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(In Vihaan’s Voice)

After the rain, two rainbows - SISTER & BROTHER – begin to appear in the sky.
The older-sister Rainbow is reliable, and she is beaming vibrantly.
But, the younger-brother Rainbow is laid-back and also he is a little upset.

“I am not feeling that great today”, he mutters.

“What’s wrong?” his sister asks concerned.

“Well, it rained so suddenly”, he explains. “ I was not prepared at all. Can I just go
home now?”

“Did I not tell you that we’ve always got to be prepared for when it’s our turn to
go out there?” The sister says, slightly impatient.

“But I’m Hungry…”

“Oh, look the Main River is so wonderful!” she replies, smiling, trying to life his
“Delicious grapes are grown on its banks, and it is surrounded by castles and
lovely towns. There are so many tourist boats, and everyone is looking up at us!”

“Do you know that the German writer Johann Wolf Gan Von Goethe, sang in one
of his poems that rainbows do not shine in fine, blue skies; they only come out
after it rains.
Dear brother, I’m sure everyone has been eagerly waiting for us to appear”

“That’s right!”, says the Main River below.

“You are just grumpy because things did not go as planned today”, he says to the
brother Rainbow.

“And, do you know when you try your hardest in times of struggle, you can
achieve something wonderful that you are really proud of.”

To this the brother responds, “ But why should I care, we always end up fading

“Well, yes”, says the sister.

“We do eventually fade away, but we can leave behind courage and hope in the
hearts of those who are watching. And I’m sure we bring lots of delight,
especially after a sudden rainstorm like this one!”

“You are right”, her brother responds, feeling better.

“Okay, I’ll try a little harder”
“You can do it!” A big umbrella from below called out, cheering him on.
“Be confident!” “You look beautiful”.

The trees in the forest also send him a big round of applause, “Even if you
experience disappointment, as long as you don’t give up but carry on, something
good will always come of it,” the brother realizes, his chest swelling with pride.

Now, The colours of the two rainbows shimmer brightly on the surface of the
Main River.

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