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“He’ll do great things that boy..”

That’s what the village people said about him. Strong, co-ordinated, talented, smart and charming. The young man
felt as though he could become anything he wanted.

He stood tall with his shoulders back and his blue eyes spoke of a steady self-confidence held deep within him. His
body was strong, built through hours of intensive sword training.

After endless hours of sword practice, he began to stroll through the village back to his home. A number of girls
waved to him as we walked by and he politely waved back.

Upon arriving home, he began sharpening his swords ready for training the next day.

Suddenly, a spirit appeared behind him, calling his name. The young man spun around ready to attack, only to find
an incredibly plain looking spirit floating harmlessly in the centre of his room.

Neither male nor female, the spirit held an entirely blank expression. Neither happy nor sad, as though there was no
emotion inside it whatsoever. The spirit spoke “Jean of Furthershore, I am the Spirit of Seeing”.

The young man stood facing the spirit confrontationally. “What do you want?” he said drawing his sword. The spirit
remained completely unafraid.

“Only to show you my powers. I can show you anything you can possibly imagine. For I am the Spirit of Seeing”, the
spirit replied plainly.

The young man observed the spirit carefully. It continued to float passively in the air and seemed to pose no
threat. “You can show me anything huh..? Show me..the stables of Furthershore” the young man said curiously.

The spirit blew a puff of smoke, and inside the smoke the stables could be seen clearly. The image of the stables
hung in the air for several moments before disappearing.

The young man smiled. How interesting, he thought to himself. Another idea immediately came into his mind, “Show
me the most beautiful girl in the world” he suggested with a smirk on his face.

Without a word, the spirit blew another puff of smoke, and in it appeared the most beautiful girl the young man had
ever seen. Her long, dark hair lay delicately over her pretty head. She had big, piercing brown eyes, a delicate nose
and plump lips. One hand lay perfectly on the hips of her gorgeous hourglass figure.

The young man’s pupils dilated as he stared at the girl in wonder for a full five minutes.

Remembering where he was, he cleared his throat and composed himself once again. While he felt slightly
embarrassed, the spirit maintained and empty gaze seemingly unaffected by the young man’s embarrassing display.

Another idea entered the young man’’s mind. “Show me a great warrior” he commanded. As usual, the spirit blew yet
another puff of smoke with an image of exactly what the young man had asked for. The perfect warrior stood looking
into the distance, his body toned and muscular, with a stern expression on his face.

The young man marvelled at this great warrior, pledging to himself that he too would one day be a great warrior just
like this man.

The young man had had enough. “You may leave now spirit. I have seen enough”, he said dismissively as he went
back to sharpening his swords.

The spirit of seeing spoke without emotion: “ I shall remain here in the corner of your room, ready to show you my
powers on your command”. 1/10
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The young man shrugged his shoulders in acceptance. The spirit didn’t seem to mean him any harm.

As the weeks went by, the young man became accustom to the spirit in his room. He used it to see the weather of
the day, to see what his friends were doing and he even started looking at beautiful girls with their clothing removed
— after all, the spirit of seeing would show him anything he wanted.

The weeks turned into months.

He started leaving his sword training an hour early. And then two hours early. And then three. For the spirit of seeing
was far more stimulating than dull, repetitive sword training.

The girls in the village waved, but the young man stopped waving back. They were plain, he said to himself. One day
he would find a girl as beautiful as the ones he watched through the spirit, he thought.

He began using the spirit to watch great battles. He cheered aloud as his favourite hero turned the tide of the
skirmish at the very last minute. Watching with eagerness, thinking that one day soon he would lead his own army
into battle.

He thought of these battles while he practised his sword-work. He even began reciting lines he had heard his
favourite hero speak as he swung. And he would leave training after just a few hours to rush home and watch
another great battle (Not before seeing more beautiful naked girls, of course).

A year past.

And the girls in the village had stopped waving. Some had wedded a husband. Most could be heard screaming the
name of another boy in the village from the archery range each evening. Apparently he was skilled with a bow. The
young man cursed and muttered under his breath — something about real warriors not attacking from afar.

He now often trained only for a few short hours and some days he would skip training altogether. He would walk at a
quick pace through the village to get home, uninterested in exchanging pleasantries with the village folk.

He had begun using the spirit to watch as a number beautiful naked women perform sexual acts upon one another. It
seemed now that a single naked woman was no longer interesting.

His admiration for his favourite hero had turned into jealousy. He would watch the hero defeat enemy after enemy,
the gap between himself and the hero seeming to loom ever larger.

He could no longer run much of a distance. His shield felt heavy. His sword skills no longer matched other warriors of
his own age.

Several more years past.

The young man had given up on becoming a hero, although he would still re-watch his favourite battles through the
spirit from time to time. Still unmarried he had become deeply frustrated and sad. His sword lay quietly in the corner
of the room collecting dust.

On the night of his 30th birthday, the middle-aged man sat alone in his room feeling worse than he had ever felt.

The clock struck 12.

Suddenly, the spirit of seeing began to laugh. The man was startled, the spirit had never laughed before. In fact, it
had never shown any emotion whatsoever. He looked up at the spirit who caught his gaze. Slowly, the spirit of
seeing grew a wide smile.

For the first time in 10 years, the spirit spoke. “My work here is done” it said in a deep voice.

“What are you talking about spirit?” the man spoke fearfully. 2/10
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The spirit laughed again. “I shall reveal what I have kept secret for the past 10 years. I am the ultimate concentration
of evil. I am root of all the darkness in the world. I am the devil himself”, the spirit spoke pridefully.

The man became terrified. His mouth wide open and speechless.

“A demon will attack this village tonight. A prophesy foretold that you were the one destined to defeat it. But it is I that
has defeated you. And now the souls of this village are mine”, the spirit spoke with a tone of utter glee.

“Why wait ten long years?” , the man spoke with a shaky voice, “why not fight me face to face the first time we met?”.

The spirit let out another laugh. “If I had faught you face-to-face, you would have conquered me. But I am cunning,
and the slow drip of poison given to you through the means of endless fantasy has rendered you too weak to fight.
And now this village is mine…”

The man could do nothing other than slowly sit down onto the bed. A deep, dark pain settled inside his stomach. One
that he knew would never go away. Only the devil himself could inflict the deep, tormenting inner anguish he felt
pulsing through his mind.

The torture in his mind was too much to bare. He needed something to quell the pain.

“Can I see those beautiful girls just one more time?”

A wide grin grew across the devil’s face. “Always”.



Part 1

A peaceful town lay between the hills for hundreds of years. This town was made up of two tribes who lived in
harmony with one another; the Mezakis and the Jasims.

The Mezakis believed in caring for the sick and elderly and having an equal and fair society. While the Jasims
believed in creating wealth, individual freedom and advancing the village into greater lands.

The two tribes had weekly meetings in the main hall, where they discussed important decisions about the future of
their beloved town. These meetings were filled with disagreements, debates and passionate argumentation.

In this state, the town steadily moved forward. The townspeople lived better, more fulfilled lives with more opportunity
than their grandparents ever had. Plentiful crops were grown every harvest, leaving everybody with plenty of food to
fill their bellies.

That is, until one fateful night would change this peaceful town forever.


The witch hovered silently over the town upon her broomstick in the dead of night. This would be where she would
cast her experiment.

She pointed her magic wand down towards the west side of the town and muttered the words of enchantment under
her breath. Out of the wand came a stream of red electric energy firing towards the ground – quickly expanding into
an enormous red sphere that covered half of the town.

She peered downwards. The night remained quiet and still. It seemed as though the townspeople hadn't been
alerted to her presence. With this, she pointed her magic wand down towards the east side of the town and began 3/10
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murmuring the second enchantment. This time it was a blue electric energy that short out of her wand – expanding
into a huge blue sphere that surrounded the other side of the town.

She looked downwards upon her magicwork; two giant electric spheres, one red, one blue, both covering each half
of the town.

The spells were a success.

“I'll be back in exactly one year to see the results”, she thought to herself. And with that, the witch disappeared
quietly into the night.


Part 2

People across the town emerged from their wooden homes and gazed up at the sky in bemusement. Two enormous
spheres of electric light covered their town – the Mezaki side of town was covered by giant red sphere, while the blue
sphere covered the Jasim side.

Two Mezaki worksmen stood side by side gazing up at the sky. They both wore simple brown robes with sandals.

“What's all this then?” One said to the other.

“More witch magic probably”, the other muttered irritably.

“What do you think it does?”

“Only god knows”

“You two!” A voice shouted at them from behind “A meeting has been called!”

The meeting room filled quickly. Every Mezaki in the town had been gathered together for the announcement. Men,
women, children; all Mezakis stood gazing up at the wooden stage at the front of the hall.

Finally, their leader climbed up onto the stage. He was an overweight gentleman with balding grey hair wearing
simple beige robes, yet the lines on his face spoke of wisdom and experience.

“Mezakis!” the leader's voice boomed from the stage. “As you're all aware, some witchcraft has fallen upon our great
village! Now, we have tested the red barrier that surrounds us and it appears to be entirely impenetrable.”

Some concerned and nervous chatter spread throughout the crowd.

“But fear not friends! The barrier extends way into our farmlands and beyond the outer gate. In essence, we can
continue our lives as normal! The children shall even have ample space to play!”

Sighs of relief and relaxed conversation filled the meeting hall. Rarely did Mezakis or Jasims venture beyond the
outer gate into the dangerous lands anyway.

“Whatever this witchcraft is, it seems as though the caster is merciful. We shall simply continue life as we've always
done – with compassion for each other and to a long peaceful life!”

The crowd cheered and quickly dispersed out of the hall, heading back to their normal daily tasks. The two Mezaki
worksman walked out together.

“What do you think the Jasims are talking about right now?”

“Probably thinking of how to use this to profit themselves as much as possible.”

The first Mezaki worksman chuckled. “Probably.” 4/10
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Part 3

“Quiet please!” A stern voiced shouted from upon the stage of the Jasim main hall. The Jasims gathered inside the
hall quickly hushed each other into silence to hear their leader speak.

Upon the stage stood their leader, a well dressed man wearing a pair of round-framed glasses. He held a kind, yet
serious expression on his face.

“You've all witnessed the strange blue energy that surrounds our side of the village. First and foremost: Do not panic!
The barrier extends far outside our village walls and beyond the farmlands. As such, we can continue our usual
harvest without any issues whatsoever.'

The crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief. Conversational murmuring spread through the crowd. The leader
raised his hand and the crowd hushed each other to silence once again.

“It seems as though we're entirely cut off from our good friends the Mezakis for the near future..”

“Maybe now we can get some real work done!” a boisterous voice yelled from somewhere in the crowd, followed by
laughter of a handful of people towards the back of the room.

The leader smiled, amused at the interruption.

“Now, now. We've lived and prospered alongside the Mezaki's for almost 100 years. Let's give them the credit and
respect that they deserve.”

A much larger part of the crowd jeered in agreement with the sentiment their leader.

“Ladies! Gentlemen! There is nothing more to be said. Everyone – back to your duties. Let us continue to live free
and prosperous lives!”.

The crowd cheered and pumped their fists into the air, before dispersing out of the meeting hall back to their daily
tasks. Two Jasim men began speaking to each other as they left the hall.

“What do you expect the Mezakis are talking about right now?” said one.

“Probably the same as us. Only with more crying and hugging” said the other.

The two Jasims put their arms around each other and laughed together.


Part 4

As the weeks past, both the Mezakis and the Jasims grew accustomed to the witchcraft that separated them. It didn't
take long before the enormous spheres of light surrounding them were barely spoken about. After all, there was
nothing to say. Witchcraft had always been strange and impossible to understand.

The two tribes continued their lives more or less as normal, only without any communication between each other.

While meetings between the two tribes in the past had been full of heated debates, arguments and the occasional
spat of violence; meetings now seemed like pleasant occasions for both tribes.

The Mezakis could discuss ideas with other Mezakis. And the Jasims could discuss ideas with other Jasims.

The Jasims drew plans for expansion of the town's territory into the coal mines that lay just a mile north of the barrier.
This would allow the village to become rich and be more competitive with other nearby towns. 5/10
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Meanwhile, the Mezakis made plans to feed more of the town's poor and under privileged, as well as discussing
steps towards equality for the blue-eyed minority who has long been discriminated against. There was some belief
amongst some of the townspeople that the blue-eyed were a product of witchcraft, and for decades they had been
denied the right to hold any positions of power.

Both tribes found that they were able to make fast progress without the constant pushback from the other.

Jasims found they were able to push forward business plans rapidly, without the Mezakis constantly raising
questions of fair wages and inclusivity. While the Mezakis were able to focus on making the town a more enjoyable
and peaceful place to live, without having to deal with attempts of the Jasim seniors to siphon off profits for their own
families at every occasion.

Two months past.

And three Jasim men sat around the dinner table having just finished a long day's work.

“How's business Stephan?” said one.

“Excellent thanks Marcus” the oldest of the three replied respectfully. “Profits are up. And we've just bought some
land in the coal mining program that will be ours as soon as it's up and running.”

The youngest of the three chimed in “But the coal mine is a mile beyond the barrier. Why buy land out there?”

“All witchcraft fades eventually Jacob, you know that. The coal mine will be up and running soon enough”.

“I suppose. As long as the Mewackys don't try to get in the way” The youngest of them spoke teasingly.

The oldest began stroking beard as he replied “I'm sure the Mezakis will see reason. And if they don't, well...”

The three Jasim men exchanged knowing looks.


Three Mezaki women sat around a campfire, each holding newborns to their chest. All three of them wore simple
robes and sandals to cover their feet.

“How's your eldest coming along Bessie?” Asked the oldest Mezaki woman with a caring, considerate look.

“Almost 14 now. She'll be joining the workforce soon. Wants to be a doctor.” Answered the second Mezaki woman.

“Really? Is that going to be ok? She is..a blue-eyed after all. You know some of the elders refuse to listen to anyone
of her kind...”

“I don't care about that Jasim nonsense”, the second Mezaki woman spat. “Besides, the inclusivity law should be
passed soon.”

“Haha, true. As long as those Jasim imbeciles don't try to block it” spouted the youngest mother.

“Cynthia. That's offensive. Imbecility is a real condition you know. Think before you speak.” the oldest woman
responded sternly.

The youngest of the mothers became quiet and sheepish, not daring to say another word.


Part 5 6/10
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Six more months past. And it was time for the two tribes to elect their new leaders. While previous elections had
been quite dull affairs, this time emotions were running high and the air was filled with tension.

The Mezakis crowded into the village hall to listen to the two candidates. A lot had changed in the last 6 months and
the atmosphere in the room was electric. It was going to be a close election and everyone knew it. The crowd
gradually quietened down as the current leader took to the stage.

The leader stood calmly waiting for the crowd to simmer down. His balding grey hair and withered face shimmered in
the light of the fires from the torches around the room.

“Mezakis! Friends! It's an honor to be stood before you once again in an attempt to win your hearts for reelection.
Over the past 4 years we have a achieved so much, though not without our setbacks. We have marched steadily
forward, improving our quality of life year after year, alongside our Jasim friends..”

Hissing, muttering and cursing erupted throughout the hall at the mention of the Jasims. The current leader raised
his hand in an order of silence, his wise eyes peering down at the crowd.

“Our food is more plentiful, we have had successful harvests year on year. Our children's education is improving,
almost all younglings in the village can read and write. And our government and businesses are more accepting and
inclusive than ever before in Mezaki history..”

At this remark, a group to the right of the stage burst into a loud forced laughter – in an attempt to demonstrate their
disagreement with the statement.

The leader raised his hand once again.

“Now now, let's just-”

“Equality now! Justice now! Equality now! Justice now! Equality now! Jus..” The chants from the small group to the
right side of the stage continued on for several minutes, ignoring the current leader's calls for silence. Eventually, the
chanting died down.

“As I was saying. We are no longer in the dark days of the past, where our ancestors struggled for food every single
harvest. Where our ancestors battled the diseases and plagues every single year. Mezakis! I would be overjoyed to
continue our steady forward march into the future! I know you'll make the right choice. Thankyou.”

The audience applauded as the current leader stepped towards the back of the stage, his face filled with pride.

As the applause died down, the opposing candidate confidently strided onto the stage. A woman, with short, neat,
dark hair and big wide eyes stared over the top of the audience.

She cleared her throat loudly. “Mezakis. Comrades. It's time for change!. No longer can we accept the Jasim’s selfish
money hoarding. They sit in their enormous houses in front of their cozy fireplaces, while we live in wooden shacks.
And what did they do to deserve such privilege? They stole from the rest of us!”

“Equality now!” screamed one enthusiastic member of the audience.

“Mezakis have always been about caring for one another. But where is the care for the elderly who die sick and
alone? Where is the care for the Mezaki women among us who've been held back from the livelihoods they dream
of? Where is the care for the blue-eyed among us who've been oppressed for hundreds of years?! Equality now!
Justice now!”

The short haired opposing candidate screamed into the crowd, followed by more chanting from the crowd: “Equality
now! Justice now! Equality now! Justice now!..”.

“My opponent is not a woman. Nor is he a blue-eyed man. What does he know about oppression and hardship?
Nothing! He's just as privileged as the Jasim elders! Let's move this town into the future. And shame on those who 7/10
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would stand in the way. Under my leadership, our great Mezaki tribe will become free of injustice and inequality
forever! Equality now! Justice now!”

As the fierce short haired woman finished speaking the crowd erupted into applause and aggressive chanting. The
current leader stood with a nervous smile on his face, sweat glistening on his forehead.


Part 6

The Jasim hall filled up quickly. Both candidates stood on the stage together. On the left—the current leader, wearing
his signature round-framed glasses stood patiently. The opposing candidate stood on the right — a man with a
shaved head, wild eyes and a stern look upon his face. He was built big, his t-shirt was ripped at the sleeves
relieving his bulging biceps.

As soon as the crowd quietened down, the current leader took a step forward to speak.

“Friends! It's that time again! Time for you to choose the future of our great town! We have prospered for decades.
We live better, more comfortable and richer lives than ever before —and for that we must be grateful. With me as
your leader, this trend shall continue as it has done the past 10 years. Us, together with the Mezakis, shall

“Mewacky lover!” a loud voice interrupted rudely from the crowd, followed by laughter and jeering from a group
towards the back of the room. The current leader laughed nervously, trying to stay on good terms with the crowd.

Attempting to regain some authority, the current leader raised his hand, “Ok, ok. Let's just..”

“Blue-eyed lover!” another voice interrupted from the crowd. Laughter spread across the back of the room once

The current leader began to get somewhat angry.

“Jasims! Let us not stoop so low as to..”

“Furlock! Furlock! Furlock!”, the chant started from the back of the room and gradually spread throughout the crowd.
Furkock, the shaved headed opponent, pumped his fist towards the sky and much of the crowd roared with pride.

Furlock began to speak with a deep booming voice.

“Brothers! The time has come! For too long we have squandered our in-born Jasim potential. For too long we have
allowed the weak to lead us nowhere. The Jasims are the greatest tribe the world has ever seen! And yet..that's not
what the world thinks of us brothers..”

Furlock carried such charismatic energy that the crowd was completely enthralled with his speech.

“Do you know what the neighbouring towns say about us? They say we're weak!. The leader of the city of Dowlin
actually called us “insignificant”. Insignificant.. can you believe that brothers?”

Angry boos and jeers echoed through the crowd as Furlock paused.

“The question is, brothers, why do they think this? Well, the truth is..we are weak!”

The crowd turned completely silent.

“Or rather, we've been weakened, poisoned, by the Mewacky fools at our side!”

Much of the crowd cheered in agreement, while others shuffled uncomfortably. 8/10
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“For years, we reasoned, argued and debated the Mewacky fools over building the coal mine to the north. To
increase our wealth and become the great tribe we truly are! But no. They would rather cozy up to the blue-eyed
outsiders and remain weak. They even want to allow blue-eyeds to become doctors, teachers and even priests! The
Mewacky fools are too weak to create their own wealth, so they want to steal ours. They talk of “equality”, but what
they truly are is weak!”

“So brothers! Let me lead you! Let us pure-blooded Jasims become the great tribe we always were! Let the world
know of our greatness!”

Much of the crowd roared with pride, others clapped politely, some clapped nervously. And the current leader had
already slipped out the back entrance.


Part 7

It was the dead of night and the witch hovered above the town once again. She floated silently upon her broomstick
and gazed down upon the town she had visited exactly one year before. The blue and red barriers remained
perfectly intact.

“Right” the witch muttered under her breath.

She raised her wand down towards the ground and quietly murmured a reverse enchantment. The spell activated –
quickly the red barrier began to be sucked back into her wand. After several seconds, the red barrier was completely

The witch then pointed her wand down towards the other side of town and cast the same reverse enchantment,
sucking all of the blue energy that made up the barrier back into her wand.

The witch took a breath and spoke to herself, “Well then, let's see what happens.”


Part 8

I am reporting exactly 6 months after the completion of experiment #137.

The results were…fascinating.

Upon removal of the barriers, both the Mezakis and the Jasims immediately began working on their own projects
with extreme enthusiasm.

While the Jasim leader, Furlock, seemed to have some dangerous ideas, he only had a small amount of support and
so could not act upon his wishes.

It was the Mezaki leader, Sashim, who managed to cause the most havoc. It seemed as though her message of
inclusivity and equality was received well by most Mezakis, and as such she became incredibly popular.

She began by allowing women and so called “blue eyeds” to occupy positions of power. Gradually, her and her
fanatic followers started publicly shaming those who made any disagreement with their plans – accusing them of
holding prejudice toward the blue-eyed's.

After only two months, it seemed as those most Mezakis were afraid to question anything Sashim or her follows said
or did. So when she started having both Mezakis and Jasims removed from their jobs for making “anti blue-eyed”
comments, there was little resistance. 9/10
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And even less resistance as she began imprisoning those she personally deemed “anti-equality”. Within three
months, she was even imprisoning members of her own supporters for speaking out of line.

The Mezaki tribe which, on the surface, appeared to be a caring a loving people, seemed to have been drastically
effected by the year inside the barrier. Without push-back from the Jasims, extreme ideas seemed to have circulated
and grown quickly.

Sashim then announced that she would take all the coal from the coal mine. All coal would be placed into the hands
of the Mezaki leadership to be “distributed equally” amongst the town.

That was when the Jasims turned.

Anti-Mezaki feelings had been growing for quite some time amongst the Jasims. Because of Sashim’s poor
leadership, the harvest had been poor that year and many had gone hungry. Many Jasims had lost their esteemed
jobs as teachers, priests and business owners for “anti-equality” speech.

Furlock quietly gathered together a large group of young Jasim men and invaded the Mezaki side of town in the dead
of night.

It is said that 72 Mezakis were murdered on that first night alone.

The Jasims, who had always had greater weaponry, completely overwhelmed the Mezakis. Within 2 weeks, all 721
blue-eyed townspeople had been hunted down and slaughtered ruthlessly, along with those Mezakis who tried to
hide them.

After only 1 month, 15% of the Mezakis had been killed – a total of 3281 deaths.

The Mezaki end of town was set in flames, Sashim was burned to death, and in the end the Mezakis had no choice
but to accept Furlock’s overwhelming power.

At the time of this report, Furlock has complete power over the town. He rules both the Jasims and the Mezakis
under an iron-fist, and controls the people with threats of violence. At the present moment it seems as though he's
arming the townspeople for war against the nearby city of Dowlin. The population has been militarized, and all men
must wield a sword and join the fight.

And so concludes my report of experiment #137. What does all this mean? I couldn't say. I'm not interested in such
matters. I only came to see out the experiment’s success.

Perhaps you, who hears this report, can draw your own conclusions about my work and use it to shape the future in
a positive manner.

Good luck to you. 10/10

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