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Assignment of cadastral survey

1. Cadastral surveying can be defined as: - system of
keeping recording on parcel (property) with respect
to geographic extent of the past, current and future
rights and land interests in property or can be
defined as the discipline of the land surveying that
relates to the laws of land ownership and the
definition of the property boundaries it involves
interpreting and advising on boundary location and
involves the physical delineation of property
boundaries and determination of dimension and
areas or certain rights associated with property

Advantage of cadastral survey

 Decreasing conflict of boundaries
 Give the true and exact
description of boundaries of land
 Subdivide land into parcels for
 Facilitate the transfer of the
property title
 Give the fundamental
information for land registration
 Ease proper planning and
facilitate management of land as a
scarce resource
Types of cadastral cadastral :- Relates the land
which they are associated It is
concerned with all forms of property
rights and contain a detailed description
of the parcel in the form of survey map
or measurement
Advantage of legal cadastral
 Describe the extent of property
 Define property right
 Support land transfer
 Provide evidence of ownership
2. Fiscal of cadastral:- is a record of
information necessary for levying
property taxes which includes location
and value parcel
Advantage of fiscal cadastral
 Manages property valuation and land
 Monitoring and supporting land
 Information for growth management
and land use planning
3. Multi-purpose cadastral:- the
development of information technology has
made the application and incorporates all
the necessary information at one sources
Advantage of multi-purpose cadastral
 Better control of land transactions
 An improved cadastral survey system
 Reduction of duplication
 Improved management of publicly
owned lands
2.the similarities is :- both of them are
process that is used to determine the
future and boundaries of a property or
establishing or re-establishing corners,
boundaries, lines and monuments of real
property and provide to find the boundary
of person property ,
The difference is :-
 Land survey:- is the technique,
profession, art and science of the
determining the terrestrial or three
dimensional positions of points
 Cadastral survey:- is a parcel
based on the information system
containing a record of interest of
 Topographic survey:- is simply the
recording of coordinates and
heights of data for particular survey
area this data can be used to create
contour map or more complex
terrain models of the surveyed area
3.the similarities of property survey,
cadastral survey, land survey, land
information system, cadastral information
system, are :- both of them talk about or
used to determine the position or future of
land or boundaries of property of
ownership boundaries or recording it
The difference is
 Land survey:- involves locating and
measuring both manmade and natural
features using the principles of
Advantages of land survey
 Property precise boundaries
 The location of easements and
 Specific location of structures
 Cadastral survey:-is the sub field of
cadastre and surveying that specializes
in the establishment and re-establishing
of real property
Advantages of cadastral survey
 Decreasing the conflict of
 Subdivide of land
 Property survey:- confirms a
property of boundaries lines and legal
description and also determine
restrictions or easements
Advantage of property survey
 Specific description of the area
 It will ensure the actual
boundaries and lines
 It provides legal permits on
 Cadastral information system:-is an
organized system that records land
information holding and describe the
spatial and non spatial entities of
 Has the ability to record land
 Store and updates necessary
 Land information system:- is a
geographic information system for
cadastral and land use mapping
typically used by local governments
 Better decision making
 Better geographic information record
 Improved communication
4.three record of interests are :-
 Right recording is dedicated to
discovering and developing new talent
from around the world as well as dealing
with its own release
Example ;-provide radio or tv and press
promotion services
 Restriction recording its understand
and agreed that the lease is subject to
any and all existing easement and other
covenants record
Example:- project sponsors to the
commission the project represents that
is fee simple
 Responsibilities record it’s the record
authority has final approval for the
disposition of record and for approving
departmental retention schedules
Examples:-divisions of central
administration faculty office department
5.boundaries :- is defines as surface which
defines where one land owner’s property
ends and the next begins or is personal
property line that marks those things for
which we are responsible
Functions of boundaries are:-
 Property boundaries are needed to
define real extent of estate rights and its
 They serve as lines of division from
 They are essential in maintenance of
good will
 The state of boundaries to simple lot
line in urban areas
The difference is:- . Legal Cadastre
 is concerned with documenting
rights and relating them to the land
with which they are associated. It is
concerned with all forms of property
 Fiscal cadastral:- The information
required to develop and maintain a
fiscal cadastre may be collected
directly or indirectly through surveys
or from other sources, for instance
 Multi-purpose cadastral:-
Concerned with physical attributes
such as man-made objects and
natural features associated with each
land parcel, abstractions, surveying
and mapping data can also be
referenced to the parcel.
The similarity are both of them cadastral
types talks about feature of boundaries of
property owners
6.the difference of titles and deeds and
conveyances are :-
 Titles is one or more words used
before or after a person’s name in
certain contexts it may signify either
generation or its ownership of movable
and immovable property of individual is
one of the fundamental rights of human
 Deeds is an legal instrument in
writing which passes affirms or confirms
an interest right or property and that is
signed and its commonly associated
with transferring title property
 Conveyances is act of transferring
property from one party to another the
term is commonly used in real estate
transactions when buyers and sellers
transfer ownership of land parcel information important about
the right interests and ownership of land
and are an important part of the financial
legal and real estate system of society and
legal boundaries of the land parcels are
defined in the deed to a property the
property is subdivided or platted or in
boundaries dispute ownership of the land
parcels is an important to support property
taxing function and business can be
associated with a land parcels
8. The difference between original survey
and resurvey is :-
 Original survey:- means a survey
that is executed for the purpose of
locating and describing real property
that has not been previously
described in documents conveying
an interest in the real property or
indicating proposed property lines or
parcels of land the boundaries
determination category of existing
boundaries shall be indicated
 Resurvey:- is survey of property
lines made when the surveyor has
found a prior survey of the subject
property after evaluation of the prior
survey with in context of the field
and record information or it means
reconstruction of the property
boundaries and subdivisions by
rerunning and remarking the lines
represented in the field note record
9.task during land/parcel transfer from one
owner to another : there may be a large
number of task apart of the annual
assessment roll process one of the these
task is the review of the individual parcels
and their legal description to better
understand this process this article provides
a step by step overview of what this entails
 During subdivision of public land:-
subdivided of land parcels into smaller
legal titles requires planning’s,
engineering, design, the legal
establishment of the new title the best
way to ensure a positive outcomes
 During original survey in a locality:-
the survey record can be challenging to
interpret the best advice using this
resource is to read through many
record to become familiar challenge
may be the age of the date record or
 During cadastral survey and mapping
project:- when you need to established
a new property define the bonders of
the property or change the rights
related and cadastral map will show the
boundaries of the such parcels but may
in addition incorporates details of the
resource associated with them

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