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Duties of the Elementary School Principal

 Supervises all school personnel in an elementary school.
 Provides leadership in the development and implementation of all educational
programs in the school.
 Promotes the efficiency of teaching and learning in all classes through the in-service
trainings, observations, visits, etc.
 Coordinates all services for the wholesome growth and development of all pupils
and other personnel in the school.
 Leads in the evaluation of achievements of the division. Directs the organization of
classes determines and assign the teaching loads of the staff and makes proper
distribution of instructional and other materials.
 Provides for the accommodation of the pupils including the availability of buildings
for classrooms and other school needs.
 Coordinates and cooperates with the community and other agencies and represents
the district supervisor in the school.
 Prepares, consolidates and submits all reports of the school to the district supervisor.
 Rates the performance of the teachers in the school and recommends the deserving
ones for promotion.
4. Notes on the Objectives of Elementary Education
 To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes and values essential to
the personal development and necessary for living in, and contributing to, a
developing and changing social milieu.
 To provide learning experiences which increase the learner’s awareness of, and
responsiveness to, the changes and demands of the society and prepare him/her for
constructive and effective involvement.
 Top promote and intensify the learner’s knowledge of, identification with, and love
for the nation and the people to which he/she belongs.
 To promote experiences which develop the learner’s orientation to the world of work
and prepare himself/herself to engage in honest and gainful work.
5. Notes on the Organization of Classes in the Elementary Grades
 Generally, in the primary grades, one (1) teacher shall handle all the subjects in one
(1) class with a maximum of fifty-six (56) pupils. ( D.O. No. 26, s. 1995)
 In the intermediate grades, the departmental system may be adopted following a 5:4
or 3:2 plan ratio of teachers to classes.
 No teacher shall have a load of more than 360 minutes of actual teaching per day
(M.O. No. 6, s. 1982)
 The maximum of daily contact time shall be 300 minutes (Grades I and II), 340
minutes (Grade III), 360 minutes (Grade IV) and 380 minutes (Grade V and VI) for
regular classes.
 Mobile and/or multi-grade classes shall be organized to cater for the needs of school
children in distant and difficult-to-reach communities when there are insufficient
numbers of enrollees per grade or when not enough teachers are available.

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