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Epygi Technologies

FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

Revision Revised By Date

Initial draft Aram Minasyan unknown

Reformatted Thomas Steinmetz 04 June 2004

Added false disconnect diagnostics Thomas Steinmetz 17 May 2005

Updated Sona Grigoryan 14 Dec 2006

Revised Andy White 18 Jan 2007

Updated Hovhan Chilingaryan 21 March 2007

Revised Sona Grigoryan 22 March 200

Quadro variants: Quadro IP PBXs

valid for SW-version: 3.1.x and higher

Filename: FXO Diagnostics


Last saved:

Revision: 1.1
Abstract: This document describes how to customize the Quadro FXO
settings to resolve problems on PSTN lines.

Please Note: This document contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Epygi Technologies Ltd. Any copying, use or disclosure of
the document or the information contained herein without the written permission of Epygi Technologies Ltd. is strictly prohibited.
Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

Document Revision History

Revision Date Revision Valid for

Quadro IP PBXs,
1.0 20 Jan-07 Initial version
Quadro Gateways
Quadro IP PBXs,
1.1 22 Mar-07 Updated for FXS and ISDN
Quadro Gateways

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

Table of Contents:

1 Introduction.......................................................................... 4
2 Requirements........................................................................ 4
3 General ................................................................................. 4
4 Possible Problems ................................................................. 4
4.1 PSTN connection can not be detected.......................................... 4
4.2 Disconnect problems ................................................................ 5
4.2.1 Capturing the voice streams (disconnect signals, noise)
from your CO and PBX extensions .................................................. 7
4.3 False disconnect .................................................................... 11
4.4 Caller ID functionality ............................................................. 11

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

1 Introduction
This document describes how to troubleshoot problems with PBX (FXS)/PSTN (FXO, ISDN) lines
connected to the Quadro FXS/FXO/ISDN ports.
Please Note: FXO/ISDN is the PSTN line from the Central Office. FXS is the Phone.
The 'hidden' pages in this document are used for extended diagnostic purposes and for special
settings. The hidden pages can be accessed by entering the URL manually in the address field of
the browser.
After logging into a system e.g. by you can access a hidden page by entering

2 Requirements
• It is assumed that the device is configured properly and the location field in the system
configuration wizard matches the country in which the system resides.
• Valid for Software 3.1.x and higher
• Valid for the Quadro IP PBXs and Quadro Gateways

3 General
Depending on the country and even the local telephone company, the configuration of the PSTN
lines may vary in a number of ways including; dial tone, busy tone, disconnect method and caller
ID format (refer to your local telephone company for information regarding caller ID).
Due to variations in central office switches there are cases when the Quadro’s default country
settings may not work with the local PSTN service.

4 Possible Problems
4.1 PSTN connection can not be detected
The symptom is the following:
• The user tries to make a PSTN call, but the Quadro responds with the message:
“Check your external phone line”
The background to this is the following:
• Before making a call, the Quadro will check if a line is attached to its FXO port. If the
settings to detect for an existing line do not match the actual line characteristics, this
error may show up.
The user can dial out to PSTN in following modes:
1. User directly accesses the CO line (i.e. by dialing 9*1), hears the CO dial tone and starts
dialing the number. In this mode Quadro checks the FXO line current to connect the user
endpoint (FXS, IP, etc.) to the FXO. The current detection timeout (default is 50 ms) can be
modified using the hidden fxocfg.cgi page.

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

2. User dials the FXO access code (9 by default) + PSTN number that will be sent to the CO. In
this mode the Quadro will check the voice signal activity on the FXO line (dial tone in most
cases) prior to sending the digits. The voice activity (dial tone) on the FXO line will be
detected if the signal level of not less than the value L (default –30 db) is maintained for the
duration of the value P (default 400 ms). These values can be modified using the hidden
fxocfg.cgi page.
Do not forget to set the correct caller ID detection system, as this is also done manually, after
checking the Custom FXO Data checkbox.

4.2 Disconnect problems

The symptoms are the following:
• The user is on a PSTN call and the remote party goes on hook. The local user will hear the
disconnect tone from the central office endlessly.
• If a PSTN caller is leaving a message in the VM system, the VM is filled with disconnect
The reason is that Quadro has not detected disconnect from the CO so it keeps the line open.
When the PSTN party hangs up first, the central office will typically send either a busy tone across
the line or it will interrupt the battery current (also called battery reversal).
Disconnect notification by removing battery is usually done by briefly removing current on the
line. The Quadro identifies the disconnect notification by its duration which is a time period
typically around 200 ms (milliseconds). E.g. if the current disruption occurs on the line for more
than 200 ms, then the Quadro identifies this as a disconnect notification (the other party has
hung up).
Disconnect notification using a busy tone is done with a series of short tones and then silence. A
tone combination with the frequencies 480 Hz and 625 Hz with the duration of 400 ms and then
silence with a duration of 300 ms would be interpreted by the Quadro as a disconnect signal.
There are basically 5 well known scenarios of disconnect notification/busy tone configuration for
the Quadro. These scenarios can be set in a hidden cgi page.
Try out all scenarios and see if any of them work

Scenario A – used for example in Germany

Frequency1 425
Frequency2 0
Duration 300
Duration Disp 100
Silence 300
Silence Disp 100
Pattern 3
Disconnect Duration 200

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

Scenario B – used for example in Australia

Frequency1 400
Frequency2 450
Duration 300
Duration Disp 100
Silence 300
Silence Disp 100
Pattern 3
Disconnect Duration 200

Scenario C – used for example in Guatemala

Frequency1 425
Frequency2 0
Duration 250
Duration Disp 100
Silence 250
Silence Disp 100
Pattern 3
Disconnect Duration 200

Scenario D – used for example in Israel

Frequency1 400
Frequency2 0
Duration 500
Duration Disp 100
Silence 500
Silence Disp 100
Pattern 3
Disconnect Duration 200

Scenario E – used for example in US

Frequency1 480
Frequency2 625
Duration 300
Duration Disp 100
Silence 300
Silence Disp 100
Pattern 3
Disconnect Duration 200

As mentioned before there is also a hidden cgi page where the configuration of busy tone
detection can be set manually: fxocfg.cgi
Check the Custom FXO Disconnect Settings checkbox on this page to enable the manual
configuration of disconnected notification/busy tone for the Quadro.
Please contact your telephone company for the correct disconnect settings to use. If they are
unable to provide these values to you then continue with this document for customized options.
• Enter the values for frequencies in the Frequency1 and Frequency2 text box; in case
there is only one frequency enter the value in Frequency1 and 0 for the Frequency2.

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

• Enter the value of the tone duration in Duration text box. If the duration of the tone
varies (and almost in all cases it does, it is not ideal) then enter an amount by which the
tone signal may vary from its assigned duration in the Duration Disp text box.
• Enter the value of the silence duration in Silence text box, and the amount by which it
may vary in the Silence Disp text box.
• Enter the number of patterns of tone/silence to count for identification of busy tone in the
Pattern Count text-box.
• Type the value for disconnected duration in the Disconnect Duration text-box in case
the PSTN sends a Disconnect notification.
• Click the Save button to save the configuration.

4.2.1 Capturing the voice streams (disconnect signals, noise) from

your CO and PBX extensions

There is a hidden cgi that will assists in capturing the signals on the FXS/FXO/ISDN lines.
The page is dspcapture.cgi.
It allows capturing up to 5 voice streams simultaneously (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1

All voice streams have numbers in numerical order.

You can specify all the desired line numbers in the ChannelNumberX edit boxes. The order is
not significant.

For Quadro 2x (with FXO) the voice streams numerical order is the following:
To capture FXS1 insert 0
To capture FXS2 insert 1
To capture FXO insert 2

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

For Quadro 2xi (with ISDN) the voice streams numerical order is the following:
To capture FXS1 insert 0
To capture FXS2 insert 1
To capture ISDN/B1 insert 2
To capture ISDN/B2 insert 3

For Quadro FXO GW the voice streams numerical order is the following:
To capture FXO1 insert 0
To capture FXO2 insert 1
To capture FXO3 insert 2
To capture FXO4 insert 3
To capture FXO5 insert 4
To capture FXO6 insert 5

For Quadro ISDN GW the voice streams numerical order is the following:
To capture ISDN1/B1 insert 0
To capture ISDN1/B2 insert 1
To capture ISDN2/B1 insert 2
To capture ISDN2/B2 insert 3
To capture ISDN3/B1 insert 4
To capture ISDN3/B2 insert 5
To capture ISDN4/B1 insert 6
To capture ISDN4/B2 insert 7

For Quadro4x the voice streams numerical order is the following:

To capture FXS1 insert 0
To capture FXS2 insert 1
To capture FXS3 insert 2
To capture FXS4 insert 3
To capture FXO1 insert 16
To capture FXO2 insert 17

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

For Quadro16x the voice streams numerical order is the following:

To capture FXS 1 insert 0
To capture FXS 2 insert 1
To capture FXS16 insert 15
To capture FXO1 insert 16
To capture FXO2 insert 17
To capture FXO3 insert 18
To capture FXO4 insert 19

For Quadro16xi the voice streams numerical order is the following:

To capture FXS 1 insert 0
To capture FXS16 insert 15
To capture ISDN1/B1 insert 16
To capture ISDN1/B2 insert 17
To capture ISDN2/B1 insert 18
To capture ISDN2/B2 insert 19
To capture ISDN3/B1 insert 20
To capture ISDN3/B2 insert 21

1. Specify the line number in the ChannelNumberX edit box according to the tables
described above. There is no difference which ChannelNumberX edit box you are going
to use.
• To capture FXS1 line on Quadro 2x enter 0 in the ChannelNumber2 edit box where 0
corresponds to FXS1 (see Figure 2).


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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

• To capture FXO line on Quadro 2x enter 2 in the ChannelNumber4 edit box where 2
corresponds to FXO (see Figure 3).

Fig. 3

• To capture FXS1 and FXO1 lines simultaneously on Quadro 4x enter 0 in the

ChannelNumber5 edit box where 0 corresponds to FXS1, and 16 in the
ChannelNumber1 edit box where 16 corresponds to FXO1 (see Figure 4).

Fig. 4

All Quadro products have different channel number values (see the tables above)
2. Enter the time of capturing. The recommended time is not more then 100 seconds
Please Note: In case of no sufficient free memory space you can’t use the value of 100 seconds.
You should use a lower value.
3. Make a PSTN call which uses the line that you want to capture. Press Save on the
capturing page to start capturing.
4. Terminate the call on the PSTN side and wait at least 10 seconds before terminating on the
Quadro side as well
5. Download and save the captured file(s) on your PC. Download all files on your PC and send
them to Epygi Technical Support for processing and determining the recommended values.
Attention: To get the best values it is recommended to perform 2 to 3 captures.

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Epygi Technologies FXS/FXO/ISDN Diagnostics Guide

4.3 False disconnect

The symptoms are the following:
• During a call the line happens to drop. This may happen more or less frequently. The
reason is that some tones from the CO - like call waiting tone, or even speech of the caller,
may be detected as disconnected tones.
• Again the FXO settings are incorrectly matched with the PSTN and they can be corrected in
the same way as the previous topic, however, additional information is needed since the
problem may not occur when capturing for a short period of time.
To do so follow the steps below:
1. Open the hidden page: dspintcapture.cgi
2. Enter the channel number as listed above. (On Quadro4x, 16x 16 for FXO 1., On
Quadro2x: 2)
3. Check Enable Tone + Enable Disconnect
4. Press Save
5. After the first 'dropped' call go back to the page and press the Download button to get
the recorded events just 2 seconds before the call dropped,
Along with this the system logs are needed.

4.4 Caller ID functionality

The symptoms are the following:
• CallerID from the CO is not shown in the Call Statistics of the Quadro.
• The Quadro supports 2 ways of Caller ID detection: FSK and DTMF
• The method will be selected based on the regional settings during the system configuration
• The method can be changed manually by the hidden page mentioned above: fxocfg.cgi
• If the correct method is selected, but still no CallerID is displayed, then the CallerID
transported by the CO can be captured and analysed by EPYGI engineers.

To do so, follow the instructions made in the previous chapter, but this time enable the check-box
labelled: Enable CID
1. Press the capture button below this checkbox
2. Make a call to the Quadro via this FXO line
3. In parallel download the system logs.

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