Junalyn Group Research Final

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(JUNE 2021)

Table of contents


Chapter 1.

a. Background of the study 1

b. Statement of the problem 1

c. Significance of the study 1-2

d. Scope and limitation of the study 2

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature 3

Chapter 3. Methodology

a. Research design 4

b. Research setting 4

c. Respondents of the study 4

d. Research instruments 4

e. Data gathering 4

f. Statistical treatment 5

Chapter 4. Result and Discussion 8-13

Chapter 5. Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation 14-16

References 17

Appendix 18-23

data researcher 24-28


Lower awareness of health knowledge, physical growth and development,

women bearing children at early ages face higher risk of maternal health

problems, disability, and death, reinforces risking problems for their newborns

as a result, early marriages are always being a very big issue in developing

countries specially in primitive uncivilized districts of Asia including India,

Pakistan, and Bangladesh etc. Moreover, it is a controversial fact that in

civilized society, evidence of getting married in early ages are greatly

increased because of our religious beliefs, norms, and social impacts. Due to

early marriages young girls do not have the ability to deal with responsibilities,

early pregnancy and pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity, causing major

physiological and psychological health issues in adolescent girls, resulting in

losing relationship confidence and ability to maintain a healthy relationship.

Purpose of the study was to evaluate the aspects of psychological

disturbances occurring in married young girls along with depression rate and

educational withdrawal, with comparison of unmarried young girls of the same

age specifically there is a strong correlation between a woman's age at

marriage and the education that she receives. Uniformly across the countries,

early marriage is associated with lower educational attainment. Observational

study was conducted through multi logistic structured questionnaire and girls


b/w age of 13 to 35 were included. Based on above study, it is concluded


that early marriage, multiple responsibilities and early pregnancies are risk

factors of depression, and it is further evaluated that married girls are at

higher level when compared with unmarried.

It's hard to raise a child when you are still a child." - Jazmin Carrera

Adolescent is bounded by the advent of puberty at the lower end and

Capacity to take an adult responsibility at the upper end. In our society

adolescents are neither fish nor fowl, the saying as goes neither child nor

adult. It is a transitional stage in life cycle linking childhood and adult hood.

The word ‘adolescence’ is a Latin word derived from ‘adolescere’ which

means to grow into adulthood’. World Health Organization define adolescence

is period of life between 10 to 19 years. It is an important and sensitive period

in the life of an individual. Adolescent girls are the freshly blossomed flowers.

Adolescent constitutes a very vital age group, being an entrant population for

parenthood. The complete passage from childhood to adulthood is particularly

crucial for girls. It is a period of physical and psychological preparation for

adulthood. The adolescents experience markedly accelerated growth and

during growth spurt dramatic alterations in the adolescent's body size and

proportion occur. At this time sexual characteristics develop and reproductive

maturity is achieved. Pregnancy is a period of expectant waiting and that all

women aspire to experience at least once in lifetime. As she sets her foot on

the path that transmits, one from women in to a mother, several

responsibilities and


concerns become her alone. It is vital, therefore, that she prepares her body

to become a suitable environment for the baby to grow in, while staying happy

and healthy, emotionally and mentally as well. Each week of pregnancy brings

with it new changes and feelings that may require some explanations and

support, to the women. Pregnancy is one of the pivotal moments of a

women's life but not when they are young with a bright future ahead. Teenage

pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences any young women can go

through. The stress of pregnancy, revelation of pregnancy to parents, and

moving on despite the shame and worry can be nerve-racking. Indeed,

pregnancy especially during teen hood will never be easy.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the study

Early marriage, defined as marrying before the age of 18, is a practice that

affects mostly girls and often leads to violations of human rights for the girls

that who have to marry early. UNICEF (2014) estimates that 140 million girls

will marry early in the next decades or nearly 40,000 per day. Especially when

marriage takes place very nearly (well below the age of 18), it profoundly

affects a girl life through lowering her education and future earnings

prospects. It may also lead to health complications, compromised

psychological well-being, intimate partner violence, and a lack of participation

and voice for the girls in their community and society at large.

Teenage pregnancy is a situation which occurs in female with the age of

15-19. A pregnancy can take place after that start of first menstrual period.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 1 million girls aging

between 15-19 years old and about 777,000 girls under 15 years give birth

every year. Teenage pregnancy causes student mother to abandon her

studies. Another study reported that teen mothers face significant level of

stress that can lead to increased mental health concerns. In addition to higher

rates of postpartum depression. Teenage mothers have higher rates of

depression (Katie Mena, 2016). Teenage pregnancy affects more than young

people who

have no experience with sexual intercourse so they tend to explore it.

The mind of the parents to inculcate the value of advantage and

disadvantage of early parenthood and leaving poor tee agers risk the struggle

for the rest of life because of one mistake. Teenage pregnancy is not easy

that's why judging stress to them. The effect of being a student mother can be


Statement of the problem

This study aims to provide an in-depth description on understanding on the

effects of early marriage and teenage pregnancy.

a. What are the participants experience on their life as early marriage?

b. What are the participants experience on their life as teenage mother?

c. How have the participants cope with the difficulties of their life as early


d. How have the participants cope with the difficulties of their life as teenage


Significance of the study

Nowadays, where in many cases of early marriage and teenage

pregnancy are being issued that's why being a student mother is not a few for

us. However, their significance in the society is relevant.

To the students, this would be a help for them to know and understand the

hardship of being a student mother and also to think before judging them.

To the parents, this would be a help for them to guide their children and

make them understand what will be the consequences may bring to their child

once they make decision in life.

To the teachers, this would help the teachers to guide their students to not

do things just because of curiosity. The study helps the teachers to guide the

student mothers to cope and to contrast themselves with their schoolmates

and classmates.

This study would also benefit the future researchers by giving them

knowledge about early marriage and teenage pregnancy. Thus, could help

them to enhance their analysis of the situation where are student mothers are

involved. The whole study would be beneficial. And lastly, to the researchers

for being open-minded in understanding the life of student mothers, this would

help them to broaden their knowledge about early marriage and teenage


Scope and limitations of the study

The focused of this research is to give an in-depth description and

understanding of the lived experience of early marriage and student mothers.

The participants of this study are the selected 20 students whom are still

studying in Mat-i (Naawan) National High School of school year 2020:2021.


Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature which guided the

researcher in the conduct of this study. The literature will be taken from the

relevant materials to give the necessary background, insight and to

supplement the ideas in the present investigation.

Early marriage is rooted in socio-cultural practices and religious beliefs in

many communities, but beyond stylized facts, the relationships between faith

and child marriage are complex and change depending on the community

(Gemignani and Wodon 2015). Engaging with faith and community leaders as

well as faith-based organizations to critically examine the causes and

consequences of early marriage can help in building support for policies

towards the elimination of the practice (Karam 2015). In some countries, the

dialogue with faith and community leaders can be part of discussions about

family law reform and even more generally of broader discussions on

women's empowerment, but success is not necessarily a given (Walker

2015).As stated by Brown and Amankwaa (2007) “As more female college

students are involved in sexual relationships their risk of conception

increases. However, when pregnancy occurs it is only the woman who bears

the burden and risk of the pregnancy and in most cases child care.“ often

these types of pregnancy are unplanned or planned caring for a child

becomes a full time job. Having a child while being a student becomes

stressful because child rearing consumes

time and energy, with a few exceptions the women are the primary care giver

of the child. ( Hofferth, Reid, & Mott, 2001 as cited by Brown & Amankwaa,


According to Kidwell (2004), rearing a child while being s full-time student

may be daunting and difficult however, it will be easier if she has a partner or

a family member who can help her in taking care of the child. When pregnant

students and student mothers are expected to subordinate their needs and

desires to those of their children and families, they are forced to grapple with

the conflicting roles of motherhood and studentship (Berg & Mamhute, (2013).

Brown & Amankwaa, (2007) stated that parenting is a very stressful and some

women cannot handle all the tasks involved especially the first time mothers

and need help or assistance from the people around them. Although having

someone help the mother is good but the expectation of receiving support

after giving birth to a baby often causes Stressors that may lead to depression

during postpartum period. Many student mothers have expressed feelings of

guilt, worry and inadequacy in both as a student and as a mother.

( Thompson, 2004)


Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter discusses the research design, research setting,

respondents of the study, as well as the instrumentation, data gathering and

statistical treatment.

Research Design

The method that we are going to conduct is to find out the effect of early

marriage and teenage pregnancy. For example, having an intimate

relationship with someone.

Research Setting

Majority of the data were gathered through multiple in-depth survey with

twenty individuals as source of data for the research. The research was

conducted in different homes of the respondents. The research we’re

comfortable in sharing their experience.

Respondents of the study

Respondents of the study are the students who are experiencing early

marriage and teenage pregnancy of Mat-i (Naawan) National High School.

There were 20 selected identified students in Mat-i (Naawan) National High

School who provided time to participate in this study.

Research Instrument

The primary tool used in gathering data was in a form of survey guide

questionnaire with the respondents. The survey was focused on the


experience of a student mother.

Data Gathering

Prior to data gathering, the researcher prepared an informed consent

letter to be given to the respondents of the study, voluntary participants were

highly emphasized in the letter of consent.

The data gathering was done in a form of survey which the researchers

give questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment

The answers of my respondents where written and recorded accordingly.

The researchers calculate the frequency in order to determine the percentage.


Chapter 4: Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results and analysis of the gathered data which

corresponds present of the gathered similar to the order of hoe the statements

of the problem in Chapter 1 were presented in the study. The data were

analyzed and interrupted so that the conclusion and recommendations can be

drawn out.

The results and discussion of the findings presented the experience of

early marriage and teenage pregnancy gathered through a survey with guide

questionnaire. Below are the frequency.

The lived experience of early marriage.

Male category

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 6 6 0 %
N o 4 4 0 %
Figure 1: Does early marriage affects for being who you are?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 1 0 1 0 0 %
N o 0 0 %
Figure 2: Do we accept to normalize early marriage? Do this situation have a great
impact to your life?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 7 7 0 %
N o 3 3 %
Figure 3: Do you think early marriage is risky?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 9 9 0 %
N o 1 1 0 %

Figure 4: Do early marriage commonly occur in your community?

The lived experience of early marriage.
Female category

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 5 5 0 %
N o 5 5 0 %
Figure 1: Does early marriage affects for being who you are?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 6 6 0 %
N o 4 4 0 %
Figure 2: Do we accept to normalize early marriage?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 8 8 0 %
N o 2 2 0 %
Figure 3: Do this situation have a great impact to your life? Do you think early
marriage is risky?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 9 9 0 %
N o 1 1 0 %
Figure 4: Do early marriage commonly occur in your community?

The lived experience of teenage pregnancy.

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 7 7 0 %
N o 3 3 0 %
Figure 1: Does teenage pregnancy affects for being who you are? Do you think
teenage pregnancy is risky?

C h o i c e s F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t a g e
Y e s 8 8 0 %
N o 2 2 0 %
Figure 2: Do teenage pregnancy commonly occur in your community? Do this
situation have a great impact to your life? Can you manage your time well?


Early Marriage
Male Category



Female Category


Teenage Pregnancy


Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


Figure 1 on male category shows that sixty percent (60%) of the

respondents answered Yes that early marriage affects for being who they are

and forty percent (40%) answered No. Figure 2 shows that one hundred

percent (100%) of the respondents answered Yes that we should accept to

normalize early marriage and zero percent (0%) answered No, it also shows

that one hundred percent (100%) of the respondents answered Yes that early

marriage has a great impact to their lives and zero percent (0%) answered

No. Figure 3 shows that seventy percent (70%) of the respondents answered

Yes that early marriage is risky and only thirty percent (30%) of them

answered No. Figure 4 shows that ninety percent (90%) of the respondents

answered Yes that early marriage commonly occur in their community and

only ten percent (10%) of them answered No.

Figure 1 on female category shows that fifty percent (50%) of the

respondents answered Yes that early marriage affects for being who they are

and fifty percent (50%) answered No. Figure 2 shows that sixty percent (60%)

of the respondents answered Yes that we should accept to normalize early

marriage and forty percent (40%) answered No. Figure 3 shows that eighty

percent (80%) of the respondents answered Yes that early marriage has a

great impact to their lives and twenty percent (20%) answered No, it also


shows that eighty percent (80%) of the respondents answered Yes that early

marriage is risky and only twenty percent (20%) of them answered No. Figure

4 shows that ninety percent (90%) of the respondents answered Yes that early

marriage commonly occur in their community and only ten percent (10%) of

them answered No.

Figure 1 on teenage pregnancy shows that seventy percent (70%) of the

respondents answered Yes that teenage pregnancy affects for being who they

are and only thirty percent (30%) of them answered No, it also shows that

seventy percent (70%) of the respondents answered Yes that teenage

pregnancy is risky and only thirty percent (30%) of them answered No. Figure

2 shows that eighty percent (80%) of the respondents answered Yes that

teenage pregnancy commonly occur in their community and twenty percent

(20%) of them answered No, it also shows that eighty percent (80%) of the

respondents answered Yes that teenage pregnancy has a great impact to

their lives and twenty percent (20%) answered No, it also shows that eighty

percent (80%) of the respondents answered Yes that they cannot manage

their time well and only twenty percent (20%) of them answered No.


My co-researchers recommend to every teenager’s that we should always

prioritize our studies and always put in mind to obey our parents so that we

will be able to have a better future. As it is possible please avoid having an


intimate relationship with others and focus with your goals in life. As a student

we must be careful in every decision will make in our lives because one

mistake can be worst nightmare.


Therefore, experiencing early marriage and teenage pregnancy is not that

easy. So we must never look down those teens who experience it because

nobody’s perfect and everyone can commit mistakes that will also a lesson to

us and to be a better person. Thus, we might base those teens as a golden

lesson that we must study hard and avoid relationship like having a

boyfriend/girlfriend as it is possible.
















Appendix A

School of Mat-I Naawan

Misamis Oriental

Senior High School Department

Melanie M. Fabrea

Principal, Senior High School Department

Mat-I Naawan Misamis Oriental


Good Day !

We have honor to requests permission from your good office to allow us to

administer questionnaire to the Mat-i (Naawan) National High School students

as the respondents. The data to be gathered will be used in our research

paper entitled" Effects of early marriage and teenage pregnancy on the

student’s completion of performance on their modules on the New Normal

Classroom" in partial fulfillment of the course requirements for the subject

Inquires, Investigation, and Immersion.


Your kind approval and favorable response to the above request will truly

help us on the completion of our research work.

Thank you and God Bless!

Very truly yours,

Junalyn Salcedo Daba
Joie Edubos Dala
Sara Unice Mabaylan Paderog
Aisa Alfonso Amarga
Mikie Abuhan Cabanilla

School Head approval:

(School in-charge)


Appendix B

School of Mat-I

Naawan Misamis Oriental

Senior High School Department

Dear Respondents,

I am, the students from Grade 12 General Academic Strand, are currently

conducting a study entitled "Effects of early marriage and teenage pregnancy

on the student’s completion of performance on their modules on the New

Normal classroom" as our requirement in our subject Inquires, Investigation,

and Immersion.

In line with this, we would like to request your participation to be one of our

respondents in the said study. We hope you can help us by answering our

questionnaire sincerely and truthfully.

Sincerely, the researcher

Very truly yours,

Junalyn Salcedo Daba

Joie Edubos Dala

Aisa Alfoso Amarga


Mikie Abuhan Cabanilla

Sarah Unice Mabaylan Paderog


Devine G. Cagadas Shylza Tipalan Melanie M. Fabrea

Subject Teacher Adviser School In-Charge


Appendix C

Name: Age: Sex:

School: Mat-i (Naawan) National High School

Direction: Put a check ( / ) of your choice.

The lived experience of early marriage.

Q u e s t i o n s Y e s N o
Does early marriage affects for being who you are?

Do we accept to normalize early marriage ?

Do this situation have a great impact to your life ?

Do you think early marriage is risky?

Do early marriage commonly occur in your community?

(Signature Over Printed Name)

Name: Age: Sex:
School: Mat-i (Naawan) National High School

Direction: Put a check ( / ) of your choice.

The lived experience of teenage pregnancy.

Q u e s t i o n s Y e s N o
Do teenage pregnancy affects for being who you are?

Do teenage pregnancy commonly occur in your community?

Do this situation have a great impact to your life ?

Do you think teenage pregnancy is risky ?

Can you manage your time well?


(Signature Over Printed Name)


Data Researcher
Personal Information

Junalyn Salcedo Daba

Nationality: Filipina
Date of birth: June 09, 2002
Age: 19
Place of birth: Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Inglesia Filiplina Independente

Contact Details

Address: Zone 1 Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental

Facebook Name: Junalyn Salcedo Daba
Email: dabajunalyn@gmail.com
Cellphone No.: 09351651305


Data Researcher
Personal Information

Aisa Alfonso Amarga

Nationality: Filipina
Date of Birth: December 27, 2000
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental
Sex: Female
Marital Status: In A Relationship
Religion: Inglesia Filipina Independente

Contact details

Address: Zone 2 Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental

Facebook Name: Aiza Alfonso Amarga
Email: None
Cellphone No.: None


Data Researcher
Personal Information

Joie Edubos Dala

Nationality: Filipino
Date of Birth: April 25, 1999
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Inglesia Filipina Independente

Contact Details

Address: Zone 1 Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental

Facebook Name: Joie Edubos Dala
Email: None
Cellphone No.: None


Data Researcher
Personal Information

Sarah Unice Mabaylan Paderog

Nationality: Filipina
Date of Birth: July 3, 2003
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Mat-I Naawan Misamis Oriental
Sex: Female
Marital Status: In A Relationship

Contact Details

Address: Zone 4 Mat-I Naawan Misamis Oriental

Facebook Name: Cesar Shamgar
Cellphone No.:


Data Researcher
Personal Information

Mikie Abuhan Cabanilla

Nationality: Filipina
Date Of Birth:
Age: 20
Place Of Birth: Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Inglesia Filipina Independente

Contact Details

Address: Zone 2 Tagbalogo Naawan Misamis Oriental

Facebook Name: KA YE II
Email: cabanillamikie@gmail.com
Cellphone No.: None



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