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 This book 

is dedicated to
my mother- Shakuntla, who
never intervened to my
personal career decisions
and always supported me in
the period of
 This book is in loving
inspiration of my divine
Dr. Jagdev Singh Saini, who
had purified my thoughts
and encouraged me to
Don’t look at this book with gall and
worn wood. This book is specially
designed for students and normal
parents. This book’s preface and last
chapter is for parents and the
enduring ones are for the Students.
The book is going to be a life
changing for some parents, who have
not so good
relations with their children. But still
some vexed people will make
it vexed question. Then so what, I’ll
recklessly put
the appropriate phrases in this book,
so that, their traditional pattern of
rubbish mindset could be reformed.
I want to clarify that this book is
neither against any
type government job or
department, nor it
will brainwash any of you. There are
actually some genuine
questions that will restore the
relations between
the numerous numbers families and
bring them together. I request you
that please let your child make his
mind in his own way than making
them your personal emotional
In fact, you should help him/her to get
extruded from a quandary.
               Whenever, he/she’ll be
on a tenterhooks, at that time, they’ll
be in need of your support. Chances
are there that they would choose
a seamy side like drugs, corruption
or even prostitution as well.
It’s obvious that you should have an
idea that at how much level your
daughter or son is deeply
depressed from cognitive bias,
relationship failure or even your
overwhelming expectations. Don’t
make annoyance of your child, talk
to him/her otherwise probably your
child will run from your child
psychologically for keep.
Specifically I want to say all the
students that your parents just
want good for you, respect their
expectations.  And gather the
courage to peacefully say them
that I am not made for this career
because “I deserve
                   With love and
                          Narinder Kum
Chapter One
 “It's
a disease. Nobody thinks or feels or cares anymore;
nobody gets excited or believes in anything except their
own comfortable little God damn mediocrity.”
― Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road
 “Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something
― Gordon B. Hinckley
 Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent
instantly recognizes genius.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Valley of Fear

Why everyone is getting stuck

in the marsh.
The very question is obvious because
nearly around every middle class
youngster is mad for the government
job. My cousins, neighbors, ideals and
my classmates are groundlessly doing
Why doesn’t everyone understand
that he is leading a rat race through a bottleneck?
A famous website Hindu business line says “the
central government employment is estimated to
constitute around 14 percent of total public
employment in India. India has one of the lowest
ratios of government employees to population in
the world. In India 23.75 percent youth is
unemployed. you’ll get amazed by knowing that in
some government jobs like civil services
examination, which is also known as IAS exam, the
success rate is even gets dropped below 1 percent
sometimes, still nearly around 1 million
youngsters( 21-35) apply for the exam. Of course
we know that numerous types of better
opportunities are there in India. We are merely not
build to lead a life in an imprisonment of 8 hours.
But still we are so eager to get stuck in this marsh.

“Why so?”

Before answering this question, I would like to

offer something; yeah you’re right, I would give
you Rs. 100 for solving the following question but
you have to answer it in the particular time span of
30 seconds.
First Round
2, 4, 6, 8, 10?
What will come next instead of question mark ‘?’
Well, if you’ve answered then assume (in fact feel)
that you’ve earned Rs. 100.

Second round
11, 22, 33, 44, 55,?
Again if you’ve answered then assume that you’ve
secured Rs. 200.

Third Round

65, 75, 85, 95, 105,?

Now, again if you’ve answered then you have
secured Rs. 300

Fourth round
75, 150, 225, 300, ?
Now, you’ve collected Rs. 400 and by right away
you can spend it in an order to purchase the
delicious food like pizza or burger. This would
happen only for sure if you’ll answer the last
question. You are going to face two questions and
only one is mandatory to answer. Another bonus
point is that if you’ll answer the first question out
of the following two then you’ll get Rs. 5000, and
for the second one you’ll get only Rs.100 as usual.
“Under the same time span of 30 seconds”

The last round

10, 30, 90, 270,?
14, 18, 22, 26, 30, ?
So which one series you’ve solved?
Probably, 90 % of the people have tried for the
second question and given up for the opportunity
of Rs. 5000.
This was the best example that how we are
throwing our intelligence in a trash bin. Here’s the
end of self-confidence comes in. Same thing is
happening with the Indian youth, they don’t have
the courage to do something of their interest.
“But why?”
Let me explain this “why”
Before this, understand a theory because my
explanation is totally based upon this theory.
Theory goes in 1859, when Charles Darwin in his
book “On the origin of species” proposed that we
all human beings are evolved from our ancestral
species chimpanzees (the great apes). After this
moot argument a new branch was discovered to
understand the behavior of Homo sapiens, which
is known as “evolutionary psychology”
You would be asking, why I am hassling you with
this kind of tedious debate.
But I can explain that the Answer was in it. When
our ancestors were in forests, where was very few
to eat, but there was much to learn and adapt.
Imagine, if every time they had to survive
according to their own ways then they were in
need of abundant food. As per now, the human
brain uses about 20 to 30 percent of a person’s
energy intake. But as I told you, in earlier times
there was scarcity of food, our ancestors just
simply duplicated the ways that worked better for
the other successful person of their clan without
any questioning, just for the sake of survival and
In fact Yuval Norah Harari
says in his book that although we are living in an
AC compartment, but our DNA or genes is still
living in the same forest, where our ancestors
were advanced. Means we are still thinking in the
direction of the same route, whether it’s our
carrier or something else. In the same manner the
prime reason of preparing for a government job
are only two in numbering as follows.
 Just because, Sharma uncle’s son did so………
 I need a life-time security of income…………….

“So, which one is yours?”

"Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them.

How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives.

To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it."

--Judy Blume
Chapter Two
 “But there was a difference between being stuck and choosing to stay.
Between being found and finding yourself.”
― Martina Boone, Compulsion
 “Nothing that is good can become stuck – and if it is stuck, it can’t be
any good!”
― Silvia Hartmann

Are you stuck or not?

Well, this question is very easy to answer, if you
know what is the desire in your mind?
Napoleon hills says that weak desire brings weak
results just as a small fire makes a small amount of
heat. He also says the starting point of all the
achievements is desire.
Let’s look at in the following depiction.
If you have a real burning desire then definitely
you can crack your desired government job exam ,
and if desire is fake like most of the people then
you are going to have nothing, but chances are
that you will get stuck in messy mars about which I
am going to talk about in this book.
Here’s the most important question occurs that
what is the real desire and what is the fake desire
Sandeep Maheshwari says that the race of
government job is that our parents are asking us to
run the race and secondly everyone is running this
race and we feel good by running in the same race.
Means if your desire is inspired from a cognitive
bias then it’s a fake desire,
Fake desires=money, showoff, security, position,
inspiration from Sharma uncle’s son, your parental
wish etc.
Real desires=to genuinely bring a change in the
society within the job, to contribute to the society,
to go beyond the limits to do the welfare of people
Even if you will get a government job with fake
desire then you are going to get crushed between
the system and the people. Your life is going to be
get corrupted if you will start to take bribe or it
will be frustrated if you won’t take it.
You would suffer from insanity, depression, blood
pressure, diabetes, and many more. Apart from
that, people will curse you if you will not be able
to perform your duties.
I would strongly recommend to you to follow your
real desire the best example that comes in my
mind is of Roman Saini, yes Roman Saini, the
youngest IAS officer in India who resigned from his
job in 2016 because of his passion to revolutionize
the Indian education system. Most of the people
were criticizing him, and then they said that he has
wasted tax payers money and now he is working
on unfeasible project. But, he consistently worked
on his real desired project unacademy with his
friend Gourav Munjal and by right now in 2021, it
is valued nearly around US $2.0 billion this is
something he couldn’t achieve in his IAS
profession, so sometimes there is a need to think
out of your basket. There’s a quotation that comes
in my mind for Roman Saini which was written by
David Joseph Schwartz “those who believe they
can move the mountains, do. Those who believe
they can’t, cannot”
“How is it true scientifically?”

The answer is a little bit technical; there are two

main brain systems in our body, limbic and neo
Firstly, limbic brain is an emotional brain, which
captures the emotions and memories. Besides, it
can also record the memories of behavior that
produces agreeable and disagreeable experiences.
NCBI’s website says, it consists of bidirectional
communication between the central and the
eccentric nervous system, linking emotional and
cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral
intestinal functions. In simpleton it’s our gut brain.
While on the other hand, Neo-cortex
brain is a logical brain which holds and analyses
the facts and figures. No doubt, it could be easily
said that Neo-cortex helped to flourish the human
beings and it could be called as clever brain.
It has been scientifically found that the decisions
that are taken with the influence of limbic brain
will encourage a person to make greater efforts.
On the other hand decision taken with the help of
Neo-cortex will probably give you no greater
output. Let’s have an example of the decision
taken on the behalf of the gut brain.
A 45 years old further from Karnataka cycled 300
km or more to collect the medicines of his beloved
son, who had neurological disorder. Doctors said
his 10 years old son needs some medicines on the
daily basis, otherwise he’ll die soon. Since there
was lockdown and he had not any other options of
train or bus. That’s why his emotions triggered his
gut brain and he cycled such a long distance of
nearly around 300 km.
Another examples goes in July
2014 when everyone was closely look at Elon
musk’s stupid decision, every one closely
observing weather this soft landing of a rocket in
the sea will become successful or not? But
suddenly, it breaks apart after tipping.
In August 2014, engine
sensor failed. In September 2014, it ran out of
liquid oxygen. Again in 2015, it failed.
But in December 2015 something
unusual happened, its first successful landing took
place. And after that, Elon musk never looked
back, additionally in the next year 2016, the first
drone-ship landing was done………..
If Elon Musk’s instinct was just fake
enough, means if it could have from his Neo-cortex
brain, he never had bounced back. He never
thought of profit of billions in this business, but
yeah, his madness was somewhere around of his
vision to make human being as multi-planetary
So be honest and answer me in simple
yes or No.
Is your instinct for getting a government job is
real or fake?
Understand the fact that if Edison had
joined the American Army or any other
government job at that time. Then he couldn’t be
able to make a bulb, and we all would have been
living like a Plutomurus Ortobalaganesis.

 “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest
punishment we can bring on ourselves.”
― Federico García Lorca, Blood Wedding and Yerma

 “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't
be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own
inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to
become. Everything else is secondary.”
― Steve Jobs
Chapter Three
Are you leading a rat-race, or
doing something adventurous?
 “They said, congratulations you got what it takes. They sent him
back to the rat race without any brakes.”
- Bob Dylan
 “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright
exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
― Helen Keller
 “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots
instead of feet.”
― Rachel Wolchin
 “The danger of adventure is worth a thousand days of ease
and comfort.”
― Paulo Coelho

I am going to show you some stocking facts, if you’re living in the world of

fake motivation then definitely, it will hurt you, so sorry in advance. First

of all, we should have a realistic goal, which should be of our limbic brain’s

idea. Don’t do only for being a part of the role.

On an average, 50-60 lakhs youngsters get graduated every year in India,

who complete their college or universities. Let’s talk about the well-known
exam of India “SSC-CGL”. After clearing this exam candidate get class B or

C job. Every year SSC recruits 7500 to 8500 new candidate on behalf of CGL

exam, every year. But the harass reality is that more than 30 lakhs

candidate apply for this particular exam.

The next category is a creasy student section, which s UPSC CSE.

In this exam the total seats are 700 to 1000 estimated by various

websites. Again, every year the numbers of applicants are more than 6


While in case of SBI/IBPS clerical exam, it contains only 2000-3000/ 7000-

8000 vacancies on an average.

Especially in the case of railways applied for 1.27 lakhs posts. You can see

the success probability is even less than 1% in each and every exam.

Now some people will agree that, I just need to concentrate on only one

seat we have nothing to do with other thousand of seats. Hence, we

should keep ourselves away from Brain-washers. Then you must keep on

idea in your mind that this mentality is being kept by almost each and

every applicant.
So now, how many seats are left? Think practically, fake motivation won’t

help you anymore, because it’s not your emotional brain’s decision. A

famous you tuber once said,”jaan lga do ya jane do” means either put

your 100% efforts or let it go. If you’ll put your 100% efforts only it could

be considered as your gut brain’s decision. I didn’t say you should drop of

its preparation and hence its attainment. Because there’s nothing bad to

be a part of government service. But you should gave another plan,

because your probability is very low as you have taken this decision

logically by looking at the outcomes rather than you “why”.

Moreover, you have a time-span of just 11-12 years to crack such

mentally torturing exams.

Because government job vacancies are not going to increase in the future,

in fact they will decrease the vacancies with the passage of time. This will

because of logical fact that the people, who are already in the government

departments as they won’t retire immediately over the night. But the

number of graduates will increase as population is increasing plus already

graduated young individuals will also run the same rat-race.

Another pivotal aspect of my argument is that there is a debt of 38 lakh-

crore rupees on our nation according to an imminent entrepreneur

“Puskar Raj Thakur”. If we divide it with the current population then a

number of 30,000 rupees will appear. It means each and every citizen

whether it’s senior citizens of age 89 or newly born of 21 days he’ll have to

pay 30,000 rupees through tax. In simple words we are not financially


“So, what are you doing to make your nation financially independent from

IMF and World Bank?”

Apart from that, government job selection bodies are not doing well in an

order to make you the part of bureaucracy. In fact, there was a massive

student protest in UP, which was supported by people like Abhinav

Sharma against SSC.

Mohak Mangal addressed the various issues that the people are facing

from such organizations-

Extra exams (plethora of tier level exams)

Fee is so high.
Marks normalization (unjustified comparison).
Several number of wrong questions (paid representation to
inform about their mistake to government bodies).

Delayed result (which creates unclarity for futuristic goals).

Recruitment drop (more employment may affect promotions,
that’s why new recruitments are less).

Apart from that, jobs promised by every government budget are often

higher than actual reality. So never hold an airy hope that the next

union government will create more jobs than current union


Also, media is not going to highlight this issue, because there’s less TRP

in this issue for them.

Again, I am not making you afraid by just implanting the negative

thoughts additionally, it’s not bad to have a government job, but

chance of getting it is very few. So, don’t be a part of a herd and just

don’t follow a single option. You’ll probably be in a dilemma of moving

forward or to just stay for squandering your precious time.

“Whatever your passion is, keep doing it. Don't waste time
chasing after success or comparing yourself to others. Every
flower blooms at a different pace. Excel at doing what your
passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually people
will see what you are great at doing, and if you are truly
great, success will come chasing after you.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings
of Suzy Kassem

Chapter Four

Beacon car VS car

 You cannot solve the economy in this country by creating
government jobs.”
-Don Young

There is a wide spread worry that a new thought would lead to a myriad of

troubles in our country is that 4 out of 10 graduates want to crack a well-reputed

exam IAS, IPS, IFS and IRS without having a proper reason for it. They justly want

to get showy rewards and the fake appreciation from their kith and kin.

Each and every candidate has full confidence because of the

advertisement of big private IAS coaching institutions. They just create the need

of importance in their mind. Hence; the candidates use to follow a shadow. Most

of the parents also happily spend plethora of money on their child’s coaching,

which could be acquired from a government library for free. It could be thought

that such huge money can be sufficient to start many new professions. Also, this

money can be spent for an un-risky investment portfolio like digital gold.

95% of the IAS aspirants would say that the reason for joining this service is a

motive to create a lot of opportunities for me in an order to serve the society.

But answer me in an honest manner:

 Do you really want to serve the people of India or just

Want to get power and felling of importance in society.

 Is IAS or any government job is only a way to serve the nation?

 Was Mother Teresa a Patwari or a bank P.O.
 Was Bhagat Singh an IPS?
 Were the makers of COVID-19 vaccine the civil servants?
 Why Sumaria Abdulali joined an NGO Awaz foundation in an order to
serve environment? Why she didn’t join Indian forest service?

 Why you don’t think that government job could be a barrier for
sometimes to serve, under political pressure?

Understand guys, build your own character, build your own brand, and

build your own decision to change or help the world.

Otherwise, government job is just a way of satisfying your internal ego.

Believe me your this ego will provide you a narrow-width opportunities in

your life. You will just lead someone else’s life. Believe me, we deserve

better. Here is a comparison between an IAS profession and own business;

read it carefully.

If, I will ask you a question,” Which one profession is the most risky?”

Then probably you’ll talk about business.

Next question-

Which work has security and more freedom?

Then most of the people will blurt out that IAS is the top profession

in that one.

But according to Business section, becoming an IAS is the biggest risk of

the world.

Let’s see-
IAS or any equivalent level exam needs 2-3 year for proportion from a

normal student. If we’ll take 2-3 attempts, then it will take 4-5 years. So,

what you’ve learnt in these 4-5 years?

“General knowledge?” Or “any skill?”

In 2019’s civil services exam there was success rate of 0.10% and fail rate

was 99.10%. It needs 50-60 thousand rupees to be an IAS, but in case of a

business; most of the billionaires started even less then this amount.

Founder of KFC, Colonel Sanders started his vision from borrow and now

you can see where is it now?

Suppose if you’ll get failed in a business, then this experience will be even

greater than knowledge of an MBA degree. With such skills and

experience, you would easily join any well reputed company, because

many companies just need the skills and not the bookish theories.

IAS also have to do fields work sometimes. They have to work under

political pressure.

If you won’t agree with the politicians on an issue, then chances are that

you can get transferred to a very backward area. In simpleton they have to

work under the pressure, but in the case a business and NGO, there’s

nothing like so.

Easy growth in business is far greater than that of a service. In business

you can have a diversified source of income, but in a government job, you

will have to rely on a single source of Income. And believe me that’s the

biggest risk of life.

Same thing has been suggested by Robert Kiyosaki as well.

Now tell me, from Ratan Tata and Deepak Rawat, to whom you admire

the most?

Obviously answer is Ratan Tata for sure. Because he is creating jobs in the

societies and he is a well-known philanthropist as well.

No doubt IAS Deepak Rawat is a well-reputed and

an honest officer, but no one knows him, because whatever he does is his

carrier, all of that just comes under the name of system or government.

So build your own identity. How many

entrepreneurs you know? Which-ever number is greater, so that’ll be your

field of interest.

Also, same thing happens with the number of names of painters, writers,

activists, singers and sports persons.

 “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s

always another one coming.”
– Richard Branson
 There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s
missing is the will to execute them.”
– Seth Godin

Take the remote in your hand

“God has given me the remote control of my life in my hands;

that's why no anyone can manipulate my life. It is up to me
that, how I run my life until I do not sell that to others.”
― Ehsan Sehgal

Once in March 2019, I was searching about the symptoms of COVID-

19 through a Google search Bar, in sudden, a numerous number of

websites appeared in front of me. On the top of the search results,

there was an unknown website, which appeared in front of me. I had

no any choice at that time because it was ranking at the top. When I

opened that website there were few suggestions to cure COVID-19

with home remedies, and some symptoms were also suggested in

the articles of the particular website.

But when I tried to match it with WHO’s instructions,

none of them matched. In fact WHO was suggesting something

completely different. In an actual, that website was ranking at first

just because of search optimization(SEO) and actually needed data

was lost somewhere else in between of rubbish and fake content.

Same type of things happen with us on the daily basis in

our lives, specially, when it comes to choose a carrier. Some

sort of unnecessary garbage is being filled by our relatives

about selective career. In majority of cases, the most respected

relatives create a pressure to pursue a specific carrier like them.

Our thinking is so stuck in the professions like CA, engineering

(mechanical) and civil services. That’s the basic fact that how

their thoughts are forcefully injected into our creative brains.

In actual, our brains are functioning in the same manner,

as if different land’s soil contain same nutrients, but the

physical conditions at that places determines what is needed to

be cultivated here. Don’t compare you self with your relative

(uncle), cousin, friend or neighbor’s career. Tell me; is

Himalayan mountainous area is suitable for rice cultivation?

“No obviously”.

In fact, it’s suitable for vulnerable dry fruits like almonds,

which are even ten times costlier than rice.

It’s not a problem with you that you have a mountainous

area. It’s ok to be special and also it’s ok to be a part of a herd

of Jackass because both are your choices. Your friends and

cousins are not going to be the part of your life all the time,

your parents will not live more than 70 years with you and it’s

harass reality. So, how you would live your remaining life? As if,

you are habitual of following them like a Chinese manufacturer.

Understand that majority of chief guests are not journalists,

who have prepared and cracked an exam after year of

preparation. They are generally specialists in their fields, who

have guts to follow their instincts. They had never done the

rote memorization of such a type of bulky and impractical

books of general knowledge.

Believe me, if happiness, time for near and dear,

adventure and money is your preference in your life then

believe you won’t be satisfied with your life in the future and

you will curse yourself that even after reading my book, you

had not followed your heart’s voice. If you are absolutely clear

in your mission, then no one will be capable of influencing your


On the other hand if you are so fragile, then for sure, you

are going to pursue a shadow of an invisible object.

Life is full of opportunities; you can mold it in your own

required shape.

No doubt, we are living on a single planet, but there are

multi-worlds and multi-universes. There are worlds of service,

sports, technology, art and science as well. Each world has

different dynamics, so if you are from particular world, then you

won’t be able to fit yourself in any other world.

So find out which one would you should choose and

execute yourself to enter in that world. So gather the courage

to show or read out the next chapter (chapter-6) to your

parents or the dictator, who is forcing you to not to be a

creative being.

“All of a sudden you realize that you are the person who has
control of your life.”
-Jim Henson

“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have
the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you
want to change.”
-Barbara De Angelis
“Courage is the hallmark of spirituality. Courage comes when you
love yourself for who you are.”

-Amit Ray

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