BSBADM502 Assessment Guide v1 Student

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings


BSBADM502 Manage meetings

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

BSBADM502 Manage meetings
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings
including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the
minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.
It applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who are required to
organise and manage meetings within their workplace, including conducting or managing
administrative tasks in providing agendas and meeting material. They may work as senior
administrative staff or may be individuals with responsibility for conducting and chairing
meetings in the workplace.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of

To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:
1. Prepare for meetings
2. Conduct meetings
3. Follow up meetings

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
 apply conventions and procedures for formal and informal meetings including:
 developing and distributing agendas and papers
 identifying and inviting meeting participants
 organising and confirming meeting arrangements
 running the meeting and following up
 organise, take part in and chair a meeting
 record and store meeting documentation
 follow organisational policies and procedures.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 outline meeting terminology, structures, arrangements
 outline responsibilities of the chairperson and explain group dynamics in relation to
managing meetings
 describe options for meetings including face-to-face, teleconferencing, web-
conferencing and using webcams
 identify the relevant organisational procedures and policies regarding meetings,
chairing and minutes including identifying organisational formats for minutes and

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General Assessment Information
This information is designed to provide you with a full overview of the tasks you need to
successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit.
You must achieve a satisfactory performance in each of the assessment tasks in order to be
deemed competent in the relevant unit. Where necessary, the assessment tasks are divided
into parts or steps. These are designed to take you through a step by step approach to
completing the activities.

First and foremost, please contact your assessor to discuss any necessary adjustments that
may need to be made prior to completing these tasks. The instructions for each of the
assessment tasks are logically sequenced. If you have any questions, contact your assessor
immediately. If there is a practical component to your assessment, you will need to discuss
the arrangements for its completion with your assessor in advance.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Once you have completed all of the tasks, complete the Assessment Cover Sheet, sign the
declaration and forward along with your documentation to your assessor. It should be
uploaded along with the assessment on to the RTO manager.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

All written assessment tasks must be typed and submitted with the provided cover sheet.
Your trainer/assessor will tell you when assessments are due. It is your responsibility to
ensure that assessment tasks are submitted on or before their due date.
Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated with your trainer in specific
circumstances. You must request this prior to the due date, and extensions due to illness will
require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed by your trainer/assessor.
Where assessment tasks are submitted following the conclusion of the unit of competency
without a medical certificate or extension, a late submission fee for each assessment task
will be charged.

Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessment tasks: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory
(requires more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when you have achieved S for all
completed assessment tasks and by meeting all the performance criteria. If you fail to meet this
requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-
assessed according to George Brown College policy.
If you are deemed Not Competent by your assessor and require re-assessment, you will be
informed of the process. A fee may be charged according to George Brown College policy.
If all assessment tasks are not completed for a qualification, a certificate will not be awarded.
A Statement of Attainment for completed units of competency will be provided

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Your Results
Your assessor is committed to providing you with detailed feedback on the outcomes of the
assessment and will provide guidance on areas for improvement. In most instances, you
should only need to complete the sections of the assessment that were deemed not
satisfactory. However, it is important to remember that depending on the task, it may be
necessary to repeat the whole task (for example presentations or the delivery of a training
You are entitled to view your results at any time by asking your trainer/assessor.

Reasonable Adjustment
George Brown College supports individual differences in the learning environment and
provides ‘reasonable adjustment’ in training and assessment activities to support every
learner. If you have any special needs that make it difficult for you to complete your learning
or assessments, you should discuss this with your assessor beforehand and will be provided
with reasonable alternatives to assist you to complete the required tasks such as completing
tests verbally or using an interpreter.

What happens if you do not agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, or disagree with the decision once it is
made, or believe that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal. The first step is to
discuss the matter with your trainer.
If you still do not agree with the results, refer to the GBC Complaints and Appeals Policy and
speak to the Student Services Team.

While we may not be in a position to assist you with language training or specific LLN
training, our assessors will work with you to ensure that you are supported throughout your
qualification. If you require individual tutoring this may attract an additional fee (see Student
Handbook). Support may be offered by your assessor, or for more specialist support you
may need to contact GBC administration.

A Note on Plagiarism and Referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are
presented as your own. Information, ideas etc. quoted or paraphrased from another source
such as the Internet, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant
words/sentences or ideas and the source listed in brackets. You must also list the sources at
the end of your assessment.
Sources of information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s
surname (including author’s full name, name of document/ book / internet etc. and year and
place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.
As a general rule it is advisable to never copy another person’s work. Should it appear that a
student’s work has been copied or does not appear to be authentic, you will be asked to
speak to your Course Coordinator and required to re-submit it. A fee may be charged
according to George Brown College policy.

Contacting the RTO

If you should need further support or assistance please do not hesitate to contact The
Student Services Team.

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

BSBADM502 Manage meetings
There are two assessments for this unit:

1. Written Questions
For this assessment, you are to read the questions and respond in writing with the most
suitable answer. There are eight questions, all of which must be completed. Most questions
require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. You may
use various sources of information including workbooks, internet and other documents, but
must list and reference your sources. Your assessor will advise you when this is due.

2. Project
Assessment for this unit is in three stages each with a number of parts based around the
simulated oranisation, Adept Owl Games Company.
Stage One:
This consists of two parts. You are required to plan and prepare for a meeting based on the
given scenario. This includes developing a meeting plan, writing an agenda, sending out
invitations, and organising the meeting details. There are templates for each of the tasks to
be completed.
You will be allocated a role in the company based on the Adept Owl organisational chart.
The scenario is around developing a sustainability action plan for the organisation. You are
to select a particular aspect of the topic and lead a discussion following a brief presentation
to introduce the topic. Refer to the scenario in Stage One and the appendices.
Stage Two:
This stage is in three parts. For Part A You are to review previous information about
meetings and the scenario. You will then designate a minute taker for the meeting. A minute
template is provided.
In Part B, you are to conduct the meeting. Your assessor will observe you to assess your
chairing skills.
You must chair the meeting for at least half an hour. You are to commence the topic for
discussion with a short presentation (5 minutes). You will then swap roles with other
students who will chair a discussion around their topic.
In addition to chairing the meeting, you will need to take the role of minute taker for another
student, giving every student a chance to write minutes.
The meetings will be held in the classroom. Your assessor will advise you when this
assessment will be held.
For Part C, you are required to follow up the meeting including reviewing and distributing
minutes to participants.
Stage Three:
For this task you are to review the meeting and write a report on how you planned, prepared,
conducted and followed up the meeting. As the report is for distribution to “management’, the
report needs to be structured formally and to address the questions provided. The report
should be between 800 and 1000 words.

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Assessment Schedule
Assessment Due Date

1. Written Questions

2. Project:

 Part A

 Part B

 Part B

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Student Name:

Student ID:

Contact Number:


Trainer / Assessor Name:


Unit of Competency: BSBADM502 Manage meetings

☐ Written Questions
☐ Project: Stage One
☐ Project: Stage Two
☐ Project: Stage Three

Due Date: Date Submitted:

If your assessment is being submitted after the due date, please attach a copy of the written
confirmation of extension received from your assessor.

Declaration: I have read and understood the following information at the

beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):

☐ Assessment information
☐ Submitting assessments
☐ Plagiarism and referencing

I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is

of others, I have fully referenced that material.

Name (please print) Signature Date

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings


Read the questions below and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. There are
eight (8) questions. You must complete them all. Most questions require short answers
although some questions may require a more detailed response. You may use various
sources of information including your workbook, internet and other documents. However,
you MUST correctly reference your sources of information.

Your assessor will advise when this is due.

Question 1
What are the main roles and responsibilities of the chairperson at an informal meeting? List
at least six (6) points.

1. Set the ground rules for the meeting.

2. It approves the agenda and monitors compliance with each of the points.
3. Verifies that the information necessary for the meeting is available to
committee members.
4. Manage the discussions and inconveniences presented at the meeting and
ensure they are resolved.
5. Ensure that plans for the meeting are implemented.
6. Set goals and keep the group focused on meeting each of the set goals.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of the following terms?

Term Meaning

(a) agenda The meeting agenda is a document that sets expectations about
what is going to happen at the meeting, helps team members to
be better prepared and allocates time and topics to deal with

(b) Standing Orders They are the permanent rules for all general meetings, they
serve to govern and regulate the procedures and business at a
meeting of an organization.

(c) rules of debate These are the guidelines or rules determined by a company or
association for the conduct of a debate.

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(d) minutes It is the document with the detailed written notes of a meeting
that are served as record or evidence.

(e) motions Proposition that a member is made or suggested to a meeting for

discussion or debate.

(f) amendments When there is no full support for a motion, the promoter of the
meeting must propose an amendment to effectively resolve the

(g) points of order The time limit for parliamentary laws and procedures refers to
members who have no right to speak during a meeting to draw
the attention of the President to alleged violations or breaches of
Parliament or the rules of procedure.

(h) quorum Minimum number of participants to a meeting who must be

present to start a meeting.

i) seconder Someone officially stated that they supported the suggestions

made by others during the meeting for discussion or voting.

(j) casting vote A deciding vote is a vote that someone can use to resolve a
deadlock. The deciding vote is usually the chair of the council,
legislature, or committee.

Question 3.
Describe options for meetings including face-to-face, teleconferencing, web-conferencing
and using webcams. Give a brief description and state the advantages and disadvantages of

Meeting options Description Advantages & Disadvantages

face-to-face The face-to-face meeting is ADVANTAGES:

for all participants to be in
 You’re more likely to get the
the same place or meeting
attention of the entire
room on the same day and
time for the meeting.
 You can see that body
language and communication
are more assertive.
 Communication problems are
less likely.
In large organizations, it may be more
difficult to convene a face-to-face
meeting with all leaders of areas or
units, and the timing of each
participant should be more precisely

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teleconferencing It’s a meeting of people ADVANTAGES:

from different places who
 Saving meeting expenses
use telecommunications.
(travel, snacks, meeting room).
Basic meetings can only
include audio, while other  Time saving, they are usually
types of meetings can shorter and more concise.
include video and data
 Failure in the communication.
 Imprecise communication
Time limit.

web-conferencing The web conference is an ADVANTAGES:

online service that allows
 Saving meeting expenses
for real-time meetings,
(travel, snacks, meeting room).
conferences, presentations
and trainings via the DISADVANTAGES:
Internet. You can connect
to the meeting by phone or  Failure in the communication.
using a computer with  Imprecise communication
speakers and microphone.

using webcams Using webcams, the image ADVANTAGES:

of each of the participants
 It allows you to interact with
can be transmitted via
each of the participants from a
internet connection.
 Saving meeting expenses
(travel, snacks, meeting room).
 Communication failures when
using the webcam may be
more interference.

(a) How is a formal meeting different from an informal or semi-formal meeting? (20 words)

Formal meeting: event previously planned must have: agenda, a chair and specific place.
An informal meeting requires less planning, does not require an agenda or a specific

(b) Who determines the rules of a formal meeting? (20 words)

The rules of a meeting are established by the corporate bodies of any specific
company or organization.

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Question 5
An organisation is holding a formal, monthly management meeting to review business
progress and discuss new project proposals. What items are likely to be on the agenda? List
at least eight (8) items.

1. Welcome / Open meeting

2. Verification of the quorum
3. Purpose of the meeting
4. Approval Minutes of previous meeting
5. Review the progress of the business
6. Revision of new project proposals
7. Questions and discussion of proposals.
8. Organize the next meeting
9. Closure of the meeting

Question 6
What information should minutes of a formal meeting contain? List at least six (6) items

1. Place of origin and date of meeting.

2. Meeting attendees (name and title)
3. Agenda (agenda of proceedings)
4. Conduct of the meeting (Decisions taken by the participants)
5. Activities and commitments to be undertaken by the participants.
6. Due dates for fulfilment of commitments
7. Signatures approving the minutes

Question 7
Describe how group dynamics might negatively affect the conduct and outcomes of a
meeting. Give an example of each of the following, and describe how the chairperson might
address it.

Behaviours Examples How the chairperson might

address it

Conflict Participants cannot reach By means of questions to

consensus on a specific understand the discussion in
issue and become offensive. more depth and to be able to give
a solution and distort the
difficulties presented with the

Hindering roles Interrupt their colleagues by The chair should clarify each of
removing authority and the roles and functions of each
hindering proposals and participant.
points of view, attacking other
colleagues with topics that
are not of their total

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Negative group norms Do not participate actively, The President should encourage
mock, frequently withdraw active participation by implying
from the meeting. that all views are important.

Question 8
How can a chairperson encourage active participation by all members at a meeting? List four
(4) points.

1. Use participation tools to generate interest in each of the meeting participants.

2. Prepare very well the topics to be addressed in the meeting so that they are
not repetitive and generate controversy in the meeting.
3. The Chair should give confidence to the participants so that they can express
their views and take each view into account, emphasizing that respect should
be paramount.
4. Plan to negotiate so that participants join in the exchange of ideas.

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For this assessment you are to demonstrate that you can plan and manage a meeting. You
must demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to:
 Prepare for meetings
 Conduct meetings
 Follow up meetings
You are required to conduct a meeting based on a simulated business scenario. You are to
first plan and prepare for the meeting. You will then practically demonstrate your ability to
chair the same meeting and will then follow up by writing and distributing the minutes and
reviewing the meeting in the form of a report.
You must demonstrate that you can:
 apply conventions and procedures for formal and informal meetings including:
 developing and distributing agendas and papers
 identifying and inviting meeting participants
 organising and confirming meeting arrangements
 running the meeting and following up
 organise, take part in and chair a meeting
 record and store meeting documentation
 follow organisational policies and procedures.

There are three (3) stages to this assessment. You must complete them all. Your assessor
will advise you when each stage is due.
In Stage One, you are to prepare for the meeting. Your trainer will advise you when it is to
take place. In the second stage you will then be required to participate in and chair a section
of the meeting. Your assessor will participate in the meeting as an observer.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issue and develop an action plan.
This assessment is based on the simulated business in Appendix A and the scenario below.
Read the scenario and business information and complete the tasks.

You have been promoted to the position of Manager on the Office Team at Adept Owl
Games Company. Adept Owl is an Australian developer, publisher and distributor of dice,
card and board games for all ages.
The company has just undergone its yearly environmental audit and you have been asked
to organise a meeting with the other managers and staff members to discuss the
outcomes. Despite Adept Owl’s Sustainability Policy, there have been no improvements in
sustainability practices in the last 12 months.

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A summary of the audit findings is:

Area Goal Outcome

Energy To reduce energy bills, including There has been a 4% increase

energy efficiency retrofits, energy in energy bills over the last 12
management and optimisation, months
demand management, distributed
generation or a combination of
these types of measures

Water Reduce water use in the building Average water usage has
remained the same over the last
12 months, both in the shop
floor and the office

Waste Minimise waste, particularly paper Despite a waste reduction

campaign at the beginning of
the year, there is an increased
amount of waste being
produced by the office.

Workers are not recycling,

except for paper.

Clean Air Reduce air pollution in the office and An air quality check found air
shop floor pollution from photocopier
fumes and cleaning chemicals.

The air conditioning unit has not

been cleaned in the last year.

You are to meet with the other managers to discuss the findings and come up with some
ideas to improve your company’s performance on sustainability.
Lead a discussion with the meeting participants and develop an action plan.
You may discuss the overall sustainability areas or focus on one or two particular areas.
For ideas, you can use the Sustainable Office Checklist provided by Network for business
innovation and sustainability.
Your task is to organise the meeting of the management team to discuss the report and how
the company will act to remedy the situation related to sustainability. You are to manage the
group to construct the action plan.

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Stage One: Planning and preparing for the meeting

In this stage, you need to plan and prepare for the meeting. You must prepare for and write
documents for the whole meeting. In Stage Two, however, you will be required to chair one
section of the meeting.
You first need to decide who needs to attend. The attendees will be your classmates and
you will need to assign them a role and job title. For the purpose of this assessment, you
should invite about six (6) other people. Get into groups and allocate job roles to each
member who will attend based on the Adept Owl Games Company Organisational Chart.
(You can use their real names for this)
The meeting will be held in the classroom and should go for about three hours. You will be
required to chair the meeting for approximately 30 minutes. Your assessor will observe
you. You are then to review and revised the minutes, and distribute them to the meeting
members for comments.
The purpose of the meeting is to make decisions on how the company can improve its
sustainability. You may discuss the overall sustainability areas or focus on one or two
particular areas. At the end of the meeting, you are to develop an action plan. Each person
is to produce an action plan for the whole meeting.
You will be required to participate in the whole meeting whilst sections are chaired by other
students. You will also take a turn of being a note taker and writing meeting notes and the
minutes for one meeting.
Note: The work completed for this assessment task provides the basis for Stage Two. You
will need to retain a copy of the documents this assessment for use. Ensure you keep an
electronic and/or hard copy of this completed assessment for future use.

Part A: Planning the meeting
1. Study the Adept Owl Games Company simulated business information in Appendix A.
Look at the relevant Policies and Procedures, (Appendix B) and in particular, look at the
Sustainability Policy and Meetings Policy and Procedures.
2. Decide who is going to attend. Using the information on the organisational chart in
Appendix A identify which staff members listed on the chart will need to attend your meeting
3. Determine the meeting requirements by completing the Meeting Requirements Form in
Appendix C making sure you select a meeting style and format appropriate to your meeting’s
purpose and participants.
As part of completing this template, ensure that you identify and describe the following as
they apply to your meeting:
(a) organisational requirements
(b) applicable conventions.

4. Now use the Meeting Preparation Action Plan template in Appendix C to:
(a) detail the tasks required to make the meeting arrangements identified in Meeting
Requirements Form in Appendix C and
(b) decide and state who is responsible for completing them.

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Part B: Preparing the documentation

You now need to prepare the required meeting documentation, as per Adept Owl
organisational requirements. The documentation will need to include:
(a) meeting invitation to notify required participants of your meeting, including reason
for chosen format (Appendix C)
(b) meeting agenda (Appendix C)

(c) any required supporting papers

Note: There may be several items on the agenda. However, amongst the items there should
be at least one where you need to do a short presentation (4 -5 minutes) to introduce the
topic, consult with other participants to seek their views and answer questions.
1. Prepare the required meeting papers (at least one) and select an appropriate method to
distribute these to meeting participants.
2. Send out the meeting documentation using the meeting invitation template (Appendix C) -
and papers, as appropriate, to required meeting participants (the individuals in your group as
per their assigned roles).

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Marking Guide for
this part of the project.

Submission Requirements
You will need to submit the following for this stage
 a completed Meeting Requirements Form
 a completed Meeting Preparation Action Plan
 a meeting invitation –
 a meeting agenda
 at least one meeting paper required for your meeting


Student’s name:

Student ID:

Assessor’s name:

Date of assessment:

Unit of competency: BSBADM502 Manage meetings

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Part A: Planning the meeting

Choose a meeting style and structure that is

appropriate for the purpose of the meeting and
which will assist with achieving the goals of the

Identify the meeting participants and notify them in

accordance with organisational procedures?

Determine the meeting requirements as required

and complete a Meeting Requirements Form,
 date
 time
 duration
 meeting purpose
 budget
 meeting host or chair person
 meeting speakers
 agenda
 participants (internal and external)
 special needs of participants?
 location preferences
seating arrangements – theatre style, table and

Select the documentation for distribution to

participants including:
 pre-reading materials for attendees
documentation requirements for the meeting?

Determine the equipment for the meeting, including

as required:
 video/data projector, microphone,
 teleconferencing or videoconferencing
requirements and equipment?

Select the menu for the catering within budget ($10

or less per head)?

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Identify and interpret organisational requirements

for conducting meetings in line with the Adept Owl
meetings policy, such as:
 limited meeting durations
 meeting agenda must be documented for
all meetings
 meeting minutes must be captured for all
 delegates must have the authority to make
 meetings must start and finish on time
 all meetings must have a designated
 participants must arrive on time
 mobile phones are to be switched off
 one person is to speak at a time?

Develop an action plan that details all tasks to be

completed to prepare for the meeting and identifies
who is responsible for completing each task and
when the task is due to be completed by, including:
 catering requirements and delegation or
arrangement ($10 max per head,
CoffeeVille preferred supplier, arranged
within suitable time)
 budget and who is required to manage or
approve spending, approval
 booking of venue and equipment, meeting
space chosen appropriate to meeting
 a person responsible for chasing RSVPs?

Part B: Preparing the documentation

Develop a meeting invitation in line with

organisational policy, that details:
 start time
 end time
 date
 location
 RSVP date if applicable
 who is attending

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

 purpose of meeting
 overview of agenda
 pre-reading requirements
 travel and accommodation details if
 teleconference details if applicable?

Develop a meeting agenda, in line with

organisational requirements, including the
company’s meetings policy, and template,
 date, time and location of meeting
 statement of the meeting’s purpose
 welcome
 minutes of the previous meeting
 major agenda items
 general business
 date of next meeting?

Provide relevant papers (at least one) to support

the meeting section?

Feedback to student:

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Stage Two: Conducting and following up the meeting

For this stage you will need to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to:
 conduct and chair meetings, and
 ensure that the desired outcomes of the meeting are achieved.
You are to manage and chair a section of the meeting that you planned in Project Stage One
for the Adept Owl Games Company. You must chair the meeting for at least half an hour.
Other students will take turns to chair the rest of the meeting.
For your section, you are to introduce yourself and present a 5 minute introduction to the
section you are chairing. You will then lead a discussion on the topic and reach agreement
on the issue.
After the meeting you will need to review the minutes to ensure they are a true and accurate
record of the discussions.
Note: The work completed for this assessment task provides the basis for Stage Three. You
will need to retain a copy of the minutes from this assessment for use. Ensure you keep an
electronic and/or hard copy of this completed assessment for future use.

Part A: Preparing before the meeting
1. Review the action plan you developed in Stage One.
2. Ensure that all tasks have been completed in preparation for the meeting you are to chair.
3. Designate a minute-taker. Provide the minute-taker with the meeting minutes template
and brief them on the organisational requirements for taking meeting minutes.
The documentation you will need is a meeting minutes template (refer to Appendix C)

Part B: Chairing the meeting

1. Conduct and chair the section of the meeting in accordance with the meeting agenda you
developed in Stage One.
During the meeting you are required to:
(a) resolve at least one issue using a problem-solving technique
(b) chair the meeting using communication and chairing skills.
2. Collect the minutes from the minute-taker at the end of the meeting.
4. Ask meeting participants to each complete the Meeting Participant Evaluation Form in
Appendix D
Ask the minute-taker to complete the Minute-taker Evaluation Form in Appendix E.

Part C: Following up
1. Check the minutes to make sure they are complete and accurate, as well as to ensure
correct spelling, grammar and use of the template in line with organisational requirements.

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2. Make corrections to the minutes as required.

3. Distribute the meeting minutes to meeting participants in line with organisational
requirements, along with any follow-up documentation required by the meeting outcomes.
4. Submit the required documents for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure
to keep a copy for your records.
5. File meeting documentation logically according to organisation meeting policies.

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Marking Guide for
this part of the project.

Submission Requirements
You will need to submit the following for this stage:
 a completed Meeting Participant Evaluation Form (Appendix D) for each participant
 a completed Minute-taker Evaluation Form (Appendix E)
 the minutes as completed by the minute-taker – refer Part B
 the corrected minutes – refer Part C
 a copy of the communication you sent to distribute the meeting minutes and any
follow-up documentation required by the outcomes of the meeting – refer Part C.

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As a meeting participant you will play the role of one of the staff members at Adept Owl. Your
role will be allocated by the Chairperson (You can keep your own name though!). You are
expected to join in the discussions about the topic. The aim of the meeting is to discuss
ideas to improve Adept Owl’s sustainability performance. Following the meeting you will be
asked to fill out a feedback sheet on the Chairperson’s ability to conduct the meeting.
You will swap roles with other participants so that each person gets a chance to chair a
meeting or a section of the meeting. You need to chair for approximately half an hour. Your
assessor will participate as an observer and will assess you on your chairing and
communication skills.
Read the instructions, the scenario and Adept Owl’s documentation before the meeting. Your
assessor will advise you when it is to take place.

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Student’s name:

Student ID

Assessor’s name:

Date of observation:

Unit of competency: BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Part A: Preparing before the meeting

Prepare by reviewing the action plan, agenda and

meeting notes?

Ensure that all tasks have been completed in

preparation for the meeting?

Designate and a minute-taker, provide him/her with

the meeting minutes template?

Brief the minute taker on method for taking notes?

Part B: Chairing the meeting

Chair the meeting in accordance with:

 the agenda
 the purpose of the meeting
 the style of meeting agreed on
 the organisation’s meeting conventions?

Communicate a clear understanding of the meeting


Conduct a short oral presentation (approx. 5

minutes) to introduce the key topic to provide
adequate information to initiate the discussion?

Encourage discussion in an appropriate manner to

facilitate outcomes in line with the meeting’s
purpose and ensure all participants were involved
in the meeting?

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Summarise discussions and decisions

progressively and at the end of each discussion?

Control the meeting, ensuring people stay

focussed and outcomes were achieved within
allotted timeframes, including allowing times for

Use communication skills to encourage

participation of all participants including:
 Ask questions and listen to responses to
clarify understanding
 answer questions
 listen to participants
 incorporate and encourage feedback?

Manage and work with the group to achieve the

desired outcomes and to construct an action plan?

Ensure that decisions were made fairly and


Resolve at least one issue using a problem-solving


Take notes as appropriate?

Commence and conclude the meeting section on


Collect written feedback from participants and

minute taker (participant Evaluation Form and
Minute taker Evaluation Form)?

Part C: Following up

Check the minutes to make sure they are complete

and accurate, as well as to ensure correct spelling,
grammar and use of the template in line with
organisational requirements?

Make corrections to the minutes as required?

Distribute the meeting minutes to meeting

participants in line with organisational
requirements, along with any follow-up
documentation required by the meeting outcomes?

File meeting documentation logically according to

organisation meeting policies?

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Feedback to student:

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:

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Stage Three: Report on the meeting

In this stage you will need to demonstrate the knowledge and decisions you applied to:
 plan
 prepare
 conduct and
 follow up the meeting you planned and conducted in Stages One and Two.
You are now required to prepare a report for the other managers detailing the outcomes of
the meeting.

1. Write a written reflection on how you: planned, prepared, conducted and followed up on
your meeting.
The report should be 800 – 1000 words in length. Your report should:
 Be organised under relevant headings to make it easy to read.
 Start with a brief Introduction in which you give an overview of the purpose of the
 End with a Conclusion in which you summarise how you think the meeting went.

Your report should discuss the following:

(a) Planning and Preparing for the meeting:
I. Who you invited to your meeting, why you decided they were required to attend
and how you reached that conclusion.
II. The style and structure you chose for your invitation and why.
III. What conventions you decided were appropriate for your meeting; and what
organisational and legislative requirements you needed to follow.
IV. What budgetary considerations you made and how they affected the planning
and conducting of your meeting.
V. The meeting papers you chose to prepare and the distribution method you used
to provide those papers to participants and why these were appropriate.
VI. Your approach to developing your action plan, including how you decided who
should be responsible for which tasks and timeframes for task completion.
VII. The implementation of your action plan; if all required tasks were completed, if
they were completed by the person responsible, if they were completed on time
and, if not, what you did to make sure they were done.
(b) Conducting and following up the meeting:
I. At least one problem that had to be solved during your meeting, the problem-
solving technique you used and why, and how this technique assisted you in
solving the problem.
II. Your key responsibilities as chairperson for conducting the meeting.

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III. How you would assess your performance in chairing the meeting (i.e. were you
an effective chairperson or are improvements needed?); how well your meeting
participants worked together and what group dynamics you needed to manage.
IV. The desired outcomes of your meeting, if you achieved them, and the strategies
you used to facilitate the outcome. If outcomes were not achieved, or not
achieved to satisfactory standards, what you could do to improve in facilitating
V. The strategies you used to review the meeting minutes to ensure the information
presented a true and accurate record of the discussions that occurred during the
meeting. If the minutes were a complete and accurate reflection of the
discussions and what, if any, adjustments you made.
VI. The method in which you distributed these meeting minutes and why; where and
how they should be stored; if any follow-up documentation was required and, if
so, how this documentation was or will be distributed.
2. Check your report to ensure that you have correct punctuation, spelling and grammar
3. Submit the report for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure to keep a copy
for your records. The report should be between 800 and1000 words.

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Marking Guide for
this part of the project.

Submission Requirements
You will need to submit the following for this stage:
 Report (800 – 1000 words).

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Student’s name:

Student ID

Assessor’s name:

Date of observation:

Unit of competency: BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Identify who they decided was required to attend

their meeting and how they reached that

Describe how they determined an appropriate

style, structure and appropriate meeting
conventions for their meeting’s purpose?

Identify decisions they made regarding meeting


Describe the approach they took in developing an

action plan?

Describe any problem-solving activities they

undertook in their meeting to address at least one
problem during the meeting?

Describe their responsibilities as chairperson, for

 delegating a minute-taker

 facilitating discussion

 maintaining a constructive and professional

 keeping discussion on track in accordance
with agenda
 keeping the meeting to time

 encouraging input from all participants

 coordinating consensus for problem-solving

and decision-making
 managing group dynamics?

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Describe how they would assess their own

performance in chairing the meeting?

Describe the desired outcomes of their meeting

and the strategies used to achieve them?

Describe their process for checking the minutes for


Demonstrate an ability to determine appropriate

strategies for distributing and storing meeting
minutes, for example?
 in accordance with Adept Owl policies and
 using file-naming and file location protocols

 access requirements

 storage space

 confidentiality and security requirements?

Identify any follow-up documentation required and,

if so, when and how this documentation should be
distributed, for example:
 identified the Adept Owl meeting policies and
procedures around distribution requirements
 if required follow-up documentation is too
large or numerous to distribute via email,
student identified alternative method of

Produce a report that:

 meets the specified word count

 is complete and accurate,

 is free from spelling, grammar and

punctuation errors
 uses an appropriate, business report format?

Feedback to student:

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Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Assessor’s signature: Date:

Appendix A – Business Scenario

Adept Owl is an Australian developer, publisher and distributor of dice, card and board
games for all ages.
The company has just undergone its yearly environmental audit and is required to discuss
the outcomes and determine actions to improve the company’s sustainability.
Despite the aim in the Business Plan to operate sustainably, the company has not met its
goals and now needs to undertake actions to implement the plan

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Adept Owl Business Plan (excerpt)

From Adept Owl business plan FY 2012–2013

● Adept Owl aims to produce high-quality, entertaining board, card
and puzzle games for the enjoyment of all ages.

● To establish, within five years, the reputation of Adept Owl as one of the finest, most
innovative and entertaining board game developers in Australia.

● customer focus

● actively encourage excellence, innovation and continuous improvement

● work collaboratively and consultatively with integrity, professionalism and teamwork

● recognise the diversity and expertise of Adept Owl employees

● sustainable manufacturing practices.

Strategic directions
The strategic context in which Adept Owl will achieve its mission and vision is through:
● engaging with customers

● developing and improving products and production

● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills

● creating a high-performing organisation

● ensuring sustainable materials and processes are used in manufacture and


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Adept Owl Organisational Chart

Tim Davies

Assistant to CEO
Jayne Dashiell

General Product Sales Human

Distribution Manufacturing Finance
Manager of Development Manager Resources
Manager Manager Manager
Operations Manager Jonathan Manager
Jack Macquarie Peter McKenzie Frank Goudie
Ruth Crabbe Gareth Singh Redmond Bae Ahn-Bartle
Assistant to Product
GM of Ops Development Distribution Manufacturing Sales
Officer team team team
Shannon Grant
Sarah Callis

Administrator Development
Tesfaye Tessema Lee Zigomaris

IT Officer
Aban Rezek


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Appendix B – Adept Owl Policies and Procedures
Office Equipment use Policy and Procedures
Adept Owl provides staff with access to high quality office equipment in order to complete work
tasks to a professional standard.
Adept Owl is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of its customers and employees. All
documents relating to staff, suppliers and retailers will be shredded before removing to secure bins.

All staff will comply with the following procedures in the use of office equipment.

Photocopier and printers

All staff must:
● attend a training session in the correct use and basic maintenance of the photocopier

● operate the photocopier in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines

● comply with copyright legislation

● check that the machine is working properly and clear any paper jams

● check that there is adequate toner and paper available and inform the Office Administrator if
stocks are low
● report any faults to your manager or the Office Administrator if you cannot easily resolve
them yourself
● note that high-volume printing (500+ copies) should not be printed on Adept Owl printers
but should be completed using Adept Owl’s preferred printing supplier, Pixel Precision
● implement the company’s policy on consumables conservation wherever possible.

Binder and laminator

All staff must:
● attend a training session in the correct use of the binding and laminating machine

● use the binding and laminating machines only for the formal presentation of Adept Owl
documents or as directed by your manager
● check that the contents of documents are in the correct order and meet professional
standards before binding
● operate the binder and laminator in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines

● ensure binding and laminating machines are turned off after use

● report any faults to your manager or the Office Administrator if you cannot easily resolve
them yourself.

All staff must:
● attend a training session in the correct use of the shredder machine
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
● use the shredder for the destruction of confidential documents or parts of documents which
contain sensitive personal or confidential information relating to Adept Owl’s customers,
employees, suppliers and franchisees
● operate the shredder in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines

● remove all paper clips and staples before shredding documents

● empty shredded material into recycling bins as necessary

● ensure that confidential documents approved for shredding are shredded before placing
them in recycling bins
● ensure shredder machine is turned off after use

● report any faults to your manager or the Office Administrator if you cannot easily resolve
them yourself.

All staff must:
● attend a training session in the correct use and functions of the telephone system

● when making and receiving calls, remember as a representative of Adept Owl to ensure
professional conduct at all times; be polite, courteous and clear
● use the options provided by the system efficiently (e.g. call forwarding, voicemail, hold)

● refer to the user manual supplied by the service provider

● avoid use for personal calls

● consider the need for long distance calls – use other modes of communication instead (email,
etc.), if appropriate
● seek approval from your manager prior to making any international calls

● report any faults to your manager or the Office Administrator if you cannot easily resolve
them yourself.

Fax machine
All staff must:
● attend a training session in the correct use and functions of the fax machine

● operate the fax machine in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines

● complete a fax transmittal sheet and attach to all sent documents

● check supply of fax transmittal sheets for all outgoing faxes and plain paper for all incoming
faxes and inform the Office Administrator if stocks are low
● check the fax machine for incoming faxes and distribute these immediately

● load the fax machine with paper and leave on at night to receive any incoming out of hours
● keep the area around the fax machine uncluttered

● report any faults to your manager or the Office Administrator if you cannot easily resolve
them yourself.

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Stationery and Consumables Policy and Procedures

This policy relates to the purchase and replacement of consumables and general stationery.
Note that some pieces of equipment require special training or an external technician for the
installation of replacement consumables.

● As a general rule, all purchases must be approved by the department manager and processed
by the Office Administrator.
● A nominated person in each department will check paper supplies and other general
stationery weekly, to ensure stock levels are adequate
● All staff members are to implement Adept Owl’s policy on conservation and use paper and
other consumables efficiently.

Replacement of consumables
● All staff members are responsible for the replacement of paper in photocopier, fax machine,
etc. for their own use.
● All staff members are to ensure that they remove special paper (coloured paper, letterhead,
etc.) from the photocopier once they are done and return to supply cupboard.
● Photocopier and printer toner is to be replaced by trained personnel only. Staff members that
have not been trained by the Office Administrator to replace toner cartridge are not to
attempt it.
● Photocopier drum cartridges are only to be replaced by the Xerox technician. Replacement by
someone not authorised by Xerox will void our warranty.
● Notify the Office Administrator as soon as the ‘Drum cartridge is running low’ message
appears and they will arrange for a technician to attend as soon as practicable.

● Regular servicing of equipment is to be booked and recorded in the equipment service log by
the Office Administrator.
● All equipment is to be serviced according to the manufacturers’ warranty and, at a minimum,
once per year.

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Record Keeping Policy and Procedures

Records should be stored securely, being careful to protect privacy, business and personal
confidentiality, and maintaining records as required by applicable laws.
● Create a personal subfolder within the server (using your name as the subfolder name) to
hold your day-to-day working files.
○ Do not store company data on your computer unless absolutely necessary. Company
data should be stored in the appropriate server drive. Unlike the servers which are
backed up automatically, data on your own computer is not backed up and your work
may be lost if you experience a system crash.
○ If you use a laptop and require access to files offsite, you will be set up with offline files
allowing remote access to server files away from the office.
● ‘Move’ completed files to the appropriate folder in your department.

● Filenames:

○ Speak to your Manager regarding the filenaming conventions used in your Department
○ For ease of operator identification, add your initials to the end of each filename. For
example, JulyConf-mq.doc (document about July Conference, keyed in by Mary
● Back-ups:

○ Back-up copies of all electronic files on the server are made twice weekly.
○ If you spend an extended time away from the office network using a laptop, it is your
responsibility to ensure local copies of company files are backed up.

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Meetings Policy and Procedures

This meetings policy and the procedures below establish guidelines for the expected procedures
and conduct expected by Adept Owl staff when conducting and participating in meetings.
All staff members have the responsibility conduct themselves in a professional, ethical and lawful
manner, as outlined in the Adept Owl Code of Conduct. Such conduct is expected at both internal
and external meetings.

Planning meetings
Staff who are planning meetings are responsible for ensuring that:
● a chairperson has been designated

● a meeting invitation is sent to all required participants in an appropriate format and a timely
○ generally via email
○ at least 24 hours prior for standard meetings, at least one week prior where training or
extensive preparation is required
● the meeting space is to be booked and confirmed at the earliest opportunity:

○ meeting room 1: fits up to 5 people

○ meeting room 2: fits up to 10 people
○ board room: fits up to 30 people
● AV or teleconferencing equipment is to be booked at the time of booking the meeting space,
and collected:
○ no earlier than 24 hours prior to the meeting
○ no later than an hour prior to the meeting
○ if being conducted off-site, make sure arrangements have been made well in advance so
as to not inconvenience other staff who may require the equipment
● a meeting agenda is prepared and distributed to participants prior to the meeting, using the
Adept Owl Meeting Agenda template
● meeting minutes are to be taken, using the Adept Owl Meeting Minutes template

● meeting duration is limited to an appropriate time for the purpose, generally 30 minutes to
an hour
● meeting budgets for catering are to be limited to $10 per head. See procurement policy for
details of preferred catering supplier and menu.

Conducting/chairing meetings
The chairperson is responsible for ensuring these conventions for conducting meetings are
followed, where applicable:
● meetings must start and finish on time

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● the purpose and goals of the meeting are clear to all participants

● the agenda is followed and items are presented by the assigned speaker and within the
allocated duration for discussion
● all participants are encouraged to provide input in the discussions, as appropriate

● discussions are restricted to agenda items only

● discussions are conducted in a constructive and professional manner

● one person is to speak at a time

● time limit on speakers is adhered to, as per meeting agenda

● participants have the authority to make decisions

● conflict of interest provisions are followed

● consensus is required for all decisions

● the chairperson has casting vote

● voting is conducted appropriately.

Attending meetings
All staff who are attending meetings are responsible for ensuring that:
● they arrive on time

● their mobile phone is switched off

● they behave professionally and appropriately, as per Adept Owl Code of Conduct

● they participate actively, constructively and respectfully in meeting discussions to achieve

meeting aims.

Following up meetings
All staff who are following up meetings (generally the meeting planner or chair) are responsible for
ensuring that:
● The agenda filename includes the meeting type and date (e.g. ‘Agenda-StaffMeeting-
22052015.docx’), and is stored in the ‘Meeting Agendas’ folder on the Administration server:
Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Agendas
● The meeting minutes filename includes the meeting type and date (e.g. ‘Minutes-
StaffMeeting-22052015.docx’), and is stored in the ‘Meeting Minutes’ folder on the
Administration server:
Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Minutes
● Sending an email to all participants advising them:

○ that the minutes are now available and providing a filepath to the document on the
○ advising them of the date of any required follow-up meetings and who will be
responsible for coordinating that meeting
○ attaching any additional documents that are required by outcomes of the meeting.

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Catering Menu
Breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks – we've got you covered!

Our menu changes seasonally.

Where possible, we source local, organic products.

Bacon and egg roll $5
A range of freshly baked muffins* $4

A range of fresh focaccias made daily $9–10
A range of salads* $8–$10

A selection of cakes, pastries and biscuits* $4–7

Espresso coffee, leaf teas, hot chocolate $3–4
Milk shakes and iced coffee $5
Bottled drinks $3–4

Gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options available

Catering orders must be received no later than 24 hours prior to event.

Catering orders for more than 30 people must be received one week prior to

3216 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
P: 03 1234 5678

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Adept Owl Sustainability Policy
Adept Owl takes its commitment to the sustainable and socially responsible use of resources

Sustainability principles
Adept Owl adheres to the following six sustainability principles:

1. Taking action now to reduce environmental risk

Consider the risk to the environment as part of risk management at Adept Owl.
Take action immediately to reduce environmental risk as you would with any other risk such as
health and safety or financial risk.

2. Intergenerational fairness
Consider whether the actions of Adept Owl deplete or use up resources that could be used by later
generations. Is your business or workplace activity fair to people who will live tomorrow as well as
those who live today?
Ensure the next generation is fairly treated by Adept Owl!

Sustainable use of natural resources

Consider whether Adept Owl uses natural resources at the rate they are naturally replenished. If
not, how will Adept Owl compensate for unsustainable use? Compare like businesses to Adept Owl.
Does Adept Owl use resources more sustainably than all other comparable businesses?

Maintenance of biological diversity

Consider how Adept Owl contributes to or diminishes the variety of life on the planet. Biological
diversity is important for maintaining ecosystems that contribute to the overall health of the
What ecosystems are disturbed by the location of the manufacturing plant and associated car
park? How can this be prevented or offset?
What ecosystems are disturbed by production and distribution of purchased products? How can
this be prevented or offset?

Enhanced economic and social wellbeing

Consider how Adept Owl attributes value or cost to business activity. Is wastage considered (and
calculated) as a cost to the environment (which has to be paid by someone), or only as a cost in
relation to the narrower financial interests of the business (only the cost of disposal)?
Consider how Adept Owl’s use of resources contributes to social wellbeing. Are people in your
community better-off or happier as a result of Adept Owl business activities?
Ensure the community is better off because of Adept Owl!

Strengthened community
Consider how Adept Owl’s use of resources contributes to community. Are people in your
community more connected with their community as a result of Adept Owl’s business activities?

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Ensure the community is stronger and more cohesive because of Adept Owl!

Waste management
The waste hierarchy is an effective approach to waste management which should be applied by all
employees of Adept Owl with direct or indirect responsibility for waste management. The diagram
below demonstrates the stages:

avoid purchasing items with

Avoidance and minimisation excess packaging
use electronic document
storage rather than printing
copies of documents

reuse packaging that supplies arrive in

refil printer cartridges
use blank sides of printed paper

paper, cardboard
Recycle glass, aluminium cans
printer cartridges
office furniture
computer equipment

recycle materials into base component parts

should be the last resort

Yearly environmental audit

An environmental audit should be performed yearly. General operations and administration staff
should use the Sustainable Office Checklist provided by Network for business innovation and

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Appendix C – Business Document Templates
Meeting Requirements Form

Chairperson Virna Magnere- General Manager of Operations

Department Operations, product development, distribution, manufacturing,

sales, finance, Human Resources

Meeting name Environmental management of Adept Owl Games Company

Meeting details

Date 07/22/2021 Time 9:00 am

Location Meeting room 2 Budget $80

Meeting format

Purpose Discuss the results of the annual environmental audit and develop
the action plan.
To discuss:
- To reduce energy bills,
- Reduce water use in the building
- Minimise waste
- Reduce air pollution
Participants Internal External
• Product Development
• Distribution Manager
• Manufacturing Manager
• Sales Manager
• Finance Manager
• Human Resources
• Personal
Assistant to GM of Ops

Speakers General Manager of Operations

Seating arrangements Tables, chairs and projector

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Video or teleconference None


Supporting materials

Pre-reading Summary of audit findings.

Meeting documentation  Sustainability policy.

 Waste management.
 Audit report.

Equipment  Laptop
Data / video projector

Hospitality requirements

Catering requirements Catering: CoffeeVille

Menu (For 8 people):
• A selection of cakes, pastries and cookies.
• Espresso, leaf teas

Accommodation Meeting room with table, chairs and a video projector.


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Other requirements

Special needs of none


Other organisational  Participants must turn off mobile phones.

requirements for  The meeting must start and end on time.
conducting meetings  The meeting invitation is sent to all required participants in
an appropriate format and at least 24 hours before the
 The meeting agenda is prepared and delivered to the
participants using the designated template.

Applicable conventions ● The agenda is followed and the topics are presented by the
for conducting meetings assigned speaker and within the allotted duration for the
● All participants are encouraged to contribute their comments
to the discussions, as appropriate.
● Discussions are limited to agenda items only and are
conducted in a constructive and professional manner.
● one person must speak at a time

● participants have the authority to make decisions

● consensus is required for all decisions

● the president has a casting vote

● voting is carried out appropriately.

Legal and ethical none

requirements for
conducting meetings

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Other specific none

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Meeting preparation action plan

Environmental management of Adept Owl Games Company

Meeting name:

Meeting date: 07/22/2021

Virna Magnere- General Manager of Operations


Action required By whom By when

Shannon Grant
Coordinate presentations of the meeting Personal Assistant to
and distribution of the participants GM of Ops

Virna Magnere
Prepare all the documents required for the General Manager of
meeting: Audit Summary Operations

Virna Magnere
Design the meeting agenda, send it to all General Manager of
attendees and confirm their participation. Operations

Shannon Grant
Personal Assistant to
Confirm the meeting room GM of Ops 07/20/2021

Virna Magnere
General Manager of
You confirm the attendance of all participants to Operations 07/20/2021
the meeting.

Shannon Grant
Personal Assistant to
Coordinate the catering service ($ 10 GM of Ops 07/20/2021
maximum per head)

Shannon Grant
Organize the media team for the meeting 07/21/2021

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Personal Assistant to
GM of Ops

Shannon Grant
Make sure the meeting room is confirmed Personal Assistant to
and ready. GM of Ops 07/21/2021

Catering at Coffee
Catering preparation 07/21/2021

Shannon Grant
Coordinate presentations of the meeting Personal Assistant to 07/18/2021
and distribution of the participants GM of Ops

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Internal Meeting Invitation

TO: < Gareth Singh / Product Development Manager> <Jack Macquarie / Distribution
Manager> <Peter McKenzie / Manufacturing Manager> <Jonathan Redmond / Sales Manager>
<Frank Goudie / Finance Manager> <Bae Ahn-Bartle / Human Resources Manager> <Shannon
Grant / Personal Assistant to GM of Ops>
From: < Virna Magnere- General Manager of Operations>
DC: < Tim Davies / CEO>
Date: 07/19/2021
Subject: < Environmental management of Adept Owl Games Company>

TO: < Gareth Singh / Product Development Manager> <Jack Macquarie / Distribution Manager>
<Peter McKenzie / Manufacturing Manager> <Jonathan Redmond / Sales Manager> <Frank Goudie / Finance
Manager> <Bae Ahn-Bartle / Human Resources Manager> <Shannon Grant / Personal Assistant to GM of
From: < Virna Magnere- General Manager of Operations>
CC: < Tim Davies / CEO>
Date: 07/19/2021
Subject: < Environmental management of Adept Owl Games Company>

Best regards.

Dear, I would like to invite you to hold a meeting where we will discuss the environmental management of the
organization due to the annual environmental audit performed on the company.
The meeting will be on July 22, 2021 at 9:00 am and ends at 12:00 pm Place: Meeting Room 2, Adept Owl Games

Please confirm attendance by responding to this email. Thanks

Attached files:
<1.> Meeting agenda
<2.> Summary of audit findings.

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Virna Magnere
General Manager of Operations
page 1 of 1

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Meeting Agenda Template
Meeting agenda
DATE: 07/22/202 MEETING Environmental management of Adept Owl
TITLE: Games Company
TIME: 9:00 am to ATTENDEES:
12:00 pm
Gareth Singh / Product Development Manager
LOCATION: Meeting room Jack Macquarie / Distribution Manager
Peter McKenzie / Manufacturing Manager
CHAIR: Virna Magnere
Jonathan Redmond / Sales Manager
Manager of Frank Goudie / Finance Manager
Bae Ahn-Bartle / Human Resources Manager
MINUTE-TAKER: Shannon Grant
Shannon Grant / Personal Assistant to GM of Ops
/ Personal
Assistant to
GM of Ops
Meeting preparation


Submitted summary of audit findings.
PLEASE BRING: Notepad and pen
Meeting structure
1 Open meeting Virna Magnere 9:00 - 9:20
General Manager of am
two Purpose of the meeting Virna Magnere 9: 20- 9:30
General Manager am
of Operations
3 Apologies Virna Magnere 9:30 am -9:
General Manager 40 am
of Operations
4 Approve the minutes of the previous meeting All participants 9:30 am -9:
involved 40 am
5 Action from the previous meeting Virna Magnere
General Manager of
1 none

6 Agenda items

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
1 Presentation of the audit findings. Virna Magnere 9:40 -
General Manager 10:00 a.m.
of Operations
2 Reading of the Sustainability Policy. Virna Magnere 10:00 -10:
General Manager 15 am
of Operations
3 Discussion of ideas and proposals to All attendees 10: 15-11:
improve the environmental performance 00 am
of the organization on the following

 Reduce energy consumption.

 Reduce the use of water in the
 Minimize waste, especially paper

Reduce air pollution in the office and


4 Morning coffee / tea break All attendees 11:00 -

11:15 am
5 Program for waste management in the All attendees 11: 15-
organization 11:35 am.

7 Any other business Frank Goudie / 11:35 -11:

Expenses of the departments in the last six Finance Manager 45 am

8 Organize the next meeting Virna Magnere 11:45 -

General Manager 11:55 am
of Operations
9 Meeting closing Virna Magnere 11:55 -12:
General Manager 00 am
of Operations

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting minutes
DATE: MEETING Environmental management of Adept
07/22/2021 TITLE: Owl Games Company

9:00 am to Gareth Singh / Product Development Manager
12:00 pm
Jack Macquarie / Distribution Manager
Peter McKenzie / Manufacturing Manager
Meeting room
2 Jonathan Redmond / Sales Manager
CHAIR: Virna Frank Goudie / Finance Manager
Magnere Bae Ahn-Bartle / Human Resources Manager
Shannon Grant / Personal Assistant to GM of Ops
Manager of

MINUTE- Shannon
TAKER: Grant /
Assistant to
GM of Ops

Opening of meeting
OBJECTIVE OF Seek improvement actions for the organization's environmental
MEETING: performance, because the annual environmental audit was carried
out and it is evidenced that in the last 12 months there has been no
improvement in sustainability practices despite having a
sustainability policy.


Actions from previous meeting
1 This meeting was proposed by Virna Magnere Virna Magnere
Manager of

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

1 Presentation of the audit findings. Operations Virna 20
manager Virna Magnere presents the summary Magnere minutes
of the audit findings: General
Manager of
 Energy: There is a 4% increase in Operations
energy bills in the last 12 months.

 Water: Average water consumption has

remained the same during the last 12
 Waste: There is a greater amount of waste
produced by the office. Workers do not
recycle, except paper.
Clean air: An air quality check found air
contamination from copier fumes and cleaning
chemicals. The air conditioning unit has not
been cleaned in the last year.
2 Virna Magnere reads the Sustainability Policy, Virna 15
emphasizing the six sustainability principles: Magnere minutes
1. Act now to reduce environmental risk
Manager of
2. Integral equilibrium Operations
3. Sustainable use of natural resources
4. Maintenance of biological diversity
5. Improved economic and social well-being
Strengthened community
3 Discussion of ideas and proposals to improve All 45
the environmental performance of the attendees minutes
organization on the following topics:

 Reduce energy consumption: It is

proposed to install lighting devices that
are energy efficient; include in the
sustainability policy the efficient use of
energy resources by turning off lights
and appliances that are not in use.
 Reduce the use of water in the building:
It is proposed to install water saving
devices in all the faucets and toilets of

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
the organization.
 Minimize waste, especially paper: Modify
the sustainability policy and include
practices of efficient use of resources
such as paper by printing on both sides
of paper, reusing paper, also making use
of email and minimizing unnecessary
 Reduce air pollution in the office and
workshop: At this point, air conditioning
cleaning should be implemented every
six months and include these expenses
in the annual budget; you change
photocopiers for environmentally friendly
toner, build green areas inside offices to
mitigate the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions.

4 Program for waste management in the

organization: It is identified that the
organization does not separate or recycle
waste, which is why the following actions are

 Avoid buying inputs that are not

necessary to reduce the waste
 Use electronic means to reduce the
printing of documents.
 Reuse paper: print required documents
on the other side of the paper.
 Separate and recycle the products for
each of the types, place bins or
ecological points in the offices.

Train all workers for the proper separation of

5 Expenses of the departments in the last six Frank 10
months. The financial manager presents the Goudie / minutes
balance of expenses for the last six months Finance
and indicates that they must be reduced in Manager
order to take the necessary environmental
management measures and include them in
the budget for next year's execution.
Any other business
Virna carry out educational activities with the nearby

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Magnere community on special dates.
Strengthened General
community Manager
Next meeting
DATE: 10/22/2021 ATTENDEES:
TIME: 9:00 am Gareth Singh / Product Development Manager

LOCATION: Meeting room 2 Jack Macquarie / Distribution Manager

CHAIR: Virna Magnere Peter McKenzie / Manufacturing Manager

General Manager of Jonathan Redmond / Sales Manager

Operations Frank Goudie / Finance Manager
MINUTE- Shannon Grant / Bae Ahn-Bartle / Human Resources Manager
TAKER: Personal Assistant to Shannon Grant / Personal Assistant to GM of
GM of Ops Ops

Close of meeting

TIME: 12:00 pm

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Appendix D – Meeting Participant Evaluation Form
Virna Magnere
Student name

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

The meeting started on time. *
The meeting purpose was clear. *
The chairperson kept discussions focused on achieving
the purpose of the meeting.
The chairperson maintained control of the meeting
throughout the duration.
The chairperson ensured all participants were involved in
The chairperson facilitated the problem-solving activity to
resolve any issues.
The chairperson facilitated decision-making to ensure
required decisions were made.
The meeting followed the agenda. *
The desired outcome for the meeting was achieved. *
The meeting concluded on time. *
General feedback regarding the way in which the meeting was conducted:

Some topics should take more time to discuss and take appropriate action.

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Appendix E – Minute taker evaluation form
Virna Magnere
Student name

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

The chairperson clearly explained the meeting purpose
and the expected outcomes.
I was provided with a list of the attendees and their roles
prior to the meeting.
I was provided a copy of a minute template to use to
record the meeting discussions.
The chairperson explained any organisational
requirements/conventions for recording the meeting *
The chairperson explained the required method for
recording meeting notes and their expectations with *
regards to the level of detail of information recorded.
I was provided with examples of previous minutes to
assist me with understanding what was required.

It was clear to me what was expected. *

General feedback regarding the information you were provided regarding taking minutes for the

The chairperson should include more details on the topics to be discussed at the meeting to
develop more effective improvement ideas.

Date of meeting: July 22, 2020

Signature of minute taker: Virna Magnere

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