Upper - Int - Unit - 1.1 - Personality - Student's

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Vocabulary 1.

1 Personality

Exercise 1. Match the statements with the types of personality

a people person a computer geek keep yourself to yourself witty

down-to-earth a good laugh spontaneous a morning person

a) I wonder why Sam prefers to do the evening shifts. He’s much more productive
before midday.
b) I can’t stand hearing Tom going on and on about his gadgets, he’s such a bore!
c) People in our team love it when Peter is around. He can make you laugh whatever
mood you’re in.
d) His comments may sometimes seem outrageous but once you get to know him, you
start appreciating his sharp mind and sense of humor.
e) There’s no way Mike’s going to the party. His perfect image of an evening is to stay
in, order some takeaway pizza and most importantly - there should be no one else
f) I’d rather Martha took on the position of general manager. She comes across as
practical and she always takes time before she makes up her mind.
g) Can you tell me why I have to draw up a detailed plan of our trip? You know that I’m
much more used to making decisions on spot and I hate predictable scenarios.
h) Julia is hardly ever alone! I mean it! Even if she ended up on a desert island I bet she
would find someone to communicate with.
Exercise 2. Complete the gaps with the correct form of words/phrases from exercise 1.
Crazy..Funny.. Stubborn. My family is full of laughs but sometimes we just want to get away
from each other. I’m not at all introverted but I do sometimes like to ______________. My
siblings drive me crazy, our exchange students keep me sane and my parents keep us all in
line. Firstly, Andrew and Declan, my brothers are so ______________that you never know
what’s going to happen next. Declan, for instance, has a nice sense of humor, you may even
tell that he’s a _____________ as he keeps making these ___________ comments regarding
Andrew’s silly haircut. But I don’t find it particularly funny to be woken up at 7 AM as I’m
not a _________________ . Period. My sister Marcy is quite the opposite. She is usually the
one to make sensible judgements. Really _____________. My family has had 2 exchange
students, one from Germany, one from Mexico. Laura is our former German exchange
student. Everything seems perfectly fine about her except one thing - she is a real
_____________________ ! I was astounded when I once witnessed her playing the World of
Warcraft for the subsequent 12 hours! No sleep at all! Alejandra, or Ale as we call her, is 16
years old and still in high school. She is a _______________ as she appears to spend more
time partying and going out then studying. Lastly, my parents are the only reason we follow
the rules. I love my family indeed.

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