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11/6/2016 Migrating 

From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide



Migrating From Windows 7 To

Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide
By Kihara Kimachia / September 22, 2014 22-09-2014 / 11 minutes

Kihara Kimachia
33 articles

Kihara is a writer and digital media

consultant. He has a great passion for
technology. Connect with him via
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Stumbleupon Email Twitter @kiharakimachia

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Despite what all the Linux haters say, choosing Ubuntu is logical and migrating from
Windows 7 to Ubuntu is a breeze. This article summarizes the process and provides
solutions to some of the most common beginner hiccups.

5 Lies Linux-Haters Like To Tell

Linux may have been a scary operating system before, but all of that has
changed in recent years. These myths, which are more accurately called
lies, are now dead.


The Windows Vs Mac Vs Linux debate has been going on for years and doesn’t look to
be settled anytime soon. If you are a Windows 7 user and still haven’t made the switch
to Windows 8, you may want to consider migrating to Ubuntu 14.04, the latest Linux
distro from Ubuntu. In addition to strong support from developers and a massive
so韠�ware repository, it’s free, faster and safer than Windows.

A Bit Of Housekeeping
Before you migrate from Windows 7 to Ubuntu, there are a few issues you need to take
care of first to ensure seamless transition. If you follow this advice, you should be able
to pick up your work right where you le韠� o韚�.­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 1/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


Latest Giveaways
The first thing you want to do before you change your operating system is to backup
any files you will want to use in Ubuntu. There are two ways to do this: you can use a Elephone Elecam 360 Camera Review
cloud storage service such as Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive, or go with good old and Giveaway
fashioned external media such as a flash drive or portable/external hard drive.  James Bruce / November 4, 2016 / 04-11-2016

If you decide to use a cloud storage service, make sure you move all the files and
iPhone 7 Plus Review & Giveaway
folders you want to back up to the cloud storage folder. Ensure your Internet
connection is on and wait until your cloud service confirms that all files are uploaded  Tim Brookes / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016

before you continue.

When Cheap Is Good Enough:
Amazon Fire 7 Review & Giveaway
Browser Sync
Christian Cawley / October 28, 2016 / 28-10-2016
Migrating to a new operating system can interrupt your browsing experience. To avoid
this, you need to set up browser sync. All major browsers can sync your data and you
only need to enable this feature and wait. For example, in Chrome, sign in using your
Google account. If you aren’t already signed in, go to the Chrome menu and scroll Advertisement

down to “Sign in to Chrome”. A韠�er signing in, go to the menu once again, scroll down
and click “Settings”. Next, click on “Advanced settings” and tick all the items you want
to move to Ubuntu.

4 Great Ways To Sync Your Bookmarks & Favorites

Across Computers & Phones
Gone are the days when we used a single browser on our only computer.
Today, many of us constantly switch between desktop computers, laptops,
netbooks, smartphones, and tablets, all of which are outfitted with


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10 Chrome Extensions You Should

Uninstall Right Now

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 Tim Brookes / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016


Make Sure You Enable This Amazon

Echo Setting ASAP
 Ben Stegner / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 2/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


Related Articles

5 Reasons Why Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety

When you are done installing Ubuntu, all you need to do is install Chrome from the Yak Is Worth a Look
Linux So韠�ware Repository, sign in and in a few seconds all the synced items will
be replicated in your new browser session. Bertel King, Jr. / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016

Installed Programs WINDOWS

Need a Legal & Cheap Windows

You may also have so韠�ware that you use on a regular basis and which you would like License? These Are Your Options
to move to Ubuntu. Go to the product’s website and find out if they have a Linux  Tina Sieber / October 25, 2016 / 25-10-2016
version. Also, read any available documentation on migrating that piece of so韠�ware.
The process is di韚�erent with each so韠�ware vendor and there really isn’t a one-size-fits- WINDOWS

all solution. Ubuntu also has one of the largest support forums, which makes it likely 10+ Windows Programs You Should
that any so韠�ware issues you encounter have already been solved by another user. Uninstall
 Ben Stegner / October 17, 2016 / 17-10-2016
But, in some cases (rarely) you may find that your vendor doesn’t support Linux, which
then leaves you with three options. One, you can run the program in Wine, a free open
source Windows emulator that allows applications designed for Windows to run in
Linux. Check the forums and ask questions to see it is possible to do this with your
program. If it isn’t possible, and the application is vital for your work, then the next
best thing is to have a dual installation of Ubuntu and Windows. This way, you can
use Ubuntu most of the time but switch to Windows when it suits you. However, I must
warn you that this could slow down your computer. You can also install Ubuntu from
within Windows using Wubi. Finally, you could always purchase a di韚�erent program
that works in Linux, especially if the application only costs a few pennies and moving
to Ubuntu is a stronger motivator.

Run Windows Applications on Linux (or Mac) with WINE


Latest Deals

Affiliate Disclosure: By buying the products we
recommend, you help keep the lights on at
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11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide

Now that all the housekeeping is in order, let’s get right into the installation process.

Download Ubuntu

Start by downloading the disc image from the Ubuntu download page. You will need a
blank DVD or USB stick with at least 3 gigs of free space. If you prefer, you could also
download the Ubuntu torrent version which downloads faster.

Burn To DVD/ Bootable USB Stick

One the file is done downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or create a bootable USB
Stick on Windows. The best way to create a bootable USB stick is to Download Pen
Drive Linux’s USB Installer.­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 4/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


Make sure your USB drive is Fat16/Fat32/NTFS formatted, otherwise it will not boot. If
unsure, transfer any contents in the drive to another stick. Go to My Computer, right
click on the drive and click “Format”. Leave the file system field at “FAT 32(Default)”
and click “Start.”

The process should take a few minutes and you can then create the bootable USB stick
and proceed to the next stage.

First Boot

Once you have created your Ubuntu Disc or USB drive, insert into the PC and restart.
The PC will boot into the live Ubuntu Environment. You will notice that you can play
around with Ubuntu before committing to the full install.

Get a feel of it and once satisfied, select English, install Ubuntu and click “Continue”.
A韠�er that, it’s really just a matter of following the installation prompts and making
selections based on your preferences. Some highlights include a prompt to replace
your Windows 7 installation and encrypt your disc for added security. Once you have
entered a computer name, username and password, click “Continue” and the
installation begins. I must say I found this really fast when compared to my past
experience with Windows installations. It took exactly five minutes to completely
install Ubuntu and get a prompt to restart the computer. Make sure you eject the DVD
or USB before restarting. In the login screen, enter the credentials you set during

Getting A Feel For The Unity Desktop­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 5/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


Ubuntu’s default desktop is known as Unity. There are several other Linux desktop
environments which you can experiment with once you get the hang of things. It
actually looks a bit like the Windows 7 desktop when you see it for the first time. The
main di韚�erence is of course the color and the location of the Windows Taskbar
equivalent, which is aptly named the “Launcher”, located on the le韠� side of your
screen. This is where you “dock” your application shortcuts in much the same way as
you would pin and unpin Windows programs to the Taskbar. Unlike Windows 7, you
cannot change the location of the Launcher.

It's Your Choice: The Top 10 Linux Desktop

From Gnome to KDE, from MATE to Unity, there's a lot of choice out there.
Where should you start? Overwhelmed? Start here.


Instead of a System Tray, you have Status Menus (Indicators) at the top right of your
screen. Here you will find several menus including; Network , Sound, Messaging, Clock,
Session and others.

To view other installed applications, click the Dash icon in the upper le韠� corner of your
screen to open the Dash. The dash is similar to the Windows 7 start menu. To find an
application, type its name in the search field or search the categories. You can also
navigate the Dash using Lens (Home, Applications, File, Music and Video), plug-gable
elements to the Dash, as shown in the screen capture above. An application appears in
the launcher for as long as it’s running.

Inside the File Manager (Files), you will see your Home folder which contains several
folders; Documents, Downloads, Videos, Pictures and a few more. This is where you
store your files.

One of the features that Windows 7 users will find useful is the Workspace Switcher. Do
you sometimes feel that the Windows desktop is too small especially when you are
running several applications? If so, this feature should interest you. With the
Workspace Switcher, you can have several instances of self-contained virtual desktops
running. Switch between the workspaces using Ctrl+Alt+arrow keys.

A Few Beginner Hiccups­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 6/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide

Being new to Linux, there are invariably some beginner issues you will encounter. The
following are a few speed bumps that you may encounter coming from a Windows

The Linux Software Repository

Smartphones introduced application stores to many people. But, the Linux community
already had an “app store” long before Apple and Google came up with the now
popular iTunes and Play store respectively. Linux so韠�ware repositories have been
around for decades. They contain hundreds of free open source applications to do just
about anything.

To install a program in Ubuntu, you don’t need to search Google and run the risk of
installing a malware-laden product. Simply visit the Ubuntu So韠�ware Center on the
launcher and look for the shopping bag icon with the letter “A” .

Ubuntu also comes pre-installed with a bunch of so韠�ware out of the box. This includes:
LibreO韚�ice, Firefox browser, Thunderbird mail, Transmission Bit Torrent client,
Shotwell photo viewer and a host of other useful applications. Click the “Installed” tab
in the So韠�ware Center to see what’s already included.

For more applications, search and when you find something that meets your needs,
click install. Every application in the so韠�ware center comes with brief notes explaining
what the application does. A good way to find popular so韠�ware is to look at the “Top
Rated Recommendations” under “All So韠�ware”.

The Terminal/Command Line Interface (CLI)­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 7/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


If you have never seen a command line, then you may have a bit of a learning curve in
Ubuntu. The Windows command line is rarely used by the average user, at least not
since the mid-1990s in MSDOS. In pop culture, the command line is associated with
geeks and hackers. When most people think of a command line, the picture that comes
to mind is that of a geek wearing thick glasses and typing away furiously at a black

But, this morbid fear of the command line is misplaced. It’s actually easy to learn and
helps with complex tasks including installing packages. To launch the Terminal press
and hold Ctrl+alt+T. Learn and practice a few commands daily and within a few days,
typing commands into the command line will become second nature. Read our quick
Guide to getting started with the Linux command line. A韠�er that, read our list of 40
essential Linux commands with detailed explanation of what each command does.

A Quick Guide To Get Started With The Linux Command

You can do lots of amazing stu韚� with commands in Linux and it's really not
di韚�icult to learn.


Installing Applications

One of the major di韚�erences between Ubuntu and Windows is that applications come
as packages containing all the files that the application needs in order to run.
Programs also have what are known as package dependencies; which simply means
that the program cannot run before the dependencies are first installed. Dependencies
are commonly shared with other applications so in most cases, once the initial files are
installed, you won’t need to install them again for a di韚�erent program. You will
occasionally be prompted to install the dependencies before installing a program.

Ubuntu Restricted Extras­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 8/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


This is possibly the first package you should install once you fire up Ubuntu. This is
because, out of the box, you won’t be able to do a couple of things such listen to MP3s
and watch DVDs. You also won’t be able to browse sites that require Flash and Java.
This isn’t enabled by default because Ubuntu doesn’t have the legal right to distribute
codecs and other copyrighted technology on the installation disc.

Ubuntu Restricted Extras is a collection of so韠�ware that pulls in support for MP3,
several other audio formats, Microso韠� fonts, Flash, LAME and DVD playback. To install,
simply visit the So韠�ware Center, type in “Ubuntu Unrestricted Extras” in the search bar
and click “Install”. You can also find it under “Top Rated So韠�ware.”

.Deb Files

In some cases, you may not find the application you want in the So韠�ware Center and
as mentioned earlier, you have to search the developer’s download page for a Linux
version. Linux applications from most websites are o韠�en packaged as .deb files.
Google Chrome is one such example. A .deb file is created for each di韚�erent Linux
distribution. To install .deb files, you will need a simple tool known as Gdebi. Open a
Terminal window using Ctrl+Alt+T and type sudo apt‐get install gdebi. Once
you have installed GDebi, use the File Manager to find the Google Chrome package. Its
files will look similar to the screen capture above.

Double click the package. This will install the program and add it will be added to your
application lens. You can lock it to your Launcher for quick access. The process to
install all .deb files is the same, provided all dependencies have been met.

Canonical Partner Repositories­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 9/11
11/6/2016 Migrating From Windows 7 To Ubuntu: The Ultimate Guide


There are also other popular applications which are not in the Ubuntu So韠�ware Center
but are available in the Canonical Partner Repository. One such example is Skype.
Canonical is the company that leads the Ubuntu Project. To install Skype, you have to
add the Canonical Partner Repository. There are two ways to do this, go to the
command line and type:

sudo add‐apt‐repository "deb
$(lsb_release ‐sc) partner"

Alternatively, navigate to System Settings (the gear and wrench icon) on your
Launcher, click on “So韠�ware & Updates” and under “Other So韠�ware”, tick both
Canonical Partner repositories. Click close and reload to update the database.

This gives you access to proprietary and closed-source so韠�ware such as Skype that are
not enabled by default. You can then install the program(s) via the So韠�ware Center or
using the Terminal command sudo apt‐get install skype.

Are You Ready?

Remember, if you run into problems with anything, Ubuntu has one of the largest
online user communities. Whatever issue you face, there is a great likelihood that
someone else has experienced it before and a solution is available. MakeUseOf also
has a large database of Linux articles which provide solutions to some of the most
common issues, useful hacks and tips.

Are you ready to plunge into the penguin-filled waters? Or are you one of those
types that wouldn’t touch a Linux Distro if your life depended on it? Please let us know
your thoughts in the comments below.

Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions For 2014

We're halfway through 2014, and a handful of Linux distributions have
already made a big splash in the community. Which distributions are the
best ones for this year? Let's take a look.


50 COMMENTS WRITE A COMMENT­from­windows­7­to­ubuntu/ 10/11
11/6/2016 How To Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection In Linux



How To Troubleshoot Your

Internet Connection In
By Danny Stieben / September 2, 2014 02-09-2014 / 3 minutes

659 articles

Danny is a senior at the

University of North Texas
who enjoys all aspects of
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open source so󋽇ware
Stumbleupon Email and Linux. You can check
out his personal website
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You’ve got your shiny new Linux installation on your system

for the first time, and everything seems to working perfectly.
Everything, except the Internet. And the Internet is
important, so a computer that can’t connect to it is virtually

Are you confused on how to proceed? Follow this

troubleshooting guide to pinpoint the problem.

Does Your Internet Even Work?­internet­connection­linux/ 1/7
11/6/2016 How To Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection In Linux

First o�, we need to make sure that the problem isn’t

somewhere outside of your computer, such as the router,
modem, or ISP. If possible, connect to your router via an
Ethernet cable and see if you can connect to the Internet
through it.

Unlike Windows, it’s such an extreme rarity for Ethernet not

to work on a computer that this is a very safe bet to make
sure that everything else is working. I’ve never heard of Latest Giveaways
anyone having to install additional drivers just to get the
Ethernet to work.
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Does It Need A Driver? Giveaway

Once you’ve confirmed that your Internet connection works, James Bruce / November 4, 2016 / 04-11-2016
great! You can then move on to figuring out why the WiFi
won’t work properly. For a decent amount of laptops, there iPhone 7 Plus Review &
aren’t any open-source drivers that can get them to Giveaway
function, so you’ll instead need to download a proprietary
driver to get it to work. Broadcom wireless chipsets more Tim Brookes / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016

commonly have this problem than any other chipset.

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Christian Cawley / October 28, 2016 / 28-10-2


There are two ways you can get the proprietary driver. First,
if you installed Ubuntu from a USB drive or DVD, you can
insert it again and run the Additional Drivers application. It
will detect the drivers found on the USB drive or DVD, and
automatically o�er to install them for you.

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11/6/2016 How To Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection In Linux


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The other option is to gain Internet access through an

Ethernet cable and to run the Additional Drivers application
once your computer has a connection. If neither method
o�ers to install a proprietary driver, then there aren’t any Trending
drivers available that work for your specific chipset. This
could mean that the chipset simply doesn’t have support for
10 Chrome Extensions You
Linux, or that it should be taken care of by an open-source Should Uninstall Right Now
Dann Albright / November 4, 2016 / 04-11-201

Are You Using The Right

Con guration? iPhone 7 Plus Review &

Tim Brookes / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016


Make Sure You Enable This

Amazon Echo Setting ASAP

Ben Stegner / November 1, 2016 / 01-11-2016

To double-check all of your settings, you can right-click on

your WiFi tray icon and choose Edit Connections. Click on
the network you’re trying to connect to (if you were able to
get that far) and go through all the tabs and make sure that­internet­connection­linux/ 3/7
11/6/2016 How To Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection In Linux

all of the settings are correct. If you’re not sure what

something is, it’s best not to touch it.

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Updated Drivers Normally Not SECURITY , WINDOWS

Available How to Hide Your Wi-Fi

Network & Prevent It From
Being Seen

Joel Lee / October 24, 2016 / 24-10-2016


Wi-Fi Extenders vs.

Powerline Adapters: How to
Fix Poor Wireless Signals

Andy Betts / October 12, 2016 / 12-10-2016


Wi-Fi Extenders of 2016:

Which One Is Right For
There’s a chance that there’s a new or improved open-
source driver available for your wireless chipset, but only in Joel Lee / October 8, 2016 / 08-10-2016

a kernel version newer than what your distribution

provides. In cases like this, it’s a good idea to get the latest
kernel and install it. Advertisement

Ubuntu users can head to the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA,

then scroll all the way down to the very latest kernel release,
and choose the following files: linux-image (for your
architecture), linux-header (for your architecture), and linux-
header (all). Install them, and then restart so you can start
using them. You should hopefully have a working WiFi
connection now.

Search The Web Intelligently­internet­connection­linux/ 4/7
11/6/2016 How To Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection In Linux


Latest Deals

Affiliate Disclosure: By buying the
products we recommend, you help
keep the lights on at MakeUseOf.
Read more.
Lastly, if you’re still out of luck, you need to Google your
wireless chipset and add “linux” as a keyword in there. To
be more helpful to you, you need to know what exact
wireless chipset you have. You can find this by running the
command lspci | grep ‐i wireless. In my case, the
chipset was BCM4360 so I can put into Google “BCM4360
linux” and come up with some answers.

What Did You Do To Fix Your

These few steps should give you enough options for getting
your Internet connection to work properly. On Linux, you
usually don’t have any problems with the Internet
connection unless the hardware isn’t working like it should,
so that’s why these tips are so focused on the hardware.
Good luck!

What have you done to get wireless to work on your

Linux system? What was your most di�icult experience? Let
us know in the comments!

11 COMMENTS WRITE A COMMENT­internet­connection­linux/ 5/7
11/6/2016 25 Reasons to use Ubuntu Linux instead of Windows | Technomania


All about Ubuntu, Linux, Web apps, iPhone and other
Technology related stuff. A Technology Mania is

25 Reasons to use Ubuntu Linux instead
of Windows

April 7, 2008 by Anurag Bansal
of  people  argue  why  I  should  use  Linux  (any  distro,  I  prefer
Ubuntu)  when  I  am  currently  using  Windows  or  Mac.  Given  a
chance  to  select  your  choice  of  operating  system  (OS),  people  may
prefer  to  use  Linux  than  anything  else.  The  other  thing  which  prevents  users  using  Linux  is  the
hardware support which is not that good currently for Linux. But that is because we have been living
in  a  world  where  Windows  is  being  forced  to  everyone  when  they  buy  PC.  That’s  why  hardware
manufacturers  are  also  forced  to  support  Windows  first  than  any  other  thing.  But  this  support  has
increased tremendously over last couple of years. At the same time Linux community has developed
itself in making Linux (Ubuntu in particular) more user friendly. 
Anyways that is an ongoing debate whether you should use Linux or Windows or Mac. And at some
point it is a personal choice as well. 
I  thought  of  collating  some  reasons  which  might  make  you  think  twice  while  buying  another
Windows PC. And if you currently use Linux, then please add a comment to this post, why you use
Linux and which distro you use so that others can get more information about it:

1. Ubuntu is Free and so any other Linux distro. (Saved ~ $250)
2. You don’t have to buy Office (Word, Power‑point, Excel etc.) separately. It comes with OpenOffice
preinstalled. (Saved ~ $200)
3. You don’t have to buy costly hardwares for the basic need. (RAM. Processor, HDD etc.)
4. Ubuntu is more stable.
5. You  are  free  from  Viruses  so  you  don’t  have  to  buy  another  upgrade  of  Norton  or  any  other
Antivirus software. (Saved ~ $75)
6. When you have installed Ubuntu, you don’t have to install anything else to get you started with
your productivity.
7. You don’t have to wait for years for the bugs to get fixed. You can track them down in Ubuntu.
8. You  can  update  everything  on  your  system  with  just  one  update  manager.  No  need  to  run
separate Update manger for all the softwares you installed. (Saves your system resources.)
9. Don’t get tired restarting your computer all the time. You do it almost never with Ubuntu.

10. You are free from Pirated softwares. With Ubuntu you can share it with as many people as you­reasons­to­use­ubuntu­instead­of­windows/ 1/31
11/6/2016 25 Reasons to use Ubuntu Linux instead of Windows | Technomania

10. You are free from Pirated softwares. With Ubuntu you can share it with as many people as you
want and it is LEGAL.
11. Don’t have to bother  searching  the  web  for  new  softwares. Ubuntu gets a whole lot of software
free of cost to you.
12. Play hundreds of games for Free.
13. Your PC won’t get slower day by day. It happens in Windows only.
14. Use  MSN,  AIM,  ICQ,  Jabber,  Gtalk,  Yahoo  and  many  more  with  a  single  program.  No  need  to
install separate software for the same thing.
15. Tired  of  managing  multiple  windows  on  your  screen.  You  can  use  workspaces  to  manage  your
16. You old computer will get a second life. Because Ubuntu does not need those high resources as
17. Jump  into  the  next  generation  of  desktop  themes  with  Compiz  fusion  and  all  with  lot  less
resources than Windows Vista.
18. With Ubuntu, you are always free. Free as in Freedom and in Free Beer. Ubuntu is free and will
always  remain  free.  (Saves  ~  $200  every  2  years  when  Microsoft  releases  a  new  version  of  its
operating system and you have to buy it.
19. All future upgrades of Ubuntu are provided free of cost. Upgrades are released every 6 months.
20. Upgrades  are  installed  automatically.  You  don’t  have  to  bother  about  losing  your  data  and
redoing lots of personalization. *Edit* The updates are installed with your permission and only if
you  want  them…not  in  the  background  without  you  knowing  it.  –  Thanks  freeber
(hꇜ�p:// – A Ubuntu User
21. You can tweak your desktop wallpaper or any other seꇜ�ing the way you want it. You can make it
look  like  Windows  or  Mac  (if  you  want.).  You  can  even  get  the  sidebar  you  were  fascinated  in
22. You don’t have to defrag your hard disk every now and then to boost the performance. Ubuntu
does it for you automatically.
23. You don’t have to go to a shop to buy operating system. You can download it anytime you want it
and burn it on a CD. You can even burn it on a re‑writable CD to save some CDs.
24. Thousand of user are there to help you with when you are stuck. Become a part of Ubuntuforums
25. You will get free and Long Term Support (LTS) for Ubuntu. Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop version also will
get a LTS. (17 days to go for the release version.)

I think these many reason are enough to get you started with Ubuntu (hꇜ�p:// or
any other Linux flavor. Keep visiting this blog for more information on Linux, Ubuntu in particular. 
If  you  want  to  try  it  now  you  can  download  Ubuntu  8.04  Hardy  Heron  (Beta)
(hꇜ�p:// now and later it will be updated to the released version.

Technorati Tags: Ubuntu (hꇜ�p://, Linux (hꇜ�p://,
OS  (hꇜ�p://,  Operating  System
(hꇜ�p://,  Microsoft  (hꇜ�p://,
Windows  (hꇜ�p://,  Office  (hꇜ�p://,  OpenOffice
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