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Pilot Training Program

Manual Number 06-0142

Revision Date 02/08/19



04/14/17 -Revised to incorporate the new All Pages
requirements of FAA Type Rating Exemption
No. 5651Q, issued Nov. 29, 2016 and
corrected Mar 6, 2017.
-Incorporated FAA comments from letter
dated April 7, 2017
02/08/19 -Revised to incorporate various formatting All Pages
improvements, addition of newly developed
graphics, reference to new equipment, and
areas of heightened focus for safety.


Chapter 1 - AT-802/802A Operational Approval, and Regulatory Compliance ...............................6
Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................................................................ 7
Record of Training .................................................................................................................................... 9
Factory Authorized AT-802/802A Instructors ....................................................................................... 10
Restricted Category Airplane Operations .............................................................................................. 11
Chapter 2 - COURSEWARE......................................................................................................... 12
SEGMENT 1 – GENERAL OPERATIONAL SUBJECTS .................................................................................. 12
Lesson 1 - Aircraft and Operating Limitations (30 min.)........................................................... 12
Lesson 2 - Weight & Balance (30 min.) .................................................................................... 17
Lesson 3 - Adverse Weather Operations (45 min.) .................................................................... 18
Lesson 4 – Aerodynamics, Performance Charts, and Management of Installed and Inoperative
(1 hr.)
SEGMENT 2 – AIRPLANE SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS ......................................................................... 21
Lesson 1 - Fuel and Oil System (30 min.) .................................................................................. 21
Lesson 2 – Powerplant (20 min.) ............................................................................................. 26
Lesson 3 - Electrical System (20 min.) ..................................................................................... 28
Lesson 4 – Dispersal Systems: Agricultural and Firefighting (1 hr.) ........................................... 30
Lesson 5 - Landing Gear and Brakes (10 min.) ......................................................................... 39
Lesson 6 - Pneumatic System (+15 min) .................................................................................... 41
Lesson 7 - Environmental Control (10 min.)............................................................................. 42
Lesson 8 - Flight and Engine Controls (15 min.) ................................................................. 46
Lesson 9 - Instrumentation and Navigation (5 min.) ................................................................. 49
Lesson 10 - Ice and Rain Protection (+15 min.) ........................................................................ 52
Lesson 11 - Fire and Overheat Protection (+10 min.) ................................................................ 53
Lesson 12 - Autopilot and Communications (+10 Min) .............................................................. 54
Lesson 13 – Aircraft Lighting (+10 min) ..................................................................................... 55
SEGMENT 3 – AIRPLANE SPECIFIC EMERGENCY TRAINING .................................................................... 56
Lesson 1 - Emergency Equipment (10 min.) ............................................................................... 56
Lesson 2 - Emergency Procedures (1 hr.) ................................................................................ 58
SEGMENT 4 – SYSTEMS INTEGRATION TRAINING .................................................................................. 64


Lesson 1 – Cockpit Familiarization and Use of Checklists (1 + 30 min.) .................................... 64

Lesson 2 – Operational Maneuvers (1 hr.).................................................................................. 72
Chapter 3 – Supplemental Courseware...................................................................................... 76
Quiz – 1 Aircraft Operating Limitations__ ............................................................................................ 77
Quiz – 2 Aircraft Systems ...................................................................................................................... 78
Quiz – 3 Emergency Procedures............................................................................................................. 79
Quiz – 4 Normal Operations................................................................................................................... 80
Chapter 4 – Approval Letters and Forms .................................................................................... 81
-Training Completion Record .................................................................................................... 81
-Type Rating Exemption ............................................................................................................ 81
-Pilot Training Program Approval Letter .................................................................................... 81
-Restarted Category Operating Limitations Example .................................................................. 81



This training program was developed to standardize AT-802/802A pilot training, and meet the
requirements of the Conditions and Limitations section of FAA Type Rating Exemption No. 5651. This
program is FAA approved and should be used in conjunction with all AT-802 and AT-802A related pilot

The following Training Program contains the required courseware information to be taught, allotted
lesson times for each segment, and an overview Quiz for each segment.


Chapter 1 - AT-802/802A Operational Approval, and Regulatory Compliance

Type Rating Exemption

The Air Tractor AT-802/802A is a unique airplane because of its maximum gross weight and Certification
Basis. The airplane was designed and certified under 14-CFR Part 23 in the Restricted Category. Its
maximum gross weight is 16,000 lbs, which makes the airplane fit the definition of “Large Airplane”.
Because of its “Large Airplane” classification, the operation of it requires an Exemption from 14-CFR
61.31(a)(1), the “Type Rating requirement”.

An Exemption from the Type Rating requirement of 14-CFR 61.31(a)(1) has been issued by FAA on a
continuous basis since 1993. This Type Rating Exemption has been initiated by Air Tractor on behalf of
its Customer-Operators, and has been granted by FAA with safety and the industry’s economic burden in

As an AT-802/802A pilot, you have the responsibility of completing the training requirements of the
Type Rating Exemption, receiving documentation of completion of the training requirements, and
maintaining these records as part of your pilot records in the event you are asked to produce them in
the future. You are also required to maintain, possess, and be able to produce a copy of the current
revision level of this Type Rating Exemption, and always operate in accordance with the requirements in
it. A current copy of the Type Rating Exemption can always be found on It is
strongly suggested that you verify that the current copy of the Type Rating Exemption is carried on-
board the airplane at each maintenance/inspection event, and annually prior to the start of your season.
Experienced ag or fire pilots may be able to waive the Pilot Training requirements of the Type Rating
Exemption using previous experience in the Air Tractor airplanes, but should carefully read the
provisions for doing so in the Exemption. A pilot who chooses to use previous experience to waive a
training requirement should ensure that they maintain the proper documentation to do so in their pilot

(A current copy of Type Rating Exemption can be found in Chapter 4 of this manual.)


Roles and Responsibilities

Having a clear understanding of your responsibilities as an AT-802/802A pilot is very important.
A surprise FAA Ramp Check or worse, a post-accident investigation, is not a good time to begin
familiarizing yourself on what your responsibilities are. The information below should give you
a good idea of how the FAA, the manufacturer, the Training Centers and Factory Authorized
Trainer Pilots, and the Operational 802/802A pilots work together to keep a fleet of AT-
802/802As operationally compliant from a regulatory and training standpoint.

 Reviews and Approves Air Tractor, Inc. AT-802/802A Pilot Training Program
 Re-issues Type Rating Exemption No. 5651 seamlessly without delay.

Air Tractor, Inc. –

 AT-802/802A Pilot Training Program
 Produces and Submits for FAA approval
 Maintains Training Program (Revisions, changes, distribution, etc.)
 Manages Factory Authorized Instructors
 Reviews qualifications of, then makes approval decision
 Issues Certificate of Approval
 Maintains records on file
 Conducts audits periodically
 Maintains a list of factory authorized instructors
 Manages Training Center-submitted 3rd Party Flight Training Programs,
 Reviews submitted programs, then approves
 Maintains records on file
 Issues Certificate of Approval
 Conducts audits periodically
 Reviews Type Rating Exemption No. 5651 and acts as a check to ensure accuracy of the
 Evaluates, endorses, and recommends approval of simulators and flight training devices.

Factory Authorized Training Centers –

 Develops Training Program which meets the minimum requirements of the FAA
approved Air Tractor, Inc. Pilot Training Program
 Requests and receives factory authorization of the developed flight training programs.
 Employs Factory Authorized Instructor Pilots to conduct training
 Maintains training records of student pilots


 Presents training center facility for inspection and audit, and submits training records to
Air Tractor, Inc. on request
 Installs, maintains, develops, and operates simulators and/or flight training devices.

Factory Authorized Instructor Pilots –

 Conducts training
 Uses the FAA Approved Air Tractor Pilot Training Program
 Manages Student Pilots
 Reviews qualifications
 Maintain training records
 Issues Certificate of Authorization
 Submits training records to Air Tractor, Inc. on request

Authorized AT-802/802A Pilots –

 Meets the training and experience requirements of the Type Rating Exemption No.5651.
 Completes the FAA Approved Training Course (or waives, as allowed)
 Possesses a Certificate of Completion and/or logbook endorsement of experience.
 Maintains personal training records and makes them available upon request.


Record of Training
Pilots who complete the FAA-Approved AT-802/802A Pilot Training Course that is required by the Type
Rating Exemption should maintain a record of this training in his or her pilot file. This record is an
import part of your operational authority to act as pilot in command of an AT-802/802A.

For an experienced AT-502 series or AT-602 pilot to use flight experience to waive the Ground Training
requirement of the Type Rating Exemption, this suggested endorsement may be used:

“On today’s date, (date) , I, (name, pilot certificate, certificate number ) certify that I have logged more
than 100 hours of flight time, with at least 10 hours in the preceding 12 calendar months, in an AT-502
series airplane, waiving the Ground Training Requirement of FAA Type Rating Exemption No. 5651.”

When a prospective AT-802/802A Pilot successfully completes the AT-802/802A Pilot Training Course, a
record of training (See Chapter 4, Training Completion Record) should be completed by the Factory
Authorized Pilot Trainer, and kept on file:

(See Chapter 4 for suggested logbook entries to record training events)


Factory Authorized AT-802/802A Instructors

A pilot with many years of experience operating airplanes in agricultural or fire-fighting roles are very
important members of the ag aviation industry. Their knowledge and experience, and well as their
willingness to pass along this knowledge, is critical to the continued safe and efficient operation of our
industry. An authorized AT-802/802A certified flight instructor pilot with a sufficient amount of
operational experience who wishes to contribute to the continued safe operation of our industry should
consider becoming a Factory Authorized AT-802/802A Pilot. The Type Rating Exemption lists the
minimum requirements for becoming eligible to teach new AT-802/802A qualified pilots.

A person wishing to become a Factory Authorized AT-802/802A Instructor should assemble and submit a
“Factory Authorized AT-802/802A Instructor Pilot “application to Air Tractor. This application should

1. Resume of flight experience. Include all applicable agricultural and aerial firefighting
experience, all turbine ag aircraft experience, and all flight time that was spent providing
ground and flight training.
2. Current copy of pilot and instructor certificates
3. Current copy of Medical certificates
4. a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s Chief Pilot/employer declaring that the
applicant possess the experience, professionalism, knowledge, and skill to qualify him/her to
train to a level of standard of excellence consistent with the expectations of Air Tractor, Inc.
and the ag aviation industry.
5. a copy of any additional training materials that the applicant wishes to use to conduct training.
6. Professional references who are familiar with the applicant’s aviation experience,
qualifications, and professional relationships.
7. The applicant’s full name, pilot certificate numbers, and contact information, including email
and mailing address.

The above should be submitted by email to:, or by mail to:

Air Tractor, Inc.

Attn: Chief Pilot
1524 Leland Snow Way
Olney, TX 76374


Restricted Category Airplane Operations

The AT-802/802A is certificated and licensed in the Restricted Category for special purpose missions,
including agricultural spraying, dusting, and seeding, and for the special purpose use of forest and
wildlife conservation (firefighting), the special purpose of narcotic crop eradication flight operations, and
for the special purposes of aerial surveying and patrolling. When a Restricted category airplane is built
and licensed, a Special Airworthiness Certificate (attached to FAA Form 8130-7) is issued, which includes
a set of Restricted Category Operating Limitations. The Airworthiness Certificate and the Operating
Limitations do not expire, and must be carried on-board the airplane at all times.

Operation of the airplane outside of the special purpose missions for which it was licensed isn’t

Reference material concerning the operation of Restricted Category airplanes:

 14CFR 91.313 – Restricted Category Civil Aircraft: Operating Limitations

 FAA Notice 8900.295 – Pilot Training and/or Certification Events Conducted In Restricted
Category Aircraft

(An example of Restricted Category Operating Limitations can be found in Chapter 4)


Chapter 2 - COURSEWARE


Lesson 1 - Aircraft and Operating Limitations (30 min.)

The Air Tractor AT-802/802A is an all-metal cantilever low-wing monoplane designed especially for
agricultural and firefighting operations. The AT-802/802A is powered by a Pratt & Whitney PT6A
turboprop engine. There are three engine models that are currently offered: PT6A-65AG (1295 SHP),
the -67AG (1350 SHP), and the -67F (1424 SHP). Several other variants of the large PT6A are certified for
use on the AT-802/802A, but are no longer available in new production. Reference the Type Certificate
Data Sheet and/or the Airplane Flight Manual for a list of all applicable engine models.

The AT-802/802A is equipped with a Hartzell five-blade, reversing, feathering, constant-speed propeller.
The -65 series engines use the 115-inch diameter prop model, and the -67 series engines use the 118-
inch diameter prop model. Other propeller variants are approved for use. Reference the TCDS and/or
AFM for more detailed information on eligible propeller models.

The two-piece hopper is made of fiberglass and has a capacity of 800 U.S. gallons in the ag configuration,
and 820 gallons in the fire-fighting configuration. The horizontal stabilizer is all metal and strut braced.
The vertical fin is cantilevered. The elevators and rudder are of all-metal construction. The rudder is
actuated by cables, and the elevator is actuated by a push-pull tube and system of bellcranks. The
fuselage is of conventional steel tube truss design, and features removable aluminum skin panels for
ease of maintenance and cleaning. “Fowler-type” flaps are actuated by pushrods attached to bellcranks
that are driven via a torque tube by a fuselage-mounted electric motor-driven jackscrew mechanism.

V Speeds


Airspeed Markings

Powerplant Limitations





Starter Limitations:
• Motoring
• Maximum duration of 30 seconds followed by 1 minute of cool down.
• Can total 3 cycles, then must be allowed to cool for 30 minutes
• During engine start (per 802 AFM)
• If ITT fails to rise within 10 seconds after moving the Start Control lever to
the “Run” position, shut off fuel (pull Start Control lever to “C” stop) and
release Start switch. Allow 30 seconds for fuel to drain plus 5 minutes for
starter cool down. Conduct a 15 sec dry motoring run and allow 10 minutes
for starter cool down before attempting another start.

Fuel Flow

The following data is based on a factory flight test using an AT-802 with a PT6A-67F engine.
Recommended Climb, Cruise, and Descent fuel flows are not published in the Airplane Flight
Manual. The information listed in the chart below is intended to be used for basic planning
purposes only and to give the pilot an estimated fuel burn number for quick calculations. The
digital fuel flow meter on board the aircraft provides real time accurate fuel flow data.
Indicated airspeed not shown because there are several typical airplane configurations.


Powerplant Limitations (Continued)

(1) Refer to Engine Service Bulletin No. 3032845-72-1 (P&WC SB13001) for listing of approved
(3) If fuels conforming to bulletin information are not available, Aviation Gasoline MIL-G-5572,
all grades, may be used for a maximum of 150 hours between overhaul periods. Operating
time on Avgas is computed on the basis of quantity used and average consumption. Avgas
is not approved for use with PT6A-67F engines.
(4) Torque limit applies within a range of 1000 to 1700 rpm propeller shaft; below 1000 rpm,
torque is limited to 2000 lb. ft.
(5) Engine inlet condition limits for engine operation: Altitude: Sea Level – 12,500 ft MSL
(6) Normal oil pressure is 90 to 135 psig at gas generator speeds above 72%. With engine
torque below 3000 lb. ft., minimum oil pressure is 85 psig at normal oil temperatures (60-70
C). Oil pressures under 90 psig are undesirable. Under emergency conditions, to complete a
flight, a lower oil pressure limit of 60 psig is permissible at reduced power levels not to
exceed 2000 lb. ft. torque. Oil pressures below 60 psig are unsafe and require that either
the engine be shut down or a landing be made as soon as possible using the minimum
power required to sustain flight.
(7) These values are time limited to 5 seconds
(8) These values are time limited to 20 seconds
(9) Applies over speed range 56% - 68% Ng
(10) For increased service life of engine oil, an oil temperature of between 74 and 80 C (165 to
176 F) is recommended
(11) Oil temperature limits are -40 C (-40 F) to 99 C (210 F)
(12)100% gas generator speed corresponds to 37,468 rpm
(13)Limit to 5 minutes operation

Approved Fuels:
JET A, JET A1, JET B, MIL-T-5624, JP-4, JP-8
If jet fuel is not available, Aviation gasoline MIL-G-5572, all grades, may be used for
maximum of 150 hrs between overhauls. Avgas is not approved for use in the PT6A-67F
Approved Oils:
MIL-L-7808 (NATO Spec 0-148)
MIL-L-23699 (NATO Spec 0-156)
Do not mix types or brands. Most new aircraft are delivered with Eastman Turbo Oil
2380. Use flushing procedures described in the engine Maintenance Manual to drain
the oil system if brand or type of oil is changed.

Weight Limits:
Maximum: 16,000 lbs (7257 kg.)
Baggage Compartment: 60 lbs (27.2 kg)
Maximum Hopper Load: 8,800 lbs (3992 kg.) (800 US Gallons / 3028 Liters)


Flight Load Factor limits:

Takeoff & Climb Performance Assumptions

• 16,000 lb (7257 kg) gross weight
• Dry, smooth, hard runway
Climb Performance assures 300 feet per minute, or 2.5 % climb gradient whichever is
greater, assuming the following:
• Max continuous power
• Flaps 10 deg.
• 122 mph (106 kts) IAS climb speed

• Indicated Airspeed (IAS) – airspeed actually read from the airspeed indicator with zero
instrument error.
• Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) – airspeed corrected for pressure input errors (position error)

Power Available Equation

SHP= (Propeller RPM X TORQUE FT.-LBS)/5252

Stall Speeds


Lesson 2 - Weight & Balance (30 min.)

Below are some example loading scenarios of a typically-equipped Air Tractor AT-802 plotted on the
AFM CG envelope. The two scenarios represent a forward CG loading case and an aft CG loading case.


Lesson 3 - Adverse Weather Operations (45 min.)

The AT-802/802A is certified for Day/Night VFR operation. It is not certified for flight into known icing
conditions and should not be operated near thunderstorm activity. A lateral offset of greater than 20
miles is recommended when there are thunderstorms in the area.

Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms is prohibited except when the requirements of Air Tractor Drawing
11615, “Installation – Lightning Protection – 802” are incorporated. This modification is a combination
of airframe changes added to help absorb, or control static discharge. This modification includes coating
conductive items in contact with the external tank skin with an insulating sealant and inserting insulating
standoff elements as necessary. Airframe components that are modified for lightening protection
include low fuel sender switches, fuel level senders, fuel tank vent items & etc. The tank skins on the
upper side of the wing are made of thicker material to resist burn-through if a strike occurs. Any electric
or mechanical items (boost pump, fuel gauges, wiring, etc.) that come in contact with fuel get grounded
to airframe to provide a current path separate from the fuel. Covers or lighting-designed components
for wing tank ports, vents, fillers, and sumps have also been incorporated. The design concept of
lightning protection is to redirect electrical current to the airframe ground or prevent charge buildup
that can trigger a lightning strike. Fuel tank vents are designed to minimize the likelihood of fuel vapor
ignition. Static wicks are used on trailing edges of control surfaces to control corona discharge and limit
the trigger of a strike. Bonding straps are used to span across control surface hinges to maintain a bond
to airframe ground.

The AT-802/802A is certified as a day/night VFR only aircraft. Flight into IMC, even with adequate
instrumentation, is not authorized. Should inadvertent flight into IMC occur, the pilot should exercise
basic instrument flying techniques and execute a level standard rate turn in the shortest direction back
to VFR conditions allowing for terrain clearance. It is also advised to turn off the strobes to minimize
blinding of the pilot from cloud, fog, or haze reflection, but only if it can be accomplished without
distracting the pilot. A good instrument crosscheck is of critical importance, and if maneuvers by
reference to instruments have not been accomplished in a while, it would be beneficial for a new 802
pilot to practice them in VFR conditions in an instrument-capable airplane, with a qualified safety pilot.

The AT-802/802A is not equipped with airframe icing protection and is not certified for flight into known
icing conditions. Airframe and induction icing can occur in conditions of visible moisture and freezing
temperatures. Emergency procedure for inadvertent encounters of Induction icing are discussed later in
the Engine/Powerplant Section. If freezing temperatures are to be encountered, it is advised to use a
Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII), such as Prist fuel additive, when operating below 40 deg F (4.4 C).

As with any other flying, the best practice for avoiding hazardous weather conditions is a proper check
of the weather prior to flying. There are several sources readily available online to pilots for building a
solid picture of the conditions. To name just a few:

- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);

- The Weather Channel;
- Wunderground;

On-board weather reporting via satellite is becoming more commonplace in modern airplane cockpits.
Countless applications for smartphones and handheld devices are also available. If you’re in an area
with no internet service, 1-800-WXBRIEF is still a viable source for a brief as well as filing. If updates are


needed inflight and the pilot does not have weather receiving capabilities through a GPS with XM or an
ADSB receiver, then calling flight service is still an option.

Lesson 4 – Aerodynamics, Performance Charts, and Management of Installed and Inoperative

Equipment (1 hr.)

The Air Tractor AT-802/802A is a versatile airplane that can be configured for a variety of missions. The
most common variant is the agricultural configuration, which can be set up to apply either liquid or dry
crop protection products. Liquid products are dispensed using a spray pump, valve, and boom and
nozzle system. Dry products are usually dispensed using a material spreader clamped to the bottom of
the hopper gate box. A firefighting Single Engine Air Tanker variant is also common and represents
approximately 20% of the fleet. These airplanes are equipped with computer controlled firegates. Air
Tractor offers an FAA approved factory fire gate system. Other manufactures of fire gates exist as well,
and the pilot should be intimately familiar with the operation of the specific system installed on his
airplane. An amphibious scooper version of the AT-802 called the “Fireboss” is becoming more common
in the firefighting segment of our industry. Training on the systems and equipment specific to the
Fireboss is beyond the scope of this Training Program, and are covered in a separate Fireboss-specific
training program, supplied by the STC holder. Some AT-802s are equipped with a 1000-gallon fuel
transport tank, and are used to deliver home and industrial heating fuel to remote areas. There is a
militarized version of the AT-802 called the “802U”, but that airplane and its mission are beyond the
scope of this training program and will not be covered.

Every external configuration of the AT-802/802A will have its own particular, and slightly varied,
performance and handling characteristics. For example, an airplane set up for dry fertilizer dispersal will
have a higher total drag configuration than an airplane set up for firefighting, and its takeoff, climb, and
cruise performance will reflect that total drag difference. Because of the wide variety of configurations
and equipment available on 802/802As, a new pilot should always receive thorough training in the
particular airplane he is planning to operate.

Run sample problems of takeoff and climb performance, with emphasis on high density
altitude operations, obstacle/climb clearance requirements, and short runway operations.
Reference the AFM and use the correct performance charts for the airplane that is being

Management of Installed and Inoperative Equipment

The AT- 802 is certified in the Restricted Category and is not required to have a published Minimum
Equipment List (MEL). Individual operators may develop their own MEL’s and submit them to the FAA
for approval. The airplane is equipped from the factory for 14-CFR 91.205 Day/Night VFR operations.

The Air Tractor 802/802A Airplane Flight Manual and the Air Tractor 802 Type Certificate Data Sheet
(A19SW) say the following equipment must be installed:

1.) Stall Warning System

2.) 24-volt Electrical System


3.) Slip Indicator

4.) Fire Extinguisher

The Equipment List section of the 802 Airplane Flight Manual lists many of the optional pieces of
equipment that may be installed at the factory. After delivery, a wide range of other equipment may be
installed using other approved post-production methods (STC, 337, etc). As new equipment becomes
available, more possibilities are likely in operational aircraft. After completing this Air Tractor AT-
802/802A Pilot Training Program, all operators should provide their new pilots with training on the
avionics package applicable to the specific airplane they will be flying. Below is a list of some of the
equipment that you may come across in the field depending on how the aircraft is used:

Agricultural Dispersal Optional Equipment

None, or any of the following:
Dry material spreader Conventional fire bomber gate Directional Gyro
Standard spray system and vent S-Tec Autopilot
Micronair spray system Computerized fire bomber gate King KLX-135 GPS/COM
Fire Gate spray system and vent Vertical speed indicator
Automatic flagger Air conditioning system King high frequency radio
Drift finder smoker Cockpit heater King Radar altimeter
Crop Hawk, Micronair, Accuflo Fuel flowmeter King GPS
flowmeter Attitude gyro Crew Seat
48 extra nozzles Turn coordinator Garmin GMA 340 Audio Control
Night working lights King COM or NAV/COM radio Garmin GNS 530 GPS NAV COM
Hopper rinse system Windshield washer Garmin GNS 430 GPS NAV COM
Foam tank Windshield wiper Garmin GNC 250XL GPS COM
King transponder Garmin GTX 327 Transponder
King LMH 3142 radio King KRA 405B Radar Altimeter
King DME Engine Fire Detection System
King HSI/Slaved compass Fuel Control Override System
King audio console Garmin/Apollo SL40 Com radio
Loran-C Ram Air Engine Inlet
King Automatic direction finder Light Package
King Marker Beacon Auxiliary Fuselage Fuel System
Narco ELT (for Aerial Surveying/Patrolling
Dorne and Margolin ELT configuration)
Garmin GPS 150 Electronics International MVP-
Trimble GPS 50T Engine Monitor Installation
N.A.T. Audio Control Panel Amsafe Inflatable Restraints
King KN53 NAV Dispersal Monitoring System
ACK ELT Reabe Hopper Gauge System
Public Address/Siren Retractable Firewall Mount

Further information on the Certification Basis can be obtained from the FAA Type Certificate Data Sheets
database website.



Lesson 1 - Fuel and Oil System (30 min.)


The AT802/802A fuel system has two integral fuel tanks in the wings that are located between the main
spar and aft rear spar of each wing structure. Three optional fuel tank sizes are available from the
factory: 256 gallon (250 usable), 308 gallon (302 usable), and 380 gallon (374 usable). These tanks
gravity feed into a small header tank that is located behind the chemical hopper and below the rear spar
attach tube in the fuselage. Both wing fuel tanks are interconnected through this header tank and there
is no means to select either tank individually. Finger strainers are installed at the fuel outlet of each
wing tank to strain out large particles from the fuel system.

This aircraft is equipped with visual fuel tabs at the fuel filler openings that show the approximate 3/4
fuel level of the fuel tanks. The purpose of these fuel tank tabs are to visually verify the quantity of fuel
added to the wing fuel tanks. Verifying the quantity of fuel on board the aircraft is of utmost
importance and these tabs are used in conjunction with the cockpit fuel indicators (fuel gauges), fuel
flowmeter/totalizer, and ground fueling equipment to ensure the proper amount of fuel has been
loaded on board the aircraft.

The fuel tank tabs do have inherent limitations when coupled with the long length of the wing fuel
tanks. Parking on uneven surfaces, uneven tire pressure, or the particular loading of the aircraft could
cause the wings to be slightly out-of-level and affect the apparent fuel quantity at the tabs. It is
important to consider these limitations when using the fuel tabs.

Each fuel tank has an overboard vent located near the wing tip. With both tanks completely full, it is
possible during flight to vent a small amount of fuel overboard by skidding the aircraft or rolling sharply.
Some fuel may also vent from these locations on the ground when the fuel expands due to high outside
air temperature.

The fuel is drawn from the header tank through an electric fuel boost pump, a fuel shutoff valve, and
firewall fuel filter by the engine driven fuel pump. The engine driven fuel pump operates continuously
while the electric fuel boost pump is used only to fill the fuel lines prior to starting and as a back-up to
the engine-driven pump. Either pump will deliver fuel at a minimum pressure of 15 psi to the fuel
control pump which is part of the engine.

The fuel valve handle is located within reach of the pilot on the lefthand side of the cockpit. This valve is
used to shut off the flow of fuel to the engine in an emergency.

If additional fuel capacity is needed for a long distance flight, the optional ferry fuel system may be
installed that uses the hopper as an additional fuel tank. In this arrangement, the fuel shutoff valve
becomes a selector valve and is used to switch between OFF, Hopper Fuel, and Main Fuel positions.
Consult the aircraft Owner's Manual for installation information.


See the included fuel system schematic for more details.


Aftermarket Single Point Fueling Systems

Several aftermarket single point fueling systems are available. These are generally installed using
Supplemental Type Certificates (STC), and should include Airplane Flight Manual Supplements to
describe their operation. The pilot should familiarize himself with the system and operation prior to


Low Fuel Warning Light System

The AT-802 & AT-802A aircraft incorporate a low fuel warning system that consists of two float switches,
one in each wing tank, connected to a red warning light. Either float switch can activate the light
independent of the other. The floats are positioned so that the light is activated with approximately 28
gallons usable quantity remaining (total in both wing tanks), if the aircraft is in level coordinated
flight. An unbalanced fuel load (due to uncoordinated flight, flying all turns in one direction, or other
cause), may result in fewer than 28 gallons usable at the time of warning light illumination. The fuel
gauges are the primary instruments for fuel management, and the pilot should not use the warning light
system as a means of determining the quantity of fuel remaining.

Corrective Action:

If the low fuel warning light illuminates, fly straight and level and monitor fuel gauges. Land as soon as
practical. However, if fuel gauge monitoring indicates a fuel imbalance with adequate fuel remaining,
flight may be continued after allowing fuel to transfer and equalize.

An intermittent (flickering) low fuel warning light should be treated the same as a steady warning light.

Use of fuel tank tabs

The purpose of fuel tank tabs are to visually verify the quantity of fuel added to the wing fuel tanks.
Verifying the quantity of fuel on board the aircraft is of utmost importance and these tabs are used in
conjunction with the cockpit fuel indicators (fuel gauges), fuel flowmeter/totalizer, and ground fueling
equipment to ensure the proper amount of fuel has been loaded on board the aircraft.

The fuel tank tabs do have inherent limitations when coupled with the long length of the wing fuel tanks.
Parking on uneven surfaces, uneven tire pressure, or the particular loading of the aircraft could cause the
wings to be slightly out-of-level and affect the apparent fuel quantity at the tabs. It is important to
consider these limitations when using the fuel tabs.


• The AT-802/802A (-65AG, -67AG, -67F engines) should be serviced with a total of 16 quarts
of oil. 10 quarts are held in the engine oil tank, and the other 6 quarts are held in the oil
lines and oil cooler.

**Be aware that when the engine oil is drained, the contents of the engine oil tank are
drained, but the contents of the oil lines and oil cooler may not necessarily be drained.**

• In general, it is recommended to fill the engine to 1 quart below the maximum when hot.
• For most accurate oil level determination, oil level should be checked just after engine shut
• There is a spring loaded check valve to prevent oil loss in the event the dipstick is not


Lesson 2 – Powerplant (20 min.)

The AT-802/802A is powered by the Pratt and Whitney Canada “large” PT6A engine

Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A-65AG, -67AG, and -67F

• Reverse flow free turbine driving a gas generator and a reduction box
• 4 stage axial, 1 stage centrifugal compressor

Propeller and Governor

• Hartzell HC-B5MA-3D Five blades
• Aluminum 115”-118” diameter depending on engine
• Constant Speed with Reverse and Full Feathering capability
• Woodward Overspeed Governor
• Engages 4% over primary governor in the event of primary failure
• Test function reduces rpm to 1570 (+/- 60)


Oil Level
Sight Window


Lesson 3 - Electrical System (20 min.)

The AT-802/802A is equipped with a 250 Amp (300 amp optional), 28-Volt electrical system. Three
firewall-mounted 24V batteries are wired in parallel to provide sufficient starting current. The system is
charged by the engine-driven 28V starter-generator. The figure below provides an architectural
overview of the electrical system.

System components:
24 volt 250/300 amp system
• Lucas 250-Amp 28-Volt starter generator (SG)/ 300 amp version optional
• Generator Control Unit (GCU) - mounted R/H side of fuselage, below cockpit floor
• Line Contract Relay (LCR) – right side of firewall
• Start Relay – right side of firewall
• Start Switch – Lower instrument panel
• Generator Switch – Lower instrument panel
• Pilot’s Panel Voltmeter – Lower instrument panel
• Low Voltage Warning Light – Upper instrument panel
• 15 amp GCU Circuit Breaker – Lower instrument panel


• 120 AMP MAIN BUS CB forward of the firewall

• 3 Gill 24-volt batteries (63 amp-hrs) wired in parallel for high cranking power
• Ground start receptacle on lower left side of cowling
(Should be used if less than 24 volts in the batteries to prevent a hot start)

Hot start (starting an engine soon after shutdown and/or during periods of high ambient temperate
conditions) events on a PT6A engine, especially with weak batteries, pose one of the single greatest
threats to engine health. A Ground Power Unit (GPU) plug receptacle is installed on the left hand side of
the lower cowling, just forward of the firewall. This receptacle can be used for battery charging and
should be used for engine starting anytime the batteries have a charge of less than 24 Volts. The GPU
can be used to charge the batteries even with the cockpit Master "BATT" switch in the OFF position.

Be sure to check orientation of the GPU plug before attempting connection. Do not disconnect the
GPU plug from the airplane during the start process. Allow engine to stabilize at Ground Idle with the
GEN switch OFF, prior to disconnecting the GPU plug.

Fully charged batteries should allow the gas generator to peak at about 18% Ng before the Start control
lever is advanced to the “Run” position. At this high an Ng speed, a “cool” start with an ITT peak of
around 610 to 620°C is possible, which is desirable.

The electrical system is protected by a series of circuit breakers located on both sides of the lower
instrument panel. There is also a single master breaker located underneath the cowling on the upper
right corner of the firewall. This is the “CB MAIN BUS” breaker and protects the main power bus.


Lesson 4 – Dispersal Systems: Agricultural and Firefighting (1 hr.)

The AT-802/802A can be equipped with various types of equipment for agricultural missions. This
manual will only provide a basic overview of the standard factory configuration. Individual operators
should train their new pilots on the equipment that is specific to their operation.

The components of a basic agricultural configuration are:

• Spray Booms – streamlined tubing. Aluminum and stainless available
• Nozzle locations – up to 96 nozzles can be installed.
• Spray Pump – several models are available in either aluminum or stainless steel
• Fan and fan brake – Several models available, including electric brake, mechanical brake,
and feathering pump fan.
• Spray Valve – On-Off ball valve, controlled by a handle in the cockpit. Some dispersal
systems include an electric valve, controlled by the Dispersal Guidance GPS system.
• Strainer – prevents debris from blocking the spray nozzles.
• Gate Box – allows the hopper contents to be quickly dropped.
• Hopper Vent System – vents the hopper and allows overflow in the event the hopper is
• Flow Meter – usually part of the Dispersal Guidance GPS System.



Switching from liquid to dry material

Many operators switch between applying dry material and applying liquid material often, sometimes
more than once per day. Below is a recommended process for reconfiguring the AT-802/802A dispersal

• Remove only the pump and booms

• For extended fertilizer use, the center boom assembly and spray control valve should be
removed to prevent fertilizer from getting into the valve assembly
• Can be accomplished in a few minutes by removing stainless T-pins that support the
center boom assembly and removing the bolts that attach the valve to the stainless
• The hopper vent tube is welded 3” stainless steel tubing inside the hopper.
• The vent tube protruding from the side of the adapter box is aluminum and points aft
when liquid material is being dispensed. The slight negative pressure prevents fumes
from escaping around the lid. This vent should be rotated to point forward to provide
positive pressure inside the hopper when dry material is dispensed.


Fire Fighting
The AT-802/802A can be equipped with a variety of firefighting mission equipment. The Air Tractor Gen I
Firegate system was developed and certified in the early 1990s. The Gen II system was developed and
certified in the mid 2000s, and introduced significant upgrades and improved reliability. Other,
aftermarket firegate systems have been developed, including the Vondron Hydromax, the Conair, and
the Hatfield firegate systems. For the purposes of this training program, only the Air Tractor Gen II gate
will be discussed. If the aircraft is equipped with other firegate systems, the pilot should receive proper
training on that system prior to operation.

Recognize the importance of proper fire gate maintenance and operational training.
Firegate systems and their associated pilot controls can vary from airplane to airplane,
and from operator to operator. Firegate failures and pilot input errors are
unacceptable in the wildfire environment because of the critical and unforgiving
nature of those operations (low level, high traffic density, hot and high environment,
steep terrain, turbulence). An operational SEAT pilot MUST be intimately familiar with
the operation of his airplane’s dispersal equipment prior to mission flying.

The AT-802’s Fire Retardant Dispersal System (FRDS) uses state-of-the-art electronic controls and
hydraulic power. The FRDS uses a programmable computer to control the hydraulically powered release

The AT-802/802A hopper provides a total capacity of 820 gallons when equipped with an Air Tractor
firegate system. An 18-gallon Water Enhancer (aka, “Foam”) system attached to the upper engine
mount legs, forward of the firewall, allows a variety of water enhancing products (foams, gels, etc) to be
injected into the hopper contents. The pilot interface on the left hand side of the instrument panel
allows the pilot to program the drop and monitor the dispersal system. The on-board processor
contained in the pilot interface monitors various parameters such as liquid level, instantaneous G’s,
hydraulic pressure, and dump door position, and uses that data to accurately control the drop when
commanded by the pilot.

The hydraulic system is pressurized by an electrically driven hydraulic pump. When the system is first
turned ON, the pump charges a hydraulic accumulator up to the normal operating pressure. When the
system is Armed and fired, valves allow the accumulator to discharge high-pressure hydraulic fluid into
the rotary actuator, moving the doors to an open position. Following the drop, the system returns the
doors to the closed position and the hydraulic pump runs to maintain normal operating pressure.

FRDS Control Panel and Operation

All current production AT-802/802As built in firefighting configuration are equipped with the Air Tractor
Gen II Fire Gate System.

Located on the lower left side of the instrument panel, the FRDS Control panel receives power from the
main battery bus and is activated by turning the aircraft Battery Switch ON. Operation of the control


panel is fairly intuitive. It will first display a title screen showing the manufacturer, model, version, and
date of last update. Then it will conduct a self-test and eventually come up to the default settings Home
screen. The numbers displayed represent the values of the different variables listed around the outside
of the screen. A blinking cursor will highlight the value to be manipulated. The rotary knob on the left
will change the value by turning it left or right. Not all the variables displayed can be manipulated. The
cursor will only go back and forth between Coverage level and Gallons to Dump. The other variables are
display indications showing quantities or pressures. Depressing the same knob will enter the value and
cycle the cursor through the different variables.

A series of indicator lights on the lower left of the control panel give a basic status of the gate’s systems.
The toggle switches across the bottom control the general operation of the gate. The Armed, Mode,
and Hydraulic Power switches are fixed position toggles that must be set to the pilot’s desired
configuration. The Foam, Lamp Test, and Gate switch are spring loaded switches that are depressed and
released to momentarily activate the corresponding system.

To set the FRDS system up for basic operation of the gate, the following must be turned on and
1. Aircraft Master – ON
2. Hyd Power – ON
3. (self-test complete, default settings screen displayed)
4. Low Pres indicator light – Not Illuminated
5. Gate Closed light – Green
6. Mode – selected (usually Auto)
7. Armed Switch – Up for ARM (Green Light illuminates)

With these steps completed, depressing the gate door open switch, in the trigger position of the control
stick, will activate the gate.

Some basic settings techniques will be discussed later in the Segment covering Maneuvers; Firefighting


Firegate Hydraulic System

The FRDS hydraulic system has a normal operating pressure of 3000 psi. It uses an electrically powered
pump to move fluid from the fluid reservoir to the accumulator for storage. The pump will run
approximately 45 seconds to fill a completely discharged accumulator. The normal replenishment time
following a drop is 18 seconds.

The hydraulic pump is equipped with a check valve to prevent reverse flow of fluid when the pump is
OFF. It also has a pressure relief valve to ensure that system pressure does not exceed 3200 psi. This
valve will be active in the event that the system’s pressure transducer fails to signal the computer to
stop the pump when 3000 psi has been attained.

There are two fluid filters in the system. The low-pressure filter is located between the fluid reservoir
and the pump, on the suction side of the system. The high-pressure filter is located between the pump
and the accumulator.

The one-gallon accumulator holds a nitrogen precharge of 1650 psi. Two programmed dumps may be
executed with a fully charged accumulator.

When a drop is initiated with the trigger switch, the supply solenoid opens, allowing pressurized
hydraulic fluid to flow from the accumulator to the servo valve. The servo valve shuttles between the
CLOSED - and - OPEN positions, supplying fluid to the rotary actuator in response to commands from the
computer. The servo valve also opens a route for the displaced fluid to return to the fluid reservoir.

System Components
(Some components are inside the gate and cannot be seen is these pictures)
• Motor/Pump combination
• Accumulator
• Servo-Supply-Solenoid-Valve
• Low-Pressure Filter
• High-Pressure Filter
• Servo Valve
• Rotary Actuator
• Bleed-Solenoid Valve
• Emergency-Dump-Solenoid Valve
• Check Valve


Dump Gate
The dump gate consists of a hopper adaptor and a centerline mounted pair of hinged gate doors that are oriented
fore and aft beneath the hopper tanks. These doors pull up to seal against rubber seals mounted to the door

Each of the doors is operated by one of the pair of parallel shafts that run fore and aft through the gatebox
adaptor. The rotary motion of these shafts is synchronized by the mesh of a pair of spur gears that are attached to
the forward end of each of the shafts, outside the hopper plenum. A rotary hydraulic motor drives one of the gear
and shaft assemblies through approximately 180 degrees of travel. The mating gear and shaft assembly is driven
through a mirror image travel of that for the motor driven gear and shaft assembly.

Elbow type linkage arms are attached along the length of these shafts, with the opposite end of the linkage
attached to the dump doors. As the shafts rotate through 180 degrees of travel, the elbow linkages move the
doors from full closed to full open positions. While the doors are closed, the linkages are in an over center lock
position. This ensures that the doors are held closed without hydraulic assistance.

Fire Fighting Dump Gate (Fairing removed)

Water Enhancer (Foam) System

The optional Water Enhancer (foam) tank holds approximately 18 gallons. On the Gen 2 gate the system
is controlled through the FRDS control panel and has a pump that transfers contents of the foam tank to
the hopper tanks for mixing. The panel allows setting the desired amount of gel or foam material to be
mixed in the hopper tanks. There are several foam systems however that use a separate control panel
usually located just below the FRDS panel. They have their own power switch, quantity indicator, timer
for injection, and injection button.


Smoke System
The smoke system consists of a 2-gallon tank and pump assembly, and a smoke oil line.
 Smoke Tank located just aft of cockpit on left side. Fill port is on the left side of fuselage just aft
of the door at the base of the fiberglass canopy.
 Total quantity is approximately 2 gallons and is pumped into the right hand exhaust stack
 Activation is via a press and hold button on the control stick.


Hopper Rinse System

In airplanes set up for the agricultural mission, a hopper rinse tank is located forward of the firewall and
may be filled with tap water for hopper rinse. To rinse the hopper after spray chemicals are expended
turn the rinse switch ON for a sufficient time for water to clean the hopper walls, then OFF. The pump will
empty the 18 gallon (68 liters) tank in approximately 1 1/2 minutes. Be sure to open the drain valves
during cold weather so that the system is not damaged by freezing. The drain valves are located at the
pump and at the check valve.

Windshield Washer/Wiper System

The AT-802/802A has a windshield washer and wiper to keep the windshield clean. If ag chemicals get
on the windshield from flying through the swath, or overfilling the hopper it is necessary to use the washer
as quickly as possible to prevent chemicals from drying. After holding the washer switch ON a few
seconds, the wiper may be turned to either the Low or High speed position and then turned OFF. For
best results it is recommended that airspeed during wiper operation be kept below 135 MPH (117 KTS)


Lesson 5 - Landing Gear and Brakes (10 min.)

Landing Gear
• Spring type landing gear: low drag, min. maintenance, high energy absorption
• Main tires: 11.00-12 10-ply (60 - 62 psi) with Cleveland wheels and brakes
• Tail wheel: 17.5x6.25-6 10-ply, 6.00-6 tube (60 psi)
• 360 swivel, centering lock located left side of cockpit

The AT-802/802A brake system is a typical aircraft toe-brake arrangement. The brakes are applied by
pressing the top of the rudder pedals to actuate the brake master cylinders, applying pressure to the
dual brake calipers on each main wheel. Differential braking is achieved by using the right and left
pedals independently. The right pedal controls the righthand main wheel brake caliper and the left
pedal controls the lefthand main wheel brake caliper.

The brake fluid is the conventional red petroleum base Mil-H-5606A fluid. This brake fluid reservoir is
mounted in the cockpit on the back side of the hopper behind the instrument panel. The reservoir is
translucent so that the pilot can monitor the amount of brake fluid remaining.

The parking brake is set by holding pressure on both brake pedals and then pulling the parking brake
valve handle toward the pilot. The parking brake valve is spring loaded, so the handle should be held
while the pressure on the brake pedals is released.

To release the parking brake, apply pressure to both brake pedals simultaneously. The spring loaded
parking brake valve will return to the open position and the parking brake function will be released.



Lesson 6 - Pneumatic System (+15 min)

The only pneumatic system used on the aircraft is for the emergency dump on the firefighting
configured 802’s. They require a minimum of 60 psi prior to takeoff. The gauge is located on the lower
left next to the throttle. In the event an emergency dump is necessary, the system is activated by
depressing the red button on the E-Dump handle and pushing the handle forward. This will result in a
full salvo dump of the contents of the hopper. The doors will then remain open until the system is
recharged and reset. This is accomplished by securing the E-Dump handle back to its aft position,
confirming pressure restored on the gate system, and then manually closing the gate doors using the
toggle switch located on the gate control panel. Be advised, if the system does not close the doors,
rebooting the fire gate control panel may be required. In this case simply turn the gate off, wait ten
seconds, then turn it back on and try closing the doors again.

Manual gate
operation switch


Lesson 7 - Environmental Control (10 min.)

Air Conditioning

The AT-802/802A air conditioning system uses a R134A gas-cycle system for climate control in the most
adverse temperature and humidity situations. The functional layout of the air-conditioning system is
shown in the schematic in this section.

The engine driven compressor causes the refrigerant to become a hot, high-pressure gas that travels to
the condenser coil in the tail of the airplane. The condenser coil uses two fans to cool this refrigerant to
a warm liquid that is under high pressure. Next, the warm liquid passes to the receiver/dryer. The
receiver/dryer acts as an accumulator to dampen pressure pulses from the compressor. It also removes
moisture from the system, preventing internal freeze-up of the expansion valve. When the warm liquid
passes through the expansion valve, it is converted to a cold gas at a lower pressure. This cold gas flows
through the evaporator coil, cooling the air that is flowing over the coil and into the cockpit. The
refrigerant is warmed and returns to the suction port of the compressor to begin the process again.

This air conditioning system is a versatile system that allows the pilot to select fresh ram air from
outside, or to recirculate cockpit air, or a combination of the two. The blower speed and cockpit vents
can be controlled to vary the amount and direction of the cool air flowing into the cockpit. Below is an
overview of the system controls and how each can be used to produce the desired result.

Cockpit Vents

In all AT-802A (single seat) airplanes there are four cockpit vents ("eyeball vents"). Two are mounted
above the pilot's shoulders on the aft cockpit wall and two are positioned near the pilot's knees on
either side of the cockpit. These vents can be used to direct the airflow towards or away from the pilot.

AT-802 (two seat) airplanes are equipped with an air conditioning duct in the cockpit floor with one vent
per seat.

Air Conditioner Switch

The air conditioner switch is located on the lower instrument panel or on the radio console. This is a
three position switch. The middle position is OFF. The upper switch position enables only the
evaporator blower. In this position, the air conditioner compressor will not be engaged and cold
refrigerant will not be supplied to the evaporator. The lower switch position enables the full air
conditioning system, providing cold refrigerant to the evaporator and enabling the evaporator blower.

Blower Switch

The blower switch is a three position switch that provides HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW velocities of air
through the cockpit vents. This switch is only operable when the air conditioner switch is in the
BLOWER (upper) or AIR CONDITIONER (lower) positions.


Fresh Air Valve Control

The selection lever for the fresh air valve is located on the aft cockpit wall, to the right-hand side of the
pilot. If this lever is in the ON position, then fresh air from the outside airscoop will be directed into the
evaporator plenum and into the cockpit through the cockpit vents. The airscoop is mounted on the
righthand side of the outer cockpit canopy. In flight, with the fresh air valve open, ram air pressure will
cause fresh air to flow through the cockpit vents without the blower fan operating, but the blower can
be used to supplement this airflow as desired.

The fresh air vent can be placed in any position between ON and OFF to provide varying amounts of
fresh air. This can be done with the recirculation door open or closed to provide varying mixes of fresh
air and recirculated air as the pilot desires.

It is not recommended to operate the blower fan with the fresh air valve and the recirculation door
closed. This may cause damage to the blower fan and blower motor.

Recirculation Door

The recirculation door is mounted on the aft cockpit wall, to the right-hand side of the pilot. This door
slides inboard to open and outboard to close. When the door is open, the blower fan pulls air from the
cockpit and recirculates it through the cockpit. When the door is closed and the fresh air vent is open,
then only fresh air is provided to the cockpit. Maximum air conditioning cooling is provided when the
recirculation door is open and the fresh air valve is OFF.


Ensure that the cockpit air recirculate door is FULLY OPEN and free of obstructions (helmet bags, etc.)
any time the air conditioning is ON. Running the air conditioning with the cockpit air recirculate door
closed or blocked will prevent the flow of air across the evaporator coil, causing the coil to ice up. In
the event the evaporator coil ices up, turn the Air Conditioning Master Switch to BLOWER ONLY (a/c
compressor OFF) and allow the evaporator coil to warm and thaw.



The cockpit heater is operated by extracting hot bleed air from the compressor section of the engine
and routing it through a valve and muffler beneath the cockpit. The valve is opened by adjusting the
knob on the left side of the seat above the floor. The amount of heat can be regulated by the amount of
valve opening. Hot air is piped to the diffuser on the right hand side of the cockpit floor.

The bleed air tap on the engine has a restrictor fitting to limit the amount of hot air that is available, and
this restrictor should never be removed from the connection.

The cockpit heater manifold can be VERY hot during operation. Always exercise caution during
cockpit heater use.


Lesson 8 - Flight and Engine Controls (15 min.)

Flight controls

• Ailerons and Elevator: push-pull tubes through bell cranks to the control surface
• Rudder: stainless steel cables and an aileron spring interconnect system that eases turn
• Flaps: Fowler type electrically driven by jack screw to a torque tube
• Can be stopped anywhere between 0 and 30 degrees of travel
• Controlled by toggle switch mounted just aft of throttle quadrant
• 10 deg increment markings on left wing appear as flaps are extended
• Trim
• Elevator trim wheel on left side of cockpit operates a push-pull tube to trim tabs on
• Rudder trim control wheel located left side of cockpit drives cables to rudder control
• Aileron trim tab is mounted on the inner portion of the aileron and electrically
actuated. A bendable, ground adjustable tab is mounted on the right hand aileron.
• Aileron Servo tabs on the outer end of the control surface are to reduce control force
work load


Several helpful and entertaining pilot training videos are available on

For a video on how to make roll and yaw trim adjustments, visit:

Engine controls

• Power, Prop, Start (Fuel) control levers connected to a series of pushrods

(CAUTION: Damage may occur to linkage if Power lever moved to reverse while engine
is not running)
• Power: Normal forward operation; Reverse- depress Thumb Latch and pull lever aft
• Propeller: Forward= high RPM; Full Aft= Feather
• Start: Full Aft= Cut-Off; Middle= Low Idle (Ground); Forward= High Idle (Taxi and Flight in
order to avoid operating prop in yellow range)
Starter, Generator, Igniter switches located on Lower Cockpit Panel, right hand side
• Start switch spring loaded to OFF
• Ignitor Switch: Up = ON (only when starter energized)/ Center = OFF / Down = Continuous

Aftermarket power quadrants are available from Kawak Aviation, and are commonly found in AT-
802/802As. Beginning in 2018, these quadrants were eligible to be installed under an STC at Air Tractor
during manufacturing. These quadrants feature positive reverse, feather, and cutoff locks, which are
actuated by pulling up on the lever grip.


Typical Kawak Aviaition Power Quadrant


“Factory Standard” Power Quadrant



Lesson 9 - Instrumentation and Navigation (5 min.)

The AT-802/802A is produced with basic Day-Night VFR flight and engine instrumentation. Analog
engine instruments (aka “round gauges”) have been the standard for many years. Torque pressure, fuel
pressure, and Oil Pressure are indicated via “wet lines”. The remaining engine gauges use electrical
senders. The fuel system is monitored through dual analog fuel gauges powered by the main battery
bus. Fuel quantity comes from a pair of sender floats; one mounted on the inboard end of the fuel tank,
and another mounted on the outboard end. Note that the “½ Full” indication does not correspond with
half way on the gauge. There is also a Shadin Fuel Flow monitor that can be used to keep a very
accurate fuel level. However, it is important to realize that the Shadin only bases its quantity indication
from a fuel flow sending unit. It will use that data from the sending unit to count down from a quantity
set by the pilot. So if the pilot fails to update the unit after refueling the aircraft, it will give false

Flight instruments use a conventional pitot-static system for airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed
indication. The standard Digital Horizon attitude indicator and an optional electrical turn and bank
indicator provides an orientation reference. All airplanes are equipped with a whiskey compass located
on top of the lower instrument panel in front of the hopper fill window.

Beginning in 2015, digital monitoring and analysis of all engine parameters was introduced in all models,
including the AT-802/802A, using the Electronics International MVP50-T system.

All engine operating parameters are displayed digitally using arcs and sliders. Each parameter’s value is
also shown. Color coding is used to indicate each parameter’s value in relation to limits that are
established in the AFM. Fuel tank quantities are shown and are measured using a pair of floats in each
wing; one inboard, and one outboard. Fuel totalization is also included using a calibrated fuel flow
transducer. Outside air temperature, main bus voltage, G’s, and various clock and timer functions are
also included.

A pilot new to a glass-equipped AT-802/802A should consult the AFM supplement for the MVP50-T
system and familiarize himself with its operation prior to flight.







MVP50-T Equipped AT-802A Cockpit

Legacy Round Gauge Equipped AT-802A Cockpit


It is very common for an AT-802/802A to receive additional mission equipment post-delivery. A

thorough cockpit checkout in your particular airplane is recommended. Below is an example of an 802
Fire Boss cockpit.

AT-802A “Fireboss” Cockpit


Lesson 10 - Ice and Rain Protection (+15 min.)

No Air Tractor is certified for operation in icing conditions. With the exception of optional pitot heat,
there is no real ice protection on the aircraft. However, if operating in precipitation at a cold enough
temperature, then induction icing could be a factor. What will happen is moisture will gather on the air
filter inside the intake plenum. The cool air coming in will drop a few more degrees prior to entering the
engine. This could result in the moisture on the air filter freezing and building an ice layer. What will
happen is the sensor inside the intake plenum will detect a change in the pressure differential and
activate the Air Filter light on the annunciator panel. If warmer conditions are not encountered and the
situation is allowed to continue, a worst case scenario will result in the engine suffocating and a
flameout will ensue. In the event of this very unlikely scenario there is an alternate air door on the back
of the intake plenum. This is opened by pulling a “T-Handle” located on the floor to the right of the
pilot’s seat. However, be aware that once this handle is pulled you are introducing unfiltered air from
inside the cowling directly into the engine.

For rain operations a single windshield wiper has been installed. It has variable speed control through a
rheostat on the lower left instrument panel. Max airspeed for windshield operation (Vww) is 144 KIAS.


Lesson 11 - Fire and Overheat Protection (+10 min.)

• Single dry chemical fire extinguisher located on the floor of the cockpit to the right of the
• An Engine Fire Detection (only) system, and an Engine Fire Detection and Extinguishing
system are optional installations, but very few 802/802As are equipped with these systems.
• (Use caution when the cockpit heat system is operating. Its operating temperature is high,
and flammable materials should be kept away from the cockpit heat manifold.)


Lesson 12 - Autopilot and Communications (+10 Min)

The Genesys Aerosystems System 50 Two Axis Autopilot (was S-Tec, Cobham, etc.) is approved and
optionally available for installation in 802/802As (If equipped, an AFM Supplement will be inserted into
this manual), This autopilot system provides Altitude hold, a Roll (wing leveler) mode, and a Nav mode
(when interfaced with NAV/GPS equipment.)

After delivery Air Tractors may be outfitted with a multitude of different avionics and communications
packages. The most common post delivery avionics installations include audio panels, com transceivers,
GPS systems, transponders, and autopilots. Manuals are available for each of these pieces of
equipment when they are purchased, as well as online through their respective companies.

This program will not cover the operation of the different avionics equipment. It is up to the owner of
the aircraft and the pilot to make sure proper training is provided on that particular operator’s
equipment before operating the aircraft.


Lesson 13 – Aircraft Lighting (+10 min)

Exterior Lights

 Dual Landing light on engine cowling, Nav and Anti Collision lights on wingtips

Work Lights

 Retractable forward facing wingtip lights

 Detachable turn lights (must be attached/detached prior to flight)



Lesson 1 - Emergency Equipment (10 min.)

The AT-802 is equipped with the AMSAFE Aviation Inflatable Restraint System, meeting the
requirements of 14-CFR 23.562 for a 26g impact. These are airbags located inside your shoulder
harnesses. They’re specifically designed to protect your upper body during a survivable aircraft
accident, and subsequently allow an occupant to be able to egress the aircraft.

The four/five-point restraint consists of the airbag unit and the gas hose attached to both shoulder
harnesses of the restraint system. Either a lift latch buckle or a rotary buckle can be used.

A magnetic sensor secured to the aircraft will actuate a switch when 9 G’s of deceleration is experienced
in the forward direction. This switch sends a signal to a high pressure cylinder that will release a charge
inflating the airbags. They only maintain their inflated state through impact. Vent holes allow the
airbags to deflate quickly. This allows the occupant to egress the aircraft much easier not having to deal
with inflated airbags. The entire inflate – deflate event takes less than half a second.


A visual inspection of the harness should be part of the pilot’s preflight inspection. The pilot should not
make any attempt to open the harness up to inspect the bags. Only a qualified airbag maintenance
technician should inspect the system. This should be accomplished every 1000 flight hours, or annually.

Cockpit Fire Extinguisher

A floor-mounted dry chemical fire extinguisher is mounted to the cockpit floor. This fire extinguisher is
intended for ground use, and shouldn’t be used in-flight.

Emergency door removal

The Air Tractor is equipped with emergency escape, or Rescue, handles on both doors of the aircraft.
These are large red handles at the base of the door, not to be confused with the normal door opening
handles located halfway up on the forward side of the door or at the top of the door(usually painted the
same color as the aircraft).

When the rescue handle is rotated toward the front of the aircraft, the two connecting rods pull the
hinge pins out of the hinges at the base of the door. This allows the door to fall down and out regardless
of the position of the normal door entry lever. BE ADVISED, as soon as the Rescue lever is turned, the
person turning the lever will be holding the full weight of the door. For this reason it is important to
brief any ground personnel handling the airplane, on normal operation of the door.


Lesson 2 - Emergency Procedures (1 hr.)

In this section you will continue seeing the “NOTES”, “WARNINGS”, and “CAUTIONS” just like listed in
the previous sections. These remain unchanged from what they say in the FAA approved 802 Airplane
Flight Manual. Additionally there will be green shaded containers that contain tips and techniques
gathered from pilots in and out of this industry. They are to be used simply as guidance and offered as
techniques. The checklists are very similar to the AFM, but have been adjusted to follow more of a
standard checklist layout and flow. Some steps have been moved around to facilitate a possible better
way of doing things. All checklists have been coordinated with the Flight Test Division of Air Tractor and
meet their approval of safe practice.

When dealing with any emergency don’t forget the very basic priorities of flying: Aviate, Navigate,
Communicate. For anything happening outside the normal routine and/or falling into the Emergency
Procedures section, breakdown the “Aviate” into sub categories of:



Agricultural and firefighting airplanes are usually flown in low-level missions. The low-level
environment usually isn’t the place to perform troubleshooting efforts following an in-flight
emergency or abnormally. When briefing and practicing simulated emergency scenarios, extra
emphasis should be placed on climbing out of the low-level flight environment if possible prior to any
in-flight cockpit troubleshooting work.

Ground Engine Fire

1) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – Full aft at fuel cut-off “C”
section for duty cycles)

In-Flight Engine Fire

1) POWER LEVER – Reduce to minimum level to sustain flight
2) HOPPER – Emergency Dump


3) Look for suitable landing spot

4) ITT and TORQUE – Monitor to see if engine stabilizes at reduced power setting
5) Determine source of fire and if it is minor or major in proportion


Find suitable field to land while power is still available. Stop as soon as possible and before
shutting down swing tail of aircraft into the wind. This will allow a growing fire to blow away
from the cockpit providing more safety to exit the aircraft as well as by time to try to extinguish
the fire before it spreads to the rest of the plane. Once the aircraft is stopped proceed as

1) POWER LEVER – Idle position

2) PROPELLER LEVER “P” - Pull aft to feather stop “F”
3) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – Pull aft to fuel cut-off “C”
4) ITT – Monitor for fire indications inside engine (Usually indicated by a high ITT out of
limits after fuel cut-off). If ITT remains out of limits proceed with “DRY MOTORING
RUN”, but leave fuel off.
5) IF ITT is falling – All switches OFF. Use screwdriver to remove R/H side of cowling and
use fire extinguish to put out remaining fire.

2) PROPELLER LEVER “P” - Pull aft to feather stop “F”
3) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – Pull aft to fuel cut-off “C”
5) All Switches – OFF
6) Prepare for forced landing. Secure seat harness. If going into rough terrain turn Battery
Switch ON, extend flaps, and turn Battery OFF.
7) Side slip aircraft to prevent flames from reaching cockpit.

Electrical Fire In-Flight

2) Cockpit Air Vents – OPEN to ventilate any smoke as required
3) All remaining electrical switches – OFF
4) CIRCUIT BREAKERS – Check to identify faulty circuit if possible
5) Land as soon as possible

Engine Failure
An engine failure has different symptoms than an engine flame-out. Engine failure
symptoms contain the failure indications:
- Loud noises followed by heavy vibrations and loss of power
- Rapid loss of power with unusual noises, vibrations, or sudden increases in ITT.
- Loss of power following a drop in oil pressure below redline or an increase in oil
temperature above redline or both.
- Loss of power following overspeed of gas generator (Ng).
- Engine explosion.

Engine Failure Checklist


1) PROPELLER LEVER “P” – Pull aft to feather stop

2) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – Pull aft to fuel cut-off “C”
4) Fuel Valve Lever – OFF
6) All remaining switches – OFF
7) Prepare for forced landing

Engine Flame-Out
• The symptoms of an engine flame-out will be the same as those of an engine failure only in
regard to the drop in ITT, Torque, and Ng speed. The flame-out may result from the engine
running out of fuel, or possibly may be caused by unstable engine operation. Severe
turbulence can cause a flame-out by creating a temporary fuel interruption. Once the fuel
supply has been restored to the engine, or the cause of unstable operations has been
eliminated, the engine may be restarted in the manner described under AIR STARTS.
• Remember that turbine engines seldom fail so long as fuel is provided. An important
procedure in this respect is to know the location of the fuel boost pump switch and the
CONTINUOUS position for the ignitor switch.

Anytime an indication of power loss exists:


• At the same time you should be pushing the stick forward to get the nose down to make
sure the airplane doesn’t stall while you are troubleshooting.

Air Start
The best air-start technique is to initiate the re-light procedure immediately after a flame-out
occurs, providing the pilot is certain that the flame-out was not the result of some malfunction
which might make it dangerous to attempt a re-light.

Air Starts are to be conducted in a similar manner to Ground Starts.

A successful air start may be achieved at any altitude and airspeed normally flown. However,
with the gas generator rpm (Ng) below 10%, starting temperatures tend to be higher and
caution is required.

Air Start
1) FUEL BOOST PUMP – ON 5 psi min.
2) START Switch – HOLD ON (must achieve 10% minimum)
5) Observe engine acceleration to low idle (56-58% Ng), don’t exceed ITT light off limitation
of 1000 deg. C
6) START Switch – Release
7) IGNITOR Switch – ON



Immediate Re-Light
There is always the chance that the engine may light up successfully just as soon as the
Ignitor switch is turned ON. In an emergency, turn ON the Ignitor (Move switch to
“CONTINUOUS” position) as soon as possible after flameout, provided the generator
speed (Ng) has not dropped below 50%. Under these conditions it is not necessary to
shut off the fuel or feather the prop. The Power Lever should be retarded to the Idle
position, and the fuel boost pump turned ON.

Immediate Re-Light
1) GAS GENERATOR (Ng) – Confirm above 50%
Following successful re-light..
5) GAS GENERATOR (Ng) – CONFIRM stable above 56% and ITT stable within limits
6) POWER LEVER – As required
7) IGNITOR Switch – ON

Aborted Takeoff (Sufficient Runway Remaining)

1) POWER CONTROL LEVER – Idle or Reverse as necessary
2) WHEEL BRAKES – Apply as permitted by aircraft attitude and directional control.
3) Hopper Load – Consider dumping hopper if necessary to shorten braking roll. Push the
stick forward as necessary to prevent nose pitch-up during hopper dump.

Aborted Takeoff (Insufficient Runway Remaining)

1) POWER LEVER – Full Reverse
2) WHEEL BRAKES – Apply full braking
3) Hopper Load – Consider dumping hopper as speed slows below 50 mph (40 kts) to
reduce weight and improve braking.

Forced Landing (With engine power remaining)

1) Maintain 125 to 130 mph (109 to 113 kts) airspeed with approximately 10 deg. of flaps.
2) Select a safe dump area if possible
3) Dump the hopper load while moving the control stick forward as the dump is made to
control nose pitch-up.

Forced Landing (No engine power remaining)

If carrying liquids in the hopper:
1) Hopper – Dump
2) PROPELLER LEVER – Full aft to Feather
3) Airspeed – Maintain 90-100 mph (78-87 kts) IAS
4) Identify suitable landing area
5) Seat belt and harness – Secure
6) FLAPS – as required to maintain a minimum of 80 mph (70 kts) IAS until flare


8) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – After to Fuel Cut-Off “C”

9) All Switches – OFF
10) Canopy Doors – Open during approach

If carrying solids in the hopper:

1) Hopper – Drop as much as possible
2) PROPELLER LEVER – Full aft to Feather
3) FLAPS – Lower to approx. 15 deg
4) Airspeed – If gross weight above 12,500 lbs (5670 kg) maintain 130 mph (113kts) IAS
5) Seat belt and harness – Secure
6) All switches – OFF, except Battery (for Flaps)
7) Canopy Doors – OPEN during approach
8) FLAPS – FULL during flare for landing

Airframe Mounted Boost Pump Failure (Engine driven)

If the airframe fuel boost pump becomes inoperative, the electric fuel boost pump should be
switched ON.
If the electric fuel boost pump should also fail, the fuel control pump is adequate for
unrestricted engine operations up to the maximum altitude of 12,500 ft. Continued flight
should be below this altitude.

1) Confirm loss of fuel pressure (fuel gauge reads zero)



The spinning characteristics of this aircraft have not been fully investigated and spin recovery
techniques have not been established. In the event of an inadvertent spin the following
procedure is suggested.
1) POWER – Idle. : The torque of an engine producing power will make spin recovery
more difficult.
2) AILERONS – Neutral. : Attempting to level the wings with aileron input can actually
make the spin worse.
3) RUDDER – Apply full opposite direction of spin. : If you have trouble determining which
way the airplane is spinning, look at your turn coordinator, or turn needle, it will show
you the direction.
4) ELEVATOR – Forward to break stall. : Immediately after applying opposite rudder, apply
a quick forward motion on the control stick and hold anti-spin controls until the aircraft
starts to recover.
5) RECOVER from dive. : Once you have completed the four previous steps, and the
rotation stops, recover from the dive. The descent rate may be high and the airspeed
can rapidly exceed redline. Remember to neutralize the rudder after the rotation stops.

Runaway Aileron Trim


1) Airspeed – Reduce to 140 mph (122 kts) or less

2) Land as soon as possible

Cockpit Door Opens In-Flight

1) Do not attempt to close the door.
2) Gently maneuver the aircraft avoiding abrupt control inputs, stall speed may have
3) For firefighting mission – dump hopper over suitable location

For agricultural mission – land at a safe location or dump hopper over a suitable
4) Land as soon as practical




Lesson 1 – Cockpit Familiarization and Use of Checklists (1 + 30 min.)

Cockpit Check
1) Control Lock - STOW
2) Parking Brake – OFF (Take terrain into account)
3) Battery – ON
4) Voltmeter – 24 Volts min for battery start
5) Fuel Quantity Gauges – Check
6) Flaps – EXTEND
7) Battery – OFF


8) Power, Prop, Start Levers – AFT

Exterior Check
1) Baggage Door – CLOSED and FASTENED
2) Booms, Spray Nozzles, and Fittings – CHECK for leaks and secure
3) Flaps – CHECK secure
4) Aileron – CHECK secure, no slop, servo arm moves opposite of aileron, and trim tab
5) Wing Tip – NO Damage, NAV/Anti Collision lights secure, turning light fully stowed
6) Fuel Vent Tube – Clear no obstructions
7) Pitot Tube – Lift cover and check clear
8) L/H Fuel Cap – Visually check secure
9) Left Wing Fuel Sump – Drain and check for debris/water
10) Header Tank Sump – Drain and check for debris/water
11) E-Dump Sump (Lower Aft Fire Gate Box Fairing) – Drain
(Fire Bombing models with pneumatic E-dump system only)
12) Spray Plumbing – Check for leaks and loose connections
13) Left Hand Gear Leg - Inspect for cracks, damage, stress marks
- Optional Wire cutters may be installed on leading edge of gear leg – check
14) Left Wheel and Brake assembly – Check no chords showing on tire, inflated to 62 PSI,
brake pads are free to move slightly
15) Oil Service Door on top Cowl – Check oil level not more than 2 quarts below “Full”
mark. Cap secure.
16) FRDS Equipped models – Check hydraulic oil level 2 ¾ - 3 in. from the top of filler neck
- Service FRDS Gen II system with Dextron III (ATF)
- Service FRDS Gen I system with Conoco Super Hydraulic Oil 6 or equivalent
17) Prop – Remove tether and rotate briskly while listening for unusual rubbing or metallic
18) Cowling – Check for any unfastened Camlocs
19) Air Intake – Check for foreign objects
20) Exhaust Stacks – Remove covers
21) Right Hand Gear Leg - Inspect for cracks, damage, stress marks
- Optional Wire cutters may be installed on leading edge of gear leg
– check secure
22) Right Wheel and Brake assembly – Check no chords showing on tire, inflated to 62 PSI,
brake pads are free to move slightly
23) Right Wing Fuel Sump – Drain and check for debri/water
24) R/H Fuel Cap – Visually check secure
25) Fuel Vent Tube – Clear no obstructions
26) Wing Tip – NO Damage, NAV/Anti Collision lights secure, turning light fully stowed
27) Aileron – CHECK secure, no slop, servo arm moves opposite of aileron.
28) Flaps – CHECK secure
29) Booms, Spray Nozzles, and Fittings – CHECK for leaks and secure
30) Right Hand Side of Fuselage – Check skins for unfastened Camlocs
31) Static Port – Clear of obstructions
32) Right Hand Stabilizer and Strut – Check secure, should be no play in any direction
33) Right Hand Finlet – Check secure


34) Right Hand Elevator – Check hinge bolts, move up and down, check for security
35) Trim Tabs – Check for security, inspect linkage
36) Rudder – Start from top down, inspect hinge bolts, move from stop to stop to check
security, inspect rudder cables and connections
37) Tail Wheel Assembly – Check attach points to fuselage
i. Inspect Tailwheel Fork
ii. Check for broken centering springs
iii. Check tailwheel lock by lifting plunger by hand
iv. Tire inflation to 60 PSI
38) Left Hand Elevator – Check hinge bolts, move up and down, check for security
39) Left Hand Finlet – Check secure
40) Left Hand Stabilizer and Strut – Check secure, should be no play in any direction
41) Static Port – Clear of obstructions
42) Left Hand Side of Fuselage – Check skins for unfastened Camlocs
43) Tie down Ropes – All removed and wheel chocks out
44) Hopper Lid – Closed, latches secure
45) Front Wind Screen – Clear and wiper secure

For 2 Seat Model

46) Rear Cockpit
i. Seat Belt – Secure
ii. Flight Control Area – Clear
iii. Doors – Closed and Latched

Before Start
1) Fire Extinguisher – Secure
2) Cockpit – No loose items
3) Seat Belts and Harness – FASTEN and Secure
4) Brakes – Test and set parking brake ON (Depress pedals and pull lever)
5) Trim – Elevator and Rudder set to Green Arc
6) Altimeter – SET
7) Rudder Pedals – SET (Make sure able to achieve full deflection)
8) Flight Controls – CHECK FREE and CLEAR
9) Circuit Breakers – Check all IN
10) Battery Switch – ON
11) Fuel Control Lever – MAIN
12) Fuel Boost Pump - ON (Until 5 psi min. fuel pressure noted) OFF
13) Flaps – RETRACT (can be delayed till after start to avoid battery drain)
14) Fuel Flow Meter – SET
15) Warning / Caution Lights – Push to TEST
16) Voltmeter – CHECK 24 volts min.
17) FCU Over-ride – Check Secure (if installed)

1) Power lever – IDLE STOP
2) Prop Lever – FULL AFT to Feather Stop (F)
3) Start Control Lever (Condition) – FULL AFT to Fuel Cut-Off
4) Battery Switch – ON


5) Ignition Switch – OFF (Center Positon)

6) Generator Switch – OFF
7) Prop Overspeed Switch – OFF
8) Prop Area – CLEAR
9) Start Switch – Hold “ON” (monitor Ng rise)
10) Ignition Switch – START when 12% Ng is reached
11) Start Control Lever – after 18% Ng GROUND IDLE (“RUN” Position)
12) ITT – Monitor (1000 deg MAX Starting limit)
Observe engine accelerates to Lo Idle speed (56-58% Ng) and that maximum
allowable Inter-Turbine Temperature (ITT) is never exceeded.
13) START SWITCH – RELEASE no earlier than 56% Ng
15) PROP LEVER “P” – Move forward to high rpm position
16) GENERATOR SWITCH – ON (Generator Out Light – Extinguished)
NOTE: If Ng speed drops below 56% with generator on, advance Start Lever “S” until
56% is reached.
17) START LEVER – Advance to Flight (Hi Idle)
18) IGNITOR SWITCH – Leave in “Start” position (Ignition is only provided when Start switch
is “On”)
Note: “Continuous” position for Ignitor switch is used only when flying in extreme
turbulence and possibility of temporary fuel interruption exists.

Dry Motoring Run

The following procedure is used to clear an engine anytime it is deemed necessary to
remove internally trapped fuel and vapor, or if there is evidence of a fire within the engine. Air
passing through the engine serves to purge fuel, vapor or fire, from the combustion section, gas
generator turbine, and exhaust system.
1) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – Full aft at fuel cut-off “C”
section for duty cycles)

1) PARKING BRAKE – OFF (Depress pedals to release)
2) Avoid sudden aggressive movements of the Power Lever allowing for spool-up time of
the turbine
3) Normal taxi must be accomplished with Start Control Lever “S” in FLIGHT position to
avoid propeller rpm in the yellow arc region of prop tach. Use Beta range of Power
Lever to slow taxi speed.


4) Whenever possible leave the tailwheel locked during taxi in order to minimize the need
for brakes
5) Small changes in direction can be made with the use of rudder and power. For sharp
turns on the ground unlock the tailwheel and use a little brake along with power. Brake
forces are light, so do not ride the brakes. Unlocking the tailwheel may be accomplished
by moving the tailwheel lock lever aft.

1) TAILWHEEL LOCK LEVER – Forward to locked position (Taxi forward slightly to ensure
tailwheel is locked into position)
2) PARKING BRAKE – SET (Apply pedal pressure and brake lever. Release pedal pressure
and brake lever should stay)
3) FLIGHT CONTROLS – Check free and clear
4) FAN BRAKE CONTROL – “ON” (For aircraft with spray equipment)
1) Rudder Trim – Green Band
2) Pitch Trim – Empty, Green Band; Full, slightly aft of Green Band
1) Below 12,500 lbs – fully retracted
2) Above 12,500 lbs – 10 deg. (first black strip on left wing flap gauge)
7) CANOPY DOORS – Closed and latched
11) PURGE PROPELLER CONTROL SYSTEM – Cycle the prop level full forward to full aft once
or twice, slowly, to ensure hub in pressurized and entire oil system is up to normal
operating temperature.
13) CONTROL STICK – Full Aft
14) POWER LEVER – Set 1500 Lbs –FT Torque
15) PROPELLER LEVER – Cycle aft and return Forward checking for RPM decrease
Propeller Overspeed Governor Check
(Usually accomplished on first flight of the day)
16) PROPELLER LEVER “P” – MAX (Full Forward)
Np should stabilize at 1550 +/- 60 RPM
19) POWER LEVER – Reduce to below 1500 RPM Np
21) POWER LEVER – ADVANCE (1700 RPM Np should be available)
Overspeed Governor Check Complete
23) AIR CONDITIONING – OFF for takeoff
24) AILERON TRIM TAB (Left Wing) – Check NEUTRAL
For Fire Bombing Aircraft with FRDS computerized firegate installed:
1) E-DUMP PRESSURE – Check minimum of 50 psi
2) Setup the Gen II FRDS for a possible emergency dump during takeoff (Reference you
FRDS operations manual if a different system is installed)



4) ARMED switch - OFF

TAKE-OFF (Up to 12,500 lb Gross Weight)

1) Line up on center line of runway and set Tailwheel Lock lever to “LOCK” (forward)
2) BRAKES - Apply
3) POWER LEVER – 1500 Lb-Ft Torque and 1700 RPM Np
4) Release brakes and as aircraft starts to roll forward advance power lever to provide a
smooth and continuous acceleration to maximum take-off power.
NOTE: Doing a full power static runup can result in propeller blade damage due
to debris being blown up off the runway.
5) As Power Lever is advanced confirm that temperature and torque limits are not
6) Allow tail to come up to desired take-off attitude. Just maintaining a control stick
position slightly aft of neutral will allow the tail to rise slightly and then the aircraft
gently become airborne.
7) Best rate of climb speed at 12,500 lbs (5670 kg.) take-off weight is 122 mph. (106 kts)
8) Adjust Trim for climb
9) ENGINE TEMPERATURE and TORQUE – Check within limits
10) PROPELLER LEVER – RETARD to 1550 rpm Np for climb if desired.
Note: Ensure clear of applicable obstacles before reducing rpm since climb rate will
decrease slightly
TAKE-OFF (Full load or above 12,500 lb (5670 kg) Gross Weight)
1) FLAPS – 10 deg. (First mark on left wing flap indicator)
2) ELEVATOR TRIM – Slightly nose up from normal flaps up take-off position
3) Line up on center line of runway and set Tailwheel Lock lever to “LOCK” (forward)
4) BRAKES - Apply
5) POWER LEVER – 1500 Lb-Ft Torque and 1700 RPM Np
6) Release brakes and as aircraft starts to roll forward advance power lever to provide a
smooth and continuous acceleration to maximum take-off power.
NOTE: Doing a full power static runup can result in propeller blade damage due
to debris being blown up off the runway.
7) As Power Lever is advanced confirm that temperature and torque limits are not
8) Allow tail to come up to desired take-off attitude. Just maintaining a control stick
position slightly aft of neutral will allow the tail to rise slightly and then the aircraft
gently become airborne.
9) After breaking ground, do not retract flaps until at least 123 mph (107 kts.) IAS
10) Best rate of climb speed at 16,000 lbs (7257 kg.) is 135 mph (117kts.) IAS
11) Adjust Trim for climb
12) ENGINE TEMPERATURE and TORQUE – Check within limits
13) PROPELLER LEVER – RETARD to 1550 rpm Np for climb if desired.


Note: Ensure clear of applicable obstacles before reducing rpm since climb rate
will decrease slightly

1) PROPELLER LEVER – Retard propeller RPM (Np) to 1425. Use higher RPM as required for
heavier loads (1700 rpm may be required for a full hopper load)
2) POWER LEVER – Reduce torque to comfortable setting and check ITT limit does not
exceed nominal (700 deg C)
1) PT6A-67AG – Nominal = 725 deg C
2) PT6A-67F – Nominal = 795 deg C
3) ENGINE CONTROL QUADRANT FRICTION KNOB – Adjust to prevent levers from creeping
4) If severe turbulence is encountered, the Ignitor switch should be placed in the
“Continuous” position to preclude a possible flame-out from a temporary fuel

Before Landing
1) PROP LEVER “P” – Full Forward (reduce power lever first if required so as not to
overspeed prop (Np))
2) START LEVER “S” – Full Forward to “Flight” position (68 – 70% Ng)
Note: For landings on shorter runways, some pilots will put the Start Lever in
Ground Idle in order to allow the aircraft to slow down faster and reduce ground
affect in the flare.
3) POWER LEVER – Adjust to provide required rate of descent. Make sure to not move
Power Lever below the idle stop position. Check Beta Light – Out
4) FLAPS – As desired
5) TAILWHEEL LOCK LEVER – Forward to “locked” position
7) Recommended approach speeds:
1) Full Flaps, 12,500 lbs (5670 kg) – 107 mph (93 kts) IAS
2) Full Flaps, 16,000 lbs (7257 kg) – 121 mph (105 kts) IAS
Maximum demonstrated crosswind during landing, 23 mph. (20 kts)

Balked Landing/Go-Around
1) POWER LEVER – ADVANCE Takeoff power
2) Attitude – Set Pitch to approximately 7 degrees nose up
3) FLAPS – Retract to 20 deg.
4) Climb Speed – 100 mph (87 kts) until obstacles cleared
5) FLAPS – Retract after reaching a safe altitude and 115 mph (100 KIAS) climb speed

After Landing
1) POWER LEVER – As desired during landing roll. If reverse thrust is necessary, the thumb
latch on top of the power lever must be pushed forward and power lever moved slowly
aft until the Beta Light is observed ON. Reverse thrust may be selected as necessary by
continued aft movement of the power lever (Keep control stick full aft). Insure Torque
and/or ITT limits are not exceeded.
2) START CONTROL LEVER “S” – leave in FLIGHT position for taxing to keep prop rpm in the
green arc.


Engine Shut-down:
3) PROPELLER LEVER – Pull aft to Feather Stop “F”
4) Allow engine to stabilize for a minimum of one minute at minimum obtainable ITT.
(Start Control Lever in RUN (Ground Idle) Position).
5) START CONTROL LEVER – Pull Aft to fuel cut-off “C”
6) All Switches – OFF
7) CONTROL LOCK - Install
8) Tether prop to prevent wind milling with zero oil pressure.
9) Once exhaust pipes are cool, install covers.


Lesson 2 – Operational Maneuvers ______________________ (1 min.)

Flight Maneuvers

 No acrobatic maneuvers, including spins, are approved

 Maneuvering speed (Va) is 146 knots IAS. Beyond this no full or abrupt control movements
should occur.
 The maximum positive load factor at 16,000 lbs gross weight is 2.54 (2.0 with flaps extended.
The can be increased to 3.25 once weight is below 12,500 lbs. The negative limits are -1.2 and -
1.3 respectively.

Spray Patterns

Application speeds are going to vary depending on the type of product being dispersed as well as the
equipment being used to disperse it. Expect guidance from the individual operators for these

Different methods of agricultural turn arounds

The type of spray pattern you use will have several variables that determine it, including field shape and
size, and proximity to terrain and obstacles. There are primarily two types of patterns; the “P” turn and
the “racetrack”.

“P” Turn

The “P” turn is when the pilot climbs out of the field, makes a small turn in one direction followed by an
immediate full turn in the opposite direction to come all the way around and parallel his last pass. Wind
direction generally determines the direction of the turns. It is always recommended to avoid downwind
turns. It is also recommended to “work into the wind”, so that the wind will drift the chemical away
from your next pass, rather than toward it. If you were to look at the ground track from above, it would
scribe a “P” on the ground. Many variables are involved with this maneuver, including; airspeed,
altitude, bank angle, load factor, airplane weight, terrain, obstacles, temperature, density altitude, and
air quality (gusts). Many pilots have found that using techniques such as adding flaps in the turn will
decrease your radius, increase your rate, and lower your stall speed at all bank angles. The ag turn
maneuvers should be explored at low airplane weights and large radiuses first using a simulated “floor”.
Flight at heavier weights, tighter turns, and flight at normal “working” heights above the ground should
be performed only after a sufficient amount of competency has been achieved.


“Racetrack” Pattern

A racetrack swath is a much more conservative spray pattern. It allows for a larger radius, depending on
the size of the field. Essentially, you make your first pass down the edge of the field, then your second
roughly down the middle. Your SATLOC system will then guide you onto offset tracks from the previous
paths, making overlapping racetracks down the field.

Firefighting drop

A normal fire fighting retardant or water drop is performed at a speed of 105 kts with flaps at 20 deg.
Higher speeds will result in an abrupt pitch up that will affect the quality and accuracy of the drop.
Selected coverage level also affects the airplane’s behavior in pitch during the drop; with high coverage
levels causing the most pronounced pitch-up. Drop speeds below 105 kts could result in a decreased
margin for error, especially in turbulent air conditions. The minimum drop altitude is 60 ft AGL. Lower
altitudes can result in damage and/or injury to objects and personnel on the ground. Higher altitudes
will result in greater dispersion of the load. Different gates vary in their release times and patterns, but
if the aircraft is at 60 ft in the configuration described, on a level surface, the release would be just
before the target disappears below the nose. Be aware that the wind speed and direction must be
accounted for for best drop accuracy.

Emergency Hopper Jettison

Whether operating as an agricultural aircraft or a firefighter, a pilot should always be prepared to

perform an emergency jettison. When the Emergency Dump handle button is depressed and the stick
moved forward, a charge of air blows the gate doors over the over-center locks and allows the load to


open the gate the rest of the way by gravity. A minimum of 50 PSI in the E-dump pressure reservoir is
required to initiate this.

Some situations will require the pilot to just get rid of the load as quickly as possible without allowing
time to check for hazards on the ground. In these cases exercise as much caution as can be allowed and
just focus on flying the airplane. If time and conditions permit, try to locate an area where jettisoning
will not harm anything on the ground. Use a higher altitude and slow the aircraft so as to avoid a rapid
pitch change. Two notches of flaps would also be recommended if time allows.


Stalls and spins continue to be a contributing factor to accidents in our industry. The Air Tractor AT-
802/802A is not approved for spins, and intentional spins are prohibited. While stalls and spins are not
part of any Air Tractor flight training program, stall/spin awareness should be taught, practiced, and
briefed as part of any flight training program.

The stall/spin recovery is covered in the Emergency Procedures section.

Single Pilot Resource Management

Air Tractors are usually operated single pilot. Because of this it is essential that the pilot have a good
understanding of the checklist for both normal and emergency procedures and the associated systems
before ever operating the aircraft. The unique flying characteristics of the Air Tractor as well as the
environment it usually operates in will not usually allow a pilot to pull a checklist out and read it as a
more conventional aircraft would.

It’s also equally important to never let your guard down in the low altitude environment these aircraft
operate in no matter how much experience a pilot has. A number of Air Tractor pilots have been
involved in fatal accidents by allowing themselves to be distracted by not flying related tasks, such as
cell phone calls and text messages. There is nearly no margin for error when operating these aircraft.

Obstacle Avoidance

Collisions with obstacles continue to be one of the leading causes of fatal ag aviation accidents. New
cell phone towers, wind turbines, power lines, and meteorological towers are being built all across the
country on a daily basis. Pilots who have treated the same field every year are sometimes surprised to
find that a new obstacle has been built since the last application, however, the vast majority of in-flight
obstacle collisions are with obstacles that the pilot knew about previously. All pilots who operate in the
low-level environment should always remember to thoroughly survey the application area prior to
conduction low-level application work, and take steps to minimize cockpit distractions and “head-down
time” by keeping a clean, organized cockpit.


For more information about safe ag airplane operational practices, visit the National Agricultural
Aviation Association’s Safety and Educational video series online at:


Chapter 3 – Supplemental Courseware


Quiz – 1 Aircraft Operating Limitations__

1.) Motoring - Maximum duration of 30 seconds followed by 1 minute of cool down.

2.) The 65AG is limited to a max of 820 deg C for takeoff, for a maximum of 5 minutes.

3.) Max takeoff weight is 16000 lbs.

4.) T/F: If no other options are available, the 67F is approved for avgas.

5.) Stall speed, flaps down, 12,500 lbs = 82 mph.


Quiz – 2 Aircraft Systems

1.) Fuel system is composed of 2 x 127 Gallon wet wing tanks: 254 Gallons total (250 Gallons

2.) 4 Gallons in each wing tank ungaugeable

3.) The Fuel Control Unit (FCU) has its own fuel pump as well that is capable of providing fuel to the
engine with unrestricted operation up to 12,500 ft msl.

4.) The PT6 can carry 10 qts of oil, but only 6 are useable.

5.) The electrical system is a 24 volt 250 ampere/hour system powered by 3 Gill batteries and the
engine driven generator.


Quiz – 3 Emergency Procedures

1.) The symptoms of an engine flame-out will be the same as those of an engine failure only in
regard to the drop in ITT, Torque, and Ng speed.

2.) The best air-start technique is to initiate the re-light procedure immediately after a flame-
out occurs.

3.) A successful air start may be achieved at any altitude and airspeed normally flown.
However, with the gas generator rpm (Ng) below 10%, starting temperatures tend to be
higher and caution is required.

4.) In an emergency, turn ON the Ignitor (Move switch to “CONTINUOUS” position) as soon as
possible after flameout, provided the generator speed (Ng) has not dropped below 50%.
Under these conditions it is not necessary to shut off the fuel or feather the prop.

5.) If the electric fuel boost pump should also fail, the fuel control pump is adequate for
unrestricted engine operations up to the maximum altitude of 12,500 ft.


Quiz – 4 Normal Operations

1.) Voltmeter – 24 Volts min for battery start

2.) Start Sequence

Start Switch – Hold “ON” (monitor Ng rise)
Ignition Switch – START when 12% Ng is reached
Start Control Lever – after 18% Ng GROUND IDLE (“RUN” Position)
ITT – Monitor (1000 deg MAX Starting limit)

Observe engine accelerates to Lo Idle speed (56-58% Ng) and that maximum allowable Inter-
Turbine Temperature (ITT) is never exceeded.
START SWITCH – RELEASE no earlier than 56% Ng

3.) Cruise Settings

PT6A-67AG – Nominal = 725 deg C
PT6A-67F – Nominal = 795 deg C

4.) Recommended approach speeds:

Full Flaps, 12,500 lbs (5670 kg) – 107 mph (93 kts) IAS
Full Flaps, 16,000 lbs (7257 kg) – 121 mph (105 kts) IAS

5.) Balked Landing

Climb Speed – 100 mph (87 kts) until obstacles cleared
FLAPS – Retract after reaching a safe altitude and 115 mph (100 KIAS) climb speed


Chapter 4 – Approval Letters and Forms

-Training Completion Record

-Type Rating Exemption

-Pilot Training Program Approval Letter

-Restarted Category Operating Limitations Example


Training Completion Record

Student’s Name: ___________________________

Pilot Cert info: _____________________________

Date Completed Sat Unsat Trainer Initials

Segment 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Segment 2
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Segment 3
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Segment 4
Lesson 1
Lesson 2

Instructor Pilot’s signature _________________________________________ Date _________________


Sample of Certificate of Completion of Ground Training


Type Rating Exemption




Make: Air Tractor Model: AT-802A Serial Number: 802A-XXXX

Registration Number: NXXXXX

Date of Issuance: 0X XXX 2017 Expiration Date: Unlimited

1. No person may operate this RESTRICTED aircraft for other than the special purpose for which it is certificated.

2. This aircraft is prohibited from carrying cargo for compensation or hire. Carriage of cargo is limited to such cargo
that is incidental to the aircraft owner/operator’s business which is other than air transport.

3. No person may be carried on a restricted category aircraft unless that person is a flight crew member; is a flight
crew member trainee; performs an essential function in connection with a special purpose operation for which the
aircraft is certificated; or is necessary to accomplish the work activity directly associated with the special purpose.

4. Except when operating in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certificate of waiver or special operating
limitations issued by the Administrator, no person may operate a restricted category civil aircraft within the United
States over densely populated areas; in a congested airway; or near a busy airport where passenger transport
operation are conducted.

5. This aircraft may not be operated over any foreign country without the special permission of that country.
Evidence of that permission must be carried aboard the aircraft, along with the U.S. airworthiness certificate and
made available to the
Federal Aviation Administration or the civil air authority in country of operation upon request.

6. This aircraft shall be operated in accordance with CFR 91.313, and all applicable Air Traffic and General
Operating Rules of CFR 91.

7. This aircraft has not been shown to meet the requirements of the applicable comprehensive and detailed
airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and may not be
operated over any foreign country without the special permission of that country.

8. The pilot-in-command of this aircraft must, as applicable, hold an appropriate category/class rating, have an
aircraft type rating, have a flight instructor’s log book endorsement or possess a “Letter of Authorization” issued by
an FAA Flight Standards Operations Inspector.

9. All requirements contained in the aircraft’s FAA approved flight manual are part of these limitations.

_______________________ 0X XXX 2017

Signature of FAA Designee: Date:


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