramilitary force of India. General who is an Army officer of the rank of
• The force is the only central paramilitary force Major General.
(CPMF) in real sense as its operational duties • The SFF is not part of the Indian Army and
and regimentation are on the lines of the reports directly to the Prime Minister, through
Indian Army. the Directorate General of Security in the
• It is tasked with the maintenance of law and Cabinet Secretariat.
order in the North East along with the Indian • Link with Army
Army and also guards the Indo-Myanmar • The SFF units are not part of the Army but
border in the region. they function under the operational control
of the Army.
What has been the contribution of Assam Rifles? • The units have their own rank structures which
• Role after Indian Independence- The post- have equivalent status with Army ranks.
Independence role of the Assam Rifles • They have their own training establishment
continued to evolve, ranging from conventional where the recruits to SFF are imparted special
combat role during Sino-India War 1962, forces training.
operating in foreign land as part of the Indian
Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to Sri Lanka in Major operations and achievements
1987(Operation Pawan) to peacekeeping role in • There are several overt and covert operations
the North-Eastern areas of India. in which SFF units have taken part over the
• It remains the most awarded paramilitary years. They took part in operations of a highly
force in both pre- and post-independent India. sensitive nature: ‘Operation Eagle’ (Chittagong
During World War I, the force was awarded 76 Hills in the 1971 Indo-Pak war), ‘Operation
gallantry medals, including seven Indian Order Bluestar’ (Golden Temple in 1984) ‘Operation
of Merit awards and five Indian Distinguished Meghdoot’ (Siachen Glacier in 1984), and
Service Medals, for its contribution in Europe ‘Operation Vijay’ (Kargil, 1999).
and the Middle East during the conflict. • In 1971, the SFF operated in the Chittagong hill
tracts in East Pakistan (later Bangladesh) to
neutralize Pakistan Army positions and help the
Indian Army advance ahead. The operation was
SPECIAL FRONTIER FORCE: VIKAS code-named ‘Operation Eagle’.
BATTALION • The SFF unit is also known as Vikas Battalion,
and played a major role in occupying the key
Why in News? height, thereby thwarting attempts by China
There are reports that the Special Frontier Force (SFF) to change the status quo at the Line of Actual
had been instrumental in occupying some key heights Control (LAC).
along the Line of Actual Control. The action was taken
to prevent any occupation by the Chinese troops.

105 I Articulate
Line of Actual Control

• The LAC is the demarcation that separates

Indian-controlled territory from Chinese-
controlled territory. India considers the LAC to
be 3,488 km long, while the Chinese consider
it to be only around 2,000 km so it makes
The Line of Actual Control (LAC) a disputed
boundary between India and China.
• The LAC is divided into three sectors: The
western sector in Ladakh, the middle sector
in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, and
the eastern sector in Arunachal Pradesh. The
Eastern sector is called the McMohan line.

Source: DRDO


Why in News?
India and Russia are scheduled to hold the bilateral
naval exercise, Indra 2020, in the Andaman Sea, close to
the strategic Strait of Malacca.

More in news
• The Strait of Malacca connects the Indian Ocean to
the South China Sea and is 900 km in length and is
Source- Eurasian times. also a prominent trade route between East Asia and
West Asia-Europe.
ABHYAS HIGH-SPEED EXPENDABLE • IOR is under high operational alert by the
AERIAL TARGET Indian Navy due to the ongoing standoff with
China in Ladakh.
Why in News?
Successful flight test of ABHYAS - High-speed Exercise INDRA?
Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) was conducted by • The series of INDRA exercises between India and
Defence Research and Development Organisation Russia began in 2003 and the first joint tri-service
(DRDO) from the Interim Test Range, Balasore in Odisha. exercise began in 2017.
• In July Indian Navy conducted a Passage Exercise
(PASSEX) with the USA Navy’s USS Nimitz carrier
strike group in the Andaman Sea.
How China is influencing the IOR region?
• Abhyas is a High-speed Expendable Aerial • Recently, India has withdrawn from the
Target (HEAT) designed and developed by Kavkaz-2020 multinational exercise in Russia due to
Aeronautical Development Establishment the restrictions posed by the pandemic. However,
(ADE), DRDO. the participation of Chinese troops in the same
• It is a drone (UAV) that will be used as a target exercise is apparently the main reason.
for various missile systems. • Indian Navy is keeping a close watch on the
• The air vehicle is launched using twin movement of Chinese naval ships in the IOR
underslung booster. because their presence in the IOR has gone up
• It is powered by a small gas turbine engine considerably over the years in the name of Anti-
and has Micro-electromechanical MEMS Piracy patrols.
based Inertial Navigation System (INS) for • In 2017, China opened its first overseas military base
navigation along with the Flight Control in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa.
Computer (FCC) for guidance and control. • China is also expanding its draconian debt trap
• The vehicle is programmed for fully policy to the neighbour of India to empower its
autonomous flight. string of pearl theory.
• The check out of the air vehicle is done using
laptop based Ground Control Station (GCS).

Internal Security & Defence | 106

category security cover of armed central paramilitary
The String of Pearls is a geopolitical theory personnel to a bollywood actress.
on potential Chinese intentions in the Indian
Ocean region. It refers to the network of • VIP Security
Chinese military and commercial facilities • This protection is informally called “VIP
and relationships along its sea lines of security”, and it is generally given only to
communication, which extend from the Chinese someone who holds a position of consequence
mainland to Port Sudan in the Horn of Africa. either in the government or in civil society.
• Few individuals, by reason of positions they
hold in government, are automatically entitled
to security cover which include:
• The Prime Minister and his immediate family.
• The Home Minister.
• Officials such as the National Security Advisor.
• The level of security needed by any individual is
decided by the MHA, based on inputs received
from intelligence agencies which include the
Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Research and
Analysis Wing (R&AW).

Source- Wikipedia
What are the various levels of protection extended to
There are broadly six categories of security
Why in News? cover: X, Y, Y-plus, Z, Z-plus, and SPG (Special
The Ministry of Home Affairs has accorded Y-plus Protection Group).

Security Category Level of Security

SPG(Special Protection The SPG is only for the PM and his immediate family, other protection
Group) categories can be provided to anyone about whom the Centre or state
governments have inputs of a threat.

X Category The X category on average entails just one gunman protecting the
individual. It is the most basic level of protection.

Y Category The Y category has one gunman for mobile security, and one (plus four on
rotation) for static security.

Y plus Category Y-plus has two gunmen (plus four on rotation) for mobile security, and one
(plus four on rotation) for residence security.

ZCategory The Z category has six gunmen for mobile security and two (plus 8) for
residence security.

Z plus Category The Z-plus protectees have 10 security personnel for mobile security, and
two (plus 8) for residence security.

Security cover mandated the National Security Guard (NSG),

• There are various kinds of security cover even Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and the
within these levels. These include security of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) to provide
residence, mobile security, office security, and security cover.
inter-state security. • Protectees get residence security from state police,
• Some may have a threat only when they travel, so but mobile security from a Central Armed Police
they are given an escort force. Force (CAPF).

Forces involved in VIP security? Payment for protection

• For VIPs other than the PM, the government has • On Assessment by the Intelligence Agencies-

107 I Articulate
Anyone to whom the government provides security
after assessment by intelligence agencies, gets the
protection for free.
• Private Individuals- Those who apply for the
security but their case is not having consequences
on the government and civil society, the
government can charge a private individual for their
security cover even after assessing a threat to them.

Internal Security & Defence | 108

109 I Articulate
110 I Articulate Diversity, 
Art & Culture | 110
rights-based movements among the region’s
Why in News? indigenous communities.
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) a PSU under the • The involvement of the women was
Department of Fertilizers has displayed Maharashtra’s supported by the Kisan Sabha leader,
famous Warli painting on the outer walls of its Godavari Parulekar, also known as Godutai
Corporate Office in Noida. (elder sister) by the Adivasis.

Warlis Tribe
• They are spread across Thane, Nashik, and Dhule PULIKKALI FOLK ART OF KERALA
districts of Maharashtra, Valsad district of Gujarat,
Karnataka, Goa, and the Union Territories of Dadra Why in News?
& Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, Pulikkali will be held online
• The Warlis speak an unwritten Varli language in Kerala this year.
which belongs to the southern zone of the Indo-
Aryan languages. About Pulikkali
• Pulikkali (Puli means Leopard/Tiger and Kali means
Features of Warli Painting Play in Malayalam) is a recreational street folk art
• In warli paintings, there is a very basic graphic performed on the fourth day of Onam celebrations.
vocabulary like a circle, a triangle, and a square is Performers paint their bodies like tigers and hunters.
used in these rudimentary wall paintings which are • The folk art is mainly practiced in the Thrissur
monosyllabic in nature. district of Kerala.
• Maharashtra is known for its Warli folk paintings. • The main theme of this folk art is tiger hunting with
• Its roots may be traced to as early as the 10th participants playing the role of tiger and hunter.
century A.D. • Another key event that takes place during Onam
• They show a resemblance to those created in the is the Aranmula Boat Race, the oldest riverboat
Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka. festival in Kerala.
• Scenes portraying hunting, fishing and farming,
festivals and dances, trees, and animals are used to Some Other Art Forms of Kerala
surround the central theme of the painting. • Uttam Thullal- It is a Comedic dance and poetic
• Women are mainly engaged in the creation of performance. It was introduced in the eighteenth century
these paintings. by Kunchan Nambiar, one of the Prachina Kavithrayam. It
is accompanied by a mridangam or an idakka.

• Talamaddale- Tala-Maddale is an ancient form of

performance dialogue or debate performance in
Image source- Pinterest. Southern India in the Karavali and Malnad regions
of Karnataka and Kerala.

Warlis Adivasi Revolt

• It began in Zari village, (Maharashtra) in 1945.

• Due to the oppressive policies and exploitation
by the landlords and money-lenders, nearly
5,000 indentured tribals gathered and refused
to work on landlords’ fields until they received
12 annas a day in wages.
• Their resistance sowed the first seeds of

111 I Articulate
• Kalaripayattu- Kalaripayattu or Kalari, is an Indian • Mudiyettu- It is a traditional ritual theatre and
martial art and fighting style that originated in folk dance drama from Kerala that enacts the
Kerala. Kalaripayattu is held in high regard by mythological tale of a battle between the goddess
martial artists due to its long-standing history Kali and the demon Darika. The ritual is a part of the
within Indian martial arts. Bhagavata or Bhadra Kali cult.

• Kathakali- Kathakali is a major form of classical

Indian dance. It is a "story play" genre of art, but
one distinguished by the elaborately colourful
make-up, costumes, and face masks that the
traditionally male actor-dancers wear. Kathakali is a
Hindu performance art in the Malayalam-speaking
southwestern region of India.

Image Sources- Wikipedia and Kerala Tourism.


Why in News?
The World Urdu Conference 2020 is being organized by
the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language
(NCPUL) from 27th-28th August 2020.

Historical Background:
• Urdu developed and flourished in Delhi during the
period of Delhi Sultanate (12th - 16th century).
• Then during the period of the Mughal Empire in
Delhi (16th - 19th century), several court poets used
• Mohiniyattam- Mohiniyattam literally interpreted this language in their poetry and writings.
as the dance of ‘Mohini’, the celestial enchantress • Amir Khusrau (1253-1325) - one of the most
of Hindu mythology, is the classical solo dance respectable poets of his time - composed couplets
form of Kerala. The delicate body movements in the Urdu, which was then called Hindavi.
and subtle facial expressions are more feminine
in nature and therefore are ideally suited for Status in India:
performance by women. • Urdu is mentioned in the Eighth Schedule to the
Constitution (Article 344(1) and Article 351).
• Urdu is also an official language in states like
Bihar, Kashmir, New Delhi, Telangana, UP, and
West Bengal.

National Council for Promotion of Urdu

Language (NCPUL)

• Itis an autonomous body under the Ministry of

• It was set up in 1996 in order to promote,
develop, and propagate the Urdu language.
• It is the principal coordinating and monitoring
authority for the promotion of Urdu language
and Urdu education.

Art & Culture | 112

• Through Article 16(4), the state is empowered
Why in News? to make “any provision for the reservation
The Prime Minister of India paid tribute to social of appointments or posts in favour of any
reformer Mahatma Ayyankali on his 157th birth backward class of citizens which, in the
anniversary. opinion of the State, is not adequately
represented in the services under the State”.
Who is Mahatma Ayyankali?
Born in the Pulayar community of untouchable people Political Safeguards
in Kerala. He was a social reformer who worked for the • Article 330 provides reservations for seats for
advancement of deprived untouchable people in the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the
princely state of Travancore, British India. His efforts Lok Sabha (the House of the People), while
influenced many changes that improved the social Article 332 provides for reservations in the
well-being of those people, who are today often referred state legislative assemblies.
to as Dalits. Mahatma Gandhi referred to him as • Article 338 establishes the National
Pulaya King. Commission for Scheduled Castes.

His contributions to Dalit developments: Directive Principles of State Policy

• His efforts uplifted the social status of Dalits by • Article 46 states that the State shall promote
ensuring our freedom to walk on public roads, with special care the educational and
and Dalit children were allowed to join schools. economic interests of the weaker sections of
Ayyankali's efforts influenced many changes that the people, and in particular, of the Scheduled
improved the social wellbeing of the depressed class. Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall
• Ayyankali in 1893 rode an ox-cart challenging the protect them from social injustice and forms
‘ban’ on untouchables from accessing public roads of exploitation
by caste-Hindus. • The SC and the ST (Prevention of Atrocities)
• He also led a rally to assert the rights of Amendment Act, 2018 whichprohibits the
‘untouchables’ at Balaramapuram. The walk commission of offences against members of
Ayyankali took came to be known as ‘walk for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
freedom’ and the consequent riots as ‘Chaliyar riots’. and establishes special courts for the trial of
• Ayyankali became a state protester for Pulayar such offences and the rehabilitation of victims.
rights. Because of the protests led through
Ayyankali, in 1907 a decree was issued to confess
students from the untouchable network to INSCRIPTION FROM RENATI CHOLA ERA
government schools.
• Inspired by Sree Narayana Guru, a social reformer Why in News?
from the Ezhava caste, Ayyankali started Sadhu A rare inscription has been found from a remote village
Jana Paripalana Sangham (association for the of Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh.
protection of the poor) which later raised funds to
start their own schools. Key Highlights of Finding
• It was found engraved on a dolomite slab and shale.
• Dolomite is a sedimentary carbonate rock
composed mostly of calcium magnesium
Constitutional and Legal Provisions Against carbonate.
Discrimination of Dalits • Shale or mudstone is a fine-grained sedimentary
rock that forms from the compaction of silt and
Social Safeguards clay-size mineral particles.
• Article 17 of the constitution abolishes the • The inscription was written in archaic Telugu.
practice of “untouchability” and punishes the • It was assigned to the 8th Century A.D. when the
enforcement of any disability arising out of region was under the rule of the Chola Maharaja of
the practice. Renaud.
• Article 21 guarantees the right to life and
liberty. The Supreme Court has interpreted What does the inscription reveal?
this right to include the right to be free from • The last lines of the inscription are indicative of the
degrading and inhuman treatment, the right priority given to morality in those days.
to integrity and dignity of the person, and the • “It says the people who safeguard this inscription
right to speedy justice. for future generations will acquire the status
of conducting Aswamedha Yaga, and those
Economic Safeguards destroying it will incur sin equivalent to causing
• Article 15(4) empowers the state to make any death in Varanasi”.
special provisions for the advancement of any
socially and educationally backward classes Renati Cholas
of citizens, or for scheduled castes and • The earliest of this family was Nandivarman
scheduled tribes. (500 AD).

113 I Articulate
• Renan Cholas were the feudatories of the SREE NARAYANA GURU
Chola dynasty.
• These kings claimed that they belonged to Karikala Why in News?
Chola's dynasty. On 2nd September Shree Narayan Guru's 164th birth
• Their territory extended over the whole of the anniversary was observed.
Cuddapah district and the adjoining areas of
Anantapur, Kurnool, and Chittoor districts. Who was Sree Narayana Guru?
• They had the unique honour of using the Telugu • He was a social reformer.
language in their inscriptions belonging to the 7th • He has been known for transforming the social
and 8th centuries. fabric of Kerala and changing the beliefs of Keralites
in ways unimaginable at that point in time.
• He was born into an Ezhava family in the time when
people from such communities faced much social
Chola Dynasty discrimination in the caste-ridden society of Kerala.
• The Cholas ruled the central and northern parts Social reform movements
of Tamil Nadu from the 8th-12th century AD. • He promulgated the “One caste, one religion, one
• Their core area of the rule was the Kaveri delta, God" message and rejected casteism and promoted
later known as Cholamandalam. Their capital new values of spiritual freedom and social equality.
was Uraiyur (near Tiruchirapalli town) and • He worked for the spiritual and social upliftment of
Puhar or Kaviripattinam was an alternative the downtrodden by their own efforts through the
royal residence and chief port town. establishment of temples and educational institutions.
• The Cholas maintained an efficient navy. • He denounced the superstitions that clouded the
fundamental Hindu cultural convention of caste.
Features of Administration Chola empire
• In 1888, he built a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva
• Chola empire is known for its local
at Aruvippuram which was against the caste-
administration at districts, towns, and
based restrictions of the time. In one temple at
villages level.
Kalavancode, he kept mirrors instead of idols; this
• Uttaramerur inscriptions tell much about the
symbolized his message that the divine was within
Chola administration.
each individual.
• Village autonomy was the most extraordinary
• He contributed many important literary works, the
feature of the Chola administrative
most influential being Atmopadesa Satakam which
system. Nadu was one of the important
he composed in 1897.
administrative units of the Cholas. Nadus had
• In 1904, he chose Sivagiri in Varkala to pursue his
representative assemblies.
spiritual deeds.
• The heads of the Nadus were called Natters.
• He also founded an Advaita Ashram in Kalady.
• The council of Nadu was called Nattavai.
• He stressed the importance of education for all. He
Developmental projects to preserve the taught Sanskrit and the Upanishads to students
historical heritage of the Chola empire from all castes including the ‘low caste’ students
• Project Digital Poompuhar- Launched by who were not permitted to study the scriptures.
the Department of Science and Technology
(DST) to recreate the Chola Dynasty port city MOPLAH UPRISING
(Poompuhar) in Tamil Nadu.
• The consecration (Kumbhabhishekam) Why in News?
ceremony was held at the Brihadisvara A three-member committee established by the Indian
Temple after 23 years in Thanjavur, Tamil Council of Historical Research (ICHR) to review the
Nadu. The temple was built by Chola emperor entries in the ‘Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom
Raja Raja Chola I (985-1014 AD) between 1003 Struggle 1857-1947’.
AD and 1010 AD.

Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle


• The book contains an account of the martyrs

from India’s First War of Independence in 1857,
to India’s Independence in 1947.
• The project for its compilation was
commissioned by the Ministry of Culture to
ICHR to commemorate the 150th anniversary
of the uprising of 1857.
Source- The Hindu

Art & Culture | 114

Issue involved
• A review report submitted to the ICHR by one of views and promote coordinated research in
of its members in 2016 had recommended the history and ensure its dissemination.
delisting 387 names including victims of Wagon • To give a national direction to objective and
Tragedy and Malabar/Moplah Rebellion leaders Ali scientific writing of history.
Musliyar and Variamkunnath Ahmad Haji from the
Dictionary of Martyrs.
• The report describes Haji as the “notorious Moplah
Riot leader” and a “hardcore criminal,” who “killed
innumerable innocent Hindu men, women, and The Wagon Tragedy of 1921
children during the 1921 Moplah Riot.
• In this incident, at least 60 prisoners
Malabar Rebellion or Moplah Uprising or Mapillah suffocated to death in a close freight wagon.
Revolt (1921) • The prisoners had been taken into custody
It was an armed revolt staged by the Mappila Muslims following the Mappila Rebellion against the
of Kerala against the British authorities and their Hindu British in various parts of Malappuram district.
allies in 1921. The six-month-long rebellion that led to • It is remembered as the Jalian Walla Bagh of
the loss of about 10,000 lives, out of which 2,339 were the South.
rebels, is often perceived to be one of the first cases of
nationalist uprisings in Southern India. The year 2021 Khilafat Movement
will mark the 100th year anniversary of the Malabar
rebellion of 1921. • It was launched in India in 1919 and led by
Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.
• Reason • The demand of the movement was the
• The immediate trigger of the uprising was control of the Turkish Caliphate or Khalifa
the Non-Cooperation Movement launched over Islamic sacred places in the erstwhile
by the Congress in 1920 in tandem with the Ottoman Empire.
Khilafat agitation. • The movement was supported by the Indian
• The anti-British sentiment fuelled by these National Congress to align it to the Non-
agitations found fertile ground among the Cooperation Movement to unite Hindus and
Muslim Mapillahs of south Malabar living in Muslims against the British rule.
economic misery which they blamed in large
part on British rule.
• The British had introduced new tenancy laws
that tremendously favoured the landlords ROGAN ART
and instituted a far more exploitative system
than before. Why in News?
• Communal Turn A 300-year-old craft tradition that once flourished
• The fact that most of the landlords were in Gujarat’s Kutch region The Rogan art is facing an
Namboodiri Brahmins while most of the unprecedented challenge due to pandemic.
tenants were Mapillah Muslims compounded
the problem. Rogan Painting
• The Nairs formed an intermediate grouping of • The word Rogan means “Oil” in Persian with origins
the well-off peasants with their own economic in Persia.
and social grudges against the Namboodiri • It is an art of cloth printing practiced in the Kutch
landlords but largely unsympathetic to the District of Gujarat.
economic travails of the Mapillahs. • In this craft, paint made from boiled oil and
• Non-partisan analyses of the uprising make clear vegetable dyes is laid down on fabric using either a
that multiple factors contributed to the character metal block (printing) or a stylus (painting).
of the movement. These included economic
distress, anger against foreign rule, and the What are the problems faced by craftspersons
tenancy laws it instituted, and religious zeal. • Much of the craft depends on two factors —
temperature and weather. If it is the rainy season,
the dyes take time to dry and it becomes difficult
to transfer onto the fabric. In winter or summer, the
Indian Council of Historical Research(ICHR) design may dry before it can be shifted to another
fabric. Another issue is getting the density of the
• ICHR is an autonomous organization, established paste as this can affect the entire design.
under Societies Registration Act,1860 in 1972. • Recent pandemic has destroyed their peak season,
• It is under the Ministry of Education. which includes the tourist season from January to
April and again from July to September.
Objectives • The craft workshops and tourism to village had
• To bring historians together for the exchange to be cancelled. The raw materials, which had
been sourced for this crucial period, are also
lying unused.

115 I Articulate
116 I Articulate Mains Sample Questions | 116
1. Examine the ‘doctrine of basic structure’. Discuss Indian exports face.
its evolution and significance.
16. Discuss in detail the newly mooted Supply Chain
2. Japan and India are partners in peace, with Resilience Initiative (SCRI) of Japan and its impact
a common interest in and complementary on India.
responsibility for promoting the security, stability
and prosperity of Asia. Elucidate. 17. Write a note on UN’s guidelines on access to social
justice for people with disabilities.
3. Discuss the features of a Tropical Cyclone. In what
aspects is it different from Temperate Cyclones? 18. In view of the pandemic, Parliament has said no to
Question Hour and curtailed Zero Hour. Explain in
4. In the light of recent arrests made under the UAPA detail the importance of Question hour and Zero
law, compare and contrast the idea of ‘national hour.
security’ vis a vis the Right to Protest in India.
19. Discuss the contributions of Sri Narayana Guru in
5. Illustrate the significance of Indian diaspora in social reforms in India.
building India's global image. What measures
were taken by the Indian government to assist the 20. Analyse the relevance of simultaneous election in
distressed diaspora during the Covid-19 crisis? India in coming times.

6. Critically examine the Labor Reform Code Bills that 21. Illustrate the role of parliamentary committees.
have been passed through the Lok Sabha.
22. Geopolitical importance of Vietnam should not be
7. In the light of recent investigative reports that limited to Act East policy. Discuss
led to the discovery of FinCEN Files, what do you
understand by money laundering? What are some 23. Explained the Role Of Development Financial
ways in which the law-enforcement agencies can Institutions In Infrastructure Development.
check such financial crimes?
24. What is a review petition? How is it different from a
8. What is the significance of Parliamentary Standing curative petition?
Committees in the functioning of a democracy?
25. "India aspires to become a major player in digital
9. Recent skirmishes between the Indian and the education but it has a long way to go." Critically
Chinese soldiers at Galwan valley have once again examine.
laid bare before the world the sensitivity of Sino-
Indian relations in an evolving world order. Critically 26. The world is heading towards a fourth industrial
analyse. revolution which will bring new challenges to
bureaucracy. How will mission Karmyogi build Civil
10. People protesting against the celebration of Hindi Servants of India future-ready?
Diwas often demand the declaration of similar days
for other languages in the Eighth Schedule as well. 27. What is Sub-categorization of Other Backward
Analyse the possible fallouts of such a step. Castes (OBSs)? Why are voices raised to reconsider
11. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has deepened
socioeconomic fault lines in societies across 28. What is NITI Aayog's draft data empowerment
the world. What measures can be taken by the and protection architecture? How will it secure
administration to alleviate some of these problems? individuals data?

12. The buzzword 'Hybrid Data Warfare' has been doing 29. What is the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship
rounds since reports of China using such tactics Programme (SVEP)? How will it open a new way for
against India surfaced. Explain the term 'Hybrid employment generation in rural areas?
Data Warfare' and its growing popularity in modern
warfare and peacetime operations. 30. Discuss the issue of “tribunalisation” of courts in
13. What are some issues facing the startup ecosystem
in India? Critically analyse the efficacy of programs
under 'StartUp India' and 'StandUp India'.

14. Elaborate the initiatives that can ensure sustainable

growth of the fisheries sector in the country as well
as boost incomes of dairy farmers.

15. Discuss the key findings of Export Preparedness

Index 2020 while mentioning the challenges that

117 I Articulate
Shubham Utkarsh (B.Tech)

is the author/editor of Articulate. With his profound

experience in news analysis for UPSC CSE, he is
responsible for the selection, development and editing
of the articles pertinent to the magazine.

Disclaimer: All rights and liability in the content are

that of the Author/Editor. Unacademy disclaims any
and all liability with regard to the content. In case of any
claims or issues please contact the Author/Editor.

Mains Sample Questions | 118

119 I Articulate
Shubham Utkarsh (B.Tech)
is the author/editor of Articulate. With his profound experience in news analysis for UPSC CSE, he is responsible
for the selection, development and editing of the articles pertinent to the magazine.

Disclaimer: All rights and liability in the content are that of the Author/Editor. Unacademy disclaims any and all
liability with regard to the content. In case of any claims or issues please contact the Author/Editor.

Mains Sample Questions | 120

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