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Journal Week #1

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

16 May 2021
This first week of my Internship was used for preparation to go to my site; Camp

Aranzazu. To prepare for my departure, I first went to my physician to get a final checkout and

fill my prescriptions. In addition, I went to the dentists for a routine cleaning. They detected that

I needed some work done on my teeth as soon as possible before camp. The next day after my

cleaning I went in to get this dental work done and my mouth was numbed for about half the day.

The next thing I did in preparation for camp was buy more gear. I went to the store and bought

several more pairs of socks and athletic shorts. Since these are parts of our uniform, I found it

essential to stock up. I also bought one piece bathing suits for our lifeguard training. Our

official start date is May 16th, as all camp counselors needed to arrive at camp by 6 pm on this

day. I planned to drive to Camp Aranzazu from Georgia, which is about a 15 hour drive. Due to

this very long trip, I decided to split the trip up into two days. The last few days have been very

stressful due to the gas shortages that were going on. Because of the gas shortage, I was unsure if

I would be able to drive all the way to Texas without running out of gas. My parents decided to

come along for the ride, because it was very long for one person to drive by themselves. We

drove this last Saturday to New Orleans, Louisiana. We decided to go to New Orleans, because it

is a halfway point between Atlanta and Rockport, Texas. We explored the city a bit as we had

never been there before. Everything was smooth sailing, until night time. On saturday night, I

began to show symptoms of food poisoning. I was profusely throwing up all night and was

severely dehydrated. On Sunday morning, we decided to go bring me to an urgent care to stop

the nausea and receive fluids. This backtracked our trip a few hours, but it was much needed.

Once at the urgent care I was given a shot of Zofran for nausea and IV fluids to restore hydration

and electrolytes in the body. After this endeavor, we continued on our way from New Orleans to

Rockport, which was almost an 8 hour drive. The weather was particularly bad, with intense
thunderstorms and rain. Finally, I made it to Camp Aranzazu in Rockport at about seven at night

on May 17th.
Journal Week #2

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

23 May 2021
Monday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Tuesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Wednesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Thursday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Friday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Saturday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Sunday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Total Weekly Hours: 56 hours

Total Hours to Date: 56 hours

My first day of work at Camp Aranzazu was on Monday. On Monday, we began our

work projects. Our work projects were various tasks that had to be done around camp before we

began our lifeguard training, sailing training, and challenge course training. On Monday I power

washed a shed in the Arts Center of Camp Aranzazu for about 5 other activity leaders. This task

was very strenuous but was an important team building experience. On Tuesday all of the

activity leaders helped out in removing the kayaks and paddleboards from the boathouse to

power wash them. After removing all of them, we split up into groups to do various work

projects. My group did small tasks such as moving boxes, putting all the first aid kits together,

and folding shirts. On Wednesday, me and a few other activity leaders organized the camp store

completely. We began by disinfecting the hangers and putting the shirts back on them. After this,

we refolded all of the t-shirts and sweatshirts in the camp store. We had to do our work projects

inside on Wednesday because there were thunderstorms all day. After this, all of the activity

leaders were tasked with folding the campers t-shirts for the summer sessions.
On Thursday, we finally began our lifeguard training with Camp Aranzazu. To begin our

lifeguard training, we had to pass a pre-test to exemplify our swimming abilities. The pre-test

consisted of swimming 12 laps in the pool without stopping, treading water with no use of hands,

and retrieving a ten pound weight from the nine foot section of the pool. After passing this test,

we all began our official lifeguard training. At camp, we did the American Red Cross Lifeguard

Training which was some in class powerpoints and worksheets and skills in the pool. We

completed training from Thursday to Sunday; and our test will be on Monday. The lifeguard

training all contained CPR, AED, and First Aid components. In the lifeguard training we learned

entries into the pool, approaches, rescues, deepwater retrievals, and even more. We also learned

how to save victims in the pool that are suspected head, neck, and spinal injuries. This consists of

keeping the neck and spine in a straight line. I would say that the most difficult part of lifeguard

training was the deepwater retrieval of victims who are suspected of head, neck, and spinal

Journal Week #3

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

28 May 2021
Monday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Tuesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Wednesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Thursday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Friday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Total Weekly Hours: 40 hours

Total Hours to Date: 96 hours

This week was my second week working at Camp Aranzazu. I feel as if I have finally

completely settled in at camp and gotten my bearings. I have also gotten to know all of my other

activity leaders fairly well since we spend most of our time together. This week on Monday, we

took our final lifeguarding examinations. The lifeguard examinations included a CPR/AED and

First Aid certification component. The first test we took was the written exam for First Aid and

CPR/AED. The second test we took was the written exam for Lifeguarding. We had to get above

eighty percent on both exams in order to pass. The final part of the examination was the in water

skills test. For these tests we had to pass a multiple rescuer exam and be the primary rescuer,

secondary rescuer, AED person, and BVM person. The second skills test we had to pass was the

single person rescue in which we had to enter the water, swim out to a victim submerged in deep

water, rescue them by doing a surface dive, assist on putting them on a backboard, help with

extricating them from the water, and get out of the pool and perform CPR on a dummy for three

minutes. After all of this, all of our lifeguards passed the test. On Tuesday, we began our sailing

training. Sailing was not my top pick for training since challenge course training was occurring

at the same time. Since there were limited spots for the challenge course training, we put our

names in a lottery for the remaining spots. I was very bummed out to hear that I was not chosen
and had to do sailing training instead. After this I was excited to start out sailing but a bit upset

that I could not learn the challenge course. From Tuesday until Friday we have been out on the

bayfront of Camp Aranzazu learning how to sail with our instructor Ted. I have learned now that

sailing is a very anxiety-inducing activity for me. Sailing is fun when the water and wind is calm,

but when they start to pick up, it feels as if the sailboat were about to tip over. Today on Friday,

we went out sailing after lunch when the conditions started to be more hectic. It was very

terrifying when we went out on the water, because we were alone and the conditions were scary.

I have learned that I need to face my fears and go out of my comfort zone while I am here.
Journal Week #4

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

6 June 2021
Saturday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00 8 hours

Sunday: No work

Monday No work

Tuesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Wednesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Thursday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Friday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-8:00; 10 hours

Saturday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00 8 hours

Sunday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00 8 hours

Total Weekly Hours: 58 hours

Total Hours to Date: 154 hours

On Saturday we had our final day of sailing practice. On Tuesday of this past week we

began our all staff training. All staff training is training of all of the activity leaders at Camp

Aranzazu together. All staff training covers all the different program areas that camp hosts as

well as training on multiple other areas. On Tuesday we began with training tie-dye training in

the morning, followed by ACA introduction. ACA is the American Camping Society; this is a

group that ensures the quality of camps for all members. Many different camp protocols and

standards are ACA standards. After lunch we did a lesson plan introduction, followed by food

handling certification. After this we did a camp tour and Camp Aranzazu history. On

Wednesday, after breakfast we did camp Aranzazu mission and vision, camp emergency action

plan, intro to COVID-19 training, all staff mingle, cabin buddy photoshoots, golf cart training,

and leather crafting. On Thursday after breakfast we did HOST brainstorming, partner/camp

evaluations, sports and games, stand up paddleboards, intro to bayfront, fishing, birding, and skit
practice. On Friday after breakfast we did nature training with nature walking, child abuse

awareness and bullying, getting to know our partners, meal times and kitchen protocol, risk

management, facilities intro and overview, hospitality and housekeeping, and skit practice. On

Saturday after breakfast we did activity leader observation and peer evaluation, environmental

education, know your partners, intro to arts and crafts, photography, media job, slideshow

training, and tiles. On Sunday after breakfast we did music and stories, fine arts practice, skits,

archery, and boating. During this last week of all staff training we learned the activities, but we

also learned how to facilitate these activities. It was an overall very successful week!
Journal Week #5

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

13 June 2021
Monday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-9:00; 11 hours

Tuesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-9:00; 11 hours

Wednesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 8 hours

Thursday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-8:00; 10 hours

Friday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-8:00; 10 hours

Saturday: No Work

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 49 hours

Total Hours to Date: 203 hours

This past week was our second week of all staff training at Camp Aranzazu. All staff training is

training of all of the activity leaders at Camp Aranzazu together. All staff training covers all the

different program areas that camp hosts as well as training on multiple other areas. On Monday

after breakfast we did training with the animals in the nature hut. The animals in the nature hut

come from a classroom in a local elementary school in Rockport, Texas. Our job as activity

leaders is to take out the animals and show them to the kids. The animals we have in the nature

hut are a red-tailed boa constrictor, bearded dragon, blue-tongued skink, Texas milk snake,

multiple guinea pigs, rats, a hedgehog, and mice. After this, in the afternoon, we did a pool

activity that was a practice drill for the lifeguards. During the drill, another activity leader faked

drowning and the other ones had to make the save. After this we all had to contribute to the save

by doing CPR and utilize the AED. After the pool activity, we did rainy day activity planning.

After dinner, we had a practice game night. On Tuesday after breakfast, we did a session on

coping with stress in the workplace and another session on general expectations of activity

leaders. After the session on general expectations we did a diversity and inclusion activity. After
lunch we practiced the messy games that we practice with campers. For the rest of the day we

did customer service training, camp store training, and an evening activity after dinner. On

Wednesday we did sailing practice in the morning and we took out our fellow activity leaders on

the sailboats. After lunch we did program office orientation, what makes a good cabin buddy,

and camper behaviors and expectations. After dinner we did a virtual programming overview for

our virtual camp. On Thursday after breakfast we did a whole staff climb. After lunch we

practiced our welcome skit, opening and closing day expectations, and activity practice period.

After dinner we did campfire sing/skit practice. On Friday after breakfast we did emergency

procedures review and a final Q&A about campers. After lunch we did practice on code of

living, group contract review, and went over the schedule for this next week. Our first camp

finally begins on Monday 6/14 and it is Rockport Adventure Camp. This camp is a day camp that

serves the local community here in Rockport.

Journal Week #6

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

20 June 2021
Monday: 7:30-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 9.5 hours

Tuesday: 7:30-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 9.5 hours

Wednesday: 7:30-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 9.5 hours

Thursday: 7:30-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 9.5 hours

Friday: 7:30-12:00; 1:00-5:30; 9 hours

Saturday: No Work

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 47 hours

Total Hours to Date: 250 hours

This past week was our first official camp week at Camp Aranzazu. Our first camp was a

day camp that served Rockport Adventure Camp. Since this camp serves the local children of

Rockport, it was a day camp and parents came to pick up their children at 2pm. On Monday I

woke up at 6:30 in order to set up the sailboats for the kids. After setting up the sailboats, we

went to breakfast to wait for the kids to arrive. After the kids arrived, I was assigned to walk

them to the bayfront for sailing. When we arrived at the bayfront we were not able to sail since

the tide was too low. After sailing I had to facilitate tie dye and tiles with five to nine year olds.

After lunch I lifeguarded at our shallow party pool. On Tuesday after the campers arrived, I

facilitated a nature session at the bayfront and bayfront fishing. After this, I facilitated tiles and

tie dye. After lunch I was the lifeguard for the older group of kids at the classic pool which is

deeper. On Wednesday, I woke up early since I was on jug duty. Jugs duty just means that

myself and another person have to fill up water jugs and set them at each activity area. After they

arrived I had to facilitate sailing but we were not able to sail because of the tide. Instead we

played various nautical themed games. After this, I facilitated Archery with the younger groups.
After lunch, I lifeguarded the older group at our classic pool. On Thursday, I also had sailing in

the morning. After sailing, I was the lifeguard at our kayaking pond. After lunch, I lifeguarded

for the older kids at the classic pool. On Friday, we had our final day of camp. I had to raise the

flags this day early in the morning before our setup. On Friday after breakfast, I facilitated a

nature walk to the bayfront and bayfront fishing with the younger kids. After this, I facilitated

tiles and tie dye and after lunch I lifeguarded for the younger kids at the party pool. After this we

finally concluded our first week of camp at Camp Aranzazu. I had an overall great week and was

very excited to start. It was very nice to be able to practice our facilitation skills with Rockport

Adventure Camp.
Journal Week #7

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

27 June 2021
Monday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-9:30; 12.5 hours

Tuesday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-10:00 13 hours

Wednesday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-10:00 13 hours

Thursday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-11:00 14 hours

Friday: 8:00-3:00; 7 hours

Saturday: No Work

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 59.5 hours

Total Hours to Date: 309.5 hours

This week we hosted Camp Brainstorm at Camp Aranzazu. Camp Brainstorm is a camp

held every year by the Epilepsy Foundation of Central and South Texas that serves children with

epilepsy from age 8-17. On Monday we began our preparations for the campers to arrive. At 7 in

the morning all of us Activity Leaders met in the dining hall to prepare cabins and the dining

hall. At 8:00, the camp counselors and other Camp Brainstorm staff arrived and settled in at

camp with our assistance. From 9-12 we did camp training with the Camp Brainstorm staff and

then we had lunch. From 12:45 to about 3:00, the camper arrived in waves by cabin. After this, I

lifeguarded at the pool until 5:30. After dinner we had a welcome ceremony for the campers and

our Great Aranzazu Regatta event. After our night activities, we each were each paired with a

cabin to check up on as cabin buddies. On Tuesday after breakfast I facilitated sports and games

and then lifeguarded at the pool. After lunch on Tuesday I facilitated Archery and then did

sailing for the rest of the day. After dinner we had a campfire and s’mores with the camper and

then we checked on our cabin buddies before bed. On Wednesday, I facilitated sailing all

morning with the campers. After lunch I facilitated one session of sports and games. After this I
was sailing for the rest of the afternoon. After dinner we had a skit night and talent show with the

campers and I was in charge of taking pictures for this night for the slideshow. On Thursday after

breakfast, I facilitated messy games. After this I was on H&H for the rest of the day. H&H is

hospitality and housekeeping, and this means that we are assigned to do some cleaning around

camp. At night after dinner, we did our closing ceremony and had a party night. On Friday we

had breakfast and a slideshow. After this the campers began to leave in waves throughout the

morning. I was in charge of running the camp store for one hour this morning. After the campers

left, we had our debrief and briefing for the next camp.

This week was overall very cool, and it was enriching to get to be with campers who have

epilepsy. I learned alot this week about epilepsy and how they manage living with epilepsy.

Some of the modifications we made this week was swimming in our shallow pool instead of the

deeper pool. We also had to make sure the campers were very hydrated so that dehydration

wouldn’t trigger their seizures. They also had jugs of gatorade at their disposal for hydration. We

also had to make sure to take pictures without flash to not trigger them. It was a very awesome

week and it was very sweet to be able to connect and make memories with the campers.
Journal Week #8

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

4 July 2021
Monday: 8:00-12:00; 12:30-6:00; 6:30-10:00; 13 hours

Tuesday: 8:00-12:00; 12:30-6:00; 6:30-10:00; 13 hours

Wednesday: 8:00-12:00; 12:30-6:00; 6:30-10:00; 13 hours

Thursday: 8:00-12:00; 12:30-6:00; 6:30-10:00; 13 hours

Friday: 8:00-12:00; 12:30-6:00; 6:30-10:00; 13 hours

Saturday: No Work

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 65 hours

Total Hours to Date: 374.5 hours

This week at Camp Aranzazu we hosted Younglife Capernaum. This camp is a younglife

camp for special populations from many areas of Texas. We played more of a behind the scenes

role this time, as the younglife assigned team had their own programming. Since they were a

faith based camp, we did not have to be present for many of their events. Our main job was to

move around the dining hall and prepare for our facilitated activities. Every day, they had

assigned free time where they could come to any of the activities they wanted to. It was more of

a relaxed activity time since they could come in and out. On Monday, they all arrived in waves

as they drove together from their areas. Once they arrived, we helped them unload their bags and

settle into their cabins. After they arrived, I was scheduled to do swim checks with them for two

hours. After dinner we helped break down the dining hall. On Tuesday, they had their “club”

which is a time of worship for them in the morning. After their morning activities I was

scheduled to be a lifeguard for their free time. I lifeguarded from about 1pm to 5pm. After dinner

their night activity was the Great Aranzazu Regatta and opening campfire. On Wednesday, after

morning activities I was scheduled to be a lifeguard for the kayaking pond. We did not have
many campers come to boating. After this we helped them with their scheduled joke night. On

Thursday, I was scheduled to be a lifeguard at the pool again. After dinner, they had a carnival

and dance night in our outside plaza. On Friday, they had their club and then lunch. After lunch

they were all scheduled to leave in waves. After they all left, we cleaned up and debriefed from

the week. After this we went over the schedule for the next coming week.

This week was overall pretty good, but was a little difficult for some of us. This is

because we weren’t around the kids as much as the rest of the young life team. We were not able

to make solid connections with the campers. Overall it was a pretty relaxed week and we all had

a great time.
Journal Week #9

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

11 July 2021
Monday: No Work

Tuesday: 8:00-12:00; 2:00-6:00; 7:00-10:00; 11 hours

Wednesday: 8:00-12:00; 2:00-6:00; 7:00-10:00; 11 hours

Thursday: 8:00-12:00; 2:00-6:00; 7:00-10:00; 11 hours

Friday: 8:00-12:00; 2:00-6:00; 7:00-11:00; 12 hours

Saturday: 8:00-11:00; 12:00-3:00; 6 hours

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 51 hours

Total Hours to Date: 425.5 hours

This week at Camp Aranzazu we hosted Camp Rock’n. Camp Rock’n is a camp that

comes every year to Camp Aranzazu from Driscoll Children's Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The kids in the camp all have kidney disease, which is a very debilitating chronic illness for

children. Some of the kids that came to camp this week were on dialysis and some had ports.

We began our work week on Tuesday since it was a holiday weekend. On Tuesday after

breakfast we began setting up our dining hall and waited for the counselors and the kids to arrive

to camp. After they got to camp, I was assigned to lifeguard at the pool for swim checks for two

sessions. After this, we had our first dinner together. After dinner we began our setup for their

welcome ceremony and our Great Aranzazu Regatta. The welcome ceremony consisted of an

opening campfire that we had to move indoors because of the rain. On Wednesday after

breakfast, we had to do rainy day plans due to the heavy rain. For the rest of the week we mostly

had to do rainy day plans since there was very heavy rain and flooding in Rockport. There was

very bad flooding and most of the camp was covered in water that had to be pumped out. For

rainy days on Wednesday I facilitated pool sessions. During these indoor pool sessions we
played kickball in the rain. On Thursday I facilitated indoor archery and I also facilitated a nature

session with our animals. On this day I took the guinea pigs, rats, hedgehog, skink, and boa out

to show. On Friday, we were finally able to go outside for swimming since the weather was less

rainy. On Saturday morning I facilitated boating as the lifeguard in the kayaking pond. After a

couple short sessions, we had lunch. After lunch, the campers packed up their things and they

left. After the campers left and we cleaned up, we debriefed from the week and briefed for next

week. This next week of camp will be Camp TLC, which is for teens living with cancer that

come from the children’s hospital.

This last week was very good and the campers were very awesome. The rain was an

overall bummer since we were not able to do the main things outside and we had to resort to a

rainy day plan.

Journal Week #10

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

17 July 2021
Monday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-11:00; 13 Hours

Tuesday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-12:00; 14 hours

Wednesday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-1:00; 15 hours

Thursday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-12:00; 15 hours

Friday: 7:00-12:00; 1:00-4:00; 8 hours

Saturday: No Work

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 65 hours

Total Hours to Date: 490.5 hours

This last week at Camp Aranzazu, we hosted Camp TLC. Camp TLC stands for Teens

Living with Cancer, and they come from Driscoll Children’s Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Camp TLC was one of the first camps that Camp Aranzazu hosted back when they opened their

doors. Many of the campers this week were returning campers that had been coming here for

years. Most of them knew each other and had deep friendships. Two of our own staff members

were Camp TLC campers when they were little, so this camp held a very special place in their


On Monday we began by meeting in the dining hall at 8 am to set up for breakfast. After

breakfast, we helped the counselors arrive and settle in. After this we had an introduction activity

with the camp counselors in our outdoor plaza. After lunch we did training with the TLC

counselors before the campers arrived. At 2, the campers arrived on the bus, and we helped them

settle into the cabins. After this I was assigned to lifeguard for our swim checks until dinner

time. After dinner, we had a welcome and remembrance ceremony in our arts center. After this,

we had our Great Aranzazu Regatta in our plaza followed by our opening campfire at the
Bayfront. On Tuesday, I was assigned to H&H all day, so I was cleaning for most of the day

until our night activities. After dinner, we played a big game of capture the flag in our field with

the whole camp. Our night activities for Tuesday were night ziplining and a movie night at the

pool. On Wednesday after breakfast, I facilitated a nature session and the lifeguarded at the pool.

After dinner on Wednesday, we had our camp talent show. After this, our night activities were

the same as Tuesday night. On Thursday after breakfast, I was sailing until lunch. After lunch, I

lifeguarded at the pool. After dinner we had a party night in our dining hall followed by a closing

campfire at our plaza. After the campfire, we had a chill time with snacks in our dining hall

before bed. On Friday after breakfast, I sailed and lifeguarded all morning. After our morning

activities, we helped the campers pack their things and move them to the bus. After lunch we

watched our closing slideshow and said goodbye to the campers. After this we had our debrief

and brief for the next camp.

This week was overall very good. I had an amazing time working with Camp TLC, and I

would say this was my favorite camp of the summer. The campers were so amazing and sweet

despite what they have been through. Since these campers are teenagers, they were able to be

vulnerable and open up to us and give us the opportunity to spend a great week with them. I

would say that the highlight of my week was playing capture the flag with the whole camp.

Everyone was able to let loose and have fun for a little while during this. During our closing

campfire, our leadership opened the floor for them to reflect on the week and describe what

camp means to them. Hearing them tell their stories and struggles was truly a humbling

experience that I was so fortunate to be a part of.

Journal Week #11

Sarah Victoria

Georgia College & State University


Dr. Kaninjing

25 July 2021
Monday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-9:00; 11 Hours

Tuesday: No Work

Wednesday: 9:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-10:30; 11.5 hours

Thursday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00-10:30; 12.5 hours

Friday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-6:00; 7:00- 11:00; 13 hours

Saturday: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-4:00; 7 hours

Sunday: No Work

Total Weekly Hours: 55 hours

Total Hours to Date: 545.5 hours

This last week we hosted two camps at Camp Aranzazu. From last Sunday to Monday we

hosted Camp Hero. Camp Hero is a camp that comes from the Brownson Family Home in

Victoria, Texas. The Brownson home is a foster home environment for kids who are currently

unable to live with their parents or guardian for any multitude of reasons. During the short two

days that the campers were here we got to do many activities such as birding, sailing, nature,

swimming, boating, tie dye and tiles.

On Wednesday we had our first day of Camp Connect. Camp Connect is a camp that

brings in students from the Parish School in Houston, Texas. The Parish School is a school that

works to help students who have issues with social thinking. The campers for Camp Connect had

their own individualized goals for their week that the counselors helped them with. Some

concepts they were working on were thinking about other people’s feelings, learning to be

flexible, reacting appropriately, and adapting to situations. On Wednesday, the campers and

counselors arrived on a bus at 11:00 am. After lunch they did tiles and tie dye, and after I

lifeguarded at the pool. After dinner, we hosted our opening ceremony and our Great Aranzazu
Regatta. On Thursday, I was assigned to H&H so I cleaned around camp for most of the day

until our evening activities. Our evening activity for Thursday was beachcombing at the bay and

campfire. On Friday after breakfast I was assigned to facilitate fine arts and nature with animals.

After lunch I lifeguarded at the pool and facilitated a sailing session. Our night activity on Friday

was our talent show and party night. On Saturday after breakfast, I facilitated sailing and birding

at the bayfront for Camp Connect. After lunch, we watched the slideshow for the week and

helped the campers and counselors load up into their bus. After sending them off we debriefed

on the week and briefed for our next camp.

Overall this week was very good. This week I was able to learn alot from the campers

and learn more about social thinking and social skills throughout their programs. It was very

informative to learn about how social is a skill that can always be improved upon.

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