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Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr.

Ali Ajaam

Plane-Stress Transformation

The general state of stress at a point is characterized six independent normal and

shear stress components.

However, this case is not often encountered in engineering practice. Engineers

are frequently made simplification or approximation of loading on a body so that

the stresses can be analyzed in single plane (plane stress).

Then a general state of plane stress at a point is represented by two normal stress

components and one shear stress component .

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

If this state of stress is defined on an element having different orientation , then

the element will be subjected to three different stress components

In other word:

“The state of plane stress at the point is uniquely represented by two normal

stress components and one shear stress component acting on an element.

These three components will be different for each specific orientation of the

element at the point.”

Problem 1

The state of plane stress at a point on the surface of the airplane is represented on

the element oriented as shown below. Represent the state of stress at the point on

an element that is oriented 30o clockwise from the position shown.

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Solution: section the element by line a-a, take the bottom segment, assume the

section inclined plane has an area .

Applying equations of equilibrium:

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Repeat the procedure to obtain the stress in the perpendicular plane b-b

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

General Equations of plane-stress Transformation

Sign convention: x’ is always positive when directed outward from the plane upon

which the normal stress is to be determined, the angle is positive

counterclockwise from the x to x’.

Normal and shear stress components:



Normal stress acting on y’ can be determined by substituting for

into Eq. 1.

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Problem 2

The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the element shown. Determine

the state of stress at the point on another element oriented 30 o clockwise from the

position shown.

Solution: (this the same problem solved using the basic principles)

Following the sign conventions:

Plan CD (figure b):

Plan BC (figure b): substitute for

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Principle Stresses and Maximum In-plan Shear stress

Looking at Eq. 1 above, the values of and depend on the angle of

inclination . So it is important to determine the orientation of the element with

which the normal stress is the maximum and minimum and the shear stress is the


In-plan principle stress: (maximum and minimum normal stress)

To determine the orientation of the principle stresses , we must differentiate Eq.

1 with respect to and set the result equal to zero:

( )

The solution has two roots, and , with a 90o apart. To calculate the

values of required in-plane principle stresses, we must substitute and into

Eq. 1

The result is:

√( )

The plane called the Principle Plane, No Shear stress act on the principle plane

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Maximum In-plane shear stress

To determine the orientation of the maximum shear stress , we must differentiate

Eq. 2 with respect to and set the result equal to zero:

( )

By comparison with the orientation of the principle stresses, is the

negative reciprocal of , so each root is 90o from . Therefore, an

element subjected to maximum shear stress will be 45o from the position of an

element that is subjected to the principle stress.

To calculate the values of required maximum shear stress, we must substitute

and into Eq. 2, the result is:

√( )

Substituting values of and into Eq. 1, we see there is an average normal


Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Problem 3

The state of plane stress at failure point on a shaft is shown below. Represent this

stress state in terms of the principle stresses.

Solution: from the sign convention:

Compute the orientation of the principle stresses

( )

Since the difference between and is 90o:

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Principle stresses:

√( ) √( )

(which goes to which? Say and use Eq.1)

So, acts on a plane defined by and

acts on a plane defined by

Problem 4

The state of plane stress at a point on a body is represented on the element shown.

Represent this stress state in terms of the maximum in-plane shear stress and

associated average normal stress.

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Solution: from the sign convention:

Compute the orientation of the in-plane shear stress

( ) ( )

Since the difference between and is 90o:

Note: these angles (for the max. in-plane shear stress) are 45o away from the

angles of the principle plane of stress computed in Problem 3.

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Max. in-pane shear stress:

√( ) √( )

The proper direction of on the element can be determined using Eq. (2):


(the positive results indicates that act on the positive

direction on as shown below:

Problem 5

When the torsional loading T is applied to the bar below, it produces a stste of pure

shear stress in the metal. Determine (a) the maximum in-plane shear stress, and (b)

the principle stresses.

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam


From the established sign convention:

Max. In-plane shear stress:

√( ) √

So the maximum in-plane shear stress is represented by the element in the figure


Principle Stresses:

( )

√( ) √

If we apply into Eq.1

(that is act at )

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Problem 6

When the axial load P is applied to the bar below, it produces a tensile stress in the

material. Determine (a) the principle stresses, and (b) the max. in-plane shear stress

and the associated average normal stress.


From the established sign convention:

Principle stresses: by observation we can say (or use Eq.)

In-plane shear stress:

( ) ( )

√( ) √( )

Strength of Materials Lecture 4 Dr. Ali Ajaam

Note: Through experiments it has been found that materials that are ductile

will fail due to shear stress, and materials that are brittle will fail due to

normal stress.


On your textbook solve (9.14, 9.15, 9.16, 9.17, 9.22, 9.23, 9.26, 9.27, 9.29, 9.33,

9.37, and 9.43)


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