NCTP - National Cyber Training Program Cyber Security: Instructions

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NCTP - National Cyber Training Program


Assignment # 4 Total Marks: 30

Due Date: 04-10-2020

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It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
 The assignment is submitted after due date.
 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
 Assignment is not submitted on LMS.
All types of copy material are strictly prohibited.

Note: You have to upload only “doc” file and mentioned you’re “Complete
Detail” while submitting on LMS through “Google forms”. Assignment
in any other format will not be accepted.
Important Points:
1. Assignment should be submitted only on “LMS Assignment section”.
If you submit your assignment on slack it will be marked zero Due Date is
“4th Oct 2020” and time 11:59:00PM.
2. Kindly meet the deadline.
3. Incomplete assignment or any kind of excuse and mistakes cannot be
4. After due date Google form will be disabled
5. Below assignment questions is clearly mentioned.
1. What is OSI model?
2. Draw Diagram of OSI models?
3. Importance of OSI model in computer network?
4. What are the 7 layers of OSI model? Explain in brief details?
5. What are the Characteristics and Functions of the OSI models?
6. What is TCP protocol?
7. Explain range of TCP/IP classes?
8. What is function of Router?
9. What is Subnet Mask?
10.What protocol is used by PING?
11.What is used of Tracert?

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