GRAMMAR 6 Final Test 2021

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GRAMMAR 6: A FINAL TEST (Part 2) 17th June 2021

Lecturer: Y. Veniranda, M.Hum. Ph.D.

Good morning every one,

First of all, congratulations! You are hanging in there until this final test. It has still been another tough
and challenging semester for every one. One more step to go for this class. You want to do your test
your best.

In this test, you will demonstrate your ability to express your ideas and construct grammatical
sentences, since this is a Grammar Test. Read and follow the instructions. You are allowed to open any
printed or online dictionaries and grammar books, but you are not allowed to consult with any body
else, any other students or any grammar apps or online writing or translation machine, or copy paste
from any online essay. I appreciate honesty and efforts.

Write an essay of 500 to 600 words about the picture you have prepared, resize your picture
to fit the space, so it is not too large.

As a descriptive essay, you can explain, if you have the information, among others:

1. What can we see in the picture?

2. Who are in the picture? Who are actually around there?

3. When was the picture taken? By whom?

4. How do you feel when you look at the picture? What memories does it bring?

5. What was the event? What happened before, at the time, after the picture was taken?

6. Why is the picture interesting?

7. Write the title of your essay.

Make sure you have at least 1 finite Adjective Clause (highlighted it in YELLOW like this), 1 finite
Adverbial Clause (highlighted in GREEN), 1 finite Noun Clause (highlighted in BLUE), 1 non-finite
adjective clause (highlighted in PINK), 1 passive sentence (use red fonts and set it bold like this), 1
sentence that contains a modal auxiliary (use blue fonts and set it bold like this). The sentences do not
have to follow this order, e.g. a passive sentence can be written first than an adjective clause. If you
have more than one of those clauses, you only need to highlight one sample only for each of these 6
required constructions. Use other constructions to show your mastery of different constructions in
English. Make sure of SV agreement, differentiate ACTIVE or PASSIVE, identify every noun as singular or
plural if countable, every sentence needs to have a finite verb with a tense, use good punctuations:
commas, capital letters, full-stops/ periods, use indented paragraphing, etc. This is like your semester 3
CRW 1 exam, but you need to do it more carefully with better grammar awareness. Start writing on the
following new page. Use double spacing, either Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman fonts.

Save this file as doc or docs with your name_st#_Grammar 6 Final

Stay well for the rest of final exams and projects. Finish ALL and submit ALL your best. Best of Luck!
Name: __________________________________Student Number: ___________________Class: _____

YOUR ESSAY: Try to have at least 3 paragraphs: an introduction (1 paragraph), then discussions (at least
1 paragraphs) and closing or concluding remarks (1 paragraph). Brainstorm your ideas on another piece
of paper, type, read, proofread, edit, revise, read, edit and revise your language. Submit your best piece.

Insert your picture here: (You can adjust the space and your picture)

TITLE of your essay:

Your descriptive essay:

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