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Geting Sared wih

NoFap ®
How to use the NoFap® platform to

• Qui porn hrough he “rebooing” process

• Conquer ou-of-conrol sexual behaviors
•Pursue beneficial habis
• Live your ideal sexual lifesyle
Chase your dreams

Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Hello and welcome o NoFap!

Wha is NoFap?
NoFap® is a comprehensive sexual healh plaorm, empowering people o express heir sexualiies ree
rom compulsive behaviors.

The NoFap plaorm provides many resources ha will help you reach your goals:
• Informaion on how using porn can impac on your brain, your relaionships, and your lie. How
o moderae sexual behaviors ha you deem o be problemaic, express your sexualiy healhily,
and build healhy habis
• Programs and challenges designed o help you se
se  goals and keep you accounable
• Guidance o help you use your sexualiy in a
 What is a  Rebooter ?
ulfilling, sex-posiive way, in accordance wih
your values and sexual goals “Rebooers” are wha we call
hose who volunarily absain
• Applicaions  o help you documen your
rom pornography - and ofen
progress and say moivaed o reach your goals oher sexual behaviors oo. They
• A helpul, supporive communiy o like-minded migh use he NoFap plaorm, or
peers and expers who are rooing or you migh never even have heard o us
beore. Rebooers
Rebooers can be ound all over he
NoFap is a sex-posiive, secular, and science-based
organizaion. We don’ rely on moral or religious
Absaining rom porn, masurbaion, or
principles o suppor our argumens, preerring o use he someimes even orgasm alogeher (even
laes scienific research, saisics, and he experiences during sex!), is called “rebooing,” as in
o our users o illuminae he issue. “rebooing” a smarphone or compuer
“back o deaul acory setings.” Absaining
However, NoFap hoss an inclusive communiy, emporarily is wha we have discovered o be
welcoming members o all religious and spiriual
s piriual he mos effecive ool ha we have o qui
persuasions, or lack hereo. While he majoriy o our porn susainably, curb compulsive sexual
users do no ideniy as religious, we are happy o hos behaviors, and ulimaely live a beter lie
large numbers o users rom every major religion. wih happier relaionships.

-sared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.
NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Welcome o Geting Sared !

This guide will provide you wih he basics on:

• How Inerne porn can change people’s

people’s brains and behaviors

• How he “rebooing” process can reverse he effecs o porn  What is a
addicion and help you gain conrol over oher compulsive Fapstronaut?
sexual behaviors “Fapsro
nau” is
a nickname given
• How o ideniy i you have a sexual compulsion ha’s negaively o NoFap’s users
impacing your lie who are acively
• Goal seting o help you ge where you wan o go
As you’ve signed up,
• Wha o expec while you reboo using he NoFap plaorm you can now proudly call
yoursel a new Fapson
• How o successully make i hrough he mos difficul pars o Female users o he NoFap
your reboo plaorm someimes use
he erm “Femsr
onau,”  bu
• Why connecion o ohers using he NoFap plaorm is helpul Fapsronau
Fapsr onau is a gender
and imporan neural erm - every user
o NoFap can be called a
• Ways ha your lie can improv
e when you have successully Fapsronau!
compleed your reboo

Subscribe o NoFap News for more help

and guidance on your journey!
We ake your privacy very seriously. We will never share
your inormaion wih ohers, or any reason.

-sared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.
NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Wha is going on wih my brain?

As a new NoFap user, you have probably realized ha porn and
Because addicion
excessive or compulsive sexual behaviors can have an exremely is complex, he
negaive impac on people’s lives.
lives. Bu you migh wonder why. So how science o addicion
does an addicion o Inerne porn develop? And, I you are having is complex oo. Bu
problems relaed o your porn use, how can you fix i? a popular simplified
version o he
characerisics o
Wha is porn addicion? addicion is he Four
Cs: an addic will suffer rom a
Porn addicion is a phenomenon o he brain. I is marked by use Compulsion o use porn, will
o pornography ha proves difficul o sop despie negaive Coninue o use porn despie
consequences , and ha ofen worsens over ime. There are hree negaive effecs on heir lie,
common signs o porn addicion: will be unable o Conrol heir
use, and will Crave porn when
• An increase in porn use over ime. You
You migh go rom looking hey are no using i.
a porn once a week o many imes a day.

• An increase in he inensiy  of

 of he porn used. For example,
porn genres ha used o disgus you may become he only
hing you can ge off o.

• An inabiliy o sop using pornography despie negaive consequences. You migh skip
imporan obligaions o look a porn, or use porn during inappropriae imes or in inappropriae
siuaions. You
You migh experience sexual
se xual dysuncions or relaionship problems. Many people
coninue o use porn despie hese problems, and even afer deciding ha hey should qui or
regulae heir consumpion.

-sared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.
NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Here are some effects of excessive porn consumption that NoFap’s

users have reported:

Inability to Delay Gratitude       i Porn Bias o Porn
Tolerance      x
Loss o Libido Cues
Insecuriy        AFeishes Brain Fog Decreased
    e Erecile Dysuncion
Interest in
F   Real People
    m  Anorgasmia Time  a Sexual
(inability to orgasm
partnered sex) Wasing  t    Objecificaion
     h i     
  g of Ohers
     SEscalation to More
Extreme M L 
Genres of Porn  e Delayed
    s o
i    k  Deah Grip Ejaculation
    m v  o
 a f  
    s on
i    Relaionship Problems
    a Lack of Produciviy     s     sLow
    r     eSelf-
     O Desensitization     n
Less Pleasurable     s

    yIsolation      l
Inabiliy o
Delay Graiude

    rPoor Working Memory     s

Anxiety     a
Incenive Sensiizaion
5ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.
NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

As you can see, some o hese sympoms are more measureable han ohers. For example, i’s difficul o
direcly ie a eeling o general aigue o a porn addicion. And some are easy o spo: many men come
o our websie when hey can no longer ge an erecion or sex or mainain i during inercourse. Repors
rom many housands o people around he world link hese sympoms o heavy porn use. By removing
one variable rom heir lives - pornography - hese same people repor ha hese sympoms are usually
reduced or reversed.

This lis o repored negaive sympoms is no exhausive.

And people also repor all kinds o unexpeced and unique posiive changes afer leaving porn in he

The bes way o find ou i and how your sexual habis are affecing your lie is o absain rom hem
emporarily. Some people join our plaorm and paricipae in a reboo ou o curiosiy, only o discover
ha heir lives and relaionships have grealy benefied rom quiting porn.

You do no have o mee he crieria for addicion o pornography o

experience negaive effecs from using i.
Some people - and hese cases seem o be rare - who have problems relaed o heir porn use
say hey are able o easily sop. Such people would no be echnically defined as being addiced
o pornography. I you are experiencing negaive consequences o your porn use and are able o
easily sop, firs o all hank your lucky sars, and hen consider i a period o absinence would be
good or you.

6ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

How Porn Addicion Works

The brain’s reward sysem is an imporan acor in all addicions, including porn addicion. This
cluser o neural srucures helps us o learn rom our environmen by reinorcing behavioral
responses o cerain  simuli . These srucures include circuis o neural pahways ha have evolved
o ire up when we encouner hings ha benei us, subsequenly encouraging us o seek ou more
o hem.

These pahways release neuroransmiters like dopamine and endorphin when we encouner beneficial
simuli. This condiions us o repea he experience. This process is undamenal o how we learn o
survive and hrive in our environmen.

Our reward sysem is naurally wired o reward us for having sex. Unorunaely he reward
sysem, unlike our more-evolved conscious brain, seems unable o disinguish beween masurbaing
o Inerne pornography and having sex wih a parner. The raional par o he brain and he reward
sysem are ou o sync: when you orgasm o porn, your reward sysem, in a sense, believes ha you
have successully passed your genes o a new generaion.

Porn can offer more sexual abundance, novely, and simulaion han sex ever can. These hree qualiies
make porn especially alluring o your reward sysem, and so
especially addicive, because your reward cener wans you Neuroransmiters  are chemicals
o pass on your genes as ofen as possible. ha he brain uses o send
signals hrough he body. They
relay signals o nerve cells
Porn is more abundan han naural sex called neurons. When he brain
encouners somehing ha will
The concep and maerial realiy o “abundance” is new o enhance your survival or breeding
he human species, which evolved under condiions of prospecs, like ood or a recepive
scarciy; our brains and bodies have ye o adap o his sexual parner, he reward sysem uses he
new environmen. neuroransmiter dopamine o moivae you
o ake he appropriae acion, such as eaing
Many o our ancesors likely spen mos o heir ime and or having sex. When you do he righ hing,
effor on survival. Food had o be huned or gahered, he brain rewards you by simulaing he
and prepared; enemies and predaors had o be avoided; release o endorphins, he neuroransmiter
associaed wih eeling pleasure. This
proecion rom he elemens had o be ound. Our world
process also releases DelaFosB (he higher
is very differen oday. The basics o survival - ood, sheler,
he levels o dopamine released, he more
and saey - are now so convenien or many o us ha we DelaFosB), a proein involved wih learning
ofen ake hem graned. and memory. This release o DelaFosB allows
he brain o link environmenal cues o he
pleasure response hey iniiaed. Thus he
brain eaches you o seek ou wha is good or
you, and rewards you wih pleasure when you
ac upon his impulse.

7ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

And our ancesors had o mee and inerac wih poenial maes o experience sexual pleasure wih
anoher person.

Today, a pseudo-parnered orgasm is only a click away. We can see more aroused, naked human bodies
in an Inerne porn binge session han mos of our ancesors saw in heir enire lifeimes.

Our raional brains ofen know ha oo much o anyhing can be harmul - bu our reward sysem doesn’.
Once he reward sysem has been “wired” o learn ha somehing is good, ha hing remains good, a
leas unil your raional brain inervenes. And i here is an abundance o ha “good,” your reward sysem
will encourage high consumpion (binging) in case he “good” becomes scarce again in he uure. The
idea o “all hings in moderaion,” is simply no a concep he reward sysem recognises. The reward
sysem always assumes ha abundance will never las.

Porn is more novel han naural sex

The Coolidge Effect
Abundance isn’ enough or our brain when i comes o sexual
simulaion; our brains seem o be buil o crave sexual novely oo. The name “The Coolidge
Tha’s because our ancesors didn’ jus ry o have a lo o sex o Effec” comes rom a sory
abou ormer US Presiden
maximize heir chances o passing on heir genes; hey sough
Calvin Coolidge. Allegedly,
o have a lo o sex wih a lo o differen people, ensuring a wider on a our o a arm, he
spread o heir genes, and making inbreeding less likely. Presiden’s wie was
impressed wih he sexual samina o a
This consan search or new sexual parners is nicely illusraed in
rooser. On being old he male chicken
a phenomenon behavioriss call he Coolidge Effect. maed dozens o imes a day, Mrs.
Coolidge said, “Tell ha o he Presiden
when he comes by.” When Mr. Coolidge
was old, he asked i he rooser maed
wih he same hen. “Oh, no, Mr. Presiden,
a differen hen every ime,” he was old,
replying, “Tell ha o Mrs. Coolidge.”

8ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Experimens have ound ha many mammals o eiher gender - hough he effec is more marked in males
- ofen lose ineres in sex wih a amiliar parner, show renewed sexual ineres when presened wih a
new mae.

For porn users, his means ha he same acors and acresses, scenes, and syles o sex may evenually
ge boring. So hey move on o new genres and perormers, ofen in he same session. Users repor
keeping large numbers o windows and browser abs open while hey browse porn, always keeping heir
levels o sexual exciemen up as heir brains are flooded wih pleasurable neurochemicals.

And wih modern high-speed Inerne porn here is almos no end o he novely a commited porn user
can find.

Porn is more simulaing han naural sex

Porn can be more simulaing han sex wih a parner. Porn perormers ofen have surgically or digially
enhanced eaures, and hey are filmed in anasic and hyper-eroic siuaions ha you are unlikely o
encouner in real lie.

For example, porn camera angles ofen provide close-ups o genial inserion ha would be impossible,
or cerainly uncomorable, o see in real lie. When we have sex wih a parner we have one view, no
porn’s muliple angles and close-ups o avorie body pars - body pars ha are enhanced wih camera
ricks, lighing, makeup, and digial ouch-ups.

Furhermore, many genres o porn deliberaely cause anxiey in viewers as sress can increase levels
o sexual exciemen. Porn can do his by appearing o break aboos, or even he laws o physics and
biology, as animaed porn can. The addiion o anxiey o he porn mix is designed o provide a bigger
eroic hi han sex wih a parner can.

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This means ha modern porn can deliver a greaer payload

Pornography can become so
o neurochemicals han parnered sex. I combines super-
enicing o your reward sysem
simulaion, novely, and a never ending supply. Our reward ha your brain simply no longer
sysem lighs up and ells us o grab all we can, driving porn pays much atenion o real
addics o crave more and more simulaion and novely. poenial parners and only
ges excied by pornography.
This can lead o various sexual
Tolerance problems, mos noably porn-
induced erecile dysuncion, or PIED.
“Tolerance” is common o all addicions. Increasing olerance
A he roo o PIED is he phenomenon
is seen when an addic no longer ges he same pleasure o neuroplasiciy. Neuroplasiciy is
rom simuli ha used o do i or hem. This happens because he abiliy o your brain o learn rom is
he brain has been flooded wih abnormally high levels o environmen, making changes in he
neuroransmiters or so long ha i shus down some o acual srucure o your brain o adap o
he neuroransmiter recepors o proec isel rom over- he world you pu i in. For a porn addic,
simulaion. This means ha over ime, people may eel less his world migh come o revolve around
requen PMO sessions.
and less pleasure rom your simuli o choice. This process is
called desensiizaion. For porn addics, his means hey need
increasingly abundan, novel, and super-simulaing porn o
coninue o ge off.

A porn addic migh escalae rom 10 minues waching o six or more hours a day. They migh seek ou
new perormers, kinkier scenes, and can even develop eishes or sexual obsessions ha previously
would have lef hem cold. Porn addics may also look or even more exreme, anasic, or srange porn o
ge he same neurochemical hi as eelings o anger, disgus, or anxiey can add exra arousal o he porn
experience or jaded users. Paricularly upseting or some users is an escalaion ino porn ha hey eel
does no reflec heir sexual orienaion or doesn’ align wih heir values.

The Inerne porn scene oday is perecly se up o deliver on his demand or abundan, novel, and
super-simulaing maerial, which has become he new norm. In ime many heavy porn users find ha
regular sex jus doesn’ cu i or hem anymore.

Decreasing Qualiy of Life

A porn addic’s reward sysem ofen changes o perceive pornography as disproporionaely atracive
compared o real-world sexual encouners. A human is naurally inclined o wan o “mae” wih as many
o hese porn “parners” as possible. And o do ha, i migh sacrifice oher hings o his overriding
goal. You may sar o eel ired, anxious, depressed, and unineresed in sex. You may find i hard o
concenrae, or o moivae yoursel o do he hings you used o enjoy. Social siuaions may become
unbearable. All hese porn addicion sympoms - and heir evenual disappearance - have been repored
by our users.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Experience erecile dysfuncion?

The Simple PIED Tes.
Forunaely you can make a quick assessmen o poenial PIED a home. The  Simple PIED Tes
should ell you i your erecion problems could be relaed o porn use.
Masurbae wihou porn using jus physical sensaion. Avoid unrealisic anasising and cerainly
avoid recalling porn his ime, ry o mainly ocus on he sensaion. Afer a suiable gap, use porn o
masurbae, even o climax i you suspec a problem wih ejaculaion. I you’re already absinen rom
porn hen ry o replay some o your avorie porn scenes in your head.
I you are able o ge and keep an erecion using porn bu can’ wihou i, hen you may have PIED.
Bu how do you know? I you can ge an erecion during his es, hen physical problems aren’ your issue. And,
as you are alone during he ess, you shouldn’ suffer rom perormance anxiey.
I you are able o successully complee boh hese ess, bu ail o successully have sex wih a parner, your
problem migh be relaed o perormance anxiey or anoher non-physical cause. I you canno achieve an
erecion a all, even while waching pornography, a rip o he docor migh be in order o rule ou any physical
This es is a quick and ready reckoner and i you are suffering rom ED you should alk o a medical

To simpliy, excessive porn use can rain he brain o regard pornography as a beter, more convenien,
and near-efforless way o having an orgasm insead o having sex wih a real person. Thereore, i invess
he sex drive ino porn insead o real people. Evenually some porn addics canno ge aroused by real
people, no mater how atraced hey migh be o heir sexual parner, bu have no problem geting urned
on by pornography.

Porn addicion, like any addicion, can significanly decrease your qualiy o lie. This is largely because
he addicion impacs he sysem he brain uses o moivae you o do wha is good or you. Alhough
dopamine is widely and incorrecly known as he “pleasure chemical,” he “anicipaion chemical,” would
be a beter name. The desensiizaion process described above, shus down o some o he brain’s
neuroransmiters o cope wih he unnaural flood o dopamine
in he brain. I’s repored ha his makes he brain less able o
Do no use he  Simple PIED Tes
respond o normal levels o dopamine. Many believe ha he as an excuse o PMO. We only
brain hen prioriizes aciviies ha can provide ha super- recommend aking his es a
normal dopamine payload - which or a porn addic is waching he beginning o a reboo i you
and masurbaing o pornography. So porn addics become are concerned abou a poenial
exremely moivaed o consume pornography, bu oher problem wih PIED. There is
aciviies, even once-pleasurable hobbies, migh become no need o rees yoursel
hroughou your reboo, and
chores. Wih a weakened pleasure response and sense o
periods o low-libido “flaline” are o be
moivaion, lie or a porn addic can progressively become expeced - you don’ need o keep esing
more dull, paralyzing, and lieless. They may need pornography your erecion. I you have serious concerns
 jus o eel “normal.” abou your abiliy o have or mainain an
erecion, visi a medical proessional.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Problems semming rom porn use can leak ino all pars o a heavy user’s lie - relaionships, work,
school, ec. For some heavy porn users, here may even be a link beween escalaing porn addicion
and high-risk sexual behaviours: serial encouners wih sex workers, unsae sex, searching or porn ha
crosses he line ino illegaliy, or even inflicing sexual violence on parners. Taking physical abuse rom
he anasy world o porn ino real lie isn’ “common” and likely can’ be enirely blamed on pornography,
bu repeaed exposure o exreme acs could have a normalizing effec on such behaviours in he way
ha heerosexual anal sex has been moved ino he sexual mainsream by porn.

Pornography addicion can have a significan negaive impac on people’s lives as alens, poenials, and
ineress are sacrificed o an overriding concern or arificial sexual pleasure.

For more on
porn addicion,
please check
ou our
Porn Addicion
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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

The process of “Rebooing” is he cure for porn

I you eel like you are addiced o Inerne porn, or are experiencing
Porn addics’ brains
negaive effecs rom your porn consumpion, do no give up are “rewired”  o
hope! Many housands o people have reduced and reversed heir preer pixels on
sympoms by Rebooing. There are Rebooing programs o all sors. screens over sex
Bu he NoFap Rebooing program is widely regarded as one o he wih human parners.
mos comprehensive, effecive, and susainable soluions o quiting This is because o
heir behavior has
porn and regulaing ou-o-conrol sexual behaviors.
re-enorced neural
Wha is rebooing? pahways wih dopamine and
A NoFap, we ry o
oher neurochemicals, as well
make he science o
Rebooing is he process o as he ranscripion proein
porn addicion as
absaining rom pornography or DelaFosB.
accessible as possible
or our users. We use an exended period in order o
words like “pahways” allow your brain o reboo owards a naural, people-based, sexualiy.
and “rewiring” o A reboo may also include absaining rom masurbaion, and or
describe he brain some Rebooers, even orgasm alogeher.
changes ha occur. Bu brain
science is no simple - in ac, By allowing he porn-addiced brain o unplug rom pornography,
he brain is one o he mos many o he brain changes infliced by heavy pornography use may
complex and ascinaing hings
be “repaired.” This is ofen described as resoring your brain back
ha scieniss are sudying. New
o “acory setings,” as you would wih a compuer or smarphone –
research is being published every
quarer wih many ascinaing hence, a Reboo.
discoveries. I’s useul o
undersand wha’s happening in
your brain during porn addicion The NoFap Approach
and a subsequen reboo. Challenges and communiy are a he core o NoFap’s approach
Bu i you find yoursel geting o he Rebooing process. Our challenge programs inser a healhy
sressed abou abou he science,
degree o riendly compeiion ino he rebooing process, wih he
don’ worry, you don’ need o
know he exac mechanics o NoFap eam and communiy providing he accounabiliy and suppor
neurochemisry o qui porn! ha Rebooers need o push heir limis and achieve real and lasing
success in heir lives.

Travelling ogeher brings a unique sense o camaraderie wih oher Rebooers on he NoFap plaorm,
who will share in your vicories, commiserae wih you in your sebacks, encourage you o persevere
when you are sruggling, and help you o find he inner srengh o persis beyond your urges.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Program Parameers
Joining one o NoFap’s “Rebooing challenge” programs is simple. Firs, you should decide on your
parameers. These include he duraion o your challenge and rom which behaviors you plan o absain.

Currenly, he NoFap program offers hree  sandard ses o parameers or new users: Lie Mode,
Sandard Mode, and Hard Mode. NoFap recommends Hard Mode as he ases and mos effecive way
o susainably qui porn and gain conrol over your sexual behaviors. The oher wo opions are available
i you eel ha consuming pornography, and only consuming pornography, is your problemaic sexual
behavior, or you are sexually acive and wan o have sex during your reboo.

Lie Mode: Absaining from Porn

Lie Mode or “P-Mode” requires only ha a Rebooer absain rom looking a pornography. P-Mode
Rebooers allow hemselves o masurbae and o have orgasms (wih or wihou a parner). While
his mode is no as commonly praciced as oher modes, some members arrive a he conclusion ha
waching pornography is heir only problemaic sexual habi.

Be aware ha P-Mode has some pialls. While absaining rom super-simulaing pornography is
undoubedly a good idea ha will help he brain rewire, i seems likely ha a ull Reboo can ofen ake
longer in P-Mode. This is especially rue i he Rebooer is sill masurbaing and having
orgasms while anasizing and recalling porn-scenes porn-like scenarios, which sill
reinorces he associaion beween pornography and orgasm. Currenly, he
NoFap program
As wih Normal-Mode, which allows sex wih a parner, Rebooers who sill allow offers hree sandard
hemselves o orgasm should be prepared or he poenial o experience he ses o parameers or
“Chaser Effec” (see Pialls, below), which is a period afer having an orgasm new users: Lie Mode,
where some crave anoher orgasm very inensely. Sandard Mode, and
P-Mode Rebooers may also all vicim o, or coninue o suffer rom, a common Hard Mode
sympom o excessive masurbaion: desensiizaion o he genials. This can be
caused by a desensiizaion o he nerves or a hickening o he issues o he genials
as he hands or oys - especially over long masurbaion sessions - physically oversimulae hese body
pars. This sympom, ofen riggering very rough “Deah Grip” masurbaion (“Deah Schlick” or women),
ofen clears up afer a brie period o absinence rom overly inense masurbaion. We recommend
ha P-Mode Rebooers learn o ouch hemselves more genly or use oys ha provide a more genle,
“naural” sensaion or he duraion o heir challenge.

14ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Sandard Mode: Absaining from Porn and Masurbaion

The “Sandard” PM-Mode is a Reboo in which he Rebooer absains rom boh pornography and
masurbaion, bu allows hemselves o engage in sex and o have orgasms during sex. This is a popular
choice among Rebooers who have parners or oherwise wan o be sexually acive.

Sandard Mode is someimes called PM-Mode (or Porn and Masurbaion). However, Sandard Mode has
is own drawbacks. The Chaser Effec is a common problem or Sandard Mode Rebooers. Furhermore,
we speculae ha some Rebooers find i challenging o have sex while no “porniying” he sexual
encouner or anasizing abou pornography, so i’s imporan o be mindul i you choose o have sex.
Some people repor ha “Sandard Mode” has slowed down heir reboos and some people who choose
Sandard Mode evenually all back ino using porn.

However, anecdoal repors rom hundreds o successul Sandard Mode Rebooers has convinced us
ha his is a very viable approach o Rebooing. While i  poenially  may ake longer han a Hard Mode
reboo, i will cerainly do he job, and having sex wih a parner may acually help speed up he process o
rewiring he brain o preer real people insead o pixels on a screen.

Hard Mode: Absaining from Porn, There is a lo o good-heared

Masurbaion, and Orgasm Alogeher debae wihin he NoFap
communiy as o which
Wih large numbers o video gamers among he communiy rebooing mode is beter:
and he NoFap eam, we lovingly nicknamed his mode Hard Sandard  Mode or Hard Mode .
Mode. Absaining in Hard Mode means no PM or O, so no Each mode has is supporers,
orgasms, even wih a parner. Many Rebooers do a Hard and deracors. Hard Mode
Mode reboo by deaul since hey do no have parners or are supporers argue ha oal
no sexually acive. Rebooers wih parners can sill do Hard absinence rom sexual simulaion
allows he brain o res and dedicae
Mode, bu will wan o ge heir parner on board wih he idea
more resources o rewiring isel owards
o absaining rom sex, or even experimen wih non-orgasmic a more naural, parner-based sexualiy.
sexual echniques. One such echnique, karezza, has been Sandard Mode supporers argue ha
successully praciced by some o NoFap’s users and many having sex wih real people acually
Rebooers hroughou he Inerne. “reverse rewires” he brain o associae
sex, sexual pleasure, and he libido wih
While Hard Mode may seem like a more difficul reboo han P real people insead o pixels. Whichever
or Sandard Mode, Hard Mode Rebooers don’ have o deal side you ake in his debae (i you ake
wih he Chaser Effec, and hey may experience he benefis one a all), i is imporan o realize ha
o rebooing more quickly han i hey’d ried oher rebooing boh modes have proven o be successul
approaches o Rebooing. So don’ worry
parameers wihou success.
oo much abou which mode is beter;
Sill, Hard Mode Rebooers should be prepared or several  jus do wha eels righ or you and your
lie siuaion!
poenial challenges. These are oulined in he Pialls secion

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Absaining from Oher Behaviors

Rebooers need no sricly limi hemselves o NoFap’s official ormas when choosing heir challenge

We encourage Rebooers o ailor heir challenge o heir own needs and aspiraions. While mos
members o he NoFap communiy design heir Reboos around quiting porn and absaining rom
masurbaion or a period o ime, ha doesn’ mean ha Rebooers are limied o our sandard program
opions! A Rebooing challenge is a good ime o look a some oher problemaic habis. Do you spend
oo much ime cruising social media or sexy picures? Do you eel compelled o visi massage parlors or
hire prosiues? Do you engage in oher sexual behaviors o an exen ha hey on your qualiy o lie?

We encourage people o use our choose-your-own-challenge model o pursue oher habi-breaking

goals and improve heir lives. Wheher you do i afer you reboo rom porn or during your porn reboo,
our plaorm is available or anybody who wans o improve heir lie.

Your goals don’ have o be limied o your sexual liesyle. Do you drink oo much coffee? Do you live a
sedenary liesyle or have poor eaing habis? We find ha making oo many large changes all a once
is usually difficul o susain, and i is hereore imporan o be mindul o overloading your lis o habi
modificaion. However, Rebooing is a golden opporuniy o make your lie beter, and NoFap is an
excellen environmen in which o find suppor as you reach your goals. So i you have one or wo goals
you wan o ry o accomplish along wih your Reboo, go or i! Jus be careul no o overburden yoursel.

Challenge Duraion
Afer you have seleced your challenge, he nex sep is o choose is duraion. Once you’ve chosen a
duraion, i’s imporan ha you sick wih i unil he end. Bu don’ ge oo hung up on wha he perec
duraion or you is. I’s bes ha you jus choose a ime period and ge going! Afer a period o absinence
rom your chosen sexual behaviors, i’s fine o increase your duraion i you eel like your brain needs more
ime o reboo.

Here are some suggesions or choosing a duraion:

Fixed Number of Days

NoFap’s gold sandard o success is our 90-Day Reboo program. Niney days is an iniial duraion ha is
challenging and effecive or mos, ye sill very achievable. I’s also sufficienly long ha many users see
marked improvemen in heir well-being once hey’ve achieved vicory. Many Rebooers will sar wih his
90-day challenge only o reevaluae owards he end ha exending heir challenge would be o benefi.

However, users can choose any number o days ha hey eel appropriae. Some ambiious users will ry
o go an enire year or longer, while oher users are so enrenched in heir behaviors ha reaching wo
weeks proves a difficul challenge or hem. The key is o choose a lengh o ime ha you’ll be able o
look back on wih a sense o accomplishmen when compleed i.

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NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Those skepical o he Rebooing process may wish o ry i ou or jus seven days. A shor challenge is
manageable or mos bu can ac as a sneak peek o boh he benefis and obsacles o aking on a longer
absinence. A he very leas, seven days should be enough or anyone o deermine wheher hey have a
problemaic porn habi; i Rebooers have difficuly absaining rom porn or s even days, i’s a prety good
sign ha a ull Reboo would be beneficial.
Some Rebooers
Monhly Challenges
preer no o give
One alernaive o choosing a lengh o ime is o ake par in our hemselves a
monhly challenges. Our websie hoss challenges where users can “challenge” a all, bu
sign up o ake par in a reboo o absain or a calendar monh. This o jus see how long
can be a good enry poin or users who wan o es he waer wih a hey can go on heir
shorer reboo while experiencing he camaraderie o paricipaing in a curren sreak. Some
communiy even. Rebooers don’
even keep rack o he number
o days ha hey’ve been
Sympom-Based Duraions absaining or. There is some
Raher han using a se lengh o ime o mark heir reboo, some users wisdom in his mindse. I is no
choose o Reboo unil hey eel he benefis o a healhier sexualiy. This uncommon or Rebooers who
can be a good choice or people who engage in a challenge specifically have compleed a challenge
o see i i can help hem wih a problem hey are experiencing. For o relapse soon afer. Many
insance, someone who migh suspec heir erecile dysuncion is Rebooers do his because,
having accomplished heir
caused by porn (popularly known as porn-induced erecile dysuncion,
goal, hey le heir guard down,
or PIED) could give rebooing a ry o see i i alleviaes heir sympoms. and are no prepared when
heir urges reurn. No seting
We recommend ha sympom-based Rebooers sar wih a 90-day
a challenge can encourage
goal and hen reassess heir sympoms. Problemaic porn habis some Rebooers o be more
don’ cause sexual dysuncion overnigh, and hey usually won’ heal vigilan or longer, and hus
overnigh, eiher. The brain and body need ime o recover rom a years- can help hose individuals
long habi. who believe hey will be weak
in heir momen o vicory.
While a sympom-based challenge is a good echnique or people Many Rebooers benefi rom
looking or concree resuls, NoFap does no promoe Rebooing as a immediaely seting anoher
panacea. I you are experiencing physical or psychological sympoms goal afer reaching heir iniial
ha boher you, please consul your docor. goal. I all depends on wha
works or you!
Day Couners and Challenges
NoFap’s communiy orum provide day-couners or racking consecuive days o absinence rom your
chosen sexual behaviors. These couners can be rese when a member decides hey have broken heir
absinence sreak.

The couner is mean o rack your enire curren sreak, no your progress in your curren challenge.
Thereore, i you do back-o-back rebooing challenges, your day couner rolls over rom one challenge
ino he nex. For insance, i you choose o do a Sepember challenge ollowed by an Ocober challenge,
you don’ need o rese your couner o day one on Ocober 1s.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Challenge Duraion vs. Reaching a Full Reboo

Our rebooing challenges are mean o help a person Reboo, ha is, o reurn o a healhy sexualiy wih
a preerence or sexual ineracions wih people raher han wih a compuer screen. However, a Rebooer
won’ necessarily be ully Rebooed a he end o heir challenge. Your brain will be ully Rebooed when,
and only when, i has reversed he side effecs o your problem habis, namely masurbaing
excessively o pornography. (For more inormaion on he brain science o Rebooing,see
Many our page abou rebooing.) The bes way o ideniy i you’ve Rebooed or no is o
Rebooers assess wheher you sill experience he same sympoms you had beore saring a
find hey eel Reboo. This opic is discussed in more deail laer in his guide.
significanly beter
Many Rebooers noice resuls afer 90 days. However, heavy porn users or hose
afer 90 days
who wen hrough pubery using modern Inerne porn ofen find ha hey need more
ime. Some people, especially hose wih PIED, have required a year or longer o achieve
significan resuls.

I isn’ possible o predic exacly how long i will ake an individual o reverse porn-induced sexual
dysuncions. Thereore, i is bes o be observan, reassess ofen, and ake hings as hey come.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Every Reboo conains is own challenges. Some o hese challenges are unique o specific individuals,
ohers are more universal. Below are some common ess, repored by a majoriy o he NoFap user-base.

Dealing wih Urges

You mos likely will ge urges o go back o he habis ha you are absaining rom. This is compleely
normal. Bu o course i is no good o respond o hem by giving up on your goals.

Urges will ofen go away in a mater o minues i you do no ac upon hem. I is neiher physically or
psychologically harmul o resis an urge. In ac, resising urges helps develop discipline
and willpower, boh o which can be applied o grea effec in oher areas o your lie.
I you can
So, how do you resis urges? ideniy your
riggers, you can
creae sraegies
Idenifying Triggers o avoid hem.
One grea way o overcome your urges is o reduce heir requency.

Urges may be riggered by environmenal cues ha your brain has learned o associae wih
pornograpy - such as being alone in your room, or suddenly seeing a phoograph while browsing social

I you can ideniy your riggers, you can creae sraegies o avoid hem.

For example, i you spend a lo o ime on social media sies browsing profiles, ake noice o atracive
images, and end up opening an incognio browser window o look a porn, you may consider going on
a “social media as,” only browsing social media when you are in he company o riends and amily, or
urning he images off on your browser while using he inerne.

Or i you have developed a habi o PMOing beore going o bed, and find i hard o sleep wihou i, hen
fixing your sleeping habis should be a prioriy. Try removing any inerne-enabled devices rom your room
a leas an hour beore bedime. Don’ spend he hour leading up o bed browsing he inerne. Insead,
read a book, wrie in a journal, or do somehing else o help you wind-down. Many people find i useul
o break ha link beween using elecronic media and preparing or sleep. Even changing your locaion
beore bed, rom your bedroom o he amily room, can help disassociae bedime wih porn use.

There may be a double benefi here. Research has shown ha he ligh rom elecronic devices can
disrup our sleep rhyhms and reduce he qualiy o our res. The Naional Sleep Foundaion recommends
a leas a hal-hour o avoiding elecronic devices beore sleep, and, ideally, compleely removing gadges
rom your bedroom.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Browse more saely. The mos obvious rigger is a sexually arousing image. Technology won’ ye allow
you o manage your physical environmen so ha you won’ see anoher iillaing billboard, magazine
cover or TV ad. Bu where you can conrol your environmen you’ll be making i easier on yoursel i you
make i as rebooing-riendly as possible.

Tha migh mean cleaning up your Inerne experience. Many Rebooers use some sor o conen filer
or sae browser o help hem say away rom porn. There are many choices across operaing sysems and
syles o monioring.

Some choose o use accounabiliy sofware ha will email a riend, heir parner or a accounabiliy
parner when hey access quesionable sies. Tha can be a powerul incenive o say away rom porn.

Poenially arousing images are very common online. Ad blocking sofware will remove a
whole class o suggesive imagery. Using some search engines allow you o remove
adul maerial rom search resuls. For exreme proecion while browsing online, The NoFap
mos web browsers allow you o urn off all images while you browse. communiy is a
grea resource or ips
The NoFap communiy is a grea resource or ips on sae browsing. I you have on sae browsing. I you
any quesions sar a hread on he orum and ask away. have any quesions sar
Remember, hough, ha hese hings are jus ools o help you. You will know you a hread on he orum
have succeeded a your reboo when you can encouner arousing maerial and and ask away.
move on, resising any urges o look a porn, or eel no desire o indulge in your old,
unwaned behaviors. Some NoFap users shy away rom using hese ech ools because
hey eel hey undermine heir abiliy o develop his willpower. Tha’s a choice or you o make.

Processing Emoions
Emoions can also be powerul riggers in pornography addicion. Mos porn addics, a some ime in
heir lives, have used PMO as a coping mechanism o suppress uncomorable eelings. Conversely,
some porn addics find hemselves so “numbed” ha hey ell us ha PMO becomes one o he only ways
hey can eel much o anyhing. They may use porn as an easy, reliable way o provide some emoional

Common emoions ha can rigger urges are boredom, sress, anxiey, sadness, and loneliness.

I you suspec ha you may be using PMO o deal wih emoions, ry o be mindul o he emoional
environmen in which your urges arise. The nex ime you eel an urge, sop, and ask yoursel: Wha
eelings and/or sensaions am I having righ now? Where in my body am I eeling his sensaion? Wha
houghs are accompanying hese emoions? Am I anxious abou an upcoming inerview? Lonely
because I was jus rejeced?

Remember ha your emoions won’ kill you. They can be powerul, bu you can develop he skills o deal
wih hem more effecively han by reaching ou or porn every ime you eel down.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

A difficul emoion can be very uncomorable. I you don’ give your emoions he energy hey need o
affec your acions, hen hey are merely somehing you are experiencing in he momen, like he sound o
a car passing by, or he shade o he ree you are siting under.

Consider he popular “urge surfing” echnique ha some users decide o employ: Insead o running away
rom your emoions, you can ry feeling hem. Slow down your breahing. Bring your atenion o your
emoion. Explore i. Breahe ino he emoion, bringing your openness and curiosiy o he eeling.

When you do his, you will find ha you creae space around he emoion - i’s simply no so imporan
or powerul anymore. You will sill eel i, o course, bu i is bearable. This may ake some ime, bu wih
pracice i is possible o become compleely comorable wih he emoional pain. This is because you
are no eeding he emoion wih your menal energy by geting caugh up in i. Insead, by jus leting he
emoion be, you will find ha no only is he emoion olerable, bu, like an urge no aced upon, i migh
soon ade away.

Common Urge-Managemen Sraegies

Learning o ideniy your riggers and process your emoions should help o reduce he number
and requency o your urges. However, here are also several counermeasures you can ake while
experiencing an urge o moivae yoursel o mainain your resoluion and keep your sreak going.

Changing Your Surroundings

One o he mos common sraegies among our members seems o be very simple - change your
environmen. I you are eeling an urge o slip back ino old habis, go somewhere where you are less
likely o rese/relapse. Once ou o your danger environmen, i is easier o hink wih a more level head,
and make he decision ha is mos in line wih your goals. Simply going ouside or ino company is a
grea answer; mos people don’ use porn in public. Leave all Inerne-conneced devices behind i you
can; i you can’ access porn, you won’ use i.

Quick, High-Rep Exercise

This sraegy is very popular. Among he NoFap communiy, exercise was quickly discovered o be an
effecive urge-killer.

When you experience cravings, you can ry o sop wha you are doing, drop o he floor, and do as many
as push-ups as you can manage. I push-ups aren’ your hing, you can subsiue squas or, i you have a
pair dumbbells nearby, a quick se o curls. Any exercise will do. The physical aciviy ocuses your brain’s
atenion on he exercise, and Rebooers repor ha he cravings ofen swifly disappear.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Some oher exercises ha are easy, porable, and grea urge-killers:
• Si-ups/crunches
• Lunges
• Jumping Jacks
• Wall-sis
• High knees/run in place
• Squas

Mediaion and Mindfulness

Anoher popular way o deal wih urges is hrough mediaion and/or mindulness. Urges are ofen
accompanied wih sexual imagery. Geting caugh up in ha sexual imagery, i.e. anasizing, gives he
urges power and makes hem much sronger. Bu i you can preven yoursel rom paying atenion o ha
sexual imagery, people repor ha he urge ofen dissolves in a mater o seconds.

You can use a quick mediaion echnique o comba urges. When sexual images pop ino your mind,
immediaely bring your atenion o your breah. Don’ ry o breahe in any paricular way, jus ry o keep
your ocus here. Some people coun heir breahs. Ohers ocus on he eel o heir breah in cerain pars
on heir body, such as heir nosrils or hroa. I your atenion srays, jus bring i back o he breah. When
he urge has passed, you can reurn o wha you were doing and go on wih your day.

Mediaion and mindulness may ake some pracice beore you can successully employ hem agains
urges, especially i you are new o he echniques. Bu hey are usually well worh he effor you pu ino
hem. No only are hey some o he mos successul urge-killers, hey have an added benefi o reducing
sress and anxiey - wo commonly repored sympoms o porn addicion AND wo common emoional

Quick Disracions
Many people who are conroned wih urges o look a porn employ various aciviies
o disrac hemselves and give hemselves ime o remove hemselves rom he
siuaion. NoFap doesn’ officially recommend all o hese echniques, bu hey’re Mediaion
ofen employed by our user-base and Rebooers around he world. and mindulness
may ake some
Holding Your Breah pracice beore you can
This is a very simple echnique. Whenever you experience a srong urge, successully employ hem
simply hold your breah! Your body will ofen quickly orge abou he urge as agains urges, especially
i deals wih he sudden crisis o oxygen deprivaion. I is beter o pracice his i you are new o he
echnique wih as litle air in your lungs as possible (jus push all he air ou o echniques.
your lungs by conracing your abdominal muscles beore holding your breah), as
he less air in your lungs, he aser your body will go ino “crisis mode.”

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

I you decide o pracice his echnique, please be sae. Don’ hold your breah unil you pass ou, and
cerainly do no do his while underwaer. You likely wan o alk o your docor i you have concerns abou
sressing your body like his. This is no a cones o see how long can hold your breah. I is jus a simple
biohack o orce your body’s atenion away rom pornography and ono somehing else.

Cold Showers
Cold showers are usually more o a prevenive, or preempive sraegy han an emergency urge-manager.
Though i you can jump ino reezing waer in he hea o he momen, you will probably insanly kill any
urge ha you were having o PMO. Bu cold showers don’ ravel well, so mos o he Rebooers who use
hem do so no o ge rid o urges, bu o discipline hemselves and increase heir willpower so hey are
more able o resis urges when hey do arise.

Regular cold showers each you o be comorable wih being uncomorable. Who wans o jump ino
reezing cold waer or he nex five minues, righ? Bu i you can say in ha shower, despie he cold,
despie he discomor, you are learning he srengh o will o resis an urge. Like cold waer, urges are
 jus anoher uncomorable experience. Learning o deal wih eeling uncomorable, and no acing upon
your body’s immediae desires is a grea way o learn o bea down urges.

A word o warning. There are some risks associaed wih sudden exposure o very cold waer (paricularly
or hose wih hear condiions and high blood pressure) and wih prolonged exposure o cold waer.
I you are considering his mehod, please alk o your docor firs and keep in mind i is a sep by sep
process. Gradually decrease he emperaure o he waer so your body is no shocked. Please be mindul
o your healh.

“Snapbands” are simply rubber bands ha you wear on your wris, which some Rebooers have ound
o be a successul ool o employ agains urges. When you eel an urge, you can simply pull back he
band and le i snap agains your wris. The momenary pain wakes you up rom he auomaic pilo “PMO
zombie mode” ha so ofen leads o relapse. You can hen ake seps o conain he urge or remove
yoursel rom empaion.

Use your common sense here. I you decide o pracice his echnique, you wan a band ha will give you
enough o a shock o snap you ou o relapse. Bu don’ go beyond ha. This is no abou inflicing pain
or punishmen. We aren’ “recommending” his echnique bu are including i because i’s popular among
Rebooers. I you have sruggled wih sel-harm you migh wish o skip his echnique.

Oher Ideas
There are many programs and supplemenal maerial, unrelaed o porn addicion, ha migh help you
overcome urges. Our users are finding and using echniques rom all around he world o help hem make
he righ decisions in he momen.

Please share your avorie echniques wih ohers on he orum!

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Many o he echniques, sraegies, programs, books, and herapies, discussed here, are regular subjecs
o discussion on NoFap’s orums.

NoFap is always working on creaing more conen o help our users manage urges and creae
susainable, PMO-ree liesyles. Make sure ha you say subscribed o our newsleter o say up-o-dae
on our releases (go o his page o sign up, i you haven’ already).

Chaser Effec
The Chaser Effec is a period o significanly increased urges ha poenially can ollow an orgasm
during a Reboo. People may encouner he Chaser Effec afer having sex, masurbaing - wheher o
porn or no - or even having a we dream. The Chaser Effec is common, so here is no need or worry i
you encouner i. However i ofen creaes some difficuly or Rebooers who plan on orgasming during
heir reboo, or Rebooers who have relapsed and are rying o resar heir reboo.

The “Blue Balls”

“Blue Balls” is he name commonly given o vasocongesion. During vasocongesion, deoxygenaed
blood is reained in he genials, which may lend he blue inge ha gives he condiion is nickname. I
is commonly caused by prolonged sexual arousal wihou ejaculaion, bu his is no always he case.
Vasocongesion can be uncomorable bu i is usually compleely harmless.

This is repored by boh men and women (less commonly), women dubbing he experience “Blue Vulva.”

While orgasming will usually relieve a person o hese sympoms, many medical proessionals agree ha
here is no harm in absaining rom sexual release  for a period of ime. Vasocongesion is widely repored
as sae and will normally resolve in around an hour.

Some Rebooers find ha non-sexual massage o heir genial area helps o alleviae discomor. Oher
sraegies ha seem o be effecive in relieving vasocongesion include applying ice packs o he groin
area, aking a ho bah, lying down, or lifing heavy objecs (wih correc echnique, o course, rom he
legs, no he back).

Because vasocongesion is usually caused by sexual arousal, he simples way o avoid i is o avoid
geting urned on all o he ime. This can be accomplished by sricly avoiding anasy and oher menal
sexual imagery, as well as pornography and oher sexually suggesive media, during he course o a

I he discomor does no go away, conac a docor, as his may be a sign o a more serious ailmen, such
as a hernia or esicular orsion. Also, NoFap does no endorse lielong absinence rom orgasm. NoFap’s
program helps you achieve he benefis gained rom a emporary  period o absinence rom orgasm.
Mos o our users go on o orgasm hrough sexual inercourse, or even hrough occasional masurbaion
wihou he use o porn, afer compleing a Reboo.

24ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Many Rebooers repor emporary periods o litle o zero libido wih litle o zero ineres in sex during
heir reboos. Rebooers have repored ha i is someimes accompanied wih low energy, lehargy,
iredness, and oher sympoms. In ac, or some people, he flaline migh eel remarkably similar o

For a heavy porn user, who is used o an overexcied libido ha consanly bombards hem wih urges o
ac ou sexually, his flaline may be conusing, or even concerning.

Some Rebooers over-reac when hey hi he flaline, and end up masurbaing o porn jus o make sure
hey haven’ compleely ceased o uncion sexually.

The bes advice is: Don’ panic! The flaline is a normal par o he rebooing process. I may las several
weeks, and may come back during your reboo, bu i evenually goes away . I i does no, conac a
healhcare proessional. Also, i you ever eel he desire o sel-harm or i you eel “down” or an exended
period o ime, ha is no a normal par o he Rebooing process, and we sugges immediaely conacing
a menal healh care proessional. See he disclaimer in he beginning o Geting Sared or addiional

In mild cases, he flaline can be a ime o relax a bi (bu no oo much!). Some For a heavy
Rebooers find he lack o sexual urges peaceul. I somebody has been porn user, who is
consanly bombarded by sexual desire and imagery or significan pars o heir used o an overexcied
lives, he flaline can acually be considered a bi o menal relie or hem. libido ha consanly
bombards hem wih
urges o ac ou sexually,
Emoional Rollercoasering his flaline may be
NoFap users jus saring a reboo are ofen eager o experience all he benefis conusing, or even
repored by housands o oher Rebooers. These posiive changes ofen come concerning.
wih ime, i you sick wih your rebooing goals.

Rebooing, however, is no a magical pill. You will no suddenly wake up on he morning o your sevenh
day and discover your brain og gone, your social confidence hrough he roo, and poenial parners
atraced o you like mohs o a ligh bulb. Neiher is rebooing a linear process. Overall, he ne change
usually curves owards more posiive changes, bu wihin ha curve, here are usually emoional ups and

You migh eel amazing or a monh; hen a bad day ull o urges and rusraion will smack you down ou
o nowhere. Or you migh have a week o eeling apaheic, and wake up he nex day eeling upbea. Jus
keeping pushing orward, and ake each day sep by sep.

Your riends, amily, and coworkers migh noice your emoional shifs beore you do, complimening
you on your posiive atiude or commening on your moodiness. Wheher his eedback is posiive or
negaive, ake i as a sign ha your reboo is underway.

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NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Since many Rebooers have or years been using pornography o regulae difficul emoions , hey
will now have o discover new and healhier ways o deal wih heir unprocessed - and perhaps even
repressed - emoions.

However, his isn’ he proper medium o give people individualized menal healh advice. I you eel ha
your emoional sae has changed significanly enough o have a negaive impac on your lie, or ha
you’ve experienced a period o negaive emoions or apahy or more han a couple o weeks, we urge
you o speak a menal healh proessional.

We Dreams Some Rebooers learn he

For porn addics who are used o ejaculaing requenly, waking skill o lucid dreaming, or
conscious conrol over
up o we underwear migh be somewha surprising! Afer all,
dreams, o sop eroic
anecdoally a leas, porn addics usually have ewer we dreams dreams, and hence we
han someone who doesn’ masurbae a all. I a Rebooer dreams, in heir racks.
sared heir habis early in lie, hey may have never  experienced While i is cerainly possible
a we dream. o do his, i akes a lo o
pracice o become proficien a i. Mos
There is no need o worry, we dreams (“nocurnal emissions”) Rebooers are conen o he le heir
are compleely naural. The body occasionally needs o ge rid we dreams occur, and jus deal wih
o excess fluids, and we dreams are one way o doing i. Having any elevaed levels o urges ha migh
produced enough seminal fluid o keep up wih your porn habi, resul.
your body is probably sill used o more requen ejaculaions.
Bu usually bodies adjus o ejaculaing less requenly. So as ime passes, Rebooers usually repor ha
heir we dreams reduce in requency.

And in case you are wondering wheher a we dream consiues a relapse: no, he general consensus
is ha we dreams, being involunary, are no relapses because you had no conscious conrol over he
process as i proceeded.

“We dreams”
ofen occur wih Sponaneous Emissions
women in reboo Jus like some Rebooers have we dreams, sponaneous emissions can
oo, minus he also occur during waking lie in males who are absaining rom orgasm or
ejaculae. Same
a period o ime. This can be very alarming o Rebooers who have never
rules apply, i
doesn’ coun as a experienced hem beore, bu like we dreams, hey are compleely naural.
rese or relapse. Some male Rebooers repor sponaneous emissions immediaely afer
Jus be aware ha afer a urinaing, ohers have repored ha hese emissions can happen a random
we dream, Rebooers can imes hroughou he day. Reporedly, a male Rebooer does no have o be
experience he Chaser aroused o experience sponaneous emissions.
Effec: sronger-han-normal
urges o relapse.

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NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

As wih we dreams, sponaneous emissions are no considered grounds or a rese/relapse, and will
likely disappear or reduce in requency as your body adjuss o orgasming less requenly.

Sponaneous emissions are no usually accompanied by he Chaser Effec, since or he mos par hey
are no he resul o sexual simulaion (unlike nocurnal emissions, which are usually accompanied by
eroic dreams). However, everyone is differen and i would probably be bes o be on your guard.

Alhough his phenomenon is common among Rebooers, i you have concerns abou body uncion
changes, i is bes o consul wih a medical proessional.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

So.. you relapsed. You migh have el like he urges were oo srong or ha he promise o pleasure was
oo appealing.

Whaever he reason, you may be eeling like a ailure. You may be eeling like rebooing is impossible,
and ha you will never make any progress. You may be kicking yoursel or your emporary momen o
weakness, because now you know ha he shining promise o pleasure has urned ou o no be as good
as expeced.

Yes, you are human. Humans mess up. Bu ailure o reach your iniial goals does no need o be he end
o your journey. Try again. Sand back up. Relapse is a chance o learn, o become sronger, and o make
amendmens o preven he same misake rom occurring again.

Ge Up Again Even hough mos

I you have relapsed, don’ panic. Mos Rebooers relapse a leas once Rebooers rese
during heir reboo. Porn addicion, like any addicion, is no an easy a leas once, his
adversary o deea. is no excuse o
relapse “jus o
Your progress isn’ compleely erased. Even hough your couner has ge i ou o he
gone back o day one, i you wen days or monhs PMO ree, much o ha way,” or agonize
progress is sill wih you. abou wheher you
will break your firs sreak,
Ge back up, dus yoursel off, and coninue onward. Learn rom wha or successully reboo in
happened, and srive o do beter nex ime. Success doesn’ come o one go. Pleny o Rebooers
only people who never sumble; success comes o people who, despie have rebooed wihou ever
relapsing, so jus do your bes,
sumbling, learn how o ge up again.
and don’ overhink hings.

Don’ Binge
I’s imporan o “minimize he damage,” and ha means no bingeing. Afer a relapse, he Chaser Effec
may have kicked in and you will likely be eeling srong urges. You migh ry o raionalize subsequen
PMO sessions. You migh ell yoursel ha since you relapsed, all your progress is gone, and so you migh
as well enjoy yoursel. Bu bingeing will urher negaively impac progress you have made during your
sreak. I you slip, you mus be srong and sop ha slip rom becoming a slide.

The firs week afer a relapse usually is he hardes. Our users ofen repor ha hey are more sensiive o
pornography, and hings ha never bohered you beore, such as a lingerie ad, migh rigger significan
urges. I his happens, you are jus going o have o deal wih i, and ake seps o make sure hey are

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

I is a good idea o plan ahead or his poenial increase in urges. Many Rebooers who have jus come
rom a long sreak purposely creae a saey ne or hemselves during he firs week afer a relapse, so
ha hey can be prepared or he urges when hey come. You could move your compuer o a more public
area, or only browse he inerne in he company o ohers. You could browse he inerne wih he images
off in he browser, or insall a comprehensive porn blocker. Addiionally you can remind yoursel o
employ sraegies like he ones lised above in he Urge-Managemen secion, so ha i urges do come,
you will be well-equipped o deal wih hem.

Learn from Wha Happened

Relapsing is a learning opporuniy. I is an occasion o look back, reflec on your sreak, consider wha
worked or you, and hink abou wha you could have done beter. This is an excellen ime o ideniy your
riggers and your weak spos. One you have undersood your vulnerabiliies, you can fix he leaks, so o
speak, and preven similar relapses rom happening in he uure.

For example, say you were excessively anasizing abou your ex because you were eeling lonely. This
anasizing elicied srong urges, which evenually led o you opening a porn sie and relapsing.

Using his knowledge, you can decide o make a conscious effor o mee new people, as well as o sop
anasizing abou your ex. I you are consisen in hese resoluions, i will be difficul or his paricular
rigger o make you sumble again in he uure.

Le he NoFap Communiy Know you relapse, i
Afer you relapse, i is good o le your riends in he NoFap communiy know by is good o le your
posing in your journal, and reseting your couner, i you have one. I migh eel riends in he NoFap
embarrassing and maybe even humiliaing o admi you messed up, bu no communiy know by
elling he ruh is selling yoursel and he communiy shor. I you preend ha posing in your journal,
everyhing is fine while relapsing regularly, no only will you creae unrealisic and reseting your
expecaions or your ellow Fapsronaus, bu you will also be in denial abou couner, i you
he severiy o your own problem. Lying o ohers is lying o yoursel. I you do no have one
conron he realiy o your porn addicion, you will never be able o deea i.

Being hones abou your ailure will also srenghen he bonds beween you and he people you inerac
wih in he NoFap communiy. As hey commiserae wih you and encourage you o do beter, you will
find yoursel warmed by heir kindness, and moivaed o go ha exra sep o make your nex sreak your
las sreak. The nex ime you encouner srong urges, you can remember all he people in he NoFap
communiy who are rooing or you. And in ha momen o weakness, you will find ha he accounabiliy
he NoFap communiy offers can be your srengh.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

By being vulnerable and admiting ha you messed up, you will develop compassion or oher
Fapsronaus’ ailures, becoming an auhenic, encouraging voice ha ges hem ou o heir ru and ono
he road o success. Being vulnerable is no a sign o weakness; vulnerabiliy acually makes us more
emoionally healhy by building resilience o shame and he eeling ha we are no worhy o connecion.

Sill Having Problems? Ge Some Exper Help

Can’ seem o sop relapsing? Feeling down because everyone in he NoFap communiy seems o be
making progress while you are no? Don’ be discouraged. Everyone’s sory is unique, everyone’s brains
are differen, and some addicions are much more severe han ohers. I you grew up on high speed
inerne porn and spen many hours a day browsing pornographic websies, you may have a much more
difficul ime in your reboo han someone who sared on Playboys and lingerie caalogs. You may have
had he misorune o have been inroduced o high-speed inerne porn beore puber y, bu ha does no
mean your habis can’ be modified. Wih enough effor and resolve, you, oo, can find reedom and reach
your sexual healh goals.

I you find ha you have difficuly gaining racion in your reboo, you migh explore NoFap Groups, which
is NoFap’s exclusive accounabiliy service. NoFap Groups is an accounabiliy program ha mees every
week via eleconerencing sofware. Meeings are hosed he NoFap Team and he service periodically
hoss NoFap’s ounder Alexander Rhodes. NoFap Groups is designed o provide you wih consisen,
reliable accounabiliy, so ha when you experience significan urges, you can find he moivaion wihin
yoursel o deea hem.

Relapse vs. Reset

There’s a difference beween a “rese” and a “relapse.” While hese erms are ofen used
inerchangeably in he NoFap communiy, he menal healh care communiy would draw key
disincions beween he wo erms. “Reseting” means you have ailed o reach a goal you have
se yoursel, and you need o rese your day couner on he NoFap plaorm back o he firs day.
“Relapsing” is a more serious issue, involving a reurn o previous - or even escalaed - problemaic
behaviors and heir consequences. So or a porn addic, one occurence o using porn can be
considered boh a rese and a relapse. Bu or one occurrence o sae, non-harmul sex wihou he use o porn
in NoFap’s “Hard Mode” rebooing program, menal healh care proessionals likely wouldn’ dub i a “relapse”
since having sex is a healhy human behavior. Parnered sex during a  Hard Mode  reboo migh be considered a
“rese” since you didn’ reach he goals ha you se or yoursel.

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NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

The Benefis
I you are addiced o inerne porn, and inerne porn is having negaive impacs on your lie, quiting
porn will likely reduce or even eliminae hese sympoms. There are also oher benefis o quiting porn.
Alhough hese changes may no be as dramaic or lie-changing as he reversal o sexual dysuncions,
hey can be powerul posiive influences on a Rebooer’s lie.

The “Superpowers”
Many Fapsronaus alk abou he “Superpowers” ha can be gained as  hey go hrough heir reboo.
Who has super-human abiliies? Superheroes. And wha are superheroes? They’re ficional characers -
sorry, i’s rue - so don’ expec o be leaping any buildings in single bounds anyime soon. However, he
posiive psychological effecs ha Rebooers atribue o absaining rom pornography and masurbaion
can eel very proound and powerul, especially i you have been wallowing in addicion or a long ime.
Raher han he superpowers being a boos beyond normal human capabiliies, hey are probably jus
ha, a reurn o normal, naural uncion, ree rom he negaives caused by a problemaic habi.

Repored Superpowers include:

• Confidence. One o he mos common “superpowers” repored is he eeling o increasing

• Creaiviy . Some o our users repor a boos in creaiviy afer or during a reboo. Some ake up
new creaive pursuis, while oher find ha hey are more efficien and beter a problem-solving.
Proponens o “sexual ransmuaion,” a heory ofen discussed on he NoFap plaorm, ascribe
his increase in creaiviy o channeling sexual energy ino consrucive projecs, raher han
dispersing i wih masurbaion o pornography.

• Social benefis. Rebooers ofen repor eeling more a ease in social siuaions, saying hey are
less socially anxious and more uned in o how ohers are eeling.

• Moivaion . Increased levels o moivaion is one o he mos commonly repored superpowers.
Rebooers who have been chronic procrasinaors may find i easier o ge  up in he morning and
ge suff done. They may find hemselves being more producive a work, or suddenly diving ino
an old hobby wih renewed ineres and zes.

• Increased sexual ineres from ohers. Many Rebooers claim o noice more signs o sexual
atracion being direced a hem: more smiles, more eye conac, more fliring. Some heorize
ha his may be due o an increase o sexual pheromones, which PMO has reduced. Ohers say
ha i is a naural resul o eeling more confiden and being more proficien in social siuaions.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Don’ ge hung up on he idea o “superpowers.” Some Rebooers repor a anasic response o
absinence rom porn very quickly, and we mus assume hey do so honesly and in good aih. However,
we are all differen and all o our rebooing experiences will be differen. Mood swings - rom euphoria
o despair - are also commonly repored porn wihdrawal sympoms o porn addicion, so be cauious
o being swep up in your ups and downs as you reboo. And remember ha oher acors - paricularly
i you are undergoing adolescence or i NoFap is par o a broader programme o change - may play ino
your experience, and he repored experience o oher Fapsronaus. I you eel grea quickly, grea! Keep
going, and don’ use i as an excuse o es yoursel. Long-erm, susainable change is your goal here and
we believe - and science increasingly shows - ha leaving porn behind will bring ha.

Free Time
Fapsronaus who spen 2,3,4, or more hours a day PMOing will find ha hey suddenly have 2,3,4, or
more hours o use as hey please when hey qui porn. Gaining back ime which you can use in producive
or relaxing pursuis is one o he greaes benefis o rebooing.

However exra ime may also be a burden i i leads o boredom, or is used pursuing oher less-han-ideal
aciviies, such as binge eaing, binge elevision waching, or binge gaming. I’s bes o find a good hobby
ha really ineress you, and ha you will gladly inves he exra ime in.

Reduced Anxiey and Shame

Many people repor ha several weeks o rebooing significanly decreased heir levels o anxiey. This
effec seems paricularly poen among Rebooers who were dealing wih social anxiey. While he
mechanism behind his reducion is no ully undersood, here are several heories ha are inriguing.

I could be as simple as where people are puting heir ime and energy. Many people who grew up on
high-speed inerne porn pu a lo o ime ino he habi insead o heir inerpersonal relaionships. When
you cu ou inerne porn, suddenly here is more ime and energy o pu ino developing social skills and
culivaing relaionships. Afer quiting porn, many people repor a marked improvemen in heir social
skills wih riends, amilies, schoolmaes, coworkers, and even srangers.

Porn use is ofen associaed wih shame. This is especially rue o heavy porn users, or users who buil up
olerance o vanilla porn and escalaed o more exreme and anxiey-inducing genres o pornography ha
migh no align wih heir values. No mater how porn-posiive you are, or how ofen you ell yoursel ha
“everybody” does i, ew people enhusiasically share he deails o heir porn habi wih ohers.

This sense o shame or a eeling ha somehow you don’ deserve connecion wih ohers because o your
porn habi, can cause many people o wihdraw rom social opporuniies. I migh even make you eel
paranoid; scared ha everybody you mee is suspicious ha you are a porn addic. Rebooing is one ool
o address his sense o shame. Rebooing can ofen lead o confidence and decreases in social anxiey.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Rebooing also provides more concree ways in which shame is reduced. I allows people o be
hemselves wihou having o hide a significan par o heir lives. They don’ have o worry ha riends
will see porn sies auocompleing in address bars or search boxes on heir compuer. They don’ have o
worry abou a amily member sumbling on some naughy picure while using heir compuer. They don’
have o ear ha a sray issue paper will be noiced by guess.

Breaking ree rom his shame and anxiey may increase confidence in oher areas o lie. Many Rebooers
find hemselves more confiden in offering heir opinion a work, or more willing o approach poenial
sexual parners.

Having said ha, we do no endorse rebooing as a cure or all psychological problems. There are oher
ways o address shame and anxiey. Shame and anxiey can be very derimenal o lie and here are
oher mehods, aside rom rebooing, o address i. Some people consider emporary shame as useul
o ideniy behaviors ha aren’ in-line wih heir values. Bu once shame becomes sel-limiing or sel-
desrucive, i should be addressed - likely in ways beyond rebooing, such as pracicing sel-accepance
and ools commonly employed in proessional herapy.

I you eel you need help wih anxiey, depression, shame, or any oher psychological issue, alk wih a
menal healh care proessional.

Reversal of Sexual Dysfuncions

There is very srong anecdoal evidence ha pornography is a major conribuing acor o–i no he
primary cause o–sexual dysuncions in heavy users. These include he inabiliy o achieve or mainain
an erecion, called erecile dysuncion (porn-induced erecile dysuncion, or PIED), delayed ejaculaion,
genial desensiizaion, and a general disineres in real-world sex. Check ou our Porn Addicion 101
page or more inormaion.

The scienific evidence or PIED ge sronger each year. There is already a body o scienific sudies which
show ha erecile dysuncion (ED) in young men was rare up unil abou he year 2000 when ED sudies
suddenly sared showing a sharp uplif in ED raes among young men. This sudden shif correlaes in
ime wih he sudden and rapid expansion o high-speed Inerne, bringing a new level o inensiy o he
addicive qualiies o viewing porn. Our communiy has provided heaps o anecdoal evidence linking
heir use o high-speed Inerne porn o heir ED, and science is finally caching up. Since 2014, sudies
designed specifically o es or a link beween porn and ED have shown a srong correlaion, supporing
he hypohesis ha porn can cause ED.

There is also srong anecdoal evidence rom our communiy ha rebooing can clear up hese
dysuncions or many individuals. While scieniss have ye o sudy he effecs o rebooing on PIED,
specifically, we can draw conclusions rom wha we do know. We know ha ED in young porn users is
almos cerainly he resul o changes o he neural nework o he brain called he reward sysem, since
i has been shown ha mos ED in young men is no caused by low esoserone, and can’ be caused by
decades o physical liesyle choices as is ofen he case in older men (smoking, obesiy, ec). We also

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

know ha changes o he reward sysem caused by addicion can be reversed in addics who absain or
a sufficien ime. Our conclusion is ha PIED is reversible once men remove porn rom heir lives.

This has been demonsraed ime and ime again, as Rebooers repor o he communiy ha heir PIED
and oher sexual dysuncions were reversed by absaining rom pornography. Visi he Success Sories
secion o our orums o read many examples.

Having said ha, we make no claim ha rebooing is a cure-all or sexual dysuncion. I you are
experiencing sexual dysuncion afer quiting porn and i is negaively impacing your lie, alk o your

Rebooing helps o develop sel-discipline and willpower, especially i praciced alongside oher
willpower-enhancing aciviies, such as cold showers and an exercise regimen.

This sel-discipline and srong willpower will help you in oher areas o your lie. Much o modern
consumer culure is buil on he idea o insan graificaion. You wan somehing (even somehing you
had no idea you waned five minues ago)? I’s a mindse ha fis very well wih he consumpion o online

However, he lasing saisacion o real achievemen requires a significan invesmen o ime and energy.
Losing weigh, learning a new skill, raining or a marahon, or compleing a major projec: hese hings
aren’ somehing you can purchase online wih your credi card. They require discipline, willpower, and
he abiliy o delay graificaion.

The abiliy o delay graificaion is posiively linked wih academic success, physical and psychological
healh, and social compeence. Sudies have shown ha porn addics, like oher addics, have a
decreased abiliy o delay graificaion. Because o his decreased abiliy, porn addics may also
experience poor psychological and physical healh. Rebooing, however, ofen helps o resore your
abiliy o delay graificaion, which in urn may conribue o success in oher areas o your lie, including
beter physical and menal healh.

The “Surge”
The “Surge” is a emporary boos in physical energy experienced by males no long afer heir absinence
rom ejaculaion begins. This may be caused by a emporary spike in esoserone levels recorded
in some sudies. Bu even women-in-reboo someimes repor his phenomenon, likely due o he
exciemen o making such a proound lie change or jus having increased arousal rom no orgasming
or a period o ime. Numerous members o he NoFap communiy repor his increase in energy and
vialiy, and whaever he cause - biochemical or psychological - Rebooers can ake ull advanage o he
Surge and enjoy i while i lass!

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Culivaing Good Habis

Many Fapsronaus discover a new passion or lie. Suddenly, deeaing heir porn addicion is no
enough. They wan o learn new skills, sar new hobbies, and pursue ambiious lie goals. By culivaing
good habis and pursuing your passions, you can build up your sel-confidence, reduce your vulnerabiliy
o riggering emoions, and consrucively use your ime and energy o pursue your long-held dreams.

I’s up o you o decide wha habis or hobbies you wan o pursue. You are he bes judge o wha ypes o
aciviies will give you ha posiive boos ha you need!

Pursuing good habis and engaging hobbies can be an excellen way o fill ha ime you were spending
PMOing. These PMO replacemens can simulae your brain and can help you o eel more producive
and accomplished.

I you eel up or an exra challenge, ry adding new habis or hobbies o your challenge parameers.
Commi o working on your habis or hobbies regularly hroughou your challenge.

Bu don’ ge carried away! Too many new behaviors may overwhelm you. Sar wih one or wo pursuis
and really excel in hem. Se small daily goals or one or wo habis and work on hem as consisenly as
your schedule permis. Afer handling hem successully or a susained period, you can slowly ramp up
o bigger or more challenging goals. Rerain rom aking on more new rouines unil your firs se have
become second naure.

I’s up o you o
Avoiding Escapism decide wha habis
Your reward sysem is a ricky cusomer. Once you sar denying i one orm or hobbies you wan o
o dopamine by absaining rom porn, i ofen seeks ou anoher. Replacing pursue. You are he bes
one addicion wih anoher is common o all addicions - he proessionals  judge o wha ypes o
call i “cross addicion” - and Rebooers should be on heir guard agains aciviies will give you ha
oher damaging or compulsive behaviors. Cross addicions ofen resemble he posiive boos ha you
addicion hey replace, so Rebooers may find hemselves playing video games need!
excessively, binge waching Neflix, or spending inordinae amouns o ime on he
inerne. Your brain is likely used o high levels o dopamine, and in order o mainain
hose levels, i migh be driving you o indulge in oher dopamine-creaing aciviies.

Even i you are able o mainain your absinence rom porn, indulging in cross addicions or oher habis
which aren’ beneficial o you is probably no he bes way orward. Thankully, afer a period o rebooing,
many people repor ha everyday aciviies, such as exercising or hiking, become enjoyable again.

Wha you need is relaxaion raher han escapism. A relaxing hobby is engaged in deliberaely and will
leave you eeling rereshed and recharged. Escapis aciviies are ofen compulsively pursued, perormed
as a way o avoiding uncomorable duies or eelings. They can leave you eeling depleed.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

I’s a fine disincion and one ha only you will be able o draw. Video games and reading can be relaxing
hobbies or one Rebooer while providing desrucive escapism or anoher. Are you engaging in an
aciviy because i’s somehing ha you wan o do, or o avoid somehing ha you don’ wan o do?

Exercising and Dieing

People have discovered ha rebooing is a perec ime o commi o a new exercise or dieing regime.
Wheher you wan o ea healhier, or sar going o he gym regularly, a reboo is he perec ime o
challenge yoursel o achieve healh and finess goals.

Be careul no o ake on more han you can handle as you ge acive or change your die. Se small,
achievable goals ha can be worked on every day. Your goals should be challenging enough o make you
eel accomplished, bu no dauning enough o cause your o disress and give up enirely.

For example, a previously sedenary Rebooer migh wan o sar wih a shor hike in a local park, or a
15-minue walk on he readmill, raher jumping ino a high-inensiy exercise program ha migh leave
hem eeling discouraged. Someone looking o ea healhier migh do beter o simply commi o eaing
more vegeables, raher han suddenly becoming a vegearian or saring an inermiten asing regime.

You can use he Inerne as a posiive resource, including our orum. There are counless exercise, finess
and healh resources ha can give you good advice.

Exercising is an excellen complemen o any reboo. No only can i help fill your newound exra ime, i
can help also help reduce some o he negaive effecs o porn addicion, and any wihdrawal sympoms
you may experience as you qui PMO.

Exercise helps reduce sress, and booss he levels o endorphins in your sysem,which can help you
make he ransiion rom high levels o dopamine o more normal amouns. I can improve sel-confidence,
alleviae anxiey, boos brain power, sharpen your memory, and fix your sleep-regulaing circadian

While you’re geting fi, your reboo is a grea ime o finally clean up your die. Commi o providing
your body wih he nuriious ood i needs o be a healhy organism and you’ll reap he benefis. Like
exercise, healhy eaing can boos your mood, help you concenrae, increase your produciviy, make
you more energeic, and help you eel happier and healhier. A good die will also decrease he risk o
cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as help you conrol your weigh.

Addiionally, paying atenion o your die can help you conrol binge eaing habis, which can be bad
or your menal and physical healh. Binge eaing is a common reacion o sress and uncomorable
emoions. I is also a common escape behavior ha Rebooers all ino when hey sar a reboo. As
we’ve seen, replacing your porn addicion wih oher compulsive habis is no he bes way o reboo.
Luckily, many o he ools you are using o qui porn can be successully employed in aking care o your

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binge eaing habis as well. Like PMO, deeaing binge eaing depends on sel-discipline and inormed
sraegy. I is bes o learn o deal wih any emoions or sress in a healhy, empowering, way, wihou a
neurochemical cruch.

Everyday Living Skills

A pornography addicion can make you depressed, unmoivaed and lisless. Doing even he simples
hings can eel like a chore - brushing your eeh, doing he laundry, or keeping your home clean all all by
he wayside.

A reboo is a perec ime o sar making a habi ou o hose everyday living skills which you have
negleced. I you regularly spen hours a day browsing porn, you will find ha all ha exra ree ime you
now have is perec or geting suff done around your home. Use i o clean he bahroom, ake ou he
rash, do he laundry, or cook ha special meal you have been planning on rying or monhs. Keeping
your living environmen clean and nea may seem like nohing much, bu everyday achievemens like his
can boos your sel-confidence and help make you eel good abou yoursel again.

And hese everyday living skills will help you in oher endeavors you may have aken up during your
reboo. For example, i you used o ea as ood all he ime bu now wan o ea more healhily, you will
wan o learn how o cook. As wih all hese skills, sar wih somehing small. Simple sir-ries or pasa
dishes are good ways o begin. Theses dishes are easy o make and can be delicious and healhy oo -
maser hem and hen move ono more complicaed recipes.

Hobbies are a good way o fill your exra ime and avoid geting bored, which is a common rigger or porn
use. Remember, hobbies should be relaxing raher han a way o escaping realiy: a pursui you can use o
channel your creaive energies, raher han dispersing hem hrough brain-numbing aciviies.

The opions are almos limiless. Perhaps here’s an unfinished projec you can reurn o - ha book you
never quie read. Or perhaps you’re looking or a new passion. Somehing ha requires developing a skill
and ha will channel your creaiviy can be paricularly ulfilling: learn o play a new insrumen, break ou
he kniting needles or woodworking ools, learn o speak a new language.

Again, hobbies are grea ways o help accomplish oher goals you may have idenified or your reboo.
For example, i you have commited o exercising more, han hiking, jogging, or joining a spors eam is
a grea way o ulfill ha goal. Or i you have decided o adop a whole ood die, hen saring your own
vegeable garden is an excellen way o keep yoursel busy while providing delicious produce.

I you don’ ye have any hobbies, ry voluneer work. Voluneering is an excellen way o keep busy and
ocused on somehing oher han pornography. Addiionally, by helping ohers and ineracing wih people,
you will be giving your mood a boos as well as improving your social confidence and people skills.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Furher Benefis of Leaving Porn in he Pas

As discussed above, excessive use o pornography, and porn addicion, can cause angible dysuncions
in your sexulaiy, and hese are mos ofen reduced or eliminaed hrough he proprieary NoFap
rebooing process.

Your Relaionships
As you likely know already, people’s sexual habis, especially an addicion o Inerne porn, can have an
impac on heir relaionships o all ypes.

• Family and Friendships: People who qui porn ofen repor ha hey have more ime and energy
o inves ino heir amily members, riendships, and coworkers.

• Romanic Parners: According o many anecdoal sories and recen saisics, pornography
is a acor in many divorces. Porn addics ofen grow less atraced o heir parners and less
ineresed in parnered sex. Problems in he bedroom ofen rickle ino every area o romanic
relaionships. Through quiting porn, many couples repor ha heir relaionships have been

• Poenial Romanic Parners: Many Rebooers repor an increase in confidence and eel

more comorable ineracing wih poenial parners. They may eel more moivaed o seek ou
parners since an orgasm is no longer jus a click away.

• Srangers: Many Rebooers say ha hey eel more a-ease in social siuaions and eel “more
conneced” o he world around hem.

Pursuing your passions

Wan o do somehing amazing? Wrie ha novel? Climb ha mounain? Run ha marahon?

Rebooing can be he springboard or your dreams. Our users ofen find hemselves experiencing
a new zeal or lie, eiher during a reboo or afer hey have successully compleed one. Insead o
procrasinaing heir days away wih compulsive porn use, binge elevision waching, and oher
compulsive behaviors, Rebooers ofen find hemselves once again ackling personal goals and dreams
wih enhusiasm and energy.

Pursuing your passions is cerainly a worhwhile aciviy. Bu how do you know wha you are passionae

The ancien Chinese philosopher Conucius said, “Choose a job ha you love, and you will never have o
work a day in your lie.” While his is excellen advice, finding wha “you love” migh be he hardes par o
ollowing i.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Forunaely here are some easy ways o ideniy wha you are passionae abou:

• Remember wha you loved as a child. Ofen our deepes passions emerged in our childhood,
when we did no have o worry abou how we were going o make a living and wha we were
going o do wih our lives. These childhood ineress are srong indicaors o he ype o hings
you are really enhusiasic abou. Wha really engaged your atenion as child? Wriing? Spors?
Exploring naure? Try o ge back in ouch wih hese early insincs, and see where hey ake you.

• Ask your friends and family. Someimes we ge so caugh up in our own houghs ha we
compleely miss he mos obvious deails o our lives. In such cases, asking riends and amily
can help us look a our own lives more objecively. Ask hose who know you well wha kinds
o hings hey  hink make you happy. Wha do hey see you hrowing yoursel ino? We are no
always he bes judges o ourselves, so look or he views o ouside eyes.

• Don’ hink abou money. I money were no obsacle, how would you like o spend your lie?
Traveling? Running a sheler or abandoned cas? Climbing mounains? O course you won’ be
able o ignore finances while pursuing your passions, bu imagining how you would like o spend
your lie i money was no objec is a good gauge o wha you love.

However, even afer hese seps you may sill find yoursel a a loss.

Don’ despair. Despie wha he many o he Inerne’s ollow-your-passions gurus say, passion can be
ound. Passions can be culivaed as well as discovered.

This is he difference beween a genius and a maser crafsmen. Some people are Don’
born wih gifs ha allow hem o excel in a cerain field, a spor, or example. despair. Despie
Ohers culivae he gifs hey have hrough ireless pracice and coninual wha he many o
applicaion. Passion is no jus some fleeing ineres in an idea. I is a high he Inerne’s ollow-
energy engagemen in a field, and i ollows a naural rajecory: learning he your-passions gurus say,
basics, honing your abiliy, and finally achieving excellence. passion can be ound.
So i you find yoursel unable o decide exacly wha you are passionae abou, Passions can be
 jus pick somehing you enjoy and sick wih i. Become an exper in i. The more culivaed as well as
you pracice, he more you engage in ha aciviy, he more you will be likely o discovered.
eel passionae abou i, and he more you will be able o bring enhusiasm o your

And i you inves a significan amoun o ime ino an aciviy and sill aren’ enjoying i, choose somehing
else. Passion can be culivaed, bu i canno be orced. I  doesn’ hur o ry ou many differen hings o
see wha works he bes or you and your liesyle.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Oher Suff: The “Superpowers” Sexual Energy

You migh see he word “superpowers” used on NoFap. Criics love o cie his as an e xample o a
misleading claim o he benefis o rebooing.

However, hey misundersand he spiri in which he erm is used. No Rebooer believes - or should
believe - ha hey’re going o ge x-ray vision or he abiliy o fly. Bu he removal o a significan negaive
influence, he “rebooing o acory setings” wih he abiliies and poenials ha you would have had i
you had never had a problem wih your sexual habis, can be a proound change.

As a sociey, we aren’ bes serving ourselves by being hooked on insan saisacion. By rebooing
our brains back o deaul acory setings, we are reaching a level closer o our poenial, regaining our
humaniy, and gaining organic, naural sexualiies. Which, compared o he way hings were while we
were addiced o porn, seem like superpowers.

Then again, some people migh absain rom masurbaion and

While he reversal o
orgasm or long periods o ime, and pracice sexual ransmuaion, physical sympoms
ha is somehing you migh wan o explore in he uure, and is heavily like PIED is a
discussed on he NoFap plaorm. We’ll be offering more inormaion grea indicaor or
on his in he uure, say uned by saying subscribed o he newsleter he successul
(click here i you aren’ subscribed). compleion o a
reboo, he reversal
o he more suble
How do I Know I’m Rebooed? sympoms like brain og or
social anxiey are less reliable.
Finishing a challenge, or example 90 days o absinence, is no These sympoms can be more
necessarily he same as compleing a reboo. In a challenge, you se easily and quickly cleared up
a cerain amoun o ime and absain rom porn or ha period - i’s a - i hey are porn-relaed - han
grea achievemen! However, he duraion o a reboo is se no by you, sexual dysuncions like PIED.
bu by he ime your brain needs o reverse porn addicion-induced So you may experience greaer
levels o concenraion or social
changes in your brain’s reward sysem. I will ake as long as i akes.
confidence during  your reboo
The cleares sign ha reboo has occurred or many Fapsronaus is a and, while his is cerainly
a posiive sign, i does no
reurn o normal sexual uncion. I you suffered rom PIED, DE (delayed
mean ha you are compleely
ejaculaion) or PE (premaure ejaculaion), hen having hese issues rebooed.
clear up is a good indicaor ha you have successully rebooed.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Subler signs of a compleed reboo migh include:

• Being able o appreciae a person’s atraciveness wihou “porniying” hem.

• Being atraced o he whole person, raher han  jus heir body.

• Desiring organic sexual encouners raher han jus how i’s scriped in pornography.

• Having no cravings o look a pornography.

• Finding sexual relaionships o be much more saisying.

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Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Thank you or aking he ime o read Geting Sared wih NoFap. We hope ha you ound i helpul.

While we will be hrilled i you go off and use his inormaion o beter your own lie, we’re also excied or
he poenial ha you have o be bes-equipped o no only improve your lie, bu he lives o hose around
you. Togeher, we are leveling up humaniy, one reboo a a ime.

We can’ even ahom he cumulaive effec ha he rebooing movemen is having on sociey. The NoFap
organizaion is proud o be a par o i. And you are a par o i oo. Thank you.

Jus imagine how many people are ou here who eel like hey are slaves o heir nex orgasm. How many
people are addiced o he limiless abundance o Inerne porn. Imagine how many people’s poenials
have been squelched by hese sexual problems, and how quiting porn can help hem unleash heir gifs
upon he world.

Remember his. When i comes o rewiring your brain away rom pixels and back o people, expec he
unexpeced. No wo experiences o using he NoFap program are exacly he same. Everybody has heir
own unique journey o go hrough, and you mus accep whaever may come.

Rewiring your brain is no a linear process. You will see his phrase ofen, and or good reason. One day
you migh be having a smooh ime, while you migh wake up he nex day eeling uterly deeaed by your
craving o log on one more ime. The key is o keep moving forward.

I you are experiencing disress, remember ha you are no alone in his journey. NoFap is here or you,
along wih he wonderul communiy ha i hoss. Ask quesions, ask or help, share your sruggles, share
your successes, and help ohers o achieve heirs. Tha’s how o ge he mos ou o your journey.

42ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.
Geting Sared wih NoFap®

Legal Suff 
Version 1, published on December 11, 2016. The curren version is available or download aared

Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.

Any inormaion you gaher here is no medical advice and is provided solely or educaional and
inormaional purposes.

NoFap’s users use he NoFap plaorm a heir own risk. People affiliaed wih NoFap, including bu no
limied o employees o NoFap LLC, principals, conracors, consulans, voluneers, or even oher us ers
and cusomers, are no o be held responsible or liable or any consequences ha may resul rom using
NoFap and absaining rom sexual behaviors. By using NoFap, you agree o no hold hese oher paries
liable or damages resuling rom reading his guide or using any aspec o he NoFap plaorm.

Any inormaion ha you gaher on NoFap, including he main websie, media ha we endorse or
publish, social media pages, or websies ha we link o is no medical advice and is provided solely or
educaional and inormaional purposes. Do no look o NoFap’s programs o cure all o your physical,
social, or menal problems. I you are experiencing disress, NoFap advises you o seek help hrough a
regisered menal healh care proessional, such as a clinical herapis or counselor. NoFap also advises
you o consul wih a docor beore absaining rom orgasm or a long period o ime.

If you are experiencing houghs abou self-harm or suicide, ge help immediaely.
Conac a holine.

43ared Copyrigh © 2016 NoFap LLC. All Righs Reserved.

NoFap® is a regisered rademark owned by NoFap LLC.

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