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Vikki GOODWIN * Stare Reruesentarive + Disreict 47 July 23, 2021 The Honorable Greg Abbott, Governor State of Texas P.O. Box 12428 Austin, TX 78711-2428 Mike Morath, Commissioner Texas Education Agency 1701 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701-1494 [Sent by electronic mail to and courtney, hjaltman@] Dear Governor Abbott and Commissioner Morath: ‘Only weeks ago it may have seemed that we Texans were putting the COVID pandemic behind us. But the Delta variant has shown us that this is, sadly, not the case. Instead of retuming to a pre-COVID world, we are facing a surge of this new variant. The Texas Tribune reports that the statewide positivity rate is now above ten percent for the first time since February, and the Department of State Health Services shows that the number of weekly new cases statewide has increased over fivefold in the last month. We now know that even vaccinated people can catch and spread coronavirus. Under these circumstances, we must continue to fight against this virus with all the tools at our disposal. ‘One of the crucial arenas for battling the coronavirus is the school. The academic year will be starting soon, and we have heard from school officials and parents in our districts that the path we are on is not acceptable to them. To meet this challenge, schools must be given options that they currently do not have. First among these is the ability to provide virtual instruction to those students who are at higher risk of contracting COVID. ‘Students are young and less likely to be infected, but some are immunocompromised and any of them can carry the virus home to older or sick family members. Families are concerned about matters of life and death: if they feel that pulling their child out of school is the only way to survive, then they will do that. The least we can do is provide them an option so they will not have to sacrifice their child's education to ensure their ‘safety. We ask that you enact those policies that will allow districts to implement virtual schooling this fall. (Carson. Orruces P.O, Box 2910 + Avxriy, Texas 78768-2910 -rnome (512) 44g-0653 + rax (542) 463-0565 VIKA! G9OMWINEEHOUNEATENAA.CIOY A second tool that school districts need is masking. Children under twelve cannot get a COVID vaccine, which means they are vectors of infection for each other, their teachers, and their family members. Putting them all in one building without masks is foolish. The parents and school officials who have contacted us are worried about these children and want to see districts be given the autonomy they need to decide what is best for their students. Please reverse the current ban on mask mandates in schools. During the last year, districts were encouraged to employ a “Swiss cheese” model of protection. This approach presumes that no single method can keep everyone safe, but that several of them working in tandem will allow the smallest possible number of infections. This year is poised to offer quite a contrast: in the face of an aggressive new strain of COVID-19, schools have had most of their tools taken away. As those who represent school districts and parents with grave concems about returning their children to school under the current conditions, we ask on their behalf that you do the right thing in order to ensure the safety of school communities and the best possible education for Texas children. Tate Rep. Vikki Goodwin District 47 bul - 5 Rep. Richard Pefia Rep. Joe Deshote! Rep. Eddie Rodriguez Raymond District 22 District §1 District 42 ark a eww li lle) ae a =< Rep. Alma Allen Rep. Armando Martinez District 116 District 131 District 39 Rep. Ana Hernandez Rep. Donna Howard District 143 District 48 Utah fomno Nee eS Rep. Abel Herrero Rep. Mary Gonzalez District 34 District 75 Epr Ae Rep. Gene Wu District 137 Neon ain hate al ay dt Rep. Nicole Collier Rep. Celia Israel District 95 District 50 Rep. Diego Bernal Rep. Barbara Gervin- District 123 Hawkins District 120 Rep. Gina Hinojosa Rep. James Talarico District 49 District 52 Rep. Rhetta Bowers Rep. Jessica Gonzalez District 113 Bena 104 Een DR lh Rep. Erin Zwiener Rep. Michele Beckley District 45 District 65 Rep. Mary Ann Perez District 144 Prin Origg Rep. Lina Ortega District 77 Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos District 102 Rep. Sheryl Cole District 46, - £4 Seal — Rep. Christina Morales District 145

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