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Build an NLP-based engine that scans, converts, and organizes handwritten notes

into downloadable content.

Create a cloud-based platform for teachers to upload and schedule - notes,

flowcharts, diagrams, videos, presentations,
and others. Educators should be allowed to plan, organize, and display the
curriculum for upcoming weeks for increased transparency.

Identify and execute apps that allow different users, such as—students, parents,
and teachers—to post questions, reply to comments, and
tag relevant subjects and users.

---daily schedule along with schedule for next week
---- notes, video, animation, ppt etc (study material)
----- doubts (by students)
------comments, tag (by anyone )

USERS: teachers, student, parents

MODELS: class, subject, standard, lesson

required apps: courses and users

class models:
- courses: class, subject, curriculum
- users: teacher, student, parent

users model:
- name
- bio
- profile pic
- user_type

class model:
- name of class (10, 11 etc.) (id)
- subjects (foreign key)

subject model:
- name of subject (id)
- class (foreign key)
- curriculam (foriegn key)

lesson model:
- curriculam id (id)
- class (foreign key)
- subject (foreign key)
- teacher(created_by) (foreign key)
-Create users
--authenticate them to see different things in web app

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